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Hemostatic Plants Constituents Actions Indications Toxicity/Pharmacology

Achillea millefolium Volatile oils (azulene, Hemostatic (internal and Atonia in tissue (tissues are very relaxed) with lots of Water extract: anti-inflammatory; diuresis in mice
(Yarrow) chamazulene, camphor, topical) discharge and bleeding Alkaloids: Hypotensive, antipyretic, antibacterial and
thujone) Stomachic (gastric bitter) Passive hemorrhage: Hematuria, anal hemrrhoids, choleretic; Hemostatic in animals
Lactones (achilin) Anti-inflammatory (OA) uterine hemorrhoids Sesquiterpenes: + effect in leukemia
Asteraceae Toxicity:
Bioflavinoids (rutin) Urinary irritation: Painful cystitis
Bitters Leucorrhea -VO and whole plant are toxic
Alkaloids Menorrhagia with uterine spasms/pelvic pain -esp. thujone at 30mg/kg : acts as a gastrointestinal
Coumarin; Tannins Bitter: ST, LV dysfunction, poor digestion and irritant, CNS stimulant, emmenagogue, abortifacient
assimilation (Thujone is lost in drying & processing and not usually
Fevers!! found in therapeutic doses, if at all
External: Poultice for bleeding, trauma, and bruising; Other Sx: Convulsions
esp. prostate bleeing Tx: Emesis, GI lavage, activated charcoal, cathartic
Leukorrhea: douche Caution:
-Anti-coagulant therapy: d/t coumarins; pregnancy
-With H2 antagonist, proton pump inhibitors b/c A.m.
increases HCL production
Hx use: Post-partum hemorrhage Pharmacology:
Capsella bursa- Volatile oils (similar to Diuretic Passive hemorrhage, menorrhagia, metrorrhagia  animal studies – contractional stimulation of non-
pastoris mustard) Astringent (fibroids, uterine myomas) – needs v. aggressive dosing; intact uterus and intestines;
Choline like constituents Post-partum hemorrhage (normal bleeding = 6weeks>
(Shepherd’s purse)
Diosmin (bioflavonoid)
Anti-hemorrhagic  Alcohol extracts given IV temporarily ↓BP
Bioflavanoids Frequent/chronic colorless leucorrhea;  bursic acid – hemostatic
Brassicaceae Organic acids (oxalic, ** Trillium is more potent
Diarrhea/dysentery associated w/bleeding hemorrhoids;  hemostatic effects appear after drying; effects are ↓d
malic, pyruvic, sulfanilic) for metorrhagia & is what
Hematuria or urinary tract bleeding, after further storage (organic acid degradation), and
Dr. Saunders uses
Pain w/passing renal liths; m/b destroyed by the GI tract
Works best w/alkaline urine (but d/n need)
Externally – fresh herb topically for bruises, traumas, Pregnancy: emmenagogue and uterine stimulant
rheumatic joints
Delayed labour in patient w/ feeble circulation and CI: early pregnancy (possible miscarriage – strengthen
Claviceps purpurea Alkaloids (ergotamine, Hemostatic, showing S/Sx of edema in feet & face; contraction to point of deliver) and in 1st and 2nd stages
(Rye ergot) ergometrine, ergotinine) Motor excitant Weakness & coldness of labour but okay after placenta delivery
Oxytocic Weak uterine contractions, no dilation of os;
** Ergonovine: specific to Final stages of pregnancy, low doses in false labour Toxicity:
Fungi; on rye contraction of uterine wall pains w/sensation of weight in pelvis;
(graminaceae)  alkaloids  muscle contractions (oxytocic in early
**Ergotamine and caffeine Active hemorrhage, post-partum hemorrhage – post- labour and post labour
Ergotic/ergotinic acid are used to tx migranes delivery of placenta (DO NOT administer if anything
(related to LSD), sclerotic (causes vasoconstriction to remains in uterus) (this herb is stronger for acute with  acute OD  H/a, n/v/d, ↓surface Temp, edema of
acid counter the migranes very excessive bleeding) head & extremities, miscarriage, death from
vasodilatory effects) respiratory &/ cardiac paralysis
Feeble circulation w/ dilated pupils, palor and cold to  chronic OD  gangrene, tingling, altered
touch; circulation, cyanotic extremeties (blue, black),
Congestive or hyperemic h/a w/ sense of venous sanguinous fluids exude fro vesicles/ulcers, tissue
fullness in head, vertigo, tinnitus, hemiplegia; slough, cataracts
Hypotensive conditions – orthostatic hypotension,
sclerosis  chronic low dose  spasms, tremor, photophobia,
tinnitus, mental and physical depression, vertigo w/
convulsions, H/A, v/d
Tx: GI lavage or saline cathartic
- may need heat and oxygen
Capillary bleeding from various organs;
Erigeron canadense Essential oils Astringent Passive hemorrhage – hematuria, hemoptosis, Cautions: Pregnancy (depends on content of volatile
(Canadian Fleabane) Tannic and gallic acid Hemostatic hematemesis, metro/menorrhagia; oils)
Watery diarrhea – gushing, sudden, cholera (hot or
Asteraceae cold infusion m/b used in children); Toxicity: Volatile oils = oxytocic
Epistaxis (leaves ground and snuffed);
Hyperurination assoc w/DM; (restrains KI)
Acts on KI – DM, albuminuria, chronic inflammation
of urinary tract, and
N. gonorrhea;
Yopical for tympanitis;
Oil – astringent/anti-septic for hemorrhoid, small
bleeding wounds, boils, gargled for sore throat
Relaxed mucosal tissues (low turnover) w/ profuse
Geranium maculatum Galic acid Astringent d/c (upper GI gastric ulcer) * this herb is esp. good for upper GI bleeds
(Geranium) Calcium oxalate Hemostatic Salivation from use of mercury (stomach) so you would see black blood
Starches, sugars, pectin, Chronic mucusy diarrhea, diarrhea w/ constant urge
gum to defecate, chronic dysentery (milk infusion)
Geraniaceae Bioflavanoid quercitin Passive hemorrhage, epistaxis, bleeding from wounds;
Phlobaphenetannin (10- Hematuria and menorrhagia
28%; very high) Retention enema for bleeding hemorrhoids;
Particularly effective for gastric ulcers and GI
bleeding – Robert’s Botanical Formula;
Gargled for apthous ulcers or apthous stomatitis
Sore throat, swollen tonsils, ulcerated gums
Leucorrhea and gleet (N. gonorrhea)
Internal – Note: c/b used instead of Geranium in Robert’s Formula
Quercus alba Tannins (quercitannic Hemostatic Relaxed mucosal tissues (low turnover) w/ unhealthy – stronger tannins; Geranium works better higher up the
(white oak/ red oak) acid, gallotannic acid) Anti-septic d/c GI tract, while Quercus seems more effective in the
30% Astringent Diarrhea w/ mucus, diarrhea associated w/ periodic lower GI
Phlobatannin+H2SO4+HCl fevers;
Fagaceae Hemorrhoids
 phlobaphene (oak red) * All oak species will
Gallic acid work - (middle GI bleed vs. Geranium)

External (soaking bark/acorn draws out tannins)

Gargle for chronic cough, sore throat, tonsillitis
Leucorrhea (douche)
Weeping eczema, leg ulcers
Hemorrhoids (Sitz bath, suppository, douche)
Varicose veins, broken capillary bed, bleeding
traumas (compress)
Burns (rinse/wash)
Eye inflammation (compress)
Note: make certain that d/c is not necessary part of
healing process (eg., excess, purulent  let it run its

