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Los temas del programa son interdependientes y siguen una secuencia, por lo que no se puede eliminar ninguno de ellos;

sin embargo, se han desarrollado de tal manera que el curso resulte viable. Debido a las necesidades de expresin que surgen de las situaciones en las que se contextualizan las funciones, y por su carcter comunicativo, se requiere del uso simultneo o alterno de una o ms estructuras. De ah que el primer uso que se da a una estructura sea el de transformarla en instrumento, para ensear nuevo vocabulario; a su vez, ste debe servir para practicar las estructuras conocidas e inducir otras que an no se estudien. Todas las estructuras tienden especficamente a lograr una o varias funciones comunicativas, es decir, a conseguir el objetivo principal de una lengua: la comunicacin. Es por ello que el lenguaje debe desarrollarse por igual en las dos formas: oral y escrita y, tanto las habilidades receptivas (entender lo que se oye y lo que se lee), como las productivas (hablar y escribir), son importantes. Para desarrollar las habilidades de comprensin auditiva y el habla, se enfatiza la importancia de escuchar con atencin el programa televisado, especialmente la seccin LOOK OUT! En que se repiten consistentemente los modelos estructurales y lexicolgicos. El ingls no es un idioma fontico, no se escribe como suena, de ah que sea imprescindible escucharlo siempre que haya oportunidad, e imitarlo, repitiendo en voz alta los sonidos y palabras siempre que sea posible. Las funciones comunicativas incluidas en el curso de verano de Telesecundaria se presentan en situaciones atractivas para los estudiantes, por medio de dilogos y textos, y de acuerdo con sus intereses; stas son: Saludar y presentarse. Intercambiar informacin sobre nacionalidad y lugar de origen. Describir a alguien. Expresar gustos y desagrados. Preguntar, y dar direccin y telfono. Describir a parientes y amigos mediante el Intercambiar informacin acerca de lugares. uso del s (pertenencia). Intercambiar informacin acerca de cmo Informar acerca de actividades cotidianas. llegar a un lugar. Describir actividades en una comunidad. Planear actividades para realizar una campaa. Hacer sugerencias: aceptarlas o rechazarlas. Describir aspectos culturales. La enseanza de estas funciones enfrenta ocasionalmente dificultades que pueden subsanarse mediante la aplicacin de estrategias diversas. En las pginas siguientes se plantean algunos de los problemas ms frecuentes y se dan sugerencias para resolverlos. Las estrategias, adems de propiciar la adquisicin de conocimientos del ingls, son propuestas para fomentar actitudes, hbitos y habilidades; estn consideradas en los materiales y en el planteamiento de las actividades que tienden a desarrollar y fortalecer los valores personales de los estudiantes, tales como: Honestidad en su trabajo, valoracin justa de su propio esfuerzo, respeto a sus compaeros y a su trabajo, aprecio a sus costumbres y tradiciones, espritu crtico para valorar su cultura al confrontarla con otras, autodisciplina y organizacin del trabajo.

Dificultades y estrategias didcticas

Castro, Oscar y Kimbrough, Victoria, In Touch, Mxico, Instituto Mexicano-Norteamericano de Relaciones Culturales, A. C., 14a. reimp., 1992.

Hess, Federico y Astivia, Mara Susana, A Close Up, Mxico, EPSA, 1993. Luna, Manuel y Taylor, James, Impact 1, Mxico, Macmillan, 1993. Rosales, Marimn y Crdoba, Marcela, Progress with English, Mxico, 1992. Velasco, Rosa Mara, Imagine 1, Mxico, EPSA, 1992. Zamarrn, Francisco, Interact 1, Mxico, Larousse, 2a. Ed., 1993.

PROPUESTA METODOLGICA Despus de analizar los resultados de las encuestas realizadas tanto a alumnos como a docentes de la zona escolar 025 de Telesecundarias, y considerando los consejos y puntos de vista de gente experta en la materia de Ingls, a la que tuvimos la oportunidad de entrevistar, se nos recomend, dadas las condiciones en las que se encuentran los docentes de esta zona en la enseanza del Ingls, que lo urgente e indispensable es apoyarlos proporcionndoles herramientas necesarias para su trabajo en esta materia, iniciando con los conocimientos bsicos, para que, sin perder la metodologa existente en Telesecundarias, ste pueda impartir dicha asignatura, superando los obstculos que actualmente se le presentan y que hacen en ocasiones que se omita la imparticin del Ingls. Por lo tanto, considerando los planes y programas de estudio de Telesecundaria, as como su metodologa; nuestra propuesta expuesta a continuacin, consiste en reestructurar la planeacin establecida por ncleos en los tres grados, retomando los elementos valiosos y necesarios ya establecidos. Esta planeacin se inicia a partir del ncleo bsico 2 ya que el ncleo bsico 1 en los tres grados aborda los horizontes del Ingls en Telesecundaria en el que nicamente se pretende remarcar en el alumno la importancia del Ingls. Algo que nos pareci muy importante; es dar algunos conocimientos bsicos despus de cada planeacin propuesta aqu por ncleo, partiendo de la gramtica que como docente deber conocer en el momento de impartir la materia, de manera que le resulte fcil y entendible. Como el ncleo bsico 1 consiste en abordar horizontes de Ingls en Telesecundaria, entonces no se hace necesario modificarlo sino, por el contrario respetar su estructura y funcin. A continuacin narramos la estructura propuesta que sugerimos para el PRIMER GRADO. PROPUESTA PARA PRIMER GRADO

Grado 1.
Ncleo bsico 2 Nombre del ncleo: MEETING PEOPLE Concepto central: Aprender a relacionarse con los dems empleando producciones lingsticas para alternar tanto en situaciones formales como informales. TIEMPO FUNCIN DEL LENGUAJE VOCABULARIO ACTIVIDADES Saludar Presentarse Hello! Good morning Good afternoon Good evening Good night I am... Pdale a sus alumnos que le digan las formas de saludar y escrbalas en el pizarrn. Que los alumnos deambulen, se saluden y despidan sin detenerse Pdales que se saluden como si fuera la primera clase Solicteles que les digan su nombre a los dems compaeros, primero en Espaol despus en Ingls. Decir de dnde son I'm from... Canada Australia England

Mexico The United States Italy Japan Germany Pdale a los alumnos que le digan los nombres de algunos pases que sepan. Organcelos en parejas e indique que escojan una nacionalidad y practiquen el dilogo: Hello. My name is ... I'm from ... Practiquen la escritura y la pronunciacin en voz alta de los diferentes pases. Preguntar por el nombre y apellido What's your name? - Organcelos en parejas y se pregunten su nombre. - Sugirales que piensen en su personaje favorito y acten ese papel, digan de dnde son, entre s o frente al grupo. Averiguar la ocupacin o profesin de alguien What do you do? Dentist Photographer Actress Architect Postman Doctor Engineer Student, etc. Dgales que escojan una ocupacin y la escriban en un papel. Luego, que se pongan de pie y encuentren a su pareja por medio de preguntas, ejemplo: Are you a mechanic? No, I'm not Yes, I am Reclqueles el uso del artculo indefinido a y an antes de la ocupacin. Preguntar y responder por lugares de residencia Where do you live? Antes de iniciar esta actividad debern practicar los nmeros. Organcelos para que en parejas hablen acerca del lugar en que viven y la direccin. Ejemplo: I live in Cholula I live at 15 Carranza street Preguntar y responder la edad How old are you? - Pregntele a sus alumnos cmo se pregunta la edad en Ingls, pdales que escriban las preguntas y las contesten en su cuaderno. Haga al azar preguntas a sus alumnos para mejor comprensin Expresiones ms usadas en el saln de clases Classroom language Ask and answer Be quiet Go to the board Close the door Stand up May I come in? Divida al grupo en 2 o 3 equipos y frmelos en lneas. Pase a los primeros alumnos de las filas al pisaron y dgales en Ingls que realicen una accin, ejemplo. Write your name. Luego stos pasan a la Cola. Lleve la cuenta de los puntos Buenos de cada equipo. Felicite al equipo Ganador.

Advierta que estas expresiones se usarn a lo largo del ciclo escolar, por lo cual es fundamental que los alumnos las entiendan. Para lograr el objetivo de esta unidad, el maestro utilizar estructuras bsicas como: Good Morning (12 am - 12 pm.), Good Afternoon (12pm - 6pm) Good Evening (6pm 12pm), Good Night (Al despedirse por la noche). I'm from..., What's your name?, What do you do?, Where do you live? , How old are you? And Classroom language. A continuacin para que el maestro pueda impartir la materia, se propone considerar los siguientes conocimientos bsicos. Pronombres personales y verbo (to be) Am / is / are: Positive Negative Question I am (I'm) I am not (I'm not) am I ? He is (He's) He is not (He isn't) is He ? She is (She's) She is not (She isn't) is She ? It is (It's) It is not (It isn't) is It? We are (We're) We are not (We aren't) are We? You are (You're) You are not (You aren't) are You ? They are (They're) They are not (They aren't) are They? Para pedir informacin adicional, se utilizan palabras interrogativas (question words) como Where, What y How. La palabra Where se utiliza para hacer preguntas sobre lugares y direcciones, ejemplo: Where are you from? Where do you live? La palabra What se utiliza para hacer preguntas sobre cosas en general, acciones o acontecimientos, es decir, pedir informacin especfica sobre algo en concreto, ejemplo: What's your name? What's your address? La palabra How se utiliza para saludar y preguntar por la salud, la edad, altura, peso, precios y preguntar "de qu forma", ejemplo: How are you? How do you do? How old are you? How much is the red tie? Ahora bien, por otro lado, las profesiones y ocupaciones en Ingls necesitan anteponer el artculo a con palabras que comienzan con sonido consonante, ejemplo: "a doctor", "a mechanic", "a farmer". El artculo an si las palabras comienzan con un sonido de vocal, ejemplo: "an architect", "an engineer", "an electrician" No as en Espaol en donde no necesariamente se antepone algn artculo para nombrar las profesiones y ocupaciones de alguien.

Grado 1

Ncleo bsico 3 Nombre del ncleo: NICE TO MEET YOU (gusto en conocerte) Concepto Central: Conocer a otras personas por medio del Ingls, describir gente, lugares y hablar de lugares especficos. TIEMPO FUNCIN DEL LENGUAJE VOCABULARIO ACTIVIDADES Presentar a otras Personas Preguntar quin es l o Ella My new friends Who is he/she? Organice al grupo en parejas y solicite que presenten a su compaero diciendo: This is Pepe. He is my friend En parejas los alumnos preguntarn por otra persona Who is she? She is my sister Preguntar sobre el lugar en que se encuentran diferentes objetos o personas Where's my pen?

Irma The cat The umbrella Lamp Hat Los alumnos en actitud de bsqueda preguntan por un objeto o persona, ejemplo: Where's Irma? She is on the bed Where's my pen? It's on the desk. Preguntar por la descripcin fsica de otras personas y objetos What do/does __ look like? What does she look like? What do you look like? Head, hair, ears, eyes, nose, mouth, neck, arms, hands, legs, foot/feet. El alumno describir las cualidades de sus compaeros, para ello previamente ser dibujado en el pizarrn un cuerpo humano y seale las partes. Haga que se pongan de pie y dles rdenes como: Touch your ear Touch your neck, etc. Pida a sus alumnos que escojan entre todos a un artista y lo describan. Preguntar sobre la forma de vestir de las personas What's He/She wearing? Colors Clothing Pdale a los alumnos que traigan diferentes prendas de vestir y pregnteles como se llaman y de qu color son. Dgales que cierren los ojos y pregnteles que est usted usando, ejemplo: What am I wearing?

Como ya se mencion, la palabra Where se utiliza para hacer preguntas sobre lugares y direcciones, ejemplo: Where is the lamp? Where is your office? El pronombre It (l, ella, ello) se refiere generalmente a animales o cosas. En algunas expresiones, It puede usarse como sujeto impersonal, el pronombre It se utiliza en expresiones que hacen referencia al tiempo, la temperatura y las distancias, ejemplo: It's on the table. It's early. It's on the chair. Para presentar a alguien se utiliza This is... + nombre, ejemplo: This is Lucia This is my brother This is your teacher Nota: This is no se puede contraer Para saber que aspecto tiene alguien, su apariencia fsica, etc.,se utiliza el verbo Look like?, ejemplo: What does she look like? What does he look like? La respuesta mediante adjetivos, se refera al aspecto fsico de la persona: Tall, thin, big, small, fat. O su edad de manera general: young, old, middle-age. Y quizs tambin el color, tono de pelo (hair), su longitud y forma: long... largo Curly, dark, short, straight. Colors Clothing Blue, red, white, black, green, brown, jacket, short, skirt, blouse, shoes, Yellow, orange, pink, gray, purple, beige. Pants, sweater, socks, shirt, dress, etc.

Grado 1

Ncleo bsico 4 Nombre del ncleo: People and Places Concepto Central: Describir objetos y personas, indicar posesin mediante el uso de 's.

TIEMPO FUNCIN DEL LENGUAJE VOCABULARIO ACTIVIDADES Hablar acerca de acciones presentes Presente progresivo Afirmativo TO BE + __ ing Running Washing Eating Cleaning, etc. Consiga una escoba, una regla o cualquier otro objeto similar y solicite a los alumnos realizar una actividad con esos artculos. El alumno que diga lo que su compaero est haciendo, gana la oportunidad de hacer algo diferente. Organcelos en equipos de 4 y dgales que describan lo que est sucediendo en el saln. Habilidad para hacer algo I Can / Can't Pida a sus alumnos que realicen una encuesta en Ingls, para saber cuntos de ellos saben nadar, montar a caballo, andar en bicicleta, cantar, bailar, etc., preguntando: Can you_____? Posibilidad de opinar This y That These y Those Divida al grupo en 2 equipos y jueguen "Simon says", ejemplo: El maestro dice This is a book, el equipo contestar Simon says "that's a book", si el alumno se equivoca no diciendo Simon says o repite This en vez de That, el equipo pierde. Para el plural el maestro dice Simon says: These are pencils, los equipos contestarn Simon says Those are pencils. A los equipos se les motivar dndoles puntos cuando ganen. Indicar posesin Pepe's car Pdale a sus alumnos que identifiquen varios objetos que estn a su alrededor e identifiquen a quin le pertenecen. Elaboren una lista de objetos que se encuentren en su casa y a quin le pertenecen. Preguntar acerca de pertenencias Whose____? Mustreles objetos que sean pertenencia de los alumnos y pregnteles de quin o quines son?, preguntando en Ingls: Whose sweater is this? Whose notebooks are these? El presente progresivo o continuo se utiliza para indicar lo que est ocurriendo en el momento en que se est hablando. En ingls se hace con el verbo TO BE (am/is/are) + el verbo principal con la terminacin "ing" que equivale en espaol a las terminaciones "ando" "iendo". Los verbos de una sola slaba eliminan la "e" final, ejemplo: take-taking y los que terminan en consonante + vocal + consonante, duplican la ltima consonante, ejemplo: swim - swimming, excepto con terminacin w, x, y. El verbo Can se utiliza para expresar ideas funcionales como la posibilidad, capacidad, o conocimiento para hacer algo, ejemplo: I can cook very well. Can you dance? I can swim. Can you sing? Can't se utiliza en frases negativas, ejemplo: I can't sing. I can't dance. This y that indican o se refieren a personas o cosas en singular que se puede considerar que estn situados "aqu" o all". This- para designar a personas o cosas que se encuentran cerca de la persona que habla, ejemplo: This is my hand. That - para designar a personas o cosas que estn lejos, de forma que el que habla podra apuntar a ellos con un gesto, ejemplo: That is your pencil.

El plural de This es These. El plural de That es Those. El caso posesivo tambin llamado genitivo sajn, nos indica a quin pertenece algo, aadiendo la terminacin del posesivo 's, que indica pertenencia, bien al nombre de la persona, o al sustantivo singular que la representa, ejemplo: Pepe's car ______El coche de Pepe My friend's party_____La fiesta de mi amigo Otra palabra que sirve para preguntar (question words), pero no es muy usual es whose...? (de quin?), se utiliza cuando se busca a quin pertenece algo, ejemplo: Whose umbrella is this? __________ De quin es este paraguas? Whose notebook is that? __________ De quin es aquella libreta?

Grado 1

Ncleo bsico 5 Nombre del ncleo: VISITORS (visitantes) Concepto Central: Describir lugares, indicar cmo llegar a ellos, expresar gustos y decir la hora. TIEMPO FUNCIN DEL LENGUAJE VOCABULARIO ACTIVIDADES Describir lugares mencionando la existencia de objetos especficos There is There are What is__ like? Pregnteles si han estado en lugares conocidos y le describan esos lugares empleando there is o there are. Invtelos a describir su pueblo, su casa o escuela. Pdales tarjetas postales o dibujos de algunos lugares y la describan en su cuaderno. Preguntar y seguir direcciones. Hablar acerca de ubicacin. Where's the school? On the corner Next to Near Across from/in front of Between Pdales que hagan una descripcin de su pueblo y la manera de que una persona pueda encontrar determinado lugar cuando llega al pueblo. Que hagan un mapa de su comunidad para poder identificar los lugares existentes. Dar gustos y preferencias Like Love Hate Prefer Pdale a sus alumnos que hagan en su cuaderno una lista de frutas, verduras y alimentos que les gusten, y otra lista de lo que no le gusta. Anmelos a escribirla en Ingls. Pregnteles que deportes son los que les gustan o prefieren, pdales que recorten en revistas, peridicos, mens, etc., ilustraciones de alimentos que les gusten o les disgusten. Ponga los recortes en una bolsa y dgales que saquen uno y digan la palabra correspondiente en Ingls, empleando I like - I don't like. Decir y preguntar la hora What time is it? Repase los nmeros como preparacin para este tema. Traiga a clase un reloj lo suficientemente grande o elabore uno con un plato desechable y manecillas de cartn o dibuje varios relojes. Empiece presentando las horas completas,


o'clock, preguntndoles What time is it? , siga con a quarter past, luego con half past y finalmente con quarter to. Indqueles con mmica alguna accin y los alumnos tendrn que decir la hora en que aproximadamente la realizan.

Una de las formas habituales de hacer una afirmacin en Ingls, consiste en empezar una frase con there is... que habitualmente se contrae there's..., se utiliza tanto en sustantivos contables en singular como en sustantivos incontables, ejemplo: There is a man in that car. There's a pencil on the table. There are se utiliza con sustantivos contables en plural, ejemplo: There are some books on the desk. Para construir la forma negativa se utiliza not (contraccin n't): There is .... there isn't There are ... there aren't Para formular preguntas se invierte el orden: There is ..... Is there? There are ... Are there? Para preguntar a alguien si le gusta algo se utiliza el verbo like (gustar). Para construir las preguntas se coloca el verbo auxiliar antes del sujeto, ejemplo: Afirmativo Interrogativo Negativo You like wine Do you like wine? I don't like wine She likes work Does she like work? She doesn't like work. They like fruit Do they like fruit? They don't like fruit. La manera tradicional de decir la hora en Ingls es utilizar la palabra past para el tiempo que pasa de la hora en curso hasta la media hora y to para el tiempo que falta para la hora siguiente. Empiece la frase con It's... (contraccin de It is). Para decir la hora en intervalos de 5 minutos se utiliza lo siguiente: En punto (o'clock), la media (half), y los cuartos (quarter) de hora tienen una frmula especfica. Para los intervalos inferiores a 5 minutos, o cuando se quiere ser ms especfico y recalcar la cantidad exacta de minutos, se emplea la palabra minute/s despus de la cifra. Todos los minutos son susceptibles de utilizar esta frmula, ejemplo: It's one minute past one. It's five minutes past two. Cuando no se sepa o no se est seguro de la hora se dice: I'm sorry, I don't know ........... Lo siento, no lo se. I think it's half past four .......... Creo que son las cuatro y media.

Grado 1

Ncleo bsico 6 Nombre del ncleo: CLARA Concepto central: Hablar de situaciones habituales, las que uno acostumbra realizar todos los das. TIEMPO FUNCIN DEL LENGUAJE VOCABULARIO ACTIVIDADES Obtener informacin de materiales escritos Todo tipo Pedirle a los alumnos que reconozcan, ilustren en su cuaderno con recortes, o dibujen los smbolos que representan distintos deportes. Identificar palabras transparentes o cognados Pdale a los alumnos que escriban en su cuaderno todas las palabras que reconoce del texto.


Sugiera a los alumnos traer a la clase revistas, peridicos, productos, etc., que contengan textos en Ingls y distribuya estos entre los alumnos. Luego hgales pasar al pizarrn para anotar las palabras que entiendan. Conversar sobre actividades habituales I get up at I take a shower at I have breakfast at I go to school at I leave at school at I have dinner at I do my homework at I watch TV. at I have supper at I go to bed at Forme 2 equipos y lance una pelota a uno de ellos diciendo What do you do at 2 o'clock, el contestar, I leave at school, cada vez que contesten correctamente tendr el equipo un punto, si no sabe, la oportunidad es del otro equipo. Pdale a sus alumnos realizar una lista de las actividades que realiza despus de clases y comenten en el grupo cual es la mas popular. Sugiera a los alumnos que enlisten las actividades que realizan todos los das. Pdales que escriban una vez mas su lista e integren la palabra always en sus enunciados, ejem.: I always get up at 6:30 (se quita every day). Rutinas y acciones frecuentes Always Usually Often Sometimes Sugiera a los alumnos la utilizacin de estas palabras, transformando las oraciones de su lista anterior de acuerdo con una frecuencia preestablecida para este fin. Conversacin sobre acciones habituales de otras personas Do Does Don't Doesn't Pida a los alumnos que hagan oraciones interrogativas y negativas usando do, does, don't y doesn't. Informacin acerca de otras personas. Tag questions Pida a los alumnos seleccionar una leccin y subrayar todas las tag questions que encuentren. Solicite a los alumnos realizar oraciones en las que utilice las tag questions. Expresiones de tiempo y lugar It In, on at Pdale a los alumnos elaboren una narracin de su lugar de origen en donde utilicen estas preposiciones. Identifiquen en el saln de clases el lugar donde se encuentran los objetos. Los cognados son palabras en Ingls, similares a las del Espaol, que significan lo mismo, pero cuya pronunciacin es diferente, ejemplo: doctor = doctor, hospital = hospital. Hay cognados falsos en el que las palabras no significan lo mismo, ejemplo: library = biblioteca, no librera. Los adverbios se utilizan para indicar con que frecuencia se realiza algo, ejemplo: I always have a bath at night.


Sometimes, often y usually indican actividades rutinarias y habituales, estas se colocan inmediatamente antes del verbo: sujeto + adverbio + verbo, ejemplo: I sometimes work at night She usually reads in the bath El pronombre It (l/ella/ello) se refiere generalmente a animales o cosas. En algunas expresiones, It puede usarse como sujeto impersonal, sin un significado concreto, por ejemplo, al referirse al tiempo. What time is it? It's 8 o'clock It's early El pronombre It se utiliza de la misma manera en expresiones que hacen referencia al tiempo, la temperatura y las distancias. Las preposiciones in, on, at. On se utiliza con los das de la semana, ejemplo: On Monday, on Tuesday, on Wednesday. The cafe is closed on Tuesday. At se utiliza con las horas del da. At quarter past five, at twelve fifteen, at midnight. The shop opens at 9 o'clock. In y at se utilizan para las distintas partes del da. In the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening. The swimming pool opens at 10 o'clock in the morning. It's 10 o'clock at night. En espaol se usa una expresin al final de las oraciones para confirmar lo que se dice en ellas empleando las expresiones ? O verdad?, ejemplo: Juan es alto verdad?, en Ingls se usan de la siguiente manera. Juan is young, isn't he? Oracin afirmativa tag negativa You didn't get at 10, did you? Negativa afirmativa

Grado 1

Ncleo bsico 7 Nombre del ncleo: Miscellaneous INFORMATION (informacin variada) Concepto central: Comparar lo que las personas hacen habitualmente con lo que estn haciendo al momento de hablar. TIEMPO FUNCIN DEL LENGUAJE VOCABULARIO ACTIVIDADES Conversacin sobre acciones que se estn llevando a cabo S + be + Verb ing + C Now At moment This week Los alumnos realizarn diferentes oraciones en las que como de la izquierda utilicen el esquema. Pdales a los alumnos realizar una lista de las actividades que estn haciendo sus diferentes compaeros en el momento, utilizando las palabras now, at moment, this week. Conversacin sobre acciones que otra gente est realizando Is + S + Verb ing + C Solicite a los alumnos que formen binas y se formulen preguntas acerca de lo que estn o no haciendo, contestando con respuestas cortas. Aplicacin de funciones conocidas All vocabulary


Lleve a su clase diferentes dibujos o recortes en los que se estn realizando diferentes acciones, los alumnos distinguirn primeramente los objetos para despus describir personas y acciones llevadas a cabo. Pida a los alumnos recortar dibujos y hacer mencin de lo que observan, utilizando las estructuras ya estudiadas. Organice los alumnos en 3 grupos y dgales que elaboren 3 oraciones verdaderas acerca de lo que sus compaeros estn haciendo o llevan puesto, ejemplo: Luisa is wearing back shoes.

Cuando presente por primera vez una estructura o un tiempo verbal nuevo, se sugiere comenzar con las formas afirmativa y negativa y finalizar con la interrogativa, de tal suerte que el alumno ya tenga elementos para responder apropiadamente. Un ejercicio que sirve de reforzamiento a su clase es escribir y corregir los enunciados, ejemplo: You / dentist / are / a / ? / are you a dentist? Cuando tenga la oportunidad de personalizar una actividad, hgalo relacionndola con la vida y experiencia de sus alumnos. En Ingls no existen los acentos ortogrficos, por lo que es un error escribir por ejemplo, Mexico con acento.

