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Universidad Mariano Galvez Facultad de Humanidades Escuela de Idiomas Licenciatura en la Enseanza del Idioma Ingles con Tecnologia Educativa

Licda: Silvia Sowa de Monterroso


Lara Ovalle 6076052232 Guatemala, September/23rd./11


Telecommunication is the transmission of information over significant distances to communicate. In earlier times, telecommunications involved the use of visual signals, such as beacons, smoke signals, semaphore telegraphs, signal flags, and optical heliographs, or audio messages via coded drumbeats, lung-blown horns, or sent by loud whistles, for example. In the modern age of electricity and electronics, telecommunications now also includes the use of electrical devices such as telegraphs, telephones, and teleprinters, the use of radio and microwave communications, as well as fiber optics and their associated electronics, plus the use of the orbiting satellites and the Internet.

LEARNING WITH TELECOMMUNICATIONS TOOLS Teaching students to use these tools must be accompanied by opportunities for them to learn pranctices that reflect polite and ethical practices as well as searching and evaluating skills. NETIQUETTE These are the rules that the internet community has and has to be used correctly by the users. Understanding these rules and following them can make telecommunications more enjoyable and can help avoid insulting other users. Is important to help students to understand netiquette if telecommunications is going to be used in the classroom. DOS AND DONTS Following these general rules can make students telecommunicarions experiences more enjoyable.

With DOS we include: Be concise Avoid flaming Be polite Use threads Be careful when using humor or sarcasm Check e-mail regularly Edit messages before replying Subject lines Lurking Read the FAQ Replying to a message on a list Password Be forgiving

Specific netiquette DONTS that teachers should help students follow include these: Personal messages Chain letters Avoid ALL CAPS Never Assume privacy Do not flame another Spamming Do not assume that information is current Do not perpetate hoaxes Do not open e-mail messages from unknown sources.

SEARCH STRATEGIES Using the Internet requires students to engage in strategies for using the proloferating search engines that can hunt through millions of pages of informations, returning a list of targets for their consideration. There are some strategies students can learn that will help them maximize their chaces of finding exactly what they are looking for. Analyze the Topic Students should figure out what they know about the topic. Choose a Search Engine Two factors should influence peoples choice of a favorite search engine. The first is the ease of its use: it should allow users to ustomize searches without ofering so many options that using it becomes confusing. The second factor influencing the choice of a search engine is the accuracy of its results: if configured properly, it should return a reasonable quantity of fairly accurate results. Narrow the Search Once students have analyzed their topic and chosen a search engine, there are some strategies they can use to narrow the search. If your students are looking for a roel name or a distinct phrase, they can type in the phrase in its exact order and enclose it in quotation marks, etc. Troubleshooting Unsuccessful Searches They may fin don occasion that their well-planned search did not produce any results at all. What do they do next? First, students should rethink what keywords and teras they used to structure the search.

EVALUATING INFORMATION Is important to find information on the Internet but the ability to make informed judments about what is found on-line is even more immortant. This is why critical evaluation of the Internet is an essential comperency. Students cannot work wih this mdium until they have established skills for competency. TEACHING WITH TELECOMMUNICATIONS 1. Telecommunication can change the way teachers teach. The traditional role of teacher is as teachers is as the safe on the stage, in ith teachers stand infront of the classroom, present information, and dril students on their ability to recite information orally and writing. 2. Telecommunications can provide in-depth and current resources and information. 3. Using telecommunications an provide the opportunity to make learnnd come alive. FIVE PATTERNS OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS USE IN CLASSROOMS Berenfeld identified five general educational functionalities of telecommunications: Tele-access Virtual publishing Tele-mentoring, can become a rich and viable teaching option. Tele-sharing

TEN TELECOMMUNICARIONS STRATEGIES As educators make decisions about which of these stratedies they might use,, they shoud ask which strategy seems likely seems likely to help accomplish particular goals associated with the accomplish particular goals associated with their curriculum.

Electronic Pen Pals Web Mentoring Web Resource Web Collaboration Web Survey Coopertive Challenge Social Action Web Publishing Simulations WebQuest

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