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Nursing Board Exam Questions about Integumentary System 6.

The physician prescribes an emollient for a client with pruritus of recent on set. The client asks why the emollient should be applied immediately after a bat h or shower. How should the nurse respond? a. b. c. d. "This "This "This "This makes the skin feel soft." prevents evaporation of water from the hydrated epidermis." minimizes cracking of the dermis." prevents inflammation of the skin."

7. The nurse discovers scabies when assessing a client who has just been transfe rred to the medical-surgical unit from the day surgery unit. To prevent scabies infection in other clients, the nurse should: a. wash hands, apply a pediculicide to the client's scalp, and remove any observ able mites. b. isolate the client's bed linens until the client is no longer infectious. c. notify the nurse in the day surgery unit of a potential scabies outbreak. d. place the client on enteric precautions. 8. Nursing board exam questions about a client who is diagnosed with gonorrhea. When teaching the client about this disease, the nurse should include which inst ruction? a. "Avoid sexual intercourse until you've completed treatment, which takes 14 to 21 days." b. "Wash your hands thoroughly to avoid transferring the infection to your eyes. " c. "If you have intercourse before treatment ends, tell sexual partners of your status and have them wash well after intercourse." d. "If you don't get treatment, you may develop meningitis and suffer widespread central nervous system (CNS) damage." 9. A client comes to the physician's office for treatment of severe sunburn. The nurse takes this opportunity to discuss the importance of protecting the skin f rom the sun's damaging rays. Which instruction would best prevent skin damage? a. b. c. d. "Minimize sun exposure from 1 to 4 p.m. when the sun is strongest." "Use a sunscreen with a sun protection factor of 6 or higher." "Apply sunscreen even on overcast days." "When at the beach, sit in the shade to prevent sunburn."

10. Nursing board exam questions when caring for a client with severe impetigo, the nurse should include which intervention in the plan of care? a. b. c. d. Placing mitts on the client's hands Administering systemic antibiotics as prescribed Applying topical antibiotics as prescribed Continuing to administer antibiotics for 21 days as prescribed

_________________________________ Nursing Board Exam Questions Answers and Rationale 6) B - Applying an emollient immediately after taking a bath or shower prevents evapo ration of water from the hydrated epidermis, the skin's upper layer. Although em

ollients make the skin feel soft, this effect occurs whether or not the client h as just bathed or showered. An emollient minimizes cracking of the epidermis, no t the dermis (the layer beneath the epidermis). An emollient doesn't prevent ski n inflammation. 7) B - To prevent the spread of scabies in other hospitalized clients, the nurse shou ld isolate the client's bed linens until the client is no longer infectious usua lly 24 hours after treatment begins. Other required precautions include using go od hand-washing technique and wearing gloves when applying the pediculicide and during all contact with the client. Although the nurse should notify the nurse i n the day surgery unit of the client's condition, a scabies epidemic is unlikely because scabies is spread through skin or sexual contact. This client doesn't r equire enteric precautions because the mites aren't found on feces. 8) B - Answer to nursing board exam questions - Adults and children with gonorrhea ma y develop gonococcal conjunctivitis by touching the eyes with contaminated hands . The client should avoid sexual intercourse until treatment is completed, which usually takes 4 to 7 days, and a follow-up culture confirms that the infection has been eradicated. A client who doesn't refrain from intercourse before treatm ent is completed should use a condom in addition to informing sex partners of th e client's health status and instructing them to wash well after intercourse. Me ningitis and widespread CNS damage are potential complications of untreated syph ilis, not gonorrhea. 9) C - Sunscreen should be applied even on overcast days, because the sun's rays are as damaging then as on sunny days. The sun is strongest from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. ( 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. daylight saving time) not from 1 to 4 p.m. Sun exposure should be minimized during these hours. The nurse should recommend sunscreen with a su n protection factor of at least 15. Sitting in the shade when at the beach doesn 't guarantee protection against sunburn because sand, concrete, and water can re flect more than half the sun's rays onto the skin. 10) B - Answer to nursing board exam questions - Impetigo is a contagious, superficial skin infection caused by beta-hemolytic streptococci. If the condition is sever e, the physician typically prescribes systemic antibiotics for 7 to 10 days to p revent glomerulonephritis, a dangerous complication. The client's nails should b e kept trimmed to avoid scratching; however, mitts aren't necessary. Topical ant ibiotics are less effective than systemic antibiotics in treating impetigo.

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