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"A disaster is a natural or man-made event that negatively

affects life, property, livelihood or industry often resulting in permanent changes to human societies, ecosystems and environment." As the definition suggests, disasters are highly disruptive events that cause suffering, deprivation, hardship, injury and even death, as a result of direct injury, disease, the interruption of commerce and business, and the partial or total destruction of critical infrastructure such as homes, hospitals, and other buildings,

roads, bridges, power lines, etc. Disasters can be caused by naturally occurring events, such as earthquakes, hurricanes, flooding, or tornadoes, or they can be due to man-made events, either accidental (such as an accidental toxic spill or nuclear power plant event), or deliberately caused (such as various terrorist bombings and poisonings). Certain types of natural disasters are more likely to occur in particular parts of the world. For instance, areas near coastline, lakes or rivers are more likely to experience flooding problems than are land-locked areas. However, most every place you could live is prone to one type of natural disaster or another. No place is absolutely safe from natural disaster. And, of course it goes without saying, that no place is safe from the threat of terrorism and other man-made disaster events. It may be impossible to avoid disasters, but it isn't impossible to plan ahead of time so as to minimize the impact that any given disaster might have on you or your family's health, safety and property. There are steps you can take ahead of time, including, purchasing the proper types of insurance, preparing a disaster kit and supplies, making a disaster plan and rehearsing it with your family, and staying informed so that you can do your best to get

out of the way of predictable dangerous occurrences, that can help you, your family, and your property stay as safe as possible. Now let us have a look on different types of natural disaster in the following chapter.


Following are the different types of natural disasters. Lets have a short view on each of the types: 1. FLOODS: Flood is also one of the most common hazards in the United States and other parts of the world. The effects of a flood can be local to a neighborhood or community. It can cast a larger impact, the whole river basin and multiple states could get affected. Every state is at its risk due to this hazard.

2. EARTHQUAKES: Earthquake is an unexpected and rapid shaking of earth due to the breakage and shifting of underneath layers of Earth. Earthquake strikes all of a sudden at any time of day or night and quite violently. It gives no prior warning. If it happens in a populated area, the earthquake can cause great loss to human life and property.

3. TSUNAMIS: Tsunamis are caused by an underwater earthquake, a volcanic eruption sub-marine rockslide, or, more rarely, by an asteroid or meteoroid crashing into in the water from space. Most tsunamis are caused by underwater earthquakes, but not all underwater earthquakes cause tsunamis - an earthquake has to be over about magnitude 6.75 on the Richter scale for it to cause a tsunami. About 90 percent of all tsunamis occur in the Pacific Ocean.

Drought is a weather-related natural disaster. It affects vast regions for months or years. It has an impact on food production and it reduces life expectancy and the economic performance of large regions or entire countries. Drought is a recurrent feature of the climate. It occurs in virtually all climatic zones, and its characteristics vary significantly among regions. Drought differs from aridity in that drought is temporary; aridity is a permanent characteristic of regions with low rainfall.


Volcano is a mountain that has an opening downwards to the reservoir of molten rock towards the surface of earth. Volcanoes are caused by the accrual of igneous products. As the pressure caused by gases in the molted rock becomes intense, the eruption takes place. The volcanic eruption can be of two kinds, quiet or volatile. The aftermaths of a volcano include flowing lava, flat landscapes, poisonous gases and fleeing ashes and rocks.Read on to know more on types of disasters.


After prayers to the rain gods, answered in excess in parts of our country, now, the focus has shifted to floods. Many states in our country are flood prone due to heavy rain or otherwise. The flood causes loss to human life and wide spread damage to property. Unimaginable damage to agriculture takes place affecting the States planning and upset the financial budgeting there by slowing down the whole economy of the country.

People not affected by the flood tend to ignore the event thinking that it does not affect them so why bother?

Flood is not unique to our country. Floods come in different parts of the world. Floods are the biggest cause of loss of life every year through out globe. Majority of countries do not document or map floods methodically. People are generally taken by surprise by the floods as they may come in the night when every body is asleep, giving very little time for evacuation. Water remains stag anent after the flood recedes, source of drinking water get polluted and the food get spoiled. People are left with no resource to combat the natural calamity that has take place. Floods are ugly part of our system we cannot ignore or wish them away. The only way to fight the floods is to try to predict the flood, prepare for it, train and educate people.

What Causes Floods?

Flood is overflow of the huge amount of water onto the normally dry land. Flood occurs when the overflowing water submerges land and causes deluge. It is a cruel and violent expression of water. Floods are often deadly, damaging and devastating. They kill lots of people, damage houses and crops, and cause extensive destruction. In broader terms, floods are of two types; Natural floods and Catastrophic floods. Natural floods are the floods that are caused naturally by the overflow of the huge volume of water, from rivers, lakes, oceans, or by heavy rains or downpours, hurricanes, cyclones, or tsunamis, etc. Natural floods could be Riverine floods caused by rivers; Estuarine floods caused by a combination of sea tidal surges and storm-force winds; or Coastal floods caused by cyclones, hurricanes and tsunamis. These are one of the most common natural disasters. Catastrophic floods are the floods that are caused by some significant and unexpected events, for instance dam breakages. Heavy rainfalls are one of the major causes of floods. The level of water in rivers or lakes rises due to heavy rainfalls. When the level of water rises above the rive banks or dams, the water starts overflowing, which causes floods. The water overflows to the areas adjoining to the rivers, lakes or dams, causing floods or deluge. The flood water causes havoc and great destruction in the areas where it flows. Floods occur more in the regions that get heavy rainfalls. Floods are also caused due to heavy snow melting. Global temperature is rising due to global warming. The rising temperature makes the snow caps melt faster. Continuous and fast melting snow raises the level of oceanic water, which consequently raises the level of water in rivers, and when the level of water in rivers rises above the rive banks, it causes floods. Generally, floods occur more in the low-lying areas or the areas below the sea level. One of the main reasons is that rivers flow slowly in these areas. The volume of water increases in the low-lying areas. When the level of water rises in these regions, it causes floods. Floods also occur more in the coastal regions. Floods, in the coastal regions, are caused due to high tides, storms, cyclones, hurricanes, or tsunamis. When the level of water rises above the sea level, it causes floods in coastal areas or coastal lowlands. There are also several human causes of floods. Deforestation is one of the major causes of floods. Trees are being cleared fast from large areas. As result, soil is easily eroded,

