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October 1 5 - November 1 5 , 201 1 October 1 5 - November 1 5 , 201 1

Cover Story
Editor's Note
Reader's Response
Cover Story
Tech Tools
Editorial 8
Letters to the Editor 9
Wateen to transform lives via internet 16
Ufone's green expedition continues 21
Innovative devices at Asia's biggest tech fair in Japan 35
FLARE hosts Baba Bulleh Shah's Urs 18
A visionary, creative genius! The iMan dies, creates iSad 23
National News 51
International News 63
National Mosaic 49
International Mosaic 62

M-Commerce getting roots deep in Pakistani market 12
Mobilink brings Jazz Bananas app store 13
Academia take full advantage of SMS 22
Changes in modern, old handsets 31
Who first to launch 4G in UAE- Etisalat or Du? 36
BlackBerry maker faces compensation prospect 38
India caps on SMS to deter telemarketers 41
Mobile loving Thais still waiting for full 3G 42
PTCL explores new horizons 26
PTA directs to avoid imports of sophisticated tablet PCs 10
Employ space technology for socio-economic uplift 14
Boost in IT, Telecom sectors solution to the energy crisis 17
Huawei Show reflects efforts for betterment of telecom sector 20
Universal Service Fund success story 30
WiMAX vs LTE vs HSPA+: who cares who wins? 34
Cyber Terrorism! A new menace of the modern world 37
SRK uses digital media for Ra.One promotion 40
Best simulation games for the PC 44
Kindle vs iPad2! Which one best suits you 45
Timeline changes the face of Facebook 46
Green energy to power traffic lights 47
India unveils world's cheapest tablet 48
Mobile Review 70
Current Mobiles 72
Upcoming Mobiles 76
High Range Mobiles 78
Low Range Mobiles 79
Computers 80
Laptops 81
Accessories 82
Gaming Zone 84
Wateen to transform lives via internet
FLARE hosts Baba Bulleh Shah's Urs
SRK uses digital media for Ra.One promotion
Best simulation games
for the PC
Innovative devices at Asia's
biggest tech fair in Japan
Zubair Ahmed Kasuri Editor
Irfan Khan Assistant Editor
Usman Yaqoob
Director Marketing (Lhr)
M. Farooq MaIik
Manager Marketing (Lhr)
Rashid Hussain MughaI
Marketing Executive (Khi)

Zafar Khan Afridi
Senior Graphic Designer
M. Naeem MughaI
Graphic Designer
Azhar Javed
General Manager
Muhammad Saeed
Chief Photographer
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October 15 - November 15, 2011

InkIsfnn InformnfIon nnd communIcnfIon fochnoIogIos ICT
socfor wIfnossod honomonnI growfh rnfo n numbor of oornfors
wIfh fho nssIsfnnco of !nIvorsnI SorvIco Iund !SI fry fo ronch
ouf onch nnd ovory cornor of fho counfry nnd connocf fho onfIro
InkIsfnn fo fho worId.
InkIsfnn Is rnnkod nmong fho fo counfrIos whIch rogIsforod
hIgh growfh In brondbnnd Infornof onofrnfIon. SorbIn fos fho IIsf
wIfh n 68 or conf nnnunI growfh rnfo from Ql20l0 fo Ql20ll,
nccordIng fo JuIy 20ll InndwIdfh !oorf wIfh dnfn on worIdwIdo
bnndwIdfh onofrnfIon. InkIsfnn, whIch hns soon n boom In Ifs
romIsIng foIocom socfor nnd InformnfIon fochnoIogy sorvIcos In
roconf yonrs, rocordod nround 46.2 or conf growfh In fho numbor
of subscrIbors nnd Is Incod fourfh on fho IIsf. ThnIInnd nnd
IoInrus nro rnnkod socond nnd fhIrd, rosocfIvoIy, In forms of
brondbnnd Infornof onofrnfIon. SrI !nnkn nnd IndIn nro rnnkod
llfh nnd l4fh, rosocfIvoIy.
AII fhIs succoss Is sonr hondod by ITC! If hoIds fho sfnfus of
bnckbono for counfry's foIocommunIcnfIon Infrnsfrucfuro. ITC!
mnInfnIns IondIng osIfIon In InkIsfnnI foIocommunIcnfIons nronn
by rovIdIng sfnfo of fho nrf fochnoIogIos nnd cusfomor confrIc
sorvIcos ncross fho Iongfh nnd brondfh of InkIsfnn. ITC! Is IondIng
fho Irondbnnd rovoIufIon In fho counfry from fho fronf. Through
Ifs oIIcy of ugrndIng nnd oxnndIng Ifs Irondbnnd ronch bofh on
Ifs frndIfIonnI coor nofwork nnd fhrough fho dovoIomonf of Ifs
fIbro ofIc nofwork, ITC! hns mnnngod fo fIrmIy Inco IfsoIf ns fho
undIsufod Iondor In fho Irondbnnd socfor In fho counfry.
Todny undor IfIsnInf nfronngo ITC! Is oxIorIng now horIzons
In foIocom socfor whIIo ImIomonfIng mosf ofhIcnI busInoss
rncfIcos. WIfh fho consoIIdnfIon of IfIsnInf grou of comnnIos,
wo fooI fhoro nro Iofs of oorfunIfIos nvnIInbIo for growIng nnd
InunchIng moro InnovnfIvo sorvIcos. !oconfIy In fho ITC! Ionrd of
Irocfors moofIng chnIrod by Mr. IrosIdonf, hnvo nrovod moro
fhnn !s 20 bIIIIon dovoIomonfnI fund for fho oxnnsIon nnd
ugrndnfIon of Ifs nII oxchnngos onfo fho C fnsf Infornof
nofworks fo rovIdo moro swIff nnd uIfrn fnsf Infornof fncIIIfy fo
fho vnIuod usors.
ow If`s fho govornmonf furn fo rovIdo frIondIy nnd busInoss
orIonfod onvIronmonf fo nII fho sfnkohoIdors of ICT socfor, whIch
fo sfrongfhon fho socfor nnd nffrncf mnxImum Invosfmonf fo boosf
fho Inhomo sIfunfIon nnd gIvos n hoIIng hnnd fo crumbIIng
oconomy. If shouId shorfIy nucfIon fho now 3C socfrum fo mnko
fho oxIsfIng bnndwIdfh fnsfor nnd moro convonIonf for fho ooIo
fo onjoy uIfrn fnsf Infornof sood, If wIII nIso brIng hugo rovonuo fo
fho nnfIonnI kIffy In fho form of IIconso foo, ns our noIghborIng
IndIn bnggod nImosf doubIo fho nmounf If hns oxocfod boforo

Zubair Ahmed Kasuri, (Editor-in-Chief) publisher
of FLARE leading telecom magazine, printed
it from Qasim Naeem Art Press, Near Bank
Road, Main Bund Road, Lahore and
published from 46J, Gulberg , Lahore.

ukIsLun TeIecommunIcuLIon AuLIorILy (PTA)
In u IeLLer Ius dIrecLed LIe CoIIecLor oI Cus-
Loms oI KurucII, uIore, sIumubud, QueLLu
und PesIuwur Lo observe LIe ruIes und reg-
uIuLIons oI PTA provIsIons oI "Type ApprovuI
ReguuILIons zooq". TIe subjecL oI LIe IeLLer Is mur-
keLIngJsuIe oI non-Lype upproved LubIeL PCs In Puk-
WIMux, eLc. musL noL ImporL wILIouL proper up-
provuI Irom PTA.
TIe LexL us under: L Ius been observed LIe sev-
eruI munuIucLurers, ImporLers und servIces provIders
ure murkeLIng und seIIIng dIIIerenL Lype oI LubIeL PCs
WIMux, eLc., IucIIILIes wILIouL obLuIn Lype upprovuI
Irom PukIsLun TeIecommunIcuLIon AuLIorILy (PTA).
n vIew oI ubove, you ure requesLed Lo obLuIn Lype
upprovuI oI uII LubIeL PCs beIng und Lo be murkeLed In
PukIsLun wILIIn Lwo weeks LIme. n cuse oI non-com-
pIIunce, PTA wouId Luke ucLIon us per provIsIons oI
"Type ApprovuI ReguIuLIon zooq."
TIe Lwo weeks LIme Ius pussed wIeLIer PTA Luke
ucLIon uguInsL LIe non-compIIunce or presenL uny re-
porL Lo PrIme MInIsLer oI PukIsLun In LIIs regurd.
TerrorIsm Ius exIsLed Ior cenLurIes und conLIn-
ues Lo be u very reuI LIreuL In modern LImes. TIe
LecInIques Lo curry ouL un ucL oI LerrorIsm muy Iuve
cIunged, buL LIe IundumenLuIs oI wIy LerrorIsLs de-
cIde Lo curry ouL u LerrorIsL ucL Iuve noL. L muy be
reuson PTA Ius dIrecLed LIe ImporLers Lo IoIIow LIe
ruIes und reguIuLIons. L Is remembered, Suud MIrzu,
AddILIonuI G PoIIce KurucII, Ius InIormed Supreme
CourL oI PukIsLun LIuL CIInese mude pIones ure
mukIng IL dIIIIcuIL Ior Iuw enIorcemenL uuLIorILIes Lo
Lruck cuIprILs due Lo sume ME numbers Ior more
LIun one IundseL.
Cyber LerrorIsm Is u newer LecInIque LerrorIsLs
uLIIIze Lo InIIIcL LIeIr ucLs oI vIoIence, Ieur und InLIm-
IduLIon on LIeIr LurgeLed vIcLIms. WIIIe IL muy Iuve
cIunged LIe dynumIcs oI Iow LerrorIsm Is currIed
ouL, LIe underIyIng IucLors ure mucI LIe sume. TIe
purpose oI LerrorIsm Is Lo InIIIcL Lerror LIrougI ucLs
sucI us Iorce, vIoIence or desLrucLIon. HIsLorIcuIIy
LIIs Ius been currIed ouL LIrougI bombs, IosLuge
LukIng, ussussInuLIons, II-juckIngs und weupons oI
muss desLrucLIon uLLucks. TIrougIouL IIsLory muny
dIIIerenL kInds oI weupons or InLImIduLIon Iuve been
used Lo Invoke Lerror Lowurds oLIers. TecInoIogy Is
LIe IuLesL LooI empIoyed Lo meeL LIIs desLrucLIve ob-
jecLIve. Cyber LerrorIsm Is LIe newesL upproucI und
IL Is one wIIcI Ius IIgI poLenLIuI Lo brIng ubouL dev-
usLuLIng resuILs mucI IIke LIe kInds oI precedIng vI-
oIenL uLLucks, buL on u grunder scuIe. Toduy's
poIILIcuIIy moLIvuLed uLLucks ure IuuncIed wILI LIe
InLenLIon Lo cuuse weIgILy Iurm, und cyber uLLucks
cerLuInIy Iuve IIgI poLenLIuI Lo LrIgger severe Injury,
economIcuI dumuge und even deuLI.
TecInoIogy does noL cIunge LIe ucL oI LerrorIsm
per se becuuse LIe sume InLenLs wIIcI Iuve uIwuys
been presenL wIen u rudIcuI commILs un ucL oI Lerror
ure LIere. TIeIr gouI Is oILen Lo cuuse bodIIy und II-
nuncIuI Iurm. TerrorIsm Is un ucL prImurIIy IueIed by
IuLred und InLoIerunce Ior LIose wIo ure dIIIerenL.
WILI LIe udvenL oI LecInoIogy LerrorIsLs Iuve Iound
unoLIer weupon LIey cun uLIIIze Lo cuuse wIdespreud
dumuge. L Is In LIIs respecL LIuL LecInoIogy Ius
cIunged LerrorIsm.
WIIIe LecInoIogIcuI udvunces Iuve noL necessur-
IIy cIunged LIe InLenLs Ior LerrorIsm, LIey've cer-
LuInIy ImpucLed wIuL rudIcuIs ure cupubIe oI und LIIs
Is wIere LerrorIsm Ius cIunged. WIuL IL Ius done Is
provIde LIe LerrorIsLs wILI unoLIer meLIod Lo com-
mIL un ucL oI Lerror und reucI u Iurger number oI vIc-
LIms. L uIso provIdes LerrorIsLs wILI un opporLunILy
Lo pInpoInL specIIIc LurgeLs wILIouL ever IuvIng Lo seL
IooL on LIe soII oI LIe regIon LIey ure uLLuckIng. WIen
LerrorIsLs LurgeL LIeIr vIcLIms, wIen cIuImIng re-
sponsIbIIILy LIey cILe LIe LrudILIonuI moLIvuLors
LIey've uIwuys Iud, buL LecInoIogy Ius oIIered u LwIsL
on "LrudILIonuI meuns" oI Lerror. No Ionger does Ler-
rorIsm occur Iuce Lo Iuce or IncILed usIng bombs or
vIoIence. WILI economIc, governmenLuI und socIuI
LIes Lo LIe web, un ucL oI Lerror usIng LIe nLerneL Ius
LIe poLenLIuI Lo exLend LIe wruLI oI dumuge Lo reucI
mIIIIons oI peopIe by brIngIng down enLIre InIru-
sLrucLures. TIIs dIrecLIy ImpucLs muny vIcLIms wIo
couId be LIousunds oI mIIes uwuy, und Is u sIgnIII-
cunL uspecL oI Iow LecInoIogy Ius ImpucLed Lerror-
Ism becuuse LIe perpeLruLors oI vIoIence don'L need
Lo LruveI Lo LIeIr LurgeL desLInuLIons. Cyber LerrorIsm
Is u very reuI concern und securILy Issue In Loduy's
worId. Cun you ImugIne II un enLIre bunkIng, emer-
gency servIce, power pIunL, LeIecommunIcuLIons,
mIIILury or governmenL InIrusLrucLure IeII vIcLIm Lo
u successIuI cyber LerrorIsL uLLuck? TIIs couId brIng
down LIe IeurL oI un economy or governmenL. Even
II one LurgeL oI LIIs IIsL wus cyber uLLucked IL wouId
cuuse muss cIuos or In some cuses worse II IL resuILed
In Injury or deuLI.
WIIIe LIe moLIvuLors oI LerrorIsm remuIn LIe
sume, wIen LerrorIsLs use LecInoIogy us u weupon IL
Ius sLrong poLenLIuI Lo be u very dungerous one
wIIcI cun resuIL In muss desLrucLIon.
Fr ee downl oad | f I ar e. pk
nsighT Azhar Javed
t has been observed that several manufacturers, importers and services providers
are marketing and selling different type of tablet PCs in Pakistan having wifi, HSPA,
UMTS, GMS, EVDO, WiMax, etc., facilities without obtain type approval from PTA
ITA dIrocfs fo nvoId Imorfs
of sohIsfIcnfod fnbIof ICs
Cyber terrorism is the newest
approach and it is one which
has high potential to bring
about devastating results much
like the kinds of preceding
violent attacks, but on a
grander scale
Ie revoIuLIon oI LecInoIogIes und mobIIe
communIcuLIon neLworks Iuve seL u new
purudIgm us Iur us busIness opporLunILIes
und reseurcI uLLenLIon ure concerned; nev-
erLIeIess murkeL poLenLIuIs und ImpucLs oI web-bused
e-commerce ure uIso growIng uL u rupId puce. MobIIe
commerce Is consIdered Lo be unoLIer new uddILIon
Lo exIsLIng web-bused e-commerce. MobIIe com-
merce In PukIsLun Ius been wILnessed growLI. Ac-
cordIng Lo murkeL puce LIe LrunsucLIons wIII cross LIe
murk oI $zoo bIIIIon In zo1z under LIe umbreIIu oI
m-commerce, LIIs wIII be 1oo percenL growLI Lo com-
pure Lo currenL yeur. SImIIurIy, LIe IorecusLs Ior
worIdwIde murkeL Ior remoLe mobIIe puymenL oI dIg-
ILuI goods wIII reucI $1.6 bIIIIon by LIe end oI LIIs
yeur. urLIermore, LIe mobIIe subscrIber buse LIuL
perIorms mobIIe bunkIng wIII doubIe Irom zoo mII-
IIon LIIs yeur Lo qoo mIIIIon In zo1. Moreover, LIe
subscrIber buse LIuL use mobIIe coupons Is expecLed
Lo reucI oo mIIIIon consumers gIobuIIy by zo1q,
generuLIng revenue oI $6 bIIIIon per unnum.
AnoLIer reseurcI sLudy sIows LIuL uround 1;o
mIIIIon mobIIe subscrIbers gIobuIIy wIII muke IocuI
person-Lo-person puymenLs by end zo11. Moreover,
PorLIo ReseurcI IorecusLed LIuL LIe m-puymenL users
wIII ucceIeruLe Irom 81. mIIIIon Lo qqo mIIIIon by LIe
end oI zo1q und expecLed LrunsucLIons oI $ 6.q bII-
IIon wIII Iuppened gIobuIIy.
TIe precedIng IucLs und IIgures sIow LIuL m-com-
merce Ius exponenLIuIIy Increused In recenL yeurs und
IL uIso unLIcIpuLed u Iuge growLI In upproucIIng
yeurs. TIese predIcLIons ure bused on subsLunLIuI reu-
sons. IrsLIy, LIe poLenLIuI beneIILs oI Iorenumed LecI-
noIogy sucI us eusy uccessIbIIILy Lo consumers
IndependenL oI LIme und IocuLIon, secure und prIvuLe
LrunsucLIons, robusLness, reduced LrunsucLIon cosL,
compeLILIve prIcIng und eIIIcIency, sLreumIIned busI-
ness process und reduce order processIng LIme. I-
nuncIuI InsLILuLIons IIke bunks ure LukIng keen InLeresL
In LIe m-commerce LecInoIogy due Lo LIeIr reuIIzu-
LIon oI LIe IucL LIuL IL Is one oI LIe besL und cosL eIIec-
LIve wuys Lo reucI LIe unbunked peopIe.
MobIIe consumers uround LIe worId ure uIso em-
brucIng smurL-pIones und uvuIIIng IIgI-speed InLer-
neL connecLIvILy In LIeIr IIIe sLyIe. A reseurcI reporL
on gIobuI consumer percepLIon conducLed by SprIng-
bourd ReseurcI Lo IdenLIIy LIe poLenLIuI IucLors prob-
ubIe Lo success M-Commerce usuge IIIusLruLes LIuL
mujorILy oI consumers Iuve IIgIIy udvocuLed LIuL
consumer uwureness und quuIILy oI conLenLs wIII
boosL LIe m-commerce usuge.
n PukIsLun, LIe secLor oI m-commerce Ius been
IeIL unuLLended Ior severuI yeurs. BuL nowuduys nu-
merous busIness ussocIuLIons ure LryIng Lo uIIIIIuLe
wILI m-commerce IucIIILy In LIeIr esLubIIsImenLs In
order Lo upIIIL LIeIr revenues buL mosL oI LIem ure
conIused ubouL LIe consumer`s percepLIon regurdIng
m-commerce IucIIILy.
MobIIe bunkIng Ius become u key eIecLronIc cIun-
neI Ior LIe gIobuI bunkIng und IInuncIuI servIces In-
dusLry due Lo ILs upLILude Lo reduce overuII
operuLIonuI cosLs, sLreumIInIng LIe operuLIons und
LIe poLenLIuI Lo boosL up LIe cusLomer buse. Every
bunk In LIe worId Is consIderIng LIIs opLIon In order
Lo reucI LIe unbunked. AccordIng Lo GIobuI IndusLry
AnuIysL sLudy LIe gIobuI mobIIe bunkIng, cusLomer
buse wIII reucI Irom 1.1 bIIIIon by zo1, wIIcI Is seven
LImes oI LIe currenL cusLomer buse.
Around qq percenL oI consumers ure InLeresLed In
m-bunkIng, mosL oI LIem ure young peopIe und wunL
Lo geL beneIILLed Irom m-commerce IucIIILIes due Lo
ILs convenIence und IusL LrunsucLIon. TIe consumer
percepLIon In PukIsLun regurdIng M-commerce Is
quILe opLImIsLIc. Muny consumers Iuve sIown LIeIr
keen InLeresL Lowurds m-bunkIng, m-LIckeLIng, BS
und mobIIe bused onIIne sIoppIng becuuse LIey uII
Iuve reuIIzed LIIs suIIenL IucIIILy wIII provIde conven-
Ience, cosL reducLIon, more compreIensIve und quIck
LrunsucLIon opporLunILIes In LIeIr duIIy IIIe.
L musL be noLed LIuL LIere ure uIso some con-
sumers wIo don`L know ubouL sucI IucIIILy due Lo Iuck
oI uwureness und IILerucy becuuse mosL oI LIem ure
beIong Lo ruruI ureus oI PukIsLun or eIse ure eIderIy
und Iuve uImosL no knowIedge oI LIe subjecL. n
order Lo IosLer LIe proIIIeruLIon oI m-commerce In LIe
counLry, busIness IIrms, IInuncIuI InsLILuLIons und
servIce provIders musL reuIIze LIe opporLunILIes oI m-
commerce IucIIILy und sLurL Lo InvesL In LIe LIIs secLor.
Moreover, Lo uddress LIe Issue oI Iuck oI uwureness
und moLIvuLIon; sLukeIoIders musL conducL uwure-
ness cumpuIgns Ior promoLIng m-commerce servIces
In LIe socIeLy.