Can be used in pregnancy

Trillium pendulatum Flavanoid glycosides Hemostatic Internal
(Trillium) (trillin, trillarin) Nervine Passive uterine hemorrhage both metrorrhagia and
Tannins Anti-spasmodic menorrhagia, often d/t uterine myomas (fibroids) and
Starches its excessive bleeding
Liliaceae Hemoptosis, hematuria, epistaxis
Diarrhea and dysentery (boil roots in raw milk)
Boil leaf in lard – ulcers, tumors, swellings
Poultice – bubos, insect bites, gangrene, anthrax
 very helpful in bleeding fibroids
Post-partum hemorrhage w/ prolonged lochial d/c Toxicity OD:
Ustilago segetum Alkaloid (ustilagine – Hemostatic (close down like claviceps; claviceps more effective)  animals – tonic convulsions, causing death by
(Corn smut) oxytocic enhances Oxytocic Weak uterine contractions (b/c oxytotic) but used tetanus or exhaustion
dialation and contraction Cerebrospinal stimulant primarily after delivery (during labor, will speed up
 mules feeding on it loose hair, hooves, teeth
process) (DDx: Claviceps, Strychnos contractions too much  not allowing time for cervical
Ustilaginaceae  cows, dogs, and chickens abort
Fixed oils (not volatile) nux vomica) dilation)
(Fungus) Resins, wax Late pregnancy w/ false labor pains or other unpleasant
Organic acids (sclerotic pelvic sensations, “twinges” in the pelvic region
Prolapsed, boggy, flabby uterus Pregnancy (abortifacient) if too early in labour stops
acid, maisenic acid)
Dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia, or metorrhagia dialation and closes the uterus back up.
Passive hemorrhage from LU or bowels
Impaired cerebral circulation w/ vertigo, h/a in vertex Pre labour: start it
and disordered vision During labour: can stop labour (arrhythmic contractions:
Weak capillary and venous circulation non functioning contractions)
Migranes: b/c smooth mm spasms Post labour: after fetus and placenta uterine
contractions slow down bleeding.

Roberts Formula:

GI or duodenal Ulcers

- Hydrastis Canadensis
- Echinaceae augustifolia (immune)
- Althea officinalis (soothes)
- Phytolacca americanus
- Geranium maculatum

1 part each powder

- if making tincture – omit althea, Ulmus fulva, Hibiscus esculentus

John Bastyr’s formula: (modified Robert’s)

Chronic Ulcers

- Hydrastis Canadensis
- Althea officinalis (soothes)
- Geranium maculatum
- Zingiber
- Baptisia tinctoria
- duodenal substance (porcine)
- Hibiscus esculentus
- Ulmus fulva
- vitamin B3 (niacin)

1 part each powder

Integumentary Plants Constituents Actions Indications Toxicity/Pharmacology
Hx use: hemorrhoids d/t dysentery/diarrhea Pharmacology:
Aesculus hippocastanum Gycoside lactones Astringent, Internal  Europe – IV post-op for tissue swelling
(Horse chestnut) (aesculin – contains Vasoconstrictive,  vascular engorgement  dull aching pain,
Flavones, tannic acids Expectorant (weak)  Aescin: Prevents alterations in vein wall, and
throbbing sensation in veins (not arteries); general inhibits adherence of PMNs to the wall of the vein
FAs) feeling of fullness & malaise;
Hippocastanaceae Saponins (aescin) d/t blood stasis
 chronic venous insufficiency – varicose veins (pt  Chronic venous insufficiency: ↓ pain, itching,
**Not a true nut; no nut will tell you their legs ache &/ are very tired), rectal fatigue and sense of tension; compared to
allergies seen. hemorrhoids (large, purple, d/n bleed, sense of compression therapy (equal in effectiveness)
fullness in rectum like they have to have a BM; can Toxicity:
result from forceful diarrhea/dysentery = Hx’l use)
 vascular wall fragility  edema/exudates, m/b
 safe, but one case of LV damage following IV dose
swelling in extremities (aescin protects wall & ↓s  Aesculin – mucus irritant, ↑anti-thrombin
capillary permeability) ↑bleeding time, nerve stimulant
 visceral neuralgia; edema of urethra & vaginal wall,  Few nuts c/b fatal in child (seed coat neutralized
hepatic aching by roasting)
External – varicose veins/hemorrhoids, painful night
leg cramps (ointment, gel or oil)  OD – n/v/d, emesis, vertigo, incoordination, fever,
strabismus & amblyopia, rigid supine arch
(opisthotonus), elevated state, coma, death from
respiratory failure/paralysis
TX: Charcoal, emesis, GI lavage, monitor fluids &
electrolytes, oxygen
 Contact dermatitis from seed/husk of seed (Tx:
flush w/ water and drink lots of water)
Hx use: herb of choice for WW1 Pharmacology:
Calendula officinalis Flavanoids (rutin, Vulnerary (heals wounds) Internal – gastric ulcerations, indigestion, hepatic  terpenoids, EO, flavanoids, glycosides = anti-
(Marigold, Calendula) isoquercetin) Anti-septic congestion inflammatory, anti-oxidants
Terpenoids (lupeol, External
 immunostimulant, anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-
campesterol)  gargle for gingivitis, stomatitis, oral ulcers
Asteraceae Carotenoid pigments (β-
carotene, lycopene)
 skin traumas – cuts, scrapes, scalds, burns, acne,
perineal lacerations during delivery; Caution: Asteraceae allergy (ambrosia or ragweed
Bitter resins (calendulin) ** Succus (juice in 10%
 skin dz – ulcer, abscess, vaginitis, cervicitis, cervical allergies)
Polysaccharides EtOH): good for wounds
(arabinogalactans sweet d/t lower alcohol content) erosion (sub: hamemalis w/ allergy)
Toxicity: fairly non-toxic; Saunders – 2 pts w/allergic
powder)  Diaper rash (usually Candida related) dermatitis
Saponins  skin conditions – psoriasis, eczema, pruritis - can substitute with Witch Hazel
 irritated nasal mucosa, gonococcal leucorrhea sx: Irritated skin, red, burning
 Conjunctivitis/”pink eye” (wash, poultice, Tx: Rinse with water and stop use
 Suppurative conditions w/↑ purulent d/c
 Varicose veins
Internal CI: pregnancy in 3rd trimester (may cause
Collinsonia Canadensis Volatile oils (vasodilatory, Mucous astringent  sense of constriction (vs. horse chestnut) in larynx, contractions d/t VO are vasodilatory; sitz bath would
(Stone root) warming, anti-microbial) Stomachic anus, bluish hemorrhoids from constipation (very be ok)
Organic acids (caffeic, Circulatory tonic painful - as if foreign body is lodged in the
rosemaric) rectum), spasms & contractions in rectum & Toxicity: generally safe
Laminaceae Mucilage, Resins (bitter), peritoneum;  OD (>500ml)– GI irritation, colic, painful
Tannin, Saponins
 chronic/acute laryngitis, pharyngitis – clergyman’s micturation, nausea, vertigo
 chronic bronchitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, chronic
phthisis w/ irritating cough; follicular tonsillitis
 varicosities of legs, vaginal wall & extremities
(common during pregnancy)
 HT tonic – HT affect by rheumatic fevers, overstrain
 stomachic for feeble circulation, poor muscle tone,
gastritis, catarrh (improves appetite, digestion &
 hemorrhoids – Sitz bath, retention enema, douche
 poison ivy/oak, vesicular dermatitis – green leaves
 vaginal varicosities – injected

Internal Toxicity: very safe

Euphrasia officinalis Iridoid glycosides Mucosal constrictor  opthalmias – catarrhal w/ redness, swelling and  OD – mental confusion, severe h/a, lacrimation,
(Eyebright) (acubin) – purgative Vasoconstrictor visual disturbances; acute inflammations – sneezing, insomnia, polyruia, sweating
Volatile oil (caffeic acid – conjunctivitis, blepharitis; profuse lacrimal d/c w/pus
bacteriostatic) or water mucus
Scrophulariaceae Mannit
Sugar  d/c from eye and nose are acrid w/ heat & pain in
Tannins frontal sinuses
Bitter  eye trauma, eye fatigue, risk of corneal ulcer (herpes
 fluent corrhyzas – profuse watery d/c, hoarseness,
earache, cough, h/a
 bronchitis
 gastric catarrh