Grado 1

Ncleo bsico 8 Nombre del ncleo: END OF TERM (fin de curso) Concepto central: Hacer invitaciones y sugerencias, repasar de manera general, lo visto a lo largo del curso. TIEMPO FUNCIN DEL LENGUAJE VOCABULARIO ACTIVIDADES Sugerencias para aceptar o rechazar invitaciones Let's Why not? Sorry, I can't Pdales a sus alumnos que le digan el tipo de actividades que normalmente hacen durante el fin de semana y antela en el pizarrn. Solicite que haga invitaciones utilizando la forma let's... why don't...? Organice equipos de 5, dgales que cada alumno tiene que escribir una invitacin para cada uno de sus compaeros. Al escribirla, cada uno debe rechazarla por escrito y dar una razn para ello. Repaso de las funciones empleadas Todo lo visto anteriormente El alumno se dar cuenta de lo aprendido, cuando se enfrente a situaciones en las que se manejan funciones o estructuras que de alguna manera, le son familiares. Pdale que participe en el desarrollo de las actividades. La finalidad de los textos de lectura, es que los alumnos desarrollen estrategias que les ayuden a una mejor comprensin de los mismos. La lectura invariablemente es individual y silenciosa. Si pasa lista, hgalo en Ingls por nmeros de esa manera ensea a sus alumnos a responder: present o here que quiere decir presente o aqu respectivamente. Siempre que sea posible involucre a los alumnos en elaborar o traer materiales a la clase, por ejemplo: hacer cartulinas, traer prendas de vestir, etc., adems de que usted ahorra esfuerzo, esto ayuda a que los alumnos se sientan ms comprometidos en su aprendizaje.


Anime a sus alumnos a traer un diccionario bilinge para que puedan ampliar su vocabulario. Siempre que pueda, trate de que sus alumnos trabajen en parejas o en grupos, de esta forma aprenden uno del otro, corrigindose los errores y ayudndose mutuamente. Cuando tenga alumnos de habilidades dispares, organcelos para que cuando trabajen en parejas o en grupos, se junten los ms hbiles con los menos hbiles y los primeros ayuden a estos.


Grado 2

Ncleo bsico 2 Nombre del ncleo: MARKET DAY (da de compras y ventas) Concepto central: aprender las expresiones necesarias para enfrentarse exitosamente a situaciones de compra-venta. TIEMPO FUNCIN DEL LENGUAJE VOCABULARIO ACTIVIDADES Hablar de cosas que estn cerca o lejos Adjetivos demostrativos: This, that (singular) These, those (plural) This = esto (a) That = ese (a), aquel, aquella El plural de This = These corresponde a estos (as) El plural de That = those corresponde a esos (as), aquellos (as). - Pida a los alumnos que le muestren sus libros de Ingls, mostrando el suyo, haga que los alumnos observen y repitan sealando sus propios libros. "This is an English book". Que sealen el libro de un compaero que est lejos de l, diciendo "That is an English book". - Elija dos prendas de vestir en singular, por ejemplo: camisa (skirt), suter (sweater), blusa (blouse), etc., y ponga una prenda frente a usted y la otra ms lejos. Dgales: I like this (skirt) y I Iike that (blouse). Haga nfasis en el This y That sealando la distancia con la mano. Repita lo mismo con otras prendas en singular. Enseguida, escoja dos prendas en plural, por ejemplo: pantalones (jeans), calcetines (socks), zapatos (shoes), etc., y haga lo mismo utilizando These y Those. No les d ninguna explicacin gramatical en esta etapa, simplemente, demuestre las diferencias entre "cerca" y "lejos", "singular" y "plural". Dar informacin acerca de mercancas Expresar preferencias One - ones. Pronombre que puede emplearse para enfatizar singular Which one? = Cul? o plural Which ones? = Cules? - Divida al grupo en 2 equipos, solicteles realicen la simulacin de compra-venta, de antemano sugirales traer varias prendas de vestir que tendr el equipo vendedor, el equipo comprador preguntar por las prendas existentes, ejemplo: How much is that blouse? Y el equipo vendedor contestar Which one?, one se refiere a la blusa. How much are these shoes? Which ones? Ones se refiere a los zapatos.


Organcelos por parejas, pida a los alumnos sus mochilas o relojes, y pregnteles Which school bag do you prefer?, los alumnos le contestarn I prefer the blue one o the green one, etc. Seleccione objetos que se encuentren a su alrededor que sean de diferente tamao, y pregunte Which one do you prefer? Los alumnos contestarn the big one, the small one, the thin one, the fat one, etc. This, That singular These, those Plural Los adjetivos demostrativos this y these se emplean para referirse a algo cercano o ms cercano que otras cosas. That y those se usan para algo ms distante. La palabra one se usa para sustituir a un sustantivo singular, la palabra ones se una para sustituir a un sustantivo plural, ejemplos: I like this shirt - I like this one I like these jeans - I like these ones Solo se puede sustituir una palabra por otra cuando est absolutamente claro de qu se est hablando. Se puede utilizar one, ones despus de Which en preguntas con el significado Cul (es) de...?, ejemplo: There are three girls over there. Which one is your daughter? All hay tres chicas. Cul de ellas es tu hija? I like those girls over there. Which ones? The ones wearing tennis. Me gustan aquellas chicas de all Cules de ellas? Las que llevan tenis Tambin se utiliza one despus de this y That, ejemplo: Which girl is your daughter?. That one Qu chica es tu hija? Aqulla

Grado 2

Ncleo bsico 3 Nombre del ncleo: VISITORS FROM USA (visitantes de USA) Concepto central: expresar comparaciones para elegir la mejor opcin. TIEMPO FUNCIONES DEL LENGUAJE VOCABULARIO ACTIVIDADES Comparar entre dos o ms personas o cosas Comparativos de superioridad de una y dos slabas. Ejemplo: Old Older Fat Fatter Happy - happi + er Pida a sus alumnos que escriban en su cuaderno una lista con varios adjetivos que recuerden o encuentren en su libro de Ingls. Despus los clasifican en tres grupos: "los cortos" de una slaba, los de dos slabas Terminados en y, y los "largos" de dos o ms slabas. Al escribirlos en su cuaderno anotarn er, encabezando la primera columna; ier, la segunda y more en la tercera. Pida a los alumnos que traigan a la clase recortes de personas y pregnteles acerca de sus adjetivos, encontrando tambin sus opuestos. Divida ala clase en dos equipos e invite a dos voluntarios del primer equipo a pasar al frente. Pdales que hagan una comparacin entre ambos. Si est bien dicha la comparacin, ganan un punto para su equipo, y luego es el turno del otro equipo. Con el fin de no herir susceptibilidades, anote los siguientes adjetivos en el pizarrn para que sean esos los que usen: tall, short, big, small, old, young, fat, thin. Comparativo de superioridad de ms de dos slabas, anteponiendo la palabra "more" y agregando la palabra "than" despus del adjetivo: "more beautiful than", "more exciting than".


Pida los alumnos que traigan a la clase recortes de frutas o frutas reales, pregnteles cuales prefieren y porqu, anmelos a responder con una comparacin. Organcelos en grupos de tres para que hagan preguntas acerca de las frutas que prefieren, aclarando porqu y haciendo comparaciones, utilizando el comparativo de superioridad more, que se utilizar en adjetivos con tres o ms slabas. Ejemplo: mangoes are more expensive than orange. Watermelons more delicious than apples. Solicite a los alumnos que lleven diferentes revistas y solicteles la comparacin utilizando adjetivos de tres slabas o ms. Ejemplo. Vanidades is more interesting than TVynovelas. TVynovelas is more popular than notitas musicales. Solicteles hagan comparaciones con objetos que se encuentren a su alrededor, con los siguientes adjetivos: difficult, intelligent, expensive, popular, comfortable, interesting, dangerous, etc. ejemplo: tennis are more comfortable than shoes. Juana is more intelligent than Luis. Hablar de cantidades con sustantivos contables y no contables How much = cunto (a) Para preguntar sobre cosas que no se pueden pluralizar. How many = cuntos (as) Se utiliza con sustantivos en plural. Pdale a sus alumnos que traigan diversos alimentos reales, unos tiene que ser contables y otros no. explqueles que algunos de estos alimentos no se pueden contar sino medir, por ejemplo para hablar de water (agua) decimos a glass/bottle/liter/gallon of water. Invtelos a decirle qu alimentos son contables y cuales solo se pueden medir (no contables). Solictele a sus alumnos realicen una lista de alimentos contables y otra de no contables. Pdales que traigan a la clase contenedores como una lata (can), un frasco (jar), un paquete (a packet), un vaso (a glass), una botella (a bottle) y, de ser posible una bascula de cocina (scales) (en su defecto dibjela en el pizarrn).explqueles que estos son algunos de los contenedores que sirven para medir. Pregnteles que alimentos se miden con cada uno, ejemplo: a packet of cookies, a jar of marmalade, a kilo of sugar, etc. Formar frases El dado en esta unidad. - Coloque en una caja o bandeja cinco alimentos y cbralos con una tela. Dgales que tienen 30 segundos para memorizarlos y vuelva a cubrirlos mientras ellos los anotan en su cuaderno, por ejemplo: a packet of cereal, a glass of water, a can of beans, etc., repita la actividad con diferentes alimentos. Incite una lluvia de ideas sobre lo que los alumnos podran llevar a un da de campo (picnic). Enseguida, organcelos en grupos de 5, para que elaboren una lista de lo que llevaran, formando frases, ejemplo: a loaf of bread, a gallon of juice, a glass of milk, a spoonful of sugar, etc.

El comparativo de los adjetivos de una sola slaba (old, new, etc.) y los adjetivos de dos slabas terminando en "y" (ugly, pretty, etc.) forman el comparativo de superioridad agregando -er a la terminacin y aumentando la palabra than: older than, uglier than. Los adjetivos de una sola slaba que terminan en vocal mas consonante, duplican la ltima consonante: big - bigger, fat - fatter, con excepcin de los que terminan en "w" o "y" (new newer, gray grayer). Los adjetivos "good" y "bad" tienen forma irregular para el comparativo: good - better than, bad worse than. Los adjetivos de dos slabas que terminen en "y", cambian la "y" por "i" y agregan -er (happy happier). Los adjetivos largos de dos o ms slabas forman el comparativo de superioridad anteponiendo la palabra "more" y agregando la palabra "than" despus del adjetivo: "more beautiful than", "more exciting than".


La palabra interrogativa how se utiliza seguida de much o many para hacer preguntas sobre cantidades (cunto.../cuntas...?) con la siguiente distincin: How + much ...? se utiliza siempre con sustantivos incontables How + many ...? se utiliza siempre con sustantivos contables en plural. Contables incontables How many potatoes did they eat? How much time have we got? Cuntas papas comieron? Cunto tiempo tenemos? How many days are there in a week? How much tea will we need? Cuntos das tiene una semana? cunto t necesitaremos?

Grado 2

Ncleo bsico 4 Nombre del ncleo: ATICAMA (lugar llamado Aticama) Concepto central: recordar como expresar existencia, aprender a enunciar malestares fsicos y saber cmo decir rdenes, sugerencias y consejos. TIEMPO FUNCIN DEL LENGUAJE VOCABULARIO ACTIVIDADES Preguntar y contestar sobre la existencia / inexistencia de cosas contables y no contables. Any = algn (o) (a) (s) algo de... En oraciones interrogativas any significa algunos (as). En oraciones negativas any significa ninguno (a) (s), nada de... Falso o verdadero (true or false) empiece esta actividad hablando de la existencia de algunos artculos en el saln. Algunas oraciones pueden ser verdaderas y otras falsas. Explqueles que deben decir la verdad, por ejemplo, teacher: there are some plants. Students: No, there aren't any plants. Teacher: there isn't any blackboard. Students: Yes, there is!, etc., invite a los voluntarios a seguir diciendo oraciones como estas. Presente una bolsa con algunos alimentos contables y haga las preguntas para ver si pueden adivinar lo que contiene, ejemplo: is there any chocolate? Are there any cookies? Para que ellos respondan There isn't any chocolate, there aren't any cookies. Presente recortes de alimentos contables y no contables coloque algunos de un lado del pizarrn con una (+) para indicar que si hay, y otros del otro lado con (-) para indicar que no hay, y dgales que le ayuden a formar oraciones acerca de lo que usted tiene o no en el refrigerador. Hablar acerca del estado de salud y cmo nos sentimos en el momento en que hablamos I am hungry / cold / thirsty / sleepy / hot I / You / We / They Have. He / She has Fever Headache Cold Stomachache Cough, etc. Comience la clase preguntando a los alumnos qu necesidades tienen hoy? Anmelos a contestar: I'm fine thanks; o aydeles a contestar con el vocabulario en caso de que tengan sed, hambre, fro, sueo, etc. Invite a pasar al frente algunos voluntarios para que expresen con mmica sus necesidades y sus compaeros puedan adivinarlos. Pregnteles cmo se sienten hoy, anmelos a contestar en Ingls.


Traiga a clase algunas medicinas, tales como jarabe para la tos, aspirinas, miel, sal de uvas, etc., y pregnteles por ejemplo: cundo debemos tomas una aspirina? (When do we take an aspirin?). el alumno debe contestar por ejemplo: when we have a headache? Dar rdenes, hacer peticiones, dar instrucciones, avisar, etc. Open the door! Sit there! Look! Sit dawn! Be quiet! Wash your hands! Boil the water! Wash fruit and vegetables, keep the classroom clean, etc. Divida al grupo en dos equipos, de manera que un equipo les d rdenes al otro, ejemplo: close the door!, si los integrantes del equipo no saben que orden es, tienen la oportunidad el otro equipo. Ya dividido el grupo en dos equipos dles instrucciones de cmo realizar algo, el equipo que logre hacer todo lo indicado ganar puntos. Felicite al equipo ganador. Pdales realizar una lista de verbos que se utilizan para dar rdenes, con ellas escriban frases para dar rdenes, utilizando la palabra please, siendo ms corts an utilizando imperativos. Las palabras "some" y "any" se pueden usar con sustantivos contables y no contables. "some" se usa generalmente en oraciones afirmativas y "any" en preguntas y en negaciones ("not any"), por ejemplo, "There isn't any cheese". Una alternativa de "not any" es "no", por ejemplo, "There is no cheese". Any se utiliza en frases interrogativas y negativas: Is there any cheese? hay algo de queso? Have you got any questions? tienes algunas preguntas? I haven't got any money no tengo nada de dinero There aren't any apples no hay ninguna manzana En Ingls, para decir que se tiene hambre, sed, fro, calor, sueo, etc., se utiliza la estructura I am hungry/thirsty/cold/hot/sleepy. Los cinco sustantivos especiales relativos a ciertos dolores que se forman con la palabra ache, son: headache (dolor de cabeza), earache (dolor de odo), stomachache (dolor de estmago), toothache (dolor de muela), backache (dolor de espalda). Para expresar un dolor o enfermedad se utiliza have + dolor o enfermedad, ejemplo: She has a headache (Ella tiene dolor de cabeza), I have a backache (tengo dolor de cabeza). El imperativo es la forma utilizada para hacer peticiones, dar rdenes, dar instrucciones, avisar, etc. es igual que el infinitivo. Open de door! abre/abra la puerta! Sit there! sintate/sintese all! Look! mira/mire! Puede aadirse antes o despus del verbo la palabra please para suavizar una instruccin o peticin: Please, come in. Entra/entre, por favor. Follow me, please sgueme/sgame, por favor.

Grado 2

Ncleo bsico 5


Nombre del ncleo: FAMILY ALBUM (lbum familiar) Concepto central: aprender a entablar conversaciones sobre hechos realizados en el pasado. TIEMPO FUNCIN DEL LENGUAJE VOCABULARIO ACTIVIDADES Expresar lo existente en determinado lugar There is = hay (singular) There are = hay (plural) Exhiba a los alumnos varios objetos, de los cuales ellos debern mencionar en Ingls, cuales son, diciendo: There is... There are... Muestre a sus alumnos un dibujo o lmina, solicteles le mencionen lo que ven. Organcelos en grupos de cinco para que comenten sobre lo que se encuentra dentro del saln de clases, luego haga que lo reporten por escrito. Solicite a sus alumnos traigan varios objetos, pngalos sobre el escritorio, los alumnos harn una relacin de los objetos trados. Hablar sobre cosas que hubo en determinado lugar There was = hubo/haba (singular) There were = hubo/haba (plural) - Organice a su grupo y llvelos a dar una vuelta alrededor de la escuela, al regresar solicite a sus alumnos mencionen todo lo que vieron durante su recorrido, con la estructura there was o there were. Muestre por 30 segundos diferentes objetos a los alumnos, quienes tendrn que memorizar cuales son, gurdelos, mientras los alumnos escriben que objetos haba. Pdales a los alumnos, le comenten lo que haba en los lugares que visitaron el fin de semana. Anmelos a transportarse al futuro, de manera tal que los alumnos comenten cuando mayores, lo que haba en la Escuela Telesecundaria cuando cursaban el segundo ao. Una de las formas habituales de hacer una afirmacin en Ingls consiste en empezar una frase con There is... que habitualmente se contrae a There's... There's a train at eleven thirty Hay un tren a las once y media Se utiliza There is tanto con sustantivos contables en singular como con sustantivos incontables: There is a man in that car Hay un hombre en aquel coche There's some fruit on the table Hay algo de fruta sobre la mesa Con sustantivos contables en plural se utiliza la forma plural de There are (hay) y no se puede contraer: There are some books on the desk Hay algunos libros sobre el escritorio FORMA NEGATIVA Para construir la forma negativa se utiliza not (contraccin n't): There is... There isn't There are... There aren't There isn't a cloud in the sky no hay ninguna nube en el cielo There isn't any sugar no hay nada de azcar There aren't any films on TV No hay ninguna pelcula en televisin FORMA INTERROGATIVA Para formular preguntas se invierte el orden: There is... Is there...? There are... Are there...? Is there a bank near here? hay un banco cerca de aqu? Is there any milk in the fridge? hay algo de leche en la nevera?


Are there any films on TV? hay algunas pelculas en televisin? Para mencionar cosas que hubo/haba en el pasado, se usa There was, There were. Su forma negativa es There wasn't, There weren't. La forma interrogativa es Was there, were there. There was a good film in the TV Hubo una buena pelcula en televisin There were 250 rooms in the hotel Haba 250 cuartos en el hotel Were there any letters in the box? haba algunas cartas en la caja? There weren't any shoes in the closet no haba ningunos zapatos en el closet

Grado 2

Ncleo bsico 6 Nombre del ncleo: STORIES OR HISTORY? (Historias o Historia?) Concepto central: expresar situaciones referentes al pasado, tales como formas de vida, narraciones de sueos y biografas de inventores. TIEMPO FUNCIN DEL LENGUAJE VOCABULARIO ACTIVIDADES Hablar acerca de eventos en el pasado, utilizando verbos regulares. Watch Match Hunt Paint Walk Answer Decide Arrive Knock Shout watched matched hunted painted walked answered decided arrived knocked shouted

Escriba en el pizarrn las palabras: Yesterday, Last week, Last night, This morning y pregnteles si saben lo que significa, estas palabras mencionan hechos pasados. Pdales que escriban en su libreta por un lado una lista de verbos en presente, por el otro los mismos verbos en tiempo pasado, con terminacin ed. Invite a sus alumnos a pasar al frente de sus compaeros, a actuar los verbos con mmica, solicite voluntarios que pasen a escribir la forma del pasado en el pizarrn. Solicteles mencionen las actividades que realizaron el da de ayer, y subrayen todos los verbos en pasado. Anmelos a inventar una historia en la que utilicen verbos en pasado. Preguntar y contestar acerca de eventos pasados. Did Didn't - Escriba en el pizarrn: yes, I did; No I didn't y lleve a cabo un juego de acusaciones. Al azar, dgales acusaciones para que contesten, por ejemplo: Maria, you didn't do your homework, y Mara contestar Yes, I did. Anmelos a usar un tono de indignacin! Haga una bola de papel con una hoja, organcelos en un crculo grande o en varios pequeos y explqueles que va a decir un verbo en infinitivo y a lanzar la bola a uno de ellos, quien deber decir la forma del pasado que corresponda y pasar la bola a otro compaero; siga as con ms verbos en infinitivo. Despus de varias veces, borre la lista del pizarrn para hacerlo ms difcil. Mencionar sustantivos en singular y plural. Key keys Safe safes


Dog dogs Bus buses Box boxes City cities Baby babies Half halves Wife - wives Solicite a los alumnos que realicen una lista de sustantivos en singular y otra en plural y los contrasten. Pdales que Identifiquen las cosas que se encuentran en el saln de clases, en plural. Organcelos en parejas, describiendo las cosas en plural que tiene su compaero, y las presente por escrito. Organice al grupo en dos equipos y mencineles un verbo en singular, tendrn que decirle el plural, el equipo que lo haga primero, ganar. Incteles a realizar un escrito, en el que todos los sustantivos que utilice estarn en plural. Preguntar en tiempo pasado con la palabra interrogativa Who. Who + verbo en pasado + complemento. Escriba en el pizarrn las siguientes preguntas: Who was the first man on the moon? (Neil Armstrong, 1969), who was the first Mexican to travel in space? (Rodolfo Neri Vela, 1985), who were the first people to use glass? (the Arabs, 1500 BC), which team won the first Soccer world cup? (Uruguay, 1930). Hgales preguntas sobre hechos histricos de conocimiento general. Organice la clase en dos equipos y realice un juego de TRIVIA con base en preguntas y respuestas de cultura general como las que estn a continuacin u otras que usted seleccione: Who invented dynamite? Alfred Nobel did. Who wrote Romeo and Juliet? William Shakespeare did. Who discovered Halley's comet? Edmond Halley did. Who invented the telephone? Alexander Graham Bell did.

Para formar el "past simple" (pasado simple), de la mayora de los verbos regulares se aade -ed al infinitivo: Watch watched ver want wanted querer Play played jugar park parked aparcar Si el infinitivo termina en -e, se aade simplemente -d: Arrive arrived llegar live lived vivir Cuando el infinitivo termina en -y precedida de una consonante, sta cambia a -i antes de aadir -ed: Study studied estudiar carry carried llevar Los verbos que terminan en consonante simple precedida de vocal simple duplican la consonante final antes de aadir -ed: Stop stopped parar rob robbed robar Las formas negativa e interrogativa del "past simple" se construyen de la misma manera que en el "present simple", tanto para los verbos regulares como para los irregulares. Estas formas del pasado se construyen con el verbo auxiliar do, pero en su forma de pasado did: NEGATIVA Sujeto + did + not +`infinitivo Singular plural He didn't work late last night They didn't work in London in June (l) no trabajo tarde anoche no trabajaron en Londres en Junio INTERROGATIVA Did + sujeto + infinitivo


Did she wait at the bus stop? Did they wait for you at the station? esper (Ella) en la parada del autobs? te esperaron en la estacin? Veamos unos ejemplos de preguntas con sus "respuestas cortas", que utilizan did/didn't: Did you go on holiday last year? fuiste de vacaciones el ao pasado Yes, I did Si, fui Did Jane go with you? fue Jane contigo? No, She didn't No, no fue. EL PLURAL DE LOS SUSTANTIVOS Terminacin en -s. En Ingls, el plural de la gran mayora de los sustantivos se forma aadiendo -s al singular: Key keys book books suitcase suitcases Dog dogs safe safes Terminacin en -es. Por razones de pronunciacin, para formar el plural de los sustantivos terminados en s, -x, -ch, o -sh se aade -es: Bus buses box boxes Sandwich sandwiches Dish dishes Terminacin en -ies. Si el sustantivo termina en una consonante seguida de -y, se cambia sta por -i antes de aadir -es: City cities baby babies family families Fairy fairies Terminacin en -ves. Algunos sustantivos que terminan en -f o -fe, cambian estas terminaciones por v antes de aadir -es: Half halves knife knives leaf leaves Life leaves life lives shelf shelves Thief thieves wife wives Terminacin irregular. El plural de algunos sustantivos es irregular. Person people man men woman women Child children foot feet Who (quien) Se utiliza para hacer preguntas sobre personas: Who is that woman in the hat? quin es aquella mujer del sombrero? Who did you talk to? con quin hablaste? Who are those men over there? quines son aquellos hombres de all? Who is older, you or your sister? quin es mayor, t o tu hermana? Observe que no se puede utilizar who seguido por un sustantivo. Compare las siguientes frases: Who is your favorite film star? cul es tu estrella de cine preferida? Which film star do you like best? qu estrella de cine te gusta ms?

Grado 2

Ncleo bsico 7 Nombre del ncleo: A MYSTERY (un misterio) Concepto central: diferenciar entre las diversas situaciones que se pueden encontrar en el tiempo pasado, y aprender a expresarlas correctamente. TIEMPO FUNCIN DEL LENGUAJE VOCABULARIO ACTIVIDADES


Hablar acerca de acciones pasadas To be + ing Cut cutting Run running Sit sitting Swim - swimming Escriba en el pizarrn una lista de verbos que los alumnos conozcan y puedan representar con mmica (write, read, listen, eat, swim, dance, etc.). pase a los voluntarios al frente para actuar con mmica estos verbos y pregunte: What was he/she doing? O What were they doing? Solicite a los alumnos que traigan a la clase algunas ilustraciones, fotos, etc., de revistas o peridicos donde aparezcan diversas personas haciendo cosas diferentes. Organcelos en grupos de cinco para que describan la ilustracin. Escriba en el pizarrn lo siguiente: secretary-office, students-classroom, doctor-hospital, waiter-restaurant, Mon-at home, boys and girls-cafeteria, etc. y pdales que se imaginen y le digan lo que cada quien est haciendo, dndole dos o tres posibilidades para cada situacin. El pasado progresivo es usado para describir acciones, que tienen lugar en un momento particular en el pasado. Nosotros lo usamos para describir el fondo del contexto en el cual tienen lugar las acciones del pasado simple. I was kissing Sally He was watching football on TV Estuve besando a Sally l estuvo viendo ftbol en la televisin They were drawing on the blackboard You were cooking in my house Ellos estuvieron dibujando en el pizarrn ustedes estuvieron cocinando en mi casa

Grado 2

Ncleo bsico 8 Nombre del ncleo: A LEGEND (una leyenda) Concepto central: situaciones que se pueden encontrar en el pasado. TIEMPO FUNCIN DEL LENGUAJE VOCABULARIO ACTIVIDADES Hablar acerca de eventos pasados Verbos irregulares Go went Do did Have had Eat- ate Be - was/were Take took Meet met Write wrote Etc. Organice un juego de BINGO con los verbos ya vistos. Pdales que escojan 9 verbos y que los escriban en cada cuadro de su lotera. Diga en voz alta los verbos en tiempo pasado. El primero que complete una lnea de tres debe gritar BINGO! Escriba en el pizarrn una columna con verbos en tiempo presente y deje espacio para otra columna para verbos irregulares en pasado, invite a los voluntarios a pasar al frente para escribir las formas del pasado. Organcelos en parejas y pdales que le cuenten a su compaero cmo fue un da interesante, tendr que utilizar verbos en pasado.


