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SPECIFIC SPEECH TOPIC: Over Population of Nurses in the Philippines SPECIFIC SPEECH PURPOSE: I want my audience to be informed about

the reasons why there is over population of nurses in the Philippines. THESIS STATEMENT: Crowding Index of nurses that abound the Philippines

INTRODUCTION A pleasant good morning to my classmates and to our professor. My brother and I were discussing Nursing trends and issues last night and one of the topics we dealt with was the oversupply of nurses in the Philippines. The discussion was prompted by his batch mates in college complaining about the difficulty of finding job for nurses or nursing graduates And apparently, we found out the three main reasons why there is the presence of overcrowding of nurses in the country. First is that students were forced by their parents to be enrolled in the nursing course. Second is that there is an increase in the enrolment number but a lesser educational prioritization, and lastly, there is a high job opportunity abroad but a low local job opportunity in the country. BODY: 1st MAJOR POINT: FORCED COURSES INDULGED BY NURSING STUDENTS Supporting Detail 1: Children are obliged by their parents to take the nursing course. Supporting Detail 2: Presence of relatives abroad that will help the incoming nursing relatives. Supporting Detail 3: Opportunity of high income abroad.

MAJOR POINT: INCREASE IN NURSING ENROLEE BUT LESS EDUCATIONAL PRIORITIZATION Supporting Detail 1: Failing grades of students in the academics. Supporting Detail 2: Absence of Nursing Advisers. Supporting Detail 3: Fewer appraisal exams and Battery exams in the University.

3rd MAJOR POINT: HIGH ABROAD JOB HIRING BUT LOW LOCAL JOB OPPURTUNITIES Supporting Detail 1: Poor feedback mechanisms on government Agencies Supporting Detail 2: Looseness on new learning on Medical field Supporting Detail 3: Insufficient Medical Technology in the country.

CONCLUDING STATEMENT: Seeing all of these, I say that there is really an overpopulation of nurses in the Philippines. And as s nursing student, I can see that the resolution to this problem is that we should now organize our government and focus on this terrifying situation that will make our country poorer and more incompetent abroad that is apparently affecting our name internationally. If all the criteria and elements are met, where nursing as a course is purely guided and purely focused, we will not be at far to those nurses on other parts of the world that are seen and mandated as a more efficient and more outstanding nurses than we Filipinos do. It will surely give a lot of help to our country if these changes will happen as soon as possible.

PRESENTED BY: Tabamo, Dan Alexander (Irregular 2)

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