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Final evaluation

Final evaluation:Community-based intervention strategies for bullying.

Module 1

According to Lewis Coser, violence is related to social functions, such as:

a. Achievement, danger signal and/or catalyst

b. Peer-to-peer linkage and power relations

c. Protection of private property and individual liberties

2. Indicate which of the following statements correspond to the metapoints described by Edgard Morin.

a. Modernity and the division of labor.

b. The encounter with the other and the media world.

c. Progress and reason.

3. School violence is characterized by:

a. Certain behaviors of physical or verbal aggression that occur within the school.

b. Physical or verbal aggression between students.

c. Those behaviors of physical or verbal aggression in the school setting and surrounding spaces.

4. The teacher should have the following skills to address bullying:

a. Ability to express oneself, responsibility, mastery of subject matter and interest in students and teaching.

b. Cooperation, competence and values

c. Good posture, cleanliness and leadership.

5. Point out which are the guidelines established by Silvia Di Sansa to approach youth in postmodernity.

a. Facilitate dialogue through the reasonable use of technological devices.

b. To think of the link with the student in terms of happiness and to accompany him/her in the configuration of
his/her project.

c. Ability to coordinate discussions on controversial issues

6. Globalization can be presented through:

a. Structured, solid and ordered phenomena

b. Covers only the economic sphere.

c. Increasing social fragmentation and the crisis of ethical limits

7. The institutions affected by the phenomenon of bullying are:

a. Family and school

b. The school

c. The media

Module 2

1. The relationship that exists between the community and the school is:

a. Interdependent, they are linked

b. Narrow, are held and operated together

c. Of autonomy, each is a complementary area of people's lives.

2. Some of the strategies for understanding and addressing violence in children and youth are:

a. To inquire into the family and individual circumstances of the educational community.

b. Recognize that there is only one setting in which violence takes place.

c. Create recreational opportunities and learn about national and international legislation on the subject.

3. Mac Donald Blanco in his proposal regarding the way in which the media present violence argues that:

a. It is best not to include in the discourse a single motive as the cause of violence.

b. Both the multiplication and the emphasis on acts of violence generate rejection and disinterest.

c. It is essential for the State to generate awareness campaigns.

4. What are the levels on which the individual must act to confront violence:

a. Willingness, resources and knowledge.

b. Knowledge, willingness and power

c. Tolerate, change and analyze

5. The community, in relation to the problem of bullying should:

a. Divide roles and responsibilities, respecting the autonomy of the school.

b. Articulate actions to address each emergency.

c. Dialogue, create spaces for training and promote strong ties among its stakeholders.

6. Teachers and management authorities should:

a. Approach students, show interest in them, and promote prevention activities.

b. Refer the persons causing the conflict to competent professionals.

c. Notify families of problem students emphasizing the degrees of responsibility of each.

7. The State should:

a. Supervise the actions of the actors and institutions.

b. Diagnose, prevent and build spaces for participation.

c. To carry out statistics and research for the purpose of optimizing the regulations in force.

Module 3

1. The specific function of the School Guidance Teams is:

a. Promote the development of prevention workshops and recreational activities.

b. Diagnose and refer problematic cases to the Local Promotion Centers.

c. Support teachers in the adoption of procedures for diversity, the accompaniment of students with special needs, as
well as to promote the link with families and the community.

2. The most commonly used guidance instruments in the school institution are:

a. Anecdotes, questionnaire, case studies

b. Planning, tracking and report cards

c. Field diary, interviews, surveys

3. Diaz Agudo, proposes a global approach for the prevention of violence and the positive solution of conflicts in schools.

a. Update the explicit curriculum and articulate with non-governmental organizations.

b. Develop the educational link and overcome the hidden curriculum.

c. To reach a consensus on the objectives of the institutional educational project and integrate the goals of the social actors
of the community.

The activities to be developed by the Educational Institution in situations of violence are:

a. Giving priority to the victim, isolating the offender from the situation.

b. Refer the case for the exclusive intervention of the School Guidance Team.

c. Dialogue, dealing with the victim and the offender equally.

