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For a quiet evening and safety this night: Lord, hear our prayer.



At both Morning and Evening Prayer, the Litany continues

Let us now commend ourselves, and all for whom we pray, to the mercy and protection of God.

In the morning
O Lord, open my lips. And my mouth shall proclaim your praise.

Free intercessions may be offered.

Rejoicing with Mary and all the saints, let us entrust ourselves, and one another, and all our lives to Christ: To you, O Christ our God.

In the evening
O God, come to our assistance. O Lord, hasten to help us. Glory to the holy and life-giving Trinity, One God: as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen. Alleluia! Alleluia! ANTIPHON ON THE MORNING PSALM Christ our Savior is drawing near: * O come, let us worship.

From December 17 through 23, the Litany for Advent (pages 67-68) may be used at evening prayer.
ALTERNATIVE DISMISSAL Let us bless the Lord. Thanks be to God.

After Psalm 95, this prayer may be said.

O Sovereign God, from the heights of the hills to the caverns of the earth, all creation proclaims your glory. Let us join the song of praise, that we may live this day rejoicing in all your works, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

-- ---CUT HERE

This insert is formatted to fit into Book of Common Worship Daily Prayer ( 1993 Westminster John Knox Press). It provides supplemental antiphons, responses to the reading(s) and a litany (as an alternative to the Prayers for Intercession and Thanksgiving on pages 33-37) for Morning Prayer. Additional inserts will be published for seasons of the church year.



At Morning Prayer
God will rise up to show mercy; blessed are all who wait for God. God will rise up to show mercy; blessed are all who wait for God. The Lord is a God of justice: blessed are all who wait for God. Praise to the holy and life-giving Trinity, One God! God will rise up to show mercy; blessed are all who wait for God.

At Morning Prayer
In peace, let us pray to Christ our Savior: Christ, have mercy. That this day will be holy, good, and joyful: Christ, have mercy. That you will keep us this day free from sin: Christ, have mercy. That we may love each other as you have loved us: Christ, have mercy. That the church throughout the world may seek justice and peace according to your command: Christ, have mercy. That those who are in need may find help, mercy, and comfort: Christ, have mercy.

At Evening Prayer
Come and save us, O Lord God of hosts. Come and save us, O Lord God of hosts. Show the light of your countenance, and we shall be saved: O Lord God of hosts. Praise to the holy and life-giving Trinity, One God! Come and save us, O Lord God of hosts. ANTIPHON ON THE BENEDICTUS (MORNING PRAYER) You will go before the Lord, * to prepare Gods way. ANTIPHON ON THE MAGNIFICAT (EVENING PRAYER) The angel said to Mary: * You will bear a son, and name him Jesus.

At Evening Prayer
As shadows fall, let us pray to Christ our Savior: Christ, have mercy. For the peace from on high and for our salvation: Christ, have mercy. For the unity of your church: Christ, have mercy. For the healing of the nations: Christ, have mercy. For all who are hungry, sick, troubled, and alone: Christ, have mercy.

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