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The Periodic Table

Element 1st ionization energy (kJ mol 1 ) Structure Electronegativit y (Pauling scale) Melting Point (K) Boiling Point (K) Relative electrical conductivity Density (g cm )

Sodiu m 496
Giant Metallic

Magnesiu m 738
Giant Metallic

Aluminiu m 577
Giant Metallic

Silicon 786

Phosphoru Chlorin Sulphur s e 1080 1000 1251

Argo n 1520

Macro Molecula Molecular r

Molecula Molecula Atomi r r c

0.93 371 1156 0.218 1.0

1.31 922 1363 0.224 1.7

1.61 934 2740 0.382 2.7

1.90 1683 2628 0.001 2.3

2.19 317 553 <0.001 1.8

2.58 390 718 <0.001 2.1

3.16 172 239 <0.001 <0.1

3.20 84 87 <0.00 1 <0.1

The melting & boiling points of the metals increase from sodium to aluminium because of the strength of the metallic bonding. From left to right, the charge on the ion increases so more electrons join the sea that holds the metallic lattice together. The melting points of the non metals with molecular structures depend on the van der Waals forces between the molecules and how closely the molecules can pack together. As a result the melting points are ordered S(8)>P(4)>Cl(2). Silicon has a giant structure so higher melting point.

Atomic Radii: These tell us about the size of atoms. We cannot measure the radius of an isolated atom because there is no clear point at which the electron cloud density around it drops to zero. Half the distance between the centres of a pair of atoms is used instead. The atomic radius of an element can differ as it is a general term. It depends on the type of bond that it is forming (covalent, ionic, metallic, van der Waals). The covalent radius is most commonly used. Atomic radius is a periodic property it decreases across each period and there is a jump when the next period starts. Atoms get larger as you go down a group. The atomic radius decreases across a period because as you move from sodium to chlorine, for example, protons are being added to the nucleus and electrons to the outer main level, the third shell. The charge on the nucleus increases from 11+ to 17+. This increased charge pulls the electrons in closer to the nucleus. There are no additional electron shells to provide more shielding so the size of the atom decreases across the period. The atomic radius increases as you go down a group because the atoms of each element have one extra complete main level of electrons compared with the one before. Therefore the outer electrons are getting further away so the atomic radius increases. First Ionisation Energy The first ionisation energy is the energy required to convert a mole of isolated gaseous atoms into a mole of singly positively charges gaseous ions. The first ionisation energy generally increases across a period and decreases down a group. The first ionisation energy increases across a period because the number of protons in the nucleus increases but the electrons stay in the same main level. The increases charge on the nucleus means that it gets increasingly difficult to remove an electron. The first ionisation energy decreases as you go down a group because there is an increase in shielding. As you go down a group, a whole shell has been filled. Also, the outer electron is getting increasingly far away from the nucleons, so it is easier to remove. There is a drop in ionisation energy from one period to the next because a new main level is being started after each drop. Therefore there is an increased atomic radius, the outer electron is further from the nucleus, less strongly attracted and easier to remove.

Ionisation Energies Cont.

Graph of 1st ionisation energies of elements in period 3

Aluminium (group 2) has lower ionisation energy than magnesium (group 3) because a new sub shell is starting to be filled in aluminium, which is easier to remove. Sulphur has lower first ionisation energy than phosphorus because in the outer 3p shell, it has a pair of electrons in the sub-shell. This electron is repulsive and therefore makes it easier to remove.

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