Explqueles que deben escribir una postal desde el lugar donde pasaron su da divertido, dirigida a su pareja. El compaero debe ayudarle a corregir los posibles errores. Invtelos a leer en voz alta la postal que recibieron.

El "past simple" de los verbos irregulares es impredecible, como se puede ver en los ejemplos a continuacin. Preste atencin a los verbos be (ser/estar), have (tener), do (hacer), que adems de ser verbos normales, funcionan como verbos auxiliares en la formacin de los diferentes tiempos verbales: Infinitive past simple Infinitive past simple Find found be was/were Lose lost have had Leave left do did Make made get got Bring brought go went Buy bought sell sold She arrived ten minutes late (Ella) lleg diez minutos tarde He lost his wallet this morning (l) perdi su billetera esta maana They went to Denmark last year fueron a Dinamarca el ao pasado


Grado 3
Ncleo nmero 2 Nombre del ncleo: BIRDS (aves) Concepto central: repasar los conocimientos adquiridos en aos anteriores ampliando su vocabulario y profundizando en la prctica de las estructuras correspondientes a las funciones del ncleo. TIEMPO FUNCIN DEL LENGUAJE VOCABULARIO ACTIVIDADES Hablar sobre los das de la semana, los meses del ao y las estaciones. Monday Wednesday Saturday March April June Spring Winter A fin de practicar los das de la semana, (excepto Saturday and Sunday) y colquelos en los 4 rincones del saln y en el pizarrn. Pida que escojan un da favorito y vaya hacia el rincn correspondiente. Pregunte: Why is this your favorite day? Por qu es tu da favorito? Para que lo discutan en el grupo, haga lo mismo con su peor da "Your worst day". Forme parejas para que cada uno trate de adivinar el mes en que nacieron.


Provoque una lluvia de ideas sobre el vocabulario relacionado a las estaciones del ao, pida que recuerden la estacin ms calurosa, la mas fra, la ms lluviosa y seca. Hacer mencin de lo que "hay", existencia de objetos y personas. There is There are - Presnteles una lmina o dibujo y solictele le mencionen lo que hay el, utilizando there is en singular y There are cuando hay 2 o ms objetos. Invtelos a describir lo que encuentran en su saln de clases. Organcelos por parejas, de manera que uno de ellos diga en singular, que hay dentro del saln, y el otro en plural.

Shaggy Lyrics

Pure Pleasure (1993) 1. Soon Be Done

Put your hands together Somebody say yeah It's like that Hey woman have you stuff Shadow what it takes What it takes Shadow say now to me Just keep your tender upskirts Chorus: It soon be done (It soon be done) And me dive on my chance (And me dive on my chance) When I get who (When I get who) Inna mi bed tonight (Inna mi bed tonight) I'm gonna lay down beside my big thing Lay down and love her till the morning, ha huy Lay down beside my fat thing Lay down and love her all night Me bawl Fire, fire move up your structure, gal Work up and set around the pure temperature (Ooh do you hear me) Fire, fire move up your structure, gal


Work up and set around the pure temperature What them a do, what them a try, can't frighten I Shagsman deh ya give her the booty by by What them a do, what them a try, can't frighten I Shagsman deh ya give her the booty by by Watch it Fat and she buff a, healthy and she buff, a me say Suzie deh ya she love the rough stuff, the rough stuff Yes me give her the hard and tough, the hard and tough The gal you wanted, she want that enough, I said Angela said that how she love handcuff Beverly she said she want the things extra rough Rough-rider, who that hopping off Doberman me deh ya so and me give her the stuff What them a do, what them a try, can't frighten I Shagsman ya here give her the booty by by What them a do, what them a try, can't frighten I Shagsman deh ya give her the Chorus: It soon be done (It soon be done) And me dive on my chance (And me dive on my chance) When I get who (When I get who) Inna mi bed tonight (Inna mi bed tonight) I'm gonna lay down beside my big thing Lay down and love her till the morning, ho Lay down beside my fat thing Lay down and love her all night Me bawl Fire, fire move up your structure, gal Work up and set around the pure temperature (Ooh do you hear me) Fire, fire move up your structure, gal Work up and set around the pure temperature A woman deh ya and a woman precious I love the woman 'cause a woman confess Kiss, a me say clear you Minus plus, bang down, ardour from both source erupt Well if a man, a big dick up man take it and a buss All about 'cause woman pee-pee, clock-clock That's what the dog catch, the dog catch s... Fi get both that and come catch the colossal What them a do, what them a try, can't frighten I Shagsman deh ya give her the booty by by What them a do, what them a try, uh, she can't frighten I


Shagsman deh ya give her the booty by by Dorothy dey ya love the rough stuff Rough stuff, you know she want the hard and tough Suzie said that how she love it with handcuff She want the handcuff, she wanted what extra rough Chorus: It soon be done (It soon be done) And me dive on my chance (And me dive on my chance) [Ha] When I get who (When I get who) [I get who] Inna mi bed tonight (Inna mi bed tonight) [Oh gosh] I'm gonna lay down beside my big thing (Mrr la-la-la-la) Lay down and love her till the morning (Mrr da-hey-a) Lay down beside my fat thing (Mrr my baby) Lay down and love her all night Me bawl Fire, fire work up your structure, gal Move up yourself around the pure temperature (Ooh do you hear me)


Give Thanks And Praise

Now when you're driving your Benz or your Jaguar You're driving, take around your maxima Give thanks and praise this on to the almighty Father 'cause him is the all fun here maker Shags man 'bout here Me bawl I naw your mother, I naw your father (Ooh do you hear me) I naw your sister, I naw your brother (Ooh do you hear me) Love thyself as well as thy neighbor Hand inna the air and read the Holy Scripture, me bawl Kymani Marley Chorus: Give thanks and praise to the Father Yes him a the heaven and the earth rightful ruler (Ooh do you hear me) Give thanks and praise to the Father Yes him a the heaven and the earth rightful ruler SHAGGY Well I and I can't believe weh gwaan pon the father land All the troubles and the trial and the tribulation, behold Is in trouble, come inna starvation You see them spend the money pon the nuclear weapon Wish a segregation and separate the nation


How can you judge a man by him complexion You see them deh ya come, come oppress the youth man Put your hand inna the air and praise the almighty one And just... Kymani Marley Chorus: Give thanks and praise to the Father Yes him a the heaven and the earth rightful ruler (Come again chat) Give thanks and praise to the Father Yes him a the heaven and the earth rightful ruler SHAGGY Weh me say I naw your mother, I naw your father So that again day-long shall be longer You see them deh ya disrespect them elder, ay Man as a youth man I got to prosper Denegation is the key, what is the key to open law Them know why you bought no book a, only call the mafia On the way to make it now is just to be a hustler We go back some croquette and plant some ganja Some a them a work round and bleed while people chatter And that's how brought them up twenty baby mother Can support fashimist, can support a diaper Can support a nobiliar, support a sorter Come, come take it from Shaggy, the rub-a-dub teacher Oo loodof Kymani Marley Chorus: Give thanks and praise to the Father Yes him a the heaven and the earth rightful ruler (Ooh do you hear me) Give thanks and praise to the Father Yes him a the heaven and the earth rightful ruler SHAGGY Me say I man deh ya as one of Jah disciples Get up every man and read the Holy Bible Listen to the preach around the top brand noodle(ME) I and I man choose good over all evil Kill me dead, another black man shall live as thief On the way fi get me now him shoot me with a rifle So wa Kymani Marley Chorus: Give thanks and praise to the Father Yes him a the heaven and the earth rightful ruler (Come again chat)


Give thanks and praise to the Father Yes him a the heaven and the earth rightful ruler SHAGGY Me bawl I naw your mother, I naw your father (Come again chat) I naw your sister, I naw your brother (Come again chat) Love thyself as well as thy neighbor Hand inna the air and read the Holy Scripture I and I try to make it as a entertainer What is like I man a get fight from all over Especially if you make it top here in America Respect you to the king song when in Gibraltar Me say easy poppa Sting you make the business better Never when you deh pon church I be new corner And a swing real to real with index finger I man put mi hand in the air and praise the Holy Father So wa Kymani Marley Chorus: Give thanks and praise to the Father Yes him a the heaven and the earth rightful ruler (Ooh do you hear me) Give thanks and praise to the Father Yes him a the heaven and the earth rightful ruler SHAGGY Well I and I can't believe weh gwaan pon the father land All the trouble and the trial and the tribulation, behold Is in trouble, come inna starvation You see them spend the money pon the nuclear weapon Wish a segregation and separate the nation How can you judge a man by him complexion Go take it from the youth that is the one Shagsman Put your hand inna the air and praise the almighty one And just Kyamni Marley Chorus: Give thanks and praise to the Father Yes him a the heaven and the earth rightful ruler (Come again chat) Give thanks and praise to the Father Yes him a the heaven and the earth rightful ruler (Come again chat) SHAGGY I naw your mother, I naw your father, yes I naw your sister, I naw your brother, yes Love thyself as well as thy neighbor Hand inna the air and read the Holy Scripture




What are you talking about such lustful behavior Make sure that you're loyal to your wife Shaggy again, oh gosh Remember, girls I said I love you girl, you know you want me You kiss and caress me, hug me up girl Booty by by by by Love me girl, you know you want me So kiss and caress me, love me up girl That's why me bawl out lust The woman a cry out lust Watch out fi lust It can be dangerous And sometimes vigorous No say love confess That's why me bawl Man have him woman and the woman so nice Wash and she cook and everything she do right Ring pon her finger, it make her him wife Him don't coming late, him coming early at night Him sight another sexy girl and she passing by Read her, stand up and know him want her tonight Inna fi him bed a where she put up a fight Moaning and groaning, what a restless night Someway, somehow it got to him wife Wife fi get vexed and put him clothes in a pile Them a talk 'bout lust Me said fi watch out for lust It can be dangerous Oh so vigorous What if he confess So contagious That's why me bawl Love me girl, you know you want me Kiss and caress me, love me up girl Booty by by by by Love me girl, you know you want me Kiss and caress me, love me up girl That's why she said I'm leaving On the next train Don't ask when I'm coming back, cha Ring pon the finger, you're free fi yet part bond No bother even think 'bout have no more fun


Well ten o'clock occur, view that's when you're free fi yet part bond You step trough the door, your wife mouth start run Laba, laba, laba, laba with Dieter Burton Now you tell her fi shut up, quiet her mouth and sit down She still round a bag a beat our fire gone But still you love me girl, you know you want me Kiss and caress me, love me up girl Booty by by by by Love me girl, you know you want me Hug and caress me, love me up girl That's why Lust That's why them a talk 'bout lust Careful love lust It can be dangerous Get me vigorous It's so contagious I remember love confess That's why me say Man have him woman and the woman so nice Do anything now fi make her him wife Kiss and caress, yes and hug him all night Ring pon her finger, and make her him wife And horning and groaning and loving all night Him met sexy girl, yes and she passing by Read her, stand up, him ready fi love tonight Girl just Love me girl, you know you want me Kiss and caress me, hug me up girl Booty by by by by Love me girl, you know you want me Just kiss and caress me, hug me up girl That's why me said lust Lord, I'm talking lust Careful love lust It is so dangerous So you must be cautious Doberman confess That's why me bawl out


Oh Carolina

Carolina, wine your body gal Make dem know say you have it fi mad dem


Oh Carolina (Prowl off, jump an prance) Oh Carolina (Prowl off, jump an prance) Oh Carolina gal prowl off Gal yuh fi jump an prance (Prowl off, jump an prance) Carolina come bubble 'pon me Oh watch how she groove Carolina come wine 'pon me Oh watch how di gal groove Oh Carolina (Prowl off, jump an prance) Oh Carolina (Prowl off, jump an prance) Oh Carolina gal prowl off Gal yuh fi jump an prance (Prowl off, jump an prance) Oh Carolina is a girl She dey pon top a di world An now she rock her body Anna move just like a squirrel I say young baby girl I said I love how yuh move Yuh just a rock to di riddim anna riddim anna move An now yuh know di girl Oh Carolina (Prowl off, jump an prance) Oh Carolina (Prowl off, jump an prance) Oh Carolina gal prowl off Gal yuh fi jump an prance (Prowl off, jump an prance) Oh Carolina (Prowl off, jump an prance) Oh Carolina (Prowl off, jump an prance) Oh Carolina gal prowl off Gal yuh fi jump an prance (Prowl off, 1 -2 - 3 ! ) Carolina come bubble 'pon me Oh watch how she groove Carolina come wine 'pon me Oh watch how di gal groove Oh Carolina (Prowl off, jump an prance) Oh Carolina (Prowl off, jump an prance) Oh Carolina gal prowl off Gal yuh fi jump an prance (Prowl off, jump an prance) Well how me love how she shock Watch how she rock Model it a swing Like mi grandfather clock Gal, move yuh body Make man dem drop Bumper jus' a move It jus' a cause roadblock


Oh Carolina (Prowl off, jump an prance) Oh Carolina (Prowl off, jump an prance) Yes, Oh Carolina (Prowl off, jump an prance) Carolina, Carolina, Oh Carolina (Prowl off, jump an prance) All di Brooklyn gal dem Dem know fi jump an rock (I say) Di Flatbush Gal dem Know how fi get up and rock (Get up an rock)
5. Tek Set

Now this is original dogamuffin Shags man Ugly gal a take set Ay pretty gal I man play hard for get When I rub up on keen tear to them Watch this Chorus: Well me no know weh am ya gon' do Fi get rid of mi burthen Ugly gal you now go away because me naw look, oh no Well me no know weh am ya gon' do Fi get rid of mi burthen Ugly gal you now go away because me naw look, oh no Well ugly gal a take set Pretty gal play hard fi get Well no man no have no time fi run no witness suit no peg Ugly gal a take set Pretty gal play hard fi get Well no man no have no time fi run no witness suit no peg Watch it Woman now a days, no give no man respect Or call man dog and take man fi puppet Move Dorothy do not get me upset Make me love mi pants-foot 'cause nice me start make Me no know why do me so make ugly gal a take set 'Cause me notice from where the pure ugly gal may a get How she look upon mi face and see mi look desperate Tyra sign deh pon mi mark, Mounty take set Ugly gal a take set Pretty gal play hard fi get Well no man no have no time fi run no witness suit no peg Chorus: 'Cause me no know weh am ya gon' do Fi get rid of mi burthen Ugly gal you now go away because me naw look, oh no Well me no know weh am ya gon' do


Fi get rid of mi burthen Ugly gal you now go away because me naw look, oh no Watch it Get a pretty gal a the hardest thing Them the gal know what is with the God-damn act When you call them name them upon them back When hoax them name them talk 'bout them fi cut Some of them a tell you lie and take you fi idiot Say she named Jennifer when she know she named Pat When they hear wrong number, loaded gun, ha When you tell her you're yored, comfortable and relaxed Sit down pon the chair and pack your foot pon the hassock Take the telephone, now ready fi go call Pott A guy I love the number and a woman answer then Hello, hello, me ask Peter Pott, I say You have the wrong number, this is a Laundromat Well ugly gal a take set Pretty gal play hard fi get Well no man no have no time fi run no witness suit no peg Chorus: 'Cause me no know weh am ya gon' do Fi get rid of mi burthen Ugly gal you now go away because me naw look, oh no Well me no know weh am ya gon' do Fi get rid of mi burthen Ugly gal you now go away because me naw look, oh no Watch it Check the pretty gal, a big genii them And one pretty gal out-walk with ten ugly friend You go a dancehall and walk up on the whole of them You want the pretty gal, but you no want the ugly friend You tell the bartender: "Give her a Heineken" But she no want it, look back, will you buy one fi the friend Hmmm ni ni ni ni nay, yea Sangria problem A whole heap of lyrics, don't want kill her with arguments A pay for punker can down-buck all pin Ready fi the phone-number, fi sure I buy your friend She whispered inna your ears and said: "I have a boyfriend" I bet you any money before the night end Nine out to ten you well now pay the ugly friend Well ugly gal a take set Pretty gal play hard fi get Well no man no have no time fi run no witness suit no peg Chorus: Well me no know weh am ya gon' do


Fi get rid of mi burthen Ugly gal you now go away because me naw look, oh no Me no know weh am ya gon' do Fi get rid of mi burthen Ugly gal you now go away because me naw look, oh no Watch this Aw this is original dogamuffin Shagsman Aw this is original dogamuffin Shagsman Ugly gal a take set And pretty gal I man play hard for get When I rub up on keen tear to them Watch this, watch this, watch this, watch this, watch this, watch this, watch this Chorus: Well me no know weh am ya gon.... Fi get rid of mi burt... Ugly gal you now go away because me naw look, oh n...


Bedroom Bounty Hunter

There is a bounty Come to terrorize your county Doberman, dogamuffin, ragamuffin, loving, watch this rude boy The Bedroom Bounty Hunter watch the gal a bed (All how you do is just buck on the bed) The Bedroom Bounty Hunter go pon the gal a bed (All the way you do is just stick out the red) The Bedroom Bounty Hunter watch the gal a bed (All the way you do is just buck on the bed) Mm Bedroom Bounty Hunter watch the gal a bed (All the way you do is just stick out the red) Well now me ram it till me jam it till me give the rhythm more Maybe gal you wonder who is the loving galore Suzie, Beverly and the one Eleanor Come from the place called El Salvatore Give her pon the bed, she said she want it pon the floor She said pappa Shaggy, this is one thing for sure Yes you are the man with the loving galore Knock, knock, knock up pon the gal pickney door Bedroom Bounty Hunter watch the gal a bed (All the way you do is just buck on the bed) Mm Bedroom Bounty Hunter go pon the gal a bed (All the way you do is just stick out the red) He could a land like I and find baby likely


Stewart knew a use a stoat one on dread Rip off comfort and tear long spread Rip off every strand of hair from more than mi head Bedroom Bounty Hunter watch the gal a bed (All the way you do is just stick out the red) Mmm Bedroom Bounty Hunter go Dorothy a bed (Ha, ha, darling, fit on the end) The Bedroom Bounty Hunter, Suzie a bed(BOO) (Oooh) The Bedroom Bounty Hunter watch the gal a bed (Oooh, haa, oooh) She bawl Lord when she start take the yard Say the hmm now all and the gal no stop bawl (Aah) I do when she a take the yard Say the hmm now all and the gal no stop bawl Hand inna the air and then the gal start bawl Good at bare hand and a then she grab fi the north Then the young gal start fi yell a and bawl Tell you all about mi thing and she say: "Walking tool" Lord, do when she a take the yard And hmm now all and the gal no stop (Ha) Lord, when she a take the yard When the hmm now all and the gal big up The Bedroom Bounty Hunter watch the gal a bed (All the way you do is just stick out the red) Bedroom Bounty Hunter go pon the gal a bed (All the way you do is just buck on the bed) The Bedroom Bounty Hunter, Suzie she a bed (Ooh, please) The Bedroom Bounty Hunter, Marcy a bed (Ooh, please) Well now me ram it till me jam it till me give the rhythm more Maybe gal you wonder who is the loving galore Suzie, Beverly and the one Eleanor Come from the place called El Salvatore Give her pon the bed, she said she want it pon the floor She sayed poppa Shaggy, this is one thing for sure Mm you are the man with the loving galore Knock, knock, knock up pon the gal pickney door Bedroom Bounty Hunter, Nelly gal a bed (Ooh, ooh, yes) The Bedroom Bounty Hunter go Suzie a bed (More, more) The Bedroom Bounty Hunter watch the gal a bed (Take time, Biggy)


The Bedroom Bounty Hunter watch how she bed (More Tippy) Well now she rip off comfort and tear long spread Rip off every strand of hair from more than mi head Watch her a halla what she can't start fi bed Put her hand inna the air, she wanna reach it nearly dead Bedroom Bounty Hunter a me a bed (You know I like that and I sheeted a bed, want this) [What] The Bedroom Bounty Hunter watch the gal a bed (All the way you do is just buck on the bed) She bawl Lord when she a take the yard Say the who the now hmm gal no stop bawl Lord when she a take the yard Got the hmm now all and the gal no stop bawl Suzie deh here, watch how the gal start bawl Beverly I bet she crawl up I man wall Hand inna the air the gal bawl out fi Lord Rip off mi comfort say: "Walking tool" Bedroom Bounty Hunter go pon the gal a bed (All the way you do is just buck on the bed) The Bedroom Bounty Hunter, mm Suzie a bed (All the way you do is just buck on the bed) Bedroom Bounty Hunter watch the gal a bed (All the way you do is just buck on the bed) Bedroom Bounty Hunter, gal them a bed (All the way you do is just buck on the bed)


Nice And Lovely

She's nice And extremely lovely I want somebody to come tickle mi fancy Shaggy and Rayvon again man Rayvon A shooby dooby doo, oooh, oooh Shooby dooby doo, nice and lovely Shooby dooby doo, she is the girl for me Shooby dooby doo, ey She have me nice and lovely, sweet and sexy now She is the girl for me She have me nice and lovely, sweet and sexy now She is the girl for me


Because me love how she move and me love how she flex Another man watch it, man I go get vexed Over I'm burnt she a buss cold sweat 'Cause she is the girl for me I said she is the girl for me SHAGGY She is mi nice and lovely, yes how she love me, girl So come tickle up mi fancy Nice and lovely, watch how she love me, girl So come tickle up mi fancy Hot and she buff, healthy and she rough I want a young girl, she is mi extra stuff She's my ebony, she is my chocolate fudge My hot chocolate, you know what she confess Well Rayvon and Shaggy rasta know say with rough Another number one for make the world shake up She is mi nice and lovely, yes how she love me, girl So come tickle up mi fancy Nice and lovely, watch how she love me, girl So come tickle up mi fancy Rayvon She have me nice and lovely, sweet and sexy now She is the girl for me She have me nice and lovely, sweet and sexy now She is the girl for me A shooby dooby doo, woooh, oooh Shooby dooby doo, nice and lovely Shooby dooby doo, give me mi ebony Shooby dooby doo, nice and lovely SHAGGY Ugh She deh here, Jah know say she rough She is my ebony, she is my chocolate fudge I kiss her pon her lips and make her lipstick smudge Well girl me a your man, you know say me now budge Gal your body ready and a you them a grudge Rayvon and Shaggy with the nice enough A new brand style for make the world shake up She is mi nice and lovely, yes how she love me, girl So come tickle up mi fancy Nice and lovely, yes how she love me, girl, ha-ha Come tickle up mi fancy Rayvon


She have me nice and lovely and me naw stop say so If she had a thumb then me had a big toe And two of we together let go drear fi flow 'Cause she is the girl for me I said she is the girl for me Because me love how she move and me love how she flex Another man watch it, man I go get vexed Over I'm burnt she a buss cold sweat 'Cause she is the girl for me Yes, she is the girl for me SHAGGY She have me nice and lovely, yes how she love me, girl, ha-ha Come tickle up mi fancy Nice and lovely, yes how she love me, girl, oh girl Come tickle up mi fancy Hot and she buff, she healthy and she rough Want a young girl now with the extra stuff She's mi ebony, she is mi nice enough My hot chocolate, girl and you confess(She is the girl for me) I kiss her pon her lips and make her lipstick smudge Rayvon and Shaggy with the nice enough A new brand one for make the world jump up She is mi nice and lovely, yes how she love me, girl (She is the girl for me) So come tickle up mi fancy (Nice and lovely) Nice and lovely... (Give me mi ebony)
8. Love How Them Flex

Love How Them Flex Hey man what is that Hm, must be a good stuff None of gal distress round have a gallant dress Tell the girl, them see that there is no contest Call the people to check the girl now a cut above the rest (Yeah) Shagsman deh here tell love how them all flex Hear me now star See me now (Cool) I just love how the girls them a flex Gal you're just above inna your tights and dress (Cool man) Pants and the blouse and the shorts and me say down inna them dress (Alright) Gal you know you win the healthy body contest Woman deh ya so you is a cut above the rest That's why Wanna get me mad


Yes, wanna get me mad a mad a mad a mad a mad Wanna get me mad Yes, wanna get me mad and mad, mad, mad, mad Wanna get me mad Yes, wanna get me mad a mad a mad a mad a mad Wanna get me mad Yes, wanna get me mad Watch this I love the women them to a fullness Suzie, Beverly, even the one named Yvette, gal You have the body fi make man take set (Yeeah) Grouchful but mine, envious gal that Woman big up your chest, you is a cut above the rest Body on the ship I do win the contest (Cool) No feel no way a guy can disrespect 'Cause if them disrespect them just get distress So wa Love how the girls them a flex Gal you're just above inna your tights and dress Pants and the blouse and the shorts and me say down inna them dress Woman win the healthy body contest That's why Gal deh ya so she get I man hypnotized (What) Same panty size, bought she wrong panty size (Ooh) This is something a guy fears to realize Gal have the gumption under disguise, a gal Act wholly monkeyish, she come out at night Gal good looking jump around and make noise (Aah) Big up your chest 'cause your future bright If a gal try fi fuss, wa, no afraid fi fight Box her, you thump her, you kick her, you bite Me just Love how the girls them a flex Gal you're just above inna your tights and dress Pants and the blouse and the shorts and me say down inna them dress (Hey dude) Woman win the healthy body contest That's why Put up your hand 'cause you are number on (Wanna gwaan) Shout it out 'cause you are the champion (Wanna gwaan) A you no wash up inna no cistern (Wanna gwaan) A you no beat in another wash pan I love the women 'cause them are number one Love off them caramel complexion I do not like you tell them fi galang (Ooh) Take it from the youth, that is the one Shagsman


