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The Optimal Balance Plan

Transform Your Body, Improve Your Life, Find Sustainable Fitness

Copyright 2011 by Jamison Hill All rights reserved under the Pan-American and International Copyright Conventions. This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system now known or hereinafter invented, without written permission of the publisher,

Cover Design by Jamison Hill Editorial Assistance by Matt Hill


Ive learned over the course of writing this book that the most dangerous type of addiction is the one that is so beloved and full of infatuation that it becomes greatly underestimated. For me it was easy not to be addicted to drugs or alcohol because they did nothing for me. My issue was with my true passionexercise. At the pinnacle of my obsession I was working out at least three hours a day, seven days a week. Still to this day, I have a difficult time convincing myself that less exercise is sometimes more beneficial. Combined with a stressful lifestyle, excessive exercising really wore my body down. I caught a virus that left me extremely fatigued for the better part of an entire year. I was unable to work, go to school or enjoy many active aspects of life. Worst of all, I was unable to enjoy my favorite thing, my true passion in any capacity whatsoever. I was debilitated. In retrospect I am almost certain it was my bodys message telling me to give it more care and rest. After coming to this realization, I began to think about fitness in a healthy and intriguing new light. My eyes began to open to aspects of fitness I had formerly shined on like yoga and meditation. The last thing I wanted to do was ruin the main passion I had in life. I decided to incorporate exercise in a much healthier role. My body now has more say. My brain and ego have learned to listen. Through this new internal agreement, it has been my goal to find the optimal amount of exercise not harmful, but perfectly beneficial. Of course, I am still toggling with this balance as I write, but the beauty of it all is that optimal fitness is a process not an end result. Before becoming a trainer, I had a number of different jobs. I did retail, banking, and even customer service. However, none of them were satisfying enough. I have always been an active person, thriving on movement. I played baseball up throughout high school. Once I realized I was never going to be a professional athlete (not that I had much of a shot to begin with) I moved onto a bunch of boring jobs. Desk, counter or anything other type of stationary job was not suited to my nature. Which is why I now find myself in the greatest industry of all, the fitness industry. I found a job that allows me to help others, stay active and make a living. In my eyes it doesnt get much better.

I want to make one thing clear from the beginning; this is not a generic fitness book with a bunch of pictures and descriptions of exercises that are impossible to figure out. The Optimal Balance Plan has much more substance than that. Those generic books serve a certain purposemainly of selling regardless of content. This book, on the other hand, has a very specific purposeto help others. Upcoming you will find practical fitness logic to take to heart. The Optimal Balance Plan is a guide to a better lifestyle among other things. If you already live a healthy lifestyle there is always room for improvement. We arent necessarily going for perfection here, but we are definitely aiming high. The central purpose of this book is to make lifestyle improvements through exercise. What that entails is primarily up to you. No matter how good someones lifestyle is, it can almost always be improved with the addition, increase or perhaps alteration of exercise. The ultimate goal of this book is to exercise at an optimum capacity as efficiently as possible. Right now, there is likely a little voice inside your head saying what you may or may not want to hear. You need to exercise! Whether fitness is apart of your lifestyle or not, consistent exercise can be a significant accent to it. From this point onward fitness will either be apart of your life or it will be an unattained admiration. I am going to preach the former, but ultimately the choice is always yours. The Optimal Balance Plan is a healthy lifestyle, perhaps the healthiest with a strong emphasis on fitness and nutrition. Primarily, it is all about exercising and eating successfully. My hope is exercising will eventually have the same effect on other aspects of life as it will on your physique. Despite how it might sound, Optimal Balance is not meant to be an overly complex idea that few people understand. Its meant to help you not only understand how to function in a fitness atmosphere, but also optimize results in the process. There is no exact equation to find Optimal Balance. It is more of an internal realization involving many different aspects of ones self. The main focus of your balance will be to find your optimal amount of input to exercise without being counterproductive. Once this exercise balance has been established, just like the body's equilibrium, it will be evident when its off-balance or perfectly centered. For the purpose of this book input is used in reference to many different lifestyle aspects all relating to optimized fitness. To help better understand the concept of Fitness Equilibrium each chapter will give a solid