External – eye conditions w/ fluent corrhyza;

catarrhal ophthalmia w/ lots of d/c; Hordeolum’s
(stye); gargle for throat & oral irritations (decoction for

Hamamelis virginiana Tannins Astringent Bleeding, Discharge, Relaxation  ↑oral doses of tannins shown to ↑ risk of
(Witch hazel) (hamamelitannin : ↑ amts) Anti-inflammatory Internal esophageal, nasal, and LV cancers (i.e., 15-20cups
Dextrose Hemostatic  Hemorrhoids (sitz baths) tea/d)
Hamamelidaceae Flavonoids  passive hemorrhage – hematemesis, hemoptysis;
Choline phthisis
Volatile oils ** Substitute for  severe diarrhea/dysentery w/↑ mucus & pale
Calendula officinalis complexion, relaxed boggy tissue
 varicose veins – reddish color w/ relaxed feel to
 enlarged cervix – mucousy leucorrhea or d/c w/
prolapse or bleeding
 uterine hemorrhage
 bleeding from the eye (internal and topical)
External – Best as cold/cool compress
 vaginal douche for leucorrhea & hemorrhage
 hemorrhoids (cream, sitz bath, retention enema,
 conjunctivitis
 tonsillitis & diphtheria (nasal/sinus wash)
 sore throat – red/engorged, painful
 sore muscles (eg. abdominal muscles after childbirth)
 bruises, burns, cuts scrapes, abrasions, insect
bites, itchy skin, sunburn, irritated skin after
 Teething: chew on towel soaked; to numb gums
 B/w nursing to toughen up nipples; mastitis

Internal Caution: Thujone – possible teratogenic & ↓ milk

Salvia officinalis Volatile oils (Thujone, up Astringent  flatulence w/gastric debility (food sits in ST), poor production
(Garden sage) to ½ of VOs) Anti-bacterial digestion & anorexia
Salvene esthers (similar CI: pregnancy (potential emmenagogue), may ↓ milk
to VOs) (hot tea = diaphoretic;  very cold extremities, easily chilled (infusion) production
Laminaceae Tannins cold tea = restricts night  sore throats, ulceration or inflammation of the throat,
β-carotene sweats) peritonsillar abscess, tonsillar catarrh Toxicity:
Bitters  stomatitis, gingivitis  OD (from oil) – dry mouth, irritated mucosa,
 cystitis where px is weak and chilly restlessness, tremor, tachycardia, convulsions; KI
 post-lactation to dry up milk production (Hx’l use) damage
External  Tx: GI lavage
 laryngitis, pharyngitis, stomatitis, gingivitis (also,
Eucalyptus, Calendula, Thymus, Myrica), glossitis,
tonsillar catarrh
 warts, fresh cut leaves (also Thuja)

Flower (Int) – Toxicity:

Sambucus Canadensis Volatile oils, Flower - Diaphoretic, skin edematous, full, flabby, pitting; d/c of serum  S. canadensis – Sambunigrin (cyanogenic
(Elderberry) Quercitin, Astringent from skin and mucous membranes, post scarlatina glycoside found throughout plant - ↑est in bark;
Rutin, dropsy; destroyed w/heat) 
Tannic acid, Berry - Anti-rheumatic
Caprifoliaceae Mucilage skin ulcers w/soft edges, skin deterioration, mucus OD: diarrhea, H/A, n/v, vertigo, GI distress,
(diabetic or associated varicose veins); tachycardia, convulsions
Bark - Purgative
nasal catarrh or obstruction (incl infants & children), Tx: GI lavage then charcoal, IV diazepam for
 sinusitis; colds, flus and chills = warming infusion to
↑perspiration (also, S.nigra); scrofula
 S. ebulus – slightly different glycosides in root 
Flower (Ext) – skin, burn, scalds, eczema, ulcer w/ soft OD: bloody diarrhea, vomiting, H/A, dizziness,
edge; unconsciousness, death

rheumatism; edematous skin w/serum d/c;

Berry – rheumatism, esp w/ sciatica & other neuralgias;
appetite stimulant; 1oz juice can be purgative
Inner bark – cathartic at 15-30ml juice, emetic at large
Sambucus nigra
Flower (Ext) ––
- induce sweating during fevers - increases bronchial mucus secretions, soothing to
mucus membranes, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, anti-
Inner bark – viral
constipation & anuria/poor urinary output

Flowers: rinse for burns, scalds, eczema, ulcerations
w/soft edges, compress for rheumatism
- for 1st/2nd degree burns (in lard or olive oil)
Internal – dysentery/diarrhea often bloody; uterine, Allantoin – moistens & prevents drying of keratin
Symphytum officinale Leaf – Mucilage, Tannins, Vulnerary bowel, KI bleeding; layer, ↑epithelial growth of skin (burns & ulcers),
(Comfrey) Allantoin, Unsat Demulcent cough w/hemoptysis or pulmonary exudates of mucus ↑leukocyte infiltration, ↓necrotic tissue, ↑granulation
pyrolizidine alkaloids & blood (TB, pneumonia – persistent cough, difficult to tissue ↓s inflammation in wounds
Root – Inulin, Unsat stop); found effective for psoriasis, molluscum
Boraginaceae (>10x than leaf) & Sat
GI ulcers esp in ST; contagiosum, parasitic eczema, pyoderma/boils, HPV
pyrolizidine alkaloids * COMFREY POULTICE of hand
on page 20 of
External (fresh leaf) – leg ulcers (decubitus & diabetic)
integumentary section Toxicity: In Canada, not approved for internal use
– only when healthy pink granulation tissue is present (if
gangrenous, require debriding herb first); chronic use UPAs (Symphtine & echimidine)
 bruises, sprains, wounds, trauma – esp with veno-occlusive dz  LV damage; limit internal use to
suppuration/ infection, 2-3wks
thrombophlebitis; fatal dose = 40mcg/kg/d x 2yrs = 2 big leaves/d x
mastitis/trauma to breast, OD: dull, dragging sensation on right side of
 fractures or osteomyelitis; abdomen, distension hepatomegaly, ↓ urinary output,
gargle for gingivitis or pharyngitis ↑AST, ↑ ALT, ↑GGT
Internal – spasmodic cough (Hx’l use) = measles, Pharmacology:
Trifolium pretense Phenolic glycosides, Anti-spasmodic, bronchitis, laryngitis, phthisis, pertussis, whooping focus of research = estrogenic activity; often
(Red clover) Flavanoids, Anti-tussive, cough, asthma discouraged w/ estrogen +ve CAs; however, recently
Coumarin, Anti-tumor Dry cough often explosive shown to be safe
Fabaceae Fat, ulcerations esp. of tibia; cancerous & apthous ulcers Biochanin A (isoflavone) – anticarcinogenic (mice)
Tannin, Antibacterial against Mycobacterium tuberculosis
burns/ulcerations w/ jagged edge (ddx elderberry) &
Isoflavones (genistein, poor healing (consider for px w/poor skin condition)
daidzein, biochanin, Caution/CI:
formononetin) carcinomatous cachexia, Coumarins - Px w/ bleeding disorders, pre-Sx or
cancer w/ Larrea tridentate pre-labor, use of heparin, coumarin, warfarin, ASA,
acne or other skin eruptions fish oil, vit E (plant anti-coagulant effects in vitro are
not usually seen in vivo)
TB or inflammatory LU conditions
gout, arthritis Minor estrogenic activity – d/n use in px w/ breast
CA or endometrial proliferative condition
External – skin reaction may occur from topical use
 eczema, psoriasis – itchy, sore, inflamed skin;
cancerous growths
sore eyes (compress from infusion)
Vaccinium myrtillus Leaf – acute/chronic dysentery/summer diarrhea (bad Pharmacology:
(Bilberry, Huckleberry) Leaf – Flavones, Hypoglycemic water ingestion)
Hydroquinone (alk pH Anti-diarrhea mouth/throat ulcers, apthous ulcers Anthocyanidins – slows growth & reproduction of
req’d), Tannic acid Laxative bacteria; ↓capillary permeability & redistributes blood
Ericaceae  cystitis with urgency & anuria/oliguria (alk pH);
Berry – Ascorbic acid, Nutrient flow in the back of eye; aids in formation interstitial
Tannic acid, Quinnic acid, Astringent DM fluids that cushion the eye
Glycoside, Anthocyanidin Myrtillin – insulin-like effect (but weaker than
pigments (blue color), Fresh berry – constipation
Other flavonoids scurvy; early
myopia; retinopathies d/t HTN or DM, esp. age- Toxicity: not considered toxic
related (dry) macular degeneration (best herb); night Hydroquinone – anti-septic properties in KI, but
vision deficiencies; long term use of leaf may cause KI damage

