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YOL.I 110.1 .

IUIII 30, 1979

Business, politics and philanthropy-singly or in any combination-are the main
motives for socializing in our town. They are also the main interests of Steve
Martindale, who recently helped Kay Shouse with another successful benefit for
Wolf Trap Farm Park for the Performing Arts. Steve also enlisted Nancy Dicker-
son as emcee for last month's benefit for the Stehlin Foundation for Cancer
Research. Kay and Nancy say Steve deserves a lot of credit for his charitable
bent. He stands out, says Nancy, because "we' re accustomed to women who do
full-time charitable work, but we' re not used to a bachelor lawyer who does these
things." For more on Steve, see page 23. Photograph by Fred Ward/Black Star.
Mrs. Shouse's hair and make-up by Barbara Walker of Lucien et Eivind .
. _ .................. .
Couple 011 Glltltl by Myra Mensh Patner
Happily marrieds share secrets of success
.. core, 'llle Traclltloeal Woclclhtg by Jeanne McManus
Modern brides get back to the basics
Stove Martlaclalo' CaaDo CaaCaa by Rita Kemp ley
The bachelor and his benefits
Off to the racres and on with the show
CapltaiStowa The arts in review by Warren Adler, Dorothy Marks,
Anne Blair, Bette Taylor and Robert Miller
a Oulclo to rolclolltlal aulto by Vicki Ostrolenk
8ocll Cleaclr by Maggie Wimsatt
PubllahelfDavld Adler
Editor/Sonia Adler
lohnaglng EdltorfRita Kampley, Dealgn Coneultani/Jack Frost, Chief Phot09rapheriJohn Whitman,
Contributing Phot09r1pher./Fred Ward, Belly Ford, Peter Gerfleld, Aaalat1111 to t he Edltorlloe Klrateln,
Contributing Wtlter./Lise Berger, VIola Dralh, Dorothy Marks, Robaf1 Miller, Garnett Stackatbarg, Batte Taylor,
Maggie Wimsatt, Adrienne Whitman, VIcki Ostrotenk., Jeanne McManus,
Advartl alng Salea Director/Jon Adler,Aecount Eucutlvaa/Deanna Gould, Mira Kahn,
Production DlrectoriUanne Uyeda,
Type .. ttl"9/ Julia Young,
Advanlalng ProductloniBonnle L.. Down,
ControUar/Shlrley Bartholomew, Olllca Manager/Nadine Ellis, Circulation/Walter Duncan.
The Wuhlnqton Douler Is published by Adler/International, Ltd., David Adler-President.
Jon Adler VI.:. President, Sonia Adler.Sacretary Treuurer
AdvertiSing and editorial oil lees located at 3301 New Mexico Avenue, NW, Washi ngton, DC 20016.
General Tel.-{202)3625894

New York-(212)684-8661 " Metronet" 27 Madison Ave. N.Y., N.Y. 10016
Loa Angeles-(213)933-9283 Prestige Magazlne Group, Inc. Blvd., Loa Angeles, CA. 90036
Subscription prlc&$12 per year; $14 In Canada; $2 In other foreign countries
Subscription Olllc&P.O. Farmingdale, N.Y. 11737
Photographs lor commercial and noncommercial use are available lor sale-Phone (202)362<4040
Controlled circulation poatage pai d at Gordonsville, VA 22Q.42
Copyright 1979 Adler/International , Ltd.
Circulation to be audited by (VAC) l


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Dossier rde
POL POOPa Word is that Carter call-
ed Nixon at San Helena to report on
the conclusion of the SALT negotia-
tions. The conversation apparently
was spiked with philosophical reflec-
tions on the thanklessness of the job
and copious "I told you sos" ... This
doesn't seem to stop the crowd at the
White House admission window.
Watch for more drop-outs on the
elephant side. And don't write off
Carter. Aides are already dusting off
the Truman strategy of 1948 - run
against Congress; show true grit as an
underdog. Nagging concern is what
happens if Lance cops out. .. As for
Kennedy, the question is when will the
Carter people force the opening of that
one-copy collector's item that has been
in compilation for years.
PIIPLINOa Plucky political Lynda
Robb said to be shaky over her new
job, but willing to tough it out for the
cause ... Mondale being a good solider
while he scours the wall for a way
out. .. insiders snickering at boob tube
try to make John Dean a
swinger ... Ardeshir Zahedi still at it.
He met the Bob Hopes in the elevator
of the Waldorf Towers recently and
promptly sent up three dozen roses.
Penni Alison, who for two years
bravely battled back troubles and pain,
is off to Florence for the summer to
restoke the spirit. .. Popular Italian
diplomat Antonio Provenzano and
pretty wife Michele now ensconced in
Roma where they've taken a flat near
Cucci's house ... Susan Goldwater busy
denying she and new spouse Marvin
Warner will take to political hustings
after he steps down as ambassador to
Switzerland ... Peter Malatesta has
dropped the fork for the pen. He's do-
ing a piece for United Features and is
about to sign with a publisher for his
memoirs ... Bett y Ford' s book
bombed ... Ditto Jerry's .. . Ki.tty Kelley
and husband Mike Edgley bought a
plush Georgetown pad with Jackie 0
Japanese Prime Minister Ohira took
a weiJ earned snooze during White
House entertainment on his recent
visit ... No one shocked at speed at
which Peter Jay was chucked ... Once
again Congress trying to tear the guts
out of the Endowment for the Arts.
Not all our national culture is on the
game shows, kids.
APOLOOIISa We goofed badly on
our item about how Ed and Gladys
Hoffman announced their separation.
Beware of mongerers who thrive on
personal anguish. That's not our style.
silliest - "T ongsun Park was a
victim," said Gwen Davis, while flack-
ing her wacky Washington book at the
Sans Souci. The most Poignant -
"Walt would have loved it, " said
Margaret Hodges during the recent
benefit for the Stehlin Foundation, as
she watched guests jam Pisces, eight
deep at the three bars.
LIMONSa Watch out for those
Volvos. Since 1976, they have been
spreading lemon juice everywhere.
Irate owners (like me) are bitching into
the wind. Keep em in Sweden, pal, to
mix wi th the smorgasbord. Those ads
about longevity ... only baloney.
l'tlnlalaa't new showroom
now open at
7034 Wisconsin Avenue
carrying oriental rugs and
master craftsmen of furniture-
A remarkable selection of
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Finally, racial areas,
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The no-needles
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There's no skin lrrl
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cl ally trained tecn-
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trate work In small
areas for any amount
of time. Even make-
up can be applied Immediately after a treat-
ment. Oepllatron Isn't magic, just an up.
to-date solution to an age-old problem.
Couples on
The toothpaste tube and the squeezing
of same have become a symbol of con-
nubial stress. Inevitably, if he squeezes
the end, she squeezes the middle. And
wrule it is true that opposites attract, it
is this very magnetism that strains the
day to day intercourse between other-
wise perfect partners.
Although many a marriage has gone
down the tubes as a result of said con-
undrum, many a well-known couple
has turned the solution of this pasty
problem into the very fixative of
lasting romance.
"After thirty-nine years together, we
joke about the little things that
bothered us when we were young,"
says Mildred O'Neill, wife of the
speaker of the House. Mrs. O'Neill, for
instance, long ago learned to handle
Tip's nightly snoring, which is at its
loudest when he is most tired. "I feel
like I've lived with it forever," she
muses. "I found that if I say his name,
he turns over and stops."
Betty Bumpers has lived for thiity
years with Senator Dale's quixotic
habit of taking off one of his socks in-
side out, a routine which has led his
wife to untold hours of confusing and
strenuous sock sorting. ''I'm convinced
there is a limbo in which aU of Dale's
unmatched socks are gathering," says
Betty, whose own penchant for
mispronouncing or forgetting names at
political events is a family joke.
As you sow, so shall you reap, it is
said. But Shirley Wilson, wife of
California Rep. Bob Wilson, has yet to
do so when it comes to the vegetables
her husband painstakingly plants each
spring. "Just as the first tomatoes are
forming, we're off to California, leav-
ing our garden' s bounty to friends and
neighbors," sighs Shirley as she packs
for the annual trek home. "Fried green
tomatoes have become our traditional
going away dish," she adds.
"My husband won't eat dessert with
me," complains Irene Pollln of hus-
band Abe, owner of Capital Centre.
"He just doesn't have a sweet tooth,"
she adds, still incredulous after all
these years. This unusual self-discipline
where the excitement is
Hec ht's Oriental
Rug Gallery at
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Listen ... let me tell
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Well here I am ... with my
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1730 K STREET, N.W.
does not extend to his night table or
closet, however, which are usually pil-
ed high to overflowing with books,
papers and notes. "Fortunately, I've
gotten sloppier over the years and he's
getting neater, so it works out."
An unusual twist that might cause
trouble in some relationships has been
turned to advantage by Giant Food's
patriarch Joe Danzansky, who
discovered some years ago that the
very sound of his wife's voi ce puts him
to sleep. Now, when tired after a long
day, he expressly requests that she talk
to him so that he can be gently lulled
into dreamland. 'Tve told her many
times that it's not that she's boring, but
that her voice is my security blanket,"
insists this fortunate husband of a
tolerant mate.
" We' re still newlyweds, " says
Catharina Biddle of her five-year mar
riage to Livingston. "But my being an
artist and by nature impractical has
definitely led to problems." When tax
time came around the first year and
Mr. Biddle suggested that his wife
bring him the year's bank statements,
she was dumbfounded. "Were we sup-
posed to keep them?" she inquired in-
Writer Kandy Stroud neatly solved
the problem she and husband Frank
had over who gets to read the morning
paper first by ordering two subscrip-
tions. Each now dives for his own,
eliminating conflict and disproving
that old saw that marriagE! is a school
in which the s tudent learns too late.
Dr. Stroud may soon initiate a
similar solution to stop his wife from
sneaking his razor to shave her legs.
"I've shown her articles about how this
bugs husbands, I've threatened, cajol-
ed, all to no avail," laments this
popular pediatrician.
Effi Barry discovered that her hus-
band Mayor Marion Barry's hundreds
of scraps of paper, matchbook covers,
napkins and cards containing
telephone numbers and names were
mounding in ever-growing piles across
the bedroom. A simple and effective
solution: a specially designed basket to
catch and contain the goods, which
"worked beautifully," testifies Effi.
Ditto for Helen Bums, whose hus-
band Arthur, former chief of the
Federal Reserve, used to insist on
smoking in bed at night. Mrs. Burns
procures mints from Howard Johnson's
as a permanent substitute for night
cigarettes, keeping her husband's bed
table well supplied. She even packs
them in his suitcase for trips. "He
::.:t'"c I ass i c s i 11 act ion
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For all seasons, in block on ton
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Calvin Klein jeans for men. Some come with
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From our Calvin Klein Jean Collection.
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The Calvin Klein Shop,
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Tysons Corner. Mclean. Va. (703)893-3500. 'Nhlte Alnt. 11305 Rockvile Pike at Nicholson Lone.l<enslngton. Md. (301)468-2lll.
Open late Monday through Friday 10:00-9:30. Saturday 11116. Closed Sunday.
reaches for a mint, not a smoke," says
his wife, satisfied.
A similar problem in need of a dif-
ferent solut ion confronts Susan
Brinkley, wife of David. "lf only my
husband would stop smoking, at least
in the bedroom," she sighs. "But he just
can't sit down to a typewriter or a
book without a cigarette in his mouth.
A recent subtle hint to eliminate said
habit from the bedroom took the form
of repainting the room and sending
"every blessed thing out to the
cleaners," says Susan. "I keep trying. "
When Esther Coopersmith, the Perle
Mesta of Potomac, discovered early in
her marriage to Jack that he loved to
shop for groceries ("' noticed we had
two of everything in the refrigerator
from his shopping and mine") she relin-
quished this task to her spouse, who
has done it ever si nce. Thus no conflict
in the Coopersmith home, where there
might have been in others.
For the dozen years Walter
Washington was mayor of the District,
his wife had to cope with the frustra-
tion of being scheduled by schedulers,
"who felt they needed to make up our
schedules but didn' t need to teJI us
about it." Finally, Dr. Bennetta W<tsh-
ington says, ''We're starting to
live like normal people again and it is
delightful. "
Patrick Hayes, Washington im-
presario, admits that in almost forty
years of an otherwise blissful marriage,
there has been the recurring nuisance
of finding his half-fi lled coffee cups all
over the house. His wife has put them
in the clothes hamper, the filing
cabinet, the closets, but never in the
Hayes recalls that the late Sen.
Robert Taft was forever in trouble with
his wife because grocery lists, carefully
placed in his pockets, tended to stay
there, since the senator consistently
forgot to stop at the store on the way
home from work.
Claire and Joe Dratch's professional
and personal relationship of thirty-
seven years has thrived in spite of dif-
ferences in taste (his office at their
clothing store is contemporary and
cluttered; hers is Victorian and prim).
Joe also has closed his eyes to her habit
of wearing his terry cloth robe, rather
than one from her extensive closet of
All that has been said simply seems
to prove, as WiJliam Blake the poet
knew over 150 years ago: "Love to
faults is always blind, always is to joy
inclin'd." ODD
Tradition enriches our lives, gives us continuity.
Perhaps that is why in a fragmented, fast-paced
society such as ours, we hold fast to the ritual of
marriage. No other tradition spawns so many
symbols-of union, prosperity, fertility, family
and happiness. And no other day celebrates this
continuity more than the florid, silver, white and
scented day of days, the wedding day.
In the 1960s, weddings were wed-
ins. Couples spoke vows on a moun-
tain top at midnight, tied the knot on a
beach at dawn. The free-wheeling '60s
gave way to the free-falling '70s, when
sky-diving couples pulled the nuptial
rip cord to float gently down to earthly
The inevitable end to these nonsen-
sical nuptials is the return of the traru-
tional wedding. Some of Washington's
most well-known recent singles. Page
lee Hufty, Teddy Proxmire and Susan
Goldwater to name a few, were wed in
the old-fashioned way.
But why have couples come full cir-
cle? Why, in the face of the stagger-
ing divorce rate, do men and women
continue to enter the institution of
The deliriously happy Page Lee Huf-
ty, who donned a Victorian lace gown
to wed Baltimore's Benjamin Griswald,
gave her reasons: "Marriage is a very
old tradition. Perhaps the reason for
the soaring divorce statistics is because
people don't take marriage seriously. 1
do and so does he.
"Also, traditional weddings make
people stop and think about what an
important step they're taking. It's a
very exciting step if you stop and think
what it really means."
A wedding can be the symbol of a
consolidation of love, power, families,
wealth, business and prestige. When
Monica Consorti married Count Ric-
cardo Agosta at Georgetown Universi-
ty's Dahlgren Chapel in April. many
journalists reported the wedding on the
business and finance pages. The wed-
ding merged two of Italy's most pros-
perous companies, but the couple ap-
parently had their own reasons for the
pomp and ceremony. "Meeting each
other was so meaningful," explains
Roberto, hairdresser to the happy cou-
ple and the contessa-studdcd wedding
party. "They live in a world of scandal,
where there are no values. Their wed-
ding was an intellectual symbol of
tradition and purity."
The symbols of the traditional wed-
ding are etched in stone. Those who
would tamper with them incur the
wrath of etiquette book authors and
bridal consultants, a fiery breed when
attacked. Here are the elements not to
be messed with:
IRI aaiDia Wedding specialists agree
that the star of the show was, is and
always will be the bride. Only white
may be worn by the bride at a
traditonal wedding, although bridal
18/JUNE 1979/00SSIER
J acqueline Bouvier and John F. Ken
nedy were married on September 12,
1953. A happy Robert Kennedy ap
plauds the couple during the traditional
cutting of the cake.
Theodore Roosevelt posed
with his daughter Allee on her wedding
day, February 17, 1906. Princess Allee
married Nicholas Longworth, an Ohio
A ndie Goodrich was recently married
by her father, the Rev. Louis H. Evans,
senior pastor of the National
Presbyterian Church In Washington,
D.C. Here, he and her mother Colleen
prepare to give Ute bride away to her
future husband Craig Goodrich. __

