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10 ways to benchmark your Version 1.

Active Directory environment March 25, 2008

By Rick Vanover
Active Directory Services is the going standard for account provisioning, basic system management, and DNS
authority in most environments. Having some accountability to determine what has changed over time can be a
challenge. Here are some strategies for achieving accountability in your Active Directory environment. They'll help
supplement your existing strategies, give you an extra dimension for testing, and provide a strong set of data to
determine what has changed when you're troubleshooting issues.

1 Export with CSVDE

Many Active Directory (AD) tools can be used at various levels to gather information about the current state.
CSVDE is a favorite of mine because it is relatively quick and can be iterated through a scheduled task and the
output is workable in Excel. I export certain organizational units (OUs) monthly as a record of the membership of
user accounts. With this record, I can see what has changed in diagnosing issues that initially may not make
much sense. This is especially helpful with a large AD environment.

2 Copy for the quick test

I have had great success copying users to temporary user accounts to test permissions within Active Directory.
This makes one key assumption that most, if not all, permissions are assigned via group membership. When
group membership is the main mechanism for deploying access, copying users to test access in roles like service
accounts, task accounts, and other restrictive operations, the copied user account is a quick and easy way to test
without affecting the user in question. Be sure to perform the requisite housecleaning and remove the copied

3 Have a copy of the domain available for testing

Core changes to an Active Directory installation are difficult to test and simulate. A development domain is good,
but usually not configured exactly as in use on the live domain. Having a domain for testing that is exactly like
your live domain makes testing schema extensions, Group Policy changes, and new security polices a breeze.
There are two principle ways to get this test environment created. The first is to create a new domain controller in
the domain, then move it to a test network. Once in the test network, remove the domain controller from the live
domain. When it is in the test network, the other domain controllers won't be available, but if it has all of the
requisite roles, it can process logon requests and be the test environment for the changes or policies in question.
The other strategy is to use a system conversion tool, such as Symantec BackupExec System Recovery,
Symantec Ghost, Acronis True Image, VMware Converter, or PlateSpin PowerConvert, to take a snapshot of the
domain controller in varyious ways and transport it to a physical or virtual test environment.

4 LDIFDE for the whole thing!

The LDIFDE export tool can be helpful to move the entire domain out and have it available for importing. I would
not recommend this as a backup and restore mechanism. But to create an exact replica of the live domain as
described above, the LDIFDE tool can be the vehicle to export your domain to the test environment and keep it up
to date. My issue with test domains is that they stray from the live environment, and keeping them current is
important. You can export your entire domain as is with this easy one-liner:
LDIFDE –f C:\domain-out.file
LDIFDE can interpret this file in an import, and it's readable in a text editor. It's easy to blur the differences
between LDIFDE and CSVDE when you read their descriptions, but I like CSVDE because you can export by a
particular organizational unit (OU). This is handy, as LDIFDE will take the entire directory, which includes user
accounts as well as printers, computer accounts, domain controllers, and other Active Directory objects. LDIFDE
will tend to have a larger export file because of its scope.

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10 ways to benchmark your Active Directory environment

5 Save queries in Active Directory

Don’t we all breeze right through
this first option of Active Directory
Users And Computers? Having a
saved query can help
administrators repeat mundane
tasks and easily detect policy
violations. I frequently run queries
for disabled user accounts that
have not logged in within 60 days.
The figure to the right shows this
An AD query result set is a list of
objects that meet the selected
criteria. With this set, you can
perform large scale account
operations, such as deleting
accounts, adding a group, moving
to an account, and enabling or
disabling an account. You can also
perform mass operations on
Exchange accounts from the results of a query. This TechRepublic blog post explains how to create and save an
AD query.

6 Use DSGET for AD object details

While CSVDE and LDIFDE are good for large collections of data, the DSGET command is the detail-oriented
alternative. DSGET is the object tool for the Active Directory service command series, including DSADD,
DSQUERY, DSMOVE, DSRM, and DSMOD. DSGET fits well in the space of documenting and benchmarking
your AD installation because you can get information specifically for objects within the domain. Each object type
in the directory is available to run from DSGET. You may find yourself wanting to use DSQUERY in conjunction
with DSGET to save the hassle of working with the directory distinguished names.

7 Export Group Policy objects

Managing Group Policy objects in AD is a challenging feat as well. How difficult is it to determine an issue with a
complicated Group Policy? Exporting the Group Policy is a way to benchmark the configuration from a point in
time. The Windows Resource Kit tool ADMX.EXE allows for an export of Group Policy objects from AD for
archival and comparison purposes.