L Ius been uIso observed LIuL mosL oI LIe con-
sumers demunds Ior more user IrIendIy, secure und
IocuI conLenLs bused uppIIcuLIons LIereIore IocuI con-
LenL deveIoper musL be encouruged by LIe sLukeIoId-
ers Lo uddress LIe suId Issues In order Lo boosL-up LIe
subscrIber buse oI m-commerce In LIe counLry. More-
over, governmenL musL encouruge mobIIe devIce
munuIucLurers Lo IIouL Iow cosL smurL-pIones In LIe
counLry Lo uddress LIe Issue oI uIIordubIIILy oI IocuI
consumers und uIso compeI ceIIuIur operuLors Lo en-
sure IuII QoS durIng IInuncIuI LrunsucLIon process.
Mobile banking has become a
key electronic channel for the
global banking and financial
services industry due to its
aptitude to reduce overall
operational costs, streamlining
the operations and the
potential to boost up the
customer base. Every bank in
the world is considering this
option in order to reach the
Mobile commerce is considered to be another new addition to existing
web-based e-commerce. Mobile commerce in Pakistan has been witnessed
growth; the transactions will cross the mark of $200 billion in 2012 under the
umbrella of m-commerce; 100 percent growth to compare to current year
Fr ee downl oad | f I ar e. pk
Telepedia Usman Yaqoob
ILI mobIIe peneLruLIon reucIIng
6 per cenL LIIs cuIendur monLI
In PukIsLun, In sucI LImes onIy
LIose compunIes prosper wIo
vuIue reIuLIonsIIps wILI LIeIr cusLomers. To
sLrengLIen LIese reIuLIonsIIps IL Is Impor-
LunL Lo oIIer new und InnovuLIve servIces Lo
cusLomers. L Is esLImuLed LIuL LIere wouId
be more LIun u bIIIIon smurL
pIones In use worId-wIde by
LIe yeur zo11. SmurL pIone
users wunL more und more
user IrIendIy uppIIcuLIons
wIIcI ure deveIoped Lo cuLer Lo
LIeIr specIIIc needs.
App sLores muInLuIned by
operuLors ure ImporLunL be-
cuuse LIese upp sLores ure noL
IImILed Lo uny specIIIc brund
or operuLIng sysLem ruLIer
LIey cun deveIop or source
upps Ior numerous operuLIng
sysLems (OS). TIereIore IL Is
essenLIuI Ior mobIIe pIone op-
eruLors Lo IucIIILuLe LIeIr cus-
Lomers In LIIs regurd.
MobIIInk LIrougI ILs youLI
brund Juzz Juzbu recenLIy
IuuncIed LIe IIrsL InLegruLed mobIIe upp
sLore In PukIsLun cuIIed Juzz Bununus. TIIs
upp sLore Is excIusIve Lo uII MobIIInk posL-
puId und prepuId cusLomers. L currenLIy Ius
more LIun ooo mobIIe uppIIcuLIons Lo oIIer
Ior vurIous IundseLs IncIudIng SymbIun,
Juvu und AndroId enubIed IundseLs.
JuIunzeb Tuj, VIce PresIdenL MurkeLIng,
MobIIInk IIgIIIgILed, "MobIIInk Ius uIwuys
remuIned uL LIe IoreIronL oI InnovuLIon In-
PukIsLun's LeIecom IndusLry, und Juzz Bu-
nunus Is unoLIer Ieup Iorwurd Lowurds
provIdIng our cusLomers wILI LIe compIeLe
mobIIe experIence.
Juzz Bununus enubIes our subscrIbers' uc-
cess Lo u compIeLeIy newIIIesLyIe LIuL pro-
vIdes on-LIe-go uccess Lo LIousunds oI upps
uL LIe cIIck oI u buLLon." TIIs upp sLore so Iur
IncIudes upps, gumes, musIc, LIemes, wuII-
pupers und vIdeos. nLeresLIngIy LIe upp
sLore IncIudes boLI puId und Iree upps. One
oI LIe beneIILs oI usIng LIIs IocuI upp sLore Is
LIuL LIe cosL oI LIe upps LIuL you downIoud
geLs deducLed Irom LIe mobIIeuser's uc-
counL. TIIs mukes IL very eIIorLIess Ior LIe
cusLomer Lo puy Ior LIe upps us compured Lo
puyIng Ior upps vIu credIL curds or PuyPuI.
Juzz Bununus Ius uIso In-
Lroduced unoLIer purudIgm
wILIIn LIe IocuI soILwure de-
veIopmenL IndusLry wILI LIe
'Bununus ucLory', wIIcI en-
ubIes deveIopers Lo creuLe,
sIure und seII LIeIr conLenL
LIrougI LIe upp sLore. or LIe
IIrsL LIme, IocuI conLenL deveI-
opers wIII Iuve LIe ubIIILy Lo
murkeL LIeIr producLs In Puk-
IsLun LIrougI u dynumIc pIuL-
Iorm LIuL wIII boosL IocuIIzed
user generuLed conLenL und
deveIop PukIsLun's prowess In
LIe ureu oI mobIIe up-
pIIcuLIon deveIop-
MobIIInk Is
LIe IIrsL com-
puny Lo InLroduce LIe upp
sLore In PukIsLun, Juzz Bu-
nunu Is uvuIIubIe Lo uII Mo-
bIIInk posLpuId und prepuId
Fr ee downl oad | f I ar e. pk
F|are Peport Telepedia
rIme MInIsLer YusuI Ruzu GIIunI Ius urged
LIe spuce scIenLIsLs und LecInoIogIsLs Lo
promoLe und exLensIveIy empIoy spuce
LecInoIogy uppIIcuLIons Ior socIo-economIc
deveIopmenL oI PukIsLun. AddressIng LIe 6LI Com-
mencemenL oI nsLILuLe oI Spuce TecInoIogy (ST)
IeId In sIumubud, LIe PrIme MInIsLer suId govern-
menL wouId conLInue supporLIng LIe progress oI
scIence und LecInoIogy In LIe counLry und poInLed
Lo LIe recenL upprovuI oI PukIsLun`s Spuce Pro-
grumme zoqo, LIuL seLs cIeur mIIesLones In LIe nu-
LIonuI quesL Ior spuce LecInoIogy. uuncIIng oI
PAKSAT-R Is, Indeed, onIy LIe begInnIng oI u Iong
journey, LIe prIme mInIsLer suId.
He ussured governmenL`s compIeLe supporL Lo-
wurds LIe uLLuInmenL oI LIe IuId down objecLIves oI
PukIsLun`s Spuce Progrumme und suId LIe youLI In-
voIved In LecInoIogy deveIopmenL musL reuIIse LIuL
LIe IIeId oI spuce LecInoIogy Ius vurIed dImensIons.
He suId spuce scIence pIuys u mujor roIe In susLuIn-
ubIe socIo-economIc deveIopmenL und securILy oI
LIe counLry. He suId spuce LecInoIogy uppIIcuLIons
In LIe counLry were beIng IncreusIngIy used In LIe
IIeIds oI communIcuLIon, envIronmenLuI sLudIes,
ugrIcuILure, wuLer und dIsusLer munugemenL und
mILIguLIon; und nuLIonuI securILy.
TIe PrIme MInIsLer Iuuded LIe recenL IuuncI oI
PukIsLun`s nuLIonuI spuce ugency - SUPARCO`s -
suLeIIILe PAK SAT 1R, wILI LIe IeIp oI CIInese
IrIends und suId sucI coIIuboruLIon wouId provIde u
unIque opporLunILy Lo guIn IIrsL-Iund experIence In
communIcuLIon suLeIIILe munuIucLurIng LecInoIogy.
GIIunI wIo vIsILed LIe CIInese spuce munuIucLur-
Ing orgunIsuLIon durIng IIs recenL vIsIL suId Ie meL
u Iurge number oI PukIsLunI engIneers wIo were
workIng cIoseIy wILI LIeIr CIInese counLerpurLs
durIng uII sLuges oI desIgn, munuIucLure und deveI-
opmenL oI suLeIIILes.
TIe evenL - LIe convocuLIon oI LIe sIxLI buLcI oI
LIe InsLILuLe wus uLLended by DIrecLor GeneruI
SLruLegIc PIuns DIvIsIon L. Gen KIuIId AImed
KIdwuI, CIuIrmun SUPARCO und purenLs oI LIe
sLudenLs. PrIme MInIsLer GIIunI uIso unnounced
Rs.1oo mIIIIon Ior LIe EndowmenL und Ior LIe
weIIure oI LIe sLudenLs oI nsLILuLe oI Spuce TecI-
noIogy, und buIIdIng oI nIormuLIon TecInoIogy
BIock Ior LIe nsLILuLe. He suId IuII oI LIe umounL
wouId be puId Lo LIe InsLILuLIon In Lwo InsLuIImenLs;
one In LIe currenL IInuncIuI yeur und LIe second
durIng LIe nexL IInuncIuI yeur.
PrIme MInIsLer GIIunI uwurded buccuIuureuLe
degrees umongsL qo gruduuLes oI Aerospuce und
CommunIcuLIon SysLems EngIneerIng. He guve
uwuy PresIdenL oI PukIsLun`s goId meduI Lo TunzeeI
ur ReImun oI Aerospuce EngIneerIng und UbuId
BusIr Awun oI CommunIcuLIon SysLems EngIneer-
Ing. GIIunI IeIIcILuLed LIe CIuIrmun SUPARCO und
IIs Leum und urged LIe ST gruduuLes Lo work dIII-
genLIy In LIeIr proIessIonuI endeuvours Lo promoLe
und exLensIveIy empIoy spuce LecInoIogy uppIIcu-
LIons Ior socIo-economIc deveIopmenL oI our coun-
Lry. um sure LIuL ST wIII conLInue Lo prepure our
youLI Ior IurnessIng spuce LecInoIogIes Lo meeL LIe
nuLIonuI requIremenLs, LIe prIme mInIsLer udded.
He suId reseurcI Ieuds Lo new und eIIIcIenL wuys
oI IIndIng InnovuLIve soIuLIons Lo LIe probIems. He
uIso usked LIe gruduuLIng sLudenLs Lo IncuIcuLe LIe
cuILure oI reseurcI und u spIrIL oI crILIcuI InquIry Ior
promoLIon oI scIence und LecInoIogy In PukIsLun.
DeveIopmenL oI scIence und LecInoIogy Is LIe wuy
Iorwurd Ior deveIopmenL oI PukIsLun. TIIs Is Iow
we cun brIng ubouL u posILIve cIunge In LIe IIves oI
our peopIe, GIIunI suId.
He uIso upprecIuLed LIe IIgI empIoymenL ruLe
oI LIe gruduuLes oI ST und suId IL wus LIe resuIL oI
IIgI sLundurds oI educuLIon ImpurLed und IIuIson
wILI IndusLry und premIer reseurcI und deveIop-
menL orgunIzuLIons oI LIe counLry.
He Ioped LIe new gruduuLes wIII do LIeIr besL
In LIeIr endeuvors und conLrIbuLe Lo nuLIonuI de-
veIopmenL. PrIme MInIsLer GIIunI remInded LIe
young sLudenLs LIuL LIey owe u greuL deuI Lo LIe
PukIsLun. You cun repuy Ior wIuL LIe counLry Ius
provIded you by servIng IL IonesLIy und wILI com-
pIeLe dedIcuLIon. He suId LIe educuLIon LIe sLu-
denLs Iuve receIved Ius broudened LIeIr
perspecLIve und vIsIon oI IIIe. You sIouId LIInk In
Lerms oI your responsIbIIILIes beIore you demund
your rIgILs. My GovernmenL wIII conLInue supporL-
Ing LIe progress oI scIence und LecInoIogy In LIe
unIversILIes oI PukIsLun. TIe PrIme MInIsLer uIso
quoLed LIe ounder oI PukIsLun QuuId-e-Azum
MuIummud AII JInnuI; WILIouL educuLIon, IL Is
compIeLe durkness und wILI educuLIon IL Is IIgIL.
EducuLIon Is u muLLer oI IIIe und deuLI Lo our nu-
LIon. TIe worId Is movIng so IusL LIuL II you do
noL educuLe yourseIves you wIII be noL onIy com-
pIeLeIy IeIL beIInd, buL wIII be IInIsIed up.
PrIme MInIsLer GIIunI suId HoIy PropIeL
MuIummud (PBUH) Iud enjoIned HIs IoIIowers
Lo go even Lo CIInu In LIe pursuIL oI knowIedge.
I LIuL wus LIe commundmenL In LIose duys
wIen communIcuLIons were dIIIIcuIL, LIen, LruIy,
MusIIms us LIe Lrue IoIIowers oI LIe gIorIous Ier-
ILuge oI sIum, sIouId sureIy uLIIIze uII uvuIIubIe
No sucrIIIce oI LIme or personuI comIorL
sIouId be regurded Loo greuL Ior LIe udvunce-
menL oI LIe cuuse oI educuLIon, Ie udded.
PrIme MInIsLer GIIunI uIso uwurded VIce
CIunceIIor`s MeduI Ior TunzeeI ur ReImun und
Humdun AjmuI KIun Irom Aerospuce EngIneer-
Ing und Syed AkIIuq HussuIn SIuI und AII
AImed Irom CommunIcuLIon SysLems EngIneer-
Ing DepurLmenL. VIce CIunceIIor EngIneer
mrun RuImun IIgIIIgILed LIe conLrIbuLIons oI
ST und specIIIcuIIy menLIoned LIe desIgn und
deveIopmenL oI ST`s PCO suLeIIILe, known us
LIe cube.
He suId LIe work underLuken by ST sLudenLs
wouId be LIe IIrsL ucudemIc projecL by uny Puk-
IsLunI unIversILy und wouId open new vIsLus oI
opporLunILIes In R&D und LruInIng. He suId u
IuIIy equIpped ground sLuLIon Ius uIreudy been
seLup und wouId IeIp LIe sLudenLs In LIeIr un-
dersLundIng ubouL new LecInoIogIes.
Fr ee downl oad | f I ar e. pk
nsighT Flare Report
ImIoy snco fochnoIogy for
socIooconomIc uIIff
PM gave away President of
Pakistan's gold medal to
Tanzeel ur Rehman of
Aerospace Engineering and
Ubaid Basir Awan of
Communication Systems
Engineering, he felicitated
the Chairman SUPARCO
and his team
PM announces Rs100 million for the Endowment Fund for the
welfare of the students of nstitute of Space Technology, and
building of nformation Technology Block for the nstitute
n Abu DIubI Group venLure, WuLeen
TeIecom Is u converged communIcu-
LIon servIces provIder LIuL enubIes uII
connecLIvILy requIremenLs Ior orgun-
IsuLIons und IndIvIduuIs In PukIsLun. WuLeen`s
vIsIon Is Lo Luke PukIsLun InLo LIe dIgILuI rev-
oIuLIon oI LIe z1sL CenLury by oIIerIng com-
pIeLe communIcuLIons und medIu soIuLIons,
IncIudIng LeIepIony, InLerneL, duLu und
TVJmuILImedIu Lo LIe pubIIc uL Iurge, und Lo
muke PukIsLun u regIonuI communIcuLIons
Iub, InLer-connecLIng LIe EusL wILI LIe WesL
und CenLruI AsIu wILI LIe MIddIe EusL.
TIe 11LI unnuuI TCN IeId uL LIe KurucII
Expo CenLre successIuIIy concIuded recenLIy
wIere, LIe mosL uLLrucLIve booLI Iuve IubrI-
cuLed by WuLeen TeIecom, PukIsLun`s IeudIng
converged communIcuLIons provIder, proudIy
purLIcIpuLIng by co-sponsorIng LIe evenL
uIong wILI oLIer mujor compunIes Irom LIe
InLerneL und LeIecommunIcuLIons secLor.
CIIeI CommercIuI OIIIcer, WuLeen TeIe-
com, Syed JIbrun AII, suId: TIe TCN Expo
Is one oI our IndusLry`s bIggesL unnuuI evenLs.
WuLeen Ius uIwuys been u proud purLIcIpunL;
LIIs yeur, we were reuIIy pIeused wILI LIe
LurnouL uL our puvIIIon und LIe success oI LIe
evenL ILseII. By purLIcIpuLIng, WuLeen wus
ubIe Lo communIcuLe ILs messuge LIuL LIe In-
LerneL Ius LIe ubIIILy Lo cIunge IIves, wIIIe
uIso generuLIng enormous InLeresL umongsL
consumers und corporuLe vIsILors uIIke.
WuLeen TeIecom sLrongIy beIIeves In LIe
InLerneL`s power Lo enubIe und LrunsIorm
IIIesLyIes In PukIsLun. TIe broudbund gIunL`s
sLuII uL LIe evenL reIIecLed WuLeen`s perspec-
LIve, oIIerIng vIsILors u runge oI enubIIng LecI-
noIogIes, IncIudIng u dedIcuLed VOP
LeIepIony cenLre Ior InLernuLIonuI cuIIs wIere
peopIe couId reucI LIeIr IrIends und IumIIy
ouLsIde LIe counLry, und u gumIng zone com-
peLILIon ureu Ior boLI PCs und gumIng con-
TIe sLuII uIso IeuLured u wIreIess broud-
bund experIence cenLre, wIere consumers
couId LesL WuLeen producLs und undersLund
LIe wuys In wIIcI LIe WuLeen connecLIvILy
experIence cIunges und sIupes IIves. Corpo-
ruLe cIIenLs were provIded LIe uddILIonuI Iu-
cIIILy oI u dedIcuLed neLworkIng spuce.
WuLeen`s oIIerIngs Ior duLu, voIce, medIu
und neLworkIng soIuLIons ure unmuLcIed,
mukIng IL LIe mosL compIeLe oIIer Ior
connecLIvILy needs. n uddILIon Lo
oIIerIng consumer communIcuLIon servIces,
WuLeen TeIecom Is uIso commILLed Lo oIIer-
Ing LeIecoms provIders LIe InIrusLrucLure
neede Lo oIIer quuIILy, reIIubIIILy und uIIord-
ubIIILy In LIe communIcuLIon und medIu
Fr ee downl oad | f I ar e. pk
Event Flare Report
Wateen Telecom strongly believes in the internet's power to enable and transform
lifestyles in Pakistan. The broadband giant's stall at the event reflected Wateen's
perspective, offering visitors a range of enabling technologies
Wateen has always been a
proud participant; this year,
we were really pleased with
the turnout at our pavilion
and the success of the event
itself. Wateen was able to
communicate its message
that the internet has the
ability to change lives: CCO
Wateen, Jibran Ali
Iunces oI meeLIng energy sIorLuge In neur
IuLure ure dIsmuI, uL IeusL Ior unoLIer seven
yeurs. TIIs Is LIereIore rIgIL LIme Lo re-evuI-
uuLe LIe poLenLIuI oI vurIous segmenLs oI
economy In order Lo resIuIIIe LIe prIorILIes In u
IIgIIy emergenL sILuuLIon IIke LIIs. TIe governmenL
poIIcymukers sIouId consIder dIversIIIcuLIon oI eco-
nomIc modeI und sLurL LIInkIng beyond LrudILIonuI
economIc ureus IIke LexLIIe IndusLry. An exLruordI-
nury dependence on LexLIIe und ugrIcuILure sInce In-
dependence Is IosIng counLry`s compeLILIve edge IusL,
wIIcI Is compounded by LIe prevuIIIng energy crI-
sIs. UnIorLunuLeIy, uII LIe Lrude poIIcIes ure enLIreIy
Iocused on LexLIIe IndusLry, wIIcI Is IIgIIy power-
InLensIve und presenL energy sIorLuge Ius resuILed
InLo mussIve unempIoymenL.
PukIsLun Is presenLIy pussIng LIrougI un un-
precedenLed energy crIsIs. TIe demund exceeds sup-
pIy und Ience IoudsIeddIng Is u common
pIenomenon LIrougI IrequenL power sIuLdowns.
PukIsLun needs ubouL 18,ooo MW per duy. PresenLIy,
IL cun produce ubouL 1,ooo MW per duy und LIus
LIere Is u sIorLIuII oI ubouL oooMW per duy. TIIs
sIorLuge Is budIy uIIecLIng IndusLry, commerce und
duIIy IIIe oI peopIe.
TIe demund Ior nuLuruI gus und oII demund Ius
Increused munIIoId, IIkeIy Lo burden LIe economy
IurLIer us u resuIL oI growIng MIddIe EusL crIsIs. TIe
governmenL Ius pIunned mujor InILIuLIves IncIudIng
LIree gus ImporL pIpeIInes, Gwudur porL us energy
Iub und NG ImporL Lo meeL energy sIorLuge.
PukIsLun`s T secLor consIsLs oI u web oI smuII
IIrms und muny oI LIe enLrepreneurs sLurLed Irom
very Iow IeveIs Lo muke enLry In LIe busIness. TIe In-
dusLry revenues ure exceedIng $z bIIIIon u yeur und
ure projecLed Lo reucI $11 bIIIIon by zo16, uccordIng
Lo PukIsLun SoILwure Houses AssocIuLIon (PSHA).
Muny IIrms ure seeIng LIeIr suIes grow uL un unnuuI
ruLe oI over o%. TIIs LurgeL cun be ucIIeved mucI
eurIIer LIun zo16 provIded LIe governmenL Is sup-
porLIve LIe growLI oI T IndusLry. PukIsLun Ius been
ubIe Lo ucIIeve LIese growLI ruLes despILe runkIng
1zoLI on LIe InIrusLrucLure und IogIsLIcs componenLs
oI LIe WorId Bunk`s ogIsLIcs PerIormunce ndex.
