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Only for Examination Purposes


GMDSS is a global Communications service based on automated systems,
both satellite-based and terrestrial, for providing distress alerting and
promulgation of MSI (maritime safety information) to mariners.
GMDSS was implemented on 01.02.1999
GMDSS is also known as SOLAS communication equipment and comprises
Inmarsat SESs
VHF, MF and HF DSC radios
MSI receivers such as NAVTEX and SafetyNET
Portable VHF radios

Acknowledgement of DSC distress alert by use of DSC is normally made by

Ships receiving a DSC Alert on VHF or MF are not permitted to relay the
call by DSC under any circumstances (they may relay by other means).
Ship receiving a DSC alert from another ship on any of the HF DSC
frequencies shall NOT acknowledge, shall watch appropriate RT and Telex
frequencies and if alert not acknowledged by coast station within 5 minutes
and no distress communication heard between a coast station and the ship in
distress, then the receiving station must relay the distress alert ashore by any
means to coast stations ONLY.

The acronym stands for International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and
Rescue Manual. It is a joint publication of ICAO and IMO. Its purpose is to
assist States in meeting their own SAR need and fulfilling obligations
accepted under the International Conventions. It has three volumes. Each
volume deals with specific SAR system duties and may be used
independently or in conjunction with other volumes to understand the full
system of SAR.
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VOLUME I: Organization and Management:
It discusses global SAR concept, establishment and improvement of national
and regional SAR systems and in this regard cooperation with neighboring
states to achieve effective, efficient and economical results.

VOLUME II: Mission Coordination:
It assists personnel who plan and coordinate SAR operations and exercises.

VOLUME III: Mobile Facilities:
It is intended to be carried aboard rescue units, aircrafts and vessels to help
performance of SAR duties as support members, OSC (on-scene
coordinator) functions and SAR aspects involving their own emergencies.
Thus it provides guidance on SAR aspects to all these three categories.

Abbreviations and Acronyms
Section I : Overview
Section II: Rendering assistance
Section III: On scene coordination
Section IV: On board emergencies
APPENDIX A: Regulation V / 10- of SOLAS
APPENDIX B: Search Action Message
APPENDIX C: Factors affecting observer effectiveness
APPENDIX D: Standard format for SITREP
APPENDIX E: SAR briefing and debriefing form

Important abbreviations and definitions:

ACO: AIRCRAFT COORDINATOR: A person who coordinates the
involvement of multiple aircraft in SAR operations.
TAS: TRUE AIR SPEED: Speed of air craft through air mass. TAS
corrected for wind speed gives ground speed.
SC: SEARCH and rescue COORIDINATOR: SCs are top level SAR
mangers. Each state may have one or more SCs, who could be person or an
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OSC: ON SCENE COORDINATOR: Person who is designated to
coordinate search and rescue within a specified area.
promoting efficient organization of SAR services and for coordinating the
conduct of SAR operations within a SAR region.
ARCC: AERONAUTICAL RCC: An RCC dealing with aeronautical SAR
MRCC: MARITIME RCC: An RCC dealing with maritime SAR
JRCC: JOINT RCC: An RCC responsible for both aeronautical and
maritime SAR incidents.
RSC: RESCUE SUB CENTRE: A unit subordinate to a RCC established
to complement the latter according to particular provisions of the responsible
RESCUE: An operation that comprises of retrieval of persons in distress,
providing for their medical and other needs and finally delivery to place of
SEARCH ACTION PLAN: Message, normally developed by the SMC for
passing instructions to SAR facilities and agencies participating in a SAR
RESCUE ACTION PLAN: A plan for rescue operations normally prepared
by the SMC for implementation by OSC and facilities on-scene.
SITREP: Situation Report. It gives information about on-scene mission
progress and conditions.SITREPs are used by SAR facilities to keep OSC
informed, and by OSC to keep SMC informed and by SMC to keep
superiors, RCCs and RSCs informed The standard format of SITEP is given
in Appendix D of Volume III.
SMC: SAR MISSION COORDINATOR: The official temporarily
assigned to coordinate response to an actual or apparent distress situation.
SRR: SAR REGION: An area of defined dimensions, associated with a
RCC, within which SAR services are provided.
SRU: SEARCH and RESCUE UNIT: A unit composed of trained
personnel and provided with equipment suitable for the expeditious conduct
of SAR operations.
transponder that, when activated, sends out a signal automatically when a
pulse from a nearby radar reaches it. The signal appears on the interrogating
radar screen and gives the bearing and distance of the transponder from the
interrogating radar for SAR purposes.
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TS: TRACK SPACING: Most search patterns consist of parallel tracks or
sweeps covering a rectangular area. The distance between adjacent parallel
search tracks is known as track spacing. The track spacing is used in all
search patterns except for sector search pattern, It is denoted by S .
DATUM: A geographic point, line or area used as a reference in search
shore-based station linking SESs with terrestrial communication networks.
CSP: COMMENCE SEARCH POINT: Point, normally specified by the
SMC, where a SAR facility is to begin its search pattern.
LUT: LOCAL USER TERMINAL: It is an earth receiving station that
receives beacon signals relayed by Cospas-Sarsat satellites, processes them
to determine the location of the beacons and forward the signals.
COSPAS SARSAT SYSTEM: A satellite system designed to detect
distress beacons transmitting on frequencies 121.5 MHz and 406 MHz
distress beacon for alerting and transmitting homing signals.
SafertyNET: Communications service provided via Inmarsat for
promulgation of MSI, including shore to ship relays of distress alerts and
communication for SAR.
system: A world-wide vessel reporting system for SAR for maintaining
estimated position and other data of merchant vessels that participate on
voluntary basis. The system fully supports the SAR and is free of charge for
participating vessels and RCCs. Many land-based communication service
providers too, world-wide, relay ship reports to AMVER free.
The confidentiality of the information provided voluntarily by ships is
maintained by USCG and is only revealed to SAR authorities or to others
authorized by ships involved.
Any merchant vessel more than 1000 gross tons and on any voyage of more
than 24 hours can participate. The participation in AMVER has obvious
benefits and must be encouraged by ship managers and owners:
Quicker response to call for assistance
Better chances of reaching aid in shorter time to site of distress
Lesser number calls for assistance to vessels not in position to assist


