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CSE211 Lecture Notes – 2004/2005-II

CSE 211: Data Structures

Lecture Notes IX
Ender Ozcan, Sebnem Baydere

The notes only cover the basic definitions.

A tree is a special case of a digraph used to express hierarchical relationships or multiway decisions in
computing. For example game tree, company structure, family tree, language tree, expression tree,
sorting and searching trees etc.


The common characterisitics of all these trees is that there is a single vertex (the root) that can be
identified as the top of the tree and from the root to any other vertex in the tree there is exactly one

Formally, we can say that tree is a connected digraph such that,

1. There is exactly one vertex called root with in-degree =0
2. All other vertices have in-degree =1

In a general tree there is no restriction about the out-degree and the vertex set may be infinite.

In most application of trees vertex set is finite and the vertices at the bottom have out-degree=0. These
vertices are called leaves or terminals.

A vertex which is neither root nor leaf is called a nonterminal vertex (node).

Every vertex at the destination end of an edge for which the root is the source is itself the root of
another smaller tree called a sub-tree.

The depth of a tree is the length of the longest path from the root.
CSE211 Lecture Notes – 2004/2005-II

The destination vertices are called children and the root of it is called parent. Children of the same
parent are called siblings.

Vertex (node) n1 is an ancestor of n2 (and n2 is a descendant of n1) if n1 is either the parent of n2 or

the parent of some ancestor of n2.

A node n2 is a left descendant of node n1 if n2 is either the left child of n1 or a descendant of the left
child of n1. A right descendant may be similarly defined.

Binary Trees
A binary tree is a tree all of whose vertices have out-degree = 2. The subtrees of a binary tree are
ordered in the sense that there is a left child and a right child. If a vertex has only one child it should

be clearly identified as right or left.

Properties of Bina ry Trees

Strictly Binary Tree: T is a strictly binary tree iff each of its vertices has out-degree = 0 or 2.

Complete Binary Tree: T is a complete binary tree of depth K iff each vertex of level K is a leaf and
each vertex of level less than K has non empty left and right children.
A complete binary tree depth K always has 2 k+1 -1 vertices.
Depth 0 -- single vertex
Depth 1 -- 3 vertices
Depth 2 -- 7 vertices
CSE211 Lecture Notes – 2004/2005-II

A complete binary tree of N vertices has depth equal to log 2 (N+1)-1

Almost complete: All K-1 level vertices are complete but level K vertices are missing (useful in some
sorting algorithms such as heap sort).

Balanced: T is balanced iff for each vertex t in T, the depth of t's left and right subtrees differ by at
most one.
1. A binary tree consisting of a single vertex is balanced.
2. A vertex with a single subtree is balanced iff that subtree is a leaf.
3. A binary tree is balanced iff, its leaf and right sub trees are balanced and their depth differ by only

Implementation of Binary Trees

Array representation

An almost complete binary tree can be represented as an array. 1st element of the array is the root, 2nd
and 3rd elements are children of the root , the nodes are stored level by level.



CSE211 Lecture Notes – 2004/2005-II

Lemma: If a complete binary tree with n nodes (depth  log 2 n  + 1) is represented sequentially. Then
any node with index i 1≤ i ≤ n we have

1. parent(i) is at  i/2, if i ≠ 1,
( when i=1, the root has no parent. )
2. leftChild(i) is at 2i, if 2i ≤ n,
(no left child, if 2i > n.)
3. rightChild(i) is at 2i+1, if 2i+1 ≤ n,
(no right child, if 2 i+1 > n.)

Linked List Representation

Since binary tree is a digraph we could implement it using one of the graph representations. However
since binary tree has right and left subtrees we can create a specialized structure.


lchild rchild

Operations on Binary Trees:

There are a number of primitive operations that can be applied to a binary tree. For example : Assume
that p is a pointer to a the node n1 of a binary tree, the following functions may be defined:
n info(p): returns the contents (data field) of n1.
n leftChild(p), rightChild(p) : return pointers to the left child and right child of n1 respectively.
n hasLeft(p), hasRight(p): return the value true if the node has leftchild or right child respectively.

Several other operations can be defined on a tree depend ing on the application requirements.

Example Applications of Binary Trees:

Problem: Find all duplicates in a list of n numbers.

