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=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Hidden Start v3.2 - July 7, 2010 Copyright (c) 2003-2010 NTWind Software

html =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Introduction ============ Console applications and batch scripts are regularly run at Windows startup and in schedule. The main inconvenience of this is that every application creates a new console window which flickers on the screen. Hidden Start (or Hstart) is a small startup manager that allows console applications to be started without any windows in the background and much more. Hstart is usually started by entering the following command line: hstart /NOCONSOLE "batch_file_1.bat" "batch_file_2.bat" "batch_file_3.bat" Using Hstart, it is also possible to run batch files in the background and save console output into a log file: hstart /NOCONSOLE /IDLE /D="E:\Backups\" "cmd.exe /c "E:\Backups\backup.bat > backup-log.txt"" It is very effective if you are using console utilities for daily backups. The command line switch /IDLE means that the backup process will run with the lowest priority class, and /D="" sets the starting directory of the batch file (necessary if it uses relative paths). Features ======== Hstart is very small (~40 Kb), but it allows you to: [+] [+] [+] [+] [+] [+] [+] start multiple applications in the specified order synchronously start console applications without any windows in the background start non-elevated applications from elevated scripts and batch files handle UAC privilege elevation under Windows Vista/7 and above set the working directory and priority class of the created processes set the startup delay before command execution show success and error messages after command execution

Usage ===== Run from command line: hstart.exe /[PARAMETERS] /[PRIORITY] [COMMAND LINES] PARAMETERS: /NOCONSOLE - start console applications without any windows /ELEVATED or /RUNAS - start applications in elevated mode (Vista) /NONELEVATED - start applications in non-elevated mode (Vista) /UAC - run Hstart executable in elevated mode (Vista) /SHELL - run apps, open docs and URLs in the Windows Shell /D=PATH - set the starting directory for executed applications /DELAY=N - delay N seconds before command execution

/WAIT - wait for the application to terminate (run synchronously) /WAITINPUT - wait for the user input to set the priority class /MSG=TEXT - show the message after command execution /TITLE=TEXT - set the title of the message /ERRMSG=TEXT - show the error message if an error detected /ERRTITLE=TEXT - set the title of the error message /SILENT - silent mode: no error messages will be displayed /TEST - test mode: see what parameters are passed to Hstart PRIORITY: /REALTIME - realtime priority class /HIGH - high priority class /ABOVENORMAL - above normal priority class /NORMAL - normal priority class /BELOWNORMAL - below normal priority class /IDLE - idle priority class Don't forget about quotes when using complex COMMAND LINES: hstart.exe /NOCONSOLE /D="C:\Dir 1" ""C:\Dir 2\test.bat" -param" For the latest help, FAQ and support, please visit: Terms of Use ============ This software is supplied "as is". The author assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of program. You may not distribute this program in any form without express written permission of Alexander Avdonin. Feedback ======== To post any comments and bug reports, use certain forums at: If you wish to distribute any component of Hstart as part of your software product, please read "Commercial Licensing and Distribution Requirements": -Alexander Avdonin Web: Email:

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