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Ministry to the Lost Sheep This young man at the age of 17, had a dream, a dream that revealed

that God had a plan for him to be a ruler. This resulted in him being sold into slavery by his envious brothers. Rather than turning his back on God for this unfairness, remained obedient and prospered. Even when faced with a huge temptation that many cannot resist at any age, the sexual temptation from his masters wife, he resisted. At the age of 30 he was jailed for a crime he never committed. But, he was released for another remarkable deed. He became the governor. He was joseph of the Old Testament. His youthful days were filled with twists and turns that often changed his destiny often. But he stood firm in his faith. The Bible specifically has some powerful examples and stories about youth. One may find such youth even today. In fact, most of the youth in their trying 20s have an unsettled life filled with frustrations and rejections. However, in that lost period, rarely the adult world enters into their lives to stand by or live by. Perhaps, most of the adults wait like the father of the prodigal son for a homebound scene. Meanwhile, we celebrate life with the homely youth with us. In fact, most of our youth ministries in the parishes are with the homely, holy youth. We even dont ask like our master where are the nine? We miss the ministry of search for the lost sheep. In the last decades, the Church has witnessed an upheaval in youth ministry. One could not imagine a youth commission in a diocese few decades back in India. Now, in almost all the dioceses, there is a youth commission even if there may not be a womens commission, child commission or adult commission or elders commission. Though interest in the youth in the Church initiated by our protestant churches, in the recent past, due to the interest of Blessed John Paul II, the Catholic Church has realized the power of the youth in the Church. The initiation of World Youth Days is a typical example of this. Moreover, youth ministry is no more a monopoly of Salesians or any religious congregations though their specific charism is youth ministry. Youth ministry is becoming a common ministry among congregations, orders, or even monks in the monastery. If this is the move from the Catholic Church, the society is taking much more interest in the youth. The twice called international youth years by UN and the introduction of World Parliament of Youth indicate, the society has trust and confidence in this special age group. But the question we youth ministers and youth commissions that should ask is what type of youth are we ministering to? Are they homely holy youth? If one goes around the youth groups in the parishes, one can easily notice such goody goody, obedient and devoted youth. Perhaps, one is happy to see such lovely youth in the parish who are so active in the life of the Church. But, do they represent the entire parish? Very often, they are just one percent of parish youth. What about the unchurchy youth? Perhaps we are still celebrating this one percent and stay in the fools paradise forever. We need to leave the one percent in the Church and search for the ninety nine percent in the parish. This search is the most important part of the youth ministry. But, we take credit in the celebration of the returned in our youth group gatherings, conventions or celebrations. We need to redefine and reverse the Biblical paradigm of the youth ministry today. The lost sheep are around us. What we lack today is the searching mind of the Good Shepherd among the youth commissions and youth ministers. Are our animtors willing to leave the convention halls and youth parties and search for the lost sheep? Our youth conventions are filled with fun and

faith. There is more fun and faith if one really search for those lost sheep who are not in that fold. It does not make rational sense to leave ninety-nine percent of the animals left in your charge to go look for one percent. It seems you would be better off taking care of the ninety-nine sheep you have rather than abandoning them to search for one. This might make more sense rationally, but it is not the heart of a shepherd. The heart of a shepherd cares for every single sheep. Unfortunately, the Biblical paradigm has changed today. We have only one percent in the fold and the ninety nine percent is out. Does the Church today reflect this parable? The Divine Master says, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel (Mt. 15:24)." The wilderness of this world is sufficiently wide and uncultivated. One has to search for the spiritually lost, morally least, and humanly last. The mission of the Church is to bring the gospel, the sacraments, and Gods love and fellowship to the churchs lost, least and last. To the outcast, we offer inclusion; to the rejected, acceptance; to the afflicted, comfort; to the sinner, forgiveness; to the despondent, hope; to the troubled, peace." We have gathered a tiny band of followers. We go from place to place, worshipping God wherever we find ourselves and a few obedient youth. In a way, we too are lost sheep. We are all wandering in the wilderness, waiting for Jesus to come and place us on his shoulders and take us home. Then there will be one flock and one shepherd. What do we need to do then? We require paradigm shifts in youth ministry. Perhaps we require constant paradigm shifts as society progresses. We need to redefine youth catechesis in parishes and school. The Traditional concept of youth groups in parishes and youth movements in schools and colleges to be redefined. A new teen spirituality is the need of the hour. We need to understand a spirituality different from the spirituality of adults and children. What is the role of Youcat in educating young to faith? The advent of Youcat has brought new horizons in youth catechesis. The youth spirituality has to move from spiritual circles to mundane milieu where most of the youth are found. For example, the sports arena is one of the loci of youth spirituality today. This issue of Kristu Jyoti discusses these themes in youth ministry in the wake of World Youth Day and International Youth Year that just passed by.

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