A special day deserves a special gift. a
special gown and a special moment.
Our bride, portrayed by Allison
Hanes. wears a Bianchi gown with a
Watteau train of lovely Alcncon lace
and matching mantilla by Priscilla of
Boston (from Claire Dratch at $920 and
$220 respectively).
Helping with last minute details is
Allison's mother, Peggy, who wears a
Don Luis de Espana chiffon (from I.
Magnin at $265). Edward E. Ayre Inc.
provided the bride's pearl choker ($975)
and 2.16-carat diamond ring ($9,350)
and her mother's platinum and diamond
earrings ($1, 780).
The mother-and-daughter modeling
duo was assisted by Courtney Miller,
the four-year-old daughter of Dr. and
Mrs. Garry Miller. She makes a pretty
flower girl in her voile dress by Lil-Filly
($63.50) at Just So.
(Group 1) Gifts for the occasion from
Martin's China, Crystal & Silver Shop
include a Rothschild bird china place set-
ting ($197), Baccarat crystal goblets ($45
edch) and Grande Imperiale Buccellati
silver ($660 for five pieces).
The place mat and napkins ($25 for set
of four) and striking fish platter ($140)
are courtesy of Dolly Kay Design Ltd.
(Group 2) Garfinckel's suggests bridal
gifts of pewter: pitcher ($90), tray ($36),
sugar bowl ($40). cream pitcher ($28).
coffee pot ($97) and tea pot ($97). Also
from Garfinckel's are the Fitz & Floyd
china setting ($48), Supreme cutlery
($25), Colony Tulip glasses ($6 and
$4.50), John Miles napkins ($2.75 each)
and place mat ($5) and Fitz & Floyd
napkin ring ($4.50).
(Group 3) Other gifts are a brass valet
($230) from Camalier & Buckley; a
crystal candelabra ($325) from Martin's;
silver ($487) and basket
($229.50) from Lillian Mitterer; and
silver tray ($120) from Martin's.
(Group 4) A chrome tea cart ($200),
Waterford wine decanters (from $110 to
$117. 75) and brandy snifters ($32.50
each) from Lord & Taylor; picnic basket
($62) from Camalier & Buckley; chrome
wok ($39.99); and Carolina mirror (far
right) with gold leaf finish ($169.99)
from Woodward & lothrop.
Written by Jeanne McManus
Photographed by Peter Garfield
Produced by lee Kirstein
Flowers by Angelo Bonita
One of our specialties! Fresh
baked pound coke with rich
bullercreme icing. Hond
decorated in your choice of
colors ond designs. Special
requests ore easily accommodated.
The Bakery: Washington,
346-5300, ext. 2000.
Your wedding party con choose
from our extensive collection of
correct formal wear. We hove sizes
for ring bearers, too. With o
wedding party of five or more,
we'll outfit the groom os our
wedding gift to you. Our
professional staff will assist you
in your selection including
accessories. For consultation,
coll347-5300, ext. 523.
The Formal
*All stores except Pentagon.
Choose from our complete line
of Crone papers for your
wedding ond socrol stationery.
Select informal, wedding ond
engraved papers ond invitations
in traditional or contemporary
styles. For information and
consu I lotion coli 347-5300,
ext. 2636 or 2016. Also ask us
about our preservation of
invitations ond bouquets.
It will be carefully cleaned,
folded ond wrapped in special
tissue ond placed in o protective
box to keep it safe from light ond
oir borne pollutants. Use our unique
service for christening dresses
and other heirlooms, too.
For information, coli 347-5300,
ext. 2065. Dry Cleaning!'
Has a Special way to say "/Love You"
Distinctively styled, Meticulously lwndcrafted,
Wedding Rings to symbolize
your love today, tomorrow, and forever.
Village Greeu Sl10ppirrg Center
529 West Maple A venue
Viemra, Virgirria
(703) 281- 1370
Master Charge Central Charge Visa
"Titere are times when only REAL GOLD will do"
DOSSI ER/J UNE 1979/17
saJons will refer to colors such as
ivory, ecru, eggshell and antique
Pam McNamara, bridaJ buyer at
Claire Dratch, detects a designer,
sophisticated trend in bridaJ gowns for
the older, career woman. "We're also
seeing a lot of 'encore' wed-
dings-women who still want to get
married in a wedding dress, but not a
traditional wedding dress. Ivory is ap-
propriate for these situations."
Although textile innovations have
produced a plethora of Qiana or
polyester-blended wedding gowns that
stay wrinkle-free, most brides worth
their weight in Lenox wear silk or satin
in winter and cotton or linen in sum-
groomed bridegroom is the touchstone
of tradition. His garb and the garb of
his coterie remain unchanged. For
daytime weddings, he wears a grey or
black stroller, striped trousers, grey
single or double-breasted waistcoat
with white soft-collared shirt and grey
and white striped tie. For an informal
evening wedding, it's a black dinner
jacket (tuxedo), matching trousers with
satin side stripe, black vest or cummer-
bund, white shirt and black bow tie. A
formaJ daytime wedding demands an
oxford grey or black cutaway coat
with striped trousers, grey waistcoat,
wing-collared white shirt and striped
ascot. At formal evening weddings
after six, a bridegroom wears black full
dress tailcoat with satin side-striped
black trousers, white waistcoat, wing-
collared shirt and white bow tie.
THI RINOa A ring symbolizes union.
Jeweler Edward Ayre Jr. says women
are still dazzled by diamond engage-
ment rings in solitaire or in three-stone
settings. In the last five years,
however, future fiancees have been
star-struck by colored stones with their
diamonds. Ayre recommends that
couples who want to begin their mar-
riage on the right foot shop together
for that major investment, the engage-
ment ring. As for wedding bands, he
adds, the plain gold style has never
knuckled under to any trendy com-
respecting bride would march down
the aisle without sending ahead of her a
flotilla of bridesmaids, clad in colors
such as pumpkin orange or holly berry
red. For every bridesmaid, there is an
usher, who should be, but is not
always, a few inches taller.
The maid/matron of honor and the
best man, traditional tokens, have suc-
cumbed to the revolution in sex-role
stereotyping. Sarah Shaines, manager
of men's formal wear at Woodward &
Lothrop, recently outfitted a male
"maid" of honor. The bride's left-hand
man wore the same style suit as the
groom but a shirt of a subtly different
Optional members of wedding par-
ties are the ring bearer and flower girl,
two positions that seem to go in and
out of popularity, depending on socie-
ty's current attitude toward children.
MU.ICa Nothing can be more discor-
dant on a wedding day than non-
traditional music. Gene Donati, king
player in 800 wedding receptions a
year, recaUs one musical mishap: "The
mother of the bride wanted each
bridesmaid's walk down the aisle to be
accompanied by the pop tune which
just unfor tunately matched each of
their names. You know, 'Sherry,' 'Can-
dy, etc.
The Processional from the Royal
Fireworks music by Handel is popular
in many churches. Since weddings are
the only time instruments are used in
conservative temples, Cantor Robert
Toren of Adas Israel often recom-
mends Four Wedding Marches by
Ernest Bloch or some of lsador Freed's
processionaJ music. Trumpets also
travel with tradition. Wayne Dirksen
of the Washington Cathedral reports
that bridal couples often choose
Trumpet Tune and Air or Trumpet
Voluntary by Jeremiah Clark.
PLORA AND fAUNA. Most wed-
dings are awash with white flowers,
but the colors mauve and purple (em-
bodied in violets and orchids) are
flourishing, reports florist Angelo
Bonita. Traditional hand-held bridal
bouquets replace gimmicks such as
sprays or a single white lily. The
groom's boutonniere should be a
flower from the bridal bouquet and the
ushers' flower, Bonita insists, should
not be the same as the bridegroom's.
Fathers' lapels should be pinned with a
white rose and mothers' corsage should
co-ordinate with other arrangements in
the wedding scheme.
Due to the high-rising costs of
flowers, brides are selecting elegant but
simple floral arrangements, Bonita
reports. Gone are bridesmaids toting
flower-filled baskets or hiding perspir-
arbara Kelly met Theodore Proxml re, son o
Sen. William Proxmlre, about a year ago. Th!
couple married on April 28th at the Eplphan)
Catholic Church In Georgetown. A reception
followed at the City Tavern Club.
On November 25, 1913, Francis B. Sayre anc
Woodrow Wilson were wed. The bridal party
for a formal portrait with the Presidential
Library ot Con grass Collection
The Westwood
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flavored with mocha or vanilla or top-
ped with a tier of fruitcake, to be saved "
for lhe couple's first anniversary.
"Some people have asked for
cheesecake or ice cream wedding
cakes," reports Bruce Ellis of
Ridgewell 's, "but a wedding cake has
to be practical. It must be made and
transported. "
THI RICIPTION& Traditional wed-
dings pay off traditional guests (who
give traditional gifts) with a traditionaJ
Every reception also needs a band
leader, that musical tyrant who directs
not only his musicians but often an en-
tire mob of dancing and disparate
guests. Only he can say with asser-
tiveness, "The bride will now dance
with her father," and have the crowds
part, the dance floor clear. His litany
continues throughout the reception
and he must always smile as he takes a
request for Tie a Yellow Ribbon.
Of equal clout is the caterer or the
food and beverage director of the hotel
or club. This often dogmatic character
peels the bride and bridegroom away
from the friends and festivity, puts a
knife in their joined hands and in-
structs them in the ancient art of cake
cutting. The director is also responsible
for ordering that egg roll chafing dishes
be refilled and that shrimp cocktail
platters be replenished.
Other reception rituals include the
bouquet toss and the garter hurl, both
attempts to single out the still-single
and herd them into wedded bliss.
After the reception, the happy couple
must disappear, to be alone at last and
to change into their "going-away" out-
fits. Upon their reappearance, they are
deemed ready for the real world. After
their often tearful departure, the cake
is dismantled, the centerpteces are
assigned to one person and carted off
by another and the wedding day of-
ficially ends.
Why young healthy couples endure
the rigors of a wedding day is a
mystery to many. But some who've
wed once would gladly repeat the
event, updating and improving the
scenario, correcting mistakes made the
first time.
Why weddings? Why marriage? The
ceremonies continue, the churches and
synagogues are booked solid for Satur-
days and Sundays.
But some holdouts are firm. "Mar-
riage is a great institution," said the
often-unwed Mae West. "I'm just not
ready for an institution. " ODD
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Steve Martindale can do. He can get
you a publisher. He can push your
fudge. He can get Liz or Henry to back
your cause.
Like an overstuffed computer, he
can call up a name, one to fit any occa-
sion, and spit it out just in time to im-
press the impressionable. He is the can-
can king, the showman who trips light-
ly over the local social stage, high-
kicking and name-dropping his way
from glittery cause to glittery cause.
But who is Steve Martindale
anyway? And how come he can can-
can? More than one person has asked
those questions. But only one person
has tried to answer them intelligently.
There are few people watchers who
can't recall Sally Quinn's chronicle of
this man as a symbol of the inveterate
Washington social climber.
What is most memorable is that it
was not so much a story about Steve,
but a story about Sally, about society
and about how to make it in our town.
As Martindale puts it, "I was the whHe
whale in SaJly's theory of life."
With this in mind, then, the question
"Who is Steve Martindale?" can be
answered "a product of the press."
That is not to say he is not a product of
Pocatello and his parents, the Ad-
dington Martindales of Idaho. At
thirty-five, Steve is stiJl a. nice, small-
town American boy. He is ingenuous
and fresh-faced and probably will be so
forever. But above alJ else, he is im-
palpable. " I know I'm a bad
interview," he says to explain the lack
of chemistry, the failed communica-
"I've become cautious," he adds, ex-
plaining how he and client Margaret
Trudeau were screwed by NBC's Jane
Pauley. "They looked us right in the
eyes and swore Lhey wouldn' t ask
about the Ted Kennedy affair and then
they did it. I told Margaret I couldn't
believe it and she said, 'Oh, Steve,
you're so naive; you still trust people."'
"I tell him that all the time," admits
Trudeau. "But I think it's one of his
best qualities. I'd never be able to work
with a jaded hard-edged man."
Despite naivete and what people
might say, usually without attribution,
Steve Martindale is a survivor. Ad-
ministrations may come and go, but
Steve is here to stay. Like a good politi-
cian, he is simultaneously a Republican
and a Democrat. (He didn't campaign
for Carter, but "I voted for him," he
says under his breath to give the state-
ment credibility.) His all-encompassing
soul and flexibility let him fill aU needs,
make rum the perfect host.
A litany of dropped names begins a
luncheon interview at Sans Souci.
"Gee, I hope it doesn' t rain tomorrow, "
he says. With most people, this is a
way of starting a conversation with an
unknown person. Not so with Martin-
''Marvella's (Bayh) funeral is tomor-
row," he continues. "It would be so
depressing if it rained. l called up as
soon as I heard and asked if there was
anything I could do .. . " He shakes his
head. "It was so hopeless, but Marvella
led us all to believe it wasn't. Why just
three weeks ago she wrote me a note
saying she had to go to N.LH ___ .'lt's
usual,' she said, but it wasn't.
"Apparently Buffy Cafritz took me
at my word. She said, 'Could we use
your car and driver to pick up the food
at Ridgewell's (for a luncheon after the
funeral)?', and I said, ' Buffy, you know
I don' t have a car and driver ... "'
Where did Buffy ever get that idea 7
Perhaps she saw him leave the Hair
opening in a limo with two blondes
But that's not the point. ln th1
language of names, which Steve uses tc
describe an event, a place or a thing, he
is saying, "I am important because my
friends are."
By stepping across this language bar-
rier and using names to describe Steve,
his character evolves.
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Last year Steve Martindale served as ticket chairman for the Wolf Trap Farm Park gala.
He threw a party for Liz Werner, the chairman, and Key Shouse, the founder. From left,
at his Georgetown home are Robert Simon, Shouse, Warner, Martindale and Mra.
Cherlee Panon. Steve also served as this year's ticket chairman.
lady who answers the phone at
Pocatello High and a friend of Steve's
brother, said of Steve: "He's a regular
guy, but how come he struck it rich
and we didn't7"
Sherri Geyelin, who co-chaired a
Groome Center benefit with Steve last
year and felt she did most of the work
and he got most of the credit, offers
this answer: "Steve is a neighbor. He
wants to make a serious place for
himself in the community by pig-
gybacking on variou.s benefits."
Whether he does it for himself or for
charity makes little difference. In the
end, Arena's Living Stage, Save the
Children, the New York Studio School
for Art, the Walter Hodges' memorial,
Wolf Trap Farm Park and others have
benefited from his efforts.
"I try to give more than I take. The
press makes me look like some sort of
self-seeking turkey, but I want to be
successful. I want to make a contribu-
tion to charity. Now people take my
phone calls seriously and if I'm ar-
ticulate enough, 1 can persuade David
Kreeger to play on stage for the first
time (at the Arena Stage benefit.)"
Steve is a strong supporter of Wolf
Trap Farm Park, says Kay Shouse,
confirming his sincerity. He has been
an "active" ticket chairman for the gala
this year and last, helping the perform-
ing arts center earn upwards of
$190,000 on each occasion. "He does
not serve in name only," she says, ad-
ding that his committee, double the
size this year, sold many tickets even
before the names of the performers
were known, much less announced.
Connections never hurt.
Sometimes what one must endure to
maintain connections is too much. Cer-
tainly Virginia Graham would be too
much for many of us to bear, but Steve
had a party for her anyway.
"Virginia Graham7 Oh, 1 had that
party as a favor for a friend. I wasn't
even home when it was planned. It was
Virginia' s list, so I didn' t know most of