'Cause I just love how the girls them a flex Gal you're just above inna your tights and dress Pants and the blouse and the shorts and me say down inna them dress Woman win the healthy body contest That's why Wanna get me mad Yes, wanna get me mad a mad a mad a mad a mad Wanna get me mad Yes, wanna get me mad and mad, mad, mad, mad Wanna get me mad Yes, wanna get me mad a mad a mad a mad a mad Wanna get me mad Yes, wanna get me mad Man them deh ya so like them a pervert Them a pervert go peep under gal skirt Easy the Kill-Quick, one Wendy and Roberta You have your girl and you know what she work, cha Love how the girls them a flex (Blow that skirts) Gal you're just above inna your tights and dress (Blow that skirts) Pants and the blouse and the shorts and me say down inna them dress (Blow that skirts) Woman win the healthy body contest That's why Wanna get me mad Yes, wanna get me mad a mad a mad a mad a mad Wanna get me mad Yes, wanna get me mad and mad, mad, mad, mad Wanna get me mad Yes, wanna get me mad a mad a mad a mad a mad Wanna get me mad Yes, wanna get me mad I love the women them now to a fullness Suzie, Beverly and even the one named Yvette, gal You have the body fi make man take set (Groovy) Grouchful but mine, envious gal this, gal Love how the girls them a flex (Cool) Gal you're just above inna your tights and dress (Groovy) Pants and the blouse and the shorts and me say down inna them dress (Wow) Woman win the healthy body contest Ey man what is this stuff Wow



All Virgins

I don't believe that virginity is as common as it used to be Some of them a worth leave the nights Gal a stick out pon a my night Yo-a The gal fit lack of traffic Man them burn cloche and try don't get her stick Just like a cherry every man trying fi pick The man a fly belt buckle and a try down-zip Watch it Chorus: All virgins put upon your hand All virgins grap up your gram All virgins put upon your hand All virgins grap up your gram Look how the man them line up long Everybody want piece of the action Man them want fi see them long john Gal she deh ya and the gal true commander True she command, that no mean she a one Wine pon the gal if the gal at divan Pon top a man a where she frequent tone Chorus: All virgins put upon your hand All virgins grap up your gram All virgins put upon your hand All virgins grap up your gram Say wa If you a virgin, know that you a virgin Gal me say put upon your hand, aha If you a virgin, if you a virgin Gal me say put upon your hand, aha Well a lie them a tell, well a lie them a tell Ask weh she did deh pon mi divan Say wa Chorus: All virgins put upon your hand All virgins grap up your gram (Ooh do you hear me) All virgins put upon your hand All virgins grap up your gram Oh Suzette give to every man Body on the ship and everything in action


True she a virgin I man read fi long Me a true guy and have not more woman Carry her around mi loverboy mansion Wash her foot inna mi loverboy wash pan Lay down inna mi loverboy divan Rub her down with the loverboy lotion Put on mi rub-a-loverboy Trojan Then me come give her some loving action Chorus: All virgins put upon your hand All virgins grap up your gram All virgins put upon your hand All virgins grap up your gram (Ooh do you hear) Suzie deh ya and she never touched yet Beverly deh ya and she never touched yet Gal you a gal and you no big woman yet True you deh ya and you are boss marvelous Come pack a copy inna the little tight dress Gal a sixteen, she no big woman yet If you touch a gal sentence you go get Chorus: All virgins put upon your hand All virgins grap up your gram All virgins put upon your hand All virgins grap up your gram The gal fit lack of traffic Man them burn cloche and try don't get her stick Just like a cherry every man trying fi pick The man a fly belt buckle and a try down-zip Watch it The gal deh ya Suzie she deh ya Angela she deh ya Bawl it now you deh ya You come a dancehall, gal just move up your structure Bubble to the left, right and bubble to the center No man can claim you, your virgin sister Hand inna the air and wine up your structure So weh me say Chorus: All virgins put upon your hand All virgins grap up your gram All virgins put upon your hand All virgins grap up your gram


10. Ah-E-A-Oh

AH-E-A-OH It's like that to the maximum Shaggy (Ha) Sylva (Ha) Rub-a-dub injection for them She say AH-E-A-OH AH-E-A-OH AH-E-A-OH AH-E-A-OH If only you know me Woman you're looking lonely Give me your name and number number, is it Ruth or it Naomi You no know me, can't blow me Stop talking baloney Try to control me but you know you couldn't hold me Respect you need to show me when deh ya my man's my homie Inject you like a cassette to Dicay or it's a Sony Woman a camouflage at nothing but the fucking phoney Fat or an bony, look like macaroni Saddle up gal the hula-hula, ride mi pony AH-E-A-OH AH-E-A-OH AH-E-A-OH AH-E-A-OH, AH Reach inna your body, things a run red Sylva deh ya now me and mi text draw on a dread Give me the 45 now bust, knock out, no bust no lead Lyrical entertainment what me give them instead Sylva, Mr. Shaggy up inna the call friends Sting and Robert for production again With no rub-ub, with no skin out we naw beg no friend This one we bill out fi the gal pickney them AH-E-A-OH AH-E-A-OH AH-E-A-OH AH-E-A-OH Look how the gal them a bubble and wine Pump up a swing out pon the front line She wine, she ram, she do the pump and everything combine The blister of the shake on them the splitted be a slime Sting a lead them in the rhythm While the Sylva arrive


This are Shaggy and Sylva Lyrically combine Flatbush combination Wicked and vile This time we're thin for foreign kin so watch with profile We're wicked and wicked and wicked and wicked and wicked and wicked and wild AH-E-A-OH AH-E-A-OH AH-E-A-OH AH-E-A-OH Gal start fi move and the man them say aah Rub-a-dub-a fling like the massive say hey Hand inna the air and everybody shout hee Gal a dotty gal and then the man them say hoo AH-E-A-OH AH-E-A-OH AH-E-A-OH AH-E-A-OH If only you know me Woman you're looking lonely Give me your name and number, is it Ruth or it's Naomi You no know me, can't blow me Stop talking baloney Try to control me but you know you couldn't hold me Respect you need to show me when deh ya my man's my homie Inject you like a cassette to Dicay or it's a Sony Woman a camouflage at nothing but the fucking phoney Fat or an bony, muddle like macaroni Sit down pon the Hm Hm, saddle up, ride mi pony AH-E-A-OH AH-E-A-OH AH-E-A-OH AH-E-A-OH Reach inna your body, things a run red Sylva deh ya now me and mi text draw on a dread Give me the 45 now bust, knock out, no bust no lead Lyrical entertainment me go give them instead Sylva and Shaggy up inna the call friends Sting and Robert for production again With no rub-ub, with no skin out we naw beg no friend This one we bill out fi the gal pickney them Sing Aaah, hm AH-E-A-OH


AH-E-A-OH AH-E-A-OH AH-E-A-OH Look how the gal them a bubble and wine Pump up a swing out pon the front line She wine and ram, she do the pump and everything combine The blister of the shake on them the splitted be a slime Sting a lead them in the rhythm While the Sylva arrive This are Shags man and Sylva Lyrically combine The Flatbush combination Wicked and vile This time we're thin for foreign kin so watch with profile So we're wicked and wicked and wicked and wicked and wicked and wicked and vile What sing AH-E-A-OH (What) AH-E-A-OH (What) AH-E-A-OH (Respect to the maximum) AH-E-A-OH (Sting International upfronts) AH-E-A-OH (Robert, respect do all the time) AH-E-A-OH (Respect to Bajja Jedd, Red Fox) AH-E-A-OH (Nikey Fungus, Screechy Dan) AH-E-A-OH (Respect to the man a them call name Lapoo) AH-E-A-OH (I reach it out proof)(BOO)
11. It Bun Me

Respect is going on tonight aspect Ward a man in a prison for all the a reason Can't judge a man before you walk a mile inna him shoes Shags man say so Watch this It bun me fi see mi little brother in a jail Bun me fi see the youth stand up behind the rail It bun me, another black man in a jail Bun me fi see the youth stand up behind the rail Hurt me fi see mi little brother in a jail A 25 years to life and 50 million dollar bill Many time trying to escape and many times fail And eat him bread that is stale and get him lick with gippo Now the tracks are in tears, the boy face look pale Man them beat him with the baton, read him personal mail Him could a graduate Harvard and graduate Yale But him muma have rebut it 'cause she know her son fail


It bun me fi see mi brother in a jail Bun me fi see the youth stand up behind the rail It bun me, another black man in a jail Bun me fi see the youth stand up behind the rail Before you Commit the crime make sure you can do the time No bother pair with no idiot 'cause them we drop dime Bank book have fi find in case you're off and bare the find 'Cause they will lock you in a prison Away from mankind Everyday you bark your face when you have no gal fi grain Inna one big, dotty parlour catch up and you're behind It bun me fi see mi little brethren in a jail Bun me fi see the youth stand up behind the rail It bun me, another black man in a jail Bun me fi see the youth stand up behind the rail Jamaica a the land of wood and water The wood might a free but you have fi pay fi water Every time light go down they use the wood make fire Resources use up the country Hand up and shout Another man lick, yell help, we neither see or go They here beat, be and bib well none of them no better Right a now we want a new brand prime minister We want a little ghetto youth with some bright idea It bun me fi see mi little brother in a jail Bun me fi see the youth stand up behind the rail It bun me, another black man in a jail Bun me fi see the youth stand up behind the rail Youths and youths hitch up on the corner Better you be a hustler than to be a smuggler If you is a smuggler you 'bout go kill all danger Better you sell some stockist, cough up all gleaner If you is a smuggler you carry a revolver You either behind the bar or six foot under It bun me fi see mi little brother in a jail Bun me fi see the youth stand up behind the rail It bun me, another black man in a jail Bun me fi see mi brethren behind the rail Bun me fi see mi little brother in a jail A 25 years to life and 50 million dollar bill Many time trying to escape and many times fail(ME) Eat him bread that is stale and get him lick with gippo The tracks are in tears, the boy face look pale


Them beat him with the baton, read him personal mail Him could a graduate Harvard, graduate Yale Him muma have rebut it 'cause she know her son fail It bun me fi see mi little brother in a jail Bun me fi see the youth stand up behind the rail It bun me, another black man in a jail Bun me fi see the youth stand up behind the rail Jamaica a the land of wood and water Wood might a free but you have fi pay fi water Every time light go down they use the wood make fire Resources use up the country Hand up and shout Another man lick, yell help, we neither see or go They here beat, be and bib well none of them no better Right a now we want a new brand prime minister Want a little ghetto-youth with some bright idea Want fi make the ghetto-people them start prosper Want fi make the ghetto-people them start live better Come take it from Shaggy deh round mike a lecture Put your hand inna the air and read the Holy Script Chaka 'Cause it bun me fi see mi brethren in a jail Bun me fi see the youth stand up behind the rail It bun me, another black man in a jail Bun me fi see the youth stand up behind the rail

12. Big Up

Now this one dedicates to all the women that I please just big up for themself Them the man them know say that the flush a bomb extra buff and rough Shagsman and Rayvon is one new brand 'bout to become number one Watch this Rayvon And you fi Big up, big up All of the women them big up, big up All of the girl them big up, big up All of the women them big up, big up Whooey See me go Watch it go cop Teaching it please stand up, please Viva Apache full of pure make-up When she walk pon street a whole heap of man big them up


Big up, big up Gal you're fat and you're buff SHAGGY Gal you're fat and you're buff, expensive and rough A put your hand inna the air and just big up Gal if you're fat and you're buff, I know your comfort Put your hand inna the air and just big up(BOO) Gal if you're fat and you're buff, another virgin bluff Well put your hand inna the air and just big up Gal if you're fat and you're buff and you're buffer or dapper Put your hand inna the air and just big up Say wa Jump and skin out 'cause you know I say a sexy Shout it out 'cause a you have the vinery Bawl it out you big thing and healthy We brought you up a man we called so leave I man me Your hair style man it look well fancy Tell the all of them say you have your man a ready Your face a look like fi vow a night monkey Hid no pain, top just like Apache Come, come take it from the one named Shaggy Tell the world you big thing and healthy Fat and you're buff, expensive and rough Well put your hand inna the air and just big up Gal if you're fat and you're buff, I know your comfort Put your hand inna the air and just big up Gal if you're fat and you're buff and you're buffer or dapper Put your hand inna the air and just big up Well I don't want no man tell me woman no nice, ey And I don't want no man tell me woman no sweet, eey Don't want no man tell me woman no nice, woman no nice Don't want no man tell me woman no sweet, ey Well you fi Big up, big up, now your poom-poom shorts Big up, big up, now your body lick shirt Big up, big up, now your catwoman-suit Big up, big up, mini-skirt look cute So me say Brooklyn man helped me big them up And a Manville man helped me big them up And a New York man helped me big them up And Flatbush man say helped me big them up And a big up yourself because you're fat and you're buff, gal (Big up) Tell them say that you're fat and you're buff, gal (Big up) Tell them you are the god of buff, gal (Big up)


Tell them you're expensive and rough, gal (Big up) Tell them say that a you confess, gal (Big up) Tell them say you're the virgin bluff Fat and you're buff, expensive and rough Well put your hand inna the air and just big up Gal if you're fat and you're buff, I know your comfort Put your hand inna the air and just big up Gal if you're fat and you're buff and you're buffer or dapper Put your hand inna the air and just sight, aha Watch it go cop Teaching it please stand up, please Viva Apache full of pure make-up When she walk pon street a whole heap of man big them up Big up, big up, big up Because you're fat and you're buff Shagsman girl man she fat and she buff Rayvon gal man she fat and she buff Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, ey And me don't want no man say I fi work Angela Oooh, oooh Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, ey And me don't know King Kong, what if she know him, ya Oooh Big up, big up, now your poom-poom shorts Big up, big up, now your body lick shirt Big up, big up, now your catwoman-suit Big up, big up, Whooey

13. Bow Wow Wow

Huh No woman no would use to call man dog But I'm the original D.A.W.G. sweetest kin, the original pedigree, no ticks nor flea, doberman Shaggy Dog be out You want know Me bawl Bow wow wow yippee yo, yippee yay Bow wow yippee yo, yippee yay, woof Bow wow wow yippee yo, yippee yay Bow wow yippee yo, yippee yay Some women a call man dog


Same man a take gal fi use Don't call me name if you not down inna mi shoes Gal a call man dog Same man a take gal fi use Don't call me name if you not down inna mi shoes Call me human, rather call me animal Brother one pit-bull, mi sister one doberman Have three little pup and them a Alsatian Have a Chihuahua too but be a peregrine pal Have mi French poodle, she a mi woman And of course Shagsman, the doberman, the handsome one Maybe niam off your foot, da, da, da, niam off your arm Tear at your head if you now trouble I man Say wa Motion, gal me inna the motion, Lord Rub down your body with lotion Inna the motion, gal inna the motion, mmm, naw Rub down your body with lotion Me have mi beer-drinking pal called Sport McKenzie(BOO) The shoe-maker friend, the one them call bosh puppy When it come to fight him a just hang on for we Little but him tall a what I tell mi brethren Scrappy And the coward is one a the uncle Scooby, yow Who the leader fi the posse, I and I man Shaggy Rough did one time, me never want that ready And true ready him a pusshound with a private pussy Rin-Tin-Tin-Tin and him a police-pecky And the one named Lassie breathe fi Sport McKenzie Should I breathe fi Shaggy Get a little pedigree Take it from the number one, the youth named Shaggy I say Bow wow wow yippee yo, yippee yay Bow wow yippee yo, yippee yay, woof Bow wow wow yippee yo, yippee yay Bow wow yippee yo, yippee yay Some women a call man dog Same man a take gal fi use Don't call me name if you not down inna mi shoes Gal a call man Same man a take gal fi use Don't call me name if you not down inna mi Me have mi woman and mi yard Fly gone abroad Come back a yard, she a call man dog


Read how bought the beagle, the one we named dog Who attack but me come fi come abuse a line Now me fi have used the line, now the line weh me bind Bad to sit down at the line and park the car Watch you have some line, Jah know me have fi stand Now you fi use pesticide from dusk till dawn On the way fi make the grass stamp a them ground Bow wow wow yippee yo, yippee yay Bow wow yippee yo, yippee yay, woof Bow wow wow yippie yo, yippie yay Bow wow yippie yo, yippie yay Inna the motion, gal me inna the motion, Lord Rub down your body with lotion Inna the motion, woman me inna the motion Rub it down the suntan lotion Me say No call me human, better call me animal Brother one pit-bull, mi sister one doberman Have three little pup and them a Alsatian Have a Chihuahua too but be a peregrine pal Have mi French poodle, she a mi woman And of course Shagsman, the doberman, the handsome one Maybe niam off your foot, na, na, niam off your arm Tear at your head if you mess with I man Me bawl Doberman, the kibbles and bits man I am the doberman, me don't call mailman Have mi beer-drinking pal called Sport McKenzie The shoe-maker friend, the one them call bosh puppy When it come to fight him a just hang on for we Little but him tall a what I tell mi brethrin Scrappy And the coward is one a the uncle Scooby, yes The leader fi the posse, I and I man Shaggy Rough did one time, never want that ready True ready him a pusshound with no private pussy Rin-Tin-Tin-Tin and him a police-pecky And the one named Lassie breathe fi Sport McKenzie Should I breathe fi Shaggy Get a little pedigree Take it from the number one, the youth named Shaggy I say Bow wow wow yippie yo, yippie yay Bow wow yippie yo, yippie yay, woof Bow wow wow yippie yo, yippie yay Bow wow yippie yo, yippie yay


So wa Inna the motion, gal inna the motion, Lord Rub down your body with the lotion Inna the motion, woman me inna the motion, gal Rub it down the suntan lotion Some women a call man dog Man a take gal fi use Don't call me name if you not down inna mi shoes Gal a call man dog Same man a take gal fi use Don't call me name if you not down inna mi shoes
14. Follow Me

All massive and crew Can't you follow doberman, the original dogamuffin Shagsman Man, watch this rude boy Well everything weh Shaggy do crowd of people follow me Everything weh me a do posse them a follow me Everything weh me a do the New York people follow me Everything weh me a do London people follow me Well me chat microphone and them a chat mike too And me give them Big Up and them a follow that too Me give them Carolina, them do Carolina too Give them All Virgins and them go turn virgins too Me give them Bow Wow Wow, them a turn dog too I grow whiskers, tail and I bark like Scooby Doo Well me give them a new style fi them long go do Well everything weh Shaggy do crowd of people follow me Everything weh me a do the posse them a follow me Everything weh me a do people them a follow me Everything weh me a do all the crew them follow me When Jamaica would be from, got to see mi island I and I man come at the place a where them call Uncle Sam Me come here so because me know the dollars it's strong Be on the way fi here, man put some money inna mi hand So all do agree with the youth Shagsman Put your hand inna the air a booyaka now fi kneel down Say everything weh Shaggy do crowd of people follow me Everything weh me a do posse them a follow me Everything weh me a do all the crew them follow me Everything weh me a do New York people follow me Me say What if we follow we


What if we follow we What if we follow Kibret and the Signet posse What if we follow we(BOO) What if we follow we What if we follow Sting and the youth named Shaggy Ram dance a town a ram dance a country Tell all the gal, say we have the ability Have the ability fi give hits constantly Take it from the youth, that is the one named Shaggy 'Cause everything weh Shaggy do crowd of people follow me Everything weh me a do posse them a follow me Everything weh Raff a do crowd of people follow him Everything weh Nass-T do crowd of people follow him Well me chat microphone and them a chat mike too And me give them Big Up and them a follow that too Me give them Carolina, them do Carolina too Give them All Virgins and them go turn virgins too Me give them Bow Wow Wow, them a turn dog too I grow whiskers, tail and I bark like Scooby Doo Well me give them a new style fi them long go do 'Cause everything weh Shaggy do crowd of people follow me Everything weh me a do posse them a follow me Well everything weh me a do crowd of people follow me Everything weh me a do massive them a follow me Me say Sting deh ya so a God bless pickiney(BOO) Shaggy deh ya so a God bless pickiney Easy Kill-Quick a God bless pickiney Settle down Raff a God bless pickiney God a bless we God a bless we God a bless Shaggy and the Signet posse God a bless we God a bless we God a bless the all a free poor family Settle Tootie Wayne because you're big and ready A settle Beeper Man because you have the ability A settle down Biem, the gal love shoob-a-dee Come take it from the youth, that is the one named Shaggy 'Cause everything weh Shaggy do crowd of people follow him Everything weh we a do posse them a follow we Well everything weh we a do the ghetto people follow we Everything weh we a do crowd of people follow we


Now we chat microphone and them a follow that too And we count out money, them a count money too And we walk pon street stylish, them stylish too Take it from number one, that's the youth, watch me now 'Cause everything weh Shaggy do crowd of people follow me Everything weh me a do the posse them a follow me Everything weh me a do crowd of people follow me Now everything weh me a do the ghetto people follow me I and I man successful, them successful too I and I man have dollars, them have dollars too When me walk pon street me no rob nobody Me no rob, darn, dig naw area Walk pon street and go watch nobody Come take it from the youth, that is the one named Shaggy Me have the ability fi have enough money Have enough money and do it legally Take it from the youth, that is the one named... A everything weh Shaggy do crowd of people follow me Everything weh me a do posse them a follow me

15. Mampie

Now this one dedicates to all the girl-who-weight-lovers Stay 'em inside and this I'm pleasing because I'm now Jamaican I tell you about this 'cause I know you all care, yo You hear me now star Jump and spread out, you're no mampie Get I man jump and rock, gal you're no mampie, gal Shout it out, you're no mampie, and a Reel it out, you're no mampie See me now Jesus Christ, a mampie-mania Everybody have a mampie inna them corner Gal a dare me go a dance, stand a all over Me have mi bad-minded friend, Red Fox mi partner When me come inna the dance, one piece of drama See the whole heap of mampie there all over All the gal them big, fat, stink and slobber And the man them little bit intolerant Well everybody have a mampie caught up in a corner And I give them bubble and left, right and center I man rub out a gal until her front catch fire Me say three bingo-bucket deh pon the bar counter Say three dodge fat and bubble pon the fire That are a cow ragout, chicken body, mannish water


That a weh the mampie drink now fi give them stamina Me bawl Jump and spread out, you're no mampie Get I man jump and rock, gal you're no mampie, gal Shout it out, you're no mampie, and a Put up your hand a you're no mampie When a mampie appear this a different drama, them go Take a bath, them have fi take one shower Them use two bar of soap just to take one shower, ha-ha Them bare they'd rather kick under mi bed-spread cover When them come inna the bar shoot under the shower, she just Lift up a titty fi air to wash short, aha Wash under the titty, soap and water, she just Put down the titty, one piece of drama She just lift up her belly, lift fi the vagina And put her hand pon the air then say: "Thank you Father" And me glad fi know say that the same things still deh ya Me say Jump and spread out, you're no mampie Get I man a jump and rock, gal you're no, gal you're no Me say Jump and spread out, you're no mampie Get I man a jump and rock, gal you're no, gal you're no Well me no want no mampie gal Me no want no mampie gal Take it from the doberman, the rub-a-dub champion Well me no want no mampie gal Me no want no mampie gal Yes, take it from Shaggy, rub-a-dub champion Well me no want Suzette 'cause she a mampie gal And me no want Beverly 'cause she a mampie gal Yes. Me no want Christine 'cause she a mampie gal Them the gal them know say that them to me no Trojan What am I gon' do alright, dote Shagsman Say wa Jump and spread out, you're no mampie Get I man a jump and rock, gal you're no, gal you're no Me say Jump and spread out, you're no mampie, and a Shout it out, you're no mampie See me now Jesus Christ, a mampie-mania Everybody have a mampie inna them corner Dare, to dare me go a dancehall, blown a all over


Now mi bad-minded friend, Red Fox mi partner When me then come inna the dance, one piece of drama See the whole heap of mampie there all over All the gal them big, fat, stink and slobber And the man them little bit intolerant Well everybody have a mampie caught up in a corner And I give them bubble and left, right and center I man rub out a gal until her front catch fire Me say three bingo-bucket deh pon the bar counter Say three dodge fat and bubble pon the fire That are a cow ragout, chicken body, mannish water That a weh the mampie drink now fi give them stamina See me now Jump and spread out, you're no mampie, hey, hey Get I man a jump and rock, gal you're no, gal you're no, gal you're no Jump and spread out, you're no mampie (See me now) Get I man a jump and rock, gal you're no, gal you're no Now me say Move away blubber big and you jump pon galang (Galang) Move away blubber big, you jump pon galang Move away blubber big, you jump pon galang Take it from the doberman, rub-a-dub veteran Me say fi settle Red Fox because you have your mampie gal Settle down Rayvon 'cause you have your, have your Settle down pal you have your mampie gal American and English have them mampie gal Doberman, you know say that me no want no mampie gal Them the gal you know say that them to me no... You on mi back, mi back, yes mi people section What kind of truly have fi that....

