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TEXT narrative, explanation,DISCUSSION



A. TEXT narrative a. Pengertian

The word narrative is derived from the Latin word gnarus and the Indo-European root gnu meaning 'to know'. Narrative is a message that tells or presents a story. A story is an account of an event or a series of events, both natural and non-natural, either true or fictitious; an anecdote; a report or an allegation of facts. Narrative begins in the mind, as each individual conceptualizes their perception of experience. The individual's inner voice formulates a description of life experience as a story. It is an essential human function to externalize experience by sharing anecdotes - brief tales narrating interesting or amusing biographical incidents - with other individuals. Although stories can be a depiction of history, human imagination can also create artificial stories or fiction. Human beings seem to prefer to organize information as stories rather than categorize data as facts in logical relationships. They retain everyday information as anecdotal narratives with characters, plots, motivations, and actions. It is argued by some that all communication is a form of storytelling. As such, stories become a prime instrument for education. Parents tell stories to their children to transmit what they have learned by experience. Information is shared within a community through narrative. As humans developed speech in prehistoric time, they must have quickly developedthe habit of sharing anecdotal narrations. Through the development of memory, a community accumulated a body of verbal expression including tales, oral history, jokes and proverbs that comprised an oral tradition and the beginning of culture. Folklore developed as a stratum of communal consciousness. A narrative is a story that is created in a constructive format (as a work of speech, writing, song, film, television, video games, photography or theatre) that describes a sequence of fictional or non-fictional events. The word derives from the Latin verb narrare, "to recount", and is related to the adjective gnarus, "knowing" or "skilled".[1] Ultimately its origin is found in the ProtoIndo-European root gn-, "to know".[2] The word "story" may be used as a synonym of "narrative", but can also be used to refer to the sequence of events described in a narrative. A narrative can also be told by a character within a larger narrative. An important part of narration is the narrative mode, the set of methods used to communicate the narrative through a process narration. Along with exposition, argumentation and description, narration, broadly defined, is one of four rhetorical modes of discourse. More narrowly defined, it is the fiction-writing mode whereby the narrator communicates directly to the reader.

Stories are an important aspect of culture. Many works of art and most works of literature tell stories; indeed, most of the humanities involve stories. Owen Flanagan of Duke University, a leading consciousness researcher, writes that Evidence strongly suggests that humans in all cultures come to cast their own identity in some sort of narrative form. We are inveterate storytellers (Consciousness Reconsidered 198). Stories are of ancient origin, existing in ancient Egyptian, ancient Greek, Chinese and Indian culture. Stories are also a ubiquitous component of human communication, used as parables and examples to illustrate points. Storytelling was probably one of the earliest forms of entertainment. Narrative may also refer to psychological processes in self-identity, memory and meaning-making.

b. Structure
Narrative structure is generally described as the structural framework that underlies the order and manner in which a narrative is presented to a reader, listener, or viewer. Generally, the narrative structure of any work (be it film, play, or novel) can be divided into three sections, which is referred to as the three-act structure: setup, conflict, resolution. The setup (act one) is where all of the main characters and their basic situation are introduced, and contains the primary level of characterization (exploring the character's backgrounds and personalities). A problem is also introduced, which is what drives the story forward. The second act, the conflict, is the bulk of the story, and begins when the inciting incident (or catalyst) sets things into motion. This is the part of the story where the characters go through major changes in their lives as a result of what is happening; this can be referred to as the character arc, or character development. The third act, or resolution, is when the problem in the story boils over, forcing the characters to confront it, allowing all elements of the story to come together and inevitably leading to the ending. An example is the 1973 film The Exorcist: The first act of the film is when the main characters are introduced and their lives are explored: Father Karras (Jason Miller) is introduced as a Catholic priest who is losing his faith. In act two, a girl named Regan (Linda Blair) becomes possessed by a demonic entity (the problem), and Karras' character arc is being forced to accept that there is no rational or scientific explanation for the phenomenon except that she actually is possessed by a demon, which ties in directly with the theme of him losing his faith. The third act of the film is the actual exorcism, which is what the entire story has been leading to. Theorists describing a text's narrative structure might refer to structural elements such as an introduction, in which the story's founding characters and circumstances are described; a chorus, which uses the voice of an onlooker to describe the events or indicate the proper emotional response to be happy or sad to what has just happened; or a coda, which falls at the end of a narrative and makes concluding remarks. First described in ancient times by Indian philosophers[1] and Greek philosophers (such as Aristotle and Plato), the notion of narrative

structure saw renewed popularity as a critical concept in the mid- to late-twentieth century, when structuralist literary theorists including Roland Barthes, Vladimir Propp, Joseph Campbell and Northrop Frye attempted to argue that all human narratives have certain universal, deep structural elements in common. This argument fell out of fashion when advocates of poststructuralism such as Michel Foucault and Jacques Derrida asserted that such universally shared deep structures were logically impossible. Northrop Frye in his Anatomy of Criticism deals extensively with what he calls myths of Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter.

