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Experiment : 1

Title : Hydrolysis of organic halogeno-compounds

Objective : The purpose of this experiment is to find out how the rate of hydrolysis of an organic halogen compound depends
(a) the identity of the halogen atom,
(b) the nature of the carbon-halogen 'Skeleton'.

Introduction : In this experiment, you compare the rates of hydrolysis of 1-chlorobutane, 1-bromobutane, 1-iodobutane and
chlorobenzene. A general equation for the hydrolysis is:

R–X + H2O → R–OH + H+ + X- (where R = alkyl or aryl group; X = halogen atom).

You can follow the rate of the reaction by carrying it out in the presence of silver ions, so that any halide ions
produced form a silver halide precipitate.

Ag+(aq) + X-(aq) → AgX(s)

Since halogenoalkanes and halogenoarenes are insoluble in water, ethanol is added to act as a common solvent for
the halogeno-compounds and silver ions.

Chemicals : Ethanol, 1-chlorobutane, 1-bromobutane, 1-iodobutane, chlorobenzene, 0.05 M silver nitrate solution, dilute
nitrc(V) acid

Apparatus : Stop-clock, 0–100 ºC thermometer,

Procedure : 1. Set up the apparatus shown in the figure.

2. In a clean boiling tube, mix 7 cm3 of ethanol, 1 cm3 of silver nitrate solution and 4 cm3 of dilute nitric acid.
3. Put the boiling tube holding the ethanol mixture into the water bath and heat to 60°C. Remove the Bunsen
4. Label four test tubes from A to D.
5. Add 3-4 drops of 1-chlorobutane to A, 3-4 drops of 1-bromobutane to B, 3-4 drops of 1-iodobutane to C and
3-4 drops of chlorobenzene to D. Stopper them all and stand the test tubes in the water bath.
6. Quickly add 2 cm3 of warmed ethanol mixture to each of the tubes A to D and start the stop watch. Shake each
tube once to mix the contents, and leave in the water with the cork resting loosely on the tube to reduce
7. Watch the tubes continuously for about ten minutes and note the time when a cloudy precipitate first appears
in each tube. If necessary, heat the water to 60 ºC again at intervals.
8. Continue observation at intervals for about 30 minutes more, noting any further changes in the appearance of
the precipitates.

Results :
Reaction Time for precipitate to appear Observations
A. 1-chlorobutane
B. 1-bromobutane
C. 1-iodobutane
D. chlorobenzene

Questions : 1. List the compounds in order of speed of hydrolysis, fastest first.

2. Suggest an explanation for this order in terms of the C-halogen bond energies.
3. . Write equations for the hydrolysis reactions which occur in this experiment.
Experiment : 2

Title : Reactions of aldehydes and ketones

Objective : The purpose of this experiment is to compare some reactions of ethanal and propanone.

Introduction : We have chosen ethanal and propanone as relatively safe examples of aldehydes and ketones to illustrate their
reactions in simple test-tube experiments.

The reactions or properties to be investigated are as follows:

A. Oxidation
B. Triiodomethane (iodoform) reaction
C. Addition
D. Condensation (Addition - elimination)

Chemicals : Saturated sodium hydrogensulphite solution, ethanal, propanone, 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine solution, 0.1 M
potassium dichromate(VI) solution, Fehling’s solution, 1 and 2, 0.05 M silver nitrate solution, 10% I2 in KI(aq)

1. Take 4 cm3 of 2,4-DNPH solution as stock and stopper the test tube when not in use.
2. Ethanal is very volatile with b.p. 21 ºC. The cap of the bottle must be replaced immediately after use.
Take 3 cm3 as your stock.

Apparatus :

Procedure : A. Oxidation reactions

(a) With Tollen's reagent

1. Put about 0.5 cm3 of 0.05 M AgNO3 into a very clean test-tube and 2 cm3 of distilled water, 1 drop of
2M sodium hydroxide solution..
2. Drop by drop, add ammonia solution until all the precipitate of brown silver oxide dissolves (do not
try to get rid of all the little black specks of silver oxide). Remember to shake the test tube
continuously during adding to avoid the addition of excessive ammonia.
3. Add one or two drops of ethanal, shake the tube gently and place in a beaker of warm water at about
50ºC (you should be able to keep your finger in it for a minute). Note your observations and
immediately rinse out the test-tube.
4. Repeat with propanone.

(b) With acidified potassium dichromate(VI)

1. Into a test-tube, put 5 drops of ethanal, 2 drops of potassium dichromate(VI) solution and 10 drops of
dilute sulphuric acid.
2. Shake the tube gently and warm in a beaker of hot water. Note your observations.
3. Repeat for propanone.

(c) With Fehling's solution

1. Into a test-tube, put about 1 cm3 of Fehling's solution A and then add Fehling's solution B dropwise
until the precipitate just dissolves. If no precipitate is formed, just mix 1 cm3 of solution A with 1 cm3
of solution B.
2. Add about 5 drops of ethanal. Shake the tube gently and place in a beaker of boiling water for five to
ten minutes - until no further colour change occurs. Note your observations.
3. Repeat for propanone.

B. Triiodomethane reaction

1. Into a test-tube, place five drops of ethanal followed by 1 cm3 of iodine solution, cork and shake.
2. Add dilute sodium hydroxide solution dropwise until a light brown solution remains.
3. Warm the solution gently. Note your observations.
4. Repeat with propanone.

C. Addition reaction with sodium hydrogensulphite

1. Pour about 2 cm3 of saturated sodium hydrogensulphite solution into a test-tube. Point the tube away
from you and add, drop by drop, a 0.5 cm3 of ethanal.
2. Shake the tube gently and cool under a stream of cold water. Note your observations in a copy of Results
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 using propanone instead of ethanal.
D. Condensation reaction with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine

1. Put about 2 cm3 of 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine solution in a test-tube and add 1-2 drops of ethanal . Note
your observations.
2. Repeat for propanone.

Results :

Test Ethanal Propanone

Experimental Expected Experimental Expected
result observation result observation
A. Oxidation reactions
(a) Tollen's reagent
(b) Acidified dichromate(VI)
(c) Fehling's solution
B. Triiodomethane reaction
C. Addition reaction with sodium
D. Condensation reaction with 2,4-

Questions : 1. Which tests serve to distinguish between ethanal and propanone?

