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PTD Meeting StencilNotes

Date of meeting Meeting Location: Attendees Supplier 11 Apri3 Rehab Jobfit Name: May l 2011 Conference Room 2, Steel City House, SheffieldConference Room 2, Level 4
[Redacted]Andrew Conlan Trant, (ACT), Rehab Group
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Mark Peat,(MP), Interserve Karen Wood, (KW), Commercial Sourcing Sarah Douglas, - (SD), CD ommercial Sourcing [Redacted](SD) Department for Work and Pensions [Redacted]Annette Harrison (AH) Jacquie Castle, (JC), Performance Management Department for Work and Pensions [Redacted]Raymond Paget, CD Sourcing (notes) [Redacted](RP) Department for Work and Pensions [Redacted]Jinnie Anderson (JA) Jobcentre Plus South West [Redacted]Huw Thomas (HT) Jobcentre Plus Wales [Redacted]Raymond Paget, (RP), Commercial Sourcing (notes) Andrew Conlan Trant, (ACT), Rehab Group [Redacted]Cat Barton, (CB) Rehab Group [Redacted]Mark )Priday (MP) Rehab Group , Apologies
[Redacted]Karen Wood - CD Sourcing [Redacted](KW)

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Department for Work and Pensions [Redacted]Jacquie Castle - Performance Management Division [Redacted](JC), Department for Work and Pensions

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Record of discussion

Review of Action Points from First Meeting AP 1 [Redacted]ACT, will provide the Rehab Jobfit Group Programme Plan / Risk later today 3/5/11. AP2 [Redacted]JC, was unable to attend the meeting to clarify and consequently Stakeholder Engagement will be followed up. AP3 [Redacted]SD, Common start dates are subject to Security Plans being signed off and being finalised. AP4 Press protocols have been discussed with the [Redacted]KW and Press Office following Rehabs participation in the Panorama programme. AP5 [Redacted]SD, Marketing activity guidance received.can go ahead. AP6 [Redacted]SD, Rehabs Implementation plan was received on Tuesday 19 April.

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[Redacted]SD Welcomed [Redacted]CB who attended to obtain

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feedback on the Rehab Jobfit Group tender proposal. Due to time constraints CB requested a further meeting at a future date following contract signing to further discuss feedback, email addresses were exchanged to arrange this Jobcentre Plus Colleagues joined the meeting at 13:30
[Redacted]SD explained that the content of the PTD discussion
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notes will be published as part of the contract unless Rehab Jobfit state that they wish to redact anything, in line with guidance already issued. Delivery Model Walkthrough
[Redacted]ACT, Provided an overview of the delivery model

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and issued both a Customer Journey process map overview and complimentary slides describing the Delivery Model and Minimum Service Standards
[Redacted]ACT, Explained they have produced a draft version

of the End to End Provider Operating Manual / guidance for their supply chain which is currently being quality assured by their supply chain to ensure the service is duplicated throughout their supply chain. The Operating Manual will be completed by the contract start date.

[Redacted]ACT, Described they are meeting their EEP supply

chain in Wales on Wednesday 4/5/11 and South West on Friday 6/5/11

[Redacted]SD, Explained to the meeting the confidentiality

protocols should be observed until contracts are signed and the handover has been conducted with PMD.

JCP Colleagues left the meeting. Contracting Strategy

[Redacted]SD, expressed concern about Explained DWP are
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concerned about Subcontractors premises. Rehab Jobfit are not delivering any services themselves and therefore the locations of subcontractors premises are of vital performance. It is not clear which towns the sites are to be located in and this need clarifying urgently for JCP colleagues to comment on coverage.
[Redacted]ACT assured DWP that all subcontractors and
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delivery sites would be confirmed by 13/5.s commitment and particularly regarding premises and asked for an update by Friday as DWP need to identify any potential risks.
[Redacted]SD, Asked for all communications go through her at
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CD sourcing and field all JCP communications until contracts are signed. Rehab to confirm which supply chain premises have been secured by w/e 13/5/11 Implementation Plan
[Redacted]SD, [Redacted]Neil Booth is waiting to hear from

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Rehab Jobfit Group regarding Penetration Testing by this Friday. This takes 3 weeks and any delay will impact on starting dates and asked for alignment to be monitored.
[Redacted]SP Explained as a contingency Rehab have interim

measures to manage any delay in go live and do not anticipate any problems with staffing or TUPE, there are IE potentially too many staff and not enough posts.
[Redacted]ACT, Explained Steering Group and Board
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members meet each week to identify key areas and manage mobilisation of activity.

Any Other Business Next meeting by telekit on 17/5/11

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Overview of PTD Process eJ eThese are different to the other preferred suppliers in both CPAs. KW will discuss those dates in conjunction with other PTD teams and will let them know the outcome.