5. To address school and social violence, the highlighted action is:

a. Prevention is the starting point to avoid school and social violence.

b. The evaluation of the performance of the actors in the corresponding contexts.

c. The planning of activities involved in individual processes.

6. The "bullying phenomenon" can be defined as:

a. An episode of physical violence, carried out by an individual or by a group and directed against a teacher who is not
capable of defending himself/herself and which takes place in the school environment.

b.Sustained physical or mental violence by an individual or group directed against another individual who is not
capable of defending him/herself.b. Sustained physical or mental violence directed by an individual or a group
against another individual who is not capable of defending himself/herself and which takes place in the school

c.Sustained physical or mental violencec. Sustained physical or mental violence directed by an individual or a group against
another individual who is not capable of defending him/herself and that takes place in any area of life.

s for their approach in the school.
1). Describe, in your understanding, in five words the meaning of violence.
1 Abuse
2 Mistreatment
3 Cruelty
4 Hit-and-run
5 Excess

2). What are the metapoints described by Morin? Identify and briefly describe each of them.

1 The fracture: a society devoid of cultural ties.

2 The encounter with the other: lack of empathy and male-to-male contact.
3 Neoliberal society and consumerism: those who do not comply with the laws of the market are outcasts.
4 The neo-tribal passion: young people's search for belonging.
5 The loss of the sacred: the sacred was lost in modern civilizations, high exposure to violence.
6 A media world: responsibility of the media for the violence they show.
7 Anomie and crisis of values: lack of traditional customs, crisis of values.

3). How would you conceptualize school violence? Establish examples of violence in
to the school environment.

- Teacher to student violence.
- Student to teacher violence.
- Exclusion
- Intimidation
- Sexual violence
- Coercion
- Bullying
- Vandalism
- Violence among teaching staff.
- Violence from parents to teachers.

School violence is understood as the intentionally harmful action exercised between members of the
educational community and that occurs within the physical spaces that are proper to the school facilities or
in other spaces directly related to the school.

4). What are the personality traits that teachers should take into account when dealing with students?

- Balance - Preparation
- Presentation - Interest in students
- Expression capacity - Interest in teaching
- Liability - Cooperation

5). Observe the following images and establish similarities and differences between groups.
How did the phenomenon of violence evolve throughout the history of education in the region?
our country?
Within the classroom, the past represented a sort of "chastisement" for the students' failure to fulfill their
duties. Teachers assumed the authority represented by the father or mother in the family. When the student
broke any of the accepted rules instituted by the school, the teacher used methods, such as physical
punishment, to dispense sanctions.
School violence in "this school of the past" was manifested in the teacher's attitudes towards his students,
physical violence and psychological violence. The child and the young person were objects of the classroom
and objects of education.
One of the main transformations that is currently taking place is the consideration of the student no longer as
an object, but as a subject of education.
Autonomy is promoted on the part of the students, the recognition of rules generated by the students
themselves, and the teacher takes into account the student's participation. Thus, the closer the teacher gets to
the student, the more a space of expression is created in which each student can express his or her thoughts
and opinions about reality and feel that he or she is being involved.
By recognizing subjectivity as part of the classroom, it is recognized that the teacher does not have the
absolute truth, in fact, no one does, based on the principle of uncertainty. Therefore, knowledge in this sense
is induced to be constructed by all, the student is given the opportunity to "be" so that he enjoys what he
builds, loves what he does, observes error as part of learning and takes the risk of facing
with oneself and with others.

6). What are the guidelines established by Silvia Di Sansa to approach the youth of postmodernity? Include
the ones you use or would use.

1. To accompany the student in the configuration 3. To build a fair regulation (balance between
of his or her what is proper and what is common).
project (stimulating and consoling it). 4. Take care of the place where you talk about.
2. To think of the link with the student in terms of 5. Use competitive dialogue (share the same
happiness. principles through the word to find the best
7). In addition to the strategies to address the phenomenon of violence proposed in this axis. Which ones
would you include?

- Promote a favorable climate to prevent situations of violence.

- Promote compromise and consensus as a means of conflict resolution.
- Consider spaces to reflect and orient students about harassment and mistreatment situations.
- Promote compliance with the formative and restorative sanctions that students have established as
part of the rules of coexistence. Identify behavioral changes.