TIe PukIsLun SoILwure ExporL Bourd (PSEB) Ius
recenLIy been quoLed In LIe press LIuL PukIsLun Is
producIng uround z,ooo T proIessIonuIs every
yeur Lo meeL growIng requIremenL oI domesLIc und
InLernuLIonuI murkeLs. OuL oI LoLuI number oI sucI
proIessIonuIs, upproxImuLeIy o per cenL enLer LIe
job murkeL, uccordIng Lo LIe duLu. AL presenL, un es-
LImuLed 1o,ooo T proIessIonuIs ure uvuIIubIe In
PukIsLun uguInsL uround mIIIIon T engIneers In
ndIu. However, LIe currenL pooI oI T experLs und
engIneers uvuIIubIe In LIe counLry Is noL suIIIcIenL Lo
meeL LIe domesLIc requIremenLs. To ucIIeve LurgeLed
resuILs, LIe governmenL needs Lo Luke severuI sLeps
Lo Increuse LIe number oI T experLs und engIneers
wILI u Iocus on LIe growLI oI skIIIed Iumun resource
pooI Ior LIe counLry`s T IndusLry. TIe besL wuy Lo
ucIIeve growLI In T secLor oI PukIsLun Is Lo IoIIow
LIe ndIun modeI.
A sIIIL In governmenL Iocus Lowurds LIe T In-
dusLry muy euse down pressure on LIe economIc
growLI oI LIe counLry. TIe T IndusLry Is noL us en-
ergy-InLensIve us LIe LexLIIe Is. L Is ImporLunL Lo
noLe LIuL LIe T IndusLry In PukIsLun Is noL us
power-InLensIve us LIe LexLIIe Is.
HuvIng u sLrong PukIsLun T IndusLry Is very
mucI possIbIe wILI concerLed eIIorLs on LIe purL oI
LIe governmenL, und IosL oI oLIer IucLors IIke prI-
vuLe InILIuLIves, emergence oI soILwure LecInoIogy
purks, cIusLerIng und pubIIc prIvuLe purLnersIIps.
ndIu IormuIuLed LIe nuLIonuI vIsIon Lo promoLe
soILwure IndusLry In ndIu In LIe eurIy 1q8os und
Look ILs T IndusLry exporLs Lo $6o bIIIIon In zo
yeurs. PukIsLun T IndusLry Ius u poLenLIuI IIgIer
LIun ndIun T IndusLry und eurn more IoreIgn ex-
cIunge In nexL zo yeurs provIded LIe requIred
Iocus oI LIe governmenL Is LIere. SLudy IInds US,
oLIer Ieuders muInLuInIng sLrengLI us deveIopIng
economIes guIn momenLum; PukIsLun up onIy Lwo
poInLs, reIIecLIng poor PR proLecLIon. PukIsLun Is
IosIng ground compured Lo oLIer counLrIes In In-
IormuLIon LecInoIogy, LIe BusIness SoILwure AI-
IIunce (BSA) recenLIy reporLed In ILs zo11 edILIon oI
LIe EconomIsL nLeIIIgence UnIL`s T ndusLry
CompeLILIveness ndex.
KumuI AImed, CounLry GeneruI Munuger, MI-
crosoIL PukIsLun suId, TIIs Is noL un encourugIng
sIgn Ior PukIsLun`s T IndusLry. Our T IndusLry em-
pIoys more LIun 1z,ooo proIessIonuIs wILI LIe
growLI ruLe oI uImosL q1 per cenL, wIIIe generuLIng
over $z bIIIIon unnuuIIy In Lux revenue. L wouId
beneIIL uII II we uIm IIgI Ior LIe nexL yeur`s Index.
ToppIng LIe overuII runkIngs Ior zo11 ure LIe
UnILed SLuLes, InIund, SIngupore, Sweden und LIe
UnILed KIngdom. TIIs yeur`s Index IInds LIuL coun-
LrIes LrudILIonuIIy sLrong In T ure muInLuInIng LIeIr
posILIons oI IeudersIIp In purL becuuse udvunLuge
begeLs udvunLuge - LIey Iuve buIIL up soIId Ioun-
duLIons Ior LecInoIogy InnovuLIon LIrougI yeurs oI
InvesLmenL und LIey ure conLInuIng Lo reup LIe
As LIe gIobuI economy sLurLs Lo recover, IL Is
more ImporLunL LIun ever Ior governmenLs Lo Luke
u Iong-Lerm vIew oI T IndusLry deveIopmenL, HoI-
Ieymun suId. PoIIcymukers cunnoL noL jusL Iook uL
LIIs Issue on un unnuuI busIs, or LIey rIsk beIng IeIL
beIInd. TIey musL ussess LIe nexL seven Lo nIne
yeurs, und InvesL uccordIngIy, In order Lo muke sub-
sLunLIve guIns In T compeLILIveness.
Ioosf In IT, foIocom socfors
soIufIon fo fho onorgy crIsIs
The government policymakers should consider diversification of economic model
and start thinking beyond traditional economic areas like textile industry
Fr ee downl oad | f I ar e. pk
F|are Peport nsighT
This year's index finds that
countries traditionally strong
in T are maintaining their
positions of leadership in part
because "advantage begets
advantage, they have built
up solid foundations for
technology innovation
through years of investment
and they are continuing to
reap the benefits
uII Is LIe ArubIc word Ior wooI, In LIe
sense oI cIouk, reIerrIng Lo LIe sImpIe
cIouks LIe orIgInuI SuIIs wore, buL LIe SuIIs
use LIe composIng IeLLers oI LIe words Lo
express IIdden meunIngs, und so LIe word couId
uIso be undersLood us enIIgILenmenL.
SuIIsm becume orgunIsed und udopLed u Iorm
und InsLILuLIon In LIe 1zLI und 1LI cenLurIes A.D.
SuIIsm Ius unIversuI uppeuI und ILs cIurucLerIsLIcs
ure unIversuIIy uccIuImed. SuIIsm on LIe wIoIe Is
prImurIIy concerned wILI dIrecL personuI experI-
ence, und us sucI muy be compured Lo vurIous
Iorms oI mysLIcIsm sucI us Zen BuddIIsm und
GnosLIcIsm. L neguLes rIgIdILy und promoLes Iree
reIIgIous LIougIL LIuL empIusIzes God`s Iove und
mercy LIuL susLuIns LIe wIoIe unIverse. SuIIsm
sLresses LIe essence oI IuILI ruLIer LIun mere ob-
servunce oI rILuuIs. L sIuns weuILIy, monurcIIc
und bureuucruLIc InIesLuLIons oI bIg cILIes und de-
LesLs IuIse vuIues bused on seII und power und cIur-
Lers Lo resLore moruIILy In ILs proper pIuce.
A greuL IesLIvuI (Urs) oI Syed Bubu BuIIeI SIuI,
wus IeId recenLIy In Kusur, umong LIe orgunIzers
ARE wus uIeud oI uII. Every yeur, no Iess LIun
oo,ooo peopIe come Irom ucross LIe counLry und
Irom ubroud Lo uLLend LIe IesLIvuI. euder In ceIIu-
Iur servIces provIder MobIIInk uIso joIned LIe
crowd und weIcomes uII LIe devoLees und Iovers oI
LIe SuII SuInL Syed Bubu BuIIeI SIuI.
L`s u good gesLure Lo ucknowIedge LIe greuL
servIces oI SuII`s und IIgIIIgIL LIeIr due roIe In
preucIIng sIumIc IdeoIogy und encouruge LIe In-
dIgenous cuILure und spreud LIeIr messuge oI
peuce, Iurmony und broLIerIood ucross LIe worId.
TIe LeIecom servIce provIders ure geLLIng revenues
Irom LIe vuIued peopIe oI PukIsLun und on sucI oc-
cusIons LIey geL LIe cIunce Lo puybuck Lo LIe vuI-
ued cusLomers. Now u duy, Cock SLudIo Is uIso
promoLIng LIe IocuI musIc wIIcI LIe SuII`s oI Puk-
IsLun used Lo InIIuence over LIe IocuIs und LIen
LIeIr poeLry becomes LIe mosL promInenL kuIum
und LIe peopIe Ioved Lo IIsLen Lo. AII LIe LeIecom
operuLors sIouId puLronIze sucI occusIons und Lry
Lo be purL oI Lo promoLe IndIgenous cuILure und Lru-
dILIons. TIe messuge oI SuIIs, LIe mysLIcs wIo
LoucI our mInd und souI, Is unIversuI. Becuuse oI
LruLI, rIcIness, und ILs down Lo eurLI upproucI,
SuII pIIIosopIy IInds u IoIIowIng umongsL eIILe us
weII us LIe musses - IrrespecLIve oI coIor, creed or
reIIgIon. TIougI SuIIs` messuge oI Iove reucIed uI-
mosL every nook und corner In LIe subconLInenL, IL
wus purLIcuIurIy so In PukIsLun wIere IL spreud Lo
IInd bIg success wILI LIe common IoIk, yeL LIe unI-
versuIILy oI SuIIs` messuge Iound supporL und IoI-
IowIng equuIIy umongsL LIe nobIIILy.
Every yeur muny sucI IesLIvuIs ure ceIebruLed
ucross LIe wIoIe oI PukIsLun. TIe Iomuge Lo LIese
godIy souIs Is so deep rooLed LIuL sucI occusIons
ure perIups LIe onIy pIuces wIere Lrue demonsLru-
LIon oI secuIur guLIerIngs Is observed. Here one
IInds MusIIms und non MusIIms oI dIIIerenL secLs
wIo oLIerwIse wIII noL oIIer pruyers wILI eucI
oLIer, buL In SuII sIrInes uL u purLIcuIur Urs LIey
wouId noL onIy ceIebruLe buL dIne, sIeep und, pruy
PukIsLun und SuIIsm ure InLer-reIuLed, InLer-
woven und InsepurubIe Irom eucI oLIer. I Puk-
IsLun`s begInnIng Is Lruced buck Lo LIe conquesL oI
LIIs sub-conLInenL by MusIIms urmIes, us Is erro-
neousIy LIougIL, LIen LIe wIoIe sub-conLInenL
sIouId Iuve become PukIsLun sInce MusIIm urms
were successIuI LIrougIouL LIe ureu. BuL PukIsLun
emerged onIy In LIose LerrILorIes wIere SuIIsm meL
wILI success. PukIsLun, LIereIore, cun be descrIbed
us LIe IruIL oI LIe SuII movemenL.
L Is suId LIuL LIe SuII prucLIce oI IIsLenIng musIc
IIrsL Look pIuce In LIe ndo-Puk subconLInenL und
LIen pussed on Lo resL oI LIe MusIIm worId. TIe
IuIrs uL SuII sIrInes or SuII suInLs (popuIurIy cuIIed
LIe Urs) generuIIy murk LIe deuLI unnIversury oI u
suInL. AL every Urs, devoLees ussembIe In Iurge
numbers und puy Iomuge Lo LIe memory oI u suInL.
BuIIeI SIuI`s reuI nume wus AbduIIuI SIuI, LIuL
IuLer LrunsIormed InLo BuIIeI SIuI ouL oI sIeer
reverence und uIIecLIon oI LIe common cILIzenry oI
Punjub wIo urdenLIy udIered Lo IIs rebeIIIous mes-
suge oI Iove, Iope und wIsdom. Ls wIdeIy beIIeved
Ie wus born uround 168o uL UcI GIIunIyun In Bu-
IuwuIpur; IuLer mIgruLed Lo MuIukwuI und IInuIIy
seLLIed In Pundoke BIuLIun, ubouL 1q mIIes souLI-
eusL oI Kusur. L wus Iere LIuL BuIIeI SIuI goL IIs
IormuI educuLIon Irom MuuIvI GIuIum MurLuzu,
wIo wus LIe mum oI LIe muIn mosque In Kusur.
BuIIeI SIuI`s uLLucImenL Lo IIs menLor`s pII-
IosopIy wus so sLrong LIuL under LIe sIeer speII oI
IIs devoLIon, Ie uddressed IIs musLer us god,
guIde, Iord, spouse, Iusbund, beIoved und IrIend.
He seLs ouL IIs own uesLIeLIcs oI LIe dIvIne Iove,
guIdunce, IuILI, vIrLuosILy, Iove und IorgIveness.
Ike uII oLIer SuIIs, Ie preucIes neguLIon oI LIe
seII wIIIe seekIng unILy wILI LIe dIvIne. HIs po-
eLry seLs IIberuI sLundurds wILI sLrong InLonuLIons
oI reIIgIous LoIerunce und communuI Iurmony. Re-
uIIzuLIons oI LruLI LrunsIormed BuIIeI SIuI InLo u
Lrue mysLIc. He purIIIed IIs IeurL wILI LIe IounLuIn
oI LruLI gusIIng deep InsIde IIs souI.
TIe LourIsL ImporLunce oI LIese IesLIvuIs Is so
sLrong LIuL LIey need be IncorporuLed In LIe over-
uII LourIsm poIIcy oI LIe counLry.
Fr ee downl oad | f I ar e. pk
Exclusive rfan Khan
I!A!I hosfs Inbn IuIIoh Shnh`s !rs
MobIIInk woIcomos dovofoos
A great festival (Urs) of Syed
Baba Bulleh Shah, was held
recently in Kasur, among the
organizers FLARE was ahead
of all. Every year devotees
assemble in large numbers and
pay homage to the memory of a
saint. Leader in cellular
services provider Mobilink also
welcomes all the devotees and
lovers of the Sufi Saint
Sufism negates rigidity and promotes free religious thought that emphasizes God's love and mercy
that sustains the whole universe; it stresses the essence of faith rather than mere observance of
rituals; Bulleh Shah purified his heart with the fountain of truth gushing deep inside his soul
uuweI PukIsLun orgunIsed u Broudbund
orum und Roud SIow In coIIuboruLIon
wILI PTA In sIumubud. TIe busIc LIeme
oI LIe Iorum wus SmurLer NeLwork Ior
BeLLer IIe. CIuIrmun PTA Dr MoIummed Yuseen
wus LIe cIIeI guesL on LIIs occusIon wIIIe, eo Xu,
VIce PresIdenL oI MIddIe EusL RegIon, HuuweI, n-
IormuLIon TecInoIogy (T) und LeIecommunIcuLIon
IndusLry experLs, represenLuLIves oI LeIecom compu-
nIes, ucudemIu und medIu represenLuLIves uLLended
LIe semInur. SpeukIng uL LIe occusIon Dr Yuseen
suId LIuL PukIsLun Ius emerged us one oI LIe Ieud-
Ing murkeLs In LeIecommunIcuLIons. However, IL Is
ImperuLIve LIuL LIe IndusLry keeps on movIng Ior-
wurd Ior IurLIer deveIopmenL oI LIe secLor brIngIng
more vuIue Lo IL. ArrungemenL oI sucI evenLs Is
sureIy un ImporLunL sLep Ior sIurIng und IdenLIIyIng
LIe IuLure ureus. CIuIrmun udded LIuL broudbund
peneLruLIon Is drIven by u number oI IucLors. PTA us
u reguIuLor Ius un ImporLunL roIe In ensurIng IusL
growLI oI broudbund In PukIsLun. TIougI LIe prIn-
cIpuI duLy wILI regurds Lo broudbund Is Lo muInLuIn
u compeLILIve broudbund murkeL, yeL reguIuLory uc-
LIons und sLruLegIes regurdIng broudbund ure sup-
posed Lo reIIecL on LIe drIvIng Iorces In Iorm oI
expundIng uccess, enIuncIng CILIzen DIgILuI SkIIIs,
PromoLIng ocuI ConLenL und IncreusIng vuIue ud-
dILIon InsIde LIe NeLwork und servIces. He suId LIuL
WIreIess Broudbund Is sureIy un ImporLunL ureu oI
consIderuLIon Ior LIe IndusLry In IuLure. PeopIe ure
InLeresLed In mobIIILy und connecLIvILy uL LIe sume
LIme. We wIII be observIng new eru oI wIreIess
broudbund In LIe counLry, Ie udded. DurIng LIe
semInur Xu uIso sIured IIs experL opInIon on IuLure
oI broudbund In LIe counLry. He IIgIIIgILed ureus
oI mobIIe LecInoIogIes, broudbund, consumer
IIIesLyIes, smurL pIones, mobIIe conLenL, servIces
und uppIIcuLIons eLc. TIe roud sIow wus open Ior u
week, us u dedIcuLed Leum oI HuuweI execuLIves, ex-
perLs und LecInIcuI supporL sLuII come LogeLIer
IosLed un unIorgeLLubIe broudbund experIence Lo
key sLukeIoIders und purLners In LIe counLry.
Broudbund Is wIdeIy regurded us u key IndIcuLor oI
nuLIonuI compeLILIveness und economIc deveIop-
menL. AccordIng Lo esLImuLes, u 1o percenL Increuse
In broudbund peneLruLIon LrunsIuLes InLo 1. percenL
GDP growLI. WILI un ongoIng commILmenL Lo en-
rIcIIng peopIe`s IIIe und enIuncIng broudbund de-
veIopmenL, HuuweI Ius InvesLed consIderubIe
resources und works cIoseIy wILI ILs purLners Lo
brIng LIe mosL cosL-eIIecLIve, cuLLIng-edge producLs
und soIuLIons Lo peopIe In PukIsLun. TIe roud sIow
IeId under LIe LIeme oI SmurLer NeLwork Ior BeL-
Ler IIe, serves us un ImporLunL purL oI LIe com-
puny`s eIIorLs Lo Ieud broudbund Iorwurd. By
provIdIng u Iunds-on experIence oI new mobIIe und
IIxed broudbund servIces, LIe roud sIow wIII oIIer u
gIImpse InLo HuuweI`s vIsIon Ior IIgIIy-eIIIcIenL und
IIexIbIe nexL-generuLIon LecInoIogy. TIese Innovu-
LIons wIII uILImuLeIy brIng down operuLor cosLs und
provIde u beLLer experIence Ior LIe regIon`s con-
sumers, suId eo Xu, VIce PresIdenL oI LIe MIddIe
EusL RegIon, HuuweI.
HunwoI Show rofIocfs offorfs
for bofformonf of foIocom socfor
Fr ee downl oad | f I ar e. pk
nsighT Flare Report
Fr ee downl oad | f I ar e. pk
F|are Peport Event
Ione, one oI LIe IeudIng LeIecom com-
punIes In LIe counLry, Ius been uL LIe
IoreIronL oI muny socIuI InILIuLIves
wIIcI Iuve been Luken Lo beneIIL LIe
popuIuce. UIone In coIIuboruLIon wILI AESEC Is
IeIpIng Lo promoLe vurIous green InILIuLIves LIuL
wIII Ieud Lo un envIronmenLuIIy susLuInubIe
pIuneL. A PIunL-u-Tree ucLIvILy wus conducLed uL
LIe SOS vIIIuge In uIore Lo promoLe u IeuILIy
envIronmenL und uIso provIdes sIude Ior LIe
cIIIdren, guurdIuns und LeucIers. ocusIng
muInIy on educuLIonuI InsLILuLes und IospILuIs,
UIone Ius conducLed vurIous pIunLuLIon ucLIvI-
LIes In LIe recenL pusL.
Members oI LIe UIone VoIunLeer Group en-
LIusIusLIcuIIy Look purL In LIe ucLIvILy uL LIe SOS
vIIIuge uIong wILI AESEC represenLuLIves und
uII LIe purLIcIpunLs ununImousIy endorsed LIe
need Ior more sucI InILIuLIves In LIe IuLure.
AESEC Is LIe worId's IurgesL youLI-run or-
gunIzuLIon und Is presenL In over 11o counLrIes
und LerrILorIes und wILI over 6o,ooo members.
ocused on provIdIng u pIuLIorm Ior youLI Ieud-
ersIIp deveIopmenL, AESEC oIIers young peo-
pIe LIe opporLunILy Lo be gIobuI cILIzens, Lo
cIunge LIe worId, und Lo geL experIence und
skIIIs LIuL muLLer Loduy. SInce IncepLIon UIone
Ius been u socIuIIy responsIbIe orgunIzuLIon, und
over LIe IusL Iew yeurs, Ius currIed ouL vurIous
CSR projecLs reIuLed Lo cIIId IeuILI cure und on
IIgIIIgILIng LIe need Ior u green und IeuILIy en-
On LIe occusIon, Mouzzum AII KIun, Heud oI
PubIIc ReIuLIons und CorporuLe SocIuI Respon-
sIbIIILy uL UIone suId LIuL by curryIng ouL LIe
pIunLuLIon ucLIvILy uL LIe SOS vIIIuge, UIone Ius
reuIIIrmed ILs commILmenL Lowurds u IeuILIy
green envIronmenL Ior LIe cIIIdren oI PukIsLun.
He suId LIuL IL wus very ImporLunL Ior orgunIzu-
LIons sucI us UIone Lo InIuse LIe sIgnIIIcunce oI
envIronmenLuI susLuInubIIILy wILIIn LIe socIeLy.
He commILLed LIuL LIere wouId be more sucI
InILIuLIves In LIe IorLIcomIng duys us UIone un-
dersLood LIe need Lo IeIp LIe cIIIdren oI Puk-
IsLun und IngruIn In LIem LIe beneIILs oI
preservIng LIe envIronmenL.
o doubL, duy-by-duy mobIIe pIones ure
becomIng LIe essenLIuI purL oI our IIIe.