Roles and Responsibilities Roles and Responsibilities were explained to Rehab Jobfit along with communication protocols, meeting notes will be published within 3 days. All communications should be by email with all enquiries between Rehab Jobfit and DWP channelled through the Commercial Sourcing Team. MP volunteered to produce key milestone and risk reports for DWP. DR explained that the Post Tender Discussion (PTD) process will take place over three meetings and will also include communications via e-mail and telephone. Reed were advised that at the next meeting Reed will be required to present a walk through of the delivery process/customer journey to JCP colleagues. It was agreed that the next PTD meeting will be held on the 19 April in London. DWP will contact JCP to confirm who be attending the walk through of the delivery process/customer journey. The time and venue are to be confirmed by DWP. Reed were informed that Jobcentre Plus (JCP) had provided comments on parts of their bid and Reed were provided with a copy of the comments. Terms and Conditions Revised Terms and Conditions were issued to all Preferred bidders on Friday (8/04) and Reed were reminded that there will be a meeting this Thursday (14/04) to walk through the changes that have been made to the Terms and Conditions.

Reed confirmed that they will be attending the meeting. Reed were advised that they will only be able to comment on the amended parts of the Terms and Conditions that have been developed in response to comments and requests for amendment submitted by Bidders in Part 3 of the Invitation to Tender Form. DWPs view is that this is the final version of the Terms and Conditions. Finance Finance issues will be the subject of separate meetings. An outline agenda for next weeks meeting with Finance was given to Rehab Jobfit Security Accreditation Reed were advised that the Security Accreditation will be led by our in house Security Team and that they will be requiring a full security plan which builds upon the draft security plan submitted as part of the bidding process.. Reeds draft security plan was given a Amber RAG rating.KW explained that there is further work to be done on the Security plan which needs to commence as soon as possible, the Security team will be in touch with Rehab Jobfit to make the necessary arrangements. Feedback
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Roles and Responsibilities Reed were advised that they have been sent a copy of Post Tender Discussion Charter and that they would be required to sign the Charter to support the PTD process. Reed were also advised that the signed contract would supersede the PTD Charter in due course. SS requested (as part of the PTD Charter) for Reed to develop and provide a copy of their key assumptions and risks log and provide weekly updates against their implementation plan. Feedback SD offered the opportunity to discuss the feedback for Rehab Jobfit. ACT said theyd like to take up that opportunity and it was agreed that this would feature at the beginning of the next PTD meeting. Supply Chain asked and was developing . It was pointed that there was
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someand sconfirming . T SS asked if there were any supply chain issues with regards to identical suppliers being present in other preferred bidders supply chains in CPA 3 which could lead to capacity issues. Reed advised that Action Acton appear within Reed and Ingeus supply chain and Urban Futures appear in all three preferred bidder bids (Reed, Ingeus and Maximus). Reed stated that they were not aware of any capacity issues at this point in time, but will not be able to confirm until all bidders supply chains are visible. Reed advised that their Supply Chain Manager will be visiting Urban Futures and a decision will be made as to whether Urban Futures will remain in their supply chain. Reed confirmed that they would discuss any changes to their supply chain with DWP. SS advised Reed that she had a number of clarification questions that she required a written response by 18/04. Reed confirmed that their lead contact through PTD would be Martin Fallon SS advised that she would e-mail the clarification issues through to Martin and stated that the response must provide the para/ref as detailed in the e-mail, as this will form part of the contract. Premises

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Contract Signing

Project Update DR provided an updates/statements from the Work Programme Project on the following issues:

Transparency Agenda Reed were advised of the Departments obligations. It is that it was DWPs intention to publish all Work Programme contracts (excluding redactions) on Contracts Finder. Rehab Jobfit will be contacted to discuss those areas of the contract that they consider confidential. Reed were informed that all their bid could not remain commercially sensitive and SS gave a flavour of some of the contents of the bid that would not be viewed by DWP as

commercially sensitive which included; names of subcontractors, addresses of sub-contractors, delivery model outline, information in the public domain. Issues Handling Reed were advised that additional functuality for PRaP will not be available until Spring 2012. Clerical work arounds will be put in place in the meantimetheir will be a clerical work around for PRAP and that there has been no date confirmed on the release of PRAP2.

DH confirmed that early indications for the next PRAP release are March next year. PRAP will allow referrals and payment of attachment fees but there is no functionality for outcome payments. Merlin Standard Reed were advised that guidance will be issued on the Merlin Standard shortly. Rehab Jobfit were advised that there is a mandatory requirement for Merlin accreditation. This must take place within the first year of the contract and will need to be renewed every 2 years. Costs of accreditation must be borne by the supplier, accreditation is by organisation, not by CPA. Reed will be assessed against the Merlin Standard within the first year and will then need to be renewed every 2 years. Reed were advised that there is a cost associated with gaining the Merlin Standard. Second PTD Meeting Progress Reporting