the people. Virginia is funny and zany,
but I'll never do it again. It was a zoo.
Betty Beale wanted to come with a
camera crew ... It was a mess, but
sometimes you get caught."
It seems strange that one would have
a party for someone he didn' t know,
but it is also strange that in the past,
some of Steve's guests have denied
knowing him or attending his parties.
When Sally Quinn questioned Alice
Roosevelt Longworth, a guest at one of
his soirees, about Steve, the grand old
dame replied: "Who7 I don' t know
who he is; I can't remember ever going
to his house, but perhaps I did. I
haven' t the least recognition. I
wouldn't want to hurt his feelings. I
don' t want to be rude, but I just don' t
know who he is. He probably thinks
he's very recognizable."
Today, thanks to Sally, Alice, Betty,
Sherri, Yoko and John, he is
recognizable, yea, even acceptable.
In a town bloated with Ivy Leaguers,
how does one parlay a law degree from
American University into a position
with a good firm7 It never hurts to
know socialite Nina Black, who helped
Steve gain a partnership with Tram-
mell, Rand, Nathan and Lincoln.
Gold tone jewelry with genuine
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Use it anytime, anywhere. The Truth Machine
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You succeed by knowing the answers. By
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When you ask a direct question you deserve
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Uke many technological d1scovenes, voce
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The princ1ple is remarkably simple. Sclentisu
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It gives you a straight answer
even if someone else doesn't!
lble "microtremor" in the voice. All that was
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sidering the state of modern electronic tech
In addition to police and intelligence agen
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In the past only the largest, most profitable
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The new cost-saving, solid state, mlcro-<:hip
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The former assistant to Sen. Charles
Goodell and ex-vice president of a
public relations firm is now the at-
torney about town. Clients include
Perrier Water, AIJjson LaLand, Emily
Malino, Margaret Trudeau, Liz
Carpenter, the Beach Boys' record
company and recent Martindale con-
vert Dan Moldea.
' 'If it weren't for Steve, four years of
my life would have been dow11 the
drain," says Moldea si ncerel y. "He
saved my book."
When the author of Hoffa Wars first
met Martindale, he virtually could not
get his book published. Michael Allen,
another member of the Jaw firm, in-
troduced Moldea to Martindale and,
within a very shor t time, Paddington
Press (also the publisher of Margaret
Trudeau's Beyond Reason) offered a
contract. "I went to New York and the
deaJ was signed, sealed and delivered
in ten minutes. That Steve's an amaz-
ing guy."
Moldea did not always think so.
"Before I met him, all I knew was what
I read in the paper. I looked at him as
being a socialite not a lawyer. Now I
know he has this tremendous abi lity to
puJl the two together in a completely
competent and professional manner."
And that's not all Washington's
social whiz kid can pull together.
Moldea, who faced danger and intrigue
that may soon spill over into the Ken-
nedy asassination case, praises the host
with the most for his "working class"
At his book party, says Moldea,
Teamsters mixed well and readily with
the mayor, Margaux Hemingway,
Playboy execs (who bought syndica-
tion rights), peanut butter and jelly and
Ritz crackers and a reporter from the
Washington Post. Thanks, Steve.
A far cry from the truck-driving
Moldea is that fragile blossom and
veteran party planner Allison LaLand,
who seems sure the common touch will
transform her upcoming book into
gold too. One night at where else, but
a party, Steve told Allison she ought to
write a book.
" 'Get me a publisher,' I said. And
the next day I had one." Again, it was
Paddington Press, an operation located
in a which Margaret
Trudeau described as "like a family,
not a factory. "
"This town is just alive with people
With stories to tell," says Martindale,
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Steve Martindale Is one of three Washing
tonians who are members of the board of
Save the Children. Here, he attends a re
cent benefit for the group with Oatsle
Charles (left), MarJorie Benton, board
who serves as some sort of synapse be-
tween those who' ll tell and those who' ll
His parties "bridge the gap" between
those who have never met, have
wanted to meet or have never wanted
to see each other again.
Sometimes, it's Steve himself who
nobody wanted to meet. "I've had din-
ner partners who've spent a half an
hour telling me what a fool 1 am, but I
also have loyal friends. I'd even have a
party for Suzie Glutz; it's just nobody
writes about that. Besides, giving par-
ties and going out beats watching TV."
Though he wants to be seen as a
serious person, he has no intention of
changing his life style. Now and then
he daydreams about living in one room
in New York and becoming a musical
performer. "I was accepted to Julliard,
you know. "
At one point, he was also thinking of
becoming a minister, a profession he
pursued briefly as a divinity student at
Giving up the church-he seldom
goes- does not mean he has given up
his "very traditional values, which are
sorted out from moral isms," but rather
chairman, and Sarah Weddington (right),
assistant to the President. Scooter Miller,
who arranged the affair, said Steve was a
big help. "It was marvelous to work with
him. He follows through. "
that he has turned to new primary in-
terests-business, poUtics and philan-
thropy- not necessariJy in that order.
It was a lovely day at Wolf Trap
plantation and we sat around the patio
sniffing the lilacs and sipping minty
drinks called Beverly Sills. Kay
Shouse, somewhat distracted by the
squirrel in the bird feeder, asked Steve
if he was working on other beneHts
besides her Wolf Trap gala. Steve rattl-
ed off a long list of planned good
Works, including the benefit for the
Stehlin Foundation for cancer research
in memory of Wal ter Hodges that Nan-
cy Dickerson, author and journalist,
emceed recently
We talked about the tulips, Trudeau
and Jane Pauley, Steve's picture in the
Idaho Statesman and his mother's
bridge club and took some pictures.
Nancy and Kay Shouse posed in
front of the tulips and behind Steve,
then behind the lilacs and in front of
Steve. "Look up at Steve," said the
photographer. '' Adoringly?" asked
Nancy. 'That's what we're here for "
said Steve. '
1338 Wisconsin Avenue N.W.
Washington, D.C. 1IXJJ7
Open Tues-Sat Il -l and I :30-6
Fed up with dinner in disguise? Unrecognisable entrees. undis-
cemible tastes? Tonight. go out for good home cooking. Treat your
family to N.Y. Strip, pri me Tenderloin. or delicious Delmonico. With
steak house fries or homemade onion rings, and crisp. garden salad.
A piano accompanies dinner. Sp.m. to midnight Friday and Saturday
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Along Part
(Above) The Corcoran
Gallery of Art was as
beautifully decorated as
ever for the twenty-fourth
annual ball sponsored by
the women' s committee,
which Is celebrating Its
twentyflfth anniversary
this year. Accordlno to a
committee spokeswoman,
ball proceeds, which
benefit the gallery, were
about $80,000. (At right)
Couples donned crazy
pi nk caps, courtesy of
band l eader Lester Lanln,
and danced with wil d
abandon In the atrium;
other dancers slipped off
to the disco upstairs.
(Above) Armand Hammer (left) announced his million-doll ar-plus-grant to the
Corcoran Gallery of Art just a few days before the annual ball was held
there. Peter Menlo, gallery director, says the money will allow a free gate
for Corcoran visitors. Behi nd the two men Is a painting by Frank Stella,
whose works are being shown at the gallery via a grant from the Ford Motor
Company Fund. A second exhibition, " Montlcelll, His Contemporaries, His
Influence," also opened the night of the ball. It Is sponsored by the
women's committee.
(Above) The hardworklng chairwoman of the 1979 Corcoran Ball was Maud
Brown, who Invited Australian Ambasaador Alan Renouf and his wife to be
her special guests that night. Maud felt It was appropriate because she was
born In Australia. She also prai sed Woodward & Lothrop's Pierre LaUre,
who decorated the gallery. (At left) The patrons of the Corcoran jammed the
rooms. Among them were Oeeda and William Blair and Connie Mellon (right).
Suitably, Maud Brown's striped gown
seemed to have been inspired by the
subtJy glowing Gene Davis painting
which hangs in the Atrium of the Cor-
coran Gallery, scene of this year's ball
for arts patrons.
Strings of glittering lights, strung
overhead like st reamers from a May-
pole, shone down on ball chairman
Brown and her guests, Australian Am-
bassador and Mrs. Al an Renouf, at
their round table laden with spring
flowers and a first course of ruby red
"Le consomme madrilene en gelee
garni de caviar et creme sure les pailles
au fromage," as catering king jeff Ellis
dubbed it, did not quickly draw guests
such as Allison l aland and the David
Lloyd Kreegers to their respective
The sounds of Lester Lanin's or-
chestra seemed to compel the crowd
toward the dance floor, where many
wore inverted pink sailor hats, a Lanin
trademark, in tribute to the band.
While many guests munched at the
duck and croissants, some couples
danced up and down the marble stairs
a Ia West Side Story or Dames at Sea.
The disco drew Anna Chennault,
who boogied with abandon beneath
the plastic-covered tapestries and
multi-toned balloons. The Frank Stella
show of relief paintings, characterized
"by an almost vertiginous sense of
riskiness, audacity and eccentricity,"
according to assoctate dtrector Jane
livingston, would have seemed a bet-
ter setting for disco dancers.
The Stella exhibition, sponsored by
Ford Motor Co. which was represented
that night by Wayne Smitty, was
shown with a second exhibi-
tion-"Monticelli , His Contem-
poraries, His influence."
The ball, whi ch Mrs. Brown ex-
pected to earn about $80,000-that's
$20,000 more than last year--
celebrated the women's committee's
twenty-fifth anniversary. There was
further cause to celebrate that evening.
Earlier in the week, Or. Armand Ham-
mer announced his million-dollar-plus
grant to the gallery, which will allow
visits without admission.
With three self-contained ballrooms plus 30 other rooms in
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(Above) Straw hats, top hats, newsboy caps and
everything In between appeared above the ears
of the terrifically turned out hunt fans. (At right)
Ready for a sip of mint Julep are San. Howard
Metzenbaum and Marvi n Braverman (right). In
the background are Regi na Grasselll (left) and
Jackie Carnlcero.
(Above) Entering the rig
competitions Is Mrs. Ed
ward C. Dukehart of Jar-
rettsville, Md. She Is
driving the " Tom
Thumb" pony carriage.
(At right) In the running
for the most accessorlz
ed hunt fan of the day
was Endicott " Chubb"
Peabody, the former
governor of
Massachusetts, who
wore bow tie, binoculars
and a needlepoint vest
made by his wife. It
took her six years to
complete the project.
(Above right) Every Imaginable accessory was carried or worn by those
at the Middleburg Spring Hunt. Walking sticks and binoculars were big,
but most sensible was t he collapsible shooting stick of Lillian Glberga,
who chats here with Mr. and Mrs. Marquette de Bary of New York City.
(Below) The food was as varied as the accessories. Tony Telzel ra,
Madeline Weeks and Mi a Martin (left) prepare to sample the bounty at
one of the many tailgate picnics held at the hunt.
(Below) Newton Stears and his new wife Gabriela (left) joined Dick
Krolick before the races. Mrs. Steers was wearing a pair of miniature
binoculars around her neck that day. "These once saved my life while I
was mountain climbing," she explained, "but now I use them for the
opera and races alike." Also attending the event were the Jack Somer
vllles, the Wynant Vanderpools, Rose Marie Bogley, Susan Goldwater,
Sen. and Mrs. Lloyd Bentsen and Mrs. Ojamchld Tavallall. #-
A fashion show at the Middleburg Spr-
ing Hunt? Yes, indeed! One can aJways
count on seeing the best displays of
fashion and good taste at the Mid-
dleburg races. In this case, the spec-
tators were the models, the turf was the
runway and the brush and timber
jumps made ingenious props.
"It appears as if everyone stepped
out of a page of Town and Courttry,"
remarked one woman. "The clothes
have been around for a long time, but
they still look good," she added.
It could have been England's hunt
country, where fashions never fade.
The men were nattily attired in Harris
tweed jackets with chamois elbow pat-
ches, tweed driving caps, jodhpurs,
boots, tattersall shirts, collar pins and
suede vests. The women sported
leather and suede skirts or tailored
pantsuits, Hermes scarves, straw hats,
gold earrings and other gold jewelry.
Accessories were very important.
Former Massachusetts governor En-
dicott "Chubb" Peabody wore a bow
tie and a needlepoint vest that took his
wife six years to sew. Both Italian Am-
bassador Paolo Pansa and lillian
Giberga carried collapsible shooting
sticks. Peter Wilson of Middleburg car-
ried a carved walking stick, which he
said "is good for people who like to
drink." Newton Steers' new wife
Gabriele wore a pair of miniature Zeiss
binoculars around her neck. "These
once saved my life while I was moun-
tain climbing. But now I use them for
the opera and races alike," she said.
During the races, spectators enjoyed
tailgate picnics of luscious finger foods
and assorted beverages. Middleburg's
fine hostess Rose Marie Bogley provid-
ed the most elaborate feast-which
took her one week to prepare. With the
help of h,er sister Ruth Majcher, a
bartender and one other helper, they
made 203 pieces of barbecued chicken,
country ham, potato salad, deviled
eggs, baked beans and brownies.
Among her 150 guests were jack and
Candy Somerville, Sen. and Mrs.
lloyd Bentsen, the Wynant Vander-
pools, Marvin and Anne Braverman
and Peter Dunston and his wife.
Also there were Susan Goldwater,
who was telling friends about her plans
to wed Marvin Warner, current
American ambassador to Switzerland.
The wife of former Iranian ambassador
to Argentina, Djamchid TavaUali, said
sh'. is now "just living for the
In the traditfon of the grandest establishments in Europe, La Fleur Is pleased to
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Mickey Mouse flew up from Disney World
with that land's special ambassador; Andy
Warhol shuttled down from New York with
a friend; and Debby Boone landed sun-
burned from Las Vegas, her fiance In tow.
The occasion, which also brought out the
Kennedy clan, was a Very Special Arts
Festival, sponsored by the National Com
mlttee, Arts for the Handicapped. Par-
ticipants were the 750 handicapped
children who came to town for a four-day
celebration of their creativity, skills and
abilities. On the first day of their stay,
they were welcomed at a gala opening at
the O.A.S. Building.
At the O.A.S. gala to open the Very Special Arts Festival, the audience (above) was as
celebrity-studded as the stage. In the crowd were Roger Stevens, Eunice Shriver and
Ethel Kennedy. (At left) Bette Valenti , co-ordinator of the festival , and a youngster from
the Auburn School In Miami, Fla., sing along with the "Up With People" group. Blind
singer Tom Sullivan served as emcee and the cast of The Wlz also performed.
(Above) Jean Kennedy Smith, national chairman for the arts festival, welcomed Mrs.
Wyeth (left) vice chairman of the Arts for the Handicapped, and her husband, Jamie
(right) and Andy Warhol to the opening. (At left) Sen. Ted Kennedy, who earlier In the
day had received as much applause from t he kids as did Mickey Mouse and Debby
Boone, co-hosted a party at his home with Jean Kennedy Smith In honor of the arts
festival workers.
Washington's first Robert F. Ken-
nedy Memorial Tennis Tournament
was launched at a Hickory Hill par
ty the night before the match.
Weekend hacks, players, friends
and members of the Kennedy faml
ly swapped tennis tales and broke
training. Many members of the
doubles teams met their better-or
