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Daily Inspiration for you; Specially complied for you By Danyl |

Thy word is a lamp to my feet and light to my path. Living and active, sharper than any two edged sword

Dedicated to Spread of the Gospel

Unshakeable Romans 8:35-37 Our world is a changing, uncertain place. Many people seek security in wealth, relationships, and power. These things, however, are not guaranteed from one day to the next. Watching the news provides enough proof that any of them can be taken away in a moment. No wonder there is such despair and fear. For believers, thankfully, reality is not based in what we see. Nor is our foundation found in this world. We build our hope and trust on the Lord, and we believe the truth in His Word. Even in chaotic times, our certainty is found in God's loving relationship with us as His children. Today's passage tells us that nothing can tear us away from our Lord, Jesus Christ. Therefore, in the midst of turmoil and trials, we have assurance that our lives are in the grip of the almighty God. We can rely not only on His love and presence, but also on His uninterrupted attention, faithfulness, and perfect care. When difficulty arises and circumstances seem overwhelming, we can respond with confidence and strength because of Jesus. Along with the psalmist, who also lived during times of war and stressful events, we can call the Lord "My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust" (Ps. 91:2). Consider where you find security. Is the foundation of your life built upon the solid rock of Jesus? Or is it planted in something as unstable as sandlike money or prestige? Placing hope and confidence in anything apart from the Lord will ultimately leave you feeling broken and defeated.

Your Position As A Born-Again Believer In Christ "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God." John 3:3 Someone asked Dr. Jack Graham one time, Are you a born-again Christian? And you know what's funny? Thats the only kind of Christian there is! If youre not born again, the Bible says youll never enter the Kingdom of God. To be a child of God, you must experience this kind of supernatural rebirth in which you are converted and changed from the inside out. Becoming a born-again believer isn't just getting a new start; it's getting a new life. It means you are born into the family of God by receiving Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and our Savior. I often speak with Christians who get confused when they read their Bibles because it sometimes says were born into the family of God. Yet, other times the Scriptures say that were adopted in the family of God. Well, adoption in the biblical times meant that person immediately received full standing in the family. It's the same as being born into it! You and I were orphans. We were alienated and aimless. But God the Father has accepted us into His family! And the reason He did that wasnt because you and I deserved it. It was because He loves us. So remind yourself each day of your full standing in God's family as a born-again believer in Jesus Christ! AS A BORN-AGAIN BELIEVER IN CHRIST, REMEMBER YOU'VE BEEN GIVEN FULL STANDING IN THE FAMILY OF GOD!

How to shine with God's glory (Wives) do not let your adorning be external--the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear--but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious. 1 Peter 3:3-4 Have you ever known people who just glow? Im talking about those men and women whose faces just glisten with Christ in their lives. And while their outward features, that is, their external beauty, may be great, the glory of Christ that shines through them is so much better. You see, our world today has such a twisted and distorted view of beauty. That's why when you stand in line at the grocery store and look at the cover of those magazines, all you see is airbrushed and photoshopped pictures of people who look nothing like that in real life! The truth is that God is making something beautiful out of your life if you are in Christ. And as a member of the the Church of Jesus Christ, the Bible says you are adorned like a beautiful bride. While there may be some spots on the outside, Christ has made you beautiful so that you might shine for Him forever. So let me ask you this question: Where do you seek your beauty? Do you spend more time on your outward appearance or your inward condition? Follow God and He'll make you shine like the stars as He transforms you into His glorious bride.

The Burden of Inadequacy Deuteronomy 1:19-36 Standing on the edge of the Promised Land, the Israelites were overcome by fear. The size and strength of the enemy contrasted sharply with their own weakness and inability. Because we're human, everyone at times will experience inadequacy and the uncomfortable feelings that accompany it. The issue you and I face is not whether we are sufficient for a task, but how we will respond when a challenge is beyond our capabilities. Like the children of Israel, we can give in to fear and then focus on the expectation of certain failure. As the obstacle grows in our minds, our feet run in the opposite direction, away from the challenge and toward safety. However, turning away from the task that God has given us will lead us not to security but into bondage. By allowing fear to control our choices, we'll become chained to feelings of inadequacy, which will shape our future decisions and, ultimately, our destinies. As a result of their refusal to trust the Lord and move forward to conquer the land, the Israelites were consigned to wander in the wilderness for 40 years. The men who did not believe God's promise never saw the land that He wanted to give them. Opportunities are always lost when we let fear overrule our faith. When God calls you to a task beyond your abilities, instead of giving in to your feelings, choose to rely on what you know about Him and His promises. By moving forward in faith despite your inadequacy, you will discover the Lord's faithfulness. He always empowers us for the works He assigns.