1). What is the relationship between the community and the school?

The current challenge is to develop a school that is open to the environment, equitable and inclusive, as
opposed to the anachronism of the so-called "traditional school" model, which is rationalistic and closed in
on itself.
The challenge requires the school to open up to society by becoming increasingly permeable to it in the
double direction of outward permeability (school to the environment) and inward permeability (environment
to the school), since it is in society where man lives and where his socio-educational needs are generated.

2). Explain the relationship between the community and the school based on the following variables:

CULTURE: weaves links that prevent violence and support equality.

SOCIAL CONTEXT AND REALITY: The current social context is highly vulnerable to global events.
What happens in any state, country, region or society directly or indirectly influences our community.
Violence has always existed, but today, it is more visible, more evident. The best indicator of violence in
adulthood is violent behavior in childhood. Most of the risk factors identified are the same as for
delinquency. But evidence from research shows that violent and humiliating forms of discipline are
important in the development of violent attitudes and actions from an early age.
TRANSMISSION: transmission comes primarily from the generation of information. The first thing a child
hears and learns comes from within the family. At the beginning of the schooling stage, the information that
the child already has is added to the information provided by the teacher. Faced with the transfers and
uncertainties of the modes of transmission in our time, a sociology of childhood and adolescence is
developing, which, focusing on the child and young person and taking them as a magnifying glass,
interrogates these phenomena in a different way using concepts such as culture or social reality.

3). What are the community intervention strategies?

Definition: the community takes part in a given issue through a set of actions to achieve a common goal.
Strategies: The State should: 1. Promote a violence prevention process. The State has the normative tools to
solve problems related to human rights and crimes. 2. Develop diagnostics regarding victims and
perceptions of gender, race, and intercultural violence. This aspect implies, in accordance with ILO
Convention 169, respecting indigenous peoples' consultation procedures and the use of language. 3. To build
spaces for citizen participation in the design and implementation of public policies for the prevention of
violence, which implies respecting norms, procedures and conflict resolution. 4. Implement public policies
for the prevention of violence, emphasizing community prevention, respecting culture, gender and age
The community should: 1. Create social networks. Families should talk to each other about acts and
situations of violence that they observe in their neighborhood or even within their own family. 2.
Conductworkshops and courses to train community members in coping with violence. 3. Encourage spaces
for dialogue between parents and children and parents and children and teachers. Social workers,
psychologists and physicians may participate in these spaces. They serve as mediators and workers who
promote primary care. 4. Talking with sons and daughters about interculturality, gender, sexuality, drugs,
alcohol consumption. These are the aspects that lead to violence; an adequate discussion between parents
and children makes prevention feasible. 5. Build strong, positive relationships with family members,
teachers and other adults. This can make children and young people feel that someone is interested and cares
about them. 6. Establish positive stereotypes. Adults can serve as role models and show them that it is
possible to succeed in life without resorting to violence.
Teachers and management authorities should: 1. Approach students and show interest in them. 2. Provide
parent access to the school. 4. Encourage students to participate in recreational activities against violence. 5.
Generate counseling, mediation and conflict resolution programs. A confidential system that allows students
to alert school staff to concerns about their peers. 6. Establish talks regarding alcohol and drugs, and those
situations that affect children and young people. 7. Institute school-based crisis centers staffed by
professionals who can work with violent children and youth. 8. To enforce respect for institutional norms,
the investiture of school authority, respect for the teacher and families. A design for the prevention of
violence from the community implies the participation of all the people who are part of it. The State must
guarantee the budgetary and contextual possibilities that allow the community and the school to interact
freely. The school institution has the responsibility to generate links with families to support all possible
mechanisms for the prevention of violence. Together we can address this conflict. Our children and
young people have the right to an education without boundaries.

4). As a member of the community. Do you think it is possible to create focused groups to address the
phenomenon of school violence? Justify your answer.

Of course it is possible, and in fact since 2000 several groups have been created to help families and
Why it is important to optimize the possibility of creating and maintaining community networks to assist at-
risk adolescents and their families, and to prevent family, social and educational maladjustment behaviors
(violent, suicidal and self-destructive transgressive behaviors).