8 Export your AD-integrated DNS zone

If your IP addressing is managed or tracked within Active Directory, you can export the zone that contains your
domain systems. This will enable you to see how the addresses are used and where your domain systems are
addressed across all networks in the domain. The DNSCMD command is the best utility to perform this export.
The command to export a DNS zone for the sample WS2K3DEV.LOCAL zone from the DC001 server would be:
DNSCMD DC001 /zoneprint WS2K3DEV.LOCAL
You can optionally direct the command to a file for the archival. While you can also use DNSCMD for importing
and modifications, the output functionality is very useful in the course of benchmarking the AD environment. The
relevant output from this command is about the third line from the bottom. The output for individual systems and
their addressing (in the form of DNS A records) is shown below:
DC001 [Aging:3569020] 3600 A

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10 ways to benchmark your Active Directory environment

9 Document with ADFind.exe

ADFind.exe provides a great way to take a quick snapshot outside Active Directory Users And Computers and
outside of normal administrative rights situations. ADFind does not require special domain privileges or
permissions through the Delegation Of Control wizard. So you can comfortably have your AD environment
documented by computer operators, temporary employees, junior administrators, or anyone else whom you are
not 100 percent comfortable giving additional rights.
Using ADFind is a little different than using the normal tools, as it is not a Microsoft tool. But a quick jog through
the usage section of the Joeware Web site will have you making queries in no time at all. Here is an example I
performed on a test domain (WS2K3DEV.LOCAL):
adfind -b dc=WS2K3DEV,DC=LOCAL -f "objectcategory=computer"
All computer accounts are returned, and they have a format like the following sample result:
>objectClass: top
>objectClass: person
>objectClass: organizationalPerson
>objectClass: user
>objectClass: computer
>distinguishedName: CN=VM-SERVER1,OU=VServers,DC=WS2K3DEV,DC=LOCAL
>instanceType: 4
>whenCreated: 20071109010719.0Z
>whenChanged: 20071109010838.0Z
>displayName: VM-SERVER1$
>uSNCreated: 98317
>uSNChanged: 98336
>name: VM-SERVER1
>objectGUID: {305864AA-98F3-4F0C-A813-5832F73F7BD1}
>userAccountControl: 4096
>badPwdCount: 0
>codePage: 0
>countryCode: 0
>badPasswordTime: 0
>lastLogoff: 0
>lastLogon: 128390526426562500
>localPolicyFlags: 0
>pwdLastSet: 128390440401406250
>primaryGroupID: 515
>objectSid: S-1-5-21-1529256218-1546654017-687563949-1123
>accountExpires: 9223372036854775807
>logonCount: 5
>sAMAccountName: VM-SERVER1$
>sAMAccountType: 805306369
>operatingSystem: Windows Server 2003
>operatingSystemVersion: 5.2 (3790)
>operatingSystemServicePack: Service Pack 2
>servicePrincipalName: HOST/VM-SERVER1
>servicePrincipalName: HOST/VM-SERVER1.WS2K3DEV.LOCAL
>objectCategory: CN=Computer,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=WS2K3DEV,DC=LOCAL
>isCriticalSystemObject: FALSE
>dSCorePropagationData: 20071109010838.0Z
>dSCorePropagationData: 20071109010838.0Z
>dSCorePropagationData: 20071109010838.0Z
>dSCorePropagationData: 16010108151056.0Z

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10 ways to benchmark your Active Directory environment

As with any good tool or procedure, I recommend learning the ropes in a test environment. While it is generally a
query and lookup tool, you want to be sure of any load placed on your domain controllers for big queries or
exports. Using these tools in a test environment first can ensure no surprises while running in the live domain.

10 Minimize security group sprawl

We all agree that assigning permissions via group membership is the best practice for most situations. However,
having too many groups in your AD environment poses a management challenge of its own. I have found it useful
to determine which groups have either no members or very few members and to consider removal or
consolidation. I generally do this with the CSVDE command within the organizational unit that contains the groups
in question for a quick view of the membership inventory. In this fashion, the lesser groups will pave the way for
simpler administration.

Benchmarking your Active Directory environment for a look into the past can be the best indicator of the future
use and needs. It's also great for troubleshooting something that used to work. Many of the strategies described
here can be run as a scheduled task for automated documentation.

Rick Vanover works for Safelite Auto Glass (Belron US) in Columbus, OH, providing central
Windows-based server administration. Previous experiences included working for Dematic Corp
(formerly Siemens L&A, Siemens Dematic, Rapistan) in various capacities deploying custom software
solutions to the material handling industry using a mix of current hardware and software products.
You can reach Rick at

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10 ways to benchmark your Active Directory environment

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Mastering the Active Directory Schema
Two Winternals tools that assist and simplify Active Directory administration
Managing OUs, Users, and Groups in Active Directory

Version history
Version: 1.0
Published: March 25, 2008

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