other-halves at the party. Mark
Cornell, Investment broker with
Paine Webber, sought out his part-
ner Rep. Jim Blanchard for moral
support. " My strong points," he
said, ''are that I double-fault three
times, better make that five times,
In one set." Rep. Marty Russo and
partner Bowie Kuhn claimed that,
although they were not the
strongest, they were the tallest of
the teams.
(Above) Sen. Larry Pressl er (left) and Mrs. Bowie
Kuhn reassured Bowie and his partner Rep. Marty
Russo (second from right), who had a case of
pretourney jtters the night before the match. (At right
Ethel Kennedy said she and her favorite partner Art
34/JUNE 1979/DOSSIER Buchwal d (left) might not the next day, due to
her tendonitis. are by Griffin Bell.
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Woodward & Lothrop opened Its
Tradewlnds East, a collection of goods
from six Asian nations, with a benefit for
the International Rescue Committee. Pro
ceeds will aid the resettlement of refugees
the world over. (Below) On each of the
newly decorated floors, Asian culture was
showcased Saeko lchl noke presented a
traditional Japanese dance for some of
the 350 guests attendi ng. (AI ri ght) Among
the special guests was Phlllppl n!'s Am
baaaador Eduardo Romualdez (left), whose
country was represented. He thanked Ed-
wi n K. Hoffman, chairman of the Woodle's
board, and co-chairmen Lionel Olmer (se-
cond f rom left) and Mra. Clayton Frltchle
for the lovely evening.
(At right) This year the Fountain of
Flowers Ball feat ured a do-lt-yourself
floral extravaganza, concei ved by Philip
Robertson, the husband of the assistant
chairman, Mary Robertson (left). Joi ning
them before the ball began was Louisa
Horwitz. chairman. (Below) Bidding In the
silent auction were Jennifer and Steve
Duckett (left) and Scott and Ellen
Paseltlner. Auct ion and ticket proceeds
benefited the Florence Crlttenton Home.
(At left) The Honorable and Mrs. Ellaworth Bunker JoJned others at the buffet of sump-
t lous eastern foods. Chopst icks were de rlgeur. (Above) Leo Cherne, chairman of the In
ternatlonal Rescue Committee, was deli ghted with the large turnout. Here, he told the
Laotian women who demonstrated their nat ional courting game and folk greetings how
much he appreciated thei r efforts on the committee' s behalf.
Those Americans who fled the Col
onles for England's more sophist!
cated climes were saluted at a recent
exhibition at the National Portrait
Gallery. Next to a brooding T.S. Eliot
are splendid self portraits of Gilbert
Stewart, John Singleton Copley, Ben
jamln West, John Audubon and John
Singer Sargent. (Above) Mra. Henry
Mortimer (left) receives an en
thuslastlc greeting from Marvin Sadlk,
the museum's director (right), while
her husband plants a kiss on the
aristocratic cheek of Lady Alexandra
Metcalfe, whose mother was a garden
variety American and whose father
was an English lord. (At right) Another
Anglo-Saxon, Mra. Pater Jay, wife of
the British ambassador, rests with
two other gallery opening
guests-Mr.. Robart Cherlaa (left)
and Suaan Mary Alaop. The exhibit
was collect ed by Richard Kenln.
The founders' committee of the Welzmann Institute of Science held
Its annual event-at $1 ,000 a couple-to raise funds for research.
(Above) Alma Glldenhom, seen with husband Joaeph (left), and John
Maaon, seen with Lady Lily Steff (right), were co-chairmen. Sir Marcu1
Slaff, seen with Mra. Maaon, Is the Institute's International chairman
and chairman of the board of Marks & Spencer. Their evening began
at 5:15, when a chauffeured limo arrived to take them to a reception
at the Cosmos Club. Afterwards they went to one of six homes, where
one of six famous local chefs prepared dinner. (At right) Ruth and
Maurice Bark prepared for their forty guests, while Gulllo Santillo,
(left) owner of Tiberio's, assured them all Is well In the kitchen.
(Above) Mr.. G.arga McOhH conferred
with Jack Monday, hort iculturist with
the Smithsonian, on the planting of
proper posies for the VIctorian Ball to
be held In and around the Smithsonian
Cast le on June 15th. The VIctorian
Garden seen here Inspired the theme
for the ball to raise funds for a new
horticult ural exhibition.
Bloomingdale's opened a major promotion
of Israeli-made goods wi th a benefit for
the State of Israel Bonds, American
Fnends of the Israel Museum and the
America-Israel Cultural Foundation. More
than $244,000 was raised that night. (At
right) Mr. and Mrs. Al ben Abramson view
the exhibit of Israeli photographs and art
which were on display. (Below, left) A bevy
of local beauties modeled swlmwear from
the Israeli fi rms of Gottex and Diva.
(Below, right) Guests of honor were the
new Israeli Ambassador Ephrai m Evron
and his wife, who wore a Gottex dress and
moonstones from Israel. This was one of
their first social appearances on the
Washington scene They are joined by
Marvin Traub, chairman of Bloomie's
The supporters of the Achievement Rewards for College Scientists held a
brunch auction to raise scholarship money tor outstanding students.
(At left) Mrs. George Gerber, ARCS president, pins a carnation on Bruce Ar
nold, one of the auctioneers. Pictured with them Is Mrs. J. Donal d Rauth,
auction chairman and board member. (Above) Dale Myers, under secretary
of energy and an auctioneer for the day, shows a Navajo squash blossom
necklace to interested bidders- Mrs. Anthony Cello, ARCS vice president
and auction co-chairman, and Mrs. Dale Myers, also co-chairman and a
board member.
you ao..,.
(Above right) Suele Thompson (second from left) eel
spring with a Maypole party. She asked guests to bring t
best bonnets. Following Instructions were Melody Glleey
(left), Bob Weldron and Clai re Sigmund. (Above left) Bill
Cook end Barbera deFranceaux enjoy omelets while
with Lynn Bernett (right). (At left) from left, are Cathy
Don Sigmund and P.J. Marahner.
MeNtlelSObN GALleRies
A showpl4ce in Washington since 1898
(Above) The annual ball to benefit the
American Cancer aoclety had Richard
Crenna (right) as Its special guest. Making
him feel at home In Washington are na
llonal president Dr. LaSalle D. Laffall Jr.
and his wife Ruth, ball committee
member. (Below) Towering Ice sculptures
of eagl es, griffins and shrimp presided
over a mind-boggling buffet of edibles.
Under one of the sculptures are Joel and
Randl Malnl, two of the 1,500 who
(Above) Lord & Taylor con
t rlbuted articles for the
Cancer Ball's silent auc-
t ion, which netted $5,000.
Looking over t he merchan
dise are Malvi n Eatrfn, a
co-chairman; Penni e
Abramson, a chairman,
and the Richard Crennaa
(left). Lingering over t he
display {at left) for the
" Pampered Ones," were
the John Pagenatechera.
Gall Siegel was t he win
nl ng bidder for this one.
(Above) Saul and Kay
Perlmutter danced to the
sounds of the Peter Duchln
band. (At left) ldele Golda
teln (right) chatted with
Suellen Eatrln, one of the
co-chairmen of the Cancer
Griffins of ice, held aloft by froz.en,
sculpted eagles, towered above the
ballroom filled with ladies alight with
diamonds and gentlemen in starched
white shirts with black ties.
"It's Good-Bye Columbus," gasped
one of the thousand or more guests,
when confronted with the tables laden
to the groaning point with succulent
spareribs, roast beef, erudite, fresh, ex-
otic fruits, lobsters and drawn butter,
freshly shucked oysters and more.
The dance floor was as beckoning as
the bounty. Peter Duchin saw to it that
there were sounds to please every
musical palate. SauJ and Kay Perlmut-
ter were among the first to trip the light
fantastic. The graceful couple has
never had dance lessons, "except the
merengue" when she was very, very
For those who were not dancers or
those who simply wished to take a
chance, there was a silent auction of ar-
ticles dona ted by Lord & Taylor. The
nine displays that were up for bids in-
cluded pleasures for the executive, the
sportsman, the gourmet cook, the
traveler, the child and the lover of
ultimate luxuries.
Those who lost to higher bidders
here still had a chance to win one of the
door prizes - the use of a Mercedes for
one year, a trip for two to Guadeloupe
or a five-piece china service for
Among the very important people
who helped put on this opulent affair
was Judy Rubenstein. Judy, a member
of the executive committee, was
presented wilh a special award for her
devotion and hard work for the
American Cancer Society, which
benefited that night.
Chairmen Pennie and Gary Abram-
son expected to make about $150,000
for the charity with proceeds from the
silent auction and the ball tickets. The
Abramsons were joined in the receiv-
ing line by Melvyn and Sue!Jen Estrin,
co-chairmen; Richard Crenna and his
wife, the special guests; Delores Han-
dy, Channel Five anchorwoman; and
Tom Harper.
Also attending were Bob and Gail
Siegel, she in a Halston without but-
tons or zippers; the Nat He.rsons;
Jessica Savage; Herbie and Gloria
Haft, the latter in a smashing Yves St.
Laurent; and Alan and Diane Kay, she
in a strapless black gown.
It was a beautiful ball, laced with
lovely fashions, vibrant spirits and
good will. - RITA KEMPLEY
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(Above) Pamela Harriman (right) talks with the
art ist Emilie " Mushka" Benes at the opening of
her show of polyester resin trees at the Osuna
Gallery. The art ist also happens to be the wi fe of
Zblgnlew Brzezinski.
Zbigniew Brzezinski smiled as if he
hadn't a care in the world. U.S.S.R
Ambassador Anatoliy Dobrynin tilted
his head thoughtfully to study the glit-
tering trunk of a tree molded in
translucent polyester resin. Averell
Harriman shook Sen. Charles Percy's
hand, his eyes riveted on the intricate,
abstract bark of another sculptured
It was the most enchanting petrified
forest ever seen this side of Arizona. Its
luminous power filled Ramon Osuna' s
Gallery with a certain magic. The glory
of nature was ingeniously translated
into a primeval celebration in terms of
art. A tricky proposition. It could easi-
ly have become as deadly literal as a
butterfly on the end of a pin.
But Emilie "Mushka" Benes' rubber
molds of tree trunks cast in light-
reflecting resin have a presence of their
own. The artist makes the most of the
illusive spatial qualities of the medium
and its intriguing ambiguity regarding
(Above) Sen. Charles Percy (left) joins Zblgnlew
Brzezi nski beside a tree trunk that was carefully
sculpted by the wife of the President' s national
security adviser. Mrs. Brzezinski's works sold
Well that night.
the material versus the immaterial.
It was Emilie Benes' (otherwise
known as the wife of Zbigniew
Brzezinski) first Washington show.
And while the gallery was hopping
with security people, it was also
crowded with political and art-
connected heavyweights, neighbors,
family and children. The number of
Washington phonies who pass them-
seJves off as art lovers on these occa-
sions was surprisingly small.
Along with RosaJynn Carter, the
ambassadors from the People's
Republic of China, Japan and Morocco
attended. So did the Livingston Bid-
dies, Peter Marzio of the Corcoran,
and Ann and Gil Kinney, who have
owned one of their friend's tree
sculptures for some time.
It was not only an illustrious, but a
solid crowd-solid people of solid
achievements. Not surprisingly, five of
Mushka Benes' sculptures-priced
from $500 to $3,000-were sold on the
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(At right) The American Horse Protection
Association benefit, chaired by Rose
Marla Bogley (front), featured Lorna
Greene (right) as guest speaker. Awards
W61'e presented to author Hope Ryden
(third from left) and senators Harrison
Williams (fourth from left) and Thomas
Eagleton, who have helped protect horses
from slaughter here and abroad. Mrs.
Williams (left) and Helga Orflla, the
hostess, look on. (Below, left) The Society
of Sponsors of the U.S. Navy, l adles who
have christened at least one ship, met for
tea at the Marine Commandant 's home.
From lett are: Mrs. Robert L.J. Long; Mrs.
M. Russell Kelley, president; and Mrs.
Alfred J. Whittle Jr. (Below right) Rosalynn
Carter and Mrs. Mike Mansfield, wife of
the U.S. ambassador to Japan, welcome
Mrs. Masayoskl Ohlra, wife of the
Japanese prime minister, to a show of
American fashions In vignettes at the Na
tiona! Arboretum. Sadly, the rain forced
models and guests Indoors.
For the very first time, the Congressional Wives Club offered their
guests a choice of alcoholic or nonalcoholic beverages at the an
nual luncheon for diplomatic wives. Most of the ladles took their
orange juice wlth champagne, later swearing that the mimosas
made for t he best lunch ever. (At right) Local art ist and teacher
John Bannon contributed an oil painting for the occasion. Mrs.
Jose de Barros, the wife of the ambassador from Chile, was the
lucky winner. The artist began sketching her portrait on the spot.
(Below) Much table-hopping preceded the potluck" meal. Here,
Mrs. Strom Thurmond (left) greets, from her left, Mrs. Karl Schober
of Austria, Mrs. Menelas Alexandrakls of Greece, Mrs. Russell
Long and Mrs. Raymond Probst of Switzerland.
Entertaining newcomers? Try Top of
the Town, 1200 North Nash Street,
Arlington. Perched on top of Prospect
House, it offers a breathtaking view of
Washi ngton. Any decor pales in com-
parison with such a sight. Enjoy the
view with hefty drinks and terrific
prime ribs. The menu features ItaHan
specialties-lots of veal dishes-and
fettucini instead of potato. But the veal
dishes are somewhat pedestrian and
the pasta isn't homemade. A favorite
Italian offering is the creamy salad
dressing, garlicky and robust.
The crabmeat cocktail is copious and
fresh; the lamb chops and the roast
beef portions are enormous-tender
and cooked to order. With the atten-
tive service and reasonable wine list,
any evening could be pleasant here,
but the view alone makes it spec-
tacular! Ask for a window table.
WINI PINDa Dom Riunart Blanc de
Blancs, 1971: $15.95 and Dom Riunart
Blanc de Blancs Brut, 1973: about
$19.00 at Continental Liquors, 1100
Vermont Avenue, N.W. These cham-
pagnes, with their marvelous balance
and superb finish, are from the world's
oldest contim.iously existing cham-
pagne firm. They are made entirely
from pinot chardonnay grapes. Dom
Perignon and Dom Ruinart created
champagne over 250 years ago at the
Abbey of Hautvillers and the golden
bubbles have been flowing ever since.
The 1971 vintage is almost gone in
D.C. , but the 1973 is a special com-
memorative bottling that marks the
250th anniversary of the firm's ex-
IN 1'HI SOUIIla Publisher Sid Yudain
frequently puts his fellow politicos in
the soup in Roll Call, the Capitol Hill
weekly, but lucky Washingtonians also
know he puts the soup in them. Sid
cooks up large quantities of split pea or
sauerkraut soup, fragrant with
tomatoes and caraway, and invites
over a slew of big band musicians to
entertain the likes of Mark Russell. Irv-
ing Wallace and Amanda Blake.
PASTA TRIIIlPINGa Local gourmet
Mario Cardullo will lead Italian food
lovers to the sunny country on
September 2nd for two weeks. Spon-
sored by Canterbury Travel, the trip
starts in Turin, continues through
Florence and Sienna to Rome.
Restaurants, vineyards and villas will
be visited. - BrrrE TAYLOR
Doris Grumbach
Doris Grumbach's new book Chamber
Music seems to be a lesbian manifesto
masquerading as a novel, or vice versa.
lt wears its custumt: wdl, st:quins of
literary allusion and classical musical
references, some sharp imagery of
language, stylistic cleverness and great
helpings of lurid pseudo-Freudian ex-
It seems a doughnut of a novel, with
a spongy rim and an empty middle.
The rim is held together by the familiar
cliche of the failed marriage from the
woman's point of view.
Caroline Maclaren, now in her
nineties, is telling the real truth about
her life, the loveless marriage to the
great musical genius Robert Maclaren
in whose shadow she lives dutifully
and obediently unti l he dies a horrible
death of syphillis. Caroline falls pas-
sionately in love with Anna, Robert's
The stars
come out at
,\ ...... - ..--
june Calendar
WolfTmpGala 1 J9A t>i Foil
1\.otnrv Tra,ers
OPERA Tom Paxtt>n
-1 T(>sca
5 Onn Pa.qunle
6 Otello
7 OilliOJ:uet. of the
!l DonCarln
9 The BartereJ Bride
I 0 New En,::land
Ragtime fu-emble
II "4 Girl> -1
Rosemary Clooney,
Rose Marie
Helen O'Connell,
MarJ!arer Whidnf:
I Z The American
Dance Machine
13 Ben Vereen
14 An Ewmn.: ofOrern
1 S Phil.tddphin
Omlo-:tnd y,