grasp on one particular aspect, which will in turn provide a piece to a rather large fitness puzzle. By the end of this book, there will be enough pieces for optimized results, a healthy outlook and fearless confidence. To make this idea seem a little more attainable I offer a personal example. I have been into weight lifting since I was an adolescent. For me, its the passion that never dies regardless of lifes circumstances. When I first started lifting weights I was not too keen on the concept of fitness in general. In fact, I had a pretty misconceived view of what it actually was. I hated anything aerobic and I seemed to only care about getting "big" like so many of my friends in the gym. So, I began to put on a lot of weight, some of it was muscle, but a good amount of it was fat. To me there was no distinction between fat and muscle; I only saw size. I grew large stretch marks on my back, arms and chestthe skins inability to keep up with growing size. The interesting part about someone gaining large amounts of mass so quickly is not the stretch marks, but that they can appear to be externally fit and healthy. Which, is primarily because our society often promotes bigger, larger and more size as better. Needless to say, our country and many others have a misconstrued perception of moderation, if we have one at all. Many, including myself, thought I was living a healthy lifestyle as a teen. At this time, my idea of fitness and a healthy lifestyle was weight training a few times a week and eating everything in sight. Unfortunately, it seems to be engrained in many American heads that size is goodits healthybut in actuality its quite the opposite. Under no means is being larger healthier and there are very few practical situations in life where increased size is a healthy advantage. The sooner we as a society drift away from the bigger is better mentality, the healthier and potentially longer our lives will become. My outlook has changed quite a bit since my adolescenceI hope everyones will do the same after reading this book. While working the front desk at a local gym, everyday I was surrounded by personal trainers. It looked like an easy gig, so I decided I wanted to give it a try. However, it wasnt until my third failed certification test that I realized being a trainer is so much more than just showing others how to get "big. Consequently, fitness has been an evolutionary process for me. Of course, I realize you probably have little desire to become a fitness trainer, but there is still a lot of relevant information to be relayed. And who knows? Maybe you will evolve into a fitness fiend yourself. I sincerely hope

you do! There is no reward quite the same as having an intense love and passion for fitness. Exercising is something to enjoy, not to dread. It should be a hobby that betters your being physically and mentally. It shouldnt be something you feel obligated to do just to look good or compete with others. A healthy lifestyle and more specifically Optimal Balance wont be achieved overnight. It is something to work towards. Oh, what a bummer! Take it from someone who loves fitness, results and work ethic have a very symbiotic relationship. As many of us in the fitness industry always say, "You will get out of it what you put in." We are talking about exercise. I often tell clients just starting out, "it's a long road, but you have to start somewhere." At first, this might sound discouraging, but the reason it really is a long road, in all actuality its never ending. Not in a bad sense of course. Fitness is a road that goes as far as life does, which is why it is so great. It will always be there to hop on or hop off. Think of fitness and life as two roads running parallel with each other. While, the goal is to have them over lap as much as possible, they are eventually bound to separate. When they do theres no reason to stresssince they are parallel they can always be merged back together. This can be difficult to do, but hopefully with the use of this book, doing so will be a little easier and done with confidence. Once it is apparent how to keep the fitness and life roads in contact, the idea of Fitness Equilibrium will be quite clear. There is very little needed to immediately start improving fitness. The only necessities are will, motivation and a little know-how. This instant, if you dropped to the floor for some pushups, your fitness would already be improved. Although, the mystery lies in whether there will be a repeat performance tomorrow, next week or months down the road. Exercise longevity doesnt exist for many peopleits too difficult. I want to change this. Exercise with longevity is about short-term success and long-term capabilities. Having longevity is not as simple as dropping down and busting out some pushups or even one workout at the gym. There are many aspects that contribute to someones fitness success, just as there are those that will act as barricades. Regardless of orientationbeneficial or harmfulall aspects should be considered on the Fitness Equilibrium journey. In perspective, doing some pushups or any other exercise right now will improve fitness, but only temporarily. Longevity remains to be seen. If exercise is not a significant and consistent part of someones life, than the work put in today is pretty much pointless. When exercise longevity

is accomplished, amazing things will surely happenresults will come in ways never before imagined. One of the goals of this book is to open your eyes to these possibilities.