Dried berry – diarrhea in infants & adults

stomatitis, gingivitis,
chronic pharyngitis, glossitis, peridontitis,
smoker’s cough;
degenerative retinal dz,

Juice (succus of fruit) – diarrhea/dysentery, for summer


Cardiovascular Plants Constituents Actions Indications Toxicity/Pharmacology

Internal – Disulphides – tearing properties of onions
Allium cepa Disulphides (allyl Hypoglycemic - elevated cholesterol & platelet aggregation, ADPS – increased ½ life of insulin (competes for
(Onion) propyldisulphide Anti-microbial - Mild HTN, inhibits cyclooxygenase & lipoxygenase degradation in liver), insulin secretion, and hepatic
propanethials Carminative (and thus, leukotrienes), metabolism of glucose
oxides (ADPS), s-methyl - elevated blood glucose in type II DM; Antioxidant for LDL cholesterol
Liliaceae - asthma, CI:
Phenolic acids (caffeic, - psoriasis, atopic dermatitis Hypothyroidism: Disulphides/allyl alcohols – reduce
sinapic, p-coumaric) - Urinary Ixns : urgency, pus, heaturia, stones iodine uptake by thyroid = goitrogenic (d/n occur
Flavanoids (quercetin) w/cooked onion)
Sterols, saponins, pectin, External –
oils - sore throats, neurodepressive  can cause or aggravate
- tumors & lymphadenopathy, depression
- otitis one of top 5 sensitivities for GB problems and
nursing mothers w/colicky babies
Caution: pregnancy – animal studies = uterine
stimulant, bleeding disorders (can increase clotting
Toxicity: Disulfides, allyl alcohol
OD: gastroenteritis, leukocytosis, goitrogenic
Tx: GI lavage, charcoal, cathartic
External sxs: contact dermatitis
Tx: soap and water
Internal Infection – antibacterial (Staph), antifungal
Allium sativum Disulphide compounds Anti-microbial - URTI (cough, catarrh, pertussis, OM); (candidiasis), antiprotozoal (Trichomonas vaginalis,
(Garlic) (Allicin  alliin, diallyl Hypotensive - intestinal parasites; candidiasis (enhances growth of GI parasites)
disulphide) Hypolipidemic Lactobacillus, Acidophilus);
CHO, Lipids, Mucilage, - intermittent claudication; CV – prophylactic effect against CV dz
Liliaceae - hypercho-lesterolemia, hyperlipidemia, – improved coronary & aortic elasticity post-
Albumin ** One clove= 1 bulb of
Vitamins A, B, C, E onion** - moderate HTN (A. sativum has greater vasodilatory menopause
effects than A. cepa); – intermittent claudication: increased bld flow
Cooking/roasting - DM, Syndrome X, NIDDM, IDDM; via IL-6
destroys active Cancer – toxic to various cancer cell lines (hamsters)
constituents External: pneumonia (poultice); otitis (oil)
pregnancy -uterine stimulation (animal)
Emmenagogue (animal)
 May cause infant colic in lactating mothers
ingesting garlic, may increase clotting time (bleeding
disorders, anticoagulants)

OD – goitrogenic, leukocytosis, gastroenteritis
(may cz burning diarrhea), elevated clotting time
Tx: water, avoid, gastric lavage, charcoal
External sxs: contact dermatitis (soap and water)

Apocynum ventum Flavanoids (rutin, d- Hypotensive - very useful for calming before bed, hypotensive especially in renal HTN and post
(Luobuma) catechin) Slows HT rate - difficulty sleeping from anxiety, menopausal women w/palpitations ( no direct effect
Cardiac glycoside + Ionotropic - mild (NOT moderate) hypertension on KIs) – animals
(strophanthidin, cymarin) Chronotropic
Apocynaceae systemic activity, relaxes the arteries
depending on cynarin – therapeutic effect in cardiac
starting HT rate) insufficiency as an isolated constituent in animals

Toxicity: pretty safe but takes a while to have effect

Circulatory & vasomotor Internal Pharmacology: improves lipid profile (rabbits) –