I PhilaJdrh r.i
Roben haw,
17 Vi11:inln Oay
20 Peter Duchin,
Piano & Ills

JAZZ FE!,Ii\ t\l
11 Keith Jamm
22 Herbie Mnnn

P:tt Metheny CTnup
B Count Basic&. Hb
Cam'len McR.1e
1-1 Lionel Hampion &
Hi> Quartet
Maynard Fcll!lL<On
& Hb Ord1C$tra
EMI "Fathn" Hines
Buddy Rich & Hi.,

Man u1u \ ViUiarn.<>
Grover MarJ(rel &
Za Zu Za:
Z6 Rt)n'leo & Juliet
27 ' leepin): Bc3ur
hi lkauty
19Swan Lnke
""I "'''11111(
J'ftl)n'ft.lf U.'-"'
7 I RlllllCI1&)ulict
Join them!
Call 938-3800 for t icker infnrmarion
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nurse, who, sometime later, inex-
plicably dies leaving Caroline alone.
She lives the next forty-five years in a
blank funk with only the memory of
her brief fling to warm her cold heart.
The politics are embedded. in the
book and beautifully stated: " ... how
many truths of the secret lives of
women are lost to history in the still
social afternoon air that hovers bet-
ween two women as they reveal the
singleness of their sex, the behavior of
their husbands as lords, as lovers.
Quickly said, revealed in a breath, in
low tones, even whispers, such special
truths are quickly buried and forgot-
ten. And yet they hold more valuable
human reality for the searcher after
truth than the dates of history and the
narratives of the lives and death of
The problem is that the "searcher
after truth" is totally waylaid from the
beginning by the total lack of any real
feeling in the characters, except during
the lesbian interchanges. All other rela-
tionships seem almost aggressively and
militantly morbid.
The fathers of aU three main
characters are disposed of before each
reaches puberty, two by death and one
by involuntary absence. Caroline's
mother is left to die and be buried at
the public expense in a pauper's
cemetery, with hardly a ripple of
remorse, by her child. Robert and his
mother, before his marriage to
Caroline, have engaged in an in-
cestuous relationship, the mechanics of
its fulfillment taking place in an over-
sized bed that serves as a kind of sym-
bolic sexual arena throughout the
book. Caroline sees Robert's mother
masturbating in that bed, in what must
have been intended as something ter-
ribly symbolic. Anna's mother brings
her husband's body back to Germany
for burial, leaving her and her sister
(who later dies of diptheria) with
friends, never to return. So much for
mother love.
The fathers never had a shot at it. In-
deed, none of the men in this book is
given half a chance. Robert has a
homosexual relationship with a fellow
musician, contracts syphillis, and both
die in a veritable porridge of open
sores, broken pustules and ulcerations.
Indeed, Grumbach describes gleefully
Robert's death in clinical horror with
particular emphasis on cataloguing
Anna's nursing ministrations to the
poor man's genital sores. Eric, another
male character who makes the terrible
mistake of falling in love with
= ~
The Embassy Row Hotel
2015 Massacllusetrs ,Avenue, NW
26,-1600 valet di nner parking
Carloline's female lover, bums himself
to death. Even a dog, aptly named
Paderewski, a male, of course, dies an
abysmally humiliating death, a blatant
foreshadowing of Robert's gruesome
Thrown in for good measure is a lit-
tle morsel of lesbian necrophelia
(Caroline gets into bed with the dead
Anna, and touches ''every part of her
body"). lf there is any comfort at all in
this mean little exercise of inadvertent
black humor, it is that these three
"characters" will be buried together,
Caroline to join them shortly, on a
grassy knoll, next to the dog
It is only fair to state that this book
has not been reviewed in a vacuum. 1t
has been highly praised, even acc1aim-
ed by a number of what are generally
called "respected critics" - a tight little
mutual back-slapping circ1e to which
Grumbach belongs. This, then,
represents a minority opinion. Worse
yet, it represents one novelist's opinion
of another novelist's work, a terrible
and highly vulnerable burden to bear.
Nevertheless, there is nothing more ex-
citing, more mentally stimulating than
the dash of one person's perception
against another's vision.
To us writers, a good literary
brouhaha, replete with bloody ego
gore, thin-skinned retaliation, cruel-
hearted revenge, even displays of
printed pique and pettiness would be
better than passivity and those endless
columns of pap that parade pallidly in
our publications. (Even this contrived
alliteration is worthy of a swipe in the
literary groin.)
Grumbach's book raised my hackles.
It invites controversy. It has been over-
praised by kindly peers. But that has
nothing to do with its merits either as a
work of the imagination or as an exer-
cise of the novelist's art.
by Judith Viorst
Simon & Schuster $5.95
Judith Viorst has to be every educated,
aware, city woman's favorite "mot"
maker and insightful surrogate. Every
married woman's, that is.
This slender volume is not to be
compared, you understand, with those
earlier hilarities, her best-selling It's
Hard to be Hip Over 30 and How Did I
Get to be 40 and Other Atrocities. It is
a more subdued, reflective, winnowed-
down Viorst vision, her aggravations
3221 M Street
Hours: 1 ~ 6 ~ t ~ 12-5 Sun
The One Restaurant Worthy of Landmark Status ...
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offering the best seafood dining in
the area and . . .
featuring nationally known acts
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8J ~ ~ ~ Call 484-6300 for Information
wittily recollected in the tranquility of
a more advanced age. (Heavens, can
she have reached the mid-forties or is
she just on the brink?)
This, then, is a distillation of her
observations on love and guilt and the
meaning of life with, if one cares to
make something of it, more pages
devoted to guilt and the meaning of life
than to falling in and out of love or
In any case, it is vintage Viorst. On
"star-crossed love'' she observes: "The
closest my husband and I ever get to
being star-crossed lovers is when he
thinks he's meeting me by the frozen
vegetable counter and I think he's
meeting me by the sour cream."
In her section on guilt, she asks:
"Are you the kind of person who
would never pet a dog if you and the
dog were the only ones in the room?"
On the meaning of life, she finds:
"Along with the police emergency
number, a good recipe for quiche and a
hairdresser who'll always work you in,
the meaning of life is also a nice thing
to know. "
This is a fine gift to take to your
woman friend in the hospital, pro-
viding, or course, it doesn't hurt her to
laugh and she is not very sick.
Betty Parry, editor
The Word Works, Inc. , $5.95
That "touch of the poet," lurking
(we're told) in every one of us, should
respond in friendly fashion to The
Unicorn and tile Garden, a new an-
thology of poetry edited by Betty
Parry. The poems (and several prose
pieces) are by thirty-five local authors
who were invited to take part in a
poetry and literature series held at the
Textile Museum from 1973 to 1975.
What a surprising List of our neighbors
turned out to be poets!
You might expect to find Reed Whit-
temore, who has been poetry consul-
tant to the Library of Congress and has
a string of excellent and popular
publications to his name, or Edward
Weismiller, author of three books of
poems and currently working on a
study of John Milton's prosody. But
Katie Louchheim, the first woman
named deputy assistant secretary of
state, or Eugene McCarthy, former
Minnesota senator and presidential
In a bit over 100 pages, a clear pic-
ture of Washington poetry during this
decade emerges-what it's all about
International Meats
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Served Buffet or
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Fabulous Pastnes
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and who the poets are. There are
folklorist Sterling Brown's poignant
melodies of the South; Elisavietta Rit-
chie's sharp thoughts about such
disparate subjects as fishing, politics
and love; Ann Darr's reaction to things
around us that we only wish we had
thought of first; and even appealing
translations of poems from several
other languages.
The current poetry consultant at the
Li brary of Congress, William
Meredith, says he finds the book in-
teresting because. in addition to telling
us what "constitutes a poem" in this ci-
ty at this time, it is also a readable
"fragment of cultural history. " I think
the reader wiJI agree.
P.S. Dear Textile Museum: Isn't it
about time you scheduled another
poetry and literature seriel' and invited
some more of our poetic neighbors to
participate? - .ANNE BLAIR
by Marilyn Sharp
Richard Marek $9. 95
For a first novel, Marily Augbum
Sharp' s Sunflower is an extraordinary
With its imaginative, bizarre and
fast-paced plot involving the kidnapp-
ing of the President's four-year-old
daughter and incredible intrigue within
the CIA, the book manages to be
something more-and, at the same
time, something less-than the formula
suspense thriller.
Sharp may be the first congressional
wife in history (she is the thirty-seven-
year-old wife of Muncie, Indiana's
Democratic Rep. Philip Sharp) to
create a thriller. She is certainly the
first to receive such industry acclaim
and financial rewards as Sunflower is
The scenes involving the White
House and Capitol Hill are handled
deftly. One of a dozen murders, if you
can imagine, takes place in a men's
room. Her story moves swiftly rom
Scotland to Washington to Vienna to
the ancient ruin of Knossos on Crete
and on to Athens. One could wish
Sharp' s characters, particularly that of
superspy, almost-hero Richard Owen,
were a bit more fleshed out, but then
spies by nature are faceless. Even so
she manages to engage reader sym-
pathy for Owen, even as he carries out
his horrendous and baffling assign-
This first novel, we are told, took
seven years of writing and rewriting.
There is, therefore, not quite the easy
Nestled behind 19 th century
townhouses and overshadowed by 1he
Byzantine dome of St. Matthew's
Cathedral. this carriage hoose Is now the
home of Washington's linest Middle
Eastern restaurant.
Warm weather brings garden dining
beneath fragrant magnolias both for
lunch and dinner. Inside the carriage
house, enjoy air-conditioned dining In
what was once the Slllble of General
Nelson A. Miles.
S v-n of fine Middle Eanern
R 1734 N Sl . N W.
In 1 h ~ Na11011'' CaptiN
1/ 2 block .., ol Conn AIK'
()p<on 7 dyo
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11 A.M.-4 P.M
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LUNCH 11).3
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A wedding .. . a gala party
.. . a social affair of any
kind begins with the Invitation.
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stop In and talk with
experienced engraving
Engravers Social Sranoners
Since 1892
1147-20rh Street, N.W.
Washington. D. C. 223-2300
50/JUNE 1979/00SS'IER
flow of language one finds in Patrick
Anderson's The President's Mistress or
Rod Macleish's The Man Who Wasn't
The idea for the kidnapping of a
Presidential daughter came to Sharp
while the Nixons were still in the White
House. However, one authentic scene
was lifted from the Carter White
House. The final chapter in which the
Presidential daughter is reunited with
her parents was dearly inspired by the
Carter picnic on the South Lawn in
Reader's Digest and Literary Digest
book dubs have already bought op-
tions and reprint rights have been sold
to a paperback house at a handsome
figure. Hollywood is interested. Read
The Metropolitan Opera's annual visit
to Wolf Trap Farm Park, this year
scheduled for June 4th through 9th, is
without a doubt Washington's finest
and most unpredictable theatrical
event. As one young woman put it,
"Opera at Wolf Trap is like baseball;
the home team doesn't always win."
No other art form manages to upset
so well those little chemical
laboratories in our bodies that produce
torrents of emotion. And from the
land rush that begins when 3,000
blanket- and basket-waving lawn-
sitters burst through the gates to the
final curtain (which often features
Met's music director James Levine, a
teddy bear of a man who bounds out of
the pit, dressed in a white sweatshirt
against the early summer chill, to
engulf his principals in mighty hugs),
an evening with the Met in the hills of
northern Virginia is opera at its most
gloriously absurd, magnificently
touching, spectacular best.
SIX OPIRAS will be performed this
year: Othello, Don Carlo, The
Bartered Bride, all conducted by
Levine; Tosca with James Conlon;
1232 36th ST., NW
French Cuisine in
Histori c Georgetown
" The '89 is a jewel "
Dresden. Washington Post
Valet Parking
1226 36th Street, N.W.
965-1789 .
Don Pasquale with Nicola Rescigno;
and Dialogues of tl1e Cam1elites with
Richard Woitach. Many of the Met's
biggies will sing-John Vickers,
Nicolai Gedda, Roberta Peters,
Mignon Dunn, Gilda Cruz-Romo and
Jerome Hines.
But when the peculiar flavor of Wolf
Trap takes over, be prepared. lt has
become a tradition for singers on this
open air stage to become
"i ndisposed." I suspect that a timid
tuxedoed gentleman is hired each
season just to slip between the curtains
and, gla ncing nervously from side to
side, announce which star will not be
singing. The message is always greeted
by shouting, program shredding, foot-
st omping a nd even the occasional hurl-
ing of a slightly used fried chicken leg.
011 WITB THI SHOW& This is not
the only opportunity for audience par-
ticipation, however. Daring evening
gowns and dancing slippers in the high-
priced sea ts and yell ow storm slickers,
spy-glasses and raccoon coats among
the peasantry on the lawn are no less
imaginative than picnic suppers of
shrimp in mustard sauce and chablis in
silver goblets. Every intermission, a
birthday or two is celebrated wi t h
candles blazing and small children
staggering in late night excitement.
Shakespeare would have recognized
this audience-its members here to be
seen, to see each other and to make
their critiques known in the most vocal
Who the performers will be is not the
only element of surprise. Opera in re-
cent years has stressed acting as well as
sjnging, but these people are not hired
for their Stanislavsky training. And
although the acting levels vary from
passable to grade school, there is also
something endearing about Puccini's
vil lain Scarpia melodiously twitching
himself to death like a giant cockroach.
The other great question mark is the
weather, whkh may change in the
course of a performance from balmy to
set-flapping windy and rainy cold. On
the other hand, Mother Nature can
present a perfectly full moon over the
cherry-blossomed set of Madame But-
terfly. Such moments are not wasted
on the audience, particularly those
camped on the hill who, uninhibited by
reserved seats and tuxedoes perhaps,
gasp and toast with another glass of
champagne that element of luck which
makes good art memorable and cuddle
closer in their sleeping bags.
SIUDIO 50-Northern Virginia's
hottest, Total Environment Disco.
Where you dance and dance week-
ends on one of the metropolitan
area's largest noor 'til Sam. Featur-
ing the famous DISCO BUFFET
from 2am, for people whose pany
doesn't stop at midnight. Tuesday,
play outrageous SELECTROCU-
TION, the electronic sjngles game;
Wednesday, work on your steps
with Free Dance Lessons. Dine on
seafood buffet at Grove Restaurant,
nightly. Located beside Best Western
in Falls Church Inn. 6633 Arlington
Blvd, Falls Church. S32-9<XX>.
THE A P P ~ D S : o ror the ms.
ceming Washingtonian. Intimate sur-
roundings combined with the latest
in sound and lighting. Make the
newly refurbished Apple a tempting
night spot. A rising star in Washing
ton' s new Southwest, The Apple is
located in the elegant Loews L'En
fant Plaza Hotel. Full formal dining
facilities and after theater menu
available in "The Apple of Eve."
M..Sat Reservations advised. Ample
pakring. 480 L'Enfant Plaza, SW.
PARAGON I College Park I
PARAGON TOO/Georgetown
is total dance entertainment
.. . live & Disco! PARAGON C.P.
presents Rock ' n RoD Mon. Popular
Show & Dunce Bands T-Sat. Dance
SunTh 9pm-2am, Fri-Sat, 9pm
Jam. 1/2 blk. So. of Campus on Rte
Grgt. Washington's largest N.Y.
style disco. Where Bobby Keen &
Scott Kaye mJx cuts from the newest
Europeun/ American discs. Top-
flight sound light system. Proper
dress. Happy Hour 3:3()..8:30 Disco
M-Th 8:3().2am, F-Sat 8:3().3am.
2233 Wise. Ave. 333-8200.
dancing! COTE d'AZUR for din
ing! Two unique rooms. Dance to a
spectacular light show, European
and American hits on an illuminated
dance noor! Jackets a must for this
most sophisticated disco. MTh
4pm-2am. F-Sat 7-3. Sun 82. Dine
on authentic Riviera cuisine in a
Mediterranean setting, on rack of
lamb, duckling, rotisseried to per-
fection. M-F noon-2:30pm, 6pm
l l pm, Sat 6pm-ll pm. Breakfast
F-Sat midnight-Sam. Free prkg.
2101 Wise. Ave. Georgetown.
HOGATE'S, tbeotllerWasbing-
ton monument. with a panoramic
view of the Potomac, invites you to
enjoy, Show & Dance bands in The
Grande Salon Lounge. Featuring
large picture windows overlooking
the Marina and dance noor topped
with an ornate stained glass window.
ForyourdiningpleasureHOGA TE'S
serves delectable seafood! M-Th
ll am-llpm. F-Sat llam-12pm.
Sun. noon-!Opm. For June infor
mation please call 484-6300. 9th &
Maine, DC. Ample parking.
LOUNGE for zany casual fun!
Where Teddy's Troopers welcome
you royally. One of the few rooms
with Sunday entertainment! Show &
Dance Bands are featured through
June. Enjoy the relaxed atmosphere
or latest top-forty and disco sounds
nightly except Monday. T-Sun
9:30pm I :30am. Vocalist, com-
plimentary hors d'oeuvres in the
Loqnge, 5-9pm. Feast on fresh
seafood daily, wcll-aged beef at
TEDDY'S, S:3().J0:30. Park free.
l 49S & Rte 7 Ramada Inn, Tysons
Comer. 893-I34Q.
charming club invites you to enjoy
the finest American cuisine and
your favorite drink in their comfon-
able Lounge. Their famous $7 .SO
Dinner Buffet features U.S. D.A.
Prime Beef, Baked Ham, Southern
Fried Chicken, Succulant Spareribs
and a garden of fresh vegetables,
served in the setting of Maryland's
countrySide. M-Sat S-9pm, Sun
noon-8:30pm. Lounge open every
evening. Ample free park'g. Shady
Grove Rd. off Rte 270 Gaithersburg,
Md. 9482200.
A Guide to Presidentic
Washington is a city every instant
celebrity, statesman, queen and inter-
national financier visits at least once.
For most of us, finding a hotel room to
meet our needs is a matter of the right
price and locale. For these jet-setters,
price is no object and chauffeured
limos make location immaterial.
Another kind of well-heeled visitor
is the company president who brings
his whole staff along for a convention.
His home-away-from-home is often
on-the-house, depending upon how
much revenue the hotel expects to
make on his retinue.
Two types of in-town hotels cater to
these well-to-do vagabonds. Those for
conventioneers and those for con-
noisseurs. The former are proud of
their massive and varied facilities; the
latter are equally proud of their ex-
clusivity and inability to handle large
groups. All, however, boast luxurious
suites for up to $500 a night.
To attract the $100- to $500-a-night
guest, Washington hotels are offering
simple Little pleasures like turning
down beds at night and leaving behind
an exclusive little chocolate on each
pillow or a miniature bottle of the
finest European perfume. The manage-
ment will also send VIPs complimen-
tary champagne, wine, fruit, cheese,
Godiva chocolates and flowers.
All convention hotels offer top suites
to company presidents with conven-
tions there. Most times these suites are
used for hospitality, often resulting in
wine stains on the carpets, broken
glasses and sometimes a missing anti-
que or two. The Sheraton Park "lost"
two valuable Chinese jardinieres and a
pendulum from a grandfather clock.
All the hotels boasted of their pet
celebrities, but for sheer numbers none
could outclass the Watergate which
counts as regulars, Rostropovich,
Mikhail Baryshnikov, the Beach Boys,
Carol Burnett, Gelsey Kirkland,
Douglas Fairbanks Jr., Chris Reeves,
Stan Getz, Pearl Bailey, Linda Ron-
stadt, John Lennon and George Har-
rison, to name a few.
One of the most gorgeous suites in
town is at the Sheraton Carlton ($325),
elegant and understated with a special
sense of privacy and a staff on call
twenty-four hours a day.
The Hyatt Regency on Capitol Hill
boasts another lovely suite ($400) done
in a more modern style, full of modern
and Chi nese ar t, plants with little signs
asking guests not to water them and
a nice view of the park.
The following are brief descriptions
of each suite:
SHIRATON PARKa Lobby teeming
with people. Gi lded antiques, some
good, some bad; black and white
marble floor in entrance to suite; love-
Most of my daily
spedaJs come
with soups
and saJads and
all kinds of fine
.. valuable ..
things. The
for reser-
In the Casti _,.. --,
ll'rt tagn ft 1..-.illlt'IISiltt Strt'il't'
Washington's Only Telephone Equipped
Service Weddings and Social Functions
Diplomatic and Business Functions ""''""'",."'"'
to the Kennedy Cultural Center and other
points of interest Transportation to and from
Uniformed Ch(l'Uffeurs
for a Short Local Tn.p or
a Long Distance one.

