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Histology lecture 5 Date: 29/9/2011 In the names of Allah We have what we called atom and the atoms they

are intended for molecules and then goes molecules to give macro molecules explain in lipid, carbohydrate, protein. And these compenent will form what we called cell. As example here(in slide) we have smooth muscle cell. Now the cell of the same type aggregrate to form a particular tissue which are basic tissue. Now the basic tissue that we talked about as I said before the epithelium tissue, muscle tissue,nerve tissue and connective tissue. They will aggregrate to form organ and these organ will form system. Different organ that form cardiovascular system we have heart,blood vessel and etc. we have different organ for digestive system wehave mouth and etc. orait! So these are the form of the organization. In the previous class we are going to take an embryology and the state of gastrolation(I cant hear clearly what dr said). They appear what we called differentiation in the body we have specific germ layer. Before that they are just stem cell which are unidentified. But from these what they appear 3 specialized layer in the body what we called them the germ cell and they appear as ***blast and etc. later on we called them endoderm, mesoderm and ectoderm. And I said that from these 3 germ layer they would form the basic tissue. Dr said when he spoke faster just raise our hand. Now the tissue at the cell does not function individually work as group. For eg the epithelium tissue, it line canal in the body (know the major function of these tissue). From now on all the tube in the body are form hollow. All the system from inside are line by epithelium tissue. Now the connective tissue is support tissue. The muscle is concern with movement or motility. Movement to move organ while motility occur within visceral organ. Eg the intestine. We start in the epithelium tissue. From now on I want you to FOCUS 1)basic characteristic on tissue 2)where they conduct(I think the dr means it function or place) So you can understand. So you see connection. It is basic tissue close opposite to each other. That mean there is some indirect connection. So this will bring us to take about what is the junction complexes that connect thing together. Then epithelium tissue is avascular. That means no blood vessel in these tissue. That we may think that how these tissue get the nutrition? The answer was by DIFFUSSION. The tissue are exposed to the internal and external factor. If there is blood vessel they will be bleeding. Avascular we can relate it to organ transplant. One the major problem that you will face when you have the organ transplant is rejection. Example cornea transplant which. Histology said that epithelium of cornea are avascular. 99% success with cornea transplant because they are avascular. All epithelium tissue regardless where they are, they trace on base membrane. From the location of the epithelium I can conclude the function eg protection. The protection could be physical. It also could related to homeostasis in physiology. Eg we have sweat gland and blood vessel in th skin and they regulate the body temperature and regulate the body salt. Now in term protection, if it line in the internal cavities , there will be secretion and absorption. Sometime its

called endothelium. Its just epithelium name for line blood vessel we called endothelium. Where it line in peritoneum cativity we called it mesothelium. So it just the different type of name. Another characteristic of the cell when it close oppose cell that have junction complexes that brings those cell together. So you must be able to conclude what junction is that. Next is polarity. What is polarity? That make the cell have two pole. Eg when food passed through the blood that we called lumen. The part of the cell that near the lumen we called apical cell while the cell in the base we called basal cell. It always supported by connective tissue underneath epithelium tissue. Ok when we take connective tissue and just before this I said that epithelial tissue are avascular so where is the end of the blood vessel so the answer lies in connective tissue. Since its avascular so there will be diffusion of nutrient. Nutrient pass by it concentration base. Another most important characteristic is regeneration. When we spoke about that they are divide cell or non dividing cell, I give example epithelium cell that line gastro intestinal system is replaced within 2 weeks. Your skin are replaced every 3 o 4 weeks. So regeneration is properties of epithelium. We have taught about dif type of junctional complexes. Every junction have different function. Dr said he has taught in s=2nd class about all junction. The basal lamina which is part base membrane which support epithelium and before connective tissue, which consist of protein and secrete by epithelium cell.(these will be example of these question in the EXAM). So what is func of basL membrane. Its barrier to the connective tissue and epithelium cell. Now how we classified epithelium tissue baased on 1) Number of layer of the cell(EXAM).eg in the exam we said no of cell, it is wrong not no of cell but no of LAYER.take note. Under the microscope we will not be able to the outer layer of the cell but the nuclei. For simple the layer of nuclei is ONE. If it is more than one layer it stratified. 2) Shape of the cell Eg usually we see on the top most squamous is flat. If it is one layer flat it is called simple squamous layer like scale. Another example simple central cuboidal. If the nuclei close to base and the shape look tall it is columnar. Now we add another aspect.speciliazed cell, some type have cilia. Know the structure of cilia.(EXAM). What is func cilia? Is to move secretion which present in the cell. Eg respiratory mucus as magnet dust trap particle and these must be move out, so the cilia help it out. Keratin is acellular means that there is no nucleus. Present at the side of the body that are subjected to friction, eg part of the knee,which in darken colour. We have tuberosity in tibia you can refer this to the anatomy book. Dr also ask us to see keratin at the knee by our self. Another specialize aspect is pseudo(fake). Means that it is not stratified but it appear so. And I will tell you how, pseudo and transtitional does follow characteristic that we have mention before. Dr give example of simple squamous epithelium there will be exchange. The analogy is you and your neighbor just separate by thin wall you exchange food with your friend. So what you must remember is that you must have a partner for exchange. Eg exchange between epithelium organ and the endothelium of blood capillary for delivery of nutrient and etc.