1) Compare each number with all those that precede it. O(n2 )
2) The comparisons can be reduced by using a binary tree. The first number is placed as a root, with
empty left and right subtrees. Each successive number then compared to the number in the root. If it
matches, we have a duplicate. If it is smaller we examine the left subtree; if it is larger we examine the
right subtree. If the subtree is empty, the number is not a duplicate and placed into a new node at that
position. If the subtree is not empty then we repeat the above process.
CSE211 Lecture Notes – 2004/2005-II

Let's say tp is a pointer to the root node of a tree (pointer type is tree node type) and we are searching
for number n in this tree for a duplicate, if there is not a duplicate then place it in the tree.

while ( n != info(tp) && p != null) {
if ( n < info(p) ) p = left(p);
else p = right(p);

if ( n == info(p) ) printf ("the number is duplicate");

else if (n < info(p) ) setleft (p, n);
else setright( p, n);

Binary heap is a completely balanced binary tree satisfying the heap property.
Heap property: Given a binary heap A, A[PARENT(i)]≥A [i]

2 26 3

24 11

5 6 7
7 6
8 4

9 10
1 3 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

26 24 11 7 6 8 4 1 3 5

Maintaining Heap Property

1. L ← LEFT(i)
2. r ← RIGHT(i)
3. if l ≤heap-size[A] and A[l]>A[i]
4. then largest ← l
5. else largest ← r
6. if r ≤heap-size[A] and A[r]>A[largest]
7. then largest ← r
8. if largest≠ i
9. then exchange A[i]]↔ A[largest]
10. HEAPIFY(A, largest)

Running time of HEAPIFY is O(lg n ).

CSE211 Lecture Notes – 2004/2005-II

Example Run: HEAPIFY(A,2) 1

2 26 3
3 11

5 6 7
24 6
8 4
9 10 26
1 7 5 2 3

24 11

i 5 6 7
3 6
8 4

9 10
1 7 5

2 26 3

24 11

5 6 7
7 6
8 4

9 10
1 3 5

1. heap-size[A] ←length[A]
2. for i ← length[A]/2 downto 1
3. do HEAPIFY(A, i )

Running time of BUILD-HEAP is O(nlgn) at first sight, but it is O(n). (studeied in CSE311)
CSE211 Lecture Notes – 2004/2005-II

Example Run: 1

2 3 3
5 4
4 2 3 3
5 6 7
1 i 26 5 4
8 11
8 5 6 7
9 10 i
1 26
24 7 6 8 11
9 10
1 24 7 6

2 3 3
5 i 4 1
4 3
5 6 7 2 3
24 26 i
8 11 5 11
8 4
9 10 5 6 7
1 7 6 24 26
8 4
9 10
i 1 7 6
2 3 3
26 11
5 6 7
2 26 3
24 6
8 4
24 11
9 10 4
1 7 5 5 6 7
7 6
8 4
9 10
1 3 5

2. for i ← length[A] downto 2
3. do exchange A[1]↔ A [i]
4. heap-size[A] ← heap-size[A] −1
5. HEAPIFY(A, 1)
CSE211 Lecture Notes – 2004/2005-II

Running time of HEAPSORT = Running time of BUILD-HEAP +

n (loop at step 2.) times running time of HEAPIFY
= O(n) + O(nlgn)
= O(nlgn)
Example Run: 1
2 2 3
2 1
4 4 1
5 6 7 1
7 6 2
8 4 2 3
8 7 1
9 10
1 3 5 4 1
5 6 7
5 6
8 4
1 8
9 10
2 1 3 1 3 2
1 6
7 8
4 1
5 6 7
5 6 8
3 4 2 3
8 7 4
9 10
1 2 2 4
4 6 5 6 7
5 6
3 1
1 8
9 10

7 1 2 2
2 3 1 4 6
6 4
4 1
5 6 7
5 1 6
3 8 2 3
8 5 4
9 10
1 2 2 4
1 4 6 5 6 7
3 1
7 8
1 8
9 10
2 1 3 1 2 2
1 4 6
3 4
5 6 7
5 6 7 8
9 10
1 2 2
1 4 6

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 24 26
CSE211 Lecture Notes – 2004/2005-II

BINARY TREE TRAVERSAL: Many applications require traversing a tree so that all the nodes are
visited in a certain order. Traversal algorithms are useful in dealing with binary trees. Three different
forms of traversal is possible: preorder, postorder, inorder traversal.

Preorder Traversal: (node- left-right) (depth- first search)

void traverse-nlr(t-node) {
if (t-node does not have a child ) return;
else {
visittree(t- node);
traverse-nlr( t-node.lchild);
PREORDER TRAVERSAL: 1 2 4 7 5 3 6 8 9
2 3

5 6

7 8 9

Inorder Traversal (left-node-right)

void traverse- lnr(t-node) {
if (t-node does not have a child ) return;
else {
traverse-lnr( t-node.lchild);
visittree(t- node);
INORDER TRAVERSAL: 7 4 2 5 1 3 8 6 9

Postorder Traversal (left-right- node)

void traverse- lrn(t-node) {
if (t-node does not have a child ) return;
else {
traverse-lrn( t-node.lchild);
visittree(t- node);

POSTORDER TRAVERSAL: 7 4 5 2 8 9 6 3 1

In Traverse- nlr, a node is visited and its left subtree is traversed.

