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Volume VII, Issue 1

October 14, 2011

GOP Candidates Race to Preliminaries

Courtesy of Chris Carlson at Rick Santorum, Newt Gangrich, Michele Bachmann, Mitt Romney, Rick Perry, Ron Paul, Herman Cain, and Jon Huntsman are all in the running to become the Republican presidental candidate for the 2012 presdidental election. These candidates are speaking out on issues such as education, the current state of the United States economy, health care, and foreign affairs. The primary elections will begin on Jan. 31 and run until June 26. Election Day will be on Nov. 6th.
By Rachel Sandler Feature Editor With campaign speeches and candidate platforms mainly consisting of complicated political jargon, it is sometimes difficult for the common citizen, including students at South County, to really grasp and understand what politicians actually stand for. On top of that, mainstream news media does very little to appeal to Americas youth. Because of this, students at South County as a whole, tend to shy away from modern politics and current events, namely actively keeping up with the journey to the 2012 election. I dont really pay attention to that stuff because the news is just so confusing, said sophomore Catherine Theiss. Democrats already have a presidential candidate in Obama; however the indecisive GOP currently has eight candidates vying for the coveted opportunity to run against him. Some of the more media focused candidates include Mit Romney, Rick Perry, and Michele Bachman. The lesser known candidates are Ron Paul, Newt Gingrich, Herman Cain, Rick Santorum, Jon Huntsman, and Gary Johnson. Although all eight of these candidates are representing the same political party, they all have some nuanced ideas about how this country should be run. Bachman or the The Firebrand according to CNN at the Tea Party Debate on Sept. 12: Bachman has become known as a troublemaker, in politics right now. Not only is she the only woman running, she has also come under media attention for some very controversial statements about important issues. She claims to be a constitutional conservative, but then sometimes makes some fundamental mistakes when referring the constitution. Her top priorities are to repeal Obamacare and to make government spending cuts to reduce Americas debt. Cain, The Businessman: Herman Cain prides himself on knowing all of the ins and outs of businesses and the economy. Like most conservatives, his plan to help the economy includes major spending cuts in government programs. Cain also wants entitlement programs (social security, medicare, etc) to be left to state governments instead of the federal government. Gingrich, The Big Thinker: The former Speaker of The House, Gingrich plans to help our economy include not raising taxes and repealing and replacing Obamacare. Gingrich also plans on coming up with a unified strategy to marginalize, isolate, and defeat radical Islamists across the world, according to his campaign website. So troops are not coming home anytime soon under Gingrich. Huntsman, The Diplomat: As a twice former diplomat, Hunstman has years of experience in foreign affairs. As ambassador to China during the Obama administration, Huntsman thinks that After 10 years of fighting the war on terror, people are ready to bring our troops home from Afghanistan, Huntsman said. This country has given its all. Huntsman is also one of the more liberal candidates, namely on social issues, even supporting legislation that would allow civil unions and same-sex marriages in Utah. However he takes a traditional conservative stance on the economy. Johnson (Was not present during the Sept. 12 debate): Johnson is just is a newcomer into the election scene, just attending a debate on Sept. 22. ( Continued on page 2)

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