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Sample Dissertation Proposal College Number: MCC---Project Title: What are the current academic views on leadership?

Supervisor: Dr ........ 1. Scope/Rationale of Project Leadership is one of the most common and least understood phenomena in the world (Popper, 1996). It seems to be a black box or a mysterious concept (Duckett and Macfarlane, 2003). According to Mueller (1980) (reprinted by Rosenbach and Taylor, 1984) the word leadership was included in the English vocabulary in about year 1800. Despite the late birth of the word leadership, it is undoubtedly a widely researched subject. Leadership is a highly sought after and highly valued commodity (Northouse, 2004). During the course of the last century, we have witnessed a considerable growth in academic study and writing on leadership, yet the search for universal definition continues to date. The absence of a universally accepted definition provides an opportunity for students of leadership and management to continue exploring such a well researched discipline. 2. Literature Review A review of scholarly studies on leadership shows that there is a wide variety of different theoretical approaches to explain the complexities of the leadership process (Northouse, 2004). The criteria selected to evaluate leadership effectiveness reflect a researchers explicit or implicit conception of leadership (Yukl, 2002). However, the contemporary leadership writing has focused increasingly on individualised and adaptable relationship between the leader and follower and the importance of the needs (social, psychological, extrinsic) of followers as a constituency (Duckett and Macfarlane, 2003).This project does not aim to review all the theories of leadership, but will fundamentally evaluate the

contemporary leadership approaches. Organizations need to undergo continuous change to survive in this highly competitive environment (Eissenbach, Watson and Pillai, 1999). Some writers claim that successful organizational change will only occur if it is led effectively (Palmer, Dunford and Akin, 20006). Yukl (2002) asserts that leading change is one of the most difficult and important leadership responsibilities. Therefore, in this era, leadership analysis will be incomplete without evaluating its potentials in managing change. One of the common indicators of leaders effectiveness is the attitude of followers toward the leader (Yukl, 2004). This project seeks to consider this indicator by looking at the junior managers perspectives of leadership in relation to contemporary leadership theories and management of change. The project focuses on an evaluation of perspectives of MBA students regarding the concept of leadership. Selecting MBA students for the research is based on two important aspects; firstly, they have an experience of being at junior or middle level management positions, and secondly, they are the future leaders. Moreover, the MBA students come from different countries and their perspectives will have a special tinge of multi-cultural concepts.

The projects objectives are to explore the views of junior managers about the contemporary theories of leadership, while analyzing the role of leader during change. The project will be aimed at finding answers of following questions:Do these junior managers agree with the contemporary approaches of leadership or do they have a different perspective? Can they relate their own or their seniors leadership practices and behaviours with these theories? Do they think that leaders need to alter their leadership during change?

The overall aim of the project is to analyse data from a wide range of sources and discuss the findings within an academic framework, to answer the above raised questions. Methodology The Literature review will critically analyse the contemporary leadership theories and management of change. Academic journals, text books and web search will be used to understand the prevailing approaches to the concept of leadership The case studies and different aspects of the MBA course will assist in developing a focused understanding of the subject, and where necessary assistance of academic staff will be sought for guidance. The primary research will be conducted via a survey process, by requesting the MBA students to fill in a questionnaire and where possible, supplemented by conducting one to one or group interviews. (Note for students:- This is an academically good method but can provide difficulties regarding sample size of completed questionnaires. 10 qualitative semi-structured interviews provide a simpler and easier methodology to adopt, often structured around a number of|Propositions that the interviews seek to confirm or refute.)This will help in developing an understanding of their perceptions of effective leadership and their role during change. The data will then be analysed to explore the extent to which it concurs with and differs from contemporary leadership approaches. The conclusion will help in understanding the junior managers perspectives on leadership and to some extent may provide an indication of how todays juniors managers are going to develop their future leadership approaches. Data Source

1 Primary Data Survey of MBA students through questionnaire. One to one or group interviews. 2 Secondary Data Literature review of publications. Journals on leadership, human resource and change management. Case studies and MBA course material. Aspects of MBA Syllabus Used The project will primarily benefit from the knowledge gained from the modules of People in Organisations, Management of Change and Best Practices Management, and will also draw on aspects of Business Research and Strategic Management modules. Proposed Chapter Headings and Sub-Headings 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Scope of the Project 1.2 Structure of the Report 2.0 Leadership 2.1 Traditional Theories 2.2 Contemporary Theories 3.0 Organisational Change and Leadership 3.1 Organisational Change 3.2 Managing Change 3.3 Role of Leadership in Managing Change 4.0 Junior Leaderships Perspective 4.1 Understanding Junior Leaders Perspective 4.2 Relating Theories to the Findings 5.0 Conclusion and Recommendations for Future 6. Schedule of Work

Month April May June July August Weeks Preparing Proposal Submission of Proposal Literature Review Survey Interview Meet with Supervisor Final Draft Finalising Project References Duckett, H and Macfarlane, E. (2003). Leadership & Organization Development Journal, Vol. 24, No. 6, pp. 309-317 Eissenbach, R, Watson, K, and Pillai, R. (1999). Transformational leadership in the context of organizational change. Journal of Organisational Change Management, Vol.12, No.2, pp 80-88 Meuller, R. K. (1980). Leading-Edge Leadership. Reprinted in Rosenbach, W. E and Taylor, R. L. Book. Contemporary Issues in Leadership. Westview Press Inc, 1984, pp 326-343. Northouse, P, G. (2004). Leadership; Theory and Practice (3rd edn). SAGE Publications, London. Palmer, I, Dunford, R, and Akin, G. (2006). Managing Organisational Change; A multiple perspective approach. Mc-Graw-Hill Companies, Inc.

56 Popper, M. (1996). Leadership in military combat units and business organizations; A comparative psychological analysis. Journal of Managerial Psychology, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 15-23 Yukl, G. (2002). Leadership in Organisations (5th edn). Prentice Hall, New Jersey.

SAMPLE PROJECT PROPOSAL TEMPLATE Please find below a sample project proposal. Your project proposal should be taken to your first meeting with your supervisor in addition to a completed schedule of work. College Number: MCC---Project Title: Supervisor: Submission: 1. Scope/Rationale of Project 2. Research Question(s) 3. Research Methodology 4. Data Source 4.1 Primary Data

4.2 Secondary Data 4. Aspects of MBA/MA/MSc Syllabus Used 5. Proposed Chapter Headings and Sub-Headings 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Scope of the Project 1.2 Structure of the Report 2.0 Literature Review 3.0 Research Methodology 4.0 Analysis and Findings 5.0 Conclusion and Recommendations for Future

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