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Is Nutrition Important?

Proper nutrition leads to wellness

PS 5
Introduction to Nutrition Lecture 1 Dr. Joseph Esdin


The two major components of wellness

____________ ____________


Why Is Nutrition Important?

Healthful diet can prevent disease

Diseases Partially Affected by Nutrition

Diseases Highly Affected by Nutrition

Type 2 diabetes Heart diseases Hypertension Obesity

Osteoporosis Osteoarthritis Some forms of cancer

Diseases Affected by Nutritional Deficiency or Toxicity

Pellagra Scurvy Iron deficiency anemia

Causes of Death in the U.S.

Due to overeating and lower physical activities Associated with
Heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and some forms of cancer

Trends of Obesity in the U.S.

Healthy People 2020

Goals of Healthy People 2020
Increase quality and years of healthy life Eliminate health disparities

HP 2020 Nutrition Goals & Objectives

Promote health and reduce chronic disease associated with diet and weight

Increase the proportion of adults who are at a healthy weight from 42% to 60% Reduce obesity rate from 23% to 15% Increase the proportion of persons aged 2 years and older to consume two daily serving of fruits and vegetable from 28% to 75%

HP 2020 Fitness Goals & Objectives

Improve health, fitness, and quality of life through daily physical activity

What Are Nutrients?

Nutrients are chemicals in foods that our bodies use for growth and function Organic nutrients
____________ Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, _______

Reduce the proportion of adults who engage in no physical activity from 40% to 20% Increase the proportion of adults who engage regularly in physical activities from 15% to 30% Increase the proportion of adults who perform physical activities that enhance and maintain muscular strength and endurance from 18% to 30%

Inorganic nutrients
Minerals and _______

What Are Nutrients?

What Are Nutrients?

Macronutrients are nutrients required in relatively large amounts
Provide energy to our bodies Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins



Grains, vegetables, fruits, legumes, seeds, nuts, milk

Insoluble in water


Known as micronutrients that assist in regulating body processes
Critical in building and maintaining healthy bones and tissues Support immune system Ensure healthy vision Do not supply energy to our bodies

Found in meat, dairy, seeds, nuts, and legumes

Fat soluble
_________ Stored Can lead to toxicity Not stored Excreted

Water soluble

Minerals are inorganic substances required for body processes Our diets and bodies contain major minerals (________) and trace minerals (iron, ______)

Evaluating Media Reports

Discerning truth or fallacy:
Who is reporting the information? Who conducted the research; who paid for it? Is the report based on reputable research studies? Is the report based on testimonials? Are the claims too good to be true?

Quackery: misrepresentation of a product, program, or service for financial gain

Government Information Sources

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Reliable Nutrition Information

American Dietetic Association American Society for Nutrition Sciences Society for Nutrition Education American College of Sports Medicine North American Association for the Study of Obesity

Cardiovascular Diseases
Reader page 2

Way you live your life today determines how you will die Major killers start to develop early in life

Role of Lifestyle Change

Reader page 3

Diets and Recommendations

Reader page 3

MyPyramid (2005)





Meats and beans Oil


Physiological Age vs. Chronological Age

Reader page 3

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