16. Oh Carolina (Raas Bumba Claat Version)

Carolina, wine your body gal Make dem know say you have it fi mad dem Oh Carolina (Prowl off, jump an prance) Oh Carolina (Prowl off, jump an prance) Oh Carolina gal prowl off Gal yuh fi jump an prance (Prowl off, jump an prance) Carolina come bubble 'pon me Oh watch how she groove Carolina come wine 'pon me Oh watch how di gal groove Oh Carolina (Prowl off, jump an prance)


Oh Carolina (Prowl off, jump an prance) Oh Carolina gal prowl off Gal yuh fi jump an prance (Prowl off, jump an prance) Oh Carolina is a girl She dey pon top a di world An now she rock her body Anna move just like a squirrel I say young baby girl I said I love how yuh move Yuh just a rock to di riddim anna riddim anna move An now yuh know di girl Oh Carolina (Prowl off, jump an prance) Oh Carolina (Prowl off, jump an prance) Oh Carolina gal prowl off Gal yuh fi jump an prance (Prowl off, jump an prance) Oh Carolina (Prowl off, jump an prance) Oh Carolina (Prowl off, jump an prance) Oh Carolina gal prowl off Gal yuh fi jump an prance (Prowl off, 1 -2 - 3 ! ) Carolina come bubble 'pon me Oh watch how she groove Carolina come wine 'pon me Oh watch how di gal groove Oh Carolina (Prowl off, jump an prance) Oh Carolina (Prowl off, jump an prance) Oh Carolina gal prowl off Gal yuh fi jump an prance (Prowl off, jump an prance) Well how me love how she shock Watch how she rock Model it a swing Like mi grandfather clock Gal, move yuh body Make man dem drop Bumper jus' a move It jus' a cause roadblock Oh Carolina (Prowl off, jump an prance) Oh Carolina (Prowl off, jump an prance) Yes, Oh Carolina (Prowl off, jump an prance) Carolina, Carolina, Oh Carolina (Prowl off, jump an prance) All di Brooklyn gal dem Dem know fi jump an rock (I say) Di Flatbush Gal dem Know how fi get up and rock (Get up an rock)


Boombastic (1995) 1. In The Summertime

Carolina, wine your body gal Make dem know say you have it fi mad dem Oh Carolina (Prowl off, jump an prance) Oh Carolina (Prowl off, jump an prance) Oh Carolina gal prowl off Gal yuh fi jump an prance (Prowl off, jump an prance) Carolina come bubble 'pon me Oh watch how she groove Carolina come wine 'pon me Oh watch how di gal groove Oh Carolina (Prowl off, jump an prance) Oh Carolina (Prowl off, jump an prance) Oh Carolina gal prowl off Gal yuh fi jump an prance (Prowl off, jump an prance) Oh Carolina is a girl She dey pon top a di world An now she rock her body Anna move just like a squirrel I say young baby girl I said I love how yuh move Yuh just a rock to di riddim anna riddim anna move An now yuh know di girl Oh Carolina (Prowl off, jump an prance) Oh Carolina (Prowl off, jump an prance) Oh Carolina gal prowl off Gal yuh fi jump an prance (Prowl off, jump an prance) Oh Carolina (Prowl off, jump an prance) Oh Carolina (Prowl off, jump an prance) Oh Carolina gal prowl off Gal yuh fi jump an prance (Prowl off, 1 -2 - 3 ! ) Carolina come bubble 'pon me Oh watch how she groove Carolina come wine 'pon me Oh watch how di gal groove


Oh Carolina (Prowl off, jump an prance) Oh Carolina (Prowl off, jump an prance) Oh Carolina gal prowl off Gal yuh fi jump an prance (Prowl off, jump an prance) Well how me love how she shock Watch how she rock Model it a swing Like mi grandfather clock Gal, move yuh body Make man dem drop Bumper jus' a move It jus' a cause roadblock Oh Carolina (Prowl off, jump an prance) Oh Carolina (Prowl off, jump an prance) Yes, Oh Carolina (Prowl off, jump an prance) Carolina, Carolina, Oh Carolina (Prowl off, jump an prance) All di Brooklyn gal dem Dem know fi jump an rock (I say) Di Flatbush Gal dem Know how fi get up and rock (Get up an rock)



Mr. Boombastic What you want is some boombastic romantic fantastic lover Shaggy Mr. Lover lover (Lover lover) Mmm, a Mr. Lover lover (Lover lover) heee girl, Mr. Lover lover (Lover lover), Mmm, a Mr. Lover lover She call me Mr. Boombastic tell me fantastic, touch me on me back she says I'm Mr. Call me fantastic, touch me on me back she say I'm Mr. Ro... Smooth just like a silk Soft and coddly hug me up like a quilt I'm a lyrical lover no take me fi no filth With my sexual physique Jah know me well build Oh me oh my well well can't you tell I'm just like a turtle crawling out of my shell Gal you captivate my body put me under a spell(BOO) With your cus cus perfume I love your sweet smell You are the only young girl who can ring my bell And I can take rejection so you tell me go to hell I'm Boombastic tell me fantastic touch me on me back she says I'm Mr. Call me fantastic she touch me on me back she says I'm Mr. boom boom boom boom Boom...bastic tell me fantastic touch me on me back she call me Mr.


Tell me fantastic she touch me on me back she says I'm Mr. boom boom Gee wheeze baby please Let me take you to an island of the sweet cool breeze You don't fell like drive well baby hand me the keys And I will take you to a place and set your mind at ease Don't you tickle my foot bottom ha ha baby please Don't you play with my nose cause I might ha chum sneeze Well a you a the bun and a me a the cheese And if a me a the rice well baby love you the peas I'm Boombastic tell me fantastic touch me on me back she says I'm Mr. Ro...o...o...mantic Tell me fantastic touch me on me back she says I'm Mr. boom boom Boommm...bastic tell me fantastic touch me on me back she says I'm Mr. Ro...o...mantic Tell me fantastic touch me on me back she says I'm Mr. boom boom I you say give me your loving gal your loving well good I want your loving gal give it like you should A give me your loving girl your loving well good I want your loving gal you remember the woo Would you like to kiss and caress Rub down every strand of hair pon my chest I'm Boombastic rated as the best The best you should get nothing more nothing less Give me your digits jot down your address I'll bet you confess when you put me to the test That I'm Boombastic tell me fantastic touch me on me back she says I'm Mr. Ro...o...mantic Tell me fantastic touch me on me back she says I'm Mr. Boommm...bastic tell me fantastic touch me on me back she says I'm Mr. Ro...o...o...mantic Tell me fantastic touch me on me back she says I'm Mr. Boombastic, what Gal your admiration it a lick me from the start With some physical attraction gal you know to feel the spark A man of few words naw go tell you no sweet talk Naw go laba laba laba and a chat pure part I'll get straight to the point like a arrow or a dart Come lay down in a my jacuzzi and get some bubble bath Only sound you will here is the beating of my heart And we will mmm (kiss) mmm (kiss) and have some sweet pillow talk I'm Boombastic tell me fantastic touch me on me back she says I'm Mr. Rooo...mantic Tell me fantastic she tickle on me back she says I'm Mr. boom Boommm...bastic tell me fantastic touch me on me back she says I'm Mr. Rooo...mantic Tell me fantastic touch me on me back she says I'm Mr. boom What you say girl, smooth...



Something Different

SHAGGY let me hear you say, somebody say oh hoooo a girl like you is like a brand new automobile drive any man crazy you passing around my avenue again baby your style is so repetitious it's about time Shaggy and Wayne Wonder start to get vicious Wayne Wonder chorus: doing something different for a change what a sexy body girl I have you in my range - SHAGGY may not be sufficient but I'm doing just fine SHAGGY when we do it different baby-love it is together she want a rub a dub lover have her under cover when we do it different baby love it is together she want a rub a dub lover have her under cover Baby love I admire the way you move the way you groove I love the way you dance even when you step upon my shoes It's my dream to sweep you off your feet and take you on a cruise A romantic intersection Im just here to pay my dues never see a girl that I love this right it's kinda wicked it's kinda wild taking it easy under cool profile you're so smooth and you're so mild I don't care what your friends may say I'm going to love you any way Because they don't know about those days When you gave good love to me downstairs Wayne Wonder Chorus: doing something different for a change what a sexy body girl I have you in my range may not be sufficient but I'm doing just fine SHAGGY Girl I love you I got to confess My heart skip a beat I feel the pressure in my chest Girl the way you got me going I wonder if you god bless Are you a cut above the rest here to put me trough the test I wouldn't mind love you up and give you nothing less Your coca cola figure in that skin tight dress Hold me in your arms with so much tenderness


Hmmm girl you make me breathless Wayne Wonder Standing vision anywhere you go Every living male want to sit in your row I can't afford to miss this show So I got to let you know Don't you worry honey don't you fret Want to be all over you like sweat Room full of class not to mention you got taste I need next to get into your place Wayne Wonder Chorus: doing something different for a change what a sexy body girl I have you in my range may not be sufficient but I'm doing just fine SHAGGY When we do it different baby-love it is together She wanta rub a dub lover have her under cover When we do it different baby love it is together She wanta rub a dub lover have her under cover The last time I say you all I got was a glance I vow that day if I had another chance I would (kiss) kill you with romance I wouldn't even hesitate to make you jump and prance Wayne Wonder Standing vision anywhere you go Every living male want to sit in your row I can't afford to miss this show So I got to let you know Don't you worry honey don't you fret Want to be all over you like sweat Room full of class not to mention you got taste I need next to get into your place Wayne Wonder Chorus: doing something different for a change what a sexy body girl I have you in my range may not be sufficient but I'm doing just fine SHAGGY


Baby love I admire the way you move the way you groove I love the way you dance even when you step upon my shoes It's my dream to sweep you out your feet and take you on a cruise A romantic intersection you don't know what path to choose Electrify your love and blow your romance fuse Anybody else you get you would definitely lose Wayne wonder and shaggy we speaking the truth
4. Forgive Them Father

Them say money is the root of all evil But a no money Some people a kill people little or nothing Some say them a gangster but a studio gangster Well now a gun shot lick and a marrow it fly Little youth with the 45 and him say do or die Now him muma she cry water run from her eye And she remember when him was little bit and oh so shy Chorus: Forgive them father cause they know not what they have done To save them from destruction gave his only begotten son Like them no understand say revelation a come so watch the heathen them a run Verse 1: Too much fuss and fight(BOO) And that is not right You no can't blow breath in a man but still that you want take life Innocent youth die bury a next guy And him muma wool her belly and ask God why? Well no ask me no question I tell you no lie It's about time the world start to realize This a revelation and it's a serious time Put your a hand inna the air and pray to the most high Chorus Cha Verse 2: Youth man a beg and you fi put down your gun Me no want fi see another youth tumble down This is reality no play dumb dumb Some a them a thing 'bout dollars having a large sum Money is the root of all evil if so me no want none Wicked man them a heathen fi them fire burn


Whole a them shall perish inna the wicked kingdom This is Shaggy one of Jah Jah son Chorus Verse 3: Yow! yow! yow! stop talking yow Mislead the youth to shoot them one another down Muma what this you're talking pure foolishness Can't sit down eat me Sunday ackee and salt fish Can't use me tounge and lick out me pyrex dish As me sit down and a wish me mouth start get peckish Have fi eat me dry bread and drink the water well quick Chorus Now a gun shot lick and a marrow it fly Little youth with the 45 and him say do or die Now him muma she cry water run from her eye And she remember when him was little bit and oh so shy Watch it Repeat verse 2 Chorus Repeat verse 1 till fade

5. Heartbreak Suzie

Heartbreak Suzie playing with my mind (ME CAN'T BELIEVE THE GIRL HAVE ME UNDER SO MUCH RAPS) Heartbreak Suzie don't you waste my time (MAKE MY HEART A BEAT RAPID) (SHAGS MAN AND THE GOLD MINE PON A DIFFERENT TIP) Heartbreak Suzie playing with my mind (THIS IS WHAT YOU CALL A DANCEHALL ROMANCE) Heartbreak Suzie don't you waste my time (SHE HAVE ME IN A FANTASY ISLAND) COME BOOTY BY BOOTY BY BOOTY BY BOOTY BY BOOTY BY BOOTY BY HAY! COME BOOTY BY BOOTY BY BOOTY BY BOOTY BY BOOTY BY BOOTY BY HAY! COME BOOTY BY BOOTY BY BOOTY BY BOOTY BY BOOTY BY BOOTY BY HAY! COME BOOTY BY BOOTY BY BOOTY BY BOOTY BY BOOTY BY BOOTY BY HAY! Wasn't it you who left me alone Wasn't it you who called me on the phone Wasn't it you who wrecked my home Wasn't it you who wanted life alone You must be crazy (YOU MUST HIM MOTTLE) To still want to be my lady




6. Finger Smith

7. Why You Treat Me So Bad

Gran puba: what, situation here dis is shaggy gand puba style Shaggy: in a dancehall style wicked, whya so versatile chu why must she treat so bad Puba:I don't know why she treat like that why must she treat so bad if it's scheming it's scheming like a demon why must she treat so bad Shaggy: why that girl treat me so bad girl why must she treat so bad Puba: hey shaggy we ain't having it, let'em know what time it is Shaggy: apple in my eye an the key to my yacht she's the only girl I desire from the start and if we get together never part but every time I talk to her she try to blow me off


she keeps trying to avoid me to tell the truth girl this really annoys me but I'm the number one champion tha doberman ere on the microphone stand she says "god dam" but since I'm such a good man and all the leading ladies would love to have my hand so why u treat me like a mad man young girl why don't u get with the program why must she treat so bad I don't understand this woman at all why must she treat so bad Puba: u need to knock it off coz we ain't going for it why must she treat so bad Shaggy: u wait till that day that glorious day why must she treat so bad Shaggy: yo puba .... MJ says "something i don't know" Gran Puba: now baby listen I ain't into butt kissing if u think im going out like that, keep wishing u play hard to get then u won't get got if u keep acting up ya end up a have not every day it seems that u want to treat me bad every day it seems your maxi on a pad I treat u like a queen and u play me like peasant no matter what I do u try to make me feel unpleasant but hey it'll come back to haunt chaya never flip the script and say now i don't want cha I can change like sneakers and clothes is git it stick it, it ain't change but a plane ticket why must she treat so bad Shaggy:a wag man MJ says - "something shaggy says doesn't make sense" why must she treat so bad Puba: easy come easy go why must she treat so bad Shaggy:I don't know why I have to see ya like this why must she treat so bad Puba: say ya better take it personal Shaggy: Lover boy says yes may god bless uhhmmmmmm she uller to told me oh goodness and that's when she put me to the test and that's when I had to but the egg in the bird nest and that's how we rumble last night upon real love she stumble I'm just the same guy that she dissed and now she never passes me with out blowing a kiss yo girl your dismissed Puba: hahaha just like that then why must she treat so bad


Puba: yeah yeah plain legged sexy keep on walking why must she treat so bad Shaggy: now wonder if i'll get the sharp end of the stick 'Di' thinks it is - 'now ah wonder who get da short end of the stick' !?!?! why she treat so bad Puba:that's right are u with me why must she treat so bad Puba: and that's how it goes Gran Puba: check it ain't no honey fly enough ain't no boody fat enough ain't no coody good enough to string out gran puuu so baby be true stop all the things u do before I change my mind and find some body new and now you {see/know} this is how gran puba and shaggy do mother made you mother had you mother f*ck you as we put it on like that time to represent here we go situation is we ain't having it these days so we got a let them know one time why must she treat so bad Shaggy: now what's the situation again hey why must she treat so bad Puba: get a lift why must she treat so bad Gran Puba: yeah gran puba shaggy here girls

8. Woman A Pressure Me

The gal say it's about time she get the ring pan her finger Talk bout that sake a that she leave I man a linger I man naw go a the altar, hey Beverly you deh yah gal you looking good Whant me take out to the altar if only I could, gal Me had a bother me don't know if I should A man don't want a marriage if him know it is not good You hear Woman a pressure me left I man a linger Say me naw get her till the ring deh pan her finger Gal just a pressure me left Shaggy a linger She say me naw get her till the ring deh pan her finger


Verse 1: Love me Beverly well now she sweet and she tender Deh with her from't remember Everyday she see me just a pressure fi me fender Talk 'bout how she want the ring pan her finger Me promise her the ring she set the wedding fi December Invite her friend and all her the family member Me really couldn't see me self a step up to no altar... yes Woman a pressure me left Shaggy a linger Say me naw get her till the ring deh pan her finger Gal just a pressure me left I man a linger She say me naw get her till the ring deh pan her finger Verse 2: I want to settle the score before me go pan tour But she wouldn't even let me trough the damn front door Me say nights after nights I man a sleep pan floor Well now I try to hit the kitten and she said "no more" True me love me sweetie pie I can't take it no more Anyhow she get the ring you know me life gone now fi sure...yes Woman a pressure me left I man a linger Say me naw get her till the ring deh pan her finger Gal just a pressure me left Shaggy a linger She say me naw get her till the ring deh pan her finger Verse 3: Before you tie the knot well everything looks sweet Now she wash, she cook, she clean and keep your house sparkling clean Keep her body in a shape young fresh and green All when she a twenty five years when she a sixteen When you say "I do" you probably think it's a dream All at a sudden it's like the beauty turn in the beast If a me you want marry let me put you at ease I rather gone roam this place like them damn lego beast Shaggy say: Woman a pressure me left I man a linger Say me naw get her till the ring deh pan her finger Gal just a pressure me left I man a linger She say me naw get her till the ring deh pan her finger Repeat verse 1 Woman a pressure me left I man a linger Say me naw get her till the ring deh pan her finger Gal just a pressure me left Shaggy a linger


She say me naw get her till the ring deh pan her finger Beverly you deh yah gal you looking good Whant me take out to the altar if only I could, gal Me had a bother me don't know if I should A man don't want a marriage if him know it is not good You hear Woman a pressure me left I man a linger Say me naw get her till the ring deh pan her finger Gal just a pressure me left Shaggy a linger She say me naw get her till the ring deh pan her finger Repeat verse 2 Woman a pressure me left Shaggy a linger
9. The Train Is Coming

SHAGGY MMMM This girl got me waiting and the time has come for a decision to be made OH YES OOH WELL Tell them Ken Boothe Ken Boothe I SAY THE TRAIN IS COMING BABY I SAY THE TRAIN IS COMING NOW I SAY THE TRAIN IS COMING BABY I SAY THE TRAIN IS COMING NOW SO LONG I'VE BEEN WAITING, WAITING FOR YOU, (wait on my knees) OH LORD NOW THE TIME HAS COME, WHEN IT'S BETWEEN YOU AND ME, OH LORD BECAUSE THE TRAIN IS COMING BABY I SAY THE TRAIN IS COMING NOW, NOW, NOW, NOW I SAY THE TRAIN IS COMING BABY AND I AM LEAVING ON THAT TRAIN, LORD SHAGGY Woman me a go away and me naw come back Stand up at the station with me suitcase packed Gal how me love you but me naw turn back Tell me right now this minute if you you coming or not Stand up at the station at about six o'clock Rain it a pour and lightning start to flash I man wonder to myself whether she coming or not Or it's about time I man wake up and face the fact Well she find a new love and it's holding her back That is why I'm standing by myself on the railroad track


Boop boop bop, heart a beat non-stop There's no wonders or signs are you coming back Ken Boothe I SAY THE TRAIN IS COMING BABY I SAY THE TRAIN IS COMING NOW EVERYDAY I PRAY FOR THIS LITTLE HOUR, OOH YAU NOW THE TIME HAS COME AND I WANT YOU TO STAND BY ME, HA BECAUSE THE TRAIN IS COMING BABY, MM I SAY THE TRAIN IS COMING NOW, NOW, NOW, NOW AND WE WILL ROAM THIS LAND, MMM, WHERE WE ALL WILL BE FREE, LORD SHAGGY Look how long she have the general a wait Time a run out and it a get kinda late I am losing patience I'm in a bad state Set me foot up on the train you naw go see me back again Well me life long romance gone down the drain All of a sudden me sunshine turn into rain Fun and laughters into sorrows and pain All because you left me waiting in vain So me say women me love you but me naw come back Stand up a the station with me suitcase packed SHAGGY I SAY THE TRAIN IS COMING BABY I SAY THE TRAIN IS COMING NOW I SAY THE TRAIN IS COMING BABY I SAY THE TRAIN IS COMING NOW SO LONG I'VE BEEN WAITING, WAITING FOR YOU, OH LORD NOW THE TIME HAS COME AND I WANT YOU TO STAND BY ME, HA BECAUSE THE TRAIN IS COMING BABY I SAY THE TRAIN IS COMING NOW, NOW, NOW, NOW I SAY THE TRAIN IS COMING BABY AND WE ARE LEAVING ON THAT TRAIN, LORD SHAGGY Woman me a go away and me naw come back Stand up at the station with me suitcase packed Gal how me love you but me naw come back Tell me right now this minute whether you coming or not
10. Island Lover

Island Lover A man don't know what him have until him lose it And when she gone it's like he don't know what lick him


She get a Island lover, fi kiss her up under cover What Shaggy tell them Island lover To kiss and caress her under cover Island lover To kiss and caress her under cover Man have him woman from oh so long She give him whole heap of loving and satisfaction She never ever set eye pon a next man Support you when you down and even held your hand Well she is the mother of your child and the lady in your life With the ring upon her finger represents that she is your wife Why you want to mistreat her and torment her life Like you really don't believe she leave you for another guy She wants a ... Island lover To kiss and caress her under cover Island lover To kiss and caress her under cover She cannot take it no more she's got one foot trough the door(ME) Need some time by herself she feeling so insecure She decide she's gonna venture on an island tour Jamaica! Island of the sunny outdoors So she could walk along the beach and relax along the shore With her sun baked skin, but her heart was sore Stumbled on an island lover wita coconut cure Put a smile on her face and let her feelings pour She wants a... Island lover To kiss and caress her under cover Island lover (mmm) To kiss and caress her under cover Island lover To kiss and caress her under cover (he, he) Island lover To kiss and caress her under cover Now what's his name? Dexter St. Jack A Joe Grin with a funky dread locks "Hello!" with that real low tone And a raw Jamaican accent make her poor heart foam She forgot about the problems that she had at home The night was young it was eight o' four Reggae music it a lick and she was bored no more All what de pan her mind she hope to God that she score


She get love sick and island lover was the cure She wants a... Island lover (uh) To kiss and caress her under cover (rub a dub style) Island lover To kiss and caress her under cover A man don't know what he has until that glorious day When she says she's gonna leave him and he says "no way" Take a vacation be back in a few days You a think 'bout all the girls you'll have while she is away What is it one, or two, or three, or four, or five in a day Is it Suzi, Beverly, or is it Angie or Faye Well I'm your island lover upon your girl's parkway Inside my love canoe she spends her night and day You think she getting played but she is getting laid And now the both of us together damn we got it made We are a... Island lover To kiss and caress her under cover (hey) Island lover (mmm) To kiss and caress her under cover Now what a beautiful girl like you doing in a place all alone like this If I was your man I'd be making love to you constantly With a figure like that you should be on top of my dresser like a figure Mmm, lovely Island lover To kiss and caress her under cover (mmm) Island lover To kiss and caress her under cover (girl) Island lover To kiss and caress her under, rub a dub style, yeah, he, he Island lover To kiss and caress her under cover Island lover To kiss and caress her under cover (cover me now girl) Island lover (hey) To kiss and caress her under cover Island lover To kiss and caress her under cover
11. Day Oh


12. Jenny 13. How Much More 14. Gal Yu A Pepper 15. In The Summertime (Remix) 16. Boombastic (Sting Remix)

Mr. Lover Lover: The Best Part 1 (2002) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Boombastic In The Summertime Oh Carolina Luv Me, Luv Me Nice And Lovely The Train Is Coming Why You Treat Me So Bad Big Up Piece Of My Heart

10. Sexy Body Girls 11. Something Different 12. That Girl 13. Get Up Stand Up


14. Boombastic (Long Version) 15. Perfect Song 16. Think Ah So It Go

Hot Shot Ultramix (2002) 1. It Wasn't Me (Punch Mix) 2. Special Request (Rough Cut Demo) 3. Freaky Girl (Strip Mix)

4. Too Hot To Handle 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Why You Mad At Me Keep'n It Real (Swingers Mix) Leave It To Me (Early Mix) Chica Bonita (Players Mix) It Wasn't Me (The Cartel Mix)

10. Dance & Shout (Dance Hall Mix) 11. Hope (Dukes Mix) 12. Angel (Live)


Miscellaneous Tracks Hot Gal

Tek man fih geek, put har pan mi peak Mi give a gal a piece an she go road go leak Go to all di women an a run up her beak Mi only mek she kiss mi pan mi chin or mi cheek A one ting nuh gal caaa come call mi freak [Verse 2:] So wen mi meet a gal mi tell har mi name Tony Caaa mek she know seh all da name deh phony Cause when mi ready fih moany and groany Nobody nuh fih know seh a Shaggy a bone it All mi little peppa seed tenderoni One peel she get an mi not even own it Caaa wen me done chiney brush an stone it Well comfortable an a watch mi Sony [Repeat Verse 1]
Me Julie

Shaggy - Lonely Lover Girl gimmi little loving girl gimmi little loving baby come come Girl gimmi little loving I want you to to be by my side tonight Girl gimmi little loving girl gimmi little loving baby come come Girl gimmi little loving cant see myself alone tonight I don't mind when you say that you're going away I just don't want to be lonely And I don't care if we spend only moments a day I just don't want to be lonely [v1] Girl could you hold me babe that would please me Don't do this darling I hate when you leave me You got me hooked girl this isn't easy If you don't love me baby release me Now girl we could dine pour us some wine After the meal we can unwind putting my heart back on the line Girl its a fact you should be mine


Now mi no plan fi spend another long lonely night And a lay down in a mi bed a hug mi pillow up tight No feel no way I man can't take the fuss and the fight I rather make sweet love to you under the candle light I don't mind when you say that you're going away I just don't want to be lonely And I don't care if we spend only moments a day I just don't want to be lonely [v2] Now listen me please I'm down on my knees I'm begging you darling put me at ease What's with this feeling I wish it would cease My heart is held hostage I beg for release Why won't reveal just what you feel Let it out babe just be for real Girl what you afraid of why is it concealed I know what I bargained for and this ain't the deal Now mi no plan fi spend another long lonely night And a lay down in a mi bed a hug mi pillow up tight No feel no way I man can't take the fuss and the fight I rather make sweet love to you under the candle light I don't mind when you say that you're going away I just don't want to be lonely And I don't care if we spend only moments a day I just don't want to be lonely Girl gimmi little loving girl gimmi little loving baby come come Girl gimmi little loving I want you to to be by my side tonight Girl gimmi little loving girl gimmi little loving baby come come Girl gimmi little loving cant see myself alone tonight


Lucky Day (2002) 1. Shake Shake Shake


1) Shake Shake Shake

2. Full Control

2) Full Control

3. Hookie Jookie

3) Hookie Jookie


4. Hey Sexy Lady

4) Hey Sexy Lady Sexy, hot, I love my style girl, put it on me Brian and Tony Gold let the ladies know, they got it going on Uh! Shaggy! Hey sexy lady, I like your flow Your body's banging, out of control! (Uh!) golpeando You put it on me (That's right) ceiling to floor Only you can make me, screaming back for more! Her body's calling bawling got me crawling up the wall and Gritando avanzando, arrastrando My size aint small it's tall and catch here comes her clothes be falling coger Her neighbor's calling bawling all this noise is so appalling espantoso They must believe we're brawling headboards band till early morning Alborotando grupo de cabeceras Hey sexy lady (Uh!!) I like your flow Flujo fluir Your body's banging (Yo) out of control! (A big tune) meloda You put it on me (Uh!!)) ceiling to floor (Ceiling to floor baby) Only you can make me (Uh) screaming back for more! I was her father's choosing, performance left her snoozing Ejecucin, representacin dormitar Rug burns her knees we're bruised and, she's hooked ain't no refusing Alfombra heridos agachada I knew it all along (Uh!) she was the perfect one (What!) Todo el tiempo She really put it on (On me) I had to write a song Hey sexy lady (She's driving me nuts) I like your flow (Uh! Uh!) Your body's banging (Sexy Lady) out of control! (Sweet and nice) You put it on me (You know you got that figure) ceiling to floor Only you can make me (Wow) screaming back for more!


