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The following questions ask about your opinions and experiences related to drinking alcoholic beverages. This survey is being done as part of a class project. Your answers to the survey questions will remain completely anonymous. IF YOU ARE NOT A STUDENT AT A COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY AND/OR YOU ARE NOT BETWEEN THE AGES OF 18 AND 24 YEARS, PLEASE DO NOT COMPLETE THIS QUESTIONNAIRE. 1. How many BEERS (12 ounce can or bottle) would a person have to consume for it to be considered binge drinking?

2. How many 4 ounce GLASSES of WINE would a person have to consume for it to be considered binge" drinking?

3. How many MIXED DRINKS(containing 1.5 ounces of alcohol) would a person have to consume for it to be considered binge drinking?

4. How many SHOTS of straight liquor (containing 1.5 ounces of alcohol) would a person have to consume for it to be considered binge drinking?

5. For the following statements, please indicate your level of agreement or disagreement. Drinking and drinking alcohol refers to any type of alcoholic beverage. If the statement refers to your drinking and you do not drink, select Not Applicable.
Strongly Agree Excessive drinking is a problem among college students at my college/university. When I participate in drinking games (i.e. beer pong, flip cup, quarters), I drink more than usual. I prefer to go to social events where alcohol is available. Agree Unsure Disagree Strongly Disagree Don't Know Not Applicable


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Drink specials at bars (such as All You Can Drink, Beat the Clock and Happy Hour) lead me to drink more. Drinking is a central part of my social life. I drink alcohol to feel more comfortable in social settings. Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol to cope with stress is acceptable. I think it is acceptable for underage students to consume alcohol.

6. Below is a list of some of the consequences of binge drinking. Please read over the list and rank what you believe to be the three most common. Type the ranking (1, 2 or 3) in the box to the left. Please do not rank more than three.
Becoming overly emotional (crying, yelling) Being arrested (for possession of alcohol; DUI; underage drinking) Being taken advantage of sexually Creating problems with ones parents Damaging a relationship Damaging property Doing something one later regretted Driving a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol Forgetting where one was or what one did Getting into a fight Getting injured Getting in trouble with residence hall or other college authorities Having academic problems Having a hangover Having a motor vehicle accident Having unprotected sex Losing a job Requiring medical treatment for alcohol overdose Taking advantage of another sexually


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Vomited or getting sick

Other (please specify):

7. How often do you consider the possible consequences you ranked 1, 2 or 3 in Question #6 before you drink alcohol?

Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always Not applicable I do not drink

8. Do you drink alcoholic beverages such as beer, wine coolers, wine, mixed drinks or shots?

9. How important or unimportant are each of the following reasons for you to drink alcohol?
Very Important To get away from my problems and troubles To have a good time with friends To pass the time when there is nothing else to do To enjoy the taste of an alcoholic drink To feel more comfortable when Im with the opposite sex To get drunk Because everyone else is drinking For pre-gaming or pre-partying before athletic events, parties, dates, social hours, concerts, etc. Drink specials and promotions ( Ladies Night, "All You Can Drink, Happy Hour) Important Unsure Not Very Important Not at all Important Don't Know



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FOR THE ITEMS BELOW ONE DRINK OF ALCOHOL IS DEFINED AS A 12 OZ. CAN OR BOTTLE OF BEER OR WINE COOLER, A 4 OZ. GLASS OF WINE, A SHOT [1 OUNCE] OF LIQUOR STRAIGHT OR IN A MIXED DRINK. 10. What do you believe is the maximum number of drinks in a row it is safe to consume during a single drinking occasion (on a night out, tailgating, at a party, or other event where alcohol is present)?

11. How many drinks do you consume on a typical night out (bar, club, party, etc)? You can answer in terms of one or more types of alcoholic beverage.

Beer Wine Shot of Liquor Mixed Drink

12. How many drinks do you consume during pre-gaming or pre-partying before going out to a football game, club, party, bar, etc.? You can answer in terms of one or more types of alcoholic beverage.
Beer Wine Shot of Liquor Mixed Drinks

13. In a typical week, on how many nights do you consume alcohol?

One Two Three Four Five Six Seven

14. How likely are you to go to a bar to drink if it is offering drink specials such as such as Thirsty Thursday, Ladies Night, All You Can Drink etc.?
Very Unlikely


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Unikely Unsure Likey Very Likely Drink specials have no effect on my decision to go out drinking

15. Which days do you go out drinking at a bar, club, party, etc. in a typical week? [Please check ALL that apply.]
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