God's Clear Instructions Joshua 6:1-5 Joshua needed guidance as he faced one of the most crucial moments of his life. Because the Lord had promised him success in conquering Jericho, he knew the outcome of the battle, but as the day of combat approached, he needed a specific strategy for victory. What he heard the Lord say must have made his jaw drop. Can you imagine the soldiers' thoughts as they carried out this bizarre battle strategy? In confusing times like this, it's good to remember three requirements instructions. We need: Faith to believe the Lord Courage to obey Him Patience to wait for His timing. When God gives us clear instruction through His Word or His Spirit within us, our response shows how much we trust Him. If we truly believe Him and His promises, precise and complete obedience will follow. His victory in any area of struggle is available only to those who act upon His directions. Submitting to the Lord's timing is also an essential part of obedience. What would have happened if the army decided to bypass God's plans for the first six days and skip straight to the seventh day's march around Jericho? They would have missed the victory. How often do we beg the Lord for guidance, yet hesitate to obey when He finally gives it? Living by faith can seem like a huge risk when His instructions make no sense or require a lengthy wait. But knowing His eternal perspective and unlimited power can strengthen our resolve to obey. for benefiting from God's

Shortcutting the Will of God Genesis 16:1-6 We live in a fast-paced culture and are accustomed to quick results. Waiting appears to be an activity of past generations. It's no surprise, then, that we have a hard time if God doesn't answer a prayer right away. But when we refuse to be patient, our only option is to step out of His plan. Today's passage tells how Abram and Sarai (later Abraham and Sarah) took matters into their own hands because they did not like the Lord's timetable. Ten years had passed since God promised them a son, and Sarai was aging. So she and Abram decided to let her servant Hagar bear a child for them. Sarah eventually did give birth in her old age, but that lack of patience led to great strifefor their family and for us today. Much of the tension in the Middle East can be traced to two people groups: the descendants of Hagar and of Sarah. Why would a godly couple choose a path of self-sufficiency? First, Sarai's intense desire clouded her thinking. She desperately wanted to provide her husband with a sonwhich was a basis of women's worth in that culture. Next, she succumbed to wrong thinking. After years of childlessness and longing, she began to think that perhaps the Lord needed human help. Finally, she influenced Abram to believe this faulty reasoning, and both gave in to impatience. These traps still pose danger today. We're not immune to strong desire, human reasoning, or the influence of others. Impatient by nature, we could easily justify taking action in our own strength. The best advice is to listen, obey, and wait. God's timing is perfect, and we don't want to miss His best.

Seeing Obstacles through God's Eyes Joshua 2:1-24 Jericho was the first city that the Israelites needed to conquer in their quest for the land of Canaan. When Joshua sent a pair of spies to check it out, he probably didn't realize that he would receive a glimpse of God's impressive behind-the-scenes activity. God wants us to look at every obstacle through the lens of His unlimited strength and resources. Anything that appears to block His plans is an opportunity for Him to demonstrate His sovereign power. Just because we don't see anything happening, that doesn't mean He's inactive. Always remember that God is at work on the other side of our obstacles, arrang-ing the details and bringing His plans to fruition. When the spies returned to Joshua, they reported that the people of Jericho were scared to death. Having heard about the Jews' deliverance from Egypt and the parting of the Red Sea, they were gripped by fear of the Lord. The stage was set for the conquest, yet by that point, Joshua had done nothing. Sometimes we think we need to be involved in the solution to our problem, but God is not limited with regard to whom or what He can use to accomplish His will. In this case, He worked in the hearts of the enemy by instilling demoralizing fear. For Christians, great obstacles need not be reasons for discouragement. Although much of the Lord's activity is silent and invisible, we can be sure He is dynamically working out His will for our lives. When the pieces of His plan are in place, He will move us on to victory.

Reasons to Surrender 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 As we learned yesterday, God tells us to surrender our lives to Him. This is no small task. All our plans, every desire we feel, each entitlement that once seemed our righteverything is put aside in order to make way for our Kings will. But perhaps you have wondered why God can ask this of us. The Lord has every right to demand that we give Him our all. First, Scripture teaches us that He is sovereignthe King and Ruler over the entire universe. As a result, we are under His authority, whether we choose to submit or not. Next, through His death and resurrection, Jesus saved us from our sin and its consequences. Therefore, we are indebted to Him more than we could ever repay. And finally, He sustains us; we should consider each breath and heartbeat a gift from Him. Undoubtedly, God is entitled to ask that we yield our life to Him. At the same time, surrender is in our best interest. The Father promises that following Him leads to hope and an established future. Psalm 31:19 states, How great is Your goodness, which You have stored up for those who fear You . . . So, while He is the Almighty One with all authority to demand our life, He promises to care for us and to do what will benefit us most. Are you willing to put yourself aside in order to follow Jesus? His way is best, and it offers hope, joy, and peace. We will not always like everything He chooses at the moment, but He promises to work all things for good. Will you trust God enough to hand the reins over to Him?