2. Which reagent could be used as a general test for a carbonyl compound?
Experiment : 3

Title : Identification of a Carbonyl Compound by Preparing its Derivative

Introduction : Crystalline derivatives of many carbonyl compounds can be formed by condensation reactions with
compounds such as phenylhydrazine and 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine. These derivatives can usually be isolated in
relatively pure forms which have well defined melting points. Phenylhydrazine forms derivatives
(phenylhydrazones) readily with aromatic aldehydes, but in general 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine is preferred
because its derivatives (2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazones) have higher melting points and are less soluble. These
derivatives are useful in identification of carbonyl compounds.

Chemicals : 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine in methanol, ethanol, methanol, carbonyl compound labelled X (different groups of
students may work on different carbonyl compounds), dilute H2SO4

Apparatus : Beaker, 100 cm3 measuring cylinder, apparatus for melting point determination, apparatus for suction filtration,
rubber rings (cut from a rubber tubing of appropriate diameter), ice bath

Procedure : [Hazard Warning: Methanol and the solution of 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine is flammable and toxic, methanol,
ethanol and many carbonyl compounds are flammable, and bench dilute sulphuric(VI) acid is corrosive.]

A. Preparation of 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone of compound X

1. Add 10 drops of compound X to 5 cm3 of 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine solution in a 50 cm3 beaker. If

crystals are not formed, add about 1 cm3 of dilute sulphuric(VI) acid. If they are still not formed, warm the
mixture gently, then cool with scratching in ice bath.
2. Filter off the crystals by suction filtration. While still on suction, wash the crystals with 1 cm3 of
3. Recrystallize the crystals from hot ethanol as follows:
(a) Prepare a 150 cm3 of boiling water a 250 cm3 beaker.
(b) Add 30 cm3 of warm ethanol to the crystals in a 100 cm3 beaker. Put the beaker into the water bath
with the bunsen burner switched off to dissolve all the crystals to form a clear solution.
(c) If the crystals do not dissolve completely, add more warm ethanol 1 cm3 at a time until all crystals
dissolves. Keep the solution hot by putting the beaker in the water bath while dissolving.
(d) Boil the water bath gently in order to concentrate the solution until the volume of the solution is
reduced by half or the crystal starts to appear. Don't heat the water bath too strongly otherwise the
ethanol vapour coming out may catch fire.
(e) Remove the beaker from the water bath and stand on a heat resistant mat until it cools down to room
(f) Cool the solution in a cold water bath.
(g) Cool the solution in an ice bath.
(h) Filter the crystals by suction. Finally, wash the crystals with a few drops of cold ethanol. Dry the
crystals by drawing air through them for a few minutes.
4. Spread the crystals on a dry watch glass and dry them over a heated metal plate with the bunsen burner
switched off.

B. Determination of the melting point of the 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone of compound X

1. Introduce a small amount of the crystals into a melting point tube until a total length of about 2 cm is
compacted at the bottom of the tube.
2. Attach the prepared melting point tube to the thermometer, as shown in Figure 1. Keep the rubber ring
close to the end of the melting point tube.
3. Half-fill a boiling tube with paraffin oil, and position the thermometer with attached tube and the stirrer as
shown in Figure 2. Keep the opening of the melting point tube and the rubber ring above the surface of
paraffin oil.
4. Position the apparatus over a low Bunsen flame and gauze and gently heat the apparatus, stirring the
paraffin oil all the time by moving the stirrer up and down.
5. Note the temperatures when the crystals start to melt and when the melting is completed.

6. Compare the melting point of the crystals with the values given in the following table and thus identify
compound X.
Name Formula Boiling point Melting point of 2,4-
/ °C dinitrophenylhydrazone / ºC
methanal HCHO 21 167
ethanal CH3CHO 21 146, 164 (2 forms)
propanal CH3CH2CHO 48 156
butanal CH3CH2CH2CHO 75 123
2-methylpropanal (CH3)2CHCHO 64 187
benzaldehyde C6H5CHO 178 237
propanone CH3COCH3 56 128
butanone CH3CH2COCH3 80 115
pentan-2-one CH3CH2CH2COCH3 102 141
pentan-3-one CH3CH2COCH2CH3 102 156
hexan-2-one CH3CH2CH2CH2COCH3 128 107
4-methylpentan-2-one (CH3)2CHCH2COCH3 117 95
cyclohexanone 156 162

Questions : 1. What soluble impurities may be present in your product before recrystallization? How can they be removed in
the recrystallization process?
2. What factors should be considered in selecting a suitable solvent in the recrystallization step?
3. In the recrystallization procedure, why were the crystals dissolved in only the minimum amount of hot
4. If the sample contains insoluble impurities such as pieces of filter paper, cork, etc., suggest how they can be
5. If the melting point of the 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone is 156 °C, suggest how you can confirm whether
compound X is propanal or pentan-3-one.
Experiment : 4
Title : Chemical properties of carboxylic acids

Objective : The purpose of this experiment is to see if carboxylic acids show the typical reactions both of alcohols and of
carbonyl compounds.

Introduction You will be carrying out some test-tube reactions on ethanoic acid. Ethanoic acid melts at 17ºC and therefore
: freezes in cold weather. Because solid ethanoic acid looks like ice, it is often described as 'glacial'. The reactions
to be investigated are:

A pH of aqueous solution.

B Reaction with sodium hydrogencarbonate solution.

C Reaction with sodium.

D Reaction with phosphorus pentachloride.

E Reaction with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine.

F Triiodomethane (iodoform) reaction.

Chemicals : Universal indicator, glacial ethanoic acid, saturated sodium hydrogencarbonate solution, limewater, sodium,
phosphorus pentachloride, 2 M ammonia solution, 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine solution, 10% I2 in KI(aq), 2 M
sodium hydroxide, sodium ethanoate, 0.1 M iron(III) chloride solution

Apparatus : Forceps, filter papers, wood splint, spatula, safety spectacles, delivery tube with cork

Procedure : A. pH of aqueous solution

1. Into a test-tube, pour about 2 cm3 of distilled water and one drop of universal indicator solution. Shake
2. Add a few drops of glacial ethanoic acid, shake gently and note your observations in the Table.