Hey sexy lady you be fine drive me crazy moving on, and on, and on Hey sexy lady you be fine drive me crazy moving on, and on, and on Gal your extra sexy like (Whoa) and you make me wanna say (Hi) Chica And you shake you shake your thong (Low) Gal you wicked to rash it nah (Lie) Impetuosamente, repentinamente cerca Gal I like the way how you (Flow) every time you pass me (By) apruebas Gal you wiggly jiggly and (Oh) and you wicked to rash it nah (Lie) Sinuoso menearse Hey sexy lady (Uh!) I like your flow (Whaddat) Your body's banging, out of control! You put it on me (Put it on me baby) ceiling to floor (Uh!!) Only you can make me screaming back for more! Uh, moist, ha ha ha ha ha ha
5. Get My Party On

5) Get My Party On ya ya man, I just got my hair braided, car waxed, put on my player face, it's 12 o clock, its time to get it on hey yo chaka midnight to fair Im seeming, squeemin armed with the franklins wheeling, dealing got a damsel im peeping, not for the keeping AHH OHH pagers beeping when im out there seeking, creeping chicken heads weak'n your girl I be freaking since your man, he be sleeping, girl stop your weeping later we be raisin the ceiling (chaka) oh oh ohhhhhhhhh hooooo I get my party on (party onnnnn) until the early morn (early morn)(uh uh uh uh) I get my party on (yo) we gonna party till the break of dawnnn


Mommy with the thick thighs curvy on the hips gotta broad tongue type baby you the shhhh here to give a good time picking up your corsage later in the pulmaride your the players pick rolling with the big dogs hanging with my clique punk you better think twice you don't wanna trip put away your pistols sip up on this crystal catch up on the in style watch em hunnies there (chaka) oh oh ohhhhhhhhh hooooo I get my party on (party onnnnn) until the early morn (early morn) I get my party on (thats right) we gonna party till the break of dawnnn yo hot chicks and fish net stockings fake breast and tummy tucking low rider jeans are rocking know who the dudes be cocking hot cars and roads be block n' we ball so girls be flocking a lot a cherries popping upstairs where boots be knocking (chaka) hooooo I get my party on (party onnnnn) until the early morn (early morn)(uh uh uh) I get my party on (thats right) we gonna party till the break of dawnnn so come on and party with me ain't no better place you could be when we come, stop the party can't nobody do it like me so come on and party with me ain't no better place you could be loosen up and set yourself free take a chance right here, you'll see midnight to fair Im seeming, squeemin


armed with the franklins wheeling, dealing got a damsel im peeping, not for the keeping AHH OHH pagers beeping when im out there seeking, creeping chicken heads weak'n your girl I be freaking since your man, he be sleeping, girl stop your weeping later we be raisin the ceiling (chaka) oh oh ohhhhhhhhh hooooo I get my party on (party onnnnn) until the early morn (early morn) I get my party on we gonna party till the break of dawnnn hooooo I get my party on (party onnnnn) until the early morn (early morn) I get my party on we gonna party till the break of dawnnn ohhhhhhhhh don't you wanna party with me aaaaaaaaaaall night longgggggg uh huh huh uh huh huh wanna party babe? yes you will have a little funnnnnn yea ya don't you wanna have some funnnnnn yea come on in come on in ohhhhhhhhh baby yea party, yeah yeah I wanna parttttty tonight gonna party all night longgggggg all night long!
6. Lucky Day

6) Lucky Day SHAGGY's Opening Straight up right ya know Ladies Ha Ha Ha Haah I love you nah


If your man ain't taking care of you I'm exactly what youre looking for Don't worry 1-800 Mr. Lover Dig dat SHAAAAGGY Chorus Are you looking for a man to make you lose control? A man when you need _______________feel that goal Be a 'life' blanket when you're feeling cool Girlfriend this is your lucky day The don't call me Mr. Lover cause I like ice cream I am Mr. Lover cause I fulfill dreams satisfago When last your man made you moan & scream? Girlfriend this is your lucky day Verse 1 Well, who's gonna take the heat? A lot of (pillows)___________(show) indeed verdaderamente But have you ever wondered why a woman will cheat It takes a real man to make a woman complete _________________ speed 'Fellahs out there acting like their on' But slower can be better if you wanna succeed Listen to your woman & ask what she means Sometimes it can be better if you follow her lead Chorus Verse 2 You have a man ___________ that he's known 'well all of that IS' So if he's all of that Then why are you on my phone? ___________ you're feeling all alone 'Could it be that deep down' (Someone) still in need things __________ at home You say you got a man Well let's see what that means Let's see, he pays your bills, he buys your stuff, you keep him clean What does he tell you soft to make you feel like a teen? It takes more than 'moniker' to feel like a queen 'money' apodo Chorus Verse 3 Love making should be fun The lady should be satisfied before you're up & done


Ladies if your man is one 'a __________' 'who love to jump the gun' Let him go & 'come' 'call me later 'Di adds and changes words Let a real lover show you 'what ___________' girl 'how it's done' Chorus SHAGGY's Closing charlar poco tiempo Ladies If your man don't deal wide yuh right, call me I'll give you what youre missing you know You no have to worry U need a real Jamaican ____ yah dig that! Laggies / ladies Nothing like ya coconut lover Talk to me gurl Chorus - First Four (4) Lines ONLY Chat bout

7. Strength Of A Woman

7) Strength Of A Woman Ugh Wah Ugh Ummmmm Yo SHAGGY Ugh Yo This one goes out to all my women yah I know My strong women, ugh Verse 1 So amazing how this world was made I wonder if GOD is a woman The gift of life astounds me to this day I give it up for the woman She's the constant wind that fills my sail llena Oh that woman With her smile and her style She'll protect you like a child That's a woman


Chorus She'll put a smile upon your face And take you to a higher place So don't you underestimate Strength of a woman Strength of a woman Verse 2 Woke up this morning I got up with the scent of a woman Just picture if you would what life would be Ain't much good without a woman She can nag and be a constant pain criticar . Oh that woman But those hips she's got me whipped informaciones fustigado And it's just to hard to resist What a woman Ugh, hey Chorus She'll put a smile upon your face And take you to a higher place So don't you underestimate Strength of a woman Strength of a woman Ugh, ugh, ugh Verse 3 Tender lips there that's so so sweet Gentle words she softly speaks Such an angel when we need GOD bless the ground beneath her feet She can take you on a high Be your comfort when you cry But if you look into her eyes You'll see the strength of a woman Strength of a woman Ugh, ugh Chorus She'll put a smile upon your face And take you to a higher place So don't you underestimate Strength of a woman




8) Lost {Oh no} you hear me {Ummmmm} youth of the future {yeah, come on} youth make your future bright {oh oh} parental advisory {oh} watch this {Ummmmm} Verse 1 - SHAGGY you thinking that your grown now, you got your eyes set on the street, some how You think that you can stand on your feet, no job, no house, no car tell me how can you acquire these things, I know just what youre thinking, the road you wanna take will leave you sinking, hundido you wanna roll around with your crew, pandilla tow drunks, remolque gang bangs, golpes steal cars doing all of these horrible things now tell me how were you mislead so easily, desencaminar when you was raised better by your family, you trying be something that you aint meant to be, your mammas on her news pray to GOD every nite cause she knows that your CHORUS lost in the still of the nite aint no need to loose site, piso she'll be holding the light Oh yeah, I'm lost in the still of the nite ain't no need to loose site, she'll be holding the light Verse 2 - SHAGGY


Yah hear my now watch it See son its never too late, the effort to correct is never to great, a family should stick together, one blood, one love, one heart Open arms welcome you at the gate, you thinking that Im crazy, I see through all them Im seeing your visions, hazy, novatadas I'm fired up with the premonitions, exaltado Of black suits, long faces sad words slow singing at the side of your grave Now tell me how were you mislead so easily, when you was raised better by your family, you trying be something that you aint meant to be, your mammas on her news pray to GOD every nite cause she knows that youre CHORUS Lost in the still of the nite Aint no need to loose site, she'll be holding the light oh yeah, I'm lost in the still of the nite Aint no need to loose site, she'll be holding the light {yeah} whenever Im low cuando quiera que {ugh} all I need to know {oh yeah} is that your there for me your down for me my strength when I'm weak whenever Im low {ugh} all I need to know {oh yeah} is that your there for me your down for me my strength when I'm weak Lost in the still of the nite Aint no need to loose site, she'll be holding the light oh yeah, I'm lost in the still of the nite, Aint no need to loose site, she'll be holding the light lost in the still of the nite Aint no need to loose site, she'll be holding the light oh yeah,


I'm lost in the still of the nite Aint no need to loose site, she'll be holding the light
9. Strange Love

9) Strange Love SHAGGY voices in opening You see this love that we have is a love that no one will understand unless they're in it, yah know So we mash up masa So we meek up manso So we love up Ugh SHAGGY Mona moan, Baby moan gime Watchaaah We break up separamos We meek up Some folks won't think that's fine Seh wah

But that's when You give me That love that blows my mind sopla, golpea That good love you give That makes me scream your name out loud Mr. Lover Let's breakup Then meek up Take me to the clouds Girl Everything I do yah know it's all about You Got to trust this feeling cause this feeling is True Your sex appeal is _________ I don't wanna see reality if this is what it's like to be in Love In other words it means that I'm mad happy that We Are fortunate to finally discover and See that love can feel like a bird this ride/vibe is not a vibe that one can describe with


Words We break up We meek up Some folks won't think that's fine Seh wah But that's when You give me That love that blows my mind That good love you give That makes me scream your name out loud Shaggy Let's breakup Then meek up Take me to the clouds Friends Always try to tell me this feeling I Feel Is to good to be so this feeling ain't Real They look at us and swear we must be mad They'd have to be in our shoes to understand the love that we Have Love that's unconditional thru struggles and Pain __________ affections thru the storms and Rain Your love completes my life And if I'm ever gonna settle then you'd have to be my Wife We break up We meek up Some folks won't think that's fine But that's when You give me That love that blows my mind That good love you give That makes me scream your name out loud Let's breakup Then meek up Take me to the clouds Gal you like when Mr. Love rock yah spot yeah Hardcore ______


yeah Excess amount of love you get it non-stop yeah Come let me love yah up right round the clock So if I put it _________ yeah Snuff of them who not got what we got deschalos yeah Strange love solid like a rock yeah Girl let me love you up right round the clock Baby make me scream your name Hollaaah Make me wanna go insane Awah Feelings running thru my veins That's right Strange love is the sweetest pain Come on Baby make me wanna scream your name Shaggy Make mi wanna go insane Moan girl Feelings running thru my veins Strange love is the sweetest pain

10. Leave Me Alone

10) Leave Me Alone I know he's home I just seen him go in He's really trying to play me What he think? It's just over like that? It just ain't that easy Trust me... I am not the one Hmm Hmm Hmm... Whatever... I got all night Go Figure imagina How yah turned out to be a real gold digger Why you don't get it You a pain tah paint dah pikcha biggah You ain't my main squeeze And it's five in the morning


Why you calling my phone Keep the sweatah Just leave me alone No more love letters Gotta blame myself Cause I should known better Just leave me alone Stop calling my phone Invading my home Why don't you leave me alone Just leave me alone Stop calling my phone Invading my home Why don't you leave me alone What a bummer Met this girl on South Beach last summer Mommie got back But she ain't no stunnah Chat for awhile And I had a few drinks Well next thing you know We were fogging up the hummah No this chick's banging on my door like a drummah Stalking my house Decked out like a plummah Coulda kick myself Cause if I'd thought with my brain I would left her alone She got laced The opportunity was right there in my face Her dress was how she played it out Back at my place I wish I could go back and correct this fatal mistake I wish she'd... leave me alone Stop calling my phone Invading my home Why don't you leave me alone Just leave me alone Stop calling my phone Invading my home Why don't you leave me alone Just that girl alone Man.. I should have never took this girls' number Don't call her from your phone Damn... Caller ID Just leave that girl alone


And to think I thought this was the one Don't dare pickup your phone Fatal attraction... ahshhh... Go Figure How yah turned out to be a real gold digger Why you don't get it You a pain tah paint dah pikcha bigger You ain't my main squeeze And it's 5 in the morning Why you calling my phone Keep the sweatah Just leave me alone No more love letters Gotta blame myself Cause I should known better Just leave me alone Stop calling my phone Invading my home Why don't you leave me alone Just leave me alone Stop calling my phone Invading my home Why don't you leave me alone.

11. These Are The Lips

11) These Are The Lips

12. Give Thanks

12) Give Thanks ah show us some blessings give thanks whats up!!! (shaggy.....) ((((CHORUS)))) give thanks for let another day (bye) as I come down on my knees I am great let me father for let another day (bye bye) I know he is hearing every word I say So giving thanks for let another day (bye) as I come down on my knees I am great let me father for let another day (bye bye)


I know he is hearing every word I say (((Verse 1))) woman getting your attention cause I really think its time for me to mention you should know that I am not going with your intention let me help you while you seek to redemption checking there a take a look in every section are you proud of what you see in the reflection get instead of I have been feet you so rejection dont you see the father bless you with protection thats why I am leaving.. CHORUS woman you know its easy to the cine gal but I dont mean to come across its critical no need to let your anger to the physical cause I dont feel like singing at your funeral my love is like a brother unconditional I am opened at this reason me transitional they only where you wanna reach your peni gal the father is the source of the original thats why I am leaving... give thanks for let another day (bye) as I come down on my knees I am great let me father for let another day (bye bye) I know he is hearing every word I say So giving thanks for let another day (bye) as I come down on my knees I am great let me father for let another day (bye bye) I know he is hearing every... I am opened at the show us a blessings n fold peace and prosperity full fill your soul.............(4X) CHORUS Repeat Verse 1 CHORUS


13. Walking In My Shoes

13) Walking In My Shoes dont give up


Wait a minute let me set the record straight You need to listed for a moment or two Hear the accent don't get it twisted My Momma didn't raise no fool Know you think that you got me figured out friend When you really haven't got a clue So take a listen from this 'Island' boy This coconut maybe smarter than you So I say Don't judge me you don't know me Don't think I am some small town phony Got nothing upon me You ain't walking in my shoes I'm just one out of many Hailing' from a third world country Got nothing upon me You ain't walking in my shoes. Learn my lessons form my humble beginnings And I wouldn't have it no other way Became a man on a streets of Kingston where Was the art of the day (??) I choose the best my main competition And I'm always on top of my game So don't be blinded by my race or my gender Cause we really all one in the same so I say Don't judge me you don't know me Don't think I am some small town phony Got nothing upon me You ain't walking in my shoes I'm just one out of many Hailing' from a third world country Got nothing upon me You ain't walking in my shoes. No I won't stop gotta make it to the top Hell no I won't stop Aiming for the sweet spot Powers to the bald heads and the dreadlocks Let me make it clear no we won't flop Got a plan got to make it anyway I can Putting in the work with my own two hands Better check it respect it I'm a man I'm a West Indian Don't judge me you don't know me Don't think I am some small town phony


Got nothing upon me You ain't walking in my shoes I'm just one out of many Hailing' from a third world country Got nothing upon me You ain't walking in my shoes. Don't judge me you don't know me Don't think I am some small town phony Got nothing upon me You ain't walking in my shoes I'm just one out of many Hailing' from a third world country Got nothing upon me You ain't walking in my shoes. Yeah, Yeah, Yeah
14. We Are The Ones

14) We are the ones Now whether yah come yard or abroad Si al extranjero Got to let you know The world is one big yard So Let the leaders of the world know I wanna Back yard a fraud Just give thanks to the lord And protect we yard No one stops to smell the roses There's just too much going on. Wish we'd only stop to notice That the writing is on the wall I can hear the people talking, Longing for them olden days anhelo We can choose the path we walk in, If we will only change our ways. We are the ones who make this world whole again We are the ones Who make it a home again We are the ones Who make this world whole again We are the ones antiguos


Who make it a home again We are the ones Easily we point the finger Always someone else to blame We can't always be a winner That's the nature of the game One by one we'll make a difference There's no effort that's too small Lets decide to go the distance And change the writing on the wall We are the ones who make this world whole again. We are the ones Who make it a home again. We are the ones Who make this world whole again. We are the ones Who make it a home again. We are the ones Have to stand up and rise against all them to get all the way to the end levntate We are the ones Out of one we are many, my friend, ah unity, I am gonna defend We are the ones We are the ones we have to set the trend, you better listen to the message we send moda, tendencia We are the ones It's such a waste, no body pretend so if we make this world a home again desperdiciar . We are the ones Who make this world whole again We are the ones Who make it a home again We are the ones Who make this world whole again We are the ones Who make it a home again We are the ones Who make this world whole again We are the ones Who make it a home again We are the ones Who make this world whole again We are the ones Who make it a home again We are the ones


Gotta let them know, nah ah mean Were the only ones who can save the world, you know Ugh Save it from global warming, yah dig that Peace, Love Protect all, you know I mean Remember that the world is one big yard One time SHAGGY Scorpion One time Big up Ugh We are the ones baby
15. Get Away 16. High Beam

High Beam SHAGGY Chats Baby I see yah comin' Yah blindin' me Hahaaah Yah gotcha blindahs on gurl Brand new I dig dem, I dig dem, I see yah Drop dah top baby CHORUS - SHAGGY sings If yah headlights flashin' An you _____on And yah feel like stoppin' Put your flashers on an High beam me, high beam me It's a beautiful sight when yah turn dem on Wanna see the top drop baby gurl come on An high beam me, high beam me VERSE 1 - SHAGGY Hot gurl en care mi like it Voice Says (Yah) Just part 2 it fi blind mi Voice Says (Yah) Radars up like an mi ready fi drive it Voice Says (Yah) Huggin' dem curves an yah know she vibe it Voice Says (Yah) Any what shapes grabs dah knob Voice Says (Yah) Burn dem rubbers hold deh job catcha dem rims weave an bob


stick'em up gurl am bein' robbed RikRok Sings Convertible, let your hair blow Madi gras w___ they let the beats throw Quick, flash, let me see your lights show Uggh SHAGGY Tosses In One Time Around It's not the size of the bulb, it's just the glow CHORUS - SHAGGY VERSE 2 - SHAGGY Well built chassis ___ bump around Dunk in the trunk shey to deh sound Twelve inch woofer wit deh full surround Hot body watts curve to deh ground I catcha from the side of yah grille Can I ride, let me feel the thrill Slow it down cause my oil will spill Cruisin' the buffer zone, time to chill RikRok Sings Convertible, let your hair blow Madi gras w___ they let the beats throw Quick, flash, let me see your lights show It's not the size of the bulb, it's just the glow CHORUS - SHAGGY BRIDGE Hotty gurls, wet t-shirts, tank tops, spoilers and skirts That's the way she flirts Can you handle the ??curve/gurl It's a car not a gurl Get your mind out of the dirt For whatever it's worth Stop being ah pervert CHORUS - SHAGGY

Boombastic (1995)

1 In the Summertime


It's a summertime affair Shaggy ha Rayvon Sun and fun in the Atmosphere, oh yes In the summertime when The weather is high You can stretch right up And touch the sky When the weather is fine You've got women You've got women On your mind I'm gonna drive and ride and See now what I can find Now if her daddy's rich Take her out for a meal And if her daddy's poor Then do as you feel Speeding down the lane even Thought the speed limit's 25 And when the sun goes down I'll make it with my cutie pie Weh me say Pretty little women Sexy as can be Sweet as a honey Sting like bumble bee Shaggy say Pretty little women Sexy as can be Sweet as honey Sting like bumble bee (Rap:) It's a summertime affair In the atmosphere I man love off her attire And the clothes she wears Some burn off them with tyre And a draw down a gear Some a shine up wax up Not a sign of snare Got to be rolling in my Christa so the girl them stare This is Shaggy and Rayvon As your ultimate pair Taking care of our career So tell the world beware


'Cause it's a brand new Selection for your musical ear We say what we want and We say what we need And we love everybody And we do as we please And when the weather is fine, We go fishing we Go fishing' in the sea We are happy to live life That's our philosophy Now if her daddy's rich Take her out for a meal And if her daddy's poor Then do as you feel Speeding down the lane even Thought the speed limit's 25 And when the sun goes down I'll make it with my cutie pie Sweat a run off her body With her caramel skin I man smiled at her she Looked at me and grinned I offered her a drink she said Juice and Gin And I whispered in her ear I asked how you doing Where was it that I reside And I told her Brooklyn Atmosphere filled with romance Her eyes sparkling Just her voice and what She said let my poor head spin Ragamuffin Shaggy With a musical swing I say Pretty little woman Sexy as can be Sweet as a honey Sting like bumble bee In the summertime When the weather is high You can stretch right up And touch the sky When the weather is fine You've got women You've got women


On your mind I'm gonna drive and ride And see what I can find Now if her daddy's rich Take her out for a meal And if her daddy's poor Then do as you feel Speeding down the lane even Thought the speed limit's 25 And when the sun goes down I'll make it with my cutie pie Pretty little women Sexy as can be Sweet as a honey Sting like bumble bee Pretty little women Sexy as can be Sweet as honey Sting like bumble bee Repeat rap In the summertime In the summertime (Repeat to fade) 2 Mr. Boombastic. What you want is some boombastic romantic fantastic lover. Shaggy! Mr. Lover lover (mmm), Mr. Lover lover, girl, Mr. Lover lover(mmm),Mr. Lover lover. She calls me Mr. Boombastic, say me fantastic, touch me on me back, she say I'm Mr. Ro...mantic She call me fantastic, touch me on me back she say I'm ro... Smooth...just like a silk. Soft and cuddly, hug me up like a quilt. I'm a lyrical lover, no take me for no filth. With my sexual physique, yah know me well built. Oh me, oh my, well well, can't you tell? I'm just like a turtle crawling out of my shell. Gal, you captivate my body, put me under a spell. With your cus cus perfume I love your sweet smell. You are the only young girl who can ring my bell. And I can take rejection, so you tell me go to hell. I'm Mr. Boombastic, tell me fantastic, touch me on my back, she says I'm Mr. Ro...mantic. call me fantastic,


she touch me on my back, she says I'm Mr. boom boom boom. boom Boombastic, tell me fantastic, touch me on my back, she call Mr. Ro...mantic, tell me fantastic, touch me on my back, she says I'm Mr. boom boom. Gee whiz, baby please! Let me take you to an island of the sweet cool breeze. You don't feel like drive, baby hand me the keys. And I'll take you to a place, and set your mind at ease. Don't you tickle my foot bottom, (ha ha) baby please. Don't you play with my nose I'm a (ha chum) sneeze! (bless you) Well you a the bun and me a the cheese. And if me a the rice well you a the peas. CHORUS Give me your, your loving well good! I want your loving, gal give it like you should. Give me your loving...girl, your loving well good. I want your loving, gal you remember the woo Would like to kiss and caress? Rub down every strand a hair on my chest? I'm Boombastic, rated as the best! The best you should, get nothing, more nothing less. Give me your digits, jot down your address. I'll bet you confess, when you put me to the test That I'm CHORUS Gal, your admiration, it a lick me from the start! With your physical attraction, gal you know to feel the spark! A man of few words, naw goes tell you no sweet talk. Naw go laba laba laba and a chat pure part. I'll get straight to the point like a arrow or a dart. Come lay down in my jacuzzi, and get some bubble bath. Only sound you will here is the beating of my heart. And we will mmm mmm (kiss) and have some sweet pillow talk. I'm CHORUS 3 Something Different 4 Forgive Them Father


5 Heartbreak Suzie 6 Finger Smith 7 Why You Treat Me So Bad 8 Woman A Pressure Me 9 The Train Is Coming 10 Island Lover 11 Day Oh 12 Jenny 13 How Much More 14 Gal Yu A Pepper 15 In The Summertime 16 Boombastic (Sting Remix) Midnite Lover (1997) 1. My Dream 2. Perfect Song 3. Tender Love 4. Geenie 5. Sexy Body Girls 6. Piece Of My Heart 7. Think Ah So It Go 8. Midnite Lover 9. Mission 10. Way Back Home 11. John Doe 12. Thank You Lord 13. Piece Of My Heart (Urban Mix) ALBUM: Hotshot 1 Hot Shot They call me Mr. Hot Shot, baby can I do my thing Don't stop, girl I like the vibe you bring Knock knock, open up and let me in We can do most anything, tell me do you like my swing They call me Mr. Hot Shot, baby can I do my thing Don't stop, girl I like the vibe you bring Knock knock, open up and let me in We can do most anything, tell me do you like my swing Well tell me if you no hear How the reggae lover him a run things this year New tune fi buss and me have lyrics fi spare No need to fear Girl if you down with Mr. Lover put you finger inna the air I love you walk And I even like the raunchy way that you talk You're the kinda girl that all the fellas all a stalk


Hound dogs a bark girl Come let me discombobulate your parts They call me Mr. Hot Shot, baby can I do my thing Don't stop, girl I like the vibe you bring Knock knock, open up and let me in We can do most anything, tell me do you like my swing Well girl you better know she right ya now you is a part of the plan I notice pon you finger she you wear a wedding band No bother think say this is just a one night stand No think I man a look you fi a slam I tell you gal on top of how you look you know you have sex appeal You're like a priceless gem whe every man waan fi steal Expressing my emotions got to tell you how I feel So baby come and let me know the deal They call me Mr. Hot Shot, baby can I do my thing Don't stop, girl I like the vibe you bring Knock knock, open up and let me in We can do most anything, tell me do you like my swing Well tell me if you no hear How the reggae lover him a run things this year New tune fi buss and me have lyrics fi spare No need to fear Girl if you down with Mr. Lover put you finger inna the air I love you walk And I even like the raunchy way that you talk You're the kinda girl that all the fellas all a stalk Hound dogs a bark girl Come let me discombobulate your parts 2 Lonely Lover Girl Gimmi little loving, Girl Gimmi little loving baby come come Girl Gimmi little loving, I want you to to be by my side tonight Girl Gimmi little loving, Girl Gimmi little loving baby come come Girl Gimmi little loving, cant see myself alone tonight I dont mind when you say that youre going away I just dont want to be lonely And I dont care if we spend only moments a day I just dont want to be lonely Girl could you hold me babe that would please me dont do this darling I hate when you leave me you got me hooked girl this isnt easy if you dont love me baby release me