God's Condition for His Full Blessing Romans 12:1-2 The Lord wants to give each of us an abundance of blessings. Lets explore what is required so that we may enjoy all that He has planned. Todays passage clarifies the one necessary condition for receiving His best: full surrender. Every aspect of our beingbody, soul, and spiritis to be a living sacrifice. This may sound dreary, but contrary to human logic, true freedom is found only when we fully yield to Christ. In the Old Testament, sacrifice was very common. To atone for sin, a person could bring a lamb to the altar. The animal was set apart for Gods purposes as a holy offering, and through its death, restitution was made. When we give ourselves as a sacrifice, there is, thankfully, no need for our blood to be shed. Jesus died to atone for all our sin. But out of love and gratitude, every aspect of our lives should be dedicated to Him. What does a surrendered life entail? Most importantly, it involves complete commitment to Christ, unaltered by the worlds influence. Our desires and old ways of functioning are no longer driving forces. Instead, His Spirit guides, and His will is the goal. Yielding to Him means following His way in attitude, words, thoughts, and deeds and doing so unapologetically, unwaveringly, fearlessly. You have a choiceeither be content with less than Gods best, or give yourself fully to Him. Complete surrender is not an easy road; it means dying to your desires and selfishness. But remember that the Lord is willing and able to do more than we can even imagine.

Perseverance in Prayer Romans 12:11-13 As a pastor, I speak with many people about their spiritual journey. From these interactions, I know that most individuals are not satisfied with their prayer life. They lack anticipation and faith, and time with God feels empty. Most likely, this is why many Christians pray so little and so passionlessly. Lets explore hindrances that blocks vibrant between God and us: impatience. communication

Most of us have at some point brought our supplication to Jesus vigorously but did not see the desired results. Unfortunately, humans are, by nature, fainthearted. We get weary of asking and listening when all we perceive is silence. Remember, though, that God is not some cosmic bellhop; He does not act on our cue. In fact, if we could see the big picture as He can, we would gladly wait for His way and time. Actually, I believe that we benefit by not receiving all that we request. Understanding this concept is a sign of spiritual maturity. When we are thoroughly satisfied with the Lords presence, our relationship with Him will flourish, even when we dont get all we ask. When that is the case, we grasp what prayer isnot a long want list, but a relationship. Barriers can develop if we persistently cry out to God but nothing changes. Continue to pray. Beyond this wall, youll sense Gods presence, where you will find peace, joy, and awesome glimpses of His glory. This will be completely satisfying, even if He never gives you exactly what you requested.

The Influence of Faith 1 Kings 18:37-40 In contemporary Christian culture, faith is often considered a possession that affects just its "owner." Because of our love for independence and self-sufficiency, we have, in many ways, lost the sense of community and outreach that the church is meant to embody. We live like little islands in our own "personal relationship with Christ." But in reality, God wants our faith to influence others, both within and outside the church. Elijah's faith influenced the entire nation of Israel. By believing and delivering God's message, he was an example to them in word and deed. When he asked the Lord to reveal Himself as almighty God, fire fell from heaven, and the people believed. His motive in the showdown at Mount Carmel was to draw the people back to the Lord. We usually think of "sharing our faith" with those who don't know Christ, but our confidence in God can also encourage weak or wayward believers. Likewise, those strong in faith can strengthen us when we are struggling with doubt. The church is described as a body whose parts are all

interconnected (1 Cor. 12:12). God never intended that we be autonomous, living in our own personal faith. We are not like a bag of marbles; rather, we're to be like a bunch of grapes whose juices blend in times of pressure. Guard against living an isolated Christian life. Share your confidence in God's faithfulness. Your testimony could help others' faith to grow. If you're troubled by doubt or fear, let go of any pride or shame, and seek help from a strong believer. Mutual blessing awaits when we reach out to one another .

Building Muscles of Faith 1 Kings 18:22-36 "I wish I had great faith." These are words that almost every Christian has said at one time or another. But faith is like a muscle, which must be exercised in order to become strong; just wishing cannot make it happen. Christians are to believe God, not only for salvation but for everything. Rather than a spiritual "plateau," faith is actually a process that involves increasing degrees of trust throughout life. Little faith hopes that God will do what He says; strong faith knows that He will; and great faith believes that He has already done it. Elijah was a man of great faith. He saw increased challenges as opportunities for God to do His workand the prophet believed Him for the supernatural. So can you. The Lord may not do every miraculous thing you ask of Him, but He does some extraordinary work in and through each person who is obedient and willing to trust in Him. You may be thinking, I am not good enough for the Father to use me. The Scriptures are filled with examples of weak and flawed people whom the Lord used to achieve His purposes. He is looking, not for perfection, but for individuals willing to believe Him. He not only works through people of faith; He transforms them. Start by reading God's Word to learn what He wants you to do. Each day's situations and needs are opportunities to trust Him. Ask the Lord to bring to mind verses that apply to your circumstances. Trust Him and do what He saysyour faith "muscles" will grow, and He will be glorified.