I hated every minute of training, but I said dont quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion. Muhammad Ali

Exercise is truly wonderful, in that results are almost always guaranteed. Fitness is one of the very few faithful things in this world that will reward consistent with the effort put in. It doesnt even have to be enjoyed either. Someone might absolutely hate exercising, but still be rewarded (look/feel good). Fitness does not care what people think of it. We can hate it or love it and it will treat us the same regardless. With that said, exercising is of course always more fun with enjoyment involved. It would be great if you dropped this book (as long as you picked it back up) and did some pushups right now. It would certainly be an aggressive way to get started on the right track. But to ensure long-term success we need to define or possibly refine your fitness know-how along with honing in on exactly what you wish to accomplish. Then, we need to figure how to get you there. Along the way I will offer advice, techniques, workouts and personal experience, all as empathetically as necessary. Its time to get motivated!

The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up. Paul Valery

The start of a fitness journey is an event that can only be noticed and fully appreciated in hindsight. It is not rare to start, then stop, then start again and continue this pattern until one day we actually make it past the initial, often awkward fitness-seeking phase. Then, we find our niche and settle into a routine or fitness groove. Getting to this earmark is a notable accomplishment and is by no means easy. Moving forward, the immediate goal will be to limit false starts and premature fitness evacuations as much as possible. A strong start is always accompanied by strong motivation, established external and internal results and of course, a well-designed workout plan. We will cover all that in later chapters. For now, lets focus on the first stephurdling the initial barriers that bombard the starting line. Motivation or lack-there-of often ends the quest for fitness before it even begins. My primary fear is that a client will go for the first workout and let one of the many potential obstacles get in their way. Hurdles like sore muscles or easy exhaustion commonly give exercisers a bad outlook on fitness. However, these are simply indications that a workout was successful and its time to rest up for the next one. Sore muscles and exhaustion are not bad; they are the bodys way of sending a message. Instead of sulking and eventually throwing in the towel out of unnecessary frustration, keep moving forward. Say you just bought a new par of shoes. The first day you wear them they get a scuff, do you ever wear them again? Of course you do. Maybe you polish or clean them before wearing them again, but they still have a lot of life left. One day those shoes will be perfectly broken in and comfortable. An unconditioned body is the same; it needs activity and maintenance before it is properly broken in. In order to fully hurdle the issue of sore muscles, it is important to have an idea of what the body is going through during and after a workout. There are two common types of muscle discomfort in relation to exercise.

Lactic acid build up is the initial feeling of burning during exercise. Lactic acid primarily dissipates after an adequate warm-up or by gradually increasing activity. Lactic acid build up is without a doubt unpleasant, however it is a natural part of fitness. Slowly increasing activity into a workout is the most constructive lactic acid counter. Then, there is delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) which is muscle soreness that can last several days after exercising has taken place. It is beneficial to know both the difference between the lactic acid and DOMS. Many new exercisers give up because the discomfort from one or both becomes too much. Both can be irritating and painful. While unpleasant, they do subside with increased conditioning. The body will eventually adapt to consistent, increased activity. In the meantime having faith in the body will be helpful. As the body becomes more fit, DOMS will not last as long or be as painful and lactic acid will be nothing a little movement wont clear up. Dont be discouraged trust that you will clear the sore muscle hurdle! Getting discouraged with exercise is often a gateway to quitting. Everyone gets discouraged with exercise sooner or later. Those that are successful push through it. Non-existent results, poor performance or a loosing comparison to someone else in the gym will get anybody thinking twice. However, a shift of focus is best for coping. Instead of focusing on the unsatisfactory, focus on progress made. Focus on everything positive about yourself. Think about how far youve come on the journeythis is the time to be selfish. I tell clients, just do you, cause its the only thing you can control. Using this reminder will allow the uncontrollable factors to fade away. This way your focus will be on the positive internal factors like how good you feel while working out. Focusing on how far youve come will make it so much easier to keep your head up. You may be thinking, Well, I havent gone anywhere yet. Not true! You have always come from somewhere to get to the point you are currently at. Even picking up this book and thinking about exercise is a step that otherwise would have been neglected. Just think about all the people that havent thought about exercising and are perfectly content eating burgers, pizza and cheesecake without any inhibitions. Those careless cravers are already in your rearview and the distance is only going to increase.