and the eroded soil gets settled at the bottom of rivers and seas, which raises the level of water in rivers and seas, which consequently causes floods. Sometimes floods are caused due to poor dams that can not hold great volume of water and they give up causing floods in adjoining areas. Hence, there are always different causes of floods. However, human causes of floods can be avoided. Humans should let the nature go its own way.

Effects of Flooding
1. Economy

Economic loss o The flooding in Jiangxi of China in 1998 caused great damage. The economic loss was HK$156 billion, 400 buildings surrounding the lake were inundated, leaving more than 1 million people homeless. Resources used in reconstruction o After flooding, government has to input many resources for aiding or reconstruction, e.g., police force, fire control, aid worker, resources used for resisting flood, etc. This also brings loss to society.

2. Environment

Traffic Flooding will lead to the damages of roads, collapse of bridges or traffic congestion, which may affect the daily operation. Damaging the farmland o Flooding brings too much water which will cause damage to farmland.

3. Human Beings

People died and lose their homes o Flooding will cause death and injuries. In year 1998, 0.23 billion of people were affected in the flooding of Xian, including 3 thousands people dead, 1 million of people lost their homes. In 1996, the monsoon flood in India affected more than five million people in the northern and eastern part of the country. Severe floods have also killed some 200 people in India and Bangladesh and left millions homeless and starvation.

4. Disease

Flooding usually brings infectious diseases, e.g. military fever, pneumonic plague, dermatopathia, dysentery, common cold (type A), breakbone fever, etc.

Preventive Measures Against Floods

The occurrence of floods is something that may come with and without warning, and there is nothing you can do to stop it. However you are not that helpless. There are preventive measures you can do to lessen or control the damage and to protect your homes from the fury of the flood. This should always be your pushing factor to purchase a flood insurance cover for your house building and for the contents of your home. In case of floods, here are the most basic steps that you can do to minimize damage to your properties. You should pay attention to three of the most critical aspects of your house, and these are electricity, gas and water. First of all remember to turn off all the main switches and controls of these three in your house. For sure you know where these controls are ahead of time. Do not wait for the flood to come before you look for the controls. Make sure you unplug all the electrical items in your house and if possible haul them on higher places, like the second storey of your house or the attic. If you live in a flood zone, you should already be aware of ideal things to cover your doors and windows like sandbags, metal sheeting and others. Make your safety your priority but if you still have time, you can move as much furniture and things to higher places. You can also roll up carpets and rugs to avoid them getting sodden and destroying their texture. As much as possible keep everything dry above water. If your house is in a flood zone, you must have a sealed emergency bag containing personal items and valuables like important documents, personal records and other items with sentimental value to you which no amount of insurance claim could replace. Before anything like a flood happens, you could install your own flood defences as an advanced preparation. Check your local stores for products that can be installed in advance, like a 'flood board', air brick cover, or even plastic skirts to surround your whole property. When a flood occurs, think of your own safety above all. In the event that you have to vacate your property, cooperate with emergency services and try to do as much as you can while it is still daylight. Remember floods have claimed so many lives. Do not allow yourself to be included in the long list of flood victims.


It may help you to prepare in advance too. Check the flood warnings in your region so you will know what actions to take. As a final precaution, make a personal flood plan for you and your family. Your flood plan should include a flood escape route, what you need to carry in emergency cases, where you can go and other concerns with focus on your safety. From time to time tune in to your radio and television for flood warnings.

introduction arthquakes are caused by the movement of the earth's tectonic plates. Earthquakes occur where the earth's plates meet along plate boundaries (see plate tectonics page for more information on this).For example as two plates move towards each other, one can be pushed down under the other one into the mantle. If this plate gets stuck it causes a lot of pressure on surrounding rocks. When this pressure is released it produces shock waves. These are called seismic waves. This is an earthquake. The waves spread out from the point where the earthquake started - the focus. More damage is done near the focus. The point on the earth's surface directly above the focus is the epicentre.

When the earth shakes due to the movements of plates below the earths crust it is known as Earthquake. Earthquakes are natural disasters, which kill thousands of people in an instant and can destroy cities and countries- human habitation across miles. The vibration during an earthquake has the potential to wreak havoc and destruction, which is beyond imagination. The destruction is the maximum near the epicenter, the place from where the vibrations arise and spread. Of late there have been many such natural disasters, which can be associated with earthquakes like the Tsunami that hit the shores of India, Thailand and razed down buildings and annihilated many lives. It seemed like Mother Nature was avenging herself on us who have used all her endowments to the fullest extent without caring to rejuvenate them. Here we would try to find out the causes of earthquakes so that we can all contribute to the prevention of such things in our own small ways. Individual awareness would definitely lead to mass awareness. Causes of earthquakes If seen broadly we can say that earthquakes are caused due to two major reasons. The first reason is the eruption of volcanoes, which are sudden, and as is known volcanoes are seat of inner disturbance and can effect the plates which is the second cause of earthquakes. Earthquakes are caused due to disturbance in the movement of plates, which again can be


caused due to various reasons like under crust waves or cracks in the plates.


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