16. At which of the following locations do you typically consume alcohol? ALL that apply.]
Apartment or house where I live Bar or club Fraternity or sorority socials Off-campus house party Residence hall Tailgating before or after a football game

[Please check

Other (Please specify)

17. To what degree does your friends drinking (alcoholic beverages) behavior affect your own drinking behavior?
Not at All 1 2 3 4 5 6 A Great Deal 7


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18. How likely would you be to attend a party, social event, bar or club if alcohol was not available?
Very Unlikely Unlikely Unsure Likely Very Likely

19. On a typical night at a bar or club how much do you spend on alcoholic beverages?
Less than $5 $5 - $10 $11 - $20 $21 - $30 $31 - $40 More than $40

20. If you are MALE: How often do you consume 5 or more drinks within a 2 hour period? If you are FEMALE: How often do you consume 4 or more drinks within a 2 hour period?
Never Less than once a month About once a month 2-3 times a month Once a Week More than once a week

21. Have you binged (consumed alcoholic beverages in a binge drinking episode) in the past month at any of the following locations? [Please check ALL that apply.]
Bar or club when there were no drink specials Bar or club during drink specials (e.g., Happy Hours, Ladies Night, All You Can Drink, etc.) Private party at which a small admission fee was charged for unlimited drinks Private party at which unlimited drinks were offered for free


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Fraternity or sorority party at which a small admission fee was charged for unlimited drinks Fraternity or sorority party at which unlimited drinks were offered for free

22. How would you best describe yourself in terms of your current use of alcohol?
Abstainer Abstainer former drinker Infrequent drinker Light drinker Moderate drinker Heavy drinker Problem drinker

Next, please tell us about your personal interests and activities. 23. Do you currently participate in any of the following activities or student organizations? [Please check ALL that apply.]
Community service Fine arts (e.g., music, theatre) Greek life (fraternity or sorority) Honor society Intramural sports or club sports Political or social action groups Media (radio, TV, newspaper) Professional organizations Social organizations Student government Not involved in any student organizations

Other (please specify)

24. What activities do you like to do in your free time? Please rank the three activities you most like to do. Type the ranking (1, 2, 3) in the box to the left. Please do not rank more than three.


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Attend sporting events Campus student organizations Exercise (work out at a gym, jog, etc.) Hobby Listen to music Participate in organized sports (e.g., intramural sports) Play video games Read Religious ministries Socialize and drink alcoholic beverages with friends at bars, parties, and events Socialize with friends without consuming alcohol Spend time with a boy/girlfriend or significant other Surf the Internet Volunteer work or community service Watch television or movies

Other (please specify)

25. How many hours per day do you spend on average on each of the following activities.
0 Instant messaging friends Listening to Podcasts Listening to the radio Playing computer games online Playing video games Reading magazines Reading a newspaper Reading or writing a blog Reading your schools newspaper Shopping online Surfing the web (non-academic use) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7+


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Visiting social networking sites (e.g., Facebook, Myspace) Watching TV (not online) Watching videos (YouTube, TV shows or movies online)

26. Are you currently employed?

Yes No

27. How many hours do you work per week?

1-10 hrs 11-20 hrs 21-40 hrs 40+ hrs

Lastly, please tell us about your background. 28. Where do you reside during the school year?
Co-ed residence hall or dormitory Single-sex residence hall or dormitory Fraternity or sorority house Other university housing Off-campus house or apartment With parents or other family members

Other (Please specify)

29. What is your relationship status? [Please check ALL that apply.]
Casually dating In a relationship Single Married


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Other (Please specify)

30. What is your current age?

Under 18 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Over 24

31. What year are you in school?

Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Graduate student

32. What is your race/ethnicity? [Please check ALL that apply.]

African American Asian or Pacific Islander Caucasian/White Hispanic/Latino Native American Other Ethnic Background

33. What is your sex?


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Male Female

34. In what state do you currently reside?

35. Are you currently a member of a fraternity or sorority?

Yes No

36. Why do you (or others) binge drink?

37. What does drinking responsibly mean to you?

38. Some respondents were asked to identify (and thus give credit to) a particular project group conducting this survey. If you were asked to identify a particular group, please select if from the list. If you were NOT asked to identify a particular group, please select NO GROUP from the list.
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group 7 No group


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39. If you are completing this survey to receive extra credit for a course you are enrolled in at Florida State University, please select Yes. Otherwise, please select "No".
Yes No

40. In which course are you enrolled (for which you will receive extra credit for participation)? Please select ONE course from the pull-down list.

41. Please enter your last name to help your instructor credit you for your participation. ONLY TYPE YOUR LAST NAME.


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