A Helper for All Occasions John 16:7-15 The Holy Spirit is a very practical Helper who assists us in every aspect of our lives. When we pray, He intercedes for us according to the Lords will (Rom. 8:26). Because of our limited knowledge or self-centered desires, we sometimes ask for the wrong things, but the Spirit takes our petitions and aligns them with the Fathers will. Although you may think your prayer wasnt answered, in reality, the Holy Spirit just straightened out your request in order to give you what was best. Gods Spirit also helps us understand His Word (John 16:13). In fact, no one can comprehend the Bible unless the Spirit illumines his thinking. If you come to the Scriptures with a clean heart, a submissive will, and a dependent attitude, He will enlarge your spiritual senses to see the truth and understand His thoughts. Perhaps one of the Spirits most under-appreciated works is His conviction of our sin (vv. 8-11). Although its unpleasant and sometimes painful, we should never want Him to stop, because this is the way He gets us back on track after we have strayed. But He doesnt just point out our wrongs; He also empowers us to do right. True righteousness is achieved only by relying on Him to transform us and carry out His work through us. Sometimes we dont realize how much we need the Spirit. Though we acknowledge that salvation is accomplished by Christ alone, how many of us feel as if living the Christian life is now up to us? But self-reliance is a recipe for failure. Only when you know you cant, will you find He can!

Another Divine Helper John 14:16-18 Have you ever wished you had a 911 number that rang in heaven whenever you had a need? Well, I have good news for believers. We all have divine assistance thats even closer than a phone call: our Helper dwells within us. But if we are unaware of Him, well miss many opportunities to benefit from the greatest asset in our Christian lifethe Holy Spirits presence. Christ knew that when He left the earth, His disciples would be totally inadequate for the task He was giving themto evangelize the world. Though theyd spent three years with Jesus, all they had seen and learned would still not sufficiently equip them for what lay ahead. They needed supernatural help, and so do wesomeone who will come to our aid, empower our service, and transform us from the inside out. The Holy Spirit is the only one who can achieve all this. Consider His qualifications: 1. He is a personal Helper, not some inanimate force. Gods Spirit is a member of the Trinity and coequal with both the Father and Jesus Christ. 2. He is a practical Helper who involves Himself in every aspect of our lives. 3. He is an adequate Helper because Hes omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. 4. He is an available Helper who permanently lives within us. Do you have any need that requires more power than omnipotence? Are you facing a decision that requires more knowledge than

omniscience? Nothing we encounter is bigger than the omnipresent One who lives within us. Be calm and confident. No matter what challenges you face, He can help. -

Wisdom for Good Health 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 Early in the college days of Dr. Charles Stanley, He studied and worked excessively, as he wanted to offer the Lord his all. Eventually he realized that neglecting his health could hinder him serving God, so he had a responsibility to take care of his physical body. Since then, he has tried to use wisdom with regard to health. He believes that includes having the proper motivation and a commitment to practice discipline. When we understand our worth in Gods sight, we will be motivated to pursue good health. Our bodies are the temple of the living God (1 Cor. 6:19). The Holy Spirit lives in us and carries out the Lords work through us. When we are taking care of our health, we position ourselves to be able to serve when God calls. Our heavenly Father knows many of us have infirmities, but He wants us to take care of ourselves so we do not make our condition worse. Discipline is the other component of a health-conscious attitude. Many of us approach exercise and weight loss in a fits and starts manner. While that may offer some value at the time, a more lasting method is of greater benefit. We need to develop new routines, within the structure of our family and work, for our bodies to thrive. Consistency over the long term is necessary if we are to stay in good condition. A desire to eat right and exercise regularly does not guarantee well avoid disease or live a long life. But it does mean we will have done our part to keep Gods temple in good shape for Him. Our calling as Gods children is best fulfilled when we seek physical as well as spiritual vitality.

