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No one knows who first came up with the gearmanwhere the first one came from. Rumors abound about ships from space carrying living metal cargo, or genies shrinking golems and granting them intelligence for their own amusement. Most assume, however, that the gearmen were merely the accidental production of a technically-savvy wizard whose experiments created the first golem with a soulthe gearman. Whether an alien creation or a magical accident, the power of gearmen cannot be denied. Whether warrior, rogue or mage, they naturally excel at whatever they do. Most gearmen are young, though their actual lifespan is not known (as none have died as of yet), and are curious about the world. Their natural curiosity leads them to try new things as often as they can, and to explore the world that they might take in all it has to offer. This often leads to gearmen becoming adventurers. However, this curiosity does expand to more mundane professions, and it is not uncommon to find gearmen working as merchants to better understand the concepts of money and bartering, or as doctors to learn about physiology. They are a diverse race, whose only universal hatred seems to be repetitiveness. They loathe being forced into manual labor, and see it as an insult, as if others are merely treating them as machines, when they are so much more. Gearman Racial Traits +2 to One Ability Score: Gearmen are usually built for a specific purpose, and their ability scores reflect that purpose. Medium: Gearmen are medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size. Varying Speed: Gearmen normally have a land speed of 30 feet. However, gearmen crafted by dwarves are often built in the image of their creators, and instead have a movement speed of 20 feet. However, a dwarf-crafted gearmans speed cannot be reduced due to armor or encumbrance. Sapient Construct: A gearmans type is construct (sapient). They are intelligent creatures capable of sentient thought. Mechanical Anatomy: Gearmen are composed of metal and, thus, do not recover from damage in the same way as creatures composed of flesh. They do, however, possess an anatomy composed of a mechanical musculature, circulatory and nervous

systems. As such, they differ from constructs in the following ways: They retain their constitution score, unlike normal constructs, and gain hit points based on it, rather than size. They also die when their hit point total is equal to a negative number equal to or greater than their constitution score. Gearmen do not gain darkvision, unless noted in their purpose. They are no longer immune to disease, death effects, necromancy effects, paralysis, poison, sleep effects, or stunning, though they do gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against these effects. Gearmen are subject to ability damage, ability drain, fatigue, exhaustion, energy drain and nonlethal damage. They are not immune to effects that require fortitude saves. They are at risk of death due to massive damage. Gearmen can be raised or resurrected. They do not eat, but they must drink water in order to sustain their mechanical parts. They must also rest, as a human, recharging their power while they sleep. Gearmen heal only the hit points that would normally be recovered from curative spells. However, they can be affected by spells that repair objects, such as make whole. The spell mending acts as stabilize when cast on a gearman. Gearmen can be healed with the heal skill, but instead of a healers kit, artisans tools are required to negate the -2 to the check. Gearmen heal naturally over time, selfrepairing while they rest or sleep, at the same rate as a human. Purpose: Gearmen are built with a purpose, generally as a warrior, a guardian, a mage, or a scout. They choose one of these at first level, and gain a bonus based on their choice. Warrior: A warrior gearmans forearms and hands are oversized, granting powerful natural attacks. A warrior gearman gains 2 slam attacks. These attacks are treated as primary natural attacks and deal 1d6 damage. Guardian: A guardian gearmans metal skin is thicker and harder than that of its counterparts. It gains a +2 natural armor bonus to its AC. Mage: A mage gearman has been infused with magical energies, making it more effective when casting spells. All spells it casts gain a +1 to their save DCs.

Scout: A scout gearmans eyes have been affixed with special lenses that allow it to see where others cannot. It gains darkvision 60 feet. Languages: Gearmen begin play speaking common. Gearmen with high intelligence can choose any languages they want (except secret languages such as druidic). Special Materials Sometimes, gearmen are made out materials besides steel, whether the creator is using the material as a status symbol, or to give the gearman greater effectiveness in a specific area. Any gearman made out of a special material does not gain a purpose. Adamantine: An adamantine gearmans shell is harder than any others. It gains DR 2/adamantine. Cold Iron: A cold iron gearman has been built to resist magic. It gains a +2 bonus on saves against spells or spell-like abilities. Mithral: A mithral gearmans lighter frame makes it much more maneuverable. A mithral gearman weighs half as much as it would, were it made of steel. In addition, it gains +10 feet to its movement speed.

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