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God is ONE; mankind made him many: One Mosaic, one Christian, one Muslim.

Jews and Christians Documentary Facts July-2010

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Beyond the desire to document a fact which worried me a long time after the first readings about 'Zionism' was a fact in the modern era: that in 100 years by a people's will and its leaders action made the Return in his Homeland Eretz Israel, after 2000 years. I tried to explain me the mechanism. From what I've documented the extraordinary results matching effort on three fronts: 1. Organizational - with all their differences and specific human egos, rabbis, bankers, political leaders with different orientations (from traditionalists to socialists and communists) and men of action converge efforts at establishing Hebrew World Congress (1897 Basel). 2. Educational - Action to create a systematic educational unit, a single language, a system of education starting with the religious training (from age 3 years) to the sports and military training, to unite around a future mature Hebrew religious education, culture and common citizens, in any location on the globe would be community. Would be added intercommunication between communities (based on experience of secular rabbis questions Jews in remote locations). 3. Logistics - creating a group of financial, operational, able to support both returning to Eretz Israel and mutual support between Hebrew Communities around the world. Axiological substrate can be expressed simply: Faith, Discipline, fairness, tenacity .... Compliance procedures once established, Creativity under uncertainty and risk situations. When I was unclear why they were pogroms and holocaust against the Hebrew people. Now I know. This other peoples have not intention to learn the Jewish

lesson with Hebrews. It was easier to kill and take the goods! Than to build, hardly and in a long term, toghether, a better life for that people. So I started to describe these things in this book, hopes to get some real reading Romanian: young financial or temporal power, priests or politicians, men or men of letters well ... And if we do not know how to proceed, why not asking the Hebrew: 'How did your brothers! Show us know! '. There is not a utopia: a primary would be enough on us to get in touch directly on the net, with a primary of a Moshav or a Kibbutz in Israel. Require logistical support in organizing his commune, in implementation of projects to exploit local resources and how to attract financial resources. I believe that novelty will call response in circumstances where there is a genuine belief in one God, the common good. Aim was to suggest that we can organize such, to have a will and collective action for the Romanian people, not only for each of us. Then I realized that I am too vain ... but I did the work to go. To this volume I add and two Essays showing that the collaboration of two Christian prelates, one Orthodox Christian, a Roman Catholic Christian, along with the Jews helped save about 700,000 Hebrew from Holocaust extermination of the twentieth century.


Name: Vasile Mesaro Anghel Proffesion: IT Trainer Studies: University of Bucharest - Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics (1971) System Analyst Postgraduate - C.E.P.E.C.A. (1975) Work Motivation: Documentation of issues that concerned me in recent years.

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