In Traverse- lnr, the left subtree is traversed and then the right subtree is traversed.
CSE211 Lecture Notes – 2004/2005-II


BSTs are binary trees with a special property:
Let x be a node in a BST if y ∈ LEFT_SUBTREE( x ), then key[y] = key[x]
and if y ∈ RIGHT_SUBTREE( x ), then key[y] = key[x]
Recursively speaking:

1. A leaf node is a BST.

2. A node is the root of a BST if its key value is greater than that of its left child and less than or equal
to that of its right child, and if both of its children are either null or the root of a BST.

Many algorithms that use binary trees proceed in two phases. The first phase builds a binary tree, and
the second phase traverses the tree.

Consider sorting algorithm: given a list of numbers in an input file, we wish to print them in ascending
order. As we read the numbers they can be inserted into a binary tree, however unlike the algorithm
used to find duplicates, duplicate values are also placed in the tree. When a number is compared with
the contents of a node in the tree, a left branch is taken if the number is smaller than the contents of the
node, and a right branch if it is greater or equal to the contents of the node.

Binary search trees can be used in the implementation of efficient insertions and deletions in tables.

For the input line 14 , 15 , 4, 9, 7, 18, 3, 5, 16, 4, 20, 17, 9, 14, 5

Operations on a BST:

1. Traversing a BST
2. Inserting a record in a BST
3. Finding a record in a BST
4. Deleting a record from a BST

1. If a binary search tree is traversed in inorder and the contents of each node are printed as the node is
visited , the numbers are printed in ascending order.

2. A Recursive Algorithm for insertion:

CSE211 Lecture Notes – 2004/2005-II

• Assuming that tree is not empty, we first test the new key against the root key: if it is less than we
insert it in the left subtree, if it is equal to or greater insert it in the right subtree.
• After several recursive calls we will reach a point where the subtree into which the key to be
inserted is empty, at this point we create a new node and link it to the appropriate pointer in the
parent node.

Examples will given in the class.

3. Finding a node requires traversing the tree until yo u reach the searched node

4. Deletion algorithm:

• Locate the desired node by a search and call it t.

• If t is a leaf, disconnect it from the parent set (set the pointer in the parent node to null).
• If t has a left child but no right child, remove t from the tree by making t's parent point to the t's left
• If t has a right child but no left child, remove t from the tree by making t's parent point to t's right
• Otherwise find t's LNR successor (the node in the t's right subtree with the smallest key. Copy this
node's information into t, and then delete the node.

Successor of 2: 4
7 1

Predecessor of 6: 5
4 8

4 7

4 5


How can we write non recursive algorithm for tree traversal?

A technique called threading can be used to traverse a tree nonrecursively.

Threading: As we build a BST, we fill empty pointer fields with pointers that help us move up the
tree as well as down. Moving up helps us to find the successor of a node during a traverse left-node-
right operation.
CSE211 Lecture Notes – 2004/2005-II

If the threads facilitate inorder traversal then the tree is called right- in threaded.

Where are the threads generated? If a node has a right child then its LNR successor is below it
somewhere in the right subtree. Otherwise its LNR successor is above in the tree. Since a node needs
a thread only if it has no right child, common practice is to store the thread in the right child field of
the node. A flag is also needed to indicate if it is a thread or not.

Another application of binary trees in interpreters and compilers. The statement is converted into tree.
For simplicity we will see expression trees. Expression tree is a tree that has operator as its root and
identifiers or constants as its leaves.
A node representing an operator is a nonleaf whereas a node representing an operand is a leaf.
Traversing an expression three in preorder gives its prefix form, traversing it in inorder gives infix
form and traversing in postorder produces postfix form.

/ *

+ sqrt
8 4

x z 3

n BSTs carry a high risk of becoming unbalanced, resulting in expensive search and update
n Idea: Maintain a binary search tree that is almost completely balanced
n AVL Trees are BSTs satisfying AVL tree balance:
n For every node, the heights of its left and right subtrees differ at most 1.
n Depth of an AVL tree with N nodes is at most O(lgN )

n After insertion, AVL tree might become unbalanced by a difference of at most 2 in the
n For the bottommost unbalanced node, S, there are 4 cases:
1. The extra node is the left child of the left child of S.
2. The extra node is the right child of the left child of S.
CSE211 Lecture Notes – 2004/2005-II

3. The extra node is the left child of the right child of S.

4. The extra node is the right child of the right child of S.

37 37

24 42 24 42

7 32 40 42 7 32 40 42

2 120 2 120

Balancing an AVL tree. 5

n Operation should take O(lgN ) time

n It can be done using a series of operations referred as rotations
n Single rotation: Case 1 and 4
n Double rotation: Case 2 and 3
n Deletion will require the same operations
Single Rotation



Double Rotation




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