Now girl we could dine pour us some wine After the meal we can unwind putting my heart back on the line girl its a fact you should be mine Now mi no plan fi spend another long lonely night and a lay down in a mi bed a hug mi pillow up tight No feel no way I man cant take the fuss and the fight I rather make sweet love to you under the candle light I dont mind when you say that youre going away I just dont want to be lonely And I dont care if we spend only moments a day I just dont want to be lonely Now listen me please Im down on my knees Im begging you darling put me at ease whats with this feeling I wish it would sease My heart is held hostage I beg for release why wont reveal just what you feel let it out babe just be for real girl what you afraid of why is it concealed I know what I bargained for and this aint the deal Now mi no plan fi spend another long lonely night and a lay down in a mi bed a hug mi pillow up tight No feel no way I man cant take the fuss and the fight I rather make sweet love to you under the candle light I dont mind when you say that youre going away I just dont want to be lonely And I dont care if we spend only moments a day I just dont want to be lonely Girl Gimmi little loving, Girl Gimmi little loving baby come come Girl Gimmi little loving, I want you to to be by my side tonight Girl Gimmi little loving, Girl Gimmi little loving baby come come Girl Gimmi little loving, cant see myself alone tonight 3 Dance & Shout Mr. Lover, Mr. Lover, Mr. Lover Uh, uh, well Sugar Heres another one And another day Move to this, let me see you jump and twist Pump your fist cause you know its hard to resist As long you know youre rolling with the love


specialist Feel the pow, let me put the groove in your hips The night is young, so lets go roll with the fun You got some gun, check it out, gimme some Cause Im about to play an old girl like a drum She shackatack, poor soul settle down Girl, what you gon do with all that body {Shake it up all night} Careful with that thing before you hurt somebody {Tell me what you like} Do it, baby Lets dance, lets shout {Shout} Shake your body down to the ground Lets dance, lets shout {Shout} Shake your body down to the ground Lets dance, lets shout {Shout} Shake your body down to the ground Lets dance, lets shout {Shout} Shake your body down to the ground Gotta holla to my fellas who be hanging by the bathroom door Waiting for the honeys dance in the dance floor Push up and get the niggas yall ready for the score Now whos the dog, youre the one that sung hardcore, come on I gotta take this part to a new high Keep it tight, aint got no time no fight You wanna be a player, better know to do it right Kissing all the honeys under the disco light Girl, what you gon do with all that body {Shake it up all night} Careful with that thing before you hurt somebody {Tell me what you like} Let em know Lets dance, lets shout {Shout} Shake your body down to the ground Lets dance, lets shout {Shout} Shake your body down to the ground Lets dance, lets shout {Shout} Shake your body down to the ground Lets dance, lets shout {Shout} Shake your body down to the ground Lets dance


Take you where theres all night action Dancing to the beat with a passion Mr. Lover partys happening Doing anything you and I can Ill take you where theres all night action Dancing to the beat with a passion Mr. Lover partys happening Doing anything you and I can Lets dance, lets shout {Shout} Shake your body down to the ground Lets dance, lets shout {Shout} Shake your body down to the ground Lets dance, lets shout {Shout} Shake your body down to the ground Lets dance, lets shout {Shout} Shake your body down to the ground So baby-baby, let me see you move your body pon the dancehall floor Gotta one, just jigga, shake it up, gimme more Jerk chicken on the grill, so make the champagne pour Girl, dont be a drag, I might show you the door {What?!} I like to see bodies take and shake Dressed in lace, uh, and a perfect shape Girls local and out of state I got a couple of them and Im getting ready to mate Cassandra, lets shake {Shout} Shake your body down to the ground Michelle, lets shake{Shout} Shake your body down to the ground I want Theresa to shake {Shout} Shake your body down to the ground Lisa to shake {Shout} Shake your body down to the ground Lets dance, lets shout {Shout} Shake your body down to the ground Lets dance, lets shout {Shout} Shake your body down to the ground Lets dance, lets shout {Shout} Shake your body down to the ground Lets dance, lets shout {Shout} Shake your body down to the ground


Lets dance, lets shout {Shout} Shake your body down to the ground Lets dance, lets shout {Shout} Shake your body down to the ground Lets dance, lets shout {Shout} Shake your body down to the ground Lets dance, lets shout {Shout} Shake your body down to the ground

4 Leave It To Me Uh-huh Now this one goes out to my lady I want me and you to go on this wonderful love rendezvous Ha ha ha ha One on one Give you a little love escapade, You know what I'm saying? Mr. Lover Candlelight, dinner for two Just me and you Under the moon, Sailing on a summer night cruise I mean to rock your whole world baby I'm da man allowed to drive you crazy Set the motion to the ocean, Cause some commotion Girl surrender to my love potion I'll hit you off now with some hot oil lotion I play it safe so let me break out my Trojan Leave it to me, baby We can turn on the heat, baby And wrinkle the sheets, baby Whatever you need, baby (X2) Now let me find a day real fine Hot tub, jacuzzi, caviar with some white wine Girl, I'm living-living in style Mansion in the hills and not another house for miles Now let me take you and show off my pet reptile In two days gonna feed it to my rottweiler No interruptions today Leave it to me and have things my way


Leave it to me, baby We can turn on the heat, baby And wrinkle the sheets, baby Whatever you need, baby (X2) Because I like the way you do the things you do I wanna make sweet love to you (X2) I wanna send chills up your spine And make you feel good inside And explode just like a land mine I'm here to cunt and thrill and that's my mission Love-making with timing and precision My skills is kicking' An' like breaking Proper loving; leave you humming Sweet melodies of future come Prepare to get soaked in sweat, girl, yeah Because you ain't seen nothing yet Leave it to me, baby We can turn on the heat, baby And wrinkle the sheets, baby Whatever you need, baby (X2) 5 Angel Shooby dooby dooby doo woi Shooby doo Oh Shooby doo dooby doo boi oi Yeah, ah Girl, youre my angel, youre my darling angel Closer than my peeps you are to me, baby Shorty, youre my angel, youre my darling angel Girl, youre my friend when Im in need, lady Life is one big party when youre still young But whos gonna have your back when its all done Its all good when youre little, you have pure fun Cant be a fool, son, what about the long run Looking back Shorty always mention Said me not giving her much attention She was there through my incarceration I wanna show the nation my appreciation Girl, youre my angel, youre my darling angel Closer than my peeps you are to me, baby


Shorty, youre my angel, youre my darling angel Girl, youre my friend when Im in need, lady Youre a queen and so you should be treated Though you never get the loving that you needed Could have left, but I called and you heeded Taking a beating, mission completed Mama said that I and I dissed the program Not the type to mess around with her emotion But the feeling that I have for you is so strong Been together so long and this could never be wrong Girl, youre my angel, youre my darling angel Closer than my peeps you are to me, baby Shorty, youre my angel, youre my darling angel Girl, youre my friend when Im in need, lady Uh, uh Girl, in spite of my behavior, said Im your savior (You must be sent from up above) And you appear to me so tender, say girl I surrender (Thanks for giving me your love) Girl, in spite of my behavior, well, you are my savior (You must be sent from up above) And you appear to me so tender, well, girl I surrender (Said thanks for giving me your love) Now life is one big party when youre still young And whos gonna have your back when its all done Its all good when youre little, you have pure fun Cant be a fool, son, what about the long run Looking back Shorty always mention Said me not giving her much attention She was there through my incarceration I wanna show the nation my appreciation Girl, youre my angel, youre my darling angel Closer than my peeps you are to me, baby Shorty, youre my angel, youre my darling angel Girl, youre my friend when Im in need, lady Girl, youre my angel, youre my darling angel Closer than my peeps you are to me, baby Shorty, youre my angel, youre my darling angel Girl, youre my friend when Im in need, lady

6 Hope


I remember wasnt so long ago We had a one-room shack and the living was low And mama by herself, raised me and my bro. Wasnt easy but she did it with the little that flowed Worked hard got us off to school everyday Keep our eyes on the star though the skies were gray Gave us drive to survive really showed us the way Now I really understand what she was trying to say She said son therell be times when the tides are high And the boat may be rocky, you can cry Just never give up,(you can never give up) ( repeat ) In this life you can lead if you only believe In order to achieve what you need You can never give up,(you can never give up) ( repeat ) CHO: And its hope that keeps me holding on Its just hope that makes me carry on ( repeat ) Home grown couldnt have made it alone I got a wonderful life, two kids of my own With a strong foundation that was carved in stone Thank my mother for the love that made my house a home Makes me wonder sometimes if it was meant to be All this for a humble little guy like me All ever really wanted was a family Teach my kids the same values that she gave to me We nah turn no stepper, things a go better Never let yourself be overcome by pressure Cool yah me bredda, have faith instead a Sid-dung and a watch and all a fight one another Blaze like fire, nah go retire God nah sleep and a him inspire We fi reach higher a that him require Haffi mek we mark before the time expire She said son therell be times when the tides are high And the boat may be rocky, you can cry Just never give up,(you can never give up) ( repeat ) In this life you can lead if you only believe In order to achieve what you need You can never give up,(you can never give up) ( repeat )

7 Keep It Real


Uh- thats right Reality check You know what I mean Street lifes eh Scorpion yeah uh When I was young I use to dream of being rich Have a lot of houses and cars Couldn't know which one was which And finding me a chick and getting hitched Living the fairy tale life perfect without a ditch You think that this would bring me happiness If at the end of every rainbow There was a treasure chest Sometimes having more is really less So take a look inside yourself You'll realize you're really blessed No matter how inside you're blue There's always someone who has it worse than you Sometimes you gotta pay your dues So don't worry just push on through Keeping it real Gotta big up all my peoples who be working on the future Though they know they gotta struggle Keeping it real To all my homies working on the 9 to 5 And doing right to keep themselves up out of trouble Keeping it real Although sometimes I know it seems impossible There ain't no need in drowning in your sorrows Keeping it real If things are as bad as they can be You can be sure there'll be a brighter tomorrow Keep'n it real Gotta big up all my peoples who be working on the future Though they know they gotta struggle Keeping it real To all my homies working on the 9 to 5 And doing right to keep themselves up out of trouble Keeping it real Although sometimes I know it seems impossible There ain't no need in drowning in your sorrows Keeping it real If things are as bad as they can be You can be sure there'll be a brighter tomorrow And I forgot to have myself the house, the mansion, and the Benz I'm not the type of brother who be making mad ends


I got myself a girl but we be kicking' it as friends Is not enough for me now that depends Again- not everything you want is everything you really need The standard of society is more devated by greed Are you prepared to follow Tell me are you prepared to leave So persevere and you'll succeed Keeping it real Gotta big up all my peoples who be working on the future Though they know they gotta struggle Keeping it real To all my homies working on the 9 to 5 And doing right to keep themselves up out of trouble Keeping it real Although sometimes I know it seems impossible There ain't no need in drowning in your sorrows Keeping it real If things are as bad as they can be You can be sure there'll be a brighter tomorrow *Hook* All the harsh realities Appears to come into centuries Don't worry because There'll be a better day One thing I can promise you Just keep on keeping on I swear to you There's gonna be a brighter day Keeping it real Gotta big up all my peoples who be working on the future Though they know they gotta struggle Keeping it real To all my homies working on the 9 to 5 And doing right to keep themselves up out of trouble Keeping it real Although sometimes I know it seems impossible There ain't no need in drowning in your sorrows Keeping it real If things are as bad as they can be You can be sure there'll be a brighter tomorrow Back in the days I use to dream of being rich Have a lot of houses and cars Couldn't know which one was which And finding me a chick and getting hitched Living the fairy tale life perfect without a ditch You think that this would bring me happiness


If at the end of every rainbow there was a treasure chest Sometimes having more is really less So take a look inside yourself You'll realize you're really blessed No matter how inside you're blue There's always someone who has it worse than you Sometimes you gotta pay your dues So don't worry just push on through Keeping it real Gotta big up all my peoples who be working on the future Though they know they gotta struggle Keeping it real To all my homies working on the 9 to 5 And doing right to keep themselves up out of trouble Keeping it real Although sometimes I know it seems impossible There ain't no need in drowning in your sorrows Keeping it real If things are as bad as they can be You can be sure there'll be a brighter tomorrow That's right, see me, yeah Give thanks for what you have, ya kno And when you think that its bad There's always somebody that's worse Kno what I'm saying' Give Jah blessing, see me Wa-wa, Wa-wa Wa-wa, wa-wa 8 Luv Me, Luv Me" Original lover, lover, mm, yeah, uh (Yeah) Catch a groove girl, catch a groove, that's right Lover, lover, lover, mmm, Shaggy, DJ A who da man dat love to make you moist and wet (Uh) A who da man dat love to make you moan and sweat (Uh) A who da man dat love to make you scream out "yes" (Mr. Lover, Mr. Lover) A who da man dat love to make you moist and wet (Uh) A who da man that love to make you moan and sweat (Uh) A who da man dat love to make you scream out "yes", naw


(Mr. Lover) Sugar Sweet, succulent and fine A twinkling eye on my darling divine I love the way you move all the way you're designed Your only lines are my mind, forget the corny line Now let me hit you off with this question sign You seem to be the type for me to wine and dine A little candlelight dinner toasted over some wine Well, I will hit you off with this lyrical rhyme Now Mr. Lover keep her rocking', Mr. Lover keep her rocking' Mr. Lover keep her rocking' and swing Now Mr. Lover keep her rocking', Mr. Lover keep her rocking' Mr. Lover keep her rocking' and swing [Chorus: Janet (Shaggy)] Ooh boy, I love you so Never, ever, ever gonna let you go (That's right) Once I get my hands on you (Luv me, luv me, luv me sex machine) Ooh boy, I love you son (Mmm hmm) Never, ever, ever gonna let you go (That's right, uh) I hope you feel the same way too (You know dat) Step in my caravan of love So I can love, gonna give you hotter rubs Dem ever wet kisses wit' dem brazen hugs And now your sweet, silky body on my Persian rug While we sipping' Coke from da same ol' mug I'm reading' fortune cookies from the Chinese proverb It had some great stuff written in it with some cool rub-a-dub A little ol' reminisce in the hot tub, huh [Janet (Shaggy):] Mr. Lover, Mr. Lover, Mr. Lover (Let's fog up some window sills, girl, uh) Mr. Lover (Catch a groove back girl, catch a groove) Mr. Lover, Mr. Lover [Chorus] [Shaggy (Janet):] Girlie, girlie You woke up a real love machine


Girlie, girlie I live to make your beat Girlie, girlie Huh, I'll hit you between da sheets Girlie, girlie Whoo, I'll make you moan and scream Girlie, Girlie Yeah, you woke a real love machine Girlie, girlie Whoo, I'll hit you between the sheets Girlie, girlie Girl, you love to moan and scream Girlie, girlie You know what I'm saying' (Yeah) Shush Girl, you're unique Now let me take a whiff of that sweet physique You're the only girl allowed to make my heart stop beating' Let me, ha, ha, start licking' (?), let's kick it heartlessly To be the lady of your color is an honor indeed Leave a lasting' impression for weeks and weeks I want to throw rose petals to your humble feet Lay you gently on my sheet and sexercise you to sleep, huh [Janet (Shaggy):] Mr. Lover, Mr. Lover, Mr. Lover (Uh, yeah) Mr. Lover (Catch a groove back girl, catch a groove) Mr. Lover, Mr. Lover Mr. Lover, Mr. Lover, Mr. Lover (Let's fog up some window sills, baby) [Chorus] [Shaggy (Janet):] The ladies still want me, hot like fire If you come wit' me, you, me, can retire Anytime you model girl, an instant fire Somehow your power with Tommy Hilfiger 'Nuff dat designer wan' know your name 'Nuff of dem a put your picture in a picture frame Wanna feel your body, man can't put no fame Some model, of mi girl, and go enjoy your fame Luv me, luv me, luv me, sex machine I'm guaranteed to make you moan and scream Luve me, luv me, luv me, sex machine I'm guaranteed to make you moan and scream


Luv me, luv me, luv me, sex machine I'm guaranteed to make you moan and scream Luv me, luv me, luv me, sex machine (Mr. Lover, Mr. Lover) (Ooh boy) I wanna tell this lady So just come on, 'cause I'm the original Cupid (Ooh boy) Whoo, just like a stick through the arrow Making' us mate, ha, ha, ha (Ooh boy) Yeah, whoo (Ooh boy) 'Cause I'm the ladies choice And the girls get moist for the sound of the baritone voice You get that, you get that Baby, lover Sexy undercover, uh, uh Mr. Lover, uh, check out, check out And I just love the way you just fog up my window sills, baby Yeah, ooh (Ooh boy) (Ooh boy) Let me know I ain't gonna use no glow-in-the-dark you know what It ain't hard to see, baby, whoo (Ooh boy) Swing low, swing low, whoo, swing low (Ooh boy) Loving' all that, loving' all that, shake it, baby, shake it (Ooh boy) Dig it, dig it, dig it, I dig it, I get it, I dig dat, I dig dat (Ooh boy) Lover, lover (Lover, lover) Sexy undercover (Lover, lover) Rauncy mutha, mmm mmm, no, no Check it out I'm spinnin' (Lover, lover) Whoo (Ooh boy) Catch a groove back girl, catch a groove back Let dem know dat (Ooh boy) I love this little funky beat (Ooh boy) Terry Lewis, Jimmy Jam said dat, uh (Ooh boy)


Mr. Lover (Mr. Lover) Whoo Wicked undercover (Mr. Lover) I'll be your nighttime lover (Mr. Lover) Wicked undercover (Mr. Lover)

9 Freaky Girl High heels gosh you look sexy I'd steal a touch if you let me I'm just dyin' to kick it with you girl Hey Boo show me you're ready Lips looking juicy like cherry I can almost taste your flavor girl But it seems like you're the wrong type Don't you ever get upset, girl I'd like to see you sweat It just feels like you're too uptight Girl you're too conservative and that ain't how I wanna live I wanna a freaky girl, somebody just like me Someone who understands just what a player needs Ain't with those perfect girls, that shit don't click with me A very naughty girl that's what I need Handcuffs can you get freaky? How far will you go to please me? Whips and chains girl are you down with that? Strange places searching for pleasure I want you to meet me wherever Wearing just an overcoat and hat Or was I right, you're the wrong type You don't ever get upset, I ain't never seen you sweat It just feels like you're too uptight Girl you're too conservative and that ain't how I wanna live Want a girl fi love mi up, hug mi up give it to me right Swing from me shower curtain and from mi light Hot piece of loving carry me right through the night Mi cant take the pressure weh you put pan mi Haa Well me Love it when you ride pan me haa.. Really love it when you climb pam me Haa. Cause me know you naw go hide from me Haa


Freaky girl me hipe pan it hee.

10 It Wasn't Me (Yo man) Yo (Open up man) What do you want man? (My girl just caught me) You let her catch you? (I don't know how I let this happen) With who? (The girl next door, you know?) Man... (I don't know what to do) Say it wasn't you (Alright) Honey came in and she caught me red handed Creeping with the girl next door Picture this we were both butt-naked Banging on the bathroom floor How could I forget that I had Given her an extra key All this time she was standing there She never took her eyes off me How you can grant the woman access to your villa Trespasser and a witness while you cling to your pillow You better watch your back before she turn into a killer Best for you and the situation not to call the beaner To be a true player you have to know how to play If she say you're not, convince her say you're gay Never admit to a word when she say makes a claim And you tell her baby no way But she caught me on the counter (It wasn't me) Saw me banging on the sofa (It wasn't me) I even had her in the shower (It wasn't me) She even caught me on camera (It wasn't me) She saw the marks on my shoulder (It wasn't me) Heard the words that I told her (It wasn't me) Heard the screams getting louder (It wasn't me) She stayed until it was over Honey came in and she caught me red-handed Creeping with the girl next door


Picture this we were both butt-naked Banging on the bathroom floor I had tried to keep her from what She was about to see Why should she believe me when I Told her it wasn't me Make sure she knows it's not you and lead her on da right prefix Whenever you should see her make da gigolo flex As funny as it be by you, it not that complex Seeing is believing so you better change your specs You know she not gonna be worrying bout things from the past Hardly recollecting and then she'll go to noontime mass Wait for your answer: go over there But if she pack a gun you know you better run fast But she caught me on the counter (It wasn't me) Saw me banging on the sofa (It wasn't me) I even had her in the shower (It wasn't me) She even caught me on camera (It wasn't me) She saw the marks on my shoulder (It wasn't me) Heard the words that I told her (It wasn't me) Heard the screams getting louder (It wasn't me) She stayed until it was over Honey came in and she caught me red handed Creeping with the girl next door Picture this we were both butt-naked Banging on the bathroom floor How could I forget that I had Given her an extra key All this time she was standing there She never took her eyes off me Gonna tell her that I'm sorry For the pain that I've caused I've been listening to your reasoning It makes no sense at all We should tell her that I'm sorry For the pain that I've caused You may think that you're a player But you're completely lost That's why I sing


Honey came in and she caught me red-handed Creeping with the girl next door Picture this we were both butt-naked Banging on the bathroom floor How could I forget that I had Given her an extra key All this time she was standing there She never took her eyes off me

11 Not Fair Boy what have you done for me Ive been going down on you You not going down on me Girl thats how a rude boy play s I dont have to take you there I can please you in other ways Across the hall neighbors hear the sound (Squeak) Mr. lover Lover in town Carpet burns from being on the ground Rudy have hot gal a moan and groan (Crash)Oh dawn the phone "Baby dont stop ""Yeah you like that Simone" Champion lover the best pound for pound Take you to the clouds without going downtown Why why dont you just change your ways Wont you open up your mind Boy were living in modern days Girl Im coming from the school Where if you want the job done right You have to used the proper tool You never been love until youve been filled Filled full of pleasure from a rude boy `s skill Passion and ecstasy you know the drill Full up your cup till your juices spill Leave the door open just for the thrill Now were at the point where you cant keep still Covered in sweat but feeling the chill Thats the effect of a lover mans pill Tell me why you want to tease me ( baby ) dont you want to please me Why you holding back when I know whats on you mind ( repeat) Boy what have you done for me Ive been going down on you You not going down on me


Girl thats how a rude boy play s I dont have to take you there I can please you in other ways Across the hall neighbors hear the sound (Squeak) Mr. lover Lover in town Carpet burns from being on the ground Rudy have hot gal a moan and groan (Crash)Oh dawn the phone "Baby dont stop ""Yeah you like that Simone" Champion lover the best pound for pound Take you to the clouds without going downtown 12 Hey Love Hey Love Can I get A rain check just 25, Im not ready yet Hey Love lets make a deal Give me some time I got a few hearts to steal Hey love got more grounds to gain Cant get stuck with a ball and a chain Hey love I need to be sure Come back and see me in two years or more I remember as a kid I used to dream I had a big crush on Sandras kid sister Jean But she was in love with Dwayne Been so many years but I still feel the pain What about the Girl across the street Took the same bus I use to reserve her seat But she would just sit with her friends And the all talk about guys in Bimmers and Benz Seem like my luck took a slide Then shortly came along and stood by my side I couldnt give her much but she stayed Now Im hitting all the Charts its so easy getting laid Living in style Im getting paid Hooking up my peeps with the millions Ive made Now Im having girl who I knew in first grade Now Im kinda feeling like my shorty getting played ( so Im begging you ) Hey Love Can I get A rain check just 25, Im not ready yet Hey Love lets make a deal Give me some time I got a few hearts to steal Hey love got more grounds to gain Cant get stuck with a ball and a chain Hey love I need to be sure Come back and see me in two years or more


I wasnt popular in school I wasnt popular in sports All the girls I love loved the guys on the court I feel like I been cheated of my youth Cause back in the days braces werent so cute Girls used to laugh at my suit Now I got models in bed knocking boots Hey Love Can I get A rain check just 25, Im not ready yet Hey Love lets make a deal Give me some time I got a few hearts to steal Hey love got more grounds to gain Cant get stuck with a ball and a chain Hey love I need to be sure Come back and see me in two years or more I remember as a kid I used to dream I had a big crush on Sandras kid sister Jean But she was in love with Dwayne Been so many years but I still feel the pain What about the Girl across the street Took the same bus I use to reserve her seat But she would just sit with her friends And the all talk about guys in Bimmers and Benz Seem like my luck took a slide Then shorty came along and stood by my side I couldnt give her much but she stayed Now Im hitting all the Charts its so easy getting laid Living in style Im getting paid Hooking up my peeps with the millions Ive made Now Im having girl who I knew in first grade Now Im kinda feeling like my shorty getting played ( so Im begging you ) 13 Why Me Lord? Early Sunday morning in the spring of 96 Chilling on the couch, watching the bulls against the knicks My honey marches in and asks if I think Im slick It seem she found my shirt with lipstick I thought I could explain but then my story wouldnt stick Incriminating pictures show me some other chicks It happened once before and she was tired of the tricks She ask me if I can spell the word evict. Why me Lord, Situation looking kinda bad Why me Lord, I lost the best girl I ever had Why me Lord, Im homeless and Im feeling kinda sad


Why Why Why Why Why

me me me me me

, Why me, Why me , Why me Lord, how you member massa God so quick Lord, when trouble tek you pickney shirt a fit Lord, , is just because you dont know when to quit , Why me, Why me, Why me.