Spring myths are comedies, i.e., stories that lead from bad situations to happy endings. Shakespeare's Twelfth Night is such a story. Summer myths are similarly utopian fantasies such as Dante's Paradiso. Fall myths are tragedies that lead from ideal situations to disaster. Compare Hamlet, Othello, and King Lear and the movie Legends of the Fall. And finally Winter myths are dystopias, for example George Orwell's 1984 or Aldous Huxley's Brave New World or Ayn Rand's novella Anthem .

c. Example
PURE RIVER Once upon a time, in a village lived a widow. She lived with two children. Their name were Upik and Buyung. Their children were very spoilt. One day their mother wanted to visit a friend's party, but their children cried to go there too. Finally their mother allows them to go to the party. Before going there mother said to her children not to be naughty and go anywhere. But,Buyung and Upik went to the jungle to play together without permission to their mother. They play and play until they arrived at a river. Because they were thirsty and tired so they jumped into the river and swam .The river was a sacred river, so Upik and Buyung become a fish. One night their mother dreamed met with her husband. Her husband said to her "Go to the river in the jungle, your children are over there". The mother went to the river in the jungle to find her children in the morning. In the river there were no anybody. She shouted loudly to call their children " Upiii..k Buyung..where are you, here are your mother, I am longing to you, I wait you, I love you all" said the mother sadly. "Mom! I am here" the voice from the river. Mother scared. She looked two fishes" "we are your children mom " said the fish. "My children ...." "Yes mom ..because we disobeyed your message, we played and swam in the river, now we became fish" said the fish while crying. The mother fell sad and sad. She couldn't say anything. She opened her parcel and gave to the fish (her children). She always pray for her children, and God receipt her wishes. The water of the river always pure, so the people called the pure river

B. TEXT explanation a. Pengertian

Explanation text is written to explain how or why something happens, eg how river valleys are formed or why the Romans built roads. Typically such text consists of a description of the phenomenon and an explanatory sequence. The writer will normally need to use connectives expressing cause and effeExample What is photosynthesis? Photosynthesis is a food-making process that occurs in green plants. It is the chief function of leaves. The word photosynthesis means putting together with light. Green plants use energy from light to combine carbon dioxide and water to make sugar and other chemical compounds. How is the light used in photosynthesis? The light used in photosynthesis is absorbed by a green pigment called chlorophyll. Each food-making cell in a plant leaf contains chlorophyll in small bodies called chloroplasts. In chloroplast, light energy causes water drawn form the soil to split into hydrogen and oxygen.

What are the steps of photosynthesis process? Let me tell you the process of photosynthesis, in a series of complicated steps, the hydrogen combines with carbon dioxide from the air, forming a simple sugar. Oxygen from the water molecules is given off in the process. From sugar together with nitrogen, sulphur, and phosporus from the soil-green plants can make starch, fat, protein, vitamins, and other complex compounds essential for life. Photosynthesis provides the chemical energy that is needed to produced these compounds

b. Structure
Generic structure: Social Function: To explain the processes involved in the formation or working of natural or sociocultural phenomena. * A general statement to position the reader * A sequenced explanation of why or how something occurs. Significant Lexicogrammatical Features * Focus on generic, non-human Participants * Use mainly of Material Processes and Relational Processes

* Use mainly of Temporal and causal Circumstances and Conjunctions

c. Example
The Process of Rain Water in the earth is kept in many places like the ocean, the ocean, the river and the lake. But don't be wrong, the plants leaves and the land also kept water. Each day, this water will evaporate with help of the sun. The process where water evaporates from plants is called transpiration. Afterwards the vapour will experience the process of condensation where the vapour will condense and turn into a cloud. The form of the cloud always changes according to weather conditions. The clouds will move to different locations with the help of wind that bellows vertically or horizontally. The movement of the vertical wind results in the cloud forming big 'lumps'. After that, the wind increases the size of the cloud and each cloud will overlap. Finally the cloud will reach the atmosphere that has a lower temperature. Here the particles of water and ice is formed. Eventually, the wind can not support the weight of the cloud and so the cloud that is full with water will experience a process called precipitation or the process where rain or hail falls to earth


a. Pengertian
Text is the text of the proposed discussion about a problem or issue by giving at least two points of view of the issue. Finally, the text gives a conclusion or recommendation discussion of the issues raised.

b. Structure
The structure of the text discussion, namely: 1. issue 2. Arguments supporting 3. Opinions that support the main idea 4. Elaboration of the opinion that support 5. Opinion against 6. The underlying idea opinion challenged 7. Elaboration of opinions that challenge the 8. Conclusions and / or recommendation

c. Example
Loch Ness Monster: Real or Hoax? The existence of the Loch Ness monster has been debated since centuries ago. In my opinion, there is a great chance that the Loch Ness monster, often nicknamed Nessie does exist in Loch Ness, Scotland. Many attempts to prove it, such as the famous expedition led by Dr. Robert Rines in the year 1972. He and his fellow scientists found recorded evidence using a sonar that something big indeed lives in the great loch. Many sightings by professionals that are unlikely to lie say that Nessie has the form of an aquatic animal much like the extinct plesiosaurus. Photographs of the monster has also been taken by people trying to find evidence, and many of this photographs has been proved real and not a hoax. But unfortunately, not all of these evidence are authentic. Photographs, videos, even Nessie footprints has been faked. And until now, no one, not even scientists has come up with a carcass or live specimen of this creature. Untill then, we may never be sure that a living creture the so called Loch Ness monster is really living in the loch. I think we should keep a look out for this creature, we might find Nessie as a living dinosaur who survived extinction!

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