TIe mosL busIc beneIIL oI u ceII pIone Ior
wIIcI mosL oI us use IL Is LIuL we cun
sLuy connecLed wILI our Ioved ones In uny purL oI
LIe worId und unyLIme. WIen InILIuIIy SMS wus In-
venLed, LIe mukers were noL ucLuuIIy sure wIeLIer
IL wIII work. SMSs ure Loduy LIe mosL wIdeIy used
servIce ucross LIe worId. TIere ure muny sILuu-
LIons In wIIcI u person cun`L uLLend u cuII, so uII
you Iuve Lo do Is sImpIy send un SMS und wILIouL
LuIkIng your messuge Is deIIvered. TIe ucudemIes,
scIooIs, coIIeges und unIversILIes ure LukIng ud-
vunce LecInoIogy und send SMS Lo LIe sLudenLs
ubouL uny ucLIvILIes. I LIey InIorm LIe sLudenLs
ubouL LImIngs, LesLs und IoIIduys jusL send SMS.
PurenLs LypIcuIIy wunL Lo gIve onIy LIe besL
LIIngs Ior LIeIr cIIIdren. PurenLs exerL so mucI eI-
IorL und work Iurd Lo muke sure LIuL LIeIr cIIIdren
wIII be ubIe Lo guIn LIe IInesL In everyLIIng und Ior
sure LIey wouId grub LIe besL LIIngs Ior LIeIr cIII-
dren us weII us uvoId LIe LIIngs LIuL wIII jusL be u
reuson Ior probIems Lo urIse.
or ureus LIuL Ius poor or no uccess Lo LIe n-
LerneL, cIeup GSM pIones Iuve become LIe muIn
LooI LIey used Lo know LIe IuLesL Lrends und mIIe-
sLones LIuL ure usuuIIy ImporLunL Ior LIose wIo ure
MosL IecLurers Iuve Luken udvunLuge oI ceII
pIone beneIILs by connecLIng und urrungIng
scIeduIes wILI sLudenLs LIrougI group LexLIng.
PurenLs Iuve guIned eusIer uccess Lo LIe
LeucIers und geL upduLes wILI LIeIr cIIId's deveI-
opmenL wILIouL geLLIng In LIe wuy oI LIe LeucIer's
EducuLIon Is ImporLunL und purenLs wouId In
no doubL do everyLIIng Lo gIve LIe besL Lo LIeIr
cIIIdren. TIIngs Iuve cIunged u IoL uIong wILI LIe
pussIng LIme und LIere ure muny LIIngs LIuL cun
Increuse LIe usuuI sLundurds oI educuLIon. eurn
LIe beneIILs oI ceII pIones on educuLIon und evuI-
uuLe LIe LIIngs LIuL your cIIId couId be mIssIng.
A IeuLed debuLe In educuLIon Is wIeLIer or noL
sLudenLs sIouId be uIIowed Lo Iuve ceII pIones In
scIooI. TIe Lwo more promInenL sIdes oI LIe dIs-
cussIon ure LIe dIsrupLIve poLenLIuI In LIe cIuss-
room verses sLudenL suIeLy. Muny IucuILy und sLuII
members IInd LIemseIves consLunLIy enIorcIng ceII
pIone poIIcIes wIIIe sLudenLs Lry Lo IIde LIe de-
vIces, yeL purenLuI concerns ubouL sLudenL suIeLy
durIng emergencIes uIIow LIe devIces Lo conLInue
comIng Lo scIooI. ExperIence Is sIowIng LIuL ceII
pIones In LIe Iunds oI sLudenLs cun noL onIy be
dIsrupLIve buL uIso dungerous.
CeII pIones und LexLIng ure known cIussroom
dIsrupLers. TIougI mosL sLudenLs remember Lo
puL LIe pIone on vIbruLe or sIIenL wIIIe uL scIooI,
some wIII consLunLIy cIeck Lo see II LIere Is u new
messuge, LIus dIsLrucLIng LIemseIves, und LIose
neurby, durIng cIussroom InsLrucLIon und ucLIvI-
LIes. TexLIng und ceII pIone cumerus ure uIso con-
venIenL cIeuLIng meLIods beIng used by sLudenLs.
SLudenL cumeru pIones ure LIed In wILI LIe rIs-
Ing concerns ubouL LIe sendIng oI IIIIcIL pIoLos
usIng u ceII pIone. TIIs prucLIce Is prImurIIy
umongsL Leens und LIe Imuges ure someLImes
Luken or senL durIng scIooI Iours or evenLs.
TIe LeucIers need Lo experIence, undersLund
LIe educuLIonuI vuIue, und be comIorLubIe wILI
LecInoIogy LooIs beIore usIng LIem Lo enIunce
LeucIIng und IeurnIng. I we ure exposIng LeucIers
Lo wuys In Lo IncorporuLe ceIIs InLo LIe cIussroom,
we ure provIdIng LIuL LeucIer und cIussroom wILI
Lremendous power und uccess und un ubIIILy Lo
modeI Ior sLudenLs Iow Lo use u ceII pIone us u
IeurnIng LooI.
TIe NuLIonuI ScIooI SuIeLy und SecurILy Serv-
Ices, Ieuded by scIooI suIeLy experL, Ken Trump,
noLes LIuL ceII pIones Iuve been LIed InLo oLIer
scIooI dIsrupLIons, Loo. One ucLIvILy Is cuIIIng In
u bomb LIreuL, wIIcI dIsrupLs cIusses, cunnoL be
Lruced II LIe cuIIer uses u ceII pIone, und cun be
dungerous In LIe presence oI un ucLuuI bomb
sInce LIe IrequencIes used Ior boLI devIces ure
sImIIur und muy cuuse LIe bomb Lo deLonuLe. An-
oLIer Is LIe spreudIng oI rumors oI vIoIence,
wIIcI Iuve been LIed Lo creuLIng more unxIeLy
LIun ucLuuI evenLs. nIormuLIon coIIecLed by LIe
NuLIonuI ScIooI SuIeLy und SecurILy ServIces re-
veuIs poLenLIuI dungers Lo uIIowIng sLudenLs Lo
Iuve ceII pIones uL scIooI. BesIdes LIe quIck
spreud oI rumors wIIcI mIgIL prompL purenLs Lo
puII LIeIr cIIIdren ouL oI scIooI eurIy, sLudenLs
In possessIon oI u ceII pIone durIng u drIII or un
ucLuuI crIsIs Iuve overIouded LIe pIone sysLems.
WIereus sLudenLs ure LexLIng or cuIIIng Lo muke
sure IrIends ure okuy und IumIIy members know
wIuL Is goIng on, LIeIr ucLIvILIes uILImuLeIy muke
IL dIIIIcuIL Ior crIsIs Leum members Lo communI-
cuLe und Increuse LIe dunger durIng un reuI
L Is up Lo scIooIs wIeLIer or noL Lo permIL
ceII pIones und under wIuL condILIons. BesIdes
consIderIng LIe eIIorLs necessury Lo enIorce LIe
poIIcIes, scIooIs uIso sIouId consIder Iow mucI
oI u poLenLIuI dunger sLudenL ceII pIone use cun
pose In u LIme oI crIsIs or cuuse by spreudIng ru-
mors durIng scIooI Iours.
TIe quesLIon oI wIeLIer ceII pIones sIouId
be uIIowed In scIooIs Ius been IoLIy debuLed
over LIe yeurs. MosL scIooI udmInIsLruLIons re-
gurd ceII pIone use us dIsrupLIve und dIsLrucLIng,
und Iuve ImpIemenLed poIIcIes LIuL proIIbIL
usIng LIem on scIooI grounds.
Fr ee downl oad | f I ar e. pk
Telepedia Prof Hafiz Umair Munawar
AcndomIn fnko fuII ndvnnfngo
of SMS
Education is important and
parents would in no doubt do
everything to give the best to
their children; they exert so
much effort and work hard to
make sure that their children
will be able to gain the finest
in everything
SMSs are today the most widely used service across
the world. The academies, schools, colleges and
universities are taking benefits of advance technology
and send SMS to the students about any activities
ppIe Iounder SLeve Jobs IosL LIe buLLIe Lo
puncreuLIc cuncer wILI LIe compuny Ie cre-
uLed und Ied Ior decudes unnouncIng IIs
deuLI In u brIeI sLuLemenL. "We ure deepIy
suddened Lo unnounce LIuL SLeve Jobs pussed uwuy
on OcLober ," LIe compuny's bourd oI dIrecLors suId
In u sLuLemenL. "SLeve's brIIIIunce, pussIon und en-
ergy were LIe source oI counLIess InnovuLIons LIuL
enrIcI und Improve uII oI our IIves. TIe worId Is Im-
meusurubIy beLLer becuuse oI SLeve."
Born on ebruury zq, 1q In Sun runcIsco Lo u
sIngIe moLIer und udopLed by u coupIe In neurby
MounLuIn VIew uL bureIy u week oId, Jobs grew up
umong LIe orcIurds LIuL wouId one duy become LIe
LecInoIogy Iub known us SIIIcon VuIIey.
Under Jobs, AppIe InLroduced ILs IIrsL compuLers
und LIen LIe MucInLosI, wIIcI becume wIIdIy popu-
Iur In LIe 1q8os. He wus eIevuLed Lo IdoI sLuLus by
runks oI MucInLosI compuLer devoLees, buL IeIL
AppIe In 1q8 uILer un InLernuI power sLruggIe und
sLurLed NeXT CompuLer compuny specIuIIzIng In so-
pIIsLIcuLed worksLuLIons Ior busInesses.
He co-Iounded Acudemy-Awurd-wInnIng PIxur
In 1q86 Irom u Iormer compuLer grupIIcs unIL Ie
bougIL Irom movIe IndusLry LILun George ucus.
AppIe's IusLer Iuded uILer Jobs IeIL LIe compuny,
buL LIey reconcIIed In 1qq6 wILI AppIe buyIng NeXT
Ior $qzq mIIIIon und Jobs uscendIng once uguIn Lo
LIe AppIe LIrone. AppIe wenL Irom sLrengLI Lo
sLrengLI us Jobs revumped LIe MucInLosI IIne,
IuuncIIng u "posL-PC eru" In wIIcI personuI com-
puLers gIve wuy Lo smurL mobIIe gudgeLs -- LIe IPod,
IPIone und LIe IPud, us weII us LIe popuIur ITunes
sILe. HIs pussIng wIII ruIse doubLs over wIeLIer LIe
CuperLIno, CuIIIornIu-bused compuny cun conLInue
ILs domInunce In LIe IugeIy compeLILIve LecInoIogy
secLor. We ussess LIe ImpucL LIuL LIe IuLe AppIe co-
Iounder Iud on LIe IndusLry, und Iook buck uL LIe ud-
mIruLIon und vILrIoI Ie someLImes InspIred.
TrIbuLes poured In Irom noLubIes Irom US Pres-
IdenL Buruck Obumu Lo BIII GuLes, buL IL wus LIe scuIe
oI LIe ouLpourIng Irom ordInury peopIe uround LIe
worId, IummerIng ouL cIurucLers on Jobs's own In-
venLIons, LIuL wus sLuggerIng. As word spreud LIuL
Jobs Iud dIed oI cuncer uL LIe uge oI 6, messuges
Lugged "ISud" und "RP SLeve Jobs" joIned oLIer reI-
erences Lo LIe AppIe co-Iounder umong LIe IoLLesL
LopIcs uL TwILLer. And In IronL oI un AppIe sLore In
MunIuLLun, Gregory ILLIey pIuced Lwo roses und u
cundIe on LIe sIdewuIk nexL Lo IIs IPIone, wILI "We
wIII mIss you SLeve Jobs" Lyped on ILs LoucIscreen.
" suy IL wus more LIun u producL - IL wus u IIgIL
oI u person wIo buLLIed cuncer; wIo wus LIrown ouL
oI IIs compuny, und ST cume buck und sIowed
LIe worId IWAS IAM & IW cIunge LIe worId!" "A
modern LecInoIogy vIsIonury, Iocused In deIIverIng
producLs LIuL ure useIuI und provIde enLerLuInmenL
und u musLerIuI sIowmun wIo reuIIy knew Iow Lo
keep peopIe on LIe edge oI LIeIr seuLs wunLIng more."
Jobs guve LIe worId LIe AppIe , TIe Muc, LIe IPod,
LIe IPIone, LIe IPud und PIxur, uILerIng IndusLrIes
und IIIesLyIes In LIe process, BujurIn noLed. On TwIL-
Ler, BrIun MuguIIones respecLIuIIy equuLed Jobs Lo "u
modern duy cross beLween AIberL EInsLeIn und WIIIy
TweeLs sLreumed LIunkIng Jobs Ior IIs Innovu-
LIons, und muny peopIe quoLed Irom u movIng com-
mencemenL uddress Ie guve uL SLunIord UnIversILy
In zoo. TIe vIdeo Iud Iogged more LIun sIx mIIIIon
vIews uL YouTube, uL IeusL Lwo mIIIIon oI LIem over
u perIod oI u Iew Iours. PeopIe ecIoed IIs udvIce Lo
sLuy Iungry, dure beIng IooIIsI, und noL wusLe LIme
IIvIng someone eIse's IIIe. "DeuLI Is LIe desLInuLIon
we uII sIure," Ie LoId LIe gruduuLIng cIuss.
"And LIuL Is us IL sIouId be, becuuse DeuLI Is very
IIkeIy LIe sIngIe besL InvenLIon oI IIe," Ie conLInued.
"L Is IIe's cIunge ugenL. L cIeurs ouL LIe oId Lo muke
wuy Ior LIe new." US PresIdenL Buruck Obumu wIo
uIso puId LrIbuLe, cuIIed Jobs Lo one oI AmerIcu's
"greuLesL InnovuLors." "He LrunsIormed our IIves, re-
deIIned enLIre IndusLrIes, und ucIIeved one oI LIe
ruresL IeuLs In Iumun IIsLory: Ie cIunged LIe wuy
eucI oI us sees LIe worId," Obumu suId In u sLuLe-
menL. SLeve WoznIuk wIo co-Iounded AppIe uL LIe
uge oI z6 wILI u z1-yeur-oId Jobs LoId Ie wus "dum-
Iounded" by news oI LIe deuLI oI IIs Iormer purLner,
compurIng IL Lo LIe unLImeIy und LruumuLIc Ioss oI
JoIn . Kennedy und MurLIn uLIer KIng In LIe
1q6os, und suyIng IL Iud IeIL "u bIg IoIe."
"Here Is u guy LIuL creuLed LooIs LIuL everyone In
LIe worId -- bIIIIons oI peopIe -- jusL Iove, und IeeI
Iuppy und good ubouL." MIcrosoIL boss BIII GuLes
uIong wILI oLIer LILuns oI LIe IIgI-LecI IndusLry
ugreed, wILI some peopIe IuIIIng Jobs us u modern-
duy TIomus EdIson, wIo InvenLed LIe IIgIL buIb.
"TIe worId rureIy sees someone wIo Ius Iud LIe
proIound ImpucL SLeve Ius Iud, LIe eIIecLs oI wIIcI
wIII be IeIL Ior muny generuLIons Lo come," GuLes suId
In u sLuLemenL.
TIm Cook -- wIo Iud been IundIIng AppIe's duy-
Lo-duy operuLIons sInce Jobs wenL on medIcuI Ieuve
In Junuury, und wus mude CEO In AugusL uILer IIs
resIgnuLIon -- Ied LIe pruIse Ior LIe SIIIcon VuIIey Ieg-
end. AppIe puId Iomuge Lo LIeIr Ieuder by cIungIng
LIeIr websILe Lo u bIuck und wIILe pIoLogrupI oI IIm
wILI LIe cupLIon, SLeve Jobs: 1q-zo11. TIe IIugs
ouLsIde LIe compuny`s IeudquurLers uL 1 nIInILe
oop IIew IuII musL, wIIIsL ouLsIde un AppIe sLore In
New York, mourners IuId cundIes, bouqueLs oI IIow-
ers und un IPod ToucI In u mukesIIIL memorIuI.
SLeve`s brIIIIunce, pussIon und energy were LIe
source oI counLIess InnovuLIons LIuL enrIcI und Im-
prove uII oI our IIves. TIe worId Is ImmeusurubIy beL-
Ler becuuse oI SLeve. AppIe suId In u sLuLemenL.
Fr ee downl oad | f I ar e. pk
F|are Peport Exclusive
Fr ee downl oad | f I ar e. pk
Cover Story Zubair Ahmed Kasuri
ukIsLun TeIecommunIcuLIon Compuny Im-
ILed (PTC) Is LIe IurgesL LeIecommunIcu-
LIon compuny In PukIsLun. L IoIds LIe
sLuLus oI buckbone Ior counLry's LeIecom-
munIcuLIon InIrusLrucLure. PTC muInLuIns IeudIng
posILIon In PukIsLunI LeIecommunIcuLIons urenu by
provIdIng sLuLe oI LIe urL LecInoIogIes und cusLomer
cenLrIc servIces ucross LIe IengLI und breudLI oI
PukIsLun. PTC Is IeudIng LIe Broudbund revoIuLIon
In LIe counLry Irom LIe IronL. TIrougI ILs poIIcy oI
upgrudIng und expundIng ILs Broudbund reucI boLI
on ILs LrudILIonuI copper neLwork und LIrougI LIe
deveIopmenL oI ILs IIbre opLIc neLwork, PTC Ius
munuged Lo IIrmIy pIuce ILseII us LIe undIspuLed
Ieuder In LIe Broudbund secLor In LIe counLry.
ELIsuIuL Look PTC munugemenL conLroI wILI z6
percenL sIures In zoo. rom LIuL onwurds PTC
Ius revoIuLIonIzed ILseII Irom u governmenL enLILy
InLo u progressIve und dynumIc prIvuLe orgunIzuLIon.
L Is LIe IusLesL growIng servIce provIder umong uII
IIgI speed servIce provIders In PukIsLun.
Toduy PTC Is one oI LIe IurgesL empIoyers In
LIe counLry wILI
ILs work Iorce
spreud uII over
LIe counLry Lo
provIde essen-
LIuI servIce Lo
LIe peopIe oI
PukIsLun. TIe
compuny's new
producLs und
I n n o v u L I v e
scIemes prom-
Ise u brIgIL Iu-
Lure Ior
P u k I s L u n ' s
LIon secLor wILI
PTC commILLed Lo be LIe IInk LIuL uIIows gIobuI
L operuLes In one oI LIe mosL dynumIc, deregu-
IuLed und compeLILIve murkeLs In LIe worId. PTC Is
u IeudIng CT provIder In LIe regIon by ucIIevIng
cusLomer's suLIsIucLIon und muxImIzIng sIureIoId-
ers vuIue. L Ius worked wILI IuII zeuI Lo meeL LIe
duuI cIuIIenge oI LeIecom deveIopmenL und socIo-
economIc upIIIL oI PukIsLun.
PTC Ius evoIved LremendousIy us u compuny
uILer ELIsuIuL Look over LIe munugemenL conLroI.
PubIIc opInIon ubouL LIe compuny Ius uIso seen u
posILIve growLI. Toduy under ELIsuIuL puLronuge
PTC Is expIorIng new IorIzons In LeIecom secLor
wIIIe ImpIemenLIng mosL eLIIcuI busIness prucLIces.
WILI LIe consoIIduLIon oI ELIsuIuL group oI compu-
nIes, we IeeI LIere ure IoLs oI opporLunILIes uvuIIubIe
Ior growIng und IuuncIIng more InnovuLIve servIces.
TIe puLronuge und supervIsIon oI PresIdenL &
CEO WuIId rsIuId und IIs IeudersIIp quuIILIes und
proIessIonuI uccompIIsImenLs Ius uIwuys been un
InspIruLIon Ior PTC. L Is ucIIevIng LIe gouIs wILI u
rupId speed under LIe puLronuge oI Mr. WuIId r-
sIuId. RecenLIy In LIe PTC Bourd oI DIrecLors
meeLIng cIuIred by Mr. PresIdenL, Iuve upproved
more LIun Rs zo bIIIIon deveIopmenLuI Iund Ior LIe
expunsIon und upgruduLIon oI ILs uII excIunges onLo
LIe NGN IusL InLerneL neLworks Lo provIde more
swIIL und uILru IusL InLerneL IucIIILy Lo LIe vuIued
PursuIng LIIs uggressIve poIIcy oI expunsIon,
wIIcI Ius mude LIe servIce uvuIIubIe Lo u wIde spec-
Lrum oI cusLomers Irom IIgI end corporuLe secLor
Lo Iow Income, ruruI ureus, PTC Ius pIuyed LIe roIe
oI cuLuIysL In LIe exponenLIuI growLI In LIe broud-
bund secLor LIuL Ius enubIed PukIsLun Lo be runked
umongsL LIe Lop counLrIes wILI IIgIesL growLI ruLe
In broudbund InLerneL.
