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About demo:

The game play of my (Dmitry Gapeshin) demo is recorded in the video file
Demo_DmitryGapeshin.avi (encoded using DivX 6.2.5 codec).
The demo is developed by only me. For the demo I was used my own game engine. I have
been programming this engine in spare time for 5 years. The engine has such components:
1) Data types library.
2) Math library.
3) Memory manager.
4) Scene graph.
5) Rendering system. It is implemented using DirectX 9. The rendering system gives
possibility to define types and number of passes for scene rendering. The rendering
system also implements caching of the DirectX states.
6) Effect system. It is defined using abstract interfaces. FX files are used for this interfaces
implementation. In my implementation, there is possibilities to define how to bind effect’s
parameters to engine variables, how to create, destroy or update this parameters.
7) Particle system manager. Responsible for creating, updating and destroying particle
systems. The particle systems can be programmed in C++ or can be configured by script
using different predefined components, which are written in C++. The configuration
script is developed by me using Flex and Bison.
8) Resources managers (Texture, Model, Vertex and Index buffer managers).
9) Physics simulation. For education purposes I rewrote ODE physic engine. I improved
some algorithms and routines. Also I added some new functionality, like new collision
detection routines.
10) Game object manager. It is responsible for updating game objects and for messages
delivering between different game objects.
11) AI components. For now, my engine has such components as:
a) State Machine, which can be programmed with marco language (idea is taken
from book: “AI Programming Wisdom”).
b) Steering Behaviors.
In my engine I have level editor and the particle systems editor. The level editor gives
possibility to load or create new game levels, change them (create new objects, link objects, change
objects variables), and save created levels. Now this editor little bit outdated, because of some design
changes in engine and I can not make screenshot of it to show you.
The particle system editor gives possibility to write configuration script for particle systems,
and to view this configured particle systems (see Picture1).
The size of my engine is about 100 000 code lines, not including editor’s code.
The models of ships, planes and buildings for the demo were founded in the internet and
modified by me to fit for this demo. Models of the trees were generated with program TreeMagicG2.
The terrain model was created by me, except textures. I used some free textures from the internet and
blend them in runtime depending on the terrain’s height and slope.

Picture 1: Particle Editor

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