B. Reaction with sodium hydrogencarbonate solution

Into a test-tube, add about 1 cm3 of sodium hydrogencarbonate solution followed by a few drops of glacial
ethanoic acid. Shake gently and test any gas produced.

C. Reaction with sodium (THE TEST TUBE MUST BE DRY.)

1. Pour about 2 cm3 of glacial ethanoic acid in an absolutely dry test tube..
2. Using forceps, pick up a 1 mm cube of sodium and blot it free of oil on some filter paper.
3. Drop the clean piece of sodium into the glacial ethanoic acid. Test any gas evolved and note your
observations. Do not wash away the mixture until you are sure that the sodium has reacted completely.
If some sodium remain unreacted, add a little more glacial ethanoic acid; on no account add water.

D. Reaction with phosphorus pentachloride

1. Place 1 cm3 of ammonia solution in a test tube.

2. Pour about 1 cm3 of glacial ethanoic acid into another dry test-tube.
2. A little at a time, carefully add a spatula-measure of phosphorus pentachloride into the test tube
containing ethanoic acid. Bring the mouth of the test tube containing ammonia to the mouth of the tube
containing ethanoic acid and note your observations.

E. Reaction with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine

Into a test-tube, pour about 2 cm3 of 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine solution and about 5 drops of glacial ethanoic
acid. Shake gently and note your observations.

F. Triiodomethane (iodoform) reaction

Into a test-tube, place ten drops of iodine solution, and five drops of glacial ethanoic acid, followed by a few
drops of sodium hydroxide solution until a light brown solution remains. Warm the solution gently. Shake
the tube gently and note your observations.
Results :
Reaction Experimental result Expected observation
A. pH of aqueous solution
B. Reaction with sodium hydrogencarbonate
C. Reaction with sodium
D. Reaction with phosphorus pentachloride
E. Reaction with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine
F. Triiodomethane reaction

Questions : 1. Does ethanoic acid more closely resemble hydroxyl or carbonyl compounds in its reactions? Explain.
2. Which test indicates that ethanoic acid is a stronger acid than phenol?
3. Explain the fact that ethanoic acid is very soluble in water, whereas benzoic acid, C6H5CO2H, a solid, is only
slightly soluble in water.
Experiment : 5

Title : Properties of amines

Objective : To investigate the properties of amines

Introduction Amines are an important class of nitrogen containing organic compounds. They can be regarded as derivatives of
: ammonia in which one or more of the hydrogen atoms in ammonia are replaced by alkyl or aryl groups.
Compounds containing the –NH2 group are important in the manufacture of drugs, dyes and nylon.

In this practical, the difference between ammonia, alkylamine and aromatic amine are compared.

Ammonia solution or ammonium salt is used for ammonia. Ethanamine is chosen for alkylamine because it is a
liquid. Aniline is chosen for aromatic amine because it is also a liquid. It is colourless when pure but is likely to be
coloured due to atmospheric oxidation.

Compare the difference in

1. basic strength
2. solubility in neutral, acidic and alkaline medium
3. reaction with nitric(III) acid at 0ºC and formation of diazo dye

(Prepare a data sheet with all the expected observations listed in advance)

Chemicals : ethanamine, bezenamine (anilne), NH4Cl(s), NaNO2(s), conc. HCl(aq), ice, phenol, bromine water,
dil. hydrochloric acid, conc, hydrochloric acid, 1M sodium hydroxide.
Apparatus :

Procedure : [Hazard Warning: Aniline is toxic and harmful because of skin absorption, ethanamine is an irritant and is
extremely flammable. Avoid all skin contact.]

A. Reaction with water and basic strength.

1. Place 2 cm3 of ammonia solution in a test tube

2. Shake 1 drop of ethanamine and 1 drop to benzenamine separately with 2cm3 of water in two other test
tubes. Test each of these solutions with pH paper.

B. Reaction with dilute hydrochloric acid

1. Place 1 cm3 of ammonia solution in a test tube. Add 2cm3 of dilute hydrochloric acid.
2. In another test tube, shake 2 drops of ethanamine with 1cm3 of water. To the solution, add concentrated
hydrochloric acid dropwise with constant shaking until a clear solution is obtained.
3. Then, add 1M sodium hydroxide to the solution prepared dropwise, with the aid of pH paper, until the
mixture is alkaline. Note any change observed.
4. Repeat step 2 & 3 using 1 drop of benzenamine

C. Reaction with nitric(III) acid

(The preparation of HNO2 should be done at a very low temperature, otherwise it will decompose into NO2)

1. Dissolve a small spatula measure of ammonium chloride in 3 cm3 of water, warm if necessary. Cool
down the solution in an ice bath. Add a small spatula measure of solid sodium nitrite to the solution
prepared. Observe any change.
2. In another test tube, put 2 drops of ethanamine and add concentrated hydrochloric acid dropwise until a
clear solution is formed. Dilute the mixture to 3 cm3 with water and cool down the solution. Add a
spatula measure of sodium nitrite.
3. Repeat step 2 using 1 drop of bezenamine in place of ethanamine.

D. Preparation of diazonium salt and azo dye

1. Make a solution of 1 drop of bezenamine in 2 cm3 of dilute hydrochloric acid and add it to about 5 cm3 of
crushed ice / water mixture at 5 – 10°C. Add to this mixture a spatula measure of sodium nitrate(III) and
stir well to ensure that the solid dissolves.
2. Dissolve a spatula measure of phenol (Corrosive - avoid skin contact) in 2 cm3 of dilute sodium
hydroxide solution. Cool this solution to below 5°C and add the diazonium solution prepared in step 1
drop by drop.
3. Repeat step 1 and 2 using 2 drops of ethanaime in place of benzenamine.
4. Repeat step 1 and 2 using 1 cm3 of ammonia solution in place of benzenamine

Results : Draw a table to compare the differences in properties of ammonia (or ammonium salt), aliphatic amine and
aromatic amine.
Experiment 6

Title : Reactions of benzene, methylbenzene and nitrobenzene

Introduction Benzene is unsaturated compound. With the presence of p electrons, it is an ideal substrate of electrophilic
: substitution. Depending on the presence of different substituent, the reactivity of the aromatic ring may be
enhanced or suppressed.