1). What are School Guidance Teams? Identify your functions and activities.

The School Guidance Teams are a resource of the educational institutions for the community. They are
responsible for guiding students and their families in the infant, primary and secondary stages. They are
organized in sectors, developing counseling, support and collaboration with teachers to improve the quality
of education, with special dedication to the needs and motivations of students.
The functions of these teams are: - To continuously support teachers in the adoption of procedures for
diversity and in tasks related to the modification and adaptation of curricular programs taking into account
the needs of the students and the phenomena of the family and social context. - Conduct psycho-
pedagogical evaluations of students with educational needs related to their own personal conditions of
personality or behavioral disorders, determination of the educational modality to be adopted and proposal
for the best performance of the student. - Promote the strengthening of the school-family-community link.
Through dialogue with families, the teacher can identify the problems that afflict their students.
The activities carried out by the School Guidance Teams are as follows:
 Technical and professional advice to teachers.
 Delimit problems.
 Particular diagnoses.
 Manage and organize training courses for the Elementary, Primary and Middle School levels.
 Intervention, care or guidance or tutoring.
 Prevention Projects.
 Receive requests from students in their educational stage, as well as from parents and teachers.
 Case follow-up.
 Outpatient Service (Specific treatments: Psychology, Psychopedagogy, Speech Therapy).
 Organizational/administrative tasks.

2). Do you believe that teacher training is necessary to improve your activity? Justify your answer.

The teaching profession is one of the most tightly organized in the world, and its organizations can play a
very influential role in many areas. It is desirable to improve the dialogue between teachers' organizations
and the authorities responsible for education. To obtain good results, teachers must be able to exercise a
wide range of pedagogical skills and possess human qualities, not only authority but also empathy, patience
and humility. If the first teacher a child encounters is insufficiently trained and poorly motivated, it is the
very foundations on which future learning must be built that will lack solidity. Improving the quality and
motivation of teachers should be a priority in all countries.
Continuing education programs should be developed so that each teacher can have frequent access to them,
particularly through appropriate communication technologies. Training should not necessarily take place
only within the educational system: a period of work or study in the social sector can also be beneficial,
helping to bring knowledge and technology closer together.

3). What are the strategies implemented by the School Guidance Teams to deal with the phenomenon of

- To build an open mechanism that implies being in an institutional, accessible place, inviting those who so
wish to come and share their concerns; in the event that the affected population are children, to propose
participation in expressive activities (drawing, writing, puppets).
- Articulate with institutional and/or community actors the realization of workshops that favor the processing
of grief (activities of plastic arts, music, literature, others).
- To promote the implementation of proposals that encourage the construction of institutional projects that
have to do with life, with the future, with collective construction (participation tables, proactive projects,
Orientation for Education and Work).
- Conduct group meetings, ensure respectful listening, and when necessary, provide individual support. It is
necessary to intervene thinking that everyone can give a meaning to this new situation, an elaboration,
bearing in mind that each person is different and may feel differently with respect to the same fact.
- To make the corresponding orientations to the health system, in case of needing a space for listening and
treatment to the nuclear and/or extended family (cousins, boyfriends/girlfriends, others).
- Evaluate the processes and make the necessary adjustments.

4). What is the communication structure through which the School Guidance Team participates in the
improvement of students' behaviors and activities?

The first actor involved in the orientation process is the teacher. When the teacher observes different
behaviors in any of his/her students or in the group, he/she must inform the Guidance Team. This is
responsible for evaluating the student(s) and communicating the situation to the parents. The relationship
with parents is based on variables that determine children's misbehavior: family coexistence,
communication, the affective relationship between parents and children, guidance to support school work at
home, the treatment of the phenomenon of violence, the relationship between children and the media, etc. To
this end, strategies and conditions (which are nothing more than intercommunication spaces) are formulated.

5). What are the instruments used by the School Guidance Teams for
collect pertinent information from students?

The most commonly used are: tests and inventories, observation techniques, checklists, rating scales,
interviews, sociometric techniques, questionnaires, case studies and others.

