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Current Concepts in Work Safety and Health

Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja

Pertemuan ke-1

Mahrus Khoirul Umami

Tujuan Instruksional


Mahasiswa mengetahui konsep, manajemen, dan sistem keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja beserta teknik analisis & evaluasi dan peraturan perundang-undangan yang mengaturnya


Mahasiswa mengetahui gambaran umum materi perkuliahan K3, sejarah K3, dan keuntungan penerapan K3


An employees leg was amputated after an accident in a sawmill in New Hampshire, USA. A 125 cm circular head saw was being adjusted by an operator. There was a mechanism to carry logs into the saw and this moved. It pushed the worker into the saw blade, which was rotating, and amputated his leg above the knee.

Common Terms

Accident Injury Hazard Safety Health Risk

What is safety?

Concise Macquarie Dictionary defines as:

1. 2. The state of being safe: freedom from injury or danger The quality of insuring against hurt, injury, danger or risk

Measurement of risk

Risk is the potential for realization of unwanted, negative consequences from an event. There are some measures of risk such as deaths per million people per year or loss of life expectancy from various events or activities which can be built up from careful studies. For example, one figure given for smoking (one pack per day) is 5000 deaths per million people per year

Key factors in the development of workplace accident prevention

Principal contributors

Institutions Government administration Professional associations Trade unions Employer groups International Labour Organization (ILO) Public pressure

Contributions to accident prevention

Heinrichs safety philosophy

Contributions to accident prevention

Multiple causation model Energy exchange model An updated domino sequence The humanistic approach

Effect of environmental factors on safe working standards

reducing the amount of time allowed for performing the task abnormal temperature conditions failing to provide adequate lighting or proper illumination restrictions to movement through special clothing and equipment failure to provide compatible workplace design excessive noise and vibration imposing stress: lack of rest, confinement, isolation emotional stresses: fear, anxiety, boredom or personal issues

Influence of perception, memory and risk on decision making

Perception Memory Risk Environment Information capacity

See you on the next course, Dont forget to read the course references!

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