Precaution : Benzene is a toxic and carcinogenic substance, Avoid contact with its liquid and do not inhale its

Nitrobenzene is a pale yellow liquid, insoluble in water and has a characteristic odour of bitter almond. Despite of
its pleasant smell, nitrobenzene is poisonous.

(Prepare a data sheet with all the expected observations listed in advance)

Chemicals : Benzene, methylbenzene, nitrobenzene

Apparatus :

Procedure : A. Reactivity of benzene and methylbenzene

1. Bromination
To 10 drops of benzene in a test tube, add 1 cm3 of bromine water. Shake well. Is there any observable
To the same test tube, add a little iron filing. Is there any observable change?

2. Reaction of KMnO4
To 1 cm3 of acidified KMnO4(aq) solution, add 1 cm3 of benzene, Shake well. Is there any observable change?
Warm the test tube gently. Is there any observable change?

3. Nitration
Place 0.5 cm3 of conc. HNO3(aq) in a test tube. Add 0.5 cm3 of conc. H2SO4, shake and cool the test tube under
a stream of cold water. Add 5 drops of benzene into the mixed acid with cooling under a stream of cold water.
Allow the mixture to stand for a few minutes. Is there any observable change?

4. Sulphonation
Place 6 drops of benzene in a test tube and then add 15 drops of conc. H2SO4. Warm the test tube gently until
the benzene has dissolved into the acid layer. Pour the mixture into a small beaker containing 10 cm3 of cold
satturated solution of sodium chloride. Is there any observable change?

Repeat procedure 1 to 4 by using methylbenzene instead of benzene.

B. Reaction of nitrobenzene

1. Reduction with tin/hydrochloric acid

Place 1 drops of nitrobenzene in a test tube, add 1 cm3 of water and then 1 cm3 of concentrated HCl, followed
by 2 or 3 small pieces of tin. Warm with vigorous shaking. The benzenammonium chloride formed will be
dissolved in the aqueous layer.
Make the solution alkaline by adding sufficient dilute sodium hydroxide solution to liberate the benzenamine

2. Reduction with zinc/ethanoic acid

Repeat the reduction of nitrobenzene, using zinc dust and glacial ethanoic acid instead of tin and hydrocloric
acid. Heating is not required.

Questions : 1. In general, is benzene or methylbenzene more reactive towards electrophilic substrate? Why is it more reactive
than the other one? Explain briefly.
Data Sheet
Name : ________________________ Class : __________ Class No : _________ Date of Experiment : _____________________

Appearance of chemicals
Chemical Form Colour Transparency

e.g. bromine water / lime water Solution / powder / granule Blue / red / yellowish grey Clear / milky / cloudy / opaque

Reaction Observation

Bromination of benzene

Bromination of

Reaction of KMnO4
with benzene

Reaction of KMnO4
with methylbenzene

Nitration of benzene

Nitration of

Sulphonation of benzene

Sulphonation of

Reduction of
nitrobenzene with
tin/hydrochloric acid

Reduction of
nitrobenzene with
zinc/ethanoic acid
Experiment 7

Title : Properties of aliphatic and aromatic hydroxyl compounds

Objective : To investigate the chemical properties of alkanol and phenol

Introduction Alkanol and phenol both contain the same functional group – hydroxyl group (–OH). However, their properties
: differ significantly from each other. The following experiments aim at investigating their chemical properties.
(Note: Ethanol is taken as a representative for its homologous series.)

Chemicals : 95% or absolute ethanol, pH paper, sodium metal, ethanoic acid, conc. H2SO4(l), phosphorus pentachloride,
K2Cr2O7(aq), I2/KI(aq), phenol, conc. HCl(aq), neutral FeCl3(aq), bromine water.

Apparatus : wooden splint

Procedure : [Hazard Warning: Phenol is corrosive, when using it, take care that solid phenol or a concentrated solution of it
does not fall on skin. Phenol would be absorbed into body through skin.]

A. Chemical properties of alkanol

1. Solubility and pH
Mix 5 cm3 of water and 1 cm3 of ethanol in a test tube. Test the pH of the solution.
(Only a drop of solution should be used to wet the pH paper, don't drop the pH paper into the test tube.)

2. Reaction with sodium

Add a SMALL pellet of sodium to 1 cm3 of absolute ethanol. Test for the gas evolved and find the pH of
the remaining solution.

3. Reaction with organic acid – Esterification

Warm a mixture of 10 drops of ethanol and 5 drops of ethanoic acid with 5 drops of concentrated
sulphuric acid for a minute. Pour the contents of the test-tube into about 30 cm3 of water in a beaker, and
smell the content cautiously.

4. Reaction with phosphorus pentachloride

Add a little phosphorus pentachloride to 1 cm3 ethanol. Put a glass rod soaked with aqueous ammonia
solution to the mouth of the test-tube.

5. Oxidation
To 10 drops of ethanol, add 10 drops of dilute sulphuric acid and 5 drops of dilute potassium dichromate
solution. Warm the mixture gently and smell the product carefully.

6. Iodoform test
To 1 cm3 of ethanol, add 1 cm3 of iodine in potassium iodide solution and then dilute sodium hydroxide
solution dropwise until the colour of iodine becomes light brown in colour. Shake the content and allow
the mixture to stand and observe any precipitate formed.

B. Chemical properties of phenol

1. Solubility and pH
Add a few small crystals of phenol in 5 cm3 of water and shake vigorously. Note the characteristic smell
of phenol and test the pH of the solution.

2. Reaction with sodium hydroxide

To about 5 cm3 of 2 M sodium hydroxide solution, add a few phenol crystals, and notice how much more
easily they dissolve in alkali than in water. Now add about 2 cm3 of concentrated hydrochloric acid. Note
the change.

3. Reaction with sodium

Place a few crystals (1 cm of height) of phenol in a DRY test-tube and warm them until they are molten.
Add a SMALL cube of sodium quickly and watch carefully. DO NOT heat the tube continuously. Note
the change.
(The addition of sodium must be done immediately otherwise the molten phenol will solidified again.)
4. Reaction with iron(III) chloride
To a small portion of an aqueous solution of phenol, add a few drops of neutral iron(III) chloride solution.
Note the colour of the mixture.

5. Reaction with bromine water

Dissolve a two drops of phenol solution in 2 cm3 water. Shake and warm the solution. Allow to cool and
add bromine water dropwise and note any precipitate formed.