Capsicum frutescens Phenolics/capsaicinoids stimulant - depression and debility of function; decreased LDL oxidation d/t beta-carotene,
(Cayenne) (Capsaicin) Rubifacient/counter- - atonic dyspepsia in alcoholics, DT (withdrawal); capsanthin, capsorubin; decreases platelet aggregation
Organic acids (cinnamic, irritant - colic w/ abdominal distension & flatulence; & throboxane B2 formation; decreases erythrocyte
coumaric, caffeic) Gastric stimulant - sinus congestion with chills; hemolysis; increases substance P (dilates arteries,
Solanaceae - general chilliness of elderly (pale lips, cold
Saponin (capsicidin) reduces BP) then depletes P  less pain; stimulates
Ascorbic acid, extremeties, small weak pulse); collagenase (anti-inflam); protects ST mucosa by
Ca, P, Fe, K B1,B2, B3, - chronic hemorrhoid d/t circulatory atony; reducing muscular contraction and increasing mucus;
beta-carotene - capillary atony increased metabolic rate, and decreased glucose w/i
Capsanthin, capsorubin - dry tongue, scanty salivation in fever; stimulant 30min of ingestion
(carotenoid – red color) addition in formulas;
CI: pregnancy, uterine stimulant
– cold feet (sprinkle in socks) Caution: 1st generation ACE inhibitors may <
- toothache, dental caries; persistent dry cough s/e of ACE inhibitors
- OA, RA(if pain responds to heat), neuralgias,
- rheumatism (cream for stiffness) Toxicity: mucus irritant  salivation, perspiration,
- diabetic & post-herpetic neuralgia, pain & burning in ST & bowels, vertigo, decreased
(↓ substance P) urination;
- psoriasis (improves circulation), Tx: GI lavage, avoid use
- chronic laryngitis, external use contact dermatitis, blistering rare Tx:
- cream for migraines (nasal mucosa – depletes water and avoid
substance P)
increased up to 87% hepatic binding sites for LDL,
Elevated LDL,
Commiphora mukul Guggolestrones E, Z Anti-cholesterol Hyperlipidemia (TG & total) inhbits cholesterol synth. in LIV, increased fecal
(Guggul lipid) Inflammation: OA excretion of bile acids, cholesterol; does not appear to
Nodulocystic acne adversely affect HDL and most anti-cholesterol drugs
lower HDL
dec. pain of OA in knee after 1mo
guggul, phosphate, hydroxycitric acid, tyrosine, &
exercise  modest wt loss
Note: need to taste resin & stickiness = effective
propanolol, diltiazem: single dose decrease
bioavailability of drugs
CI: inflammatory bowel disease
Toxicity: GI discomfort in some individuals
**cardiac arrhythmia with palpitations – mechanical Pharmacology: 1) acts directly on the HT muscle and
Convallaria majalis Glycosides Cardiac cz often w/ mitral insufficiency: vessels; 2) Covallatoxin is 10% absorbed and 50%
(Lily of the valley) (convallatoxin, Digitalis substitute • electrolyte imbalance (Na/K/ Ca/Mg) action lost in 24hrs = action is rapid, w/o
convallarin, etc) • pooling stasis, ↓ blood flow to brain and periphery accumulation = less s/e & easier to control dose; 3)
8 flavanoids • w/ exercise, arrhythmia may disappear +ve inotropic, -ve chronotropic, -ve dronotropic,
Liliaceae +ve bathmotropic (exitability) effect; 3) can ↓
• Drug of choice for arrhythmias: Amiodarone (Na ventricular diastolic P & elevated venous P; 4)
channel blocker that also block K channels) diuretic, natriuretic (animals); 5) dose-dependent
- weak/feeble circulation vasoconstriction (animals)
- feeble, rapid pulse; Cautions:
- dyspnea and cough (d/t HT); red berries considered toxic (attractive to children)
- bradycardia (especially in pts sensitive to Digitalis); calcium, glucocorticoids, diuretic, quinine,
- cardiac dropsy from mild to medium HT failure; tetracycline, macrolide Abx
- arteriosclerosis, arterial HTN and resulting angina; CI: digitalis spp and other cardiac glycosides
arterial hypotension; Toxicity:
- HT irritation from poor digestion, anorexia
cardiac glycosides ↑ HT muscle contraction –
dangerous if HR too high
toxic dose = 0.1g
OD s/sx: oral and GI irritation, arrhythmia, HTN,
trembling, confusion, generalized weakness,
circulatory collapse, death
Tx: Emesis, GI lavage, cathartic, atropine IV,
monitor K, glucose, insulin
- cardiac weakness w/ valvular murmurs, sighing resp, Pharmacology:
Cratagus oxycanthus Flavanoids (Anti- Cardiac tonic, dyspnea w/ cardiac pain – esp w/ depression 1) good for NYHA 1-3
(Hawthorn) inflammatory effect) Nutritive (for the HT) - rapid, feeble HT; deterioration/degeneration of HT w/ 2) coronary artery vasodilation (benefical in
Proanthycyanidins (fruit) age, bradycardia of elderly; blockage/spasm  ↓ BP  ↓ HR, ↑ blood suppLy to
Phosphatidyl choline - anemia w/ HT irregularity HT;
Rosaceae - myocardium weakness after infection (pneumonia,
liposomes, phenylethyl- Note: NYHA stages 3) mild diuretic;
amines, cardiac tonic influenza, scarlet fever, etc – TCM = phlegm disturbs 4) ↓ angiotensin II;
1: dyspnea w/ Shen);
amines, triterpene acids) 5) wean pts off Digitalis (safe to use w/Digitalis –
Ascorbic acid, thiamine,
significant exertion - arrhythmia, esp extrasystole, less s/e’s than Dig alone);
K, Ca, Mg 2: dyspnea w/ medium - paroxysmal & other tachycardia (an IV bolus can stop 6) acne: ↓capillary congestion,↓ inflam, ↓erythema
exertion such an attack)
3: dyspnea w/ mild - cardiac hypertrophy; Caution:
exertion - mitral regurgitation;
- HT strain from overexertion,
if digitalized – use ½ dose at onset and monitor
4: dyspnea w/ no
exertion - poor coronary artery circulation; beta-blockers – may result in HTN (or
- prevent or treat complications & HTN of coronary hypotension) from increased CO
artery disease CI: not CI in angina like Dig spp b/c not nearly as
- Bradycardia in elderly (prevent HTN) strong; but m/b CI w/angina if given IV
- antioxidant (protects HT from pneumonia, flu, scarlet Toxicity: “safe”; chronic toxicity 5ml/kg of tincture

Internal Both: ↑ force of contraction, slow HR and ↓

Digitalis purpurea/ Cardiac glycosides Cardiac stimulant, - weak, rapid irregular HT w/ slightest excitement conduction in auriculoventricular bundle
Digitalis lanata throughout entire plant Diuretic, - hypotension , poor compensation, tachycardia
D. purpurea: Digitoxin; D. Emetic (high doses) arrhythmia, tachycardic HT failure;
(Foxglove) Pharmacology: cardiac glycosides compete w/ K+
lanata: Digoxin - weak rapid irregular HT w/ slight excitement; for receptor sites  inhibit Na+/K+ exchange during
Digitalin, digitalein & at Forms of Digitalization: - dusky w/ dyspnea; repolarization; 2) ↑ intracellular [Na} & [Ca} =
Scrophulariaceae least 12 other steroidal - chronic cough, jugular venous dystention;
inotropic  ↑contraction  ↑CO (improves
Glycosides Rapid: therapeutic levels - edema w/ scanty dark urine; swollen face
circulation); 3) anti-carcongenic: 4) anti-diabetic
in 1-2 days, risk of tox, - cerebral arteriosclerosis (no sign of HT failure) : 5-10
use glycoside w/ rapid gtt bid helps px to feel better w/out S/E
Interaction: not recommended to mix cardiac
D. purpura: digitoxin  elimination * serious heart failure is best use  tachycardia w/ HT glycoside, Glycyrrhiza glabra, Gossypium, ACE (-),
91% absorbed & rapid failure (use smallest dose possible for 2-3 days) berberine, nitrates, spirinolactone & other K+
activity (t1/2= 7days  Medium: ther. Levels in depleting agents; hypericum perfoliatum ↓s levels;
more risky, use for rapid 3-5 days, low risk & External – moist compress for wound healing, and plantago psyllium ↓ absorption; lowers Mg; cinchone
action) preferred, slower acting chronic ulcers ↑s levels
dig spp
K+ depletion  dig spp. Toxicity
D.lanata: Digoxin  67% Clinical use: faster HR = greater Dig requirement;
absorbed, slower activity Slow: ther levels > 5 days, smaller doses w/ bradycardia; best use = serious HT
CI: partial HT block, sinus arrhythmia, bradycardia,
(t1/2 = 37hrs  drug low risk, use slower acting failure (tachycardia w/failure); not for long-term use
compensatory hypertrophy, aortic stenosis, HT muscle
form, safer) dig spp. nor for angina
degenerative changes, aneurysm, angina (dig ↑ HT
* all 3 maintenance based
action & O2 demand, arteriosclerotic arteries
on sx & lab Forms: Digoxin/Lanoxin – 70-80% abs., onset of
cannot provide)
action = 15-30min, peak effect w/in 5hrs (t1/2 = 37hrs)
Digitoxin – 100% abs. from GI, onset of action = 15-
Toxicity: low K+ ↑s toxicity; ↑Ca, or reserpine
20min, peak effect w/i 12hrs; rapid action (t1/2 = 7days)
potentiate activity
Fatal = 2g powder
Sx: object appear yellow or green; cardiac flutter,
HT block, death from ventricular fibrillation
Tx: stop; atropine, external heat
Toxic: 8 grains of powder

• monitor dig levels week/monthly

- reduced cerebral vascular circulation Pharmacology:

Ginko biloba Flavone glycosides Angio-activator - poor memory Arterial – vascular free radical scavenging, decreases
(Maidenhair tree) (quercetin, isorhamnetin) Vasodilator (medium and - cerebral arteriosclerosis; lipid peroxidation; benefits postural, occlusion
Bioflavanoids (ginkgetin, small arteries) - vertigo from poor circulation; tinnitus; ↑s walking time before pain/↓s ischemia in
isoginkgetin) Bronchodilator - Alzheimer’s dz d/t reduced cerebral circulation – poor peripheral arterial dz; ↓ reperfusion injury post-
Ginkoaceae memory, emotionally labile; stroke in animal; Memory – ↑s cyclic nucleotide
Lactones (sitosterols)
Diterpenes (ginkgolides - no short term memory, excellent LT mem phosphodiesterases (~caffeine), normalizes Ach and
A,B,C) - don’t remember ppl’s names or common objects 5-HT Rs, ↑s Dopa and NorAdrenoline, improves EEG
Sesquiterpenes - get < as day progresses tracing in elderly; Lipid metabolism – ↓s platelet
(bilobalides) * G. biloba will ONLY help your memory if you have activating factor, ↓s cyclooxygenase and
cerebral vascular injury (ie. will not benefit if d/t heavy lipoxygenase; maintains aerobic glycolysis; Other:
metal toxicity) alpha-reductase inhibitor- beneficial for BPH