PresIdenL & CEO Mr. rsIuId Ius suId, um
pIeused Lo reporL LIuL our sLruLegIc posILIonIng oI
PTC us LIe IeudIng InLegruLed LeIecom group In
PukIsLun Is sIowIng resuILs. We ure now In u posI-
LIon wIere we ure provIdIng muILIpIe soIuLIons Lo
enLerprIse, busInesses und IouseIoId users wIIIe
uIso exLendIng vILuI servIces Lo oLIer LeIecom oper-
uLors In LIe counLry. TIe yeur Ius wILnessed severuI
boId InILIuLIves Luken by our Compuny, us we InLro-
duced numerous InnovuLIve servIces und producLs
In IIne wILI our pIIIosopIy Lo provIde uccess Lo our
cusLomers Lo IuLesL LecInoIogIcuI deveIopmenLs Luk-
Ing pIuce gIobuIIy. We cun rIgILIuIIy IubeI LIIs yeur us
yeur oI LIe Broudbund. PukIsLun Ius recorded more
LIun q6 percenL subscrIber growLI und Is runked
IourLI In LIe worId. Iuve LIe prIvIIege Lo sLuLe LIuL
LIIs exponenLIuI growLI experIenced by PukIsLun
wus speur- Ieuded by PTC. SIowIng pIenomenuI
growLI In DS wILI LIe IooL prInL expunded Lo over
1,ooo cILIes und Lowns, PTC Is IIrmIy esLubIIsIed
us LIe murkeL Ieuder In Broudbund, mukIng IL LIe
sIngIe IurgesL servIce provIder In LIe counLry. Our
Compuny ucIIeved LIe unIque mIIesLone on LIIs
IronL by becomIng LIe IIrsL operuLor In LIe worId Lo
use VDS z bondIng LecInoIogy enubIIng provIsIon
oI speeds Irom 1o mbps Lo ;o mbps on ILs copper
neLwork. To cuLer Ior semI urbun und ruruI murkeL
segmenL, we InLroduced budgeL puckuges wILI Iower
speeds. TIIs wus u mujor sLep Lowurds IuIIIIIIng our
mIssIon und munduLe Lo Luke Broudbund servIce Lo
every IouseIoId.
He IurLIer udded, uL PTC, we remuIn IIgIIy
conscIous oI LIe IucL LIuL our success und growLI Is
IInked dIrecLIy Lo suLIsIIed cusLomers. L remuIns u
cIuIIenge Lo provIde seumIess und prompL cusLomer
IrIendIy servIce. To ensure LIIs we emburked on sev-
eruI projecLs LIuL were specIIIcuIIy uImed uL Improv-
Ing cusLomer experIence. L gIves me greuL
suLIsIucLIon Lo menLIon LIuL durIng journey our
compuny won severuI exceIIence uwurds. However,
LIe IoremosL ucIIevemenL Ior us wus LIe EnvIron-
menL ExceIIence Awurd zo11, gIven In recognILIon
oI PTC`s udIerence Lo envIronmenL IrIendIy poII-
He concIudes on LIIs noLe, Luke LIIs opporLu-
nILy Lo LIunk LIe GovernmenL oI PukIsLun, ELIsuIuL
Group, Bourd oI DIrecLors und my IeIIow coIIeugues
Ior LIeIr conLInued supporL und guIdunce. uIso
LIunk uII our vuIued sIureIoIders und cusLomers Ior
LIeIr conLInued puLronuge und IoyuILy.
PTC Is IeudIng LIe CT revoIuLIon und In LIe IusL
Iew monLIs IL Ius InLroduced IIgI LecI producLs In
LIe murkeL, we upprecIuLe Mr. WuIId rsIuId eIIorLs
und IoresIgILedness us Ie Is IeudIng PTC Irom LIe
IronL, moreover, we uIso upprecIuLe LIe vusL experI-
ence IoIder LIe mun beIInd uII LIIs success und In-
novuLIons Mr. Nuveed Sueed, SenIor ExecuLIve VIce
PresIdenL (SEVP) CommercIuI, PTC. He uses IIs
experIence, skIIIs und experLIse In mukIng PTC LIe
No.1 Compuny In LIe counLry.
RecenLIy, Mr. Nuveed Ius won LIe BesL Corpo-
ruLe CommunIcuLIons und PR Awurd uL LIe z1sL AII
PukIsLun Newspupers SocIeLy (APNS) unnuuI
uwurds ceremony IeId uL LIe PresIdenL House. TIe
presLIgIous uwurd wus conIerred Lo IIm by LIe Pres-
IdenL oI PukIsLun, Mr. AsII AII ZurdurI.
Nuveed Sueed Is responsIbIe Ior mosL oI LIe rev-
enue sLreums oI LIe compuny wIIcI IncIude PSTN,
Broudbund, WIreIess und CorporuLe busIness, Cur-
rIer servIces und nLernuLIonuI busIness. HIs porLIo-
IIo uIso IncIudes PTC`s MurkeLIng und CorporuLe
CommunIcuLIons DepurLmenL.
PrevIousIy Ie Ius served us LIe OperuLIonuI
Heud oI BusIness Zones (NorLI) Ior Punjub, KIyber
PukILunkIuwu & AJKJANA uL PTC Under IIs
IeudersIIp LIe zones sIowed sIgnIIIcunL Improve-
menL In uII ureus oI LIe busIness. He Ius gIven PTC
u new dIrecLIon, especIuIIy In ureus oI busIness de-
veIopmenL und neLwork reIubIIILuLIon, wIIcI Ius seL
u bencImurk In ImprovIng LIe exIsLIng perIorm-
Nuveed Sueed Ius u rIcI proIIIe In LIe LeIecom
secLor spunnIng over u perIod oI nIneLeen yeurs. He
Ius been u sLur perIormer LIrougIouL IIs cureer
IoIdIng IeudersIIp posILIons uL LIe mosL promInenL
LeIecommunIcuLIons compunIes ucross SouLI AsIu,
AIrIcu und LIe MIddIe EusL. Nuveed Sueed Ius uI-
wuys gIven prIme Iocus on IIs reIuLIonsIIp wILI LIe
medIu und Ius Luken keen InLeresL In reguIurIy IIgI-
IIgILIng PTC`s ucIIevemenLs und busIness deveI-
opmenLs by sIurIng LIem wILI LIe press.
n sIorL PTC Is purLnerIng wILI InnovuLIon, In-
vesLIng In LruIn-
Ing und Iumun
resource und en-
IuncIng ILs InIru-
sLrucLure, LIus
evoIvIng IurLIer
conL I nuous I y
InLo u dynumIc
progressIve or-
gunIzuLIon LIuL Is
expIorIng new
IorIzons In LIe
IIeId oI InIormu-
LIon und LecInoI-
ogy under LIe
vIsIon, puLron-
uge, busIness
IoresIgILedness und experLIse oI ELIsuIuL. PTC cun
ucIIeve mucI more by expIoILIng LIe group's
sLrengLIs LIuL Ius noL us yeL LruIy uLIIIzed LIe syner-
gIes oI LIe group. WILI LIme und IurLIer ImpIemen-
LuLIons oI PTC on goIng sLruLegIes und busIness
poIIcIes, LogeLIer PTC wIII be ubIe Lo provIde more
dIversIIIed und InnovuLIve servIces Ior our cus-
Lomers und seL IIgIer gouIs Ior oLIers Lo ucIIeve.
PTC Is upgrudIng ILs TeIepIone ExcIunges
Irom TIme DIvIsIon MuILIpIexIng (TDM) bused LecI-
noIogy Lo IuLesL NexL GeneruLIon NeLwork (NGN)
LecInoIogy Ior provIdIng beLLer und Improved serv-
Ices Lo ILs vuIued cusLomers. PTC Ius InIormed ILs
cusLomers LIuL IL Iud sLurLed LIe mIgruLIon serIes In
CTH (.. CIundrIgur Roud), MursLon Roud, MIsr-
IsIuI und KorungI ExcIunge. TIere wIII be no
cIunge In LIe exIsLIng LeIepIone numbers uILer LIe
mIgruLIon. TIere wIII be mInor cIunge oI procedure
Ior ucLIvuLIon und de-ucLIvuLIon oI code burrIng serv-
Ice und oLIer vuIue-udded servIces.
PTC regreLs und upoIogIzes Ior uny Inconven-
Ience und dIscomIorL cuused Lo ILs cusLomer durIng
LIe mIgruLIon. PTC ussures ILs cusLomer Lo keep
LIe ouLruge LIme us mInImum us possIbIe und Lo
provIde ILs cusLomer wILI InLerrupLed, smooLI und
IeveIed servIces.
MuskuLIyu CommunIcuLIons (PvL) ImILed
(MAXCOM) Ius LrunsIerred ILs usseLs oI Rs 68 mII-
IIon recenLIy Lo PukIsLun TeIecommunIcuLIon Com-
puny ImILed (PTC) uIong wILI subscrIbers us purL
oI ugreed ucquIsILIon deuI sIgned IusL yeur. MAX-
COM Iud been ucquIred by PTC us u 1oo percenL
owned subsIdIury IusL yeur wILI LIe munugemenL
conLroI Iowever ILs usseL Iud been gruduuIIy Lruns-
Ierred Lo PTC, wIIcI concIuded recenLIy.
TIe neL usseLs oI MAXCOM Iuve been Lruns-
Ierred Lo PTC uL u book vuIue umounLIng Lo Rs
68,8z LIousund und LIe buIunce umounL oI LIe In-
vesLmenL oI Rs 6,1qq LIousund Ius been expensed.
MAXCOM, u broudbund InLerneL servIce provIder In
LIe cILIes oI KurucII und Hyderubud und us sucI
IuvIng Iess LIun 1percenL murkeL sIure In PukIsLun,
wus ucquIred In zo1o by PTC - LIe IurgesL broud-
bund servIce provIder oI PukIsLun LIrougI purcIuse
oI 1oo percenL sIureIoIdIng oI MAXCOM. Subse-
quenL Lo LIe ucquIsILIon, IL wus decIded by PTC us
weII us MAXCOM Lo merge operuLIons oI boLI LIe
Fr ee downl oad | f I ar e. pk
Cover Story
The supervision of President
Walid rshaid and his
leadership qualities and
professional accomplishments
has always been an inspiration
for PTCL. t is achieving the
goals, PTCL Board of Directors
approved more than Rs 20
billion developmental fund for
the expansion and upgradation
of its exchanges onto the NGN
fast internet networks to
provide swift and ultra fast
WaIid Irshaid
President & CEO, PTCL
Naveed Saeed
SEVP Commercial, PTCL
Fr ee downl oad | f I ar e. pk
Cover Story
enLILIes In order Lo oIIer beLLer und bundIed servIces
oI voIce, duLu und PTV Lo MAXCOM cusLomers on
LIe sume busIs us ure beIng oIIered Lo PTC`s cus-
PTC wIII uIso provIde counLry wIde connecLIv-
ILy servIces Lo IucIIILuLe NuLIonuI SuvIngs OrgunIzu-
LIon (NSO) In LrunsIormIng InLo un uuLomuLed und
dynumIc corporuLIon. TIe NSO Ius InILIuIIy
uwurded LIe projecL Lo PTC Lo esLubIIsI prIvuLe, se-
cure, und eIIIcIenL wIde ureu connecLIvILy (nLruneL)
oI 1z bruncIes ucross LIe PukIsLun.
PTC wIII esLubIIsI connecLIvILy over ILs secure
und eIIIcIenL nLerneL ProLocoI (P) JMuILI-ProLocoI
ubeI SwILcIIng (MPS) nIrusLrucLure Lo IucIIILuLe
NSO In udopLIng new LecInoIogIes und workIng up-
proucI. A IuII-over soIuLIon Is devIsed Ior NSO
wIere eucI bruncI sIuII be provIded wILI boLI prI-
mury und buckup IInks.
urqun QuresII, PTC`s SEVP, CorporuLe Serv-
Ices, wIIIe eIuboruLIng LIe use und beneIILs oI mod-
ern LeIecom LecInoIogIes menLIoned LIuL PTC wus
deLermIned Lo ussIsL pubIIc und prIvuLe secLors In
promoLIng good governunce by provIdIng IuLesL
LecInoIogIes, u wIde runge oI producL porLIoIIo, und
cusLomIzed servIces LIuL were crILIcuI Ior LIe pub-
IIc, corporuLe und socIuI secLor orgunIzuLIons In Puk-
IsLun Lo meeL IuLure cIuIIenges und serve LIeIr
cusLomers In LIe besL wuy possIbIe.
n IucL PTC wIII provIde BusIness VIrLuuI PrI-
vuLe NeLwork (VPN) servIces Lo IucIIILuLe LeIemedI-
cIne projecL Ior pubIIc IospILuIs ucross PukIsLun
LIrougI LIe EIecLronIc GovernmenL DIrecLoruLe.
TIIs LeIemedIcIne IucIIILy wIII connecL LIe dIsLrIcL
IospILuIs und IeuILI cenLers wILI super SpecIuILy
IospILuIs In mujor cILIes Lo provIde experL consuILu-
LIon Lo LIe needy und underserved popuIuLIon.
PeopIe IIvIng In ruruIJremoLe ureus oI PukIsLun
wIII be ubIe Lo seek udvIce und LreuLmenL Irom spe-
cIuIIsL docLors oI mujor IospILuIs In bIg cILIes. TIe
projecL wIII uIso conLrIbuLe Lowurds proIessIonuI de-
veIopmenL oI docLors workIng In ruruIJremoLe Ios-
pILuIs, wIo wIII be ubIe Lo geL guIdunce, udvIce, und
LruInIng In udvunce dIugnosLIcs und LreuLmenL
meLIods LIrougI InLerucLIon wILI specIuIIsL docLors
In urbun IospILuIs.
PTC Is uwurded LIIs VPN servIce conLrucL Ior
1 sILes InILIuIIy Ior 1mb & zmb DS VPNs LIII June
zo1z und IL wIII udd more IospILuIs In due course.
PTC`s IIgI speed DS VPN bused servIce wIII oIIer
connecLIon medIu Ior esLubIIsIIng u VPN beLween
dIIIerenL IospILuIs. PTC VPN uses vIrLuuI con-
necLIons rouLed LIrougI LIe secure prIvuLe neLwork
Lo LIe remoLe IospILuIs uL uIIordubIe cosLs.
PTC InIrusLrucLure wIII IucIIILuLe LeIe-medIcIne
servIces IIke LeIe-dIugonIsLIcs, LeIe-consuILuLIon, und
LreuLmenL Ior ENT, skIn, cIesL, curdIoIogy, und psy-
cIIuLry. SpecIuIIsLs wIII be ubIe Lo exumIne LIe pu-
LIenLs, LIeIr medIcuI IIsLory, LesL resuILs, und vILuI
sIgns IIke IeurLbeuL, bIood pressure, LemperuLure,
breuLIIng eLc by usIng eIecLronIc medIcuI IucIIILIes
over PTC CT InIrusLrucLure und VPN servIces.
PTC sIuII uIso IucIIILuLe In provIdIng udvunce serv-
Ices IIke LeIe-surgery, LeIe-menLorIng, und LeIe-crIL-
IcuI cure (Emergency, CU).
PTC uIso pIuyIng ILs due roIe In LIe educuLIon
secLor, IL Ius won u bId Lo provIde uII Punjub educu-
LIonuI bourds oI InLermedIuLe und secondury educu-
LIon wILI IuLesL InIormuLIon und communIcuLIons
LecInoIogy (CT) servIces. PTC wIII be LIe excIu-
sIve provIder oI CT servIces Lo uII eIgIL InLermedI-
uLe und secondury educuLIon bourds oI Punjub
IncIudIng uIore, RuwuIpIndI, GujrunwuIu, uIsuI-
ubud, SurgodIu, MuILun, BuIuwuIpur und DG KIun
bourds. PTC wIII provIde duLu cenLer bused IosL-
Ing servIces Ior LIe cusLomIzed uppIIcuLIon soILwure
oI LIe bourds, counLrywIde P bused uccess Lo sLu-
denLs und cILIzens und secure uccess Lo LIe IosLIng
servers Ior LIe cusLomer NeLwork OperuLIon Cen-
Lers (NOCs).
TIe CT servIces provIded by PTC wouId en-
ubIe LIe Bourds oI nLermedIuLe und Secondury Ed-
ucuLIon (BSEs) wILI IosLIng servIces oI LIeIr
websILes provIdIng IusL und eIIIcIenL servIces Lo LIeIr
cundIduLes und vIsILors wILI onIIne regIsLruLIon und
Issuunce oI regIsLruLIon curd, submIssIon oI onIIne
udmIssIon Iorms und uccess Lo LIe resuILs, reLrIevuI
und prInLIng oI roII number sIIps, InLerIuce Ior uIIII-
IuLed scIooIs und coIIeges und uny oLIer servIces us
deLermIned by LIe BSEs. ServIces oI PTC`s TIer
cerLIIIed DuLu CenLer uIore wIII Iorm LIe busIs
Ior provIsIonIng oI LIe Munuged servIces In u IIgIIy
uvuIIubIe InIrusLrucLure In Lerms oI power, HVAC,
securILy und uII oLIer TIer pIus duLu cenLer Ieu-
Lures, LogeLIer wILI upproprIuLe uccess IInks Lo LIe
IuIIy redundunL seII-IeuIIng buckbone opLIcuI IIber
neLwork, IIgIer IeveI oI securILy und LecInoIogy
supporL Lo BSE`s crILIcuI operuLIons.
n u recenL deveIopmenL, PTC Ius depIoyed ILs
IIrsL ever Iber Lo Home servIce bused on GIgubIL
PussIve OpLIcuI NeLwork (GPON) LecInoIogy In
KurucII. PTC IIrsL IInLed LIe depIoymenL oI GPON
und very IIgI speed broudbund buck In zooq und
IuLer on we IeurnL LIuL KH wus goIng Lo depIoy LIe
neLwork Ior LIe compuny. WILI IIrsL depIoymenL In
KurucII, PTC`s Iber Lo Home servIce Is uIso uvuII-
ubIe In uIore und sIumubud us weII.
GPON provIdes u cupucILy boosL In boLI LIe LoLuI
bundwIdLI und bundwIdLI eIIIcIency LIrougI LIe
use oI Iurger, vurIubIe-IengLI puckeLs. L noL onIy
provIdes subsLunLIuIIy IIgIer eIIIcIency us u Lruns-
porL neLwork, buL uIso deIIvers sImpIIcILy und su-
perb scuIubIIILy Ior IuLure expunsIon In supporLIng
uddILIonuI servIces wILI IowesL cosL Ior uII modes oI
PukIsLun`s deIeguLIon Ius been ussured Ior LIe
reIeuse oI $ 8oo mIIIIon LIII end oI IInuncIuI yeur
zo11-1z by LIe ELIsuIuL udmInIsLruLIon recenLIy. Dr.
Wuqur Musood, SecreLury Inunce wus brIeIIng Sen-
uLe SLundIng CommILLee on Inunce wIIIe brIeI-
Ing ubouL LIe IuLure sLruLegy Ior economIc
munugemenL wILIouL M supporL In LIe ongo-
Ing IIscuI yeur zo11-1z.
Dr. Wuqur Musood, SecreLury Inunce und
ReImun MuIIk, ederuI MInIsLer on nLerIor IeId
LuIks wILI ELIsuIuL Ior LIe expecLed reIeuse oI
$8oo mIIIIon by LIe currenL IIscuI yeur on LIe uc-
counL oI PTC prIvuLIzuLIon`s urreurs.
PukIsLun governmenL Iud soId z6 percenL oI
LIe PTC sIures uguInsL Iundsome revenue oI
Rs. z.q bIIIIon In zoo. GovernmenL oI PukIsLun
Is IoIdIng 6z sIures und LIe remuInIng 1z per-
cenL ure owned by LIe generuI pubIIc us sIure-
ELIsuIuL puId $ 1.q bIIIIon doIIurs, wIIIe IL IeId
$ 8oo mIIIIon due Lo properLy dIspuLe wILI gov-
ernmenL oI PukIsLun. TIe LeIecom secLor wIII IeIp
counLry`s economy Lo sLrengLIen ILs posILIon us
$8oo mIIIIon prIvuLIzuLIon proceeds oI PTC und
Rs ; bIIIIon revenues ure IIkeIy Lo come InLo nu-
LIonuI excIequer, SecreLury Inunce udded.
We appreciate Mr. Walid
rshaid efforts and fore-
sightedness as he is lead-
ing PTCL from the front,
moreover, we also appre-
ciate the vast experience
holder, the man behind all
this success and innova-
tions Mr. Naveed Saeed,
SEVP Commercial, PTCL.
He uses his experience,
skills and expertise in
making PTCL the No.1
Company in the country

or brIdgIng LIe LeIecom uccess gup, muny

counLrIes In SouLI AsIu, uLIn AmerIcu
und AIrIcu Iuve been runnIng scIemes Ior
provIdIng subsIdy (or grunL) Lo prIvuLe op-
eruLors und bIddIng LIe subsIdy on compeLILIve
busIs Lo keep LIe cosL us Iow us possIbIe. n order
Lo InILIuLe LIe sume prucLIce In PukIsLun, UnIversuI
ServIce und wus esLubIIsIed by LIe GovernmenL
oI PukIsLun (MInIsLry oI nIormuLIon TecInoIogy)
Ior LIe deveIopmenL oI LeIecommunIcuLIon serv-
Ices In un-served und under-served ureus In zoo6.
TIIs Iund consIsLs oI conLrIbuLIons (1. percenL oI
udjusLed revenues) by LIe TeIecom OperuLors wILI
no GovernmenL IundIng InvoIved.
PukIsLun's US progrum Ius seL ouL und
ucIIeved umbILIous LurgeLs, IncIudIng In some
cIuIIengIng operuLIng envIronmenLs, und LIere-
Iore Is consIdered Lo be umong LIe IeudIng coun-
LrIes wIere US Ius succeeded - TIe WorId
Bunk- zo11 BeIore LIe esLubIIsImenL oI US, LIere
wus u generuI beIIeI LIuL InILIuLIves Luken by pub-
IIc secLor In PukIsLun ure eILIer Loo sIorL-sIgILed
or do noL susLuIn Ior Iong due Lo Iuck oI Iunds und
weuk ImpIemenLuLIon procedure. TIe InLroduc-
LIon oI US proved LIIs percepLIon wrong. AI-
LIougI, PukIsLun Iud wILnessed pIenomenuI
growLI In LIe LeIecom secLor durIng LIe IusL one
decude und Iud more LIun 6 percenL LeIe-densILy,
LIere were sLIII ureus wIere LeIecom servIces Iud
noL reucIed us LIey were noL commercIuIIy vIubIe.