N.B. Aqueous solution of phenol is prepared by dissolving a very small amount of phenol is water.

Results : Tabulate the results of Part A and B as the suggested format below:

Treatment Experimental result Expected observation

Questions :
English Name : _________________________ Chinese Name : ____________________ Class : _____ Class no. : _____

Title of Experiment : __________________________________________________ Date of experiment : ____________________

Test (with brief description) Expected Observation Observed Change

1. Acidity of phenol i. Phenol solution will turn universal
indicator red.
ii. Ethanol solution will not change the
colour of universal indicator.
2. Solubility of phenol
i. Addition of dil. i. The phenol layer will dissolve.
NaOH(aq) ii. The phenol layer will reform.
ii. Addition of dil. HCl(aq)
Experiment : 8

Title : Investigating the properties of Period 3 chlorides

Objective : The purpose of this experiment is to study the chlorides of Period 3 elements and classify them according to
structural type and bonding.

Introduction : You first examine the appearance of each compound and then you find out whether it dissolves in water and/or
hexane. If it does dissolve you may detect a temperature change. In general, a small temperature change indicates a
physical process and a large one a chemical process. This will help you to distinguish between the physical process
of dissolving and the chemical one of hydrolysis when you add these substances to water. You also determine any
pH changes that take place when you mix the chlorides with water. A decrease in pH indicates that hydrolysis has
taken place. Finally, you consider physical data for each compound and reach a conclusion about its structure and

Chemicals : universal indicator solution and colour chart, pH paper to cover the range 1 to 7, ammonia solution 0.880 NH3,
sodium chloride NaCl, magnesium chloride MgCl2, aluminium chloride AlCl3 (anhydrous if possible),
silicon tetrachloride SiCl4, phosphorus trichloride PCl3, disulphur dichloride S2Cl2, hexane C6H14

Many of the chlorides in this experiment react vigorously with water. SiCl4, PCl3 and S2Cl2 are corrosive and

Apparatus : safety spectacles, protective gloves, access to fume-cupboard, 14 test-tubes (6 must be dry), test-tube rack,
2 measuring cylinders 10 cm3 (1 must be dry), distilled water, thermometer, 0-100 °C, spatula,
organic residues bottle

Procedure : A. Appearance
Examine the chloride samples provided and, in a larger copy of Results Table, note for each:
(a) whether it is solid, liquid or gaseous,(b) its colour (if any).

B. On mixing with water

1. Set up seven test-tubes, side by side.
2. Into each test-tube pour about 5 cm3 of distilled water.
3. In the first test-tube place a thermometer.
(a) Note the temperature.
(b) Add half a spatula-tip of sodium chloride and very carefully stir with the thermometer.
(c) Note, after about one minute, (i) the temperature, (ii) whether the solid has dissolved and (iii) anything
else you see. For example, is gas evolved at any time? If so, if the gas acidic? Can you identify it using a
simple test?
(d) Add 2-4 drops of universal indicator solution, or use a piece of pH paper, compare the colour with the
chart provided, and note the pH indicated.
4. Repeat (but with more care!) the above steps 3.(a) - (d) using, in turn, magnesium chloride, aluminium
chloride, silicon tetrachloride (2 drops), phosphorus trichloride (2 drops), and disulphur dichloride (2 drops).
5. Measure the pH of the water in the seventh test-tube by adding 2-4 drops of universal indicator solution or by
using pH paper, for comparison with the above.
C. On mixing with hexane
1. Set up another six test-tubes, side by side. These must be dry.
2. Into each test-tube pour about 5 cm3 of hexane.
3. In the first test-tube place a thermometer.(a) Note the temperature.
(b) Add half a spatula-tip of sodium chloride and stir very carefully with the thermometer,
(c) Note, after about one minute, (i) the temperature, (ii) whether the solid dissolves and (iii) anything else
you see.[Dispose of hexane by pouring into the residue bottle provided.)
4. Repeat the above steps 3.(a) - (c] using, in turn, magnesium chloride, aluminium chloride, silicon tetrachloride
(2 drops), phosphorus trichloride (2 drops), and disulphur dichloride (2 drops).
Results : Make an enlarged table similar to the following on to record your observations.

NaCl MgCl2 AlCl3 SiCl4 PCl3 S2Cl2

On mixing with water
Initial temperature
Final temperature
Does it dissolve ?
pH of solution
Other observation(s) (if any)

On mixing with hexane

Initial temperature
Final temperature
Does it dissolve ?
Other observation(s) (if any)

Questions : Write the equations with relevant observation for all reactions taken place.
Experiment : 9

Title : Investigating the properties of Period 3 oxides

Objective : The purpose of this experiment is to examine the oxides of Period 3 elements and describe their structure and

Introduction :

Chemicals : universal indicator solution and colour chart, pH paper, magnesium oxide MgO, aluminium oxide
Al2O3,phosphorus(V) oxide P4O10, silicon(IV) oxide, SiO2, sodium sulphate(IV), dil. sulphuric acid

Apparatus : safety spectacles, access to a fume cupboard, 7 test-tubes, test-tube rack, 1 measuring cylinder 10 cm3,
1 measuring cylinder 100 cm3, distilled water, thermometer. 0-100 °C, 1 spatula, teat-pipette, splints,
bung and delivery tube

Procedure : A. AppearanceExamine your oxide samples, and in a larger copy of Results Table note for each:
(a) whether it is solid, liquid or gaseous,
(b) its colour (if any).
B. On mixing with water1. Set up six test-tubes, side by side.
2. Into each tube pour about 5 cm3 of distilled water,
3. In the first test-tube place a thermometer.
(a) Note the temperature.
(b) Add half a spatula-tip of sodium peroxide and stir carefully with the thermometer.
(c) Note after about one minute, (i) the temperature, (ii) whether the solid has dissolved and (iii) anything else
you see. For example, is gas evolved at any time? If so, is the gas acidic? Can you identify it using a
simple test?
(d) Add 2-4 drops of universal indicator solution, compare the colour with the chart provided, and note the
pH indicated, or use a piece of pH paper.
4. Repeat the above steps 3.(a)-(d) using, in turn, magnesium oxide, aluminium oxide, silicon(IV) oxide and
phosphorus(V) oxide.
5. Measure the pH of the water in the sixth test-tube by adding 2-4 drops of universal indicator solution for
comparison with the above.
6. Bubble sulphur dioxide slowly through the water in the sixth test tube until there is no further change in the
colour of the indicator. Note the final pH of the solution. (You have to generate sulphur dioxide by adding dil.
sulphuric acid to sodium sulphate(IV) in a boiling tube.)