- fatigue in elderly; Caution: h/a may occur, but usually subsides in

- intermittent claudication, 2wks; 5-10 reports of intracranial bleeding in pts NOT
- Raynaud’s, vascular spasm, on anti-coagulants; caution w/ anti-coagulants
- diabetic angiopathy, CI: 2 pts w/intra ocular bleed
- phlebitis; varicosities, post-thrombosis, Toxicity: fruit, pulp, and seed are toxic  2 pieces of
- leg ulcers, fruit pulp is toxic especially in children
- hemorrhoids
S/Sx: severe allergic reaction, erythema, edema,
vesicles, itching, rectal burning, Gin-Nan syndrome
– 27% lethal especially in children, convulsion,
Tx: GI lavage
Historical use: “elixir for long life” Caution: pregnancy d/t emmenagogue action
Helleborus niger Alkaloids (helleborin, Circulatory stimulant Toxicity: Helleborin – purgative; Helleborein –
(Christmas rose) helleborein) Cathartic Indications: weak HT, hypotension, tachycardia, narcotic; whole plant is toxic
Cardiac steroidal Emmenagogue cardiac dropsy, (↑s HT contraction - +ve inotropic,  S/Sx: GI irritation, delirium, numb oral tissue,
glycosides (hellebrin) slow pulse, ↑s arterial tension); death from cardiac and respiratory failure
Ranunculaceae - renal atony;
Glycosides (veratrine) Tx:GI lavage, emesis, tannin, stimulants w/ diuretics
** Weak HT, HNTive, - jelly-like stool; (tea, coffee)
tachycardia - amenorrhea w/ hot flashes (and cardiac symptoms), - Papver spp. Quiets bowels, saline cathartic
burning of thighs and buttocks and sensitive pelvic
tissue  Ext S/Sx: Skin irritation
- very mild & very early stage CHF (commonly used Tx: wash skin twice with soap
in Europe)
- great herb for palpitations with anxiety,
Leonurus cardiaca Alkaloids (leonurine - Hypotensive - reduced coronary perfusion (mitigates spasm of Pharmacology: antispasmodic – uterus, BVs;
(Motherwort) ornithine derived alkaloid) Diuretic coronary artery); inhibits myocardial cell firing; improves mesenteric
Cardiac glycosides Anti-spasmodic - calming but takes up to several months; circulation; increases coronary perfusion; volatile oils
(cardiac tonic activity) - amenorrhea from cold, bearing down or pelvic and = relaxing effect
Laminaceae lumbar uneasiness or pain;
Volatile oils - hypotensive
Citric, mallic, tartaric acid - suppressed lochia; - sedative
- nervous, irritable, DT; typhoid w/nervous excitability
- nervous debility or unrest eg. at menopause Toxicity: >3gm may cause GI upset, diarrhea, uterine
- hyperthyroidism (mental state of) – although, Lycopus bleeding (1 case)
is best;
- cardiac autonomic imbalance – sedative effect similar
to Valerian)
Key: post menopausal, peri-menopausal
Internal Pharmacology:
Melilotus officinalis Coumarin Anti-thrombotic, – idiopathic, atonic h/a;  T½ = 2.5d; duration = 2-5d
(Yellow clover) (orthocoumaric acid) Anti-coagulant (only if - h/a from painful ST;
- long-standing neuralgia assoc w/ debility;
 topical use  ↓inflammation, ↑venous reflex
Volatile oils fermented; non-fermented response, ↑flow of lymph (rats) in inflamed paw
Flavones = analgesic activity) - neuralgias during cold or flu;
Fabaceae - ovarian neuralgia (usually d/t cysts)
Caution: PTT/INR should be monitored along w/ LV
- dysmenorrhea w/ lameness, soreness, or sciatica
- areas of pain sore to touch < cold and tender
- painful colic w/ diarrhea and flatulence;
CI: anti-coagulant therapy; 1case of bleeding after
- painful varicose veins, venous insufficiency;
2mos on 3herb formula, all w/coumarins
thrombophlebitis, hemorrhoids, lymphedema
(congested lymph)
Toxicity: Coumarins
External – varicose veins, thromboplebitis,  S/Sx – large swellings, pitting edema, reduced
lymphoedema, neuralgic pains; IV: ↑healing rate and blood prothrombin levels, death by hemorrhage
↓pain from phlebitis, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins  Tx: cease use, vit K, oxalic and malic acid as an
oil from fruit: Pharmacology:
Olea europaea Fruit – fatty oils, Nutrient – constipation (kids or adults) w/ rectal fissures, ulcers  Leaf – elevates phagocytosis, bitter, ↓arrhythmia,
(Olive) phytosterin, bitter, lecithin Laxative (inject rectally) ↓GI spasm, bactericidal, virucidal by altering
Leaf – glycoside, bitter Emollient - GI irritation d/t swallowing the wrong substance - amino acid. Production
glycoside, monoterpenes Demulcent poisoning from caustic and alkali substances
Oleaceae - appendicitis
 Olive leaf extract
(calcium elenolate) - calcium elenolate virucidal and bacteriostatic
- dysentery (per rectum)
effects (coxsackie, herpes, polio, parainfluenza,
- dry skin, cradle cap, bruises and sprains (warm
staph aureus, and bacillus cereus)
compress); - oleuropein ↓LDL oxidation and prevents loss of
- ↓ HT dz risk - ↓atherosclerosis, ↓cholesterol, ↑HDL, E
↑coronary artery blood flow, ↓coronary artery Caution: olive leaf extract – GI irritant take after
spasm meals
- preventative for Breast CA
- cholelithiasis – sludge, not large stones (PerOs)  CI: oil from fruit – galls stones (pharmacists)
causes spasm of GB to release stones (leads to
emulsified fat in toilet) Risk is obstruction Toxicity: oil from fruit – irritating to conjunctiva;
olive leaf extract – non-toxic at ↑↑↑doses;
leaf – hypertension (labile/moderate); Herxheimer’s reaction (healing crisis d/t die off of
micro orgs.), slight h/a from detoxification
olive leaf extract – malarial fevers chills, diarrhea
and other severe viral infections w/ fever
- HTN (Dr. Saunders  pts w/ severe HTN given 6wks Pharmacology: slows HR, mild anti-arrythmic, may
Rauvolfia serpentina Indole alkaloids Anti-arrhythmic by their medical dr to reduce BP before putting on induce euphoria, depletes catecholamines and 5-HT
(Snake root) (reserpine) Anti-hypertensive medication)  ↓BP; sedation – ↓ amine stores in CNS
Anti-hypertensive - reduces 40% of mild / 30% medium-severe HTN
alkaloids (alseroxylone) - cardiac oppression (d/n ↓ coronary circulation) Caution: tendency to dizziness d/t ↓d blood flow to
Anti-arrhythmic alkaloids KEYNOTE: - head congestion, h/a, vertigo the brain on rising; long-term use can exacerbate
(ajmaline) - restlessness, anxiety, fear, agitated psychosis (may peptic ulcers and hiatal hernia
Hypertensive and
allow you to handle stressful situations better) CI: depression, peptic ulcer dz, parkinson’s dz,
**Whole plant is fairly
Anxious!! - acute or severe schizophrenia (↑er dose) pregnancy teratogen, abortifacient, uterine
safe d/t combo of diff - insomnia (sedative) stimulants), avoid Digitalis spp
alkaloids greater - vasospasm attacks
tolerance for whole - fever Toxicity:
plant that for the - abdominal pain  Reserpine toxic at 0.25-260mg  depletion of NE,
individual alkaloid DA, 5-HT
 S/Sx – bradycardia, hypotension, contracted pupils,
↑GI peristalsis, ↑GI secretions –
