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Abbreviations (British Spelling) A.C.S.: acute coronary syndrome A.M.: acute myelofibrosis A.M.A.: Austin Moores arthoplasty A.M.L.

: acute monocytic leukaemia A.P.O.: acute pulmonary oedema A.R.O.U.: acute retention of urine B.P.: blood pressure B.P.H.: benign prostatic hyperplasia B.P.P.V.: benign paroxysmal positional vertigo C.A.P.: community-acquired pneumonia C.A.P.D.: continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis C.H.B.: complete heart block C.H.F.: congestive heart failure C.N.D. / C.N.S.: community nursing department / service C.O.A.D.: chronic obstructive airway disease C.O.P.D.: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease C.O.C.: chronic obstructive cholangitis C.M.L.: chronic myeloid leukaemia C.R.F.: chronic renal failure C.V.A.: cardiovascular accident D.M.A.R.D.: disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs D.V.T.: deep vein thrombosis E.R.C.P.: endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography E.S.R.: erythrocyte sedimentation rate E.S.R.F.: end-stage renal failure Fast A.F. / F.A.F.: fast atrial fibrillation G.C.S.: Glasgow Coma Scale G.E.: gastroenteritis G.E.R.D.: gastroesophageal reflux disease (American spelling) G.O.R.D.: gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (British spelling) G.I.: gastrointestinal G.I.B.: gastrointestinal bleeding G.U.: gastric ulcer H.C.C.: hepatocellular carcinoma H.D.: haemodialysis H.I.: head injury H.T.: hypertension I.C.H.: intracranial haemorrhage I.H.D.: ischaemic heart disease I.L.I.: influenza-like illness L.B.B.B.: left bundle branch block R.B.B.B.: right bundle branch block L.B.P.: low back pain L.F.T.: liver function test L.L.Z.: left lower zone (of lung) R.L.Z.: right lower zone (of lung) L.O.C.: loss of consciousness L.U.T.S.: lower urinary tract symptoms M.G.: myasthenia gravis

Abbreviations (British Spelling) M.I.: myocardial infarction N.S.A.I.D.: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs O.A.: osteoarthritis O.C.A.D.: obsessive-compulsive affective disorder O.S.A.: obstructive sleep apnoea P.A.F.: paroxysmal atrial fibrillation P.C.I.: percutaneous coronary intervention P.D.F.: peritoneal dialysis fluid P.R.B.: perirectal bleeding P.U.D.: peptic ulcer disease P.V.D.: peripheral vascular disease S.L.E.: systemic lupus erythematosus S.O.B.: shortness of breath S.S.S.: sick sinus syndrome S.T.E.M.I.: ST-elevated myocardial infarction N.S.T.E.M.I.: non-ST-elevated myocardial infarction S.V.T.: supraventricular tachycardia T.I.A.: transient ischaemic attack U.R.T.I.: upper respiratory tract infection U.T.I.: urinary tract infection V.E.B.: ventricular ectopic beats G.C.: decreased general condition /H.R.: high/low heart rate (may imply tachy/bradycardia) /Hstix: high/low Haemostix (may imply hyper/hypoglycaemia) /Na: hyper/hyponatraemia /K: hyper/hypokalaemia /B.P.: high/low blood pressure C/O: complaint of I/O: input & output R/O: rule out D/C: discharged Dx: diagnosis Hx: history (of) Ix: investigation Tx: treatment ?: query : diagnosis

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