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Net Questions:

Let me about your current project?

Ans:Explain about you project and the technology that you have used in your
project.prepare what the
technology that you have used in your project.

Where r u maintaining your database connection string?

ANS: in Web.config

What are the different ways of storing a Con string?

1. Web.config
2. XML file

If you r maintain a Con string Web.config or some where how r u reading


From Web.config

1. ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings [“”].to string (); ( if u store con string in


1. ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[“”].ConnectionString (if u
store in <connectionStrings>)

From XML file

Dataset objDs=new dataset();

objDs.ReadXml(XML File Name)
connection string= objDs.tables[0].rows[0][0].tostring();

How many web.config files can I have per an application?

In root u can have only one.
In different roots in can different files in single application

What is an assembly?
Complied source source of any .net application is known as DLL(Dynamic .linkable

Whether it is a dll or exe?How it is different from VB DLL ?

Dll: Dynamic .linkable library

Exc: Executables
What are the different types of assemblies?
1. Private Assembly
2. Shared assembly
3. Satilite assembly

How can we create share assembly?

By keeping assembly in GAC (Global assembly cache)

Create strong name first

Sn –k name.snk

Add the above generated strong name key file to assemble in assemblyinfo.cs file

Run this command in .net command prompt

Gacutil –i “Complete assembly path”

What are the different access modifiers that are available with C#? And
explain the scope for each one?

1. Public: Accessible with in class and out side of class if object is created
2. Private: Accessible with in class only
3. Protected: Accessible with in the class and class that are derived from this class.
4. Internel:Accessible with in the same application
5. Protectedinternel:combination of protected and internal

What is a static constructor?What is the purpose of it?

What is an abstract class,how it is different from Interface?

What is the purpose of an assembly?

Reusability ,platform independent

What is the purpose of code behind file?

Code modularization, easy maintenance

What are the new features of ASP.NET when compared to ASP?

ASP.NET whether it is compiled one or interpreted one?
Complied one
Can you explain page life and what are the different events that are
fired during page life cycle?

When Page_render will be fired?What kind of code we can place in that

What is the difference between user control and custom control ?
How can we use or register user control?When can we go for a user
What is the namespace for creating a dataset?
What is the namespace for creating a Webpage?

What is the namespace for ur provider?

Have you worked with Webservices?When can we go for a webservice ?

What is the namespace for creating a webservice?


Performance wise which one is better?Webservice or remoting?

I think Webservice

What is authorization and authentication?What are the different

authentication mode?

Authentication modes
1. Windows authentication
2. Forms authentication
3. passport authentication

Authentication deals with whom to allow and whom to not

Which authentication are you using in your project?Why?Can you explain

different authentication modes?

Forms Authentication

How can we read an xml file? What are the different ways?Have you worked
with xpath navigator?using that how
can you read particular element of a xml file?
1. Using DataSet.RadXML ();
2.XmlTextReader Class

We can read paticularelement in XML using xpathnavigator

In the following xml file what are the syntax errors?


Missing <category> Closing tag it should be </category>

How can we do error handling?

Using try catch bloc

Write some code with error handling?

Catch(Exception ex)
Throw ex;

What is the significance of finally block?

1. For destroying objects
2. Closing connection objects etc
How can we make a private variable as public?

What is a sealed class?

Class which can’t be inherited

What are OOPs concepts?

Abstraction, Encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism

What is the difference between Overriding and Overridable?

Overriding: overwriting the implementation of base class function.
Overridable: allowing the function to overridable in derived class

What is the purpose of Virtual?

Making the function to overrideble in derived class

How do you diplay your application?

What is the architecture of your project?

n-Tire architecture

Can you write some code to create an interface?

interface iMyinterface
Public void MyMethod()
what is type casting?

How can w convert int variable to string?

Int a=5;
String s= a.ToString();

What is serialization?
Converting an object to binary data

What is boxing?
Converting Value type to reference type
Reverse is unboxing

What is a delegate?
These are functional pointers

What are the different types of ASP.NET controls?

1.webserveer controls
2..HTML server controls

What are the different validation controls?

1.Required field validator
2.regular expression validator
3.Range validator
4.Custom validator
5.Compare validator

What are the different controls that you have used in your project?
What are the different template types in Data Grid?
1. Edit item template
2. Alternating template
3. HeaderTemplatte
4. Footer Template
5. ItemTemplate

I want place a check box in grid?Where I need to write code(In which


How can we populate data into a dataset?


How many data adaptors are required for populating 10 tables data into
a dataset?
1.even with one also we can populate

What is the difference between dataview and datareader?

1. DataReader :it is forward only recod set
2. DataView:It is used to filter data according to given sort expression.

What are the different execute methods of SQLCommand object?

2.Execute scalar()
3.Execute reader

What are different ADO.NET Objects?


What is caching ?What are the different types of caching?

1.Pageoutput caching
2.Pagefragmentation caching
3.Cache objeche

What type of data we need to store in caching and what in session?

What are the different ways of passing data from one page to other
1.Querry string

What is the differece between GET and POST?

What is the difference between server.transfer and response.redirect?

Server. Transfer: fewer round trips to server used to transfer page with in same
response.redirect: More round trips to server

Write some Javascript to do validations?

Var a=document.getelementbyid(‘’);
Alert(‘value cann’t be blanck’);

How many people are you leading now?

How can allocate work?

Which layer you give to which person?

What are the different problems that you have faced in leading the

can you explain SDLC?



What are the different types of joins that are available in

SQLServer?What is the difference between left join and
inner join?

Inner Join
Left outer join
Right outer join
Cross Jojn

what is the difference between delete and truncate?which one is faster?

Delete is logged operation where as truncate not
Truncate will be faster

What are the different types of indexes available?What is the

difference between clustered and non-clusted index?
1. clustered
2. non-clusted index

We can have only one clustered index for one table

How many Clustered inxedes we can created on a table and how many
Only one clustered index

What is a cursor?can u write sytax for creating cursor and using it?How
can we check cursor status
@@FetchStatus We can check cursor stattus
what is the difference between a stored procedure and function?

Write syntax for creating a stored procedure?

Create procedure procedurename

Select * from EMP


When can we use HAVING?

If u use Group by clause is used
Can I use HAVING and WHERE in the same query?

What is the difference between GROUP BY and ORDER BY?

Order by come after Group by in query,

What is the difference between INSERT INTO and SELECT INTO?




1 1 1
2 2 1
3 3 2
4 2

Can you write a query for fiding out deptids without any
employees?(using join and also without join)

How we findout max deptid from dept?

Findout emp count for each dept?

Have you worked with DTS Packages?

How can we improve performance of a SP?

Have you used profiler?

How can I generate auto generated number?
By setting identity=yes


When SET NOCOUNT is ON, the count (indicating the number of rows affected by a
Transact-SQL statement) is not returned. When SET NOCOUNT is OFF, the count is

How can we do error handling in SQLServer?

@@Error Variable

Can I created foreign key with out refering PK?

Yes,By referring to unique key

Can create index on a view? What is a view?

Yes ,

What is a trigger? What are the tables that get created in a trigger
Inserted , deleted,updated

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