A positive practice that is always worth undertaking is visualization. Everyone should use visualization, especially with fitness. Envisioning the world within our mind can be an irreplaceable experience. In relation to exercise, it is best to start with the big aspects first. Think about what you ultimately want to accomplish through exercise, then work backwards. An ultimate, long-term goal is the start, followed by the smaller (short term) goals to stay focused. Envision the progression towards these goalsthink about what you are going to do today to move closer to those goals. What will you do right now, this very moment to assist these steps? It can be as simple as making a commitment to workout or eat healthier. Start NOW! Why wait? Without visualization fitness malfunctions are much more likely to occur. When first starting out, stalling, sputtering or even stopping happens. If it does, have piece of mind that you can always start overjust like a mulligan in golf or a do-over. Facing hurdles is very difficult, they are always bigger at the beginning, but it does get easier. If necessary take some time, a day or so, regroup and start fresh once youre confident again. Time may be continuous, but fitness can always restart and it will, likely many times. The more persistence is shown, especially in the beginning, the less failure becomes a possibility. Stopping an exercise routine prematurely is a common occurrence for novice exercisers. Up to 65% of new exercisers give up within three to six months of starting a routine (Annesi & Unruh, 2007). The majority of which dont make it past the first few weeks. The last thing anybody wants is to be apart of a statistic like that. To prevent a premature fitness evacuation, try this on: think of a track runner at the beginning of a race. She never sprints off the line, stops after 500 feet, walks away and is content. She always wants to finish a race, even if its in last place and if she drops out, the next race will still be there. Try on this mentality with exercise. Dont just go hardcore in the first week, then stop content with what you have accomplished. Finish the race! Dont worry about what place you finish compared to others. Just finish. Then, in retrospect you can say, Im so glad I didnt stop way back there!


Many people have a natural tendency to go into any situation with a preconceived notion. It may be good, bad or indifferent, but its almost impossible to do something with absolutely zero expectations. The only situation without expectation is the one we dont see coming. Exercise is no different. Exercising with a blank mind at first might just lead to longevity. If you find exercise difficult and arduous, just take it in stride. Dont think about how exercising isnt going the way you want. Dont think about it at all. When was the last time something happened exactly how you expected it to? This rarely, if ever happens. Remember this when starting to exercise; it will save you a lot of discouragement. No situation or experience is perfect, hang in there, it only gets better! Unrealistic expectations are easy to get caught up on. A great way to untangle this issue is with a little trickery. Loose the expectations. Go workout with no plan in mind or goal set. This way those preconceived thoughts will be limited and there wont be a let down. Using new or unknown workouts like the mystery workout mentioned later is great for tricking the mind into a workout. Have a friend or trainer make a workout plan for you and dont look at it until its workout time. These mind tricks are very effective for short term or occasional use. However, overuse can reduce long-term results. High expectations or unrealistic expectations for exercise can cause a crushing letdown to novice exercisers. Psychologists call this false-hope syndromethe tendency to create unrealistic expectations. Many new exercisers sets lofty goals with little understanding of the input needed for accomplishment. If someone who weighs 250lbs says, I want to loose 100 pounds in a month. That just isnt going to happen. He may start off strong losing 10 pounds in the first week, but when exercising gets tough and the results dwindle to only two pounds of weight loss in week two, he may just throw in the towel. Lots of newbie exercisers drastically underestimate the amount of time and effort needed to accomplish a specific goal. This is referred to as the planning fallacy, which is one of the main characteristics