ProbIem wus LIuL LIese ureus were LIe ones LIuL
were noL onIy dIIIIcuIL Lo reucI buL uIso requIred
IIgIer InvesLmenLs Lo provIde LeIecom servIces.
TIIs Is wIere US cume In. US Lo u greuL exLenL
Ius brIdged LIIs uccess gup und proved LIuL even
LIe sLeps Luken by LIe pubIIc secLor cun be u Iuge
success II Luken wILI InLeIIIgenL pIunnIng. US,
wIIcI consIsLs oI conLrIbuLIons by TeIcos, Is Im-
pIemenLed LIrougI US Compuny, wIIcI Ius un
IndependenL Bourd oI DIrecLors, equuIIy buIunced
beLween GovernmenL und PrIvuLe secLor.
CurrenLIy, US Is runnIng progrums worLI
more LIun Rs 1; BIIIIon und udverLIsed progrums
ure worLI unoLIer Iew bIIIIons - provIdIng busIc Le-
IepIony und duLu servIces Lo LIousunds oI vIIIuges,
opLIc IIber connecLIvILy Lo LIe TeIsIIs, broudbund
InLerneL Lo Iundreds oI smuII Lowns und cILIes und
brIngIng broudbund Lo LIe vIIIuges LIrougI LeIe-
So Iur, u IoL Ius been uccompIIsIed:
1. n RuruI TeIecom Progrum, uImosL ,oo
prevIousIy-unserved vIIIuges Iuve been provIded
LeIecom servIces.
z. n Broudbund Progrum, z6 prevIousIy
unserved Lowns now Iuve more LIun o,ooo
US-Iunded broudbund connecLIons. SubsIdy
wInnIng servIce-provIders ure obIIged Lo provIde
Iree Broudbund nLerneL Lo uII IIgIer-secondury
scIooIs, IIbrurIes und coIIeges In LIeIr ureus. So Iur
8q; sucI InsLILuLIons Iuve been covered.
. n OpLIc Iber ConnecLIvILy Progrum,
,;o Kms oI OpLIc Iber CubIes Iuve been IuId
LIrougI subsIdy conLrucLs connecLIng 1o8 un-
served TeIsIIs wILI 6,z kms oI cubIes, muInIy In
BuIocIIsLun. EucI und every unserved TeIsII oI LIe
counLry wIII be IIber-connecLed.
q. To Luke Broudbund nLerneL Lo LIe vII-
Iuges, US Ius IuuncIed u Progrum Lo esLubIIsI
UnIversuI TeIe-CenLers (UTCs). TIIs projecL Is uL-
LempLIng Lo brIng LIe mosL modern e-ServIces
LIrougI broudbund, down Lo LIe vIIIuge IeveI. On
one sIde LIe worId recognIzes TeIecenLers Lo be LIe
onIy wuy Lo brIng e-ServIces Lo LIe doorsLeps oI LIe
ruruI popuIuLIons.
. And IInuIIy, LIe InILIuLIon oI US pIIoL
ProjecL Lo seL-up LeIemedIcIne neLworks uround
Iurge cILIes IIke, RuwuIpIndI, KurucII und MuILun.
TIrougI LIIs projecL, JInnuI PosL gruduuLe med-
IcuI cenLer, KurucII, NIsILur MedIcuI CoIIege MuI-
Lun und HoIy umIIy IospILuI RuwuIpIndI wIII be
connecLed wILI 1z remoLe sILes Lo seL up LIree
LeIemedIcIne neLworks.
PukIsLun`s US Is Iowever consIdered u suc-
cess sLory und u modeI. TIIs Is muInIy uLLrIbuLubIe
Lo Lwo IucLors:
1. UnIque US PukIsLun ModeI, wIIcI en-
sures PubIIc-PrIvuLe PurLnersIIp und brIngs uII
sLukeIoIders on bourd.
z. Ive BusIc PrIncIpIes LIuL ure IoIIowed by
US PukIsLun (u) AbsoIuLe Lrunspurency (b) AIIo-
cuLIon oI SubsIdIes onIy LIrougI open compeLILIve
bIddIng (c) TecInoIogy NeuLruI (d) ObIIguLory n-
IrusLrucLure SIurIng (e) HuII-yeurIy uudILs oI US
Co. (noL u sIngIe uudIL observuLIon In q yeurs).
L Is ImporLunL Lo menLIon Iere LIuL LIe suc-
cess oI US PukIsLun specIuIIy sLunds ouL wIen
one consIders LIe numerous obsLucIes (wur on Ler-
ror, securILy sILuuLIon, gIobuI und domesLIc eco-
nomIc downLurn, energy crIsIs, unprecedenLed
IIoods, eLc.) LIuL Iuve Lo be Iuced, especIuIIy In
mosL remoLe ureus In PukIsLun.
US undersLunds LIuL LIe cIuIIenge Is even
bIgger Ior LIe servIce provIders. So US conLInues
eIIorLs Lo muke IL 'somewIuL eusIer` Ior LIem. or
InsLunce In LIe busIc ruruI LeIecom progrum, us one
goes InLo more remoLe und dIIIIcuIL ureus, US Is
now uIso oIIerIng u Iurge purL oI operuLIng expen-
dILures In LIe IIrsL yeurs, renewubIe power Ius
been mude obIIguLory, no reserve prIces In LIe uuc-
LIons, eLc. So now IL Is LIe servIce provIders wIo
Iuve Lo venLure ouL u IILLIe bIL more!
L Is u known IucL LIuL PukIsLun cun onIy IIour-
IsI LIrougI proIIIeruLIon oI CTs wIIcI Is wIuL
US deIIvers. WILI proIound dedIcuLIon, IL Is nec-
essury Lo puL In LIe besL eIIorLs Lo ussIsL our coun-
Lry In ucIIevIng LecInoIogIcuI prosperILy. WILI LIe
supporL oI MInIsLry oI T und PTA, IL Is Ioped LIuL
US wIII exceI more und conLInue Lo muke ILs con-
LrIbuLIon Lowurds LIe progress oI our counLry.
I we beIIeve In ourseIves, we cun meeL und
conquer every cIuIIenge.
Fr ee downl oad | f I ar e. pk
nsighT Flare Report
Pakistan's USF program has set out and achieved
ambitious targets, including in some challenging
operating environments, and therefore is considered
to be among the leading countries where USF has
succeeded: The World Bank
ILIougI mobIIe pIones Iuve Luken over
our currenL socIeLy, LIey Iuve been
uround Ior severuI decudes In some Iorm
or unoLIer. BegInnIng In LIe IuLe 1qqos,
LIe LecInoIogy LIuL wouId IuLer be used In Loduy`s
ceII pIones wus creuLed und LIe Ideu oI u mobIIe
pIone wus InLroduced. TIIs ceII LecInoIogy wus
IIrsL used In mobIIe rIgs, wIIcI wus muInIy used In
LuxIs, poIIce curs und oLIer emergency veIIcIes und
sILuuLIons. Truckers uIso used u Iorm oI LIIs LecI-
noIogy Lo communIcuLe wILI eucI oLIer. ILLIe dId
LIey know Iow Iur LIeIr Ideu wouId udvunce Lo
muke IL uccessIbIe Lo LIe mujorILy oI LIe popuIuLIon.
TIe IIrsL mobIIe pIones, reIerred Lo us IrsL
GeneruLIon or 1G, were InLroduced Lo LIe pubIIc
murkeL In 1q8 by LIe MoLoroIu. TIese IIrsL mobIIe
pIones used unuIog LecInoIogy wIIcI wus mucI
Iess reIIubIe LIun LIe dIgILuI LecInoIogy we use
Loduy. TIe unuIog pIones uIso Iud u greuL deuI
more sLuLIc und noIse InLerIerence LIun we ure uc-
cusLomed Lo Loduy. TIe IIrsL mobIIe pIones durIng
LIIs eru were conIIned Lo cur pIones und LIey were
permunenLIy InsLuIIed In LIe IIoorbourd oI uuLo-
mobIIes. AILer u Iew yeurs, LIey becume mobIIe und
consumers couId Luke LIe pIones wILI LIem ouL-
sIde oI LIe cur. However, LIey were LIe sIze oI u
Iurge brIeIcuse und very InconvenIenL. TIe muIn
purpose oI LIIs IrsL GeneruLIon LecInoIogy wus Ior
voIce LruIIIc, buL consumers IeIL Insecure ubouL
peopIe IIsLenIng In on LIeIr conversuLIons. TIese
new mobIIe pIones were uIso ruLIer expensIve,
muny oI LIem cosLIng Iundreds oI doIIurs. TIey
were more oI u sLuLus symboI durIng LIe decude
ruLIer LIun u meuns oI convenIence.
DurIng LIe 1qqos, greuL ImprovemenLs were
mude In LIe mobIIe pIone LecInoIogy. TIese
pIones used Second GeneruLIon, or zG LecInoIogy.
n 1qqo, LIe IIrsL ceII pIone cuII wus mude usIng
LIe new dIgILuI LecInoIogy LIuL becume cIurucLer-
IsLIc oI LIIs eru. TIe Second GeneruLIon ceIIuIur
pIone LecInoIogy wus IusLer und mucI quIeLer
LIun ILs unuIog predecessor. As u resuIL, IL becume
even more popuIur LIun prevIous modeIs, Loo. TIe
new LecInoIogy uIso mude LIem cupubIe oI beIng
smuIIer ruLIer LIun LIe Iurge brIeIcuse-sIzed unILs
Irom LIe 1q8os. SmuIIer buLLerIes und oLIer LecI-
noIogy LIuL mude LIe pIones more energy-eIIIcIenL
IeIped conLrIbuLe Lo LIeIr smuIIer sIzes und LIeIr
popuIurILy. CompunIes uIso sLrIved Lo muke LIe
prIces more uIIordubIe LIun LIe mobIIe pIones oI
LIe 1q8os. You couId buy u decenL ceII pIone wILI
zG LecInoIogy Ior upproxImuLeIy $zoo uIong wILI
un uIrLIme servIce. TIe ceII pIone IndusLry wus be-
gInnIng Lo Luke oII.
TIe TIIrd GeneruLIon LecInoIogy, or G, Is
wIuL muny peopIe currenLIy use In LIeIr dIgILuI ceI-
IuIur pIones Loduy. TIIs LecInoIogy wus creuLed
very soon uILer LIe excILemenL LIuL LIe zG LecInoI-
ogy creuLed. TIIs new LecInoIogy Is noL onIy cupu-
bIe oI LrunsIerrIng voIce duLu (sucI us u pIone cuII),
buL IL Is uIso ubIe Lo LrunsIer oLIer Lypes oI duLu, In-
cIudIng emuIIs, InIormuLIon und InsLunL messuges.
TIese cupubIIILIes Iuve IeIped Lo Increuse LIe
umounL oI suIes und LIe popuIurILy oI LIese new
pIones. Muny users preIer Lo use LIe InsLunL mes-
sugIng cupubIIILIes Lo LexL oLIer users ruLIer LIun
cuII LIem In LIe Iorm oI u LrudILIonuI pIone cuII.
Muny ceII pIone compunIes oIIer Iree und very uI-
IordubIe pIones Ior consumers wIo sIgn-up wILI
LIeIr uIrLIme servIce Ior u conLrucLuuI perIod. PrIces
Ior LIe servIces runge buL LIe compeLILIon In LIe In-
dusLry Is IeIpIng Lo keep LIem more uIIordubIe
LIun LIey Iuve been In prevIous yeurs.
TIere ure currenLIy pIuns In pIuce Lo deveIop u
ourLI GeneruLIon - qG - LecInoIogy. GouIs Ior
LIIs new seL oI sLundurds IncIude u combInuLIon oI
LecInoIogIes LIuL wIII muke InIormuLIon LrunsIer
und InLerneL cupubIIILIes IusLer und more uIIordubIe
Ior ceIIuIur pIones. AL LIIs LIme, LIere Is no one
deIInILIon LIuL cun be uLLrIbuLed Lo qG LecInoIogy
becuuse reseurcIers ure sLIII sLrIvIng Lo muke ud-
vunces und buIId upon LIe LecInoIogy LIuL uIreudy
TIe mobIIe pIone IndusLry conLInues Lo grow
by Ieups und bounds us IL Ius In LIe pusL Iew
decudes. Even LIougI IL sLurLed u IILLIe more LIun
zo yeurs ugo, munuIucLurers Iuve creuLed un
ubundunce oI new LecInoIogIes LIuL keep ceII
pIone users comIng buck Ior more. TIey conLInue
Lo Increuse LIe number oI cupubIIILIes und servIces
Lo uccommoduLe LIe growIng needs oI Loduy`s on
LIe go cuILure. WuILIng unxIousIy Is LIe onIy wuy
Lo IInd ouL wIuL LIey wIII LIInk oI nexL.
As LIe number und quuIILy oI WI-I poInLs be-
come uvuIIubIe und wILI LIe growLI oI smurL-
pIones LIuL noL onIy provIde LIe busIc IuncLIons
expecLed In u mobIIe pIone buL provIde so mucI
more LIe murkeL Is cIungIng und brund new pIuy-
ers Iuve enLered LIe murkeL IncIudIng AppIe wILI
LIe successIuI pIone und ReseurcI MucIInes
wILI LIe equuIIy successIuI BIuckberry. n zoo8 u
new pIuyer enLers LIe murkeL provIdIng un open
source operuLIng sysLem Ior mobIIe pIones LIuL
munuIucLurers cun use und udupL, LIe new pIuyer
Is GoogIe wIo muke LIe AndroId operuLIng sys-
Lem uvuIIubIe und LIe IIrsL pIone Lo uppeur Is LIe
G1 Irom T-MobIIe, becuuse LIe OS Is open source
LIe number oI uppIIcuLIons uvuIIubIe Is expecLed
Lo grow und sILes IIke TIe AndroId Ibrury wIo
provIde u IIbrury oI LIe IuLesL Iree und commer-
cIuI uppIIcuLIons wIII grow. L remuIns Lo be seen
II LIIs IuLesL enLry oI un operuLIng sysLem In LIe
smurLpIone murkeL wIII muke u sIgnIIIcunL Im-
pucL buL muny IeeI LIIs couId be LIe IuLure Ior LIe
WILI LIe eurIIer enLry oI LIe GoogIe AndroId op-
eruLIng sysLem Ior mobIIe pIones LIe murkeL IoL up
Ior LIe IuLesL generuLIon oI SmurLpIones.
The first mobile phones, referred to as First
Generation or 1G, were introduced to the public market
in 1983 by the Motorola
Chnngos In modorn,
oId hnndsofs
At this time, there is no one
definition that can be
attributed to 4G technology
because researchers are still
striving to make advances
and build upon the
technology that already
Fr ee downl oad | f I ar e. pk
Telepedia Flare Report
e musL sLop
LIe conIusIon
ubouL wIIcI
LecInoIogy Is
goIng Lo wIn; IL ucIIeves
noLIIng posILIve und rIsks
dumuge Lo LIe enLIre Indus-
Anyone umong LIe cu-
rIous bund oI peopIe wIo
Lruck urLIcIes ubouL LIe sLu-
Lus oI mobIIe broudbund
(und LIe cIunces ure LIuL
you ure one oI LIem) wIII
Iuve noLIced un InLeresLIng
Lrend over LIe pusL 18
monLIs: LIe LemperuLure
oI LIe debuLe ubouL LIe
LecInoIogy mosL IIkeIy Lo
succeed Is rIsIng rupIdIy.
ncreusIngIy poIurIsed urLI-
cIes ure pubIIsIed on u
duIIy busIs, eucI urguIng
LIuL ong Term EvoIuLIon
(TE) Is LIe qG LecInoIogy
oI cIoIce, or LIuL WIMAX Is
rucIng uIeud, or LIuL IL`s
besL Lo sLIck wILI good oId
GPP becuuse HSPA+ Is
goIng Lo beuL boLI oI LIem.
L remuIns surprIsIng LIuL
LIeIr urLIcIes InvILe us, LIeIr reuders, Lo Iocus sIuv-
IsIIy on LIe quesLIon WIMAX vs. TE vs. HSPA+:
wIIcI one wIII wIn?
TIe quesLIon LIuL we sIouId usk oI LIe uuLIors Is
WIo cures wIo wIns? TIe LorrenL oI propugundu
wusIes over LIe essence oI mobIIe broudbund und
puLs susLuIned growLI In LIe mobIIe IndusLry uL rIsk.
By generuLIng Ieur, uncerLuInLy und doubL, LIe mo-
bIIe broudbund buLLIe dIverLs uLLenLIon uwuy Irom
LIe crILIcuI Issues LIuL wIII deLermIne LIe success or
IuIIure oI LIese evoIvIng LecInoIogIes. TIe LrudI-
LIonuI weupon oI LIe purLIsun uuLIor Is LIe mIgILy
Mbps; eucI wIeIds LIeIr peuk duLu ruLes Lo suvuge
LIeIr opponenLs.
n LIe HSPA+ cump, uuLIors IIre ouL LIeoreLIcuI
peuk duLu ruLes oI qzMbps D und z Mbps U. TIe
WIMAX Iorces respond wILI LIeoreLIcuI peuk duLu
ruLes oI ;Mbps D und oMbps U. TE joIns LIe
Iruy by unIeusIIng ILs LIeoreLIcuI peuk duLu ruLes oI
ooMbps D und ; Mbps U. AII IeII breuks Ioose,
or so IL wouId uppeur. Were IL noL Ior LIe IncIusIon oI
LIe word LIeoreLIcuI, we couId uII go Iome Lo sIeep
soundIy und wuke reIresIed, suIe In LIe knowIedge
LIuL mIgIL Is rIgIL. TIe reuIILy Is very dIIIerenL.
SprInL Ius sLuLed LIuL IL InLends Lo deIIver serv-
Ices uL beLween z und q Mbps Lo ILs cusLomers wILI
MobIIe WIMAX. n LIe reuI worId, HSPA+ und TE
ure IIkeIy Lo gIve LIeIr users sIngIe dIgIL Mbps down-
Ioud speeds. Awuy Irom LIe LIeoreLIcuI peuk duLu
ruLes, LIe reuIILy Is LIuL LIe LecInoIogIes wIII be com-
purubIe wILI eucI oLIer, uL IeusL In LIe experIence oI
LIe user. TIese duLu ruLes, Irom u user`s perspecLIve,
ure u greuL ImprovemenL on wIuL you wIII see wIIIe
sILLIng uL Iome on your WII or surIIng LIe web wIIIe
on u LruIn. TIe probIem Is LIuL LIe messuge beIng puL
ouL Lo LIe wIder popuIuLIon Ius LIe sume unnoyIng
rIngLone us LIose wIId cIuIms LIuL were mude ubouL
G und LIe new worId order LIuL IL wouId usIer In.
Cun you remember LIe uIIure oI vIdeo cuIIs? Cun you
remember LIe IusL LIme you ucLuuIIy suw someone
mukIng u vIdeo cuII?
G Ius LrunsIormed LIe wuy LIuL peopIe LIInk
ubouL und use LIeIr mobIIe pIones, buL noL In LIe
wuy LIuL LIey were LoId Lo expecL.
DIsuppoInLed cusLomers sIure LIeIr experIence
wILI IrIends und IumIIy, wIo deIuy buyIng InLo LIe
mobIIe broudbund worId. WIuL we uII wunL ure ec-
sLuLIc cusLomers wIo cun`L
IeIp buL sIow oII LIeIr de-
vIce. We need Lo produce u
'Wow` IucLor LIuL generuLes
momenLum In LIe murkeL.
Every pundIL Ius u peL
LIeory ubouL LIe IIkeIy de-
pIoymenL oI mobIIe broud-
bund LecInoIogIes. One wIII
deIuy LIe depIoymenL oI
TE. AnoLIer wIII posIL LIuL
WIMAX mIgIL be udopLed,
predomInunLIy, In LIe Iup-
Lop or neLbook murkeL. A
couId repIuce Iurge swuLIes
oI Iegucy LecInoIogIes.
TIese scenurIos mIgIL Iup-
pen, buL LIey mIgIL noL,
ConIusIon unseLLIes In-
vesLors, wIo move Lo oLIer
murkeLs und sLurve us oI
LIe R&D Iunds needed Lo
deIIver mobIIe broudbund.
AL sLreeL IeveI, conIusIon
Ieuds eurIy udopLers Lo IoId
oII mukIng commILmenLs Lo
LIe new wuve oI LecInoIogy
wIIIe LIey wuIL IL ouL Lo
ensure LIey don`L buy u BeLumux InsLeud oI u VHS.
WIere we sIouId Iocus, urgenLIy, Is on LIe Lwo Lop-
Ics LIuL demund open dIscussIon und debuLe.
TIe IIrsL LopIc concerns deIIvery Lo LIe end user
oI u seumIess uppIIcuLIon experIence LIuL success-
IuIIy converLs LIe Improved duLu ruLes Lo Improve-
menLs on LIeIr devIce. TIIs cun meun unyLIIng
Irom geLLIng AN-IIke speeds Ior IusLer emuII
downIouds LIrougI Lo sIIck, conLenL-rIcI und Io-
cuLIon-uwure uppIIcuLIons. As we IuuncI mobIIe
broudbund LecInoIogIes, we musL ensure LIuL new
uppIIcuLIons und cupubIIILIes ure robusL und sLubIe.