Open Sundays
Reservations 2024664970
1329 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036
"The name that made French Cuisine
famous in Washington."
ly burgundy dining room with oriental
rug and long glass table. Living-sitting
room decorated in greys, navy, coral
and white with smoked mirrors every-
where; lovely bright cocoa brown
study with leather, glass and brass and
an antique desk; master bedroom in
mauve and navy, marred by green
walls; nice bathroom. Amenities in-
clude wine and f.ruit, cheese,
newspapers at door in morning and,
with three days' notice, the pastry chef
prepares a handmade chocolate box
with chocolate inside. This fall the
hotel will open a new building with
modern suites offering room-sized
bathrooms with raised marble tubs,
working fireplaces, electric shoe
shiners, pulsating shower heads and
retractable clotheslines. $350 a night.
service; dizzying red carpets in suite;
large bar with sink and refrigerator;
master bedroom with a four-poster
king-size bed; huge long bathroom
carpeted and partitioned. No
amenities. Reservations must go
through manager's office.$500 a night.
like an aging Middle Eastern beauty;
full of reds, blues, plants and curved
low ceilings. The suites, done by Anna
Maria Veres, are elegantly appointed
in a rich array of colors, fabrics and
period furniture. Pure white kitchen;
lovely sunroom in blue with imported
English fabrics of pink, blue and beige
print; a formal uving room with Chip-
pendale furniture, plants, fireplace,
Chinese tapestry; bright master and
junior bedrooms, each with a bath, the
latter decorated in black onyx tile and
smoked mirrors-even the blinds are
black. Small details are never over-
looked and the suite reflects this care.
Amenities: gift baskets of fruit, cheese,
liquors, Godiva chocolates, Aowers,
newspaper with breakfast, fresh towels
and soap twice a day. $375 a night.
DUPONT PLAZA& Lovely marble
lobby in this small unobtrusive hotel.
Perfect for hiding away-Marlon
Branda, Johnny Cash and, recently,
Donna Summer tried it. Small, but
tastefully done suite wi th a nice view of
the park. Burnt orange shag rugs,
queen-size beds and bars in every
room. $300 a night.
MADISON HOYILt Home to a lot of
European and Arabian visitors: lushly
carpeted lobby, sublime lighting, very
I t's "cuisine de fam.ille': at very
reasonable prices. On Saturdays,
enjoy our" Frunch" (a French Brunch).
On weekdays relax over homemade
pates, pastries or dozens of teas.
coffees and cappuccinos. Dine to the
delightful aroma of hot loaves and
croissants pulled steaming from the
oven. You can also take it all home
with you. There are delicious reasons
to stop by The Bread Oven.
Even if it's not for bread.
Most entrees
Lunch $4.95 Dinner $5.95
Open for breakfast BAM.
Closes lOPM Monday through Friday.
Sat.urday 9AM to 3PM.
Dinner 6PM to lOPM.
1220 19th Street. N.W. 466-4264
At Floral Arts, We
Understand Weddings.
We understand about brides,
bridesmaids, the bride's fother, the
groom and even Aunt Agatha. Tile
caterers, too. We're flower professionals.
Put your wedding in our lw.nds and
it will be a bouquet of loveliness you'11
I to press in a memory book forever.
On 1/tt 11111: 2JQ s.t"nt/1 Sr 'i. r.:. : !147-'JSJ
trr C'Jil'l1' {;/Jll."': COnna'tlcul "'" IV.IV.; 362:'800
Three Indoor Arenas ...
One of the Largest Facilities
in the Country!
Ask About Our
Hourly Lessons
Weekly Summer Courses
Day Camp
14211 Quince Orchard Rd.
Gaithersburg, MD 2CY760
quiet. One suite is beautifully furnish-
ed in chocolate browns, tapestries,
oriental carpets, recessed spaces for
plants and flowers. The bathrooms
have bidets; the master bedroom has a
king-size brass bed, a plump sofa. desk
and nice rich details. The rest of the
suite includes a living room, more
plants. a dining area and a kitchen.$450.
L'INPANT PLAZA& Two types of
suites for the same price here- one for
families and one for the businessman
who wants to entertain. Each are
available in one ($250) or two ($325)
bedroom sizes. The businessman's suite
has a foyer between the living room,
which is larger than in other suites, and
the bedroom. There's space for a cock-
tail party or business meeting for ten.
Rooms offer complete dry bar set ups,
console televisions in living rnoms and
televisions in bedrooms. Each room
has a bath with a refrigerator-that in-
cludes the living room, which also has
a couch that converts into a queen-size
bed. Decor is bright, not blasting. Beds
come in king and double sizes.
CAPITAL HILTOIIa Presidential suite
is on the twelfth floor with a balcony
that overlooks the White House and
the rest of Washington. Suite has two
bedrooms-one with king-size bed, the
other with double bed. For $400, guest
also gets choice of three baths and
powder room. Den and other rooms
offer colonial Williamsburg decor.
Amenities include chocolates, fresh
fruit and flowers plus liquors. Another
lovely suite is the Baron Hilton ($415).
The residence of the company presi-
dent when he's in town offers two
baths, two bedrooms, kitchen and
enormous living room with grand
piano. Also available is Suite W850
($275), hyper modern with mirrors,
mirrors, mirrors. For a little extra,
another bedroom can be added to this
one-bedroom spectacular.
MAYFLOWIRa The doyenne of
Washington's classy hotels, home to
presidents, visiting royalty and
celebrities, has a class-A suite ($430),
which is rich in traditional decor. As
an added bonus, it sits smack in the
center of bustling large open halls
of marble with so-so rug runners; reeks
of old money; has shaggy cream carpet
throughout. Large L-shaped living-
dining-sitting area is filled with Federal
furniture. Offers large full bathroom in
green and white with phone. Master
bedroom features king-size bed, anti-
loom .. .
,mc.J . . .
b to lb.
$125. Ill
151-l i\1 \\ ., n, U C
(202) 33!!-1404
Carre d'Agneau
jOUR f:'J" NUrt:
333- 1033 IOR nt h
.\l \1 R/-1 I H Will (,/'CJJU,L /"0\I 'N
DISNI R Me; /I ll\" < IJO I'll /C) II OIJ P\l
I (11\"U/1 0.'1; /Ill \P. I )" RIM l' J I JO
A \l /"(1 2 Ill 1' \l \11.'1//). I)' )!IWNC/1 II Ill
tiM HJ1WI' II \ t\/ 1"1 P.\ RKINGA I "/Ill
DOOR tt\ 11/R (>.OU 1' .111
Since 11 Is not permanently aueched, It will move
when you do, end Is thllfefore a one time lnvesl
ment Perfect for homes, condominiums, and rental

Call us today and end closet crowdi ng,
end clutter forever Checlo. our mcrldibly
moderate priCe
and Holiday Magazine
1214-A 18th St., N.W.
Res. 659-1830
726 Seventeenth St. NW
Res. 2987424
Closed Sundays
Dinner Parking Adjacent