of false-hope syndrome. Ultimately, false-hope syndrome is directly followed by resentment towards fitness as a whole. It is always such a bummer when people dislike exercise. They dont realize that with just a little effort the feeling of lounging on the couch can be drastically overshadowed. And then there are those that take the fun out of exerciseIt becomes a chore. Please dont let exercise become boring or a burden. Physical activity is truly beautiful and beneficial. It is such a shame when looked upon otherwise. Professional athletes sometimes mention how their love and enjoyment for sports diminish over the years, especially when it becomes their job. It is so unfortunate to hear these stories as anything that was once enjoyable always has that same possibility. If you find yourself in a similar situation, exhaust all efforts to find passion before giving up. Just how professional athletes get burnt out on their sport, those who make exercise an overwhelming task often get burnt out as well. Every gym has these types. Once they hit machine mode exercise suddenly becomes something they do the same way a machine operates. Theyre on autopilot. For these people fitness becomes similar to taking out the trashthey do it not because they enjoy it, but because they feel it has to be done. Dont let this sad state reflect on your exercise habits. It is much more beneficial to go on a brisk run that soothes the soul with refreshment, then do a lame gym workout that is forced. If exercise is a chore, look for what is enjoyable. Instead of using a hard-nosed route to fitness, take it slowmake enjoyment the first priority. Burn calories doing something that puts a smile on your face. Recreational basketball, racquetball, tennis and a long list of other activities are great ways to improve a sedentary lifestyle without a chore mentality. Any time a person moves they are burning calories. Of course, the more intense the movement the more calories burnt. Still, walking is much more of a calorie killer than watching TV. Get out there and burn some calories doing a hobby, as long as that hobby isnt clicking a remote and I promise the word chore wont even come up.


Do I Need A Trainer?

If you find the need for extra motivation and accountability hiring a personal trainer is always a smart move. Picking a quality trainer is actually similar to choosing a therapist. Many do it completely blind by choosing one at random or without doing any research simply hoping for the best. Luckily, on occasion, a client will get an energetic, knowledgeable and empathetic trainer. However, a random selection can also terribly backfire if a client is given a lazy trainer who managed to narrowly pass the certification exam or maybe not at all. This can potentially hinder a clients results and leave them turned off from exercising all together. If you decide a trainers help is needed, its crucial to get your moneys worth. When you are looking for a personal trainer it is important to be confident in what you want from them. Remember you are paying for their service. Ultimately, they will be controlling the workouts, but by no means are they the end-all and be-all of fitness. This is an important note as some trainers can be overly confident and controlling. When you inquire about training, it is best not sign up with just any trainer or even the first that shows up. Shopping for a trainer is like looking for a place to livesomeone doesnt just move his stuff in the first place he looks at. He shops around a bit, makes comparisons, than decides. Believe it or not there are a lot of bogus trainers that should not be in the industry. It is good to ask questions about or to each trainer regarding qualifications, specialties, experience and availability. Be careful as some gyms do not even require a nationally recognized certification for their staffed trainers. I strongly suggest rejecting these trainers. Using a trainer without qualifications is the equivalent of having a math student do your taxesthe end result wont be satisfactory. Also, the use of common sense when choosing a trainer is often appropriateIf a trainer is passionate about the profession, their philosophies and general speech will be noticeably more detailed and enthusiastic than a lame trainer. Helping clients with difficulties and ultimately seeing them succeed is the most rewarding experience a quality trainer can have. There is a definite difference between a trainer who only cares about the paycheck and one that is genuinely passionate about the

jobIt makes all the difference when your workouts and safety are in their hands. Once you have picked a trainer you are compatible with, there will be one last chance to decide if the match is meant to be. The initial consultation is usually free and is the trainers opportunity to gather information on the clientasses potential risk factors and fitness level. With that said, it is also a time for the client to get a feel for the trainers personality and ask any questions. Take advantage of this time because after the consultation is over, theres no more chitchat! This is itfrom this point on everything we cover will direct involve exercising. No more sidelining, wondering when the game is going to start. It starts now! The future chapters and sections are for use on your fitness journey


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