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Guerrilla Social Media Marketing Jay Conrad Levinson & Shane Gibson 2010 Entrepreneur Media ISBN-13: 978-1-59918-3683-1

Summary by Mark van der Weyden Earthfaves A.G. Guerrilla Social Media Marketing Plan Explanation: STEP 1 SEVEN SENTENCE PLAN (Answer the following questions):

1 Goals: *Is the goal SMART? -Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely *Is the goal INSPIRING? -Don t make the goal too safe -Should keep you excited and motivated -First inspire yourself and then make others excited *Do the VALUES ALIGN with the goal? -Measure daily activities in company with the ultimate goal -IF that s 70% or more, that s good! 2 -Competitive Advantage: *What problems can you solve for the target audience? *What makes your products/services unique? *Solution: Talk about solving problems through Social Media 3 Target Market: *Scale down to your ideal clients (Result: MORE focused) *Study=Knowledge=Creativity -> Know the market inside-out *Create top-seven criteria for customers: -Define market clients in one single sentence (Chapter 6, page 153-155) 4 Marketing Weapons: *Create one sentence that you will use (First focus, and later augment) *Select a minimum of 5 marketing weapons with the following criteria: -Should be used + listened to by target market -Are tools you know how to use efficiently or learn quickly -Have knowledge of a specific social network culture or etiquette -Have been chosen after you ve closely monitored and listened to targets 5 Positioning: *Create 140-character positioning statement (Chapter 2 page 22+23) *Be a dominant player in all nano markets of one broader market *Pick these nano markets carefully *Constantly feed these markets with information

6 -Identity: *Create honest and authentic identity that includes the values you live by *Establishes trust and credibility with the specific audience *Entrepreneur has to stay committed to the identity 7 Marketing Budget: *Invest percentage in expected profit in time and money *Focus on tools that work and market that respond + make sure investment pays of f *Then invest a percentage of that expected profit in your marketing plan STEP 2 YOUR GUERRILLA MARKETING CALENDER (Use following information):

*Break-up the identity ( story ) you want to visualize into smaller bits ( tales ) *All these tales combined will eventually tell the complete story *Guerrilla Marketing has the focus on the LONGER TERM *The Calender has the focus on the SHORT TERM *Create monthly theme or stick with the position, but communicate this through t he calendar *Eventually cross the weeks with the tools you want to use by using a table (Example=Chapter 10, page 219-220) STEP 3 MAINTAINING YOUR ATTACK (19 secrets to successful SMM):

1.-Commitment: Stick with the plan on the long term (1 yr+), it will pay back ev entually. 2.-Investment: Invest time, energy, imagination + information in SMM, only some money. 3.-Consistent: Keep identity, be consistent in message + online SM identity. 4.-Confident: Use SM to listen to customers, this provides great information + s olutions. 5.-Patient: Build foundation and take the time in mastering GM weapons + whole p rocess. 6.-Assortment of Weapons: Start with blog or social site. Identify over time wha t s best. 7.-Convenient: Brevity is key in SM. Don t waste people s times. Approach directly. 8.-Subsequent: Know what s next. Solve several customers pains. Search for the next big thing. 9.-Amazement: Tell positive-and interesting stories. People love to follow (succ ess) stories. 10.-Measurement: Use Google Analytics. Measure activities on your website=forms of profit. 11.-Involvement: Let people know your listening. Reply on questions or statement s. 12.-Dependent: Get contacts, and let them do your marketing for you. Become depe ndent. 13.-Armament: Use the same SM that customers use. Also find new social networks + mediums. 14.-Consent: Build trust and relationships. And gain permission by your relation s. 15.-Content: Give value and unique content. And give more and more. Rewards will come. 16.-Augment: Ask; What s next? Always be a step ahead of the game. Adapt strategy. 17.-Congruent: Make sure tools & messages work together. They will represent you r brand. 18.-Experiment: Constantly test and monitor progress. Do something with failures . 19.-Implement: Implement techniques into calendar and listen to audience regular ly=key to success.

Terminology: SM: Social Media GM: Guerrilla Marketing SMM: Social Media Marketing

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