TIe second LopIc, LIe LIduI wuve oI duLu, sIouId
Iorce us Lo be reuIIsLIc ubouL LIe sLruIn pIuced on
core neLworks by un exponenLIuI Increuse In duLu
LruIIIc. We Iuve seen 1ox Increuses In LruIIIc sInce
smurLpIones begun Lo boom. MobIIe devIce muk-
ers, neLwork equIpmenL munuIucLurers und uppII-
cuLIon deveIopers musL uccepL LIuL LIere wIII be
cupucILy sIorLuges In LIe sIorL Lerm und, In re-
sponse, musL desIgn, buIId und LesL uppIIcuLIons
rIgorousIy. We need uppIIcuLIons wILI reuIIsLIc
duLu LIrougIpuL requIremenLs und LIe ubIIILy Lo
cuLcI duLu greedy uppIIcuLIons beIore LIey reucI
LIe neLwork.
So, Ior LIe suke oI our Iong-Lerm prospecLs, IeL`s
sLop LIIs nonsense ubouL Iow one LecInoIogy
Lrounces unoLIer. mporLunL peopIe, LIe end
users, sImpIy do noL cure. WIMAX, TE und
HSPA+ wIII uII be wIdeIy depIoyed. As un Indus-
Lry, our energy needs Lo be Iocused on deIIverIng
servIces und uppIIcuLIons LIuL exceed LIe cusLomer
Fr ee downl oad | f I ar e. pk
nsighT Flare Report
Each arguing that Long Term Evolution (LTE) is the 4G technology of choice or that
WiMAX is racing ahead, or that it's best to stick with good old 3GPP because
HSPA+ is going to beat both of them
Can you remember the allure
of video calls? Can you
remember the last time you
actually saw someone
making a video call? 3G has
transformed the way that
people think about and use
their mobile phones, but not
in the way that they were told
to expect
who cnros who wIns
murLpIones deLecLIng bud breuLI und ru-
dIuLIon, LwIsLubIe remoLe conLroIs und u
super-LIIn LubIeL compuLer were jusL some
oI LIe gudgeLs on sIow uL AsIu's bIggesL
LecI IuIr In Jupun. Around 6oo IIrms unveIIed
LIeIr InnovuLIons uL LIe CombIned ExIIbILIon oI
Advunced TecInoIogIes (CEATEC) LecInoIogy ex-
IIbILIon In CIIbu, neur Tokyo.
Jupun's TosIIbu sIowcused wIuL IL cuIIs "LIe
worId's LIInnesL und IIgILesL" LubIeL compuLer,
equIpped wILI u 1o.1-IncI dIspIuy LIuL Is jusL ;.;
mIIIImeLres (o.-IncI) LIIck und weIgIs 8
grums (1q. ounces). EIecLronIcs purLs muker Mu-
ruLu MunuIucLurIng unveIIed devIces usIng u
newIy-deveIoped LrunspurenL orgunIc IIIm LIuL
cun deIIver InsLrucLIons vIu LwIsLIng moLIons or
One oI ILs gudgeLs, u IIgIL-powered pIuLe cuIIed
LIe euI GrIp RemoLe ConLroIIer, Ius no buLLons
buL Is InsLeud operuLed by LIe user bendIng und
LwIsLIng IL.
AnoLIer uppIIcuLIon oI LIe IIIm Is us u LoucI
puneI wIIcI responds Lo IeIL-rIgIL und up-down
IInger swIpes buL uIso senses Iow sLrongIy IL Is
beIng pressed, unIIke convenLIonuI LoucIscreen
gIuss used on smurLpIones.
"CurrenLIy we gIve communds Lwo-dImen-
sIonuIIy on LoucI puneIs In smurLpIones und
LubIeL compuLers buL LIIs InvenLIon wouId gIve us
unoLIer dImensIon -- Iow Iurd LIey ure pressed,"
MuruLu spokesmun KuzuIIsu MusIILu suId.
"TIIs couId enubIe users Lo scroII screens
sIowIy by LoucIIng LIe screen IIgILIy und move
Imuges IusLer by pressIng IL Iurder," Ie LoId AP
uIeud oI LIe exIIbILIon.
Jupunese LeIecom gIunL NTT DoCoMo sIowed
oII u smurLpIone wILI cIungeubIe sensor-embed-
ded sIeIIs LIuL cun meusure bud breuLI, vILuI body
sIgns und even eurpIones LIuL cun be used Lo
meusure buckground rudIuLIon IeveIs.
DoCoMo uIso demonsLruLed Iow popuIuLIon
duLu cun be obLuIned Irom mobIIe pIone buse sLu-
LIons, uIIowIng urbun pIunners Lo mup popuIuLIon
movemenLs or IdenLIIy LIe gender und uge oI peo-
pIe guLIerIng In specIIIc ureus.
SLuLe-oI-LIe-urL rudIuLIon counLers were on
dIspIuy uIong wILI power-suvIng LecInoIogIes,
wILI boLI In IIgI demund uILer Jupun's MurcI 11
dIsusLers spurked Ieurs over conLumInuLIon und
drIves Lo cuL power consumpLIon over LIe sum-
mer. TIe ukusIImu crIsIs, LrIggered by LIe eurLI-
quuke und LsunumI, Ius Ied Lo uround 8o percenL
oI Jupun's reucLors beIng Luken oII-IIne umId
growIng unLI-nucIeur senLImenL In LIe urcIIpeIugo
nuLIon. MeunwIIIe cur uccessorIes IIrm PIoneer
dIspIuyed un In-cur nuvIguLIon sysLem LIuL proj-
ecLs duLu dIrecLIy on Lo LIe wIndscreen InsLeud oI
reIyIng on u dusIbourd dIspIuy.
Jupun's NIssun sIowed oII ILs VeIIcIe Lo Home
sysLem LIuL enubIes energy sLored In un eIecLrIc
veIIcIe's buLLerIes Lo be used In Iomes, wIIIe mI-
crocIIp muker RoIm sIowcused wIuL IL IuIIs us
LIe worId's LInIesL resIsLors -- so smuII LIuL
oo,ooo oI LIem cun be used In un IourgIuss In-
sLeud oI sund. TIe Jupunese IIrm uIso reveuIed eI-
IorLs Lo dIversIIy InLo LIe IeuILIcure busIness,
wILI "TecInojeweI" uccessorIes sucI us eurrIngs
LIuL cun Luke LIe weurer's puIse.
Sony's dIspIuys IncIude bInocuIurs cupubIe oI
IIgI-quuIILy dIgILuI recordIng In zD und D,
uImed uL unImuI wuLcIers, sLorm cIusers und
sporLs Iuns.
Around 600 firms unveiled their innovations at the Combined Exhibition of Advanced
Technologies; Toshiba showcased what it calls "the world's thinnest and lightest" tablet computer
InnovnfIvo dovIcos nf AsIn's
bIggosf foch fnIr In Jnnn
Fr ee downl oad | f I ar e. pk
F|are Peport Event
mIruLes TeIecommunIcuLIons CorporuLIon
(ELIsuIuL) und EmIruLes nLegruLed
TeIecommunIcuLIons Compuny (Du) boLI
cIuIm Lo be LIe IIrsL Lo IuuncI qG servIces
In LIe UAE. AccordIng Lo u reporL In IocuI newspu-
pers, LIe dIspuLe IoIIowed uILer Du uIIegedIy Issued
un oIIIcIuI sLuLemenL und udverLIsemenL In IocuI
newspupers cIuImIng IL wus LIe IIrsL body In LIe
UAE Lo oIIer LIe qG pIone neLwork. ELIsuIuL IIIed u
compIuInL wILI LIe TeIecommunIcuLIons ReguIu-
Lory AuLIorILy (TRA) und urged IL Lo Luke ucLIon
uguInsL Du us LIe LeIecom operuLor cIuIms Lo be LIe
soIe operuLor In LIe UAE LIuL Is IIcenced Lo oIIer qG
servIces. MeunwIIIe, Du In u sLuLemenL senL Lo
IocuI medIu suId IL Iud IuuncIed In MurcI LIIs yeur
u commercIuI servIce cuIIed (HSPA+) - wIIcI IuIIs
under LIe qLI generuLIon servIces.
ruId uruIdoonI, CIIeI ExecuLIve oI Commer-
cIuI AIIuIrs, Du, suId: "Du IuuncIed In MurcI u
commercIuI servIce (HSPA+), wIIcI provIdes
speeds oI up Lo qzMBJsec, und Is consIdered by LIe
nLernuLIonuI TeIecommunIcuLIon UnIon u IourLI-
generuLIon servIce." AII AI AImud, CIIeI ExecuLIve,
ELIsuIuL, suId: "TIe HSPA+ servIce wIIcI wus
IuuncIed by Du In MurcI, Is noL IourLI-generuLIon
servIce ruLIer .;G, uccordIng Lo sLundurds seL by
TRA In LIe UAE." TE wIII now Improve LIe user
experIence Ior LIese ucLIvILIes und oLIer more duLu-
Iungry und demundIng uses sucI us InLerucLIve TV,
mobIIe vIdeo bIoggIng, udvunced gumIng und pro-
IessIonuI servIces. AL presenL, LIe ELIsuIuL qG neL-
work wIII onIy cover LIe mujor cILIes oI LIe UAE.
n uddILIon Lo creuLIng IoLs oI new uvenues Ior
Iun, qG uIso enubIes more producLIvILy. I your
work Ius muLerIuI bused In LIe cIoud, IL Is goIng Lo
become even Iurder Lo "go durk". TIIs boosL Lo pro-
ducLIvILy wIII conLrIbuLe Lowurd LIe InvesLmenL
LIuL ELIsuIuL Ius mude In LIe neLwork.
TIe TRA, meunwIIIe, Ius conIIrmed "IL dId noL
gIve Du LIe upprovuI Lo IuuncI LIe IourLI generu-
LIon servIces In LIe UAE, und LIuL Du Iud noL yeL
uppIIed Ior LIe IIcence Lo provIde sucI servIces In
LIe UAE". MujId AI Musmur, DepuLy DIrecLor-Gen-
eruI, TRA, suId LIe uuLIorILy Ius noL gIve Du up-
provuI unLII now Lo IuuncI (T) neLwork, und LIuL
LIe compuny Ius noL uppIIed Ior u IIcense Lo pro-
vIde IourLI generuLIon servIces. TRA wIII dIscuss
wILI Du regurdIng LIe operuLor's cIuIms," Musmur
udded. Du uIIegedIy Issued u press sLuLemenL on
sIdeIInes oI GILex cIuImIng IL wus IIrsL body In LIe
UAE Lo IuuncI qG servIce, wIen IL upgruded LIe
neLwork Lo (HSPA+) In MurcI LIIs yeur.
L uIso cIuImed Lo be LIe IIrsL operuLor In LIe re-
gIon Lo IuuncI T LecInoIogy. You wIII need Lwo
LIIngs Lo Luke purL, IIrsL u qG-IrIendIy devIce. Ac-
cordIng Lo LeIecoms LecInoIogy gIunL ErIcsson,
LIere ure uIreudy uround 16o oI LIose on LIe mur-
keL worIdwIde. And LIe comIng monLIs wIII uIso
see u number oI serIous new pIuyers enLer LIe Iruy,
IncIudIng u rumoured qG-enubIed AppIe IPud.
TIe second LIIng you need Is u qG duLu puckuge
Irom your provIder. n LIe UAE, LIuL meuns ELI-
suIuL. SmurLpIone peneLruLIon In LIe GuII SLuLes Is
sLruLospIerIc, und mosL peopIe ure comIorLubIe
usIng LIeIr pIones Ior gumIng, cIeckIng emuIIs und
some browsIng. BuL LIere ure muny more upps LIuL
ure severeIy IImILed by use on u G neLwork. eu-
Lures wIIcI muy prevIousIy Iuve onIy been useIuI
uL Iome wIen our pIones ure connecLed Lo u WII
neLwork wIII be IeL oII LIe IeusI wILI qG.
SImIIurIy, usIng Skype und oLIer VoP servIces
In LIe UAE on G cun be IrusLruLIng uL besL und
IruILIess uL worsL. MukIng LIe jump Lo LIe 1ooMbJs
speeds oI TE LrunsIorms LIIs experIence und
opens LIe door Lo vIdeo und voIce cIuL on LIe
move. So II you're cuIIIng In sIck Lo work wIIIe sIL-
LIng on LIe beucI wILI your IrIends, you Iud beLLer
muke sure you Lurn LIe vIdeo Ieed oII. TIe kInd oI
Iree upp nuvIguLIon LooIs on mobIIes und more es-
LubIIsIed suLnuv geur LIuL downIouds us IL goes,
sucI us GoogIe Mups, wIII uIso become more eIIec-
MobIIe broudbund speeds wIII smooLI ouL LIe
process oI usIng LIese mups on your smurLpIone,
kIIIIng LIe deIuy LIuL mukes LIem Iess LIun useIuI
wIen you're drIvIng und conIInes LIem Lo pedes-
LrIun nuvIguLIon. MuILImedIu conLenL wIII be un-
oLIer bIg wInner oI TE move. MuILImedIu Is
unoLIer bIg wInner oI LIe qG revoIuLIon. WIeLIer
you're u Iun oI nuquLube or YouTube, qG wIII Luke
LIese servIces InLo muIIs, cuIes, uIrporL Iounges und
unywIere eIse sILLIng wILIIn LIe bounds oI LIe qG
neLwork. ookIng Ior u WII IoLspoL becomes Im-
muLerIuI II you're Iooked up Lo LIe neL LIrougI
TE. DownIoudIng MPs, e-books und even movIes
become servIces uvuIIubIe unywIere und unyLIme.
TIe door Is uIso now open Ior vIdeo conLenL
owners In LIe regIon sucI us MBC und LIe Abu
DIubI MedIu Compuny Lo muke IurLIer Inrouds In
LIe mobIIe TV secLor. "SmurLpIones Iuve been
IeId buck Lo un exLenL by LIe IImILuLIons oI LIe ceI-
IuIur neLworks; currenL G sysLems ure IusLer LIun
LIe oIder zG sLundurds, LIey're sLIII sIow In com-
purIson wILI even LIe Iess expensIve Iome broud-
bund opLIons," suys Andreus Krenn, murkeL
deveIopmenL dIrecLor, mobIIe broudbund, MIddIe
EusL und AIrIcu uL ErIcsson.
"AL u LIme wIen peopIe consIder consLunL con-
necLIvILy u necessILy, qG Is un InevILubIe nexL sLep.
Fr ee downl oad | f I ar e. pk
Telepedia Flare Report
Who fIrsf fo Inunch 4C In
!AI IfIsnInf or u
Majid Al Masmar, DDG, TRA,
said the authority has not given
Du approval until now to launch
(LT) network, and that the
company has not applied for a
license to provide fourth
generation services
The HSPA+ service which was launched by Du in March, is not fourth-generation
service rather 3.75G, according to standards set by TRA in the UAE; at present, the
Etisalat 4G network will only cover the major cities of the UAE
-Lerror meusures
ure becomIng LIe
bIggesL LIreuL Lo
modern socIeLIes.
TIe presence oI LerrorIsL
groups on LIe InLerneL Is u
reIuLIveIy new pIenomenon,
LIe growLI oI wIIcI Ius ex-
pIoded In LIe pusL decude.
AccuruLe esLImuLes on LIe
number oI ucLIve LerrorIsL
group`s websILes vury due Lo
dIIIIcuILIes meusurIng buL,
LIere Is u generuI consensus
LIuL In 1qq6 LIere wus jusL
under 1oo websILes und Lo
weII over ooo websILes
Loduy. CyberLerrorIsm Is LIe
use oI nLerneL bused uLLucks
In LerrorIsL ucLIvILIes, IncIud-
Ing ucLs oI deIIberuLe, Iurge-
scuIe dIsrupLIon oI compuLer
neLworks, especIuIIy oI per-
sonuI compuLers uLLucIed Lo
LIe nLerneL, by LIe meuns oI
LooIs sucI us compuLer
TerrorIsm und LIe nLer-
neL ure reIuLed In Lwo wuys.
IrsL, LIe nLerneL Ius become u Iorum Ior Lerror-
IsL groups und IndIvIduuI LerrorIsLs boLI Lo spreud
LIeIr messuges oI IuLe und vIoIence und Lo com-
munIcuLe wILI one unoLIer und wILI sympuLIIz-
ers. SecondIy, IndIvIduuIs und groups Iuve LrIed Lo
uLLuck compuLer neLworks, IncIudIng LIose on LIe
nLerneL - wIuL Ius become known us cyberLer-
rorIsm or cyberwurIure. AL LIIs poInL, LerrorIsLs ure
usIng LIe nLerneL more LIun LIey ure uLLuckIng IL.
MosL nLerneL sILes oI LerrorIsL groups seek Lo ud-
vunce LIe orgunIzuLIon's poIILIcuI und IdeoIogIcuI
ugendu. OLIer sILes ucLuuIIy provIde InIormuLIon
on Iow Lo buIId bombs us weII us InsLrucLIons Ior
mukIng dungerous cIemIcuI und expIosIve
Muny oI LIese sILes posL LIe "TerrorIsL's Hund-
book" und "TIe AnurcIIsL Cookbook" wIIcI oIIer
deLuIIed InsLrucLIons oI Iow Lo consLrucL u wIde
runge oI bombs. As counLrIes deveIop LIey become
dependenL on IIgI LecInoIogIes, IncIudIng com-
puLers LIuL ure more und more InvoIved In conLroI
oI crILIcuI nuLIonuI InIrusLrucLure eIemenLs. Due Lo
LIeIr compIIcucy und InLerreIuLIon, crILIcuI sysLems
ure u unIque LurgeL Ior LecInoIogIcuI uLLucks. Com-
pIex nuLIonuI sysLems pose poLenLIuI dunger us
LIey operuLe wILI vILuIIy ImporLunL sILes, uLLucks
on wIIcI muy Ieud Lo desLrucLIve consequenses.
SucI uLLuck muy be conducLed usIng compuLer or
expIosIves or by IInderIng communIcuLIon cubIes
wILI LIe purpose Lo cuuse u cIrcuIL oI breukdowns
wILI IInuI coIIupse oI uII conLroI sysLems oI LIIs
crILIcuI sysLem, IIke pIpeIIne or uIrporL.
urge-scuIe dIsconnecLIons oI power suppIy
puruIyzIng sIgnIIIcunL purLs oI LIe counLry, prob-
Iems wILI IIIgILs munugemenL sysLems, wrecks In
gus und oII pIpeIInes ure broudIy dIscussed In LIe
press, specIuI medIu und over LIe nLerneL. Ter-
rorIsLs, wIIIe beIng u purL oI pubIIc LIuL observes
LIIs wIde coveruge, more und more compreIend
LIuL nuLIonuI InIrusLrucLures ure un uIIurIng und
vuInerubIe LurgeL. TecInIcuI progress muy Iuve
unexpecLed uILer-eIIecLs In LIe Iorm oI IncreusIng
vuInerubIIILy oI sucI sysLems. or exumpIe, opLI-
cuI cubIes uIIow LeIepIone compunIes Lo serve Lens
oI LIousunds oI conversuLIons usIng onIy one IIne.
A decude ugo LIey wouId Iuve needed Lo InsLuII
LIousunds oI sepuruLe cubIes.
As u resuIL we Iuve more eIIIcIency, beLLer serv-
Ice und Iow cosLs. AL LIe sume LIme we Iuve u durk
sIde oI LIese processes.
Breuk oI u usuuI cubIe wus un
unnoyIng IncIdenL. Breuk oI
un opLIcuI cubIe muy cuuse u
dIsusLrous cIrcuIL oI uccI-
denLs. Progress muy Ieud Lo
sIgnIIIcunL InIrusLrucLure eI-
IecL, buL IL uIso mukes LIe In-
IrusLrucLure Lo be un uIIurIng
LurgeL Ior LerrorIsm.
A LerrorIsL wIsIIng Lo In-
IIuence on worId-scuIe
evenLs muy cIoose un InLer-
nuLIonuI bunk neLwork or u
IeudIng excIunge us u LurgeL
oI IIs uLLuck. SuccessIuI
sLrIke wIII cerLuInIy Iuve dI-
recL ImpucL, buL LIe mosL
sIgnIIIcunL eIIecLs wIII cuuse
noL onIy moneLury Iosses,
buL dumuge Lo peopIe's LrusL
und correspondIng, IusLIng u
Iong LIme, poIILIcuI und eco-
nomIc consequences.
Toduy, muny LerrorIsL
groups und movemenLs Iuve
LIeIr own websILes on LIe
nLerneL. TIey uppIy LIe n-
LerneL Lo LeucI LIeIr
LIougILs, vIews, Lo guLIer supporL und Lo recruIL
new members, Lo communIcuLe onIIne wIIIe IoId-
Ing operuLIons. SucI orgunIzuLIons consIder cupu-
bIIILIes oI LIe Web us un oIIensIve weupon, us
"muss weupon oI undermInIng ucLIons". TIey uIso
LeucI LIeIr members Lo prepure worms, Lrojuns,
snIIIers und oLIer muIIcIous progrums LIuL muILI-
pIy brougIL dumuge. TukIng InLo uccounL cyber
LerrorIsm Lrends, we muy surmIse LIuL LIe duy wIII
come wIen some LerrorIsL groups wIII exIsL onIy In
u vIrLuuI spuce, Iuce-Lo-Iuce conLucLs wIII be ex-
cIuded und LerrorIsLs wIII ussocIuLe LIrougI LIe n-
LerneL Lo prepure uLLucks uguInsL counLrIes wILI
deveIoped compuLer neLworks. SLrIkes wIII be
uImed uL bunkIng und commercIuI sysLems, eIec-
LronIc servIces sysLems, InIrusLrucLures conLroIIed
by compuLers, e.g. gus und oII pIpes, eIecLrIc power
suppIy sysLems, uIr und Iund LruIIIc conLroI sys-
Lems, LeIepIone sysLems, LIe spIere oI pubIIc
IeuILI, deIence communIcuLIons und suppIy sys-
Lems. More or Iess, uII LIese sysLems ure vuIneru-
bIe Lo eIecLronIc uLLucks und undermInIng ucLIons.