Richard A. Abatl, vice president' and manag
lng director and Anna Veres, executive
que desk, lovely colors. Second
bedroom has been redone in thick blue
carpet with white, rust and blue decor,
lovely window treatment. Amenities
are original-Mayflower ties and
scarves, gold-plated cufflinks and stick
pins for women, as well as the usual of-
fAIRfAX HOTIL Multi-lingual
staff. Elegant hallways with signed
Baker furnishings whkh are also in the
suites; detailed woodwork in all
rooms, oriental rugs, hardwood
polished floors. Sitting rooms offer
closets and baths; bedrooms with king-
size beds, color-coordinated sheets,
closets with light; large double sinks in
bathrooms; wonderful colors, prints,
down furniture, breakfronts with
pewter. Amenities include newspapers,
flowers, liquor for YIPs. The hotel
keeps a complete history on all guests
to get to know their needs and
preferences. Complimentary cocktails
are offered in a pleasant room
downstairs, a place to meet like-
minded people. European style. $315.
discreetly lighted lobby; tasteful decay-
ing elegance. Suites are in blues and
kelly green with refrigerator and com-
fortable furnishings; king-size or twin
beds, antique white furniture; long
large bathrooms with bidets, double
sinks and tele pho nes. Robert
Mitchum's a regular, Sara Caldwell
stays, Neil Diamond made a lot of peo-
ple nervous and Jimmy Connors comes
house keeper, In a t op suite at the
to visit. Amenities are set-ups with
guests' favorite liquor, mints on
turned-down beds, flowers and free
coffee with newspapers. $107 a night.
DUTCH INN& Quiet street in
Georgetown. Small undistinguished
lobby. Two-floor suites make it seem
Uke home. Long, simply furnished
living-dining room with bathroom.
Full kitchen including garbage disposal
and dishwasher is good for those who
like to cook in. Good view of streets.
Upstairs, two bedrooms and one bath.
Complimentary breakfast of coffee, tea
and pastry. Bottles of liquor for VIPs,
flowers. Jazz. musicians stay here- -
Ella, Les McCann, Earl "Fatha" Hines.
$120 a night.
knows who's going to turn up here.
The staff swears that Mick Jagger and a
friend, dressed as women, stayed there
incognito a while back. In addition to
their suspicions, they heard him say in
a later interview that he'd done some-
thing similar. Hotel is now re-
decorating its suites with a mixture of
Italian antiques and chintz and leather,
chrome and glass, modular furniture
arrangements. Suite 1216 is the
greatest. It's done in whites and beiges
with a few interspersed colors: many
strange plants and dried arrangements,
modern, glassy sculpture, plexiglas
tables, beautiful ovaJ thin marble din-
ing table with chrome and dark beige
chai rs; kitchen with view- re-
frigerator, stove with top oven; two
Is With You
From Start
to Finish
"We Care"
Complete Bar and Wine
Addy Bassin,
Master Wine Buyer
& Consultant
Elliott Staren,
Wine Consultant
Jim McLain,
Party Consultant
4877 MacArthur Boulevard. N.W.
Washington. DC 20007
Phone: (202) 338 1433
Rose Narva, hotel director, In the presidential suite at the Sheraton-Carlton.
full bathrooms with scales; walk-in
closets; charcoal and white master
bedroom; deep wine second bedroom,
both with balconies. Amenities: special
soap-French Mill, terrycl oth robes
from England, champagne, flowers,
Godiva chocolates, newspapers and
free access to health club. $300.
HATADAMSa Old moneyed
elegance is the feeling in this fifty-two-
year-old hotel. The lobby is full of
polished wood, subdued and efficient
help and lighting that would flatter the
Duchess of Windsor. Restful halls with
carpeting halfway up the white walls;
lovely carved ceilings in the old-
fashioned rooms. Colored linens and
glass shower enclosure, nonfunction-
ing fireplaces and attractive bedrooms.
Amenities: terrycloth bathrobes, gift
box of toiletries, brandy and matches
with VIP guests' names. $310 a night.
elegant lobby in town-gorgeous in-
laid carved ceilings, marble floors with
oriental rugs, beautiful crystal
chandeliers, lots of potted plants and a
quiet area for high tea, which is served
every day. Entrance to suite through
heavy wooden door, lots of brass and
sublime wall furnishings. Living-dining
area done in beige, soft peach,
delicious old furniture. Master
bedroom shimmers in pale greys; feel-
ing of quiet elegance, much cabinet
space and recessed place for TV-stereo.
The bathroom is in beige, mauve,
chocolate and white with a liberally
sized dressing room. Second bedroom
is very dramatic in deep blue with a
Lambrequin wooded design so
draperies hang in magnificently flow-
ing lines. $325 a night.
HTAI'T .. IOIIICTa Best convention
hotel because of overall good taste.
Climb-in glass elevators. Polished par-
quet floors in entrance to suite, plants
and modem art; thick cream shag rugs,
rose chairs, rush dining area,
mahogany tables, oriental breakfront,
chrome and glass coffee table in the
main area with a kitchen set up for a
party-all kinds of whiskey, liquors,
dishes of limes, onions, olives, lemon
peels and cherries. Nice view. Den area
with black lacquer desk, reclining
chair. Bathroom is luxurious with a
cream shag rug, beautiful marble sink
in rust and beige with matching
Fieldcrest towels; three types of
soap- Ivory, Vitamin E Organk, Dial,
pl us Vitabath and Vitamin E herbal
shampoo. Master bedroom is a sym-
phony in browns with a touch of burnt
orange, cream and yellow. The
bathroom has a double sink, perfume
and cologne for men; cream-colored
round tub, separate toilet with phone.
Second bedroom is also very well done
with lots of plants. Amenities: small
fruit baskets, fresh flowers and a com-
plimentary full breakfast buffet in the
Regency Room. $400 a night.
Certainly Washington's hotels ca ..
now compete comfortably with Euro-
pean accommodations for the crefne de
Ia creme of jet-setting clientele, even if
it's only your mother from Cleveland.
Fringe benefits
for your office.
Park Carpet, the company that gives you great prices and
fringes for your home, wtll also carpel and decorate your office,
Ooor to ceillng, with equally great prtces and fringes. Just as we've
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looking at the same decorations and carpeting, take advantage of
Park's ""57 years of expertence. And come to one of our three
locations for great prtces and fringes. For your office.
Alexandria (ln Old Town) 601 S. Washington St., 836..()888.
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Put a party in your backyard ...
Rent a Tent!
Discover the excitement and
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Specialists in outdoor events
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Washington. D.C
for 18 years. HDO's Profes-
sional Consultants can provide
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Call for our color brochure and
party planning kit.
301/ 881-8700
11910 Parklawn Drive
Rockville, Maryland 20852
Qcal ~ s t a l e
2951 Arizona Avenue, N.W. C.T. Harmon to
Joseph E. Dean - $201 ,500.
2816 Arizona Terrace, N.W. G. Cecchi to
Kamran Khosrowshahl $230,000.
3018 Dunbarton Street, N.W. E.C.G. Em
met to Dolly Hoffman $350,000.
4901 Indian Lane, N.W.- D.P. Caulkins to
Katherine S. B. Morgan $247,500.
5132 Rockwood Parkway, N.W. - C.E.
Uster to Perry R. Taylor Jr.- $265,000.
1739 s Street, N.W. B. Jones to Gary M.
Israel - $172,000.
2315 S Street, N.W. G. Patrick to Hobart
Taylor Jr. - $500,000.
1102 E. Capitol Street, N.E. W .F. Creager
to Kenneth L. Deavers- $195,000.
319 D Street, S.E.- K.L. Deavers to Estelle
S. Tyne $183,000.
16 4th Street, S.E. - D. Minchew to
Thomas S. Winter- $225,000.
3613 Prospect Street, N.W. R.J. Buenzle
to John C. and Carole Wolfe- $165,000.
2557 Waterside Drive, N.W. A.
Millspaugh to Vincent P. Dole- $160,000.
702 5th Street, N.W. M.L. Gatti to Loren-
zo Llerena- $159,000.
712 G Street, S.E. M. Prot as to William F.
Creager and Sprague Thresher $160,000.
606 N. Carolina Avenue, S.E. - J.M.
Schmidt to Anthony E. Scoville- $168,500.
5607 Chevy Chase Parkway, N.W. J.
Auslander to James Zurer $156,500.
1719 Hoban Road, N.W. W.W. Lewis to
Ralph J. Gerson and Erica A. Ward
4808 Reservoir Road, N.W .. J. Randolph
to David C. Wherry - $175,000.
2769 Unicorn Lane, N.W. M. Peterson to
Mark J. Meagher - $248,000.
3025 Whitehaven Parkway, N.W. G.L.
Weil to Walker Lewis - $800,000.
200111th Street, N.W. G. E. Spyropoulos
to Herminlo and Amabale Martinez
1236 30th Street, N.W .. N. Hanks to
Christopher E. Stowell. $220,000.
400 Pitt Street, Alexandria- R. Insley to Mar-
lin H. Stein- $179,000.
419 Queen Street Alexandria. D.B. Ross
to Aviza J. Black- $165,000.
2025 Scroggins Road, Alexandria - W.T.
Jernigan to Zachary T. Gray Ill- $158,000.
518 Thomas Street, Alexandria R.C.
Arledge to Joseph H. Augusta $696,025.
1204 Jossle Lane, McLean D.B. Kuhn to
Hossain G. Askarl $191,000.
1560 Fort VIlla Lane, McLean C.J. Ray to
Phil i p M. Battles Ill $172,500.
2641 Black Fir Court, Reston E.L. Meyer
to Linus G. Schwartz $160,000.
12122 Beaver Creek Road, Clifton F.P.
Presta to Cyrus P. Knowles $232,500.
1220 Warrington Place, Alexandria P.E.
Rapchak to Robert H. Smith $165,000.
1004 Walker Road, Great Falls H.L.
Shotwell to J. Alan Smith $215,000.
2118 Twinmlll Lane, Oakton E. Negrin to
Charles J. Maeng $168,000.
2000 Fort Drive, Alexandria C.B.
Hawt horne to Ral ph E. Karan $175,950.
1503 Woodacre Drive, McLean J.R. Sims
Jr. to Robert G. Shepherd Jr. $160,000.
4090 Ridgeview Circle, McLean M A.
Grilli to Bil l c. Wilson $204,300.
1598 Forest VIlla Lane, McLean G.W.
Burkl ey to Bi lly B. Huff $200,000.
309 Springvale Road, Great Falls P.
Heyman to James K. Garity $194,500.
7420 Park Terrace Drive, Alexandria W.E.
Croml elgh to John E. Boni tt $158,000.
1416 Leslie Avenue, Alexandria C. Sills
toAIIce C. Jenkins $196,800.
8511 Beech Tree Road, Bethesda V.J.
Esposito to Mac E. Rein $187,500.
8231 Bradley Boulevard, Bethesda J.W.
Eckman to David M. Margulies $165,000.
4607 Dorset Avenue, Chevy Chase A.
Showalter to Peter J. Carre $170,000.
4819 Fort Sumner Drive, Bethesda W.G.
Battalle to Ray S. Bolze $307,500.
7401 Helmsdale Road, Bethesda E.P.
Anderson to Howard W. Herman $230,000.
6721 Michaels Drive, Bethesda L.A.
Holtmann to Wil li am D. Fisher - $220,000.
5012 Westport Road, Chevy Chase P.L.
Donohoe to Arnol d Einhorn $179,500.
5308 Wilson Lane, Bethesda W.B. Blair
to Ronald w. Haughton $200,000.
10013 Galnsborough Road, Potomac
A.A. Klei n to Edward D. Glfflth $155,000.
18530 Muncaster Road, Rockville J.R.
Milam to Wil liam E. Richards - $179,950.
11014 Wlckshlre Way, Rockville H.
Hallerman to W.E. and C. E. Rigot $150,000.
9714 Carriage Road, Bethesda F.T. Vln
cent Jr. to Bri an J. Lewis $158,000.
9018 Charred Oak Drive, Bethesda F.J.
Greiner to Pierre Mouli n $160,000.
7219 Delfleld Street, Chevy Chase J.E.
McKeever to Alex Gakner $160,000.
4813 Fort Sumner Drive, Bethesda J.A.
Beck to Will iam G. Battail e $350,000.
6630 Hlllmead Road, Bethesda C.R.
McBrler to Burt on G. Schonfeld $245,000.
6601 Va VIew Court, Bethesda T.L. Eliot
Jr. to Dean E. Boal $163,000.
17021 Barnrldge Drive, Silver Spring -W.E.
Snider to MarkS. Rosen $163,950.
7608 Glenbrook Road, Bethesda J.J.
Travieso to Daniel S. Littl e $169,500.
Are you building
a new nome this year?
Will it be an 18th Cent ury Reproduction,
c:1 Williamsburg Colonial, or a Techbuilt Contemporary?
New Englc:1 nd Components design, manufacture
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Price incl udes custom architectural design service.
Send $ 10.00 for full-color brochure.
585 State Road. North Dutmouth, Mass. 02747 1-o 17-00J.QQ4<1
6801 Whittier Avenue, Suite305, VA 2210 1 703-734-0557
Collector's Item
Authentic Wil liamsburg Colonial reproduction with the finest
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For An Appointment to see
Call Welene Goller, 320-5064
MGMB inc. Realtors
Qeal l:sfBle
POTOMAC $285,000.

Pro er 1
Re-Live the Historic Past
A Subscription For111
of Potomac In this charmingly
restored home. Original house bui lt i n
1n1, with additions done in 1787 and
1960. Featured on the Potomac House
Tour, this beautiful home features a
step down country kitchen with
original brick floor, beams, and
fireplace. Large living/dining room
with unique arched fireplace, plus
family room, den, 3 bedrooms, 3 baths.
Potomac office - 299-2500.
Many people not on our regular lists have asked to subscribe to THE
DOSSIER. Others have subscribed for their friends out-of-town and overseas.
We'll be happy to oblige. Just fill out the application below.
Enclosed is my remittance for $12.00 for 12 issues. Make Checks payable to The Dossier
and mail to 3301 New Mexico Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20016
Name: ______________________________________________ ___
Address: ------------------------
Potomac Office
Semmes Office Building
10220 River Road, Potomac
As Featured In
Experience the quiet elegance of this
authentically reproduced 2 year old salt
box home. Set on a knoll overlooking a
brook from the front and the Little River
from the rear, this home Is situated on
25.2 acres amid tall trees In the gently
rolling horse country near Middl eburg,
Virginia. There are 4 bedrooms, 3112
baths, large modern country kitchen,
family room, library/music room, game
room with bar, four fireplaces, flagstone
patio, free-form swimming pool and a
two-car garage. Other features: one and
one-half miles of running board fence
enclosed pasture, stone bridges, stone
fences, stable, kennel, and more.
Long & Foster Realtors
6320 Augusta Drive
F Springfield, VIrginia 22150
. v 703-4519400
Spring Side
of McLean
9 Authentic New
Williamsburg Colonials
Formal living room, dining room, library, first
floor amily room with fireplace, plus exciting
master bedroom retreat with fireplace, double
whirpool tub, exercise area, skylights and
more. Cul-de-sac location inside Beltway.
Only 5 Left
From S260's
Open Sat. and Sun. l 5
Weekdays by appointment
_.n.;. ;; Oir: Beltway Exil U C.orgttown P1kt to ll3ht, Right on Bolls
, .r. _ Hill Rd. light at Old Dominion to Spring Sid on loft,
- , Please CaJI Jayne Plank - Owner-Agent
Elegant Living
821-2171 534-9477 949-3048
Metro Convenienc.e
Sixteen elegant townhomes, situated in a t ,J.::.
courtyard setting, are located only 1 \ll -r.J' :ErJ ltl. JJ;'J ;tJ E
blocks from the new Courthouse Metro
Station in Arlington. 1 and 2 bedrooms, . :::...
and 2 bedrooms with a den are available for :=JI:illWISJ..I...l.IL,':;:l.l:l:IJ..II..4.-......_..,__
rent in June. All have fully equjpped modern
kitchens, washer/dryer, ale, w / w carpeting, formal living and dining
area, crown moldings throughout, chair rails and morel!! 2 bedroom
models include a fireplace, 21h baths, skylight and garage w/ Genie.
Please Call Jane Plank For Rental Information - 534-9477
Bells Mill Village
Privacy a11d Elega11ce
Custom brick rambler with atrium
courtyard. Four bedrooms, two fu ll
batlls. first floor family room, brick
country kitchen, rmd deck overlook-
ing beautiful fruit trees. Finis/red lower
level witlr rnairl's room, full batlr and
double garage. Private wooded lot.
$189,000.00. Please call Marcia
Minnan 299-3273 or 299-3856.
J$ugb m:.
9812 Falls Road
Potomac, Maryland 20854
This spacious colonial is decorator's
own home featuring 4 bedrooms,
family room and rec room; 1st floor
panelled den; a!J amenities plus
smoke and security system. The
heated in ground pool is self-cleaning
and enhanced by the beauty of
impeccably maintained grounds.
An impressive contemporary with
spectacular use of space and light.
Dramatic cathedral ceilings, banquet
size dining room, 38ft. great hall, 6 fire-
places, 61/2 baths and 3 car garage are a few outstanding features offered in
t his contemporary masterpiece In Potomac Overlook, McLean, Virginia.
Presently planned for construction Is Lot 43. First offering of a superb
homesite overlooking Potomac River. We invite your inspection as we begi n
construction on a luxurious home customized to your taste.
Each priced at $625,000. Call Joy Schone at 790-1990, evenings 356-3699.
Sales by Long & Foster Inc. Realtors.
Under Construction - Authentic Williamsburg Colonial - $293,500
The ultimate in Early American craftsmanshlf in a brand new home. Quality and attention to
detail are evident throughout this origma reporduction of the historic Reid House in
Williamburg. Designed and Built by Brendan O' Neill, it Is one of eight original Williamsburg
designs to be built on Joiners Lane in prestigious Potomac. Marylana. This magnificent home
has four large bedrooms five fireplaces, .1 picket fence, and a detached "Smokehouse" shed.
Quality features include wide-plank. screwed and plugged oak noors, a dramatic two-story
entrance foyer, paneled window seats. beaded cypress sidmg. and a unique and
family room with a solid wood paneled wall and huge fireplace.
For appointment or further Information call:
Eves: Susan O' Neill, 34Q-7144
Glen J. Koepenick, Inc.
e n ow.,.,.
Montgomery County's Only
Discount Broker
Rockville. MD
Bethesda. MD
SHver Spring, MD
lfl A , t": Q
Bethesda Bradley Hills Grove
Traditional Charm
An outstanding home featuring large
bright rooms throughout. Traffic
flows easily from the transverse haJJ to
the living room with fireplace, formal
dining room and onto the patio. Well-
situated at the end of a long drive on
almost an acre of trees and garden. All
amenities. Por details and appoint
ment to view:

REALTORS 657-2760
The Seven Homes of
MacArthur Terrace are Magnificent
oSited high on a hill
Natural, contemporary exteriors
4 Bedrooms, 2 full and 2 half baths
2 car garage, fireplaces
Recreation room
03!evels of living space
Energy conservation package
Balconies and exterior decks
Fully landscaped
Priced from $228.000-$233,000
In-town location
Phone 654-3700
0pen 12 to 5 weekends or by appt.
Tlw o,cvtu home; nf 1\lacAnhur T errnce
arc h101ted on a pri\'ate drive in the 5.100
bltA:k ,,f MacArthur Boule\ ard, i\. W.,
Arizona AvenuE'. N. W.
Beautiful 4 bedroom, 4 bath split level
with extra large foyer. Formal living
room complete with crown/ chair
molding and fireplace. Spacious kitchen
features bay window and upgraded ap-
pHances such as a Litton Microwave
oven. Spectacular inground pool with
flagstone decking and enclosed back
yard. This premium quality home is
located on a professionally landscaped
comer lot only minutes from Mt. Vernon,
schools and transportation. $179,000.
Outstanding brick manor house, for-
mal gardens, pool, tennis court, deep
protected anchorage. Combined with
extensive croplands, farm buUdings; a
unique estate just 7 miles from Easton.
Offered at $1, 700,000.
e.:cdusively lltrougl
Easton, Maryland 21601