Man Made by God and for God Psalm 139:1-10 Our culture greatly values outward appearance and athletic prowess. As a result, many of us think negatively about our bodies. We compare ourselves with others and conclude we do not measure up to societys ideal. Such unhealthy comparisons can lead us into an emotional downward spiral. But the Lord sees things differently. First, God made usmale and femalein His image, and then called what He had created good (Gen. 1:31). He knitted each of us in the womb (Ps. 139:13 niv); no one is exactly like anyone else. From the Lords perspective, we are each uniquely made, with both value and purpose. Second, our importance to the Father is seen in His Sons sacrifice on our behalf. Christ shed His blood and paid for our sins so that we might be set free from the penalty and power of sin. God loved us so much that He sent Jesus to take our place on the cross (1 John 4:10). Finally, God designed man to be in relationship with Him. Adam and Eve lived in the Garden and had communion with the Creator. Abraham followed the Lord and was called Gods friend (James 2:23). Through faith in Jesus, we have become children of God and co-heirs with Christ (Rom. 8:17 niv). Our whole beingbody, soul, and spiritbelongs to Him. The media bombards us with how to be prettier, stronger, and more popular. But such pursuits dont bring lasting satisfaction. Contentment is found when we remember how precious we are to God: He created us, our Savior died for us, and the Holy Spirit lives in us.

God's Ways: Ordinary and Miraculous 1 Kings 17:2-7 God declared, "My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways," (Isa. 55:8). And in fact, one of the biggest frustrations of the Christian life has to do with a lack of understanding about God's ways. There are times when we could really use a miracle, and yet He does not come through for us. Unmet expectations lead to confusion, disappointment, and even anger. Why did God let me down? There are two schools of thought regarding the miraculous. Some people don't believe God works miracles at all, while others are convinced that if He's not doing the miraculous every day, then something is wrong with their faith. We need a balanced perspective, which we find in the Bible. God works in both supernatural and ordinary ways, and He determines the method. Elijah ate food miraculously delivered by ravens, but his water supply from a brook was completely natural. When the water dried up, the Lord could have made more spring from the ground, but He didn't. Sometimes God uses ordinary means to move us in a new direction. The curtailment of his water supply opened the door for Elijah's next "assignment." When the Lord withholds miraculous intervention and lets your brook dry up, He has something else planned for you. Seeing the work of God in the miraculous is easy, but He's just as involved in the commonplace aspects of life as He is in any supernatural event. Look for His "fingerprint" in the day's mundane activities. He is there, opening and closing doors, drying up one opportunity but initiating another.

Obeying Gods call to active living Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you. John 20:21 I heard about a passive Quaker who had a cantankerous milk cow. And every time he tried to milk that cow, the cow gave him trouble. So on one particular morning, he was trying to get milk and the cow kicked over the milk bucket and spilled it all over the Quaker! So, being the passive man he was, the Quaker didnt say a word and just began milking again. And about that time the cow reared back and kicked him all the way across the room! He got back up and decided he had had enough. He walked over to the cow and said, You know that I am a Quaker and therefore, I cannot strike you, nor can I curse you; but I can sell you to a Baptist who will! Now in the Christian life, you and I are called not to be passive, but to be active for the cause of Christ. And when we read the words of our Lord in todays passage, they are a call to active Christian living. So, just as Christ was actively obeying His Father during His time here on earth, so you and I are to spend our lives actively living out Jesus mission for us!

The only way your life can be changed For when you were slaves of sin, you were free in regard to righteousness. But what fruit were you getting at that time from the things of which you are now ashamed? For the end of those things is death. But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the fruit you get leads to sanctification and its end, eternal life. Romans 6:20-22 Theres an epidemic I've noticed in the Church todayso many people are giving no real evidence of conversion and salvation. And I think the root cause of this is that so many are trying to turn from their idols before they turn to God. In other words, they hear the message of Jesus Christ, but they think that the way to come to Christ is to give up their sin first, and then give their lives to Jesus. But that cant be the way that it works because you and I dont have the power to turn from our sins on our own! I've seen so many people who say, I want to give my life to God now, but Ive got to clean up my act first. But the reality is that this line of thinking is 180 degrees opposed to what the Bible tells us. Today's passage couldn't be clearer: our bonded slavery to sin is too strong for us to release ourselves on our own. Rather, we must first come to Christ, let Him invade our lives, and then He'll transform us from the inside out. That is real conversion! The grace of God through our saving faith in Jesus Christ is the only thing that can deliver us from the power of sin. So if there's anything holding you back from making that decision today, trust Christ first and then allow Him to change you from the inside out!

