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Question 1: Provide the create table syntax to Create a Table Employee whose details are as below.

Employee(EmployeeID, LastName, FirstName, Address, DateHired) Ans: create table Employee( EmployeeID int(10) primary key,LastName varchar(20) ,FirstName varchar(20),Address varchar2(50),datehired date ); Question 2: Provide the INSERT query to be used in Employee Table to fill the Details. ANS: Insert into Employee values( 100,'gourav','kishan','hyderab ad','15-aug-45'); Question 3: When we give SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEE .How does it Respond? Ans: when we type the following query of select * from employee it returns all t he data present that is all the columns in employee table. In this case it shows the above value in the insert statement. Question 4: Create a Table CLIENT whose details are as below. Client(ClientID, LastName, FirstName, Balance, EmployeeID) ANS:create table Client(ClientID int(10), LastName varchar(20), FirstName varcha r(20), Balance float(10) , EmployeeID foreign key references Employee(EmployeeID )); Question 5: Provide the INSERT query to be used in CLIENT Table to fill the Details. ANS:INSERT INTO Client values(&ClientID,'&LastName','&FirstName','&Address', &Em ployeeId); Question 6: When we give SELECT * FROM CLIENT .How does it Respond? ANS: It returns all the rows and columns present in the client table . that is i t shows all the field data of client table. Question 7: Choose the correct answer. The SQL command to create a table is: a. Make Table b. Alter Table c. Define Table d. Create Table Ans : D Question 8: Choose the correct answer. The DROP TABLE statement: a. deletes the table structure only b. deletes the table structure along with the table data c. works whether or not referential integrity constraints would be violated d. is not an SQL statement

ANS: b Question 9: What are the different data types available in SQL server? Ans: 1) Numeric : Stores numeric values. 2) Monetary : It stores numeric values with decimal places. It is used specially for currency values. 3) Date and Time : It stores date and time information. 4) Character : It supports character based values of varying lengths. 5) Binary : It stores data in strict binary (0 or 1) representation. 6) Special purpose: SQL Server contains Complex data types to handle the XML Documents,Globally unique identifiers etc. Question 10: Which is the subset of SQL commands used to manipulate Oracle Database structure s, including tables? ANS: DDL( Data Deifinition Language). Question 11: What operator performs pattern matching? ANS: LIKE Operator. Question 12: What operator tests column for the absence of data? ANS: IS NULL Operator. Question 13: Which command executes the contents of a specified file? ANS: START or @ command. Question 14: What is the parameter substitution symbol used with INSERT INTO command? ANS: '&' commonly known as amperescent operator. Question 15: Which command displays the SQL command in the SQL buffer, and then executes it? ANS: RUN. Question 16: What are the wildcards used for pattern Matching? ANS: _ and % _ = single character substitution . % = multiple character substitution. [CHARLIST] = any single charecter in CHARLIST ^[CHARLIST] = any single charecter NOT in CHARLIST Question 17: State whether true or false. EXISTS, SOME, ANY are operators in SQL.

ANS: TRUE. Question 18: State whether true or false. !=, <>, ^= all denote the same operation. ANS: TRUE. Question 19: What are the privileges that can be granted on a table by a user to others? Ans: Insert, update, delete, select, references, index, execute, alter, all Question 20: What command is used to get back the privileges offered by the GRANT command? ANS: REVOKE. Question 21: Which system tables contain information on privileges granted and privileges obt ained? ANS : USER_TAB_PRIVS_MADE, USER_TAB_PRIVS_RECD . Question 22: Which system table contains information on constraints on all the tables created ? ANS: USER_CONSTRAINTS. Question 23: What is the difference between TRUNCATE and DELETE commands? ANS: 1.Delete is a DML command and Truncate is a DDL command. 2.Where clause can be used with delete only. 3.THE Delete operation can be rolled back, Truncate operation cant be roll ed back again that is it is a permanent delete. Question 24: What command is used to create a table by copying the structure of another table ? ANS: CREATE TABLE .. AS SELECT command Explanation : To copy only the structure, the WHERE clause of the SELECT command should contai n aFALSE statement as in the following. CREATE TABLE NEWTABLE AS SELECT * FROM EXISTINGTABLE WHERE 1=2; If the WHERE condition is true, then all the rows or rows satisfying the conditi on will be copied to the new table.

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