6). What are the basic conditions proposed by Díaz-Agudo for the prevention of violence and the positive
resolution of school conflicts?

1) To develop the educational link. The studies highlight a close relationship between the lack of an
educational link and violence, from which two key aspects for its prevention can be deduced:
developing the power of reference of the teaching staff and distributing academic protagonism,
power (the essence of democracy). Education can play a decisive role in the development of this
dimension, helping each student to define his or her own life (deciding on goals and the means to
achieve them, increasing the capacity to strive to achieve them, overcoming the obstacles that often
arise in this process). It should be taken into account that the meaning of the project improves
people's quality of life and the risk of reacting with destructive behaviors that deteriorate school
2) Overcoming the hidden curriculum. One of the main allies of the violence that occurs in schools is
what is called the hidden curriculum, which transmits expectations associated with the role of the
student (submission, obedience) that may contradict the objectives of the explicit curriculum
(autonomy, critical capacity). This hidden curriculum poses a threat to coexistence in the school by
generating situations of discrimination and harassment towards some students for being "different"
(belonging to another culture, not conforming to the sexist stereotype, having a disability, etc.) as a
consequence of the denial of difference or by perpetuating these aggressions due to the maintenance
of other implicit norms such as "look the other way or do nothing".

7). Summarize the strategies for the prevention of school violence.

 Strong and positive relationships with family members, teachers, school authorities, guidance teams.
 Adults can serve as role models and show children and youth that it is possible to succeed in life
without resorting to violence.
 Approach students and show interest in them, allowing them to express themselves freely.
 Encourage students to participate in recreational activities and campaigns against violence.
 Create a positive school environment that provides children and youth with the necessary tools to
handle conflicts in non-violent ways.
 A guidance team should be available to provide consultation and counseling to children and youth,
teachers, administrators, parents and the community in general.
 Communication and dialogue networks must be established.
 The school must enforce institutional standards. This allows students to understand the existence of
indispensable codes for a correct relationship among peers.

With all the material read and analyzed in the present course, determine the strategies
for dealing with school violence, to be carried out by the following actors. Develop
and establish opinions, according to each case.


 Strong and positive relationships with family members, teachers, school authorities, guidance teams.
 Adults can serve as role models and show children and youth that it is possible to succeed in life
without resorting to violence.
 Approach students and show interest in them, allowing them to express themselves freely.
 Encourage students to participate in recreational activities and campaigns against violence.
 Create a positive school environment that provides children and youth with the necessary tools to
handle conflicts in non-violent ways.
 A guidance team should be available to provide consultation and counseling to children and youth,
teachers, administrators, parents and the community in general.
 Communication and dialogue networks must be established.
 The school must enforce institutional standards. This allows students to understand the existence of
indispensable codes for a correct relationship between peers.

1. Provide support to parents, caregivers and their families.
2. Helping children and adolescents cope with risks and challenges.
3. Modify attitudes and social norms that foster violence and discrimination.
4. Promote and support services for children and youth.
5. Enforce laws and policies that protect children and youth.
6. Carry out data collection and research tasks.


- To build an open mechanism that implies being in an institutional, accessible place, inviting those who so
wish to come and share their concerns; in the event that the affected population are children, to propose
participation in expressive activities (drawing, writing, puppets).
- Articulate with institutional and/or community actors the realization of workshops that favor the processing
of grief (activities of plastic arts, music, literature, others).
- To promote the implementation of proposals that encourage the construction of institutional projects that
have to do with life, with the future, with collective construction (participation tables, proactive projects,
Orientation for Education and Work).
- Conduct group meetings, ensure respectful listening, and when necessary, provide individual support. It is
necessary to intervene thinking that everyone can give a meaning to this new situation, an elaboration,
bearing in mind that each person is different and may feel differently with respect to the same fact.
- To make the corresponding orientations to the health system, in case of needing a space for listening and
treatment to the nuclear and/or extended family (cousins, boyfriends/girlfriends, others).
- Evaluate the processes and make the necessary adjustments.

strategies that generate participation in the school for

teachers of School Guidance Teams.
Community-based intervention strategies for coping with
situations that affect the schooling of children and youth.

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