Two acre custom hom{'<; {rom S272 400
Take Beltway E:ocit 16, Rtvcor Road. Potomat
Travtlah Road. Turn leh tnto Rivers EntranC"e
Rockv Conte Communiliei, lnc. Hours Noon to !closed Wed. &c Thurs ) 258-9282
17 031 5 4 9 8200
for the connoisseur of the georgian
Located near the Potomac River on
the original grounds of Mount Vernon in
historic Virginia . This fine home offers 6
bedrooms, exquisi te formal living and
dining rooms, a paneled library, a
superb country kitchen with eating
space and fireplace, and much more.
Featured in a major national magazine as
a fine rendition of an early colonial
home. $340,000
109 South Royal St.
Alexandria, VA
Crowell & Baker.
in which
to live.
Potomac View Estates
Trcrollalr M.adou.>S
Foxhall Crescenu

Crowell & Baker
Construction Co. , Inc.
'Quality is t he
tru.e measure o{valr1e'
CREEK ... ... Outstanding location ...
Charming five bedroom. four bath
home .. rooms ... Three
fireplaces ... Dock wllh boat slip .. Tennis
co11rts .. Offered Ci t $325,000.
Phone 2612626 or (301) 2630400
AnllpoiJ Seven> Prll Arnold
261 262b 261-2116 261 2477
(301) 2b3-!1400 (30 1) 647 61 12 (30 l) 97404 10
On the
Potomac River
Charming custom
built Williamsburg
colonial si tuated in
Northern Virginia
is awaiting your in-
spection. $198,500.
Call Us Today
Frank T. Roberts
AColdwel Banker Company
Ann Steele
C &0 CANAL In all of exclusive RJVER FALLS there is
"Chiswell's Inheritance"
River Road
only one lovely "Lowell" sited on a quiet
cul-de-sac and backing to the tall trees of
parkland. Located in the prized Pyle-
Whitman school district, this handsome
residence also offers swimming in its own
jewel of a pool and tennis in the 6-court
RIVER FALLS club. $295,000.
r:li%abel ll C..Oetl, Droller
10200 RowrRoad. PotomAC. Md. (301) 9830200
7 acres cleared with Paddock,
professional Stable and Guest
House, featuring magnificient
southern Colonial house with
10 ft. ceilings for genteel living
with rooms proportioned for
entertaining. $675,000.00.
Shown by appointment
Swim in the pool or stroll through
the beautifully landscaped 3.7
acres which accompany this
lovely 6 bedroom home in the
heart of the Potomac hunt coun-
try. Convenient to shopping,
schools, golf, and tennis clubs.
9812 Falls Road
Potomac, Maryland 20854
Elegance and Old World craftsmanship by
a master builder is previewing at Mt.
Vernon on the Potomac. The authentic
reproductions of these Williamsburg
Coloma( homes, will enchant even the most
d1scrfminating buyer. Now you can experi
ence Old World derailing and features
rarely found in today's homes. An old
fashioned morning room, rear service entry
foyer, ten foot cei lings, marble fireplaces.
custom designed plaster moldings, solid
cherry wood cabinets, marble emry foyer.
At Mt. Vernon on the Potomac you will
find the mellow aura of ccnrury old estares.
Phone: Builder Services 698-8300
or Model Home 7808343
Price: Upper Brackets
Eute"" Cullilune. Muur BuUder ....... 'lil
Exceptional estate property with fifty acres In protected, close-in area.
Superbly built and appointed fieldstone house has 6 bedrooms, 31ft
baths, wide center hall with gracious stai rway, large living room with
fireplace, library, separate dining room, deluxe kitchen with eating
space, sunroom opening onto flagstone terrace, full basement with rec
room. Also, 3-bay garage with partially finished apartment, small
stable, storage barn, all-weather tennis court and a thirty-mile view.
Very special at $450.000.
Leesburg, Va. 703-777-2503
Metro Area 471-5400 (no toll)
ANNANDALE, VA. $475,000
"OAK HllL"
"Oak Hill" is a landmark ol charm and beauty. Ci rca 1730, thi, lme updated Gcurgian
colonial I' featured In "Northern Virginia and hat. been included in thl
Hi>Loric Gardt!n Wel'k tour . Massive hu'<W""'"- ancient trel.'s, chJrminll
Williamsbur)l encl<>wu !\arden. all aftord a glimtN mto <1 )lrac1uus past. rt'tlolent with
serenity and charm.
Thb unique property h >et in the mld;l ul .Jitn>'-t ane>. and alfuru> privacy dil-
licult to lind "' tu all amenities. mcluJmll line schools, hospital. transportation
and shopping in thr Annandale area 111 Fa1rla)( Lu.
Large. bright including six bedrooms. five fireplaces, garage apartment,
beautifully proportioned library, handsome living room. mus1c room, garden breakJast
room. family room, and dining room. Exquisitely detailed and appointed.
Call lor further information:
Harper & Company Realtors
(703) 821-1777
Alter hours. cuntact Angela Crowell at 356..()886
ANTIQUE ACCENTS-For the unusual In fur
niture & accessori es. 7327 Wise. Ave., Beth.
19th Century American Art. 7800 Wisconsi n
Ave., Beth. Hrs. Wed.-Sat. 12:30-5:30, Thurs.
eves 7:30.9:30. 6524199.
Mercedes Benz 280 SE Converti ble '69
Lt. Blue. New navy factory top. Always
garaged. 1 owner. Excell. cond. i nside &
out. 98,000 mi. Offer. 299-7439
Discover THE BOOK CELLAR for outof
print books to read & collect. 8227 Wood
mont Ave., Bethesda, Md. 6524522. Open 7
days, 11-5.
Interested in a new carreer with unli mited-
potential for earnings? No investment.
(301) 699-9590
Weekly sessions beg1n June 17
Boys and girls 1018 yrs.
Da1ly InstructiOn practice, play
Umited weekly enrollment
Near washington, D.C .. Baltimore.
and Harrisburg . Brochure available
Mounta1n Vrew GoU & C C
P, 0 . 8oiC T Pa. 17320
7176425848 Bob Costello PGAD1rector
24 Hr. Divorce
In Dominican Republic. BUFETE
DOMINICANO 35 Wi sconsi n Ci rcle;
Washington, D.C. 20015 (301} 986-9327
Advice gi ven and arrangements made for
mutual uncontested divorce In the
Dominican Republic. Divorce granted
within 24 hours of arri val In the Dominican
Republic. Other divorce servi ces available.
Reasonable rates.
Joel Atlas Skirble
Member, D.C. and Md. Bar
Telephone No.: 4833200
Musical elegance for your private party,
wedding reception, etc. For descriptive
brochure call 292-2929.
VENTRILOQUIST - A performance suited
for all occasions. Children and adult shows.
Audience participation.
ARTY FREDA- 4395352
BAROQUE MUSIC-Recorder & Harpsichord.
For your special occasions. Indoors or out-
doors. Call 2446011 or 6220896
Entertain your guests with class. Music for
all ages. Soft jazz, classical, big band,
disco. Live disc jockey, professional sound
system. (202) 338-6834
NATIONAL ONI ON-Singing messages for
any occasion. In person or phone
deliveries.To order call toll-free
8001227-4 702
employing attractive, educated Individuals
to become highly paid escorts. 703527-2520
20 years experience nationally and interna
tlonally. Will work with you to develop your
surroundings to fit your lifestyle. All
sources and labor substantially dis-
counted. Call Lyn (202) 3333918.
EXERCISE & MASSAGE with the area' s
highest trained massage therapists and
figure consultants. REF. AVAILABLE. J .
Harley 946-3585.
Professional men skilled in the art of posing
for Indivi duals, groups & classes. 387-8800.
Exclusive-Portraits, Weddi ngs, Model Port
MD.Speclallzing in waterfront estates &
many farms In Tal bott County for over 28
yrs. New listings available for your Inspec-
tion. Francis G. Barlett Jr., Broker. (301)
onlal home In excell . shape on Choptank
River In Caroline County. Located In a small
quiet vi llage. Yard Is extensively land
scaped & includes 10' MLW at dock.
$250,000. Wright Real Est ate.
Law Building
Denton, Md. 1479-2000.
Buy a house or condomini um now for sum
mer use or rental income. Call Anne Anders
at MAE HALL McCABE INC. (302)2272558
or 2278093.
A QUALIFIED STAFF-maids, full and P.T.
for home or business. Fullers Safe Agency.
7838817 918 F St. NW Eves. 635-7923
PALM READING by Mrs. Kathleen-Advice
on all matters of life. Consult this gifted
lady on all problems. Located at 6499
Marlboro Pike, District Heights, Md. 1 FREE
question by phone. (301) 568-3297. Also
available for group parties.
Responsible young couple seek houseslt
ting position. References provided. Call
Matthew. 5650726.
In 3 hours
Private or group sessions available. Wash.
The Ki tchen People-Complete kitchen
remodeling-no charge for In-home design-
ing and planning. Call 5285194.
Remodeling-New Building Contracting
Company. Chevy Chase, Md. 656751 3.
COOPS PLANTS-Interior, exterior, commer
cial, residential. Complete expert services.
Quality tollage. 686-0057.
Mr. Augus1-544-2999
expert helps select the right sound system
for you. Now hype, no hassle. Designed for
your lifestyle & environment. SOUND IN
VESTMENT 3214015
In your home or office
Exclusive service for ladies only.
MRS. STARR. She advises on al l problems
no matter what the problem is. She can &
will help you. Removes evil Influences.
Guaranteed results In 1 day. 6700 Arlington
Blvd. Ate. 50, Falls Church, Va. V2 price with
this ad.
New Horizon Tutorial Service
tells all . Will solve all problems on love,
marriage & business. Palm, card & crystal
ball readers: If you have been to other
readers without success don't fall to see
Mrs. Linda. She does what other readers
claim to do. 1908 K St. N.W. 2939888
VI SOR. ALSO CARD READER. On all affairs
of IH6. Do you have problems with your lov-
ed one? Are you sick, suffering or unhappy?
Give this great lady a visit at 1009 ESt. N.W.
2nd fl. Call for further information (202)
347-7979. 1 hr. free parking across at Star
Will help you on all problems. Guaranteed
results. Call for appt. (703) 8924287. 30 yrs.
HILTON HEAD ISLAND, S.C. completely &
newly furnished 1 bedrm. condo. Ac-
comodates 4. Pool & Tennis. Near ocean,
beach, shopping, golfing. $294/wk. (703)
perfect wedding gift. Yours or theirs engrav
ed on brass & mounted on walnut. $19.95.
PARKER MONEY, 916 W. Redwood Rd.,
Sterlln{L_ Va. 22170. 4301746
If you re planmng an event . piL'AS4' call Mrs.
Wimsatt at 652-7574 at least mne weeks in ad-
vance. WL' regret that not evC'ry itL'm can b"
published for of space. Howev er, privati.'
parties will be placed on a special list that will
not appear in tl1is column.
,._ 11 Tunisian National Day .
.1- 11 Friends of Great Falls Tavern fund-
raising dinner and square dance - Smokey Glen
Farm, Gaithersburg, Md.- 6:30p.m.- by reser-
vation - Chairmen, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Nicoll,
Mrs. Roger Eismger.
,._ 11 Annual Gala Wolf Trap Farm Park
-by reservation - Chairmen. Anna Moffo, John
Pfleiger, Arthur Arundel, Mrs. Gilbert Gude,
Steven Martindale.
Itt- 21 Italy's Anniversary of the Republic.
Itt- 21 D1plomats vs. New England Teil Men
-Home - 2:30 p.m.
Itt- Barbecue to benefit Ch1ldren's Speech
and Hearing Center- Italian Embassy - 6:30p. m.
- by invitation - $65 - casual dress - Chairman,
Mrs. William McMurtrie.
,__ S1 Preview performance of Amt
Misbellavin to benefit Foreign Student Service
Council at Warner Theatre- followed by supper
at British Embassy- curtam 7:30p.m. - by reser-
Vation. Chairman, Mrs. James Wakelin Jr.
,__ 11 Opera ball to benefit Washington
Opera - Japanese Embassy - preceded by em-
bassy dinners - block tie - by invitation $160
Chairman, Mrs. Douglas Kiker.
Itt- 91 Heurigen - t o benefit SOS Children's
Villages- Meridian House- Austrian wines, food
and Viennese music - 7 p.m. - informal dress - by
invitation - Chairman, Mrs. Heinz Gorgeous.
Itt- Decatur House Council Spring Party
in honor of Mrs. Cyrus Vance - Decatur House -6
to 8 p. m. - by invitation - Chairmen, Mr .
Oarence Dodge Jr., Mrs. Alexander Hagner,
Mrs. Thomas Musgrave .
..._ 121 Philippines Independence Day .
..._ 12t Reception for 1979 Hope Ball Com-
mittee - Moroccan Embassy - by invitation -
Mrs. Robert Foley, Mrs. Brock
,._ 121 "Cruist' for a Cause" on the
"Diplomat" to benefit House of Mercy - 8:30 to
11 p. m. - dancing. bar, buffet - cruJS(' attire- by
invitation - $25 - Chairman, Mrs. Milo Coerper.
Itt- 1e1 Flag Day .
..._ 1 S.lwiJ Ia Rehoboth Art League -
Members' Fine Arts Exhibi t - Corcoran and
Tubbs Galleries- 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. -
Mrs. Howard
,__ Ua "A Victorian Ball" - Victorian
Garden of Smithsonian Castle - to raise funds for
a major new horticultural exhibition to be open-
ed July 1980- 7:30p.m.- black tie- by invitation
- Chairman, Mrs. George McGhee.
ObJKt d' Art ScrH nt Antiques
Jade Clolaonne
Now two loc tlons
OrMmt East Ltd.
Both etoret open Tueeday
through Saturday Noon to &PM
Call lor evening houre
Going Places.
Wl'slrJter Place. Elegantly appointed three story lmu11 houses
at lhl' fmlstof Washillgfoll, D.C. Fast becoming the
in-town address for people wlw are pi ares.
Models shown fromll AM daily. or by
appoint I. Priced from $207,500.
Phone: 363-7078.
.1- Ita Start of Annapolis-Newport Race
-Chesapeake Bay off Annapolis, Md.
.fu- 17a Father's Day .
.1- 1'Ja Diplomats vs. Rochester Lancers -
Home -2:30p.m.
.lu- 1'Ja "Virginia Day" honoring Governor
Dalton - at Wolf Trap Farm Park Chairman,
Mrs. John Downs .
.1- 1'Ja Iceland's Anniversary of the
Republic .
.fu- 2h Summer begins .
.fu- 2Sa Luxembourg National Day .
.fu- 2Sa Flea Market - sponsored by
Rehoboth Art League- Art League Grounds- 10
a.m. to 6 p.m. - Chairman, Mrs. Richard
Everhart .
.fu- 24a Garden Party to benefit Mont-
gomery County Historical Society- 5 to 7 p.m. -
Beall-Dawson House, Rockville, Md. - Chair-
man, Mrs. Austin Kiplinger .
.lu- 24a Diplomats vs. Philadelphia Fury -
Home - 2:30p.m .
.fu- 26a Madagascar Independence Day .
.1- 27a Diplomats vs. Oakland Stompers -
Home 8 p.m .
.fuH lOa New York City Harbor Festival.
SO-.Iuly 81 Congress' independence
Day recess.
- .lu lOa Tex Wyndham and His Red Lion
Jazz Group sponsored by Rehoboth Art League
Chambers Stu<llo 8 p.m. Admission $3
-Chairman, Fritz Hessemer.
July h Burundi Independence Day .
.luly h Canada's National Holiday .
.luly h Rwanda Independence Day .
.luly 4a Independence Day .
.luly Sa Cape Verde Independence Day .
.lly Sa Venezuelan Independence Day .
.luly 6a Malawi Independence Day.
July lOa The Bahamas National Day.
July 14a French Bastille Day .
.luly U.luly 22a Washington Star Interna-
tional Tennis Championships - Sixteenth and
Kennedy Streets Courts.
July 15a Diplomats vs. Seattle Sounders -
Home 2:30 p.m.
Dr. Philip Handler, president of the Na
Ilona! Academy of Sciences, and his
wife (left} joined French Ambassador
and Mrs. Francois de Laboulaye at the
opening of a show of contemporary
Aubusson tapestries at the Academy.
The stunning works Include the
geometric abstractions of Mategot.

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