Seeing and sharing the things of God For this reason, because I have heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love toward all the saints, I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, . Having the eyes of your hearts enlightened... Ephesians 1:15-18 For 51 years, Bob Edens was blind. His world was full of constant darkness and for 5 decades he had never seen the light of day. But one day, a miraculous surgery was performed and for the very first time in his life, he saw. Its interesting some of the things that Bob Eden said. For example, he made observations like, I would have never dreamed that yellow is so yellow." And he also made remarks like, Its amazing to see a jet plane flying across the sky leaving a vapor trail! But one of the most profound things Bob said was, For those of you whove always seen, you'll never know how wonderful it is. And really, that's the same idea that Paul is talking about in today's passage. Thanks to the gift of the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers, you can know the things of God because the eyes of your heart have been enlightened. But there are still people around you every day who are blind to that reality. So as you live your life, give others a glimpse of the things of God in your life and pray for Him to open their eyes! YOU'VE BEEN GIVEN THE AMAZING GIFT OF BEING ABLE TO SEE THE THINGS OF GOD. SO LIVE YOUR LIFE TO SHARE THAT REALITY WITH THOSE WALKING IN DARKNESS.

A Lifestyle of Obedience Genesis 6:9-22 A lifestyle of obedience requires commitment and perseverance. Noah needed both as he obeyed the Lords instructions to build a large boat with a roof, doors, and three decks. God spelled out the exact measurements, the type of wood to use, and the way to make the vessel watertight. It was essential that Noah adhere to every detail if the ark was to house all the animals and stay afloat. Scripture does not describe reactions to the project, but knowing human nature, we can imagine the disbelief and rejection Noah probably experienced. Yet he worked faithfully to the end and did everything just as God commanded him (v. 22 niv). The Lord wants us to follow His instructions precisely.

Unfortunately, we like to add some of our desires to His plan. We are like a child whose parent assigns three chores. The first is done satisfactorily, the second is put off until another day, and the third is skipped because the girl deems it unnecessary. This is not obedience. In our case, we know were called to show compassion and kindness, forgiving others as the Lord forgave us (Col 3:13). However, our human nature wants to pick and choose which parts of Scripture well obey. God blesses those who wholeheartedly follow Christ (John 12:26). Many people in the Bible saw obedience as their goal. Abraham determined to go wherever God led. Moses felt inadequate but still carried out the Lords plan. Paul did an about-face to become Christs disciple. Ask the Holy Spirit to empower you to follow the path of righteousness.

The Priority of Obedience John 14:23-26 The Creator gave two commands to Adam and Evefirst, to fill the earth and rule over it, and second, not to eat from a certain tree in the Garden (Gen. 1:28; 2:17). Because they chose to disobey, their relationship with God was broken, and they had to leave Eden. The first couples rebellion not only impacted their own lives but also had far broader implications: all future generations have suffered. In Romans 5:12-19, the apostle Paul explained the reason. Through the trespass of one man, Adam, sin made its entrance into the world, and death resulted for all mankind. Because Adam was head of the human race, his actions affected everyone born after him. His disobedience resulted in each of us having a bent away from the Lord and a desire for self-rule. By contrast, Jesus made conformity to the Lords will the priority of His life. He obeyed God in both word and deed (John 8:28-29). Having lived a perfect lifeone entirely without sinHe qualified to be our Savior (2 Cor. 5:21). Through the death of one man, Christ Jesus, payment was made for the transgressions of all mankind. Gods acceptance of the Sons sacrifice brought us forgiveness and freedom from sins power. Adams disobedience brought judgment and death upon us, whereas Jesus obedience resulted in new life for all who believe in Him (Rom. 6:4). Our Savior calls us to deny selfish desires, live sacrificially, and follow Him (Matt. 16:24). A godly life will bring Jesus honor and influence others for Him.

Finding God's direction I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you. Psalm 32:8 As children of God, you and I need to be so sensitive to the eyes of God. Do you know what that means? Well, let me share a little perspective with you. When Deb and I first got married, forty years ago, I told her, "Get ready because we're going to spend the rest of our lives in church." And sure enough, we have. All three of our children grew up in the church. As I preached, I would keep my eye on the kids during the service to see if they were behaving. If you have children, you know what I mean. If they became disruptive, they would get what they affectionately refer to today as "the look." If you're a parent or grandparent, you know what I mean! Sometimes a glance got things back in order. But if it didn't, they got a longer look, and then a stare, and maybe even a frown. You see, because they knew me and I knew them, I could guide them with my eyes. Well our relationship with God is similar. We need to learn to look to God's eyes for his direction and guidance. Look for God's eyes and stay fixed upon him. And as you look to him, he will direct your steps. WE NEED TO LEARN TO LOOK TO GOD'S EYEs FOR HIS DIRECTION.