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provided with a hard copy of the PTD meeting highlight report (followed up with an electronic version.) It was agreed that the reports should be completed by close of play Tuesday (subject to further confirmation) Next Meeting It was agreed that Rehab Jobfit would make a presentation for the PTD team and JCP representatives at the next meeting. This should include a detailed walkthrough of the delivery model, supply chain, premises, staffing. It is expected that the meeting will take place w/c 18th April (subsequently moved to 3rd May, due to unavailability of JCP

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representatives) SS confirmed that at the next meeting the following areas will be covered:Implementation Plan Risk log Assumptions log Sub-contractors Reed to present a walk through of the delivery process/ customer journey. A JCP representative will be invited as an observer for this session only. JCP will be invited to feedback any questions back to DWP Commercial colleagues only. Reed requested details of the Jobcentre Plus representative that will attend the walk through of the delivery process/ customer journey. SS advised that the minimum standards stated in the bid will form part of the contract and that colleagues from PMD will draw down KPIs from these which will be agreed with Reed post contract signing. SS confirmed that the 3 PTD meetings will be supplemented by regular e-mails and telephone conversations to assist the conclusion of the PTD discussions. An outline agenda for next weeks meeting with Finance was given to Reed. Reed were advised that the meeting minutes will be issued on 12/04 and Reed were asked to sign off the minutes as an accurate reflection of the meeting. The Charter was signed by Reed (Chris Melvin) and DWP (Mike Day) at the end of the meeting. A copy of the signed Charter is held by both DWP and Reed. Q1) [Redacted]JA, Asked what the % of customers likely to go back to JCP? QA1) [Redacted]ACT, Described the JER from their proposal. Q2 [Redacted]JA, expressed concern Described concern about delivery locations and in particular in Swindon and asked if the delivery addresses were available. In the list it states that a delivery location might be either location A or location B, we need clarity on this to comment on whether or not the location is suitable.

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Questions raised and Answers provided.

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Q2A) [Redacted]SP, TBG to deliver from locations already agreed, however there have been some issues regarding signing leases, those premises with an asterisk in the Operating Manual are new premises, however will confirm delivery arrangements for Swindon and all premises..
[Redacted]SD, Asked if the issue with duplicated sub

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contractors been resolved?

[Redacted]ACT , 95% of the supply chain have signed
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agreements in principle

[Redacted]JA, aAsked how will Rehab ensure consistency

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within their supply chain?

[Redacted]MP, The Operating Manual will provide a framework
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for delivery, innovation will be encouraged and good practice adopted.

[Redacted]ACT, Further stated Rehab will have a very visible
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presence each CPA with their supply chain.

[Redacted]AH, How will you ensure your supply chain youre
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branding / modelling of delivery is separate from the other supplier.

[Redacted]ACT, We will be meeting with our supply chain to
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ensure delivery of Rehab branding / marketing is consistent across their supply chain with delivery from different locations to maintain branding, with TBG being ready from day 1, however it is the other providers we need to check.
[Redacted]SD, Have there been any issues with other
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[Redacted]SP, There were concerns with outgoing subs /
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primes, however there are no issues generally.

[Redacted]HT, The Welsh Assembly skills build in Wales will
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want to discuss with primes and subs joining their board following PTD discussions.
[Redacted]ACT, Rehab is already being approached by local authorities to meet with them. [Redacted]
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SD, Explained to the meeting the confidentiality protocols should be observed until contracts are signed and the handover has been conducted with PMD.

ACT, Rhys Thomas and [Redacted] Catherine ABear are the main contact for Rehab for all Local authorities. JCP Colleagues left the meeting. 1122Any press enquiries should be notified to DWP before a response is provided. Advice on protocols will be provided.33that a feedback session will be arranged for the beginning of the next meeting.44 This is currently being discussed with duplicate contractors.4Is your on 4project governance in place with a project manager, a sgwe We will send the new/ updated implementation plan with the highlight report next week to be discussed at the next meeting.55shortly.66JC: DWP will work with suppliers during the mobilisation phase.

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At time of producing meeting minutes the Rehab Programme Action Points Plan / Risk Log had not been received. Timescales AP1, [Redacted]A further meeting to be arranged for feedback. and Owner AP2, JC To confirm Stakeholder Engagement protocols by 13/5./11 AP23, Rehab Jobfit to confirm current known locations of delivery sites and send to [Redacted]SD who will forward to JCP colleagues for comment due to concerns raised earlier by 6/5. AP3 which and wh [Redacted]ACT to confirm final Supply chain partners and delivery sites by 13/5.ere premises are to be located by 13/5/11. AP4, Rehab to confirm their supply chain subcontractors by 6/5/11. AP 4 [Redacted]ACT to provide the Rehab Jobfit Group Programme Plan / Risk later today (3/5/11.) MP to provide DWP with a Programme Plan/Risk Log by next meeting. AP2 shortly. (JC)3DWP to confirm progress on common start dates. (KW) 4protocolsshortly. (KW) shortly. (JC) AP6ACT to send new/updated implementation plan to DWP with highlight report by Tuesday 19th April 5pm. Author
[Redacted]Raymond Paget

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Date recorded


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