ulcers/hemorrhage, flushing, hypothermia after
tachycardia, tremor, coma
S/Sx of OD can persist for 3hr to 7d
Tx: Emesis, GI lavage
Internal – cardiac arrhythmia especially w/ CHF and Pharmacology:
Sarothamnus scoparius Quinolizidine alkaloids Hemostatic paroxysmal atrial tachycardia  slows accelerated  Spartenine – extends diastole w/ elevated HT pump
(Irish Broom) (sparteine to 1.5% - Anti-arrhythmic stimuli in atrium (↓d HR) and ↑s BP (milder than Dig) output
curare-like) Oxytocic -arrhythmias often occur with menopause (post)
Glycosides (tyramine, - ↓s irritability of HT conduction system; regulates HT  Scoparoside – diuretic
scoparoside) action and improves venous return
Yellow flavone, tannin, - vasoconstrictive (alkaloids) CI: pregnancy – oxytocic
bitter, essential oil - dropsy w/ myocarditis, LU dz, thorax dropsy – diuretic
- post-infectious myocarditis w/arrhythmia Toxicity:
**Glycosides ↑ - atrial and ventricular fibrillation (mild)  Alkaloids – small doses stimulate HT, large doses
- extrasystole w/ long-term use suppress cardiac contractility and paralyze
urinary output K+ Topical – sore muscles, abscess, swelling respiratory centres
loss ↑ arrhythmia
HT failure death  Precaution – no more than 1/16 grain sparteine
sulphate for initial dose
(would be good to
S/Sx – muscular incoordination, blurred vision, heavy
supplement with K+) limbs, cardiac arrhythmia, ↓d pulse, tonic and clonic
convulsions, paralysis of motor and respiratory
centres, death by asphyxia
Tx: Emesis, GI lavage, charcoal, cathartic, CPR
- chronic cough w/tenacious expectorant; Pharmacology:
Scilla maritima Glycosides – HT stimulant - dropsy, +ve inotropic, -ve chronotropic (↑contractility but d/n
(Sea onion) Bufadienolides (scillaren Diuretic - generally asthenic (weak or debilitated); ↑HR); poor GI absorption (= less potent than Dig);
A, B – - mild to moderate HT failure (NYHA 1,2,3) ↓left ventr Pr (diastolic), ↓venous pressure;
Liliaceae look and act very similar - HT failure w/ KI failure (anuria); expectorant at low doses
to cardiac glycosides) - better than Digitalis (focus = HT) on elevated CI:
peripheral arterial tension (edema)  w/ Crataegus  renal failure, renal inflammation (some authors
oxycanthus, Valeriana spp disagree w/these), pregnancy, lactation, HTN, 2nd
or 3rd degree AV block, ventricular tachycardia,
aneurysm, GI ulcer (irritable)
 can potentiate Digitalis spp for diuresis
 S/Sx – 2nd and 3rd degree HT block, hot dry skin w/
elevated pulse, fever, GI irritant/cramps, hematuria,
anuria, arrhythmia, stupor, paralysis, death 10-24
Tx: Emesis, GI lavage, monitor K+, ECG
Internal – impaired HT function, rapid pulse with Pharmacology:
Selenicereus grandiflorus Phenylethyl amine Sympathetic stimulant to edema; -↓pulse, dilate peripheral vessels; ↑renal output
(Night-blooming cereus) alkaloids (hordenine) HT and KI, - mitral regurgitation; -Tyramine strengthens HT muscle contraction
Nonsteroidal - hypertrophy of HT; angina, palpitations, -Stimulates spinal cord neurons;
cardioactive amines Diuretic - cardiac dyspnea, arrhythmia, -Non-cumulative (unlike cardiac glucosides)
Cactaceae - tobacco HT; HT dz assoc w/ rheumatism; Caution:
isorhamnetine glucoside, - dropsy, KI congestion,  Hordenine (acts like cardiac glycosides but safer):
rutin) - prostatitis (more w/enlarged prostate – Dig is better for sympathetic stimulant to HT plexus and circular
Mucilage HT + prostate S/Sx); myocardial fibers (positive inotropic activity)
Tyramine (cardio amine - dysmenorrhea, menopause (cardiac changes with
– non cumulative) menopause);  MAOI d/t tyramine (found also in cheese, red
MAOI interactions - bronchitis; goiter; tinnitus; wine, chocolate, yogurt, other fermented foods,
- mental depression, beer, sauerkraut)
- hypochondria, fear of death (Key picture w/ herb Toxicity: tachycardia, arrhythmia, cardiospasm,
and Homeo) throbbing h/a, confusion, vertigo, GI upset,
- nervousness assoc w/ vertex h/a; melancholy, amblyopia, constriction in chest, carditis,
pericarditis, HT failure
Topical – rheumatism (flowers) Over all a SAFE HERB!!!
Orally – precordial pain (angina), Pharmacology: orally – broken down quickly = can
Strophanthus kombe Steroidal glycosides: Cardiac Stimulant, - cardiac dyspnea, SOB; rapid pulse, HTN from weak give frequently; IV – rapid onset, altered pulse w/in
(Strophanthus) Strophanthin-k – milder Diuretic HT muscle (muscular debility) = in early state of minutes of delivery
than strophanthin G compensation, CI: pregnancy (uterine stimulant in animals);
Strophanthin-g – milder (Cardiac glycoside - cardiac insufficiency; arteriosclerosis; myocardial degeneration, valve lesions,
Apocynaceae arteriosclerosis (relative b/c with ↑arteriosclerosis the
than Digitalis spp effects) - mitral regurgitation, mitral stenosis (Strep  RF
attack mitral valve); cardiac tonic & sedative; HT c/n respond to ↑demands), atheromas, aneurysm
Note: Herbs can use w/ (cardiac glycosides ↑ contractive force  more
IV: IV – cardiac dyspnea; Pressure on HTRupture aneurysm, K+ depleting
-Mellilotus - acute HT failure from infection, scarlet fever; cardiac herbs (simlar to Dig spp), drugs, foods, etc..
-cratagus insufficiency and assoc angina; Toxicity:
-Digitalis (emerge) ** leaves HT sooner than Digitalis = less cumulative  Myogenic cardiac stimulant w/rapid action (5-
-Strophanthus toxicity/side-effects (Rapid digitalization) 10min) and rapid peak (30-120min) = narrow
therapeutic window
 S/Sx – weak muscles w/twitching, rigor mortis
(visual color changes) of HT and body, cessation of
HT and LU  death
Tx: Epsom salt purge (give until vomit); drink ↑
amts of salt water (laxative effect); CPR, atropine for
bradycardia; Monitor K+; phenytoin for HT block
or electric pacemaker
Indications: Pharmacology:
Volatile oils (citral, Diaphoretic, Internal – restlessness, 1) faster influenza recovery w/ fewer
Tilia cordata citronellal, citornellol) Arteriosclerotic HTN - migraines, nervous h/a, nervous tension, complications;
(Linden flower) Mucilage (kaempferol) - hysteria; 2) anti-fungal;
Tannin Picture of Herb: - HTN from mild arteriosclerosis, 3) p-coumaric & flavanoids  antispasm (may effect
Hesperidin (flavanoid – -mild HNT w/ anxiety - palpitatations w/ nervousness (Saunders: very BP);
quercitin) -colds/flu’s beneficial in mild HTN – tea + lifestyle changes); 4) volatile oils (fresh flowers) = sedative, anti-
Saponin, sugars -NOT for ↑ BP - diaphoretic for infection, cold, influenza (may or may spasmodic;
-combine w/ cratagus not develop sweat) 5) terpenoids = diuretic
- cold w/catarrh, w/ fever or chills (tea);
Toxicity: urticaria (on skin) in sensitive people
External – bath or enema for nervous conditions, HTN,
rheumatism, itchy skin, eczema TX: water and soap

