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TEMA 6: Delicious Chocolate

1) Contesta las siguientes preguntas:


What did you watch yesterday?

Did you read a book or a magazine this easter? Which book?

Did you get any price this holidays? Which price?

What did you see this holidays?

What did you listen yestarday?

Did you have any different food this holidays?

Did you go to any interesting place? Where?

Did you send any text messages this easter?How many?

Who did you play this weekend with?

Did you drink something? What did you drink?

Did you make something interesting? What did you do?

Did you eat chocolate on easter?

TEMA 6: Delicious Chocolate

2) Escribe acerca de tu compaero de al lado:


make go



have eat





Did you _________a vanilla milkshake last night?

Did you __________a toffe ice cream this year?
Did you __________ you bed this morning?
Did you __________a bath last night?
Did you __________ a chocolate cake this easter?
Did you__________ to the cinema this weekend?
Did you__________ some orange juice for breakfast?
Did you__________ a party this holidays?
Did you __________ shower yesterday?

TEMA 6: Delicious Chocolate

3) Send a postcard to a friend telling what you did on holidays. Use the verbs in the past

TO :


TEMA 6: Delicious Chocolate

4) Vocabulary :

TEMA 6: Delicious Chocolate

V e r b s +P a s t S i m p l e
List of the verbs to remember. ( written in red - regular, written in black- irregular) buy, break, build, come, cook,
drive, do, draw, drink, eat, finish, go, help, listen, make, meet, play, read, run, swim, sleep, speak, see, sing, think,
watch, wait, write, walk, understand
1. Write the verb or choose the right option.


__________ __________ ____________ __________ ___________ ____________



__________ __________ ____________ __________ ___________ ____________








TEMA 6: Delicious Chocolate








2a. Write Past Simple forms of the verbs: example - break - broke
1) buy - _____________
2) help - _____________
5) come - _____________
6) cook - _____________
9) drive - _____________
10) do - _____________
13) go - _____________
14) watch - _____________
16) walk- _____________
17) drink - _____________
19) understand - _____________

3) see - _____________ 4) meet - _____________

7) play - _____________ 8) write _____________
11) eat - _____________ 12) finish - _____________
15) make - _____________
18) think - _____________

2b. Write infinitive forms of the verbs. example: bought - buy

1). slept - ______________
5) drank - ______________
9) wrote - ______________
13) swam - ______________
17) did - ______________

2) ran - ______________
6) spoke - ______________
10) went - ______________
14) walked - ______________
18) cooked - ______________

3) sang - ______________ 4). Built _____________

7) saw - ______________ 8) thought - ____________
11) helped - ______________12) met - ______________
15) made - ______________ 16) ate - ______________
19) undrstood - ______________

TEMA 6: Delicious Chocolate

3. Change into past

example: I cook dinner every day. Sam sometimes eats some cheese.

1. I play tennis every day.

2. Tom often listens to the radio.
3. Students somtimes write test.
4. Eva always helps her mother.
5. My aunt makes cakes.

I cooked dinner yesterday.

Sam ate some cheese last Sunday.

- _________________________________yesterday.
- _________________________________last week.
-__________________________________ two days ago.
- __________________________________ last Saturday.
- ___________________________________ yesterday.

4. Make questions from these statements.

Example: He played the piano yesterday. - Did he play the piano yesterday.
a) She waited for him. - ___________________________________________ ?
b) Jack broke his leg. - ___________________________________________?
c) Eva spoke English. - ___________________________________________?
d) They went to Warsaw. - ___________________________________________?
e) My sister did her homework. - ______________________________________?

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