Mesothelium that cover visceral organ,func is for exchange. In future you will found that alveoli is simple squamous epithelium. There will be different concentration of gaseous so there will be diffusion. Now some of these epithelium in cavity produces certain chemical substances eg serousa. Serousa is the outer layer for wall of visceral organ. In future we will talk about it more. Another example in the renal system where the exchange occur in the nephron. Blood is transfer to the glomulerus. There are simple squamous epithelium with simple squamous epithelium so there will be filteration. You will asked what line the capillaries, vein all the same. Dr explain again about lung just same with the above. Dr show pic in the slide. The pic of glomulerus and bowman capsule. You can refer to the slide. Afferent =enter the organ Efferent = leaves the organ In the future we will learn more renal system. Now simple cuboidal epithelium. One layer shape cuboidal. We see cuboidal by see the nuclei. Function secretion and absorbtion. Example kidney tubule. Most of glandular tissue are simple cuboidal tissue. Simple columnar tissue. Shape columnar, nuclei near the base membrane. Function secretion, absorption and etc. they could be cilia. The example in non cilia is in intestinal.. our intestines are in specific coil, why? Because limited space and to incresase surface area. The fold is villi, above villi microvilli. As you seen in the lab. Ciliated form example in upper part ofrespiratory system, you see like a brush structure on top of the cell is cilia. The epithelium is not actual stratified is actually fold, you have 2 cell both cell rest on the base membrane but the nuclei of both cell appear at the different level. It is pseudostratified is singular, cell are diff type, nuclei diff level. The stratified type have more than one layer. It is power of regeneration. There would be stem cell down to the base of the cell. Now there will be nuclear divison. In many layer the top is the squamous, the deeper layer are cuboidal or columnar.these thickness of the tissue is for the protection. We have keranitized and keratinized form keratin. For dental student. Is there any characterized form or should it be some keratinized. Think and get answer. All of you intelligent student. The slide show a threadlike structure layer above epithelium is keratin without nuclei. Example in easophagus, vagina on side that you have friction and pressure. So it is stratified squamous epithelium. Look next slide., we have layer of epithelium as I said that deeper are columnar and near the top is flat or squamous. As you take in pathology that cell will dried off. Top most layer the cell are death. Ok looked at the picture why the deeper cell have deeper colour after stain? Upper lighter stain. Below deeper stain. Basic stain for DNA. The answer is the are nuclear division. Try to connect while study and conclude it.. Transtitional is not state. Changing its shape. Dr give example of the secretion of the urine. Its not a continous like you open the tap. its in bolus

So what the best epithelium suit when bolus pass through it exert pressure in short and epithelium has to adapt with it and return back to normal. Several layer of epithelium tissue we take is an empty bladder. What method if we want to take out ? Freeze fracture. Recall in previous lecture. Bottom cell are like cuboidal columnar, while the top are like dome. But when in full bladder the structure is look like stratified squamous. So it depend on the state when it taken. The different is topmost one is dome while the other is squamous.-sory for any mistake and everything. Letus study not because of the exam but because of His. Do the best for every single thing you do. Having Allah in ur heart doesnt means that u will not face any storm but no storm can sink ur boatfighting!!! Done by Rabiatuladawiah Zamauri

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