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It could be national or regional in nature and is looked after by one or more
SCs (SAR Coordinators).
SCs are top level SAR managers having overall responsibility. (VOLUME I)

They are established by SCs. Each RCC has its own area with well defined
dimensions, known as SRR (SAR Region) and RSC has its own SRS (SAR
Sub-Region). Maritime SRRs are depicted by IMO and Aeronautical SRRs
are depicted by ICAO. RCC could be MRCC or ARCC or JRCC.

During SAR incident RCC chief or his designee takes the role of SMC. This
function is temporary and lasts only for the duration of the incident. Because
of the close proximity in the nature of work, RCC and SMC are used
interchangeably. SMC makes search action plan, rescue action plan,
specifies CSP, coordinates the operation with adjacent RCCs when
appropriate, and prepares final reports among other SAR related duties.

If SMC is not designated OSC performs additional duties of SMC till the
times SMC is deputed. Normally this duty carried out by ship master unless
more capable SRU is available. Among its duties are: Receive search &
rescue action plans from SMC or make them himself if no SMC is deputed.
Make SITREPS. Coordinate on scene communications and operations of all
SAR facilities.

Thus, SAR has three levels of coordination:

They are top level SAR managers. Each state will have one or more persons
or agencies. They have overall responsibility for:
1. Establishing, staffing, equipping & managing SAR system.
2. Establishing RCCs & RSCs.
3. Providing or arranging for SAR facilities.
4. Coordinating SAR training.
5. Developing SAR policies

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Each SAR operation is carried out under the guidance of an SMC. This
function exists only for the duration of a specific SAR incident and is
normally performed by the RCC chief or a designee. The SMC may have
assisting staff. SMCs duties include:
1. Obtain and evaluate all data on emergency.
2. Ascertain type of emergency equipment carried by distressed craft.
3. Remain informed of prevailing environmental conditions.
4. Plot the areas to search and decide on methods and facilities to be
5. Develop the search action plan and rescue action plan.
6. Coordinate the operation with adjacent RCCs when appropriate.
7. Arrange for delivery of supplies for survivors.
8. Maintain accurate and chronological record.
9. Issue progress reports.
10. Recommend to RCC chief the abandoning/suspending of the search.
11. Release SAR facilities when assistance no longer required.
12. Prepare a final report

When two or more SAR facilities are working together on the same mission,
one person on-scene may be needed to coordinate the activities of all
participating facilities. The SMC designates an OSC, who may be the person
in charge of a:
SRU, ship or aircraft participating in search, or nearby facility in
position to handle OSC duties.
The person in charge of the first facility to arrive at the scene will
normally assume the OSC function until the SMC arranges for the
person to be relieved.