7. To test the solubility of sulphur dioxide lower the delivery tube from your generator to the bottom of the 100
cm3 measuring cylinder filled with water. Pass a slow steady stream of gas through the water and when the air
has been expelled from your apparatus look for a change in the size of the sulphur dioxide gas bubbles as they
rise up through the water.

Results : Make an enlarged table to Na2O2 MgO Al2O3 SiO2 P4O10 SO2
(not available)
record the observation
On mixing with water
Initial temperature
Final temperature
Does it dissolve ?
pH of solution
Other observation(s) (if any)

Questions : 1. Write equations for the oxide-water reactions which took place.
2. Comment on the change in structure and bonding in the Period 3 oxides.3. How does the acid-base nature of
these oxides change across the period?
4. Can you relate this change to the change in structure and bonding that takes place along the period?
Experiment : 10

Title : Determination of Dissolved Oxygen in a Water Sample ( Winkler Method )

Objective : To determine the dissolved oxygen content in a water sample

Introduction : In an alkaline solution , dissolved oxygen will oxidize manganese(II) to the trivalent state.

8OH-(aq) + 4Mn2+(aq) + O2(aq) + 2H2O(l) → 4Mn(OH)3(s)

The analysis is completed by titrating the iodine produced from potassium iodide by manganese(III) hydroxides.

2Mn(OH)3(s) + 2I-(aq) + 6H+(aq) → 2Mn2+(aq) + I2(aq) + 6H2O(l)

Sodium thiosulphate is used as the titrant.

Success of the method is critically dependent upon the manner in which the sample is manipulated. At all
stages , every method must be made to assure that oxygen is neither introduced to nor lost from the sample.
Furthermore , the sample must be free of any solutes that will oxidized or reduce iodine.

Chemicals : Manganese(II) sulphate solution – prepared by dissolving 48 g of MnSO4 . 4H2O in water to give 100 cm3
solution ; alkaline potassium iodide solution – prepared by dissolving 15 g of KI in about 25 cm3 of water , adding
66 cm3 of 50 % NaOH , and diluting to 100 cm3 ; concentrated sulphuric acid ; 0.0125 M sodium thiosulphate
solution ; starch solution ( freshly prepared )

Apparatus : Titration apparatus , magnetic stirrer

Procedure : 1. Use a 250 cm3 volumetric flask to collect a water sample. Fill the flask completely with water without trapping
any gas bubbles.

2. Place the volumetric flask in a plastic basin. Add 1 cm3 of manganese(II) sulphate solution to the sample using
a pipette. Discharge the solution at a depth 3 cm below the surface ( some overflow will occur ).

3. Similarly introduce 1 cm3 of alkaline potassium iodide solution. Close the flask and be sure that no air
becomes entrapped. Invert the bottle to distribute the precipitate uniformly.
[Hazard Warning : Care should be taken to avoid exposure to any overflow , as the solution is quite
alkaline. ]

4. When the precipitate has settled at least 3 cm below the stopper , introduce 1 cm3 of concentrated sulphuric
acid well below the surface. Replace the stopper and carefully mix until the precipitate disappears. A magnetic
stirrer is helpful here.

5. Allow the mixture to stand for 5 minutes and then withdraw 100 cm3 of the acidified sample into a 250 cm3
conical flask.

6. Titrate with 0.0125 M sodium thiosulphate until the iodine colour becomes faint. Then , add 1 cm3 starch
solution , and continue adding the thiosulphate solution until the blue colour disappears.

7. Record the volume of thiosulphate used and calculate the dissolved oxygen content in the sample in mg dm- 3 .
Experiment : 11

Title : Illustrating the oxidation states of vanadium

Objective : The purpose of this experiment is to illustrate the presence of several different oxidation states for vanadium, and
to show how it is possible to change from one oxidation state to another.

Introduction : Starting with a solution containing vanadium(V) in acid conditions, you use powdered zinc as a reducing agent.
Colour changes indicate the formation of other oxidation states. After this first series of reactions you perform
some changes between oxidation states by using a variety of oxidizing and reducing agents.

Chemicals : ammonium polytrioxovanadate(V), NH4VO3 (ammonium metavanadate), dilute sulphuric acid 1 M H2SO4,
concentrated sulphuric acid H2SO4, zinc dust Zn,
potassium manganate(VII) solution 0.02 M KMnO4 (permanganate), sodium sulphite, Na2SO3,potassium iodide
solution 0.05 M KI, sodium thiosulphate solution, 0.1 M Na2S2O3

Apparatus : safety spectacles and gloves, conical flask 100 cm3, spatula measuring cylinder 25 cm3,
5 test-tubes, test-tube holder, test-tube rack, Bunsen burner, tripod, gauze and bench mat, filter funnel and paper,
wash-bottle of distilled water

Procedure : First complete a copy of the following table to assist you in identifying the different oxidation states of vanadium.

Ion (hydrated) *VO2+ VO2+ V3+ V2+

Colour yellow blue green violet
Oxidation state
The VO3- ion in the ammonium salt is converted to VO2+ by acid: VO3-(aq) + 2H+(aq) d VO2+(aq) + H2O(l)

1. Place about 0.25 g (one spatula measure) of ammonium trioxovanadate(V) in a conical flask and add about 25
cm3 of dilute sulphuric acid. Carefully add about 5 cm3 of concentrated sulphuric acid and swirl the flask until
you obtain a clear yellow solution.
2. Pour about 2 cm3 of this vanadium(V) solution into each of two test tubes ready for later tests.
3. To the conical flask add 1 - 2 g (one spatula measure) of zinc dust, a little at a time. Swirl the flask at intervals
and record any observed colour changes in the Results Table.
4. When the solution has become violet (you may need to heat the flask for this final change), filter about 2 cm3
into each of three test-tubes.
5. To one of the three tubes add, a little at a time, an excess of acidified potassium manganate(VII) solution,
shaking after each addition, until no further change is observed.
6. To one of the tubes containing vanadium(V) add a little sodium sulphite and shake. Filter if cloudy. Now boil
carefully (at a fume cupboard) to remove excess sulphur dioxide and add about the same volume of the
vanadium(II) solution. Record your observations.
8. To the second of the tubes containing vanadium(V), add about 2 cm3 potassium iodide solution and mix. Then
add about 2 cm3 of sodium thiosulphate solution. Record your observations.
9. Prepare V(III), V(IV) from V(II) by mixing appropriate oxidizing agents to two separate test tube containing
V(II). Record your observations.