The Relief Of Being A Witness For Christ No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him. And I will raise him up on the last day. John 6:44 Dr. Jack Graham has been preaching now for more than 40 years. And throughout his days as a preacher and a minister, there have been times when he tried so hard to inspire, challenge, and motivate people to follow Jesus Christ. But every time he comes up with just the right words, hes reminded that if he can talk them into doing something, someone else can talk them out of it. And if you just constantly pressure people to follow Christ, pretty soon theyll just decide to stop listening. Becoming a Christ follower isnt something anyone can be convinced to do. Sure, they can pray a prayer, put on the show, and blend in with all the people in church. But theres going to come a day when what they really believe is brought into the light and theyll fall back into their old patterns of living. Following Christ is not something you just get up and decide to do one day. Its God who draws His children to His Son and supernaturally reveals who He is in their hearts. So when you share the Gospel with others, remember that its God, not your words, that saves them. What a relief! WHEN YOU SHARE CHRIST WITH OTHERS, REMEMBER THAT YOUR WORDS DONT SAVE BECAUSE ONLY GOD CAN DRAW PEOPLE TO HIMSELF!

Pull Power He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. Matthew 10:37 (NKJV) Nobody who has ever walked this earth has understood human nature as well as Jesus. He, more than anyone else, knows how we tick, what moves and motivates us, and why we do what we do. And because of that awareness, we must consider His word of warning about loving others more than Him. Jesus was identifying the relationships in that culture that were the most binding and significant. Fathers and mothers, sons and daughtersthese were the relational building blocks of ancient life. Even after several centuries, we still recognize the importance of these relationships. But they were even more essential back in an agrarian society where family identity and resources meant everything. You literally couldnt survive in the world back then apart from your family. So the Lord was saying that even the most important relationships cant come before Him. He has to be the most loved, most cherished, and most important person in your life. In fact, He said if we love someone before Him, were not worthy of Him. In other words, He wont accept being second placeits not even an option as far as Hes concerned. Why? Is Jesus some sort of insecure codependent? No, its for our benefit that Christ sounds this warning. Again, He understands how we tick better than anyone. He understands that we are greatly influenced by our relationships. They go a long way in defining who we are and determining what we do. Jesus wants us to be influenced by Him more than anyone else, because others can actually influence us away from the things of God. He never will.

Relationships are incredibly influential. They have an unparalleled pull-power on us. They can even pull us off the path of following God, which is why we need to heed Christs warning against allowing any relationship to take priority over our relationship with Him. By Pastor Bob Coy

Dangerous Domino Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love. Revelation 2:4 (NKJV) There are many dangers in the Christian life that God lovingly warns us about. But theres one that acts like the proverbial first domino to fall. When we succumb to this particular hazard, it prepares the way for many others to crash down on us, which is why we want to examine it first. Its the danger of leaving our first love or allowing our passion for Jesus to grow cold. When this happens, when we lose the relational love that first drew us to Him, when we get caught up in routine or other trappings, it cuts us off from our spiritual life source. Motivations get mixed up, and things are done for the wrong reason. Before we know it, we find ourselves going through the motions, drifting further from the heart of Jesus, and becoming more and more vulnerable to other spiritual dangers. Thats what happened to the church at Ephesus. Understand that this was a truly great church. It was founded by the Apostle Paul and led by men like Timothy and John. If there was ever a picture of a church with a healthy head start, this was it! And yet, just a handful of decades into its existence, we find Jesus addressing it in the book of Revelation. And although He has some complimentary things to say, He warns the Ephesians that they have lost their first love. They did a lot of things in His name, but they had ceased to love Him. If that happened to the church at Ephesus, its something that can happen to us. Maybe it already has. And if it has, Jesus tells us what we need to do:

Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent and do the first works Revelation 2:5 (NKJV) When we remember, repent, and repeat those first works that marked the beginning of our relationship with Jesus, our love for Him will be restored, and we can safely avoid this dangerous domino. By Pastor Bob Coy

Sanctification For this is the will of God, your sanctification 1 Thessalonians 4:3 (NKJV) "How can I know God's will for my life?" Here's an answer to that question that's correct one hundred percent of the time: God's will for you is sanctification. Sanctification means separation, and it speaks of the process by which a believer's life becomes separated from the things of the world and at the same time becomes separated unto the things of the Lord. It's always God's will for us to become more separated unto Him. He wants our lives to track in His direction because it also happens to help us understand and experience His will for our lives. Watch what Paul says in the Book of Romans about this: I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. (Romans 12:1-2 NKJV) Do you see the sanctification process as we're commanded to not conform to this world, but to be transformed and to renew our minds? And do you also see that in doing this, by being sanctified, that we're then able to prove God's good and acceptable and perfect will of God? It's a cycle: we know God's will is that we be sanctified, and as we're sanctified, we're all the more quipped to know and discern God's will. The will of God and sanctification go hand in hand. Sometimes people complain about not knowing God's will for their lives. Well, start with sanctification (which is His will to begin with) and see

what happens. Separate yourself to the things of God, decide to live a sanctified life, and you can't help but discover His will for your life.