 V.album – moderate HTN;  V. album – Protoveratrine A,B = sensory nerve

Veratrum album Steroid alkaloids Circulatory depressant, stimulants ; not as strong as Viride for BP
(White and green hellebore) (protoveratrive A and B) Anti-spasmodic,  cholera – gushy watery bowel d/c w/ abdominal
cramping, sunken eyes, extreme perspiration (body – inhibit activation of Na channels
Glycoside alkaloids Hypotensive
(veratrine, veratridine) drenched), cold face  V. viride – alkaloids inhibit activation of Na ion
Liliaceae  gout channels in excitable cells esp those that regulate
Note: these alkaloids look topical: insecticide cardiac activity  ↓cardiac activity, ↓BP, induce
& act like cardiac bradycardia (better than album for BP)
glycosides, but also have CI: pregnancy (teratogenic), lactation/ conception;
affinity for CNS  V. viride – stronger HTN GI irritation; absorbed through skin
 rapid full pulse, bounding pulse, wiry;
 flushed skin,  Fresh 1 grain (10-20mg alkaloids), 1-2g root =
 blood shot eyes; lethal
 fever, inflammation;  Afferent sympathetic stimulant  vagus reflex
 convulsions, slows HT, lowers BP, dilates arterioles; ↓↓dose 
 cerebral hyperemia ↑BP via direct vasomotor center effect
 Very high dose for acute BP then switch to Raulfia  Inactivates Na ion channels, paralyzing HT
or Apocinum S/Sx – oral burning, mydriasis, pulse <30, SBP <50,
 Very High fever with prostration then rapid pulse, SBP>200, spasm, A-V block, coma
Tx: emesis, lavage, strong coffee, fresh air, keep
* occasionally eaten by cattle  drink milk  milk warm, atopine to ↓ BP & ↓ bradycardia (for 1st
sickness (fever & prostration) stage), sympatholityic for ↑ BP (for 2nd stage); IV
diazepam for seizures
 (narrow scope of use related to BP & stroke): Pharmacology: entire plant contains very potent
Vinca major/minor Indole alkaloids Circulatory stimulant (↑ alkaloids (leaf, root, twigs)
(Greater and lesser (vincamine) – BV dilation blood flow to brain)  h/a, vertigo d/t hypotensive effect, restlessness, Vincamine – hypotensive
Tannins Hypotensive HTN h/a, ↓ BP  drug Vinpocetine (brand name Intellectol) derived
 changes in mood d/t stroke/TIA/dementia  poor from vincamine & used for Alzheimer’s
Apocynaceae memory, behaviour & emotional disorders  post-stroke - ↑cerebral circulation & O2
(aggression, confusion, irritable);  leukocytopenia, lymphocytopenia
 cerebral arteriosclerosis, post stroke ↑cerebral  ↓α-1, α-2, γ-globulin levels d/t immune
circulation, ↑ cerebral oxygen ; suppression
 defective hearing of CNS origin; CI:
 visual disturbances d/t retinal BF alterations;  pregnancy (teratogen b/c it affects rapidly
 Cytostatic: Hodgkins dz, leukemia, solid tumors, dividing cells), abortifacient
blocks metaphase in mitosis
Higher doses  alteriation in rapid cell division Toxicity: Catharanthus mech – produces
 loss of Achilles tendon reflex, pareshtsia (will return granulocytopenia, bone marrow suppression
but takes months) (leukemias, Hodgkins);
S/Sx – blurred vision, dry mouth, ataxia, psychosis,
Note: V. major/minor has no effect with cancer. convulsions, alopecia, ↓BP, death
Madascar periwinkle (Cantharanthus roseus) only S/SX of Min and Maj: more cardiac n/d/v,
species that has effect w/ cancer -- blocks metaphase convulsions
in mitosis (used in chemotherapy) Tx: GI lavage, emesis, charcoal, monitor CNS & liver
enzymes, IV diazepam for seizures/convulsions
 moderate to mildly severe HTN (160/100), well- Pharmacology:
Viscum album Cardioactive polypeptide Hypotensive, tolerated long-term but generally used to get  In various cancers  ↑survival time, CD2,4,8,25,
(Mistletoe) CHO (choline,tyramine, HTN down then transfer to other herb (ie., HLD-DR & DQ, QOL, T helper cells, NK, IL2,
viscotoxin) Cerebral circulatory Veratrum spp, Rauvolfia serpentine); IgG, IgE
Oleanolic acids stimulant,
Loranthaceae  flushed face, congestive h/a;  HTN via inhibition of medulla blongata vasomotor
Histamine centre – viscotoxins
Alkaloid (content varies Tumor inhibition  headache, vertigo,
Ovarian CA: Stage 1&2 – Iscador + surgery = 100%
w/host tree)  ↓d energy, irritability from HTN; 5 year survival
 epilepsy, hysteria, nervousness – unable to lie Breast CA: increased T helper cells, NK, IL2, IgG,
down d/t HT symptoms; IgE - lectin binding to tumor cells
 nervous tachycardia; Caution:
 weak, irregular HT w/hypertrophy, SOB, valvular  MAOIs d/t tyramine content
insufficiency;  pregnancy
 tearing, neuralgic, or rheumatic pains; Toxicity: 1-2 berries in child FATAL (white berries
= very poisonous)
 tumor inhibition in even difficult to Tx cancers
(ovarian CA, leiomas) d/t special protein or lectin  S/Sx – bloody diarrhea, convulsions, mydriasis,
(not cytotoxic) – Iscador SQ injections = safe in CV collapse, death in 10hr post injestion
pregnancy and lactation Tx: Emesis, GI lavage, fluids and electrolytes,
monitor K+, monitor EKG for HT block and collapse
Bark – CI:
Xanthoxylum americanum Isoquinoline alkaloids Dried root, bark  sluggish circulation (vasodialation) - ↑HT output, Relative – acute GI inflammation or ulceration (↑HCl)
(Prickly ash) (chelerythrine) – Anti-spasmodic, slow pulse, mild diuretic; mild CHF d/t volatile oils and resins
Benzo. Alkaloids (nitidin, HT stimulant, Potential – pregnancy
asarinin) Sialogogue  capillary engorgement in infected tissue (esp in Caution: LIV dz, monitor LIV enzymes
Rutaceae legs);
Bioflavanoids (diosmin,
hesperidin) Berry – Carminative,  intermittent claudication, Raynaud’s
Avicannin Mucous (vasodialation);
Coumarin  nervous atony and despondent bleeding;
 tympanic GI w/low gastric secretions, bowel spasm,
gastric catarrh;
 uterine cramps, neuralgia, dysmenorrheal
w/neuralgia (commonly d/t ovarian cysts),
 dry oral mucosa(moistens & helps w/ expec
 excess mucus and sputum often as protective
response to ulcer (↑ GI secretion w/o irritating ST);
 chronic rheumatism and sluggishness;
 ↓peripheral circ (↑periph BF to MSK)
 toothache;
Berry –
 Main indication: sluggish circulation w/capillary
engorgement and chronic rheumatism;
 painful bowels,
 cramps;
 weak HT, slow and weak pulse
 circulatory stimulant

Quick Overview:

Acute& severe (>180-200): Viscum, Veratrum

< 160-180: Viscum, Raulfia (w/ cratagus long term), Apocynum

140-160: Ginko (increase circulation), Cratagus w/ little bit of Raulfia/Apocynum for acute changes, Tilia (slow and for nervousness); Allium sativum

VASODIALATING: Ginko, Capsicum (some effect in HNT and decreasing cholesterol)

SEVERE CHF: Digitalis and ER (low BP 80/60; Pulse 210)

CHF: Helleborus (mild); Convelaria (mitral insuficiancy, mod); Leonaurus (post-menopause, palpitations, anxiety, hot flushes); Cratagus (NYHA 1&2 and early 3)

HIGH CHOLESTEROL: Olea, commifora, allium sativum

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