Results : Test Observations Summary of reaction

Ammonium vanadate + acid White solid dissolved to a yellow VO3- → VO2+
Vanadium(V) + zinc
Vanadium(II) +
manganate(VII) dropwise
until excess
Vanadium(V) + sulphite
Add vanadium(II)
Vanadium[V] + iodide
+ thiosulphate
Vanadium(II) + ....................
Questions : 1. How do you explain the first appearance of a green colour in the solution?
2. What are the subsequent changes in colour observed in preparation of V(II) and why do these changes occur?
3. What did you observe when you added iodide ions to vanadium(V)? What caused this colour?
4. Why did you add sodium thiosulphate?
5. Why does reduction with iodide not give the same result as reduction with zinc?
6. What did you observe when you added sulphite ions to acidified vanadium(V) solution? Does this result
correspond with a prediction made using the Eo values? (Hint: sulphite ions and acid react to give what?)
7. How would you set about finding a suitable oxidizing agent for the oxidation of vanadium(II) to vanadium(III)
and no further? Does one appear in the table above?

You may need the following electrode potentials in order to answer some of the questions:
Zn2+(aq) + 2e- d Zn(s) Eo = -0.76 V
V3+(aq) + e- d V2+(aq) Eo = -0.26 V
VO2+(aq) + 2H+(aq) + e- d V3+(aq) + H2O(l) Eo = +0.34 V
VO2+(aq) + 2H+(aq) + e- d VO2+(aq) + H2O(l) Eo = +1.00 V
SO42-(aq) + 4H+(aq) + 2e- d H2SO3(aq) + H2O(l) Eo = +0.17 V
I2(aq) + 2e- d 2I-(aq) Eo = +0.54 V
Experiment : 12

Title : Illustrating the oxidation states of manganese

Objective : The purpose of this experiment is to make samples of some of the less common oxidation states of manganese,
using methods predicted in the next three exercises.

Introduction : Exercise 1
Predict the feasibility of making Mn(VI) from Mn(VII) and Mn(IV) under conditions of varying pH. Use these
electrode potentials:
2MnO4-(aq) + 2e- d 2MnO42-(aq); Eo = 0.56 V
MnO42-(aq) + 4H+(aq) + 2e- d MnO2(s) + 2H2O(l); Eo = 2.26 V
MnO42-(aq) + 2H2O(l) + 2e- d MnO2(s) + 4OH-(aq); Eo = 0.60 V
Exercise 2
Predict the feasibility of making Mn(III) from Mn(II) and Mn(IV) under conditions of varying pH. Use these
electrode potentials:
MnO2(s) + 4H+(aq) + e- d Mn3+(aq) + 2H2O(l); Eo = 0.95 V
Mn3+(aq) + e- d Mn2+(aq); Eo = 1.51 V
Mn(OH)3(s) + e- d Mn(OH)2(s) + OH-(aq); Eo = -0.10 V
MnO2(s) + 2H2O(l) + e- d Mn(OH)3(s) + OH-(aq); Eo = 0.20 V
Exercise 3
Predict the feasibility of making Mn(III) from Mn(II) and Mn(VII) in acid conditions. The relevant half-cell
potentials are:
Mn3+(aq) + e- d Mn2+(aq); Eo = 1.51 V
MnO4-(aq) + 8H+(aq) + 5e- d Mn2+(aq) + 4H2O(l); Eo = 1.50 V

Chemicals : potassium manganate(VII) (permanganate) solution 0.01 M KMnO4, dil. sulphuric acid 1 M H2SO4,
sodium hydroxide solution 2 M NaOH, manganese(IV) oxide (manganese dioxide) MnO2,manganese(II) sulphate-
4-water, MnSO4·4H2O, sulphuric acid, concentrated, H2SO4
Apparatus : safety spectacles and protective gloves, 6 test-tubes and rack, stirring rod, filter funnel and filter paper,
wash-bottle of distilled water

Procedure : Part A Making Mn(VI) from Mn(VII) and Mn(IV)

Refer to Exercise 1 on the previous page in which you predicted that it should be possible to make Mn(VI) from
Mn(VII) and Mn(IV).
1. Put about 2 cm3 of potassium manganate(VII) solution in each of three test-tubes.
2. To one of the three tubes, add about 2 cm3 of dilute sulphuric acid to the 1st test tube, add about 2 cm3 of
sodium hydroxide solution to the 2nd test tube, add about 2 cm3 of water.
3. To each of the three tubes add a little solid manganese(IV) oxide and stir for about a minute.
4. Filter enough of each mixture into a clean tube to see the colour of the filtrate clearly. Use a fresh filter-paper
for each mixture.
5. One of the tubes should now have in it a clear green solution of Mn(VI). Add to this a little dilute sulphuric

Part B Making Mn(III) from Mn(II) and Mn(VII)

6. Dissolve a little (about 0.1 g) of manganese(II) sulphate in about 2 cm3 of dilute sulphuric acid in a test-tube.
7. Carefully add about 10 drops concentrated sulphuric acid and cool the tube under a running tap.
8. Add a few drops of potassium manganate(VII) solution to obtain a deep red solution of Mn(III).
9. Dilute the red solution with about five times its volume of water, wait a few moments, and note any colour

Part C Making Mn(III) from Mn(II) and Mn(IV)

10. In each of two test-tubes, dissolve a little manganese(II) sulphate in water and add an equal volume of sodium
hydroxide solution to obtain a precipitate of manganese(II) hydroxide.
11. To one of the two tubes, add a little manganese(IV) oxide and stir.
12. Let both tubes stand for a few minutes, and note any changes.
Results :

Questions : Part A
1. Explain why only one of the three mixtures reacted to give green Mn(VI).
2. What happened when acid was added to Mn(VI)? Explain.

Part B
3. Explain what happened when the Mn(III) solution was diluted.