Just the other day when I was rolling with my crew Made a little flex around by Flatbush avenue calling to some honeys and sipping on my brew Thats when I saw the boys in blue Pulled us to the side why I dont even have a clue Looking for a reason and they finally found a few A case of Ammunition and a loaded thirty two I cant believe what Im going through Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why me me me me me me me me Lord, here I am I gotta face the time Lord, though the evidence aint even mine Lord, I swear I aint guilty of the crime , Why me, Why me , Why me Lord, how you member massa God so quick Lord, when trouble tek you pickney shirt a fit Lord, , is just because you dont know when to quit , Why me, Why me, Why me,

Take heed, never take advantage of the thing you need Never let yourself be over come by greed Walk the straight and narrow and you shall succeed Get you act up to speed And try, no matter what it takes to give a next man a blye Everybody else deserve a piece a the pie Honesty the best policy no sell no samfie You no need fi wonder why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why me me me me me me me me Lord, here I am I gotta face the time Lord, though the evidence aint even mine Lord, I swear I aint guilty of the crime , Why me, Why me , Why me Lord, how you member massa God so quick Lord, when trouble tek you pickney shirt a fit Lord, , is just because you dont know when to quit , Why me, Why me, Why me,

14 Chica Bonita What is cinco cervezas? I really don't know But this pretty little senorita said it and I liked how it flowed What is venga mi casa? I really don't know From the way that she smiled I could tell how the story would go


Chica Bonita, you pretty like a rose Mi senorita, mi love how you a pose Dame un beso, you hot and it shows Toca mi vida, and everybody knows ( repeat ) Baby baby baby Tell me what you wanna do and where you wanna go Ain't no need to rush it baby we can take it slow I swear it must be cupid shooting arrows with his bow I notice in your eyes a certain glow Have me wondering now Is it really me or tell me do you feel the same I feel like I'm in love and I don't even know your name I know what I am saying to you may sound pretty lame Your love is like an everlasting flame What is cinco cervezas? I really don't know But this pretty little senorita said it and I liked how it flowed What is venga mi casa? I really don't know From the way that she smiled I could tell how the story would go Chica Bonita, you pretty like a rose Mi senorita, mi love how you a pose Dame un beso, you hot and it shows Toca mi vida, and everybody knows ( repeat ) Lovely lady would you Please give me a signal so I know you understand Maybe I should start by making gestures with my hand Girl you're like a rising star and I'm your biggest fan My sweet Bonita diva with the tan Got me thinking baby We could make a life together on the ocean shore Paradise is where you are I'm ready to explore Can never get enough of you it's all about amour And happiness is knocking at your door What is cinco cervezas? I really don't know But this pretty little senorita said it and I liked how it flowed What is venga mi casa? I really don't know From the way that she smiled I could tell how the story would go Chica Bonita, you pretty like a rose Mi senorita, mi love how you a pose Dame un beso, you hot and it shows Toca mi vida, and everybody knows ( repeat )


Mr. Boombastic What you want is some boombastic, romantic, fantastic lover Shaggy Mr. Lover, Lover, Mr. Lover Lover, girl, Mr. Lover, Lover, Mr. Lover Lover She call me Mr. Boombastic say me fantastic, touch me in me back she say I'm Mr. Ro...mantic say me fantastic, touch me in me back she say I'm Mr. Ro... ..Smooth just like silk Soft and Cuddle hug me up like a quilt I'm a lyrical lover no take me for no filth With my sexual physique Jah know me well built Oh me oh my well well can't you tell I'm just like a turtle crawling out of my shell Gal you captivate my body put me under a spell With your cus cus perfume I love your sweet smell You are the only young girl who can ring my bell And I can take rejection so you tell me go to hell I'm Mr. Boombastic say me fantastic, touch me in my back she says I'm Mr. Ro...mantic say me fantastic, touch me in my back she I'm Mr. boom boom boom Boombastic say me fantastic, touch me in my back she says I'm Mr. Ro...mantic say me fantastic, touch me in my back she I'm Mr. boom boom Gee wheeze, baby, please Let me take you to an island of the sweet cool breeze You don't feel like drive baby hand me the keys And I'll take you to a place to set your mind at ease Don't you tickle my foot bottom ha ha baby please Don't you play with my nose because I might ha-chum sneeze Well you a the bun and me a the cheese And if me a the rice well you a the peas I'm Mr. Boombastic say me fantastic, touch me in my back she says I'm Mr. Ro...mantic say me fantastic, touch me in my back she I'm Mr. boom boom boom Boombastic say me fantastic, touch me in my back she says I'm Mr. Ro...mantic say me fantastic, touch me in my back she I'm Mr. boom boom Give me your loving' gal your loving' well good I want your loving' gal give it like you should Give me your loving' gal your loving' well good I want your loving' gal you remember the woo... ..would you like to kiss and caress Rub down every strand of hair on my chest I'm boombastic rated as the best The best you should get nothing more nothing less Give me your digits jot down your address I'll bet you confess when you put me to the test That


I'm Mr. Boombastic say me fantastic, touch me in my back she says I'm Mr. Ro...mantic say me fantastic, touch me in my back she I'm Mr. boom boom boom Boombastic say me fantastic, touch me in my back she says I'm Mr. Ro...mantic say me fantastic, touch me in my back she I'm Mr. boom boom Gal your admiration it lick me from the start With your physical attraction gal you know to feel the spark A man of few words naw go tell you no sweet talk Naw go laba laba and a chat pure phart I'll get straight to the point like a arrow or a dart Come lay down in my jacuzzi and get some bubble bath Only sound you will hear is the beating of my heart And we will mmm mmm *kiss* and have some sweet pillow talk I'm Mr. Boombastic say me fantastic, touch me in my back she says I'm Mr. Ro...mantic say me fantastic, touch me in my back she I'm Mr. boom boom boom Boombastic say me fantastic, touch me in my back she says I'm Mr. Ro...mantic say me fantastic, touch me in my back she I'm Mr. boom Boom

Hot Shot Chorus They call me Mr., baby can I do my thing Don't stop, girl I like the vibe you bring Knock knock, open up and let me in We can do most anything, tell me do you like my swing ( Repeat ) Verse I Well tell me if you no hear How the reggae lover him a run things this year New tune fi buss and me have lyrics fi spare No need to fear Girl if you down with Mr. Lover put you finger inna the air I love you walk And I even like the raunchy way that you talk You're the kinda girl that all the fellas all a stalk Hound dogs a bark girl Come let me discombobulate your parts Chorus Verse II Well girl you better know she right ya now you is a part of the plan I notice pon you finger she you wear a wedding band No bother think say this is just a one night stand


No think I man a look you fi a slam I tell you gal on top of how you look you know you have sex appeal You're like a priceless gem whe every man waan fi steal Expressing my emotions got to tell you how I feel So baby come and let me know the deal Chorus Repeat 1st Verse Lonely Lover Girl Gimmi little loving, Girl Gimmi little loving baby come come Girl Gimmi little loving, I want you to to be by my side tonight Girl Gimmi little loving, Girl Gimmi little loving baby come come Girl Gimmi little loving, cant see myself alone tonight I dont mind when you say that youre going away I just dont want to be lonely And I dont care if we spend only moments a day I just dont want to be lonely V1 Girl could you hold me babe that would please me dont do this darling I hate when you leave me you got me hooked girl this isnt easy if you dont love me baby release me Now girl we could dine pour us some wine After the meal we can unwind putting my heart back on the line girl its a fact you should be mine Now mi no plan fi spend another long lonely night and a lay down in a mi bed a hug mi pillow up tight No feel no way I man cant take the fuss and the fight


I rather make sweet love to you under the candle light I dont mind when you say that youre going away I just dont want to be lonely And I dont care if we spend only moments a day I just dont want to be lonely V2 now listen me please Im down on my knees Im begging you darling put me at ease whats with this feeling I wish it would sease My heart is held hostage I beg for release why wont reveal just what you feel let it out babe just be for real girl what you afraid of why is it concealed I know what I bargained for and this aint the deal Now mi no plan fi spend another long lonely night and a lay down in a mi bed a hug mi pillow up tight No feel no way I man cant take the fuss and the fight I rather make sweet love to you under the candle light

I dont mind when you say that youre going away I just dont want to be lonely And I dont care if we spend only moments a day I just dont want to be lonely Girl Gimmi little loving, Girl Gimmi little loving baby come come Girl Gimmi little loving, I want you to to be by my side tonight


Girl Gimmi little loving, Girl Gimmi little loving baby come come Girl Gimmi little loving, cant see myself alone tonight Dance and Shout Move to this let me see you jump and twist pump ya fist cause you know its hard to resist That how know you rolling with the love specialist Feel the vibe babe put the groove in ya hips The night is young so lets roll with the fun Ya got some gum take it out gimmi some Cause Im about to play on old girl like a drum she be Shaggitized before its all said and done Girl What you Gonna do with all that body Shake it up all night Careful with that thing before you hurt somebody Tell me what, you like Lets dance lets shout shake your body down to the ground Lets dance lets shout shake your body down to the ground Lets dance lets shout shake your body down to the ground Lets dance lets shout shake your body down to the ground Gotta halla to my fellas who be hanging by the bathroom door Waiting for the honeys as the leave the dance floor Thats right you got the digits , you all ready for the score now who the dog, you the one thats on all four Come on I got to get this party to a new height Keep it tight aint got no time for no fight


You wanna be a player better know to do it right Careful of the honey under the disco light. Girl What you Gonna do with all that body Shake it up all night Careful with that thing before you hurt somebody Tell me what, you like Lets dance lets shout shake your body down to the ground Lets dance lets shout shake your body down to the ground Lets dance lets shout shake your body down to the ground Lets dance lets shout shake your body down to the ground Take you where theres all night action Dancing to the beat with a passion Mr. Lover Party is happening Doing anything you Imagine ( repeat ) Chorus So Baby baby meek me see you move your body pan the dancehall floor Gal wine just jiggle, shake it up give me more Jerk chicken pan the Grill so make the Champaign pure Girl dont be a drag I might show you the door I like to see bodies baked and shaped Draped in lace hugging a perfect shape Girl local and out of state I got a couple of them in my gates ready to mate Chorus Leave it to Me Verse 1


Candlelight dinner for two, just me and you Under the moon sailing on a summer night cruise Im here to rock your whole world baby Im the man allowed to dive you crazy Set the motion to the ocean cause some commotion Girl surrender to my love potion I hit you off with some hot oil lotion Im paying it safe so let me break out my Trojan Chorus Leave it to me baby, and turn on the heat baby Leave it to me baby, and wrinkle the sheets baby Leave it to me baby, whatever you need lady ( repeat) Verse II Now let me plan a day real fine Hot tub Jacuzzi, caviar with some white wine That right Im living millionaire style Mansion in the hill and not another house for miles Come let me take you and show off my pet reptile Intruders I gotta feed to my Rottweiler No interruptions today , leave it to me, I am having thing my way Chorus Hook Cause like the way you do the things you do I wanna make sweet love to you ( repeat) Verse III I wanna send chills up your spine


And let you feel good inside, and explode just like a land mine Im here to conquer and thrill and thats my mission Love making with timing and precision My skills are kicking like quicken proper love leave you humming Sweet melodies of future comings Prepare to get soaked in sweat Cause you aint seen nothing yet Chorus Angel Chorus Girl youre my angel, youre my darling angel Closer than my peeps you are to me ,baby Shorty youre my angel, youre my darling angel Girl you are my friend when Im in need ,lady Verse 1 Life a one big party when youre still young But whos gonna have your back when it all done Its all good when you live to have pure fun Cant be a fool son What about the long run Looking back shorty always a mention Say me not giving her much attention She was there through mi incarceration Wanna show the nation


My appreciation Chorus Verse 2 Youre a queen and thats how you should be treated Though you never get the loving that you needed Coulda left but I called and you heeded Begged and I pleaded Mission completed A no she that I and I a dis the program Not the type to mess around with your emotions But the feeling that I have for you are so strong Been together so long This could never be wrong. Chorus Bridge Girl in-spite of my behavior , youre my savior Must be sent from up above You appear to me so tender I surrender Thanks for giving me your love. ( Repeat ) Repeat 1st verse & Chorus HOPE VERSE I remember wasnt so long ago We had a one-room shack and the living was low And mama by herself, raised me and my bro. Wasnt easy but she did it with the little that flowed


Worked hard got us off to school everyday Keep our eyes on the star though the skies were gray Gave us drive to survive really showed us the way Now I really understand what she was trying to say Chorus She said son therell be times when the tides are high And the boat may be rocky, you can cry Just never give up,(you can never give up) ( repeat ) In this life you can lead if you only believe In order to achieve what you need You can never give up,(you can never give up) ( repeat ) CHO: And its hope that keeps me holding on Its just hope that makes me carry on ( repeat ) Verse Home grown couldnt have made it alone I got a wonderful life, two kids of my own With a strong foundation that was carved in stone Thank my mother for the love that made my house a home Makes me wonder sometimes if it was meant to be All this for a humble little guy like me All ever really wanted was a family Teach my kids the same values that she gave to me Hook And Chorus HOOK


We nah turn no stepper, things a go better Never let yourself be overcome by pressure Cool yah me bredda, have faith instead a Sid-dung and a watch and all a fight one another Blaze like fire, nah go retire God nah sleep and a him inspire We fi reach higher a that him require Haffi mek we mark before the time expire chorus ( repeat) Keeping It Real Verse I When I was young I used to dream of being rich Having lots of houses and cars couldn't know which one was which And finding me a chick and getting hitched Living the fairytale life perfect without a glitch You'd think that this would bring me happiness If at the end of every rainbow there was a treasure chest But sometimes having more is really less Take a look inside yourself you'll realize you're really blessed Hook

No matter how you're sad and blue There's always someone that has it worse than you Sometimes you gotta pay you dues Don't worry just push on through



Keeping it real gotta big up all my people who be working on a future though they know they gotta struggle Keeping it real To all my hommes working on the 9 to 5 and doing right to keep themselves up out of trouble Keeping it real Although sometimes I know it seems impossible They're ain't no need for drowning in you sorrow Keeping it real If things are as bad as they can be you can be sure there'll be a brighter tomorrow

Verse II I never got to have myself the house the mansion and the Benz I'm not the kinda brother who be making mad ends I got myself a girl but we be kicking it as friends It's not enough but maybe that depends, again Not everything you want is everything you really need The standard of society's motivated by greed Are you prepared to follow tell me are you prepared to lead So persevere and you'll succeed



Bridge All the harsh realities appear to come in twos and threes Don't worry cause there'll be a better day One thing I can promise you just keep on keeping on I swear to you there' gonna be a brighter day

Repeat 1st Verse Chorus LUV ME LUV ME Who the man allowed to make you moist and wet Who the man allowed to make you moan and sweat Who the man allowed to make you scream out yes Mr. lover Mr. lover Who the man allowed to make you moist and wet Who the man allowed to make you moan and sweat Who the man allowed to make you scream out yes Mr. lover Sweet succulent and fine A twinkle in you eye you a mi darling divine I love the way you move and all the way you design You running laps round my mind forget that corny line Now let me hit you off with this question sign You seem to be the type for me to wine and dine A little candlelight dinner toasted over some wine


Well I will hit you off now with this lyrical rhyme Now Mr. lover keep you rocking Mr. lover keep you rocking Mr. lover keep you rocking and swing Now Mr. Lover keep you rocking Mr. Lover keep you rocking Mr. Lover keep you rocking and swing Janet Ooh Boy I love you so never ever gonna let you go once I get my hands on you Ooh Boy I love you so never ever gonna let you go I hope you feel the same way too Step in mi caravan of love So I can love you down and give you hot oil rub Deliver wet kisses with embracing hugs And have you sweet silky body on my Persian rug While we be sipping cocoa from the same old mug And reading fortune cookies from the Chinese grub And listen some Gregory Isaac for some cool rub a dub And later on well reminisce in the hot tub Janet Well girly girly you buck upon a real love machine Girly girly Im here to make your heart skip a beat Girly girly I hit you between the sheets Girly girly I make you moan and scream


Girly girly you buck a real love machine Girly girly I hit you between the sheets Girly girly I make you moan and scream Girly girly you know what Im saying

Girl you unique Now make me take a whiff off that sweet physique Youre the only girl alive to make my heart stop beat Leave me ha ha breathless can can hardly sp-speak To make a lady of your caliber is a honor indeed Leave a lasting impression for weeks and weeks I would a throw rose petals to your humble feet Lay you gently on my sheets And sexercise you to sleep Janet Da face de da walk de hot like a fire If you come bout Naomi Campbell retire Anytime you model gal a instant buyer Some want you par with Tommy Hilfiger A nuff nuff designer want know you name Nuff a dem have up you picture in a picture frame Pan a fi you body man cant put no claim So model ya mi gal and gone enjoy your fame Love me love me love me sex machine Im guaranteed to make you moan and scream Love me love me love me sex machine


Im guaranteed to make you moan and scream Love me love me love me sex machine Im guaranteed to make you moan and scream Love me love me love me sex machine Freaky Girl Verse High heels gosh you look sexy I'd steal a touch if you let me I'm just dyin' to kick it with you girl Hey Boo show me you're ready Lips looking juicy like cherry I can almost taste your flavor girl Hook But it seems like you're the wrong type Don't you ever get upset, girl I'd like to see you sweat It just feels like you're too uptight Girl you're too conservative and that ain't how I wanna live Chorus I wanna a freaky girl, somebody just like me Someone who understands just what a player needs Ain't with those perfect girls, that shit don't click with me A very naughty girl that's what I need Verse Handcuffs can you get freaky?


How far will you go to please me? Whips and chains girl are you down with that? Strange places searching for pleasure I want you to meet me wherever Wearing just an overcoat and hat Hook Or was I right, you're the wrong type You don't ever get upset, I ain't never seen you sweat It just feels like you're too uptight Girl you're too conservative and that ain't how I wanna live Chorus Want a girl fi love mi up, hug mi up give it to me right Swing from me shower curtain and from mi light Hot piece of loving carry me right through the night Mi cant take the pressure weh you put pan mi Haa Well me Love it when you ride pan me haa.. Really love it when you climb pam me Haa. Cause me know you naw go hide from me Haa Freaky girl me hipe pan it hee. Wasnt Me Chorus Honey came in and she caught me red-handed Creeping with the girl next door Picture this we were both butt naked Banging on the bathroom floor


How could I forget that I had Given her an extra key All this time she was standing there she never Took her eyes off me Verse 1 How you fi give the woman access to your villa Trespass and a witness all the hackling of the pilla You better watch your back and mind she turn into a killer Lets review the situation that youre caught up inna Now to be a true player you got to know how to play If she even say a night convince her say a day Never never admit to a word weh she say And if she claim say a you tell her "baby no way" Hook She caught me on the counter wasnt me She saw me bagging on the sofa wasnt me I even had her in the shower wasnt me She even caught me on camera wasnt me She saw the marks on my shoulder wasnt me Heard the words that I told her wasnt me Heard the screams getting lauder wasnt me She Stayed until it was over wasnt me Honey came in and she caught me red-handed Creeping with the girl next door Picture this we were both butt naked


Banging on the bathroom floor I had tried to keep her from what She was about to see Why should she believe me if I told her it wasnt me Verse 2 Mek she know say that she really nah no right fi vex A never you she see a mek de gigolo flex A smaddi else whe favor you inna de complex Seeing is believing but its time to change the specs You know whe a go bring hole heap of thing from in de past All the little evidence you better know fi mask Quick pon you answer and know how fi talk And if she back the gun you better know fi run fast Hook & Chorus Bridge Want to tell her that Im sorry for the Pain that Ive caused Ive been listening to your reasoning It makes no sense at all Need to tell her that Im sorry for the Pain that Ive caused You may think that youre a player But youre completely lost NOT FAIR Boy what have you done for me


Ive been going down on you You not going down on me Girl thats how a rude boy play s I dont have to take you there I can please you in other ways Across the hall neighbors hear the sound (Squeak) Mr. lover Lover in town Carpet burns from being on the ground Rudy have hot gal a moan and groan (Crash)Oh dawn the phone "Baby dont stop ""Yeah you like that Simone" Champion lover the best pound for pound Take you to the clouds without going downtown Why why dont you just change your ways Wont you open up your mind Boy were living in modern days Girl Im coming from the school Where if you want the job done right You have to used the proper tool You never been love until youve been filled Filled full of pleasure from a rude boy `s skill Passion and ecstasy you know the drill Full up your cup till your juices spill Leave the door open just for the thrill Now were at the point where you cant keep still


Covered in sweat but feeling the chill Thats the effect of a lover mans pill Tell me why you want to tease me ( baby ) dont you want to please me Why you holding back when I know whats on you mind ( repeat) Repeat 1st verse Hey Love Chorus hey Love Can I get A rain check just 25, Im not ready yet Hey Love lets make a deal Give me some time I got a few hearts to steal Hey love got more grounds to gain Cant get stuck with a ball and a chain Hey love I need to be sure Come back and see me in two years or more Verse I remember as a kid I used to dream I had a big crush on Sandras kid sister Jean But she was in love with Dwayne Been so many years but I still feel the pain What about the Girl across the street Took the same bus I use to reserve her seat But she would just sit with her friends And the all talk about guys in Bimmers and Benz


Seem like my luck took a slide Then shorty came along and stood by my side I couldnt give her much but she stayed Now Im hitting all the Charts its so easy getting laid Living in style Im getting paid Hooking up my peeps with the millions Ive made Now Im having girl who I knew in first grade Now Im kinda feeling like my shorty getting played ( so Im begging you ) Chorus hey Love Can I get A rain check just 25, Im not ready yet Hey Love lets make a deal Give me some time I got a few hearts to steal Hey love got more grounds to gain Cant get stuck with a ball and a chain Hey love I need to be sure Come back and see me in two years or more Verse I wasnt popular in school I wasnt popular in sports All the girls I love loved the guys on the court I feel like I been cheated of my youth Cause back in the days braces werent so cute Girls used to laugh at my suit Now I got models in bed knocking boots Chorus


Repeat 1st Verse Why Me Lord Verse 1 Early Sunday morning in the spring of 96 Chilling on the couch, watching the bulls against the knicks My honey marches in and ask if I think Im slick It seem she found my shirt with lipstick I thought I could explain but then my story wouldnt stick Incriminating pictures show me some other chicks It happened once before and she was tired of the tricks She ask me if I can spell the word evict. Chorus Why me Lord, Situation looking kinda bad Why me Lord, I lost the best girl I ever had Why me Lord, Im homeless and Im feeling kinda sad Why me , Why me, Why me , Why me Why me Lord, how you member massa God so quick Why me Lord, when trouble tek you pickney shirt a fit Why me Lord, , is just because you dont know when to quit Why me , Why me, Why me, Why me.

Verse 2 Just the other day when I was rolling with my crew Made a little flex around by Flatbush avenue calling to some honeys and sipping on my brew


Thats when I saw the boys in blue Pulled us to the side why I dont even have a clue Looking for a reason and they finally found a few A case of Ammunition and a loaded thirty two I cant believe what Im going through Chorus Why me Lord, here I am I gotta face the time Why me Lord, though the evidence aint even mine Why me Lord, I swear I aint guilty of the crime Why me , Why me, Why me , Why me Why me Lord, how you member massa God so quick Why me Lord, when trouble tek you pickney shirt a fit Why me Lord, , is just because you dont know when to quit Why me , Why me, Why me, Why me, Bridge Take heed, never take advantage of the thing you need Never let yourself be over come by greed Walk the straight and narrow and you shall succeed Get you act up to speed And try, no matter what it takes to give a next man a blye Everybody else deserve a piece a the pie Honesty the best policy no sell no samfie You no need fi wonder why Chorus Chica Bonita Hook


What is cinco cervezas? I really don't know But this pretty little senorita said it and I liked how it flowed What is venga mi casa? I really don't know From the way that she smiled I could tell how the story would go Chorus Chica Bonita, you pretty like a rose Mi senorita, mi love how you a pose Dame un beso, you hot and it shows Toca mi vida, and everybody knows ( repeat ) Verse Baby baby baby Tell me what you wanna do and where you wanna go Ain't no need to rush it baby we can take it slow I swear it must be cupid shooting arrows with his bow I notice in your eyes a certain glow Have me wondering now Is it really me or tell me do you feel the same I feel like I'm in love and I don't even know your name I know what I am saying to you may sound pretty lame Your love is like an everlasting flame Hook Chorus Verse Lovely lady would you Please give me a signal so I know you understand


Maybe I should start by making gestures with my hand Girl you're like a rising star and I'm your biggest fan My sweet Bonita diva with the tan Got me thinking baby We could make a life together on the ocean shore Paradise is where you are I'm ready to explore Can never get enough of you it's all about amour And happiness is knocking at your door Hook Chorus

Oh Carolina Carolina, wine your body gal Make dem know say you have it fi mad dem Oh Carolina (Prowl off, jump an prance) Oh Carolina (Prowl off, jump an prance) Oh Carolina gal prowl off Gal yuh fi jump an prance (Prowl off, jump an prance) Carolina come bubble 'pon me Oh watch how she groove Carolina come wine 'pon me Oh watch how di gal groove Oh Carolina (Prowl off, jump an prance) Oh Carolina (Prowl off, jump an prance) Oh Carolina gal prowl off Gal yuh fi jump an prance (Prowl off, jump an prance) Oh Carolina is a girl She dey pon top a di world An now she rock her body Anna move just like a squirrel I say young baby girl I said I love how yuh move Yuh just a rock to di riddim anna riddim anna move An now yuh know di girl Oh Carolina (Prowl off, jump an prance) Oh Carolina (Prowl off, jump an prance) Oh Carolina gal prowl off Gal yuh fi jump an prance (Prowl off, jump an prance) Oh Carolina (Prowl off, jump an prance) Oh Carolina (Prowl off, jump an prance)


Oh Carolina gal prowl off Gal yuh fi jump an prance (Prowl off, 1 -2 - 3 ! ) Carolina come bubble 'pon me Oh watch how she groove Carolina come wine 'pon me Oh watch how di gal groove Oh Carolina (Prowl off, jump an prance) Oh Carolina (Prowl off, jump an prance) Oh Carolina gal prowl off Gal yuh fi jump an prance (Prowl off, jump an prance) Well how me love how she shock Watch how she rock Model it a swing Like mi grandfather clock Gal, move yuh body Make man dem drop Bumper jus' a move It jus' a cause roadblock Oh Carolina (Prowl off, jump an prance) Oh Carolina (Prowl off, jump an prance) Yes, Oh Carolina (Prowl off, jump an prance) Carolina, Carolina, Oh Carolina (Prowl off, jump an prance) All di Brooklyn gal dem Dem know fi jump an rock (I say) Di Flatbush Gal dem Know how fi get up and rock (Get up an rock)


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