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defining god

by sheree rainbolt-kren
(c) 2007

the truth of what god is cannot be defined at this time. in fact, the desire to define
god could be a craving that may keep the truth of what god is, at bay, if we are
always seeking without knowing, on deeper levels, as move along.

in our seeking to define perfect peace, we affirm we do not know what we are.
forgetting, then seeking to remember, is the human journey. it feels like a
necessary journey. as you seek for god out there, you unknowingly create a
false, but seemingly solid barrier for yourselves, big enough, to keep you from
self realizing. there is no there, there. there is nowhere, in your mind, where god
and you begins and ends. there is only authentic recognition that you are perfect.
it's a point. it's the all. you won't understand it wholly until you want it wholly.

god is not form or matter in truth. in truth, however, god is everything. the idea is
to know what is true.

i resonate with what a course in miracles teaches in that god is not aware /
conscious of illusion. therefore, god is not aware of this human dream as we are
creating it. the form identity we call god, whatever that looks like, does not know
time and space, sin or death, or anything that isn't perfect peace. perfect peace is
perfect love, and the natural result of perfect allowing. perfect allowing is free will.
free will feels like an intentional gift from god. it is not an intentional gift from god.
the gift is love of self (there is only the one) and free will is the perfect effect.

the course teaches something i truly love. all i want is peace. there is a lesson in
the workbook for students that asks for meditation on this thought. it is life
changing. it's the one affirmation that sticks in my mind more than any other.

while god is not aware, as we would define aware, of our experiences, on any
level, there are highly evolved beings who are aware. they are the miracle
workers. some will call them angels. but, this is a limited definition of course. they
have come to know themselves and the way that provides for peace. but, the
angelic frequency is generic, at least. this energy consciousness is available to
all in the multiverse, and form does not always look like human flesh. the
frequency we call angels is truly operating from the point of your own belief
system. your beliefs determine your definition, in all cases. if your belief is that
angels are light with wings, then this is what angels are. that's a nice image. that
is the beauty of perfect love, perfect allowing and free will. you are a creator.

whether or not, your brand of angel is human, android, or a single celled

organism with no desire for more than what it is, really does not matter. all that
matters is how you feel about that belief. from which point of consciousness are
you observing this higher and lower frequencies, and everything else in between.

your human body is the precise result of the ingredients within. all thoughts make
for chemical response. chemical response dictates your physical existence and
experience, on many levels. your definition of god is read from your chemistry.
your cells read your definition with every observation you make. you are mostly
unconscious to these reads, but your chemistry is a major player, as the result of
your thoughts. you are setting intentions daily based on your physical
experience, which is unpleasant for many.

these desires have the capacity to muddy up your potential in the bigger picture,
were it not for fear of death and a clinging only to what you are seeing with your
human consciousness. some of these desires can be productive to teach you
what you are. but, true creation is not of the physical. when you create within the
framework of 3d, as a way to keep yourself safe, your valuable attention is being
used for that which cannot really lead you to safety. creation from recognition and
understanding of what you are, even while still present in human form, is useful
indeed, and most needed at this time.

the angelic frequency uses the elements of any given universe, to communicate,
to include healing communication. if, in our universe, light is the element used for
bridging 3d with higher dimensions, then it is used. there may in fact be other
universes with different elements that are used. elements that would seem
foreign to us. the angelic frequency is capable of morphing any form at all, for
any reason at all. for life in other dimensions, the frequency of their
communication elements are used. it may be light, it may not. remain open. it is a
difficult exercise only because of our conditioning. but, the willingness to remain
open is going to be very important in the days ahead. this is not meant to scare
you. it is only meant to teach you what is occurring.

angels, at the highest level of existence do not look human. they have no form.
there are times when it is helpful to bring light to human form for teaching
humans, and this is done far more often than we know. whether this is for an
hour, a day or a lifetime. there is an essence humans might like to imagine, such
as light, or energy, etc. there is no real harm in craving form outside the mind to
reflect yourself. but, as you move along, it is helpful to desire the deepest truth to
lead you. form is a teaching tool.

we are learning that we are multi dimensional energy within a quantum field of
unlimited potential. more and more science is affirming. i believe there is far more
to it than this. but, we are much further along than ever before. as we open our
minds to bigger, deeper, wider possibility, more information can stream through.

it is only through resistance to allow for what is trying to be that we wall ourselves
off from what's next. i am not certain yet that more knowledge will bring what we
seek. does more seeking undo illusion?

i share these thoughts so that we can get on with the business of releasing the
old for fresh ideas. clearly, the old paradigm has not brought us peace,
collectively. we are at war with ourselves. this war can be instructive. sometimes,
it takes experiencing what love is not, to discard it for what love is. but, only when
we release the desire to be separate from one another, will we move along. when
we allow, without fear, of any kind. even unto death.

your life will not end here at this address. there is much more to come. we play
the game as if this is the end of the road. if you only knew how very small this
actual human experience is in the grander scheme of things, you would
immediately stop the silliness. this fear of death, on many levels, has convinced
our biological human and eco systems that we are human; we are physical 3d,
over and over and over. the challenge will come when there are enough humans
who choose to open their minds and allow for new ways. when this happens, and
it isn't far off, those who are stuck in old paradigm thinking will find things to be
most difficult, for a massive shift will be quite insistent. we will live, learn and love
at our own pace. it is never too late to stop and ask yourself if you are at peace
with the world as you know it. if you aren't, then it could be useful to take new
information in, a little at a time.

it might be a good time to re-evaluate what you believe about god. then, go from
there. it's perfectly fine to release what you have always believed. it's going to be
alright to veer away from community imprints and family dna. you are the boss of
yourself. even if you do not resonate with what is written here, you are not
reading it by accident. allow time for other experiences to unfold and remind you
of this article.

sheree rainbolt-kren

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