Part C
4. Can you see any sign of Mn(III) in the tubes?
5. What is different about the conditions of this experiment (part C) compared with the last (part B) which makes
its success less likely?
6. What happens in the test-tube which had no manganese(IV) added? Suggest an explanation. (Hint: is the
change greater in the upper part of the mixture?)
Experiment : 13

Title : Analysis of Aspirin Tablets

Introduction : Aspirin is an analgesic and antipyretic drug. Analgesics are drugs which relieve pain. O
Antipyretics are drugs which lower body temperature. C CH3
The main constituent of aspirin tablets is 2-ethanoylhydroxybenzoic acid (acetyl-salicylic
acid, CH3COOC6H4COOH). Aspirin passes unchanged through the acidic conditions in the C C OH
stomach but is hydrolysed to ethanoate (acetate) ions and 2-hydroxybenzoate (salicylate) ions C C
by the alkaline juices in the intestines. H C H
Salicylates lower body temperature rapidly and effectively in feverish patients H
(antipyretic action), but have little effect if the temperature is normal. They are also mild
analgesics, relieving certain types of pain such as headaches and rheumatism.
Although the toxic dose from salicylates is relatively large, their uncontrolled use could be dangerous. Single
doses of 5 to 10 grams of salicylate have caused death in adults; and 12 grams taken over a period of twenty-four
hours produces symptoms of poisoning.
Pharmaceutical manufacturers are required by law to state on the packaging the amount of each active
ingredient in their products. In this experiment a consumer survey on the amount of the active ingredient (2-
ethanoyloxybenzoic acid, or o-acetylsalicylic acid) in different commercial brands of aspirin tablets is carried out,
to see whether the manufacturers' claims are justified.
2-ethanoyloxybenzoic acid can be readily hydrolysed, using a known excess of sodium hydroxide, into the
sodium salts of two weak acids, ethanoic acid and 2-hydroxybenzoic acid. The excess amount of sodium hydroxide
is then estimated by a back titration with standard sulphuric(VI) acid. The equation for the hydrolysis reaction is:

CH3CO2C6H4CO2H + 2NaOH(aq) → CH3CO2Na(aq) + HOC6H4CO2Na(aq) + H2O(l)

Phenol red (pH range 6.8 – 8.4) is most suitable for this titration due to the presence of the salts of two weak
acids, though phenolphthalein is also satisfactory for the present purpose.

Chemicals : 1.0 M NaOH, standard H2SO4 (about 0.05 M), aspirin tablets, phenol red (or phenolphthalein) indicator

Apparatus : Titration apparatus, balance

Procedure : [Hazard Warning: 1.0 M sodium hydroxide and 0.05 M sulphuric(VI) acid are irritant.]

1. Weigh accurately two or three aspirin tablets (totally no more than 1.5 g) into a 250 cm3 conical flask.
2. Initiate the hydrolysis of the aspirin by adding 25.0 cm3 of 1.0 M sodium hydroxide from a pipette, diluting
with approximately the same volume of distilled water. Warm the flask gently for ten minutes to complete the
3. After cooling, transfer the reaction mixture with washings quantitatively to a 250 cm3 volumetric flask. Dilute
to the mark with distilled water. Shake the flask to mix well.
4. Titrate 25.0 cm3 aliquots of the diluted reaction mixture with the standard sulphuric(VI) acid provided, using
phenol red (or phenolphthalein) as indicator.
5. Calculate the mass of 2-ethanoyloxybenzoic acid in each tablet and compare the results with the
manufacturer's specification.

Questions : 1. Which brand of aspirin gives the best value for money?
Experiment : 14

Title : Analysis of Sulphur Dioxide Content in Wine

Introduction : In the presence of atmospheric oxygen, the alcohol content of wine can be converted to ethanoic acid making the
wines sour and unpalatable. Even small amount of air, over a period of time, can adversely affect wines. The
problem can be minimized by the introduction of a suitable reductant which will preferentially react with the
oxygen. One such reductant is sulphur dioxide but because this substance is, itself, toxic and pungent in odour,
limits are set on the amount of 'free' sulphur dioxide allowed in wine. Most of the preservative present in wine is
'fixed' in the form of sodium hydrogensulphate(IV) (sodium bisulphite). Although this can act as a source of
sulphur dioxide, the actual amount of free sulphur dioxide is quite low.

In this experiment, the amount of total available SO2 in the wine, irrespective of its actual form in the sample is
determined. The method involves first the conversion of all SO2 into SO32- ion. Acidification of the solution then
liberates all SO2,

SO32-(aq) + 2H+(aq) → SO2(aq) + H2O(l)

which is then titrated with iodine solution according to the equation

SO2(aq) + I2(aq) + 2H2O(l) → 2HI(aq) + H2SO4(aq)

Chemicals : White wine (non-sparkling or non-carbonated), 1 M NaOH, 2 M H2SO4, 0.0050 M I2, starch solution (freshly

Apparatus : Titration apparatus, measuring cylinder, teat pipette

Procedure : 1. Determine, from the label, the volume of wine in a bottle.

2. Using a pipette, transfer 25 cm3 of white wine into a 250 cm3 conical flask.
3. Add about 12 cm3 of 1 M sodium hydroxide solution and allow to stand for about 15 minutes.
4. Add about 10 cm3 of 2 M sulphuric(VI) acid to the mixture and then a few drops of starch indicator. Quickly
titrate the mixture with 0.0050 M iodine solution. (Why should this titration be done quickly?)
5. Record the actual molarity of the iodine solution.
6. Record the titre required to produce the first faint but permanent blue colour.
7. Repeat the procedure to get two additional concordant titres.

Questions : 1. Compare your results with the limit of 450 mg dm-3 stated in the Hong Kong Preservatives in Food
Regulations. Comment upon the comparison.
2. What is the most questionable assumption you have made in arriving at this
3. By the use of oxidation numbers, show that the reaction during the titration was a redox reaction.
4. Suggest an experiment to determine the efficiency of sodium hydrogensulphate(IV) as a wine preservative. If
time allows, conduct the experiment and comment on your results.

Result Table Mean titre / cm3 :

No. of moles of I2 in the titre :
No. of moles of SO2 in the original aliquot :
No. of moles of SO2 in the bottle of wine :
Mass of SO2 in the bottle of wine / mg :

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