Duties of OSC will include:
1. Coordinate operations of all SAR facilities on-scene.
2. Receive search action plan or rescue action plan from the SMC or
plan the same, if no plan is otherwise available.
3. Coordinate on scene communications. SAR facilities will normally
report to OSC. SAR facilities should be in possession of a copy of
International Code of Signals,
4. Monitor the performance of other participating facilities.
5. Make periodic situation reports (SITREPs).
6. Maintain a detailed record of the operation.
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7. Maintain communication with SMC


On receiving a distress message, following immediate action should be
Acknowledge distress message
If possible, gather relevant information from craft in distress (position,
type and identity of craft, type of cargo onboard, POBs, nature of
distress, type of assistance required etc.)
Maintain continuous listening watch on international distress
Maintain communication with distressed craft and convey relevant
information about own vessel (Position, identity and speed of own
vessel, ETA to site of distress etc.)
Use all available means to be aware of the latest position of the
distressed craft.
On reaching closer post extra look outs to keep the craft in sight.
Establish contact with SMC and convey all information, updating, as


Example of Search Action Plan message is given in Appendix B of
IAMSAR Volume III. SAP is prepared by SMC and implemented by OSC
and SAR facilities. SAP may be modified by OSC, under the authority of
SMC, as per prevailing conditions. Search Action Plan message consists of
six parts:
Search area
Coordination required
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Rescue Action Plan is also prepared by SMC for implementation by OSC
and SAR facilities. The plan may be conveyed in Rescue Action message.
At times, however, the plan may also be prepared by OSC.
The parts of the RAP message are exactly similar to those for SAP message
except that Search area is replaced by Rescue area.

For planning the search, datum is established, which depends on:
Reported position and time of the SAR incident
Time interval between incident and arrival of SAR facilities
Estimated movement of distressed craft due to drift

Most search patterns consist of parallel tracks or sweeps covering a
rectangular area. The difference between adjacent tracks is called the track
Recommended uncorrected TSs are provided in IAMSAR manual along
with correction factors which depend on weather conditions and search
object. Uncorrected TS is multiplied by correction factor to get the
recommended correct TS.TS does not apply to sector search pattern. TS is
denoted by S. S is given by:
S = S
x f

Where S
is TS uncorrected and f
is weather correction factor.
Uncorrected TS is given in tabular form for different search objects for
different meteorological visibilities. There are three tables, one each for
merchant vessel, helicopters and fixed wing aircrafts. Maximum value of f

is 1 which is for normal weather (i.e. Su = S) and as weather gets worse
factor f
becomes less thus reducing value of S.

All search facilities should proceed at same speed as directed by OSC. This
is normally the maximum speed of the slowest ship. This speed may,
however, have to be reduced in restricted visibility.

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Search radius is computed using 2 methods:

1. If search is to commence immediately, assume R = 10 NM
2. If time is available, compute the area as advised in following steps:
i. Compute area A, a certain craft can cover at a speed V in given
time T: A = V x T x S; where S = TS , T = Time for which
craft will search, V = Crafts speed
ii. The total area A
which can be covered by several crafts is
given by sum total of areas covered by each craft:
= A
+ A
+ A
= A
+ ..
iii. If all crafts are searching at same speed for the same amount of
time, then:
= NA; where N is the number of crafts involved.
iv. Search Area radius ( R ) is then given by:
R = A
/ 2

v. Draw circle with datum as centre and R as radius. Draw
tangents to the circle to form square. If several search facilities
are involved, then divide the square into sub-areas and assign
the sub-areas as appropriate to different search facilities.


Search patterns and procedures must be preplanned so as to enable minimum
delay, risks and maximum efficiency. Standard search patterns have been
devised to meet differing situations.
They are based on visual search and have been selected for simplicity and
The OSC should obtain a search action plan from the SMC via the
RCC or RSC ASAP. OSC should keep the SMC informed at regular
intervals and whenever the situation has changed.
The choice of search pattern will be decided by following factors:

Type and size of distressed craft.
Meteorological visibility.
Sea and weather conditions.
Time of day or night.
Time of arrival at datum and size of area to be searched.
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Number and type of assisting crafts available.


1. It is most effective when location of object is known.
2. CSP is always the datum.
3. It is appropriate for small vessels and boats to search for survivors in
water with little or no leeway.
4. Accurate navigation is required. First leg is usually oriented directly
into the wind to minimize navigational errors.
5. Area involved being small, the procedure must not be used by
multiple aircrafts at same altitudes or multiple sea crafts.