By Pastor Bob Coy

He chose us in Him before the foundation of the worldhaving predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will. Ephesians 1:4-5 (NKJV)

Yesterday we saw how God's will involves our salvation. He doesn't delight in judging people for their sin, but desires that they repent and receive His gift of eternal life. But now we come to another truth concerning God's willpredestination. What does predestination mean? Predestination refers to the fact that God, in eternity past, long before we were ever conceived or born, chose those who would repent and believe in Him. And we read here that when it comes to His work of predestination that it was "according to the good pleasure of His will." God never begrudgingly predestined anyone. He specifically wanted each and every person who belongs to Him. If He chose us, it was because it was His will to do so. So in addition to our salvation, God's predestination is also included in His will for our lives. This means we never need to doubt or worry that He's going to change His mind about our being His. He has no regrets about you being His. If we're His, it's because He wants it that way. "Hang on! I thought salvation was something we chose for ourselves. Now you're saying salvation is something God chose for us. Which one is it?" The answer? Both. God's Word clearly and consistently tells us that we are free to choose and that we have been chosen. "But that doesn't make sense to me!" Good. Because Isaiah 55:8 says that God's ways are above man's ways. Something's wrong if we're able to fully fathom every aspect of His ways, and this is a prime example of that.

Besides, we miss the point God is making when we simply focus on what we don't understand. Here's the point that's clear: If we've chosen to follow God, then it's His will that we have. Period.

By Pastor Bob Coy

Parents Responsibility Luke 3:22 Lets look at two types of messages we should purposefully model for our kids. First, boys and girls need affirmation that they are loved, accepted, and competent. In today's passage, God the Father spoke those very things to His Son. It is essential that our children gain a sense of security and belonging at home so they won't seek acceptance elsewhere. And the way we care and provide for them will help them grasp the heavenly Father's love. Second, parents are responsible for presenting the principles needed for living a godly life. One way to do so is by reading Scripture aloud and sharing stories of the Lord's involvement in our lives. But actions must match what we say. For example, we cannot expect children to truly understand the golden rule if we act with selfishness, arrogance, or insensitivity. Modeling a godly life is oftentimes an intentional pursuit, like reading Scripture or serving as a family on a mission trip. It can also be as simple and unplanned as picking up a piece of trash on a neighbor's lawn. But keep in mind that actions and words aren't always perceived correctly. Check that your children's understanding matches the message you hope to communicate. Your words and actions are teaching lessons. Do your children know, beyond any doubt, that they're treasured and capable? Are you giving them the tools they need to follow Christ? Remember, God doesn't expect perfection. He will guide the willing heartand cover missteps with His grace.

Blessed are the Spiritually Famished Matthew 5:6; Psalm 107:1-9 We've all seen the televised images of starving children in countries experiencing food and water shortages. Mothers, holding their babies with bellies bloated from severe malnutrition, desperately seek food and water. If they can't find what they seek, their children will die. This kind of desperation is what Jesus was talking about when He told us to hunger and thirst for righteousness. He wants us to be as passionate about doing God's will as parents in developing countries are about getting food or clean water. Our bodies can't survive without food, and our souls can't live without righteousness. So how do we hunger and thirst for righteousness? righteousness is living in God's will day in and day out. When we passionately pursue His will, other things become less of a priority and we will remove any distractions that do not contribute to that pursuit. It is the

passionate pursuit of God's righteousness in our own lives. His

Hosting the Heavenly Host Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels. Hebrews 13:2 (NKJV) Certain things are supposed to go hand in hand with being a believer. Hospitality is one of them. Christians are to recognize everything they have, from the shirt on their back to the roof over their head, ultimately belongs to God. They arent owners of any of it, just temporary stewards. And as stewards, they are to use these resources as the Lord desiresand hospitality is a big part of that. Our homes are to be an extension of Gods grace to those who are in need of hospitality, and the writer of Hebrews tacks an interesting point onto this principle. He exhorts us to be hospitable towards strangers, but then adds the warning, For by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels. This is one of those passages in the Bible where we ask ourselves, Did I read that correctly? Did God just go on record as stating that some of us have unknowingly played host or hostess to angels? Its right there in black and white. Scripture says there are occasions when our hospitality is received not by humans but by angelic beings. We see an example of this in Genesis Chapter 18 as Abraham and Sarah host three angels on their journey. Thats more than just an interesting story; its also a warning to us that when the occasion calls for us to help a stranger, it could be more than a mere man or woman! Of course, our hospitality shouldnt be motivated by fear. It should be based on a sincere and genuine desire to direct the grace and gifts we receive from God toward others. However, this warning

certainly shines a new light on the importance of our hospitality; we never know when we might be hosting Gods heavenly host!


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