1. It is most effective when position of search object is accurately known
and search area is small.
2. It is used to search a circular area centered on datum point. Due to
small area involved procedure must not be used simultaneously by
multiple vessels/ aircrafts.
3. An aircraft and a vessel may be used together to perform independent
sector searches of same area.
4. A suitable marker (smoke float or radio beacon) may be dropped at
datum point for reference or navigational aid mark the center.
5. For vessels, search pattern radius is usually between 2 NM and 5 NM
and turn is 120 degrees, normally to starboard. For aircrafts the search
pattern radius is usually between 5 NM and 29 NM.


1. It is normally used when an aircraft or a vessel has disappeared
without a trace along a known route.
2. It is often used as initial search effort due to ease of planning and
3. Consists of rapid and reasonably thorough search along intended route
of the distressed craft.
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4. Search may be along one side of track line and return in the opposite
direction on the other side (TSR: track line search, return).
5. Search may be along the intended track and once on each side, then ,
then search finally continues on its way and does not return (TSN:
track line search, not return).
6. Aircrafts are frequently used for TS due to their high speed.


1. It is used to search a large area when survivor location is not known.
2. Most effective over water or flat terrain.
3. The CSP is in one corner of the sub area, one half tracks inside the
rectangle from each of the two sides forming the corner.
4. Search legs are parallel to each other and to the long sides of the sub
5. It can be used by 2, 3, 4, 5 or more ships.


1. The aircraft does most of the searching, while ship steams along a
course at a speed as directed by OSC.
2. It gives a higher probability of detection than can normally be attained
by an aircraft searching alone.
3. Ship speed varies according to speed of aircraft and size of the


1. Used around mountains and in valleys when sharp changes in
elevation make other patterns not practical.
2. Search is started from highest peak and goes from top to bottom with
new search altitude for each circuit.
3. Search altitude intervals may be 150m to 300m.
4. If the mountain cannot be circled, successive sweeps at the same
altitude intervals as listed above should be flown along its side.
5. Valleys are searched in circles, moving the centre of the circuit one
track spacing after each completed circuit.

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THE DIVERSION resulting from the receipt of a distress message can
occur anytime and anywhere; providing it is reasonable, all vessels within a
hundred miles or so are likely to respond, even at some increased risk to
themselves. The degree of increased risk that is acceptable is a matter of
judgment, as there is no point in adding a second casualty to the first.
A prompt response is an essential feature of the rescue
missions. It is also important not to overlook the need to assess the
navigational problems arising from the diversion, and allow for them, so as
to minimize any risks. The route towards the distress should be planned,
taking into account the probability of proceeding at max speed in less than
ideal weather conditions or maneuvering in waters not normally entered by
the vessel.

RESPONSE: Vessel receiving distress message must proceed towards
distress position at their best speed, while reporting their action to the
distressed vessel and/or CRS handling the coordination. The closer presence
of other vessels does not relieve the master of his duty to respond.
Meanwhile radio traffic should be monitored to establish which other vessels
are responding.

ONBOARD PREPARATION: The period between first turning towards a
distress and arriving on the scene is valuable preparation time. With limited
manpower on merchant ships, division of labor and full briefing of key
personnel will be important feature of preparation time.

COORDINATING SAR: This is taken care of by RCC.

INTERSHIP COMMUNICATION: Channel 16 may be used for all
distress traffic but it is often preferable to conduct most of the organizational
details on a working channel while still monitoring channel 16.Where
language difficulties exist, standard phrases from standard maritime
vocabulary should be used.

RESCUING SURVIVORS: The OSC coordinates the rescue action,
directing the most suitably equipped rescue units to move in. And other units
stand by and assist as required. When survivors are rescued, it is important
that full details of the casualty are obtained quickly and passed to the OSC,
so that the search is not called off prematurely. Their medical and nutritional
needs must also be made.

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CONCLUSION OF SEARCH: The OSC must decide, in consultation with
SMC, when the rescue is completed and must inform assisting ships, thus
relieving them of their obligation to remain. The OSC should also inform the
CRS of all relevant details. Before leaving the scene of successful rescue,
life rafts and lifejackets etc. should be retrieved or sunk and other floating
debris should be the subject of radio warning.
If search is unsuccessful and all reasonable hope of rescuing survivors has
passed, the OSC, in consultation with the SMC, will call off the search and
dismiss assisting units. A radio message asking all ships to keep look out is

NOTES: Aircraft can assist by dropping markers, smoke or flame floats, and
survival equipment, consisting of nine person dinghy and two bags of
supplies. They can carry out an air search, locate a casualty, keep it under
observation and guide surface craft to it. Flying-boats may be able to alight
and pick up survivors. Helicopters may also pick up survivors.

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