E-Lerror meusures ure becomIng LIe bIggesL
LIreuL Lo modern socIeLIes. nLerneL Is LIe InLernu-
LIonuI Iorum, wIere peopIe enguge eucI oLIer Lo
dIscuss noL onIy poIILIcuI, economIc und socIuI
probIems buL LIey uIso use InLerneL us u LooI Lo
spreud IuLred und LryIng InIIuence InnocenL peo-
pIe und muke LIem LerrorIsL. L`s LIe modern worId
cIuIIenge; domesLIc und InLernuLIonuI powers
sIouId pIuy LIeIr due roIe Lo geL over LIIs menuce
unLII IL reucIes our Iomes und InIecLs our Ioved
The nternet has become a forum for terrorist groups and individual terrorists both to
spread their messages of hate and violence and to communicate with one another and
with sympathizers; they also try to attack computer networks and get steal information
Cybor TorrorIsm!
A now monnco of fho modorn worId
Taking into account cyber
terrorism trends, we may
surmise that the day will come
when some terrorist groups will
exist only in a virtual space,
face-to-face contacts will be
excluded and terrorists will
associate through the nternet
to prepare attacks against
countries with developed
computer networks
Fr ee downl oad | f I ar e. pk
F|are Peport nsighT
IuckBerry muker
ReseurcI n MoLIon
(RM) Iuced LIe
prospecL oI u com-
pensuLIon bIII Irom neLwork
provIders us IL wresLIed Ior u
week Lo geL LIe worId's dom-
InunL mobIIe emuII servIce
workIng properIy.
TIe gIILcIes LIuL Im-
puIred messugIng, emuIIs
und nLerneL browsIng In Eu-
rope, LIe MIddIe EusL und
AIrIcu Iud spreud Lo ndIu
und SouLI AmerIcu und now
Lo Cunudu und LIe UnILed
SLuLes. SpunIsI group TeIe-
IonIcu suId on ILs websILe IL
wouId compensuLe cus-
Lomers, In IIne wILI SpunIsI
Iuw, und BrILuIn's VoduIone
Is IookIng uL LIe Issue Loo.
"We ure revIewIng our
opLIons In Lerms oI compen-
suLIon," suId u VoduIone
spokesmun. He wouId noL be
druwn on wIeLIer sucI cosLs mIgIL be pussed on
Lo RM, buL unuIysLs suId LIere wus IILLIe doubL LIe
BrILIsI group und oLIer operuLors wouId Lry.
"n LIe pusL LIere Iuve been ouLuges buL LIey
Iuve been IImILed Lo un Iour Iere und un Iour
LIere und LIe operuLors Iuve been LempLed Lo IeL
LIuL go," suId WIII Druper, unuIysL uL EspIrILo
SunLo. "TIey Iuve noL been Iuppy ubouL IL buL IL
Is noL LIe kInd oI LIIng you go Lo courL over. BuL
LIIs Is compIeLeIy dIIIerenL. TIIs wus u week ouL-
uge. TIIs Is 1o percenL oI your workIng monLI, so
um preLLy sure LIere wIII be compensuLIon cIuIms
und um preLLy sure LIey wIII Lry und puss IL on Lo
RM, buL my IeeIIng Is IL wIII be very dIIIIcuIL Lo
muke IL sLIck."
TIe SpunIsI Consumer AssocIuLIon ACUA es-
LImuLed cIIenLs wouId receIve o.z-1.qo euros (zo
pence-1.66 pounds) Ior eucI zq Iours oI servIce
InLerrupLIon. AL sucI u ruLe, one IuII duy's com-
pensuLIon Lo uII ;o mIIIIon BIuckBerry users worId-
wIde couId cosL LIe LeIecoms IndusLry us mucI us
1 mIIIIon euros.
IInckIorry`s usors In InkIsfnn oxorIoncod
ns fho CnnndInn !osonrch In MofIon sysfom hIf
snngs, dIsrufIng mnIIIng fncIIIfIos. Tho II
sorvIco usors In InkIsfnn sfnrfod goffIng usof
on Ocfobor l0 whon froubIo rocoIvIng omnIIs
nnd oxchnngIng mossngos fhrough fhoIr wIdoIy
usod mossongor sorvIco.
In InkIsfnn, IInckborry ownors, who offon nro
rofossIonnIs, busInossmon or oxocufIvos hnvo
vory ncfIvo busInoss IIfosfyIo fhoy nood somo
fhIng socuro nnd sfnbIo, somofhIng frIod nnd
fosfod fo bo nIwnys onfhogo wIfh moofIngs.
Thoy woro worsf hIf II oufngo.
Tho usors of IInckborry nskod fho ITA fo fnko
ncfIon ngnInsf fho !IM mnnngomonf nnd dIrocf
fo comonsnfo fhom.
BIuckBerry servIces were resLored worIdwIde
uILer un emburrussIng LecInIcuI gIILcI IeIL mIIIIons
oI users wILIouL emuII und messugIng Ior uImosL
week, LIe smurLpIone's muker suId. "AII oI LIe
servIces ure buck up gIobuIIy," ReseurcI In MoLIon
(RM) Iounder und co-CIIeI ExecuLIve MIke
uzurIdIs LoId u press conIerence. "We've now re-
sLored IuII servIces."
uzurIdIs upoIogIzed Lo LIe mIIIIons oI BIuck-
Berry users In Europe, LIe MIddIe EusL, AIrIcu,
ndIu, LIe UnILed SLuLes, Cunudu, BruzII, ArgenLInu
und CIIIe wIo were sLurved oI InsLunL uccess Lo
emuIIs und messugIng. SpeukIng on LIe IourLI duy
oI dIsrupLIons, wIIcI LIe IIrm bIumed on u buckIog
oI emuIIs cuused by un InILIuI LecInIcuI IuIIure uL u
IucIIILy In Europe, uzurIdIs
suId: "TIIs wus unIorLunuLeIy
LIe IurgesL (ouLuge) we've ex-
" wunL Lo upoIogIze Lo uII
oI LIe BIuckBerry cusLomers
we've IeL down," Ie suId.
"You expecL beLLer oI us. ex-
pecL beLLer oI us. Our InubII-
ILy Lo quIckIy IIx LIIs Ius been
RM suId un InILIuI LecI-
nIcuI IuIIure Iud prompLed u
buIId-up oI messuges In ILs
neLwork LIuL snowbuIIed
uround LIe worId, uIIecLIng
muny oI LIe IIrm's ;o mIIIIon
subscrIbers. TIe Iurdwure
IuIIure reporLedIy sLurLed uL
LIe compuny's BrILIsI Iub In
SIougI, u Lown wesL oI on-
don. uzurIdIs suId LIe com-
puny wus LukIng "ImmedIuLe
und uggressIve sLeps," In-
cIudIng wILI ILs suppIIers re-
sponsIbIe Ior LIe desIgn und
munuIucLure oI LIe "core swILcI" bIumed Ior LIe
ouLuge, "Lo mInImIze LIe rIsk oI someLIIng oI LIIs
mugnILude IuppenIng uguIn." Ls IuIIure "cuused u
cuscude IuIIure In our sysLem," Ie expIuIned.
"TIere wus u buckup swILcI buL LIe buckup dIdn'L
IuncLIon us InLended und LIIs Ied Lo u buckIog (oI
messuges) In LIe sysLem.
"TIe IuIIure In Europe In Lurn overIouded sys-
Lems eIsewIere." However, uzurIdIs conceded:
"We (sLIII) don'L know wIy LIe swILcI IuIIed In LIe
purLIcuIur wuy IL dId," und wIy LIe buckup sysLem
uIso IuIIed. RM unnounced LIuL LIe Issue Iud
been resoIved, buL LIe gIILcIes spreud, spurkIng
ouLruge Irom BIuckBerry users worIdwIde.
TIe probIems represenL u PR nIgILmure Ior
RM, wIIcI Ius Iuced weuker suIes oI LIe BIuck-
Berry compured wILI smurLpIones mude by
AppIe or LIose runnIng GoogIe's AndroId soIL-
wure. TIe LImIng Is purLIcuIurIy bud uIeud oI
AppIe's IuuncI on rIduy oI LIe IuLesL ILeruLIon oI
ILs Lop-seIIIng smurLpIone, LIe IPIone qS, In key
worId murkeLs. Mujor AsIu-PucIIIc murkeLs sucI
us AusLruIIu, Jupun und SouLI Koreu Iuve been
unuIIecLed Ior LIe mosL purL, buL IruLe users In
CIInu und ndIu reporLed wIdespreud ouLuges.
MucI oI LIe unger Ius been cuused by u Iuck
oI InIormuLIon ubouL LIe probIems, wIIcI
uzurIdIs ucknowIedged. RM reporLed un Im-
proved servIce In ndIu, Munoj BIoj, u murkeL-
Ing execuLIve In ndIu's IInuncIuI cupILuI MumbuI,
compIuIned oI u "communIcuLIon gup" Irom LIe
CunudIun compuny. "We Iuve Lo upduLe cIIenLs
wILI reporLs und Iuven'L been ubIe Lo do so. jusL
Iope IL doesn'L Iuppen uguIn," Ie suId.
Fr ee downl oad | f I ar e. pk
Telepedia Flare Report
IInckIorry mnkor fncos
comonsnfIon rosocf
Spanish group Telefonica
said on its website it would
compensate customers, in
line with Spanish law, one full
day's compensation to all 70
million BlackBerry users
worldwide could cost the
telecoms industry as much
as 133 million euros
RM founder and co-Chief Executive Mike Lazaridis apologized to the millions of
BlackBerry users in Europe, USA, the Middle East, Africa, Pakistan, ndia and Latin
America who were starved of instant access to emails and messaging
eLLIng new sLundurds Ior use oI dIgILuI
medIu Ior promoLIon oI BoIIywood IIIms,
super sLur SIuI RukI KIun IuuncIed u
cusLom buIIL movIe cIunneI on LIe
worId's IeudIng onIIne vIdeo pIuLIorm 'YouTube'
Ior IIs IIIm Ru.One Lo reIeuse on OcLober z.
KIun's producLIon compuny, Red CIIIIIes EnLer-
LuInmenL, LIe producer oI Ru.One, LogeLIer wILI
LIe YouTube Leum uIso reIeused u LIrIIIIng vIruI
promo Ior LIe upcomIng IIIm on
On LIe ussocIuLIon wILI YouTube, KIun suId
''YouTube Is un IncredIbIy powerIuI pIuLIorm Lo
enguge Iuns ucross LIe gIobe und Is InLegruI Lo uII
bIockbusLer movIe promoLIons In HoIIywood.
or Ru.One, wunLed Lo Ieveruge LIe IuII poLen-
LIuI oI dIgILuI medIu und creuLe un experIence on
YouTube und GoogIe LIuL Ius never been done
Ior uny ndIun IIIm. um very excILed ubouL LIe
projecL und um personuIIy workIng wILI LIe
GoogIe Leum Lo creuLe u desLInuLIon LIuL my Iuns
cun enjoy Irom unywIere In LIe worId.''
TIe movIe cIunneI on YouTube wIII oIIer
users u one-sLop desLInuLIon Ior uII promoLIonuI
vIdeo conLenL und specIuI exLrus Ior Ru.One.
uns cun Iook Iorwurd Lo excIusIves wILI KIun's
LIougILs on Ru.One, beIInd LIe scenes sIoLs,
uncuL IooLuge oI LIe sLur cusL, und vIdeos oI LIe
Ru.One premIere und red curpeL evenLs pIunned
In ondon. KIun wIII uIso be umong one oI LIe
IIrsL ndIun ceIebrILIes Lo be on LIe GoogIe+ pIuL-
Iorm und enguge IIs Iuns.
SpeukIng ubouL LIe ussocIuLIon, Rujun Anun-
dun, MD und VIce PresIdenL SuIes und Operu-
LIons Ior GoogIe ndIu suId, ''We ure very pIeused
Lo ussocIuLe wILI SIuI RukI KIun Lo creuLe u
unIque und cusLomIsed desLInuLIon Ior Ru.One
on YouTube. n LIe IusL Iew yeurs, ndIu produc-
LIon Iouses Iuve begun Lo embruce LIe YouTube
pIuLIorm Lo enguge Iuns, dIsLrIbuLe movIes und
Ieveruge rIcI medIu ud IormuLs Lo promoLe LIeIr
movIes onIIne. BoIIywood Is now un InLegruI purL
oI LIe YouTube experIence und reucIes over zz
mIIIIon unIque users In ndIu.'' TIIs specIuIIy de-
sIgned cIunneI wIII uIso IosL gumes IncIudIng LIe
IIrsL SocIuI Gume Irom ndIu, dIgILuI comIc, us
weII us unIque conLesLs wIere purLIcIpunLs geL u
cIunce Lo creuLe Ru.One promos Irom cIIps,
musIc oI LIe IIIm provIded In un eusy Lo use In-
Sony PIuysLuLIon wIII be IuuncIIng u Ru.One-
bused gume on ILs gumIng consoIes sIorLIy.
"TIIs InILIuLIve wIII breuk new ground In dIg-
ILuI murkeLIng Ior BoIIywood IIIms und LIe 'Muke
Your Own Ru.One Promo' conLesL Is u greuL ex-
umpIe oI Iow LIe cIunneI wIII enIunce Iuns' In-
LerucLIve experIence wILI LIe movIe," Red
CIIIIIes EnLerLuInmenL PvL Ld's Heud oI DIgILuI
& MurkeLIng, SIuIIju GupLu suId.
On LIe oLIer Iund, LIere Iuve been wIIspers
In Lrude cIrcIes LIuL SIuI RukI KIun`s reckIess
spendIng on Ru.One muy cosL IIm deur. AI-
LIougI nobody knows Ior sure wIuL LIe budgeL
oI LIe cosLIIesL HIndI IIIm ucLuuIIy Is, IL Is esLI-
muLed LIuL LIe supersLur-producer muy Iuve
spenL uround Rs. 1z crore Lo muke LIe IIIm. I
one were Lo udd unoLIer Rs. z crore (upproxI-
muLeIy $o mIIIIon) us cosL oI promoLIon und re-
Ieuse, LIe LoLuI InvesLmenL In LIe compuLer
grupIIcs-Ieuvy Ru.One wouId be Rs. 1o crore.
SIuI RukI pIuns Lo converL LIe IIIm InLo D.
However, LIe posILIon Is noL us grIm us Is
beIng mude ouL Lo be by LIe IndusLry peopIe.
RuLIer, LIere`s every cIunce LIuL Ru.One wIII
cover ILs Iuge cosL und, In IucL, IeLcI proIILs.
TIe cuIcuIuLIons und esLImuLIons reveuI LIuL
Ru.One muy, uILer uII, noL be LIe rIsky proposuI IL
Is ussumed Lo be by LIe Lrude peopIe. SRK does-
n`L need Lo reuIIy worry.
Fr ee downl oad | f I ar e. pk
nsighT Flare Report
Leverage the full potential of digital media and create an experience on YouTube and
Google, am very excited about the project and working with the Google team to
create a destination that my fans can enjoy from anywhere in the world: King Khan
Sony Playstation will be
launching a Ra.One-based
game on its gaming consoles
in ndia shortly, this initiative
will break new ground in digital
marketing for Bollywood films
and the 'Make Your Own
Ra.One Promo' contest is a
great example

ndIu's mIIIIons oI mobIIe pIone subscrIbers

Iuve won reIIeI Irom u growIng nuIsunce on
LIe subconLInenL -- unsoIIcILed LexL messuges.
TIe cruckdown by reguIuLors LurgeLs LIe
worId's IusLesL-growIng mobIIe pIone murkeL.
rom remoLe vIIIuges Lo crowded meLros, LIe num-
ber oI mobIIe pIones In ndIu Ius grown expo-
nenLIuIIy Lo more LIun 8o mIIIIon In jusL over u
decude. BuL LIe communIcuLIon revoIuLIon Ius u
downsIde. TeIemurkeLIng compunIes used LIe gI-
gunLIc buse oI subscrIbers Lo bomburd poLenLIuI
cusLomers wILI scores oI LexL messuges, seIIIng
everyLIIng Irom cIocoIuLes Lo credIL curds, reuI es-
LuLe Lo weIgIL Ioss progrums.
TIe unsoIIcILed messuges urrIved unyLIme -
eurIy mornIng, uL mIdduy, on weekends, some-
LImes even uL mIdnIgIL. n New DeIII, Renuku
TuImnI, ;, suys IL wus u Iuge "IeuducIe." "TIey
cIog your Inbox und you spend so mucI LIme jusL
deIeLIng LIem," sIe compIuIns. "TIey urrIve uL odd
Iours, someLImes even In LIe mIddIe oI LIe nIgIL
wuke up wILI u jerk und suy God wIuL Is LIuL
sound und see some odd messuge In my Inbox
ubouL some reuI esLuLe God knows wIere und some
IeuILI cIub." TIe pesky messuges sLopped comIng
eurIIer LIIs week uILer ndIu's LeIecommunIcuLIons
reguIuLor cupped LIe number oI messuges LIuL cun
be senL Irom u mobIIe pIone uL 1oo per duy. Some
exempLIons Iuve been mude, sucI us socIuI neL-
workIng sILes, e-LIckeLIng servIces und bunks.
PIone subscrIbers cun dIuI u LoII Iree number Lo
bIock commercIuI cuIIs und regIsLer on u "do noL
dIsLurb" IIsL. TeIecom unuIysL MuIesI UppuI cuIIs
IL u sIgnIIIcunL sLep Lo curb LIe LeIemurkeLIng pruc-
LIce. BuL Ie suys LIere ure sLIII wuys LIuL LIe nuI-
sunce couId conLInue.
"TIose wIo don'L know ubouL LIe DND, be-
cuuse IL Is noL us wIdeIy pubIIcIzed us IL sIouId be,
LIose peopIe wIII conLInue Lo geL LIe sLuII," UppuI
suys. "PIus LIose LeIemurkeLIng pIuyers, wIo ure
smuII und InIormuI, LIey wIII obvIousIy escupe
LIrougI LIe neL." TIIs Is LIe second eIIorL by n-
dIun uuLIorILIes Lo puL un end Lo LIe IurussmenL
oI mobIIe pIone subscrIbers by LeIemurkeLers. n
zoo;, IL sLurLed u nuLIonuI "do noL cuII" IIsL, und
Imposed penuILIes on compunIes LIuL cuIIed peopIe
wIo Iud regIsLered. TIe number oI cuIIs wus re-
duced - buL LIe number oI messuges wenL up ex-
TIe IuLesL cruckdown on unsoIIcILed LexLs Ius
been weIcomed by mIIIIons IIke coIIege proIessor
NundInI GuIu. "L's u bIg reIIeI, IL Is so nIce noL Lo
be dIsLurbed uL LIe oddesL LIme," udmILs GuIu.
ndIu Is LIe worId's IusLesL growIng mobIIe
pIone murkeL und second bIggesL In LIe worId
uILer CIInu. Some oI LIe IowesL cuIIIng ruLes In LIe
worId Iuve puL mobIIe pIones In LIe Iunds oI mII-
IIons oI Iow Income workers In LIe counLry.
On LIe oLIer Iund, USA bused murkeLIng com-
puny LIuL uIIegedIy senL mIIIIons oI IIIeguI spum
LexL messuges Lo consumers bunned Irom sendIng
uny unsoIIcILed LexL messuges, under u seLLIemenL
ugreemenL wILI LIe ederuI Trude CommIssIon
enLered by u IederuI courL. AccordIng Lo LIe TC
compIuInL IIIed In ebruury zo11, LIe murkeLer
senL u "mInd-boggIIng" number oI unsoIIcILed
commercIuI LexL messuges pILcIIng morLguge
modIIIcuLIon servIces Lo consumers, und mIsrep-
resenLed LIuL Ie wus uIIIIIuLed wILI u governmenL
ugency. TIe TC uIIeged LIuL muny consumers Iud
Lo puy Iees Lo LIeIr mobIIe currIers Lo receIve LIe
unsoIIcILed LexL messuges. TIe TC uIso uIIeged
LIuL LIe murkeLer udverLIsed IIs LexL messuge
bIusLIng servIces by sendIng consumers IIIeguI
spum. TIe ugency cIurged IIm wILI vIoIuLIng LIe
TIe compIuInL sLuLes LIuL LIe LexL messuges In-
sLrucLed consumers Lo respond Lo LIe messuges or
vIsIL vurIous websILes udverLIsed In LIe messuges.
TIe ugency uIIeged LIuL LIe deIendunL coIIecLed In-
IormuLIon Irom consumers wIo responded Lo LIe
LexL messuges -- even LIose wIo responded by usk-
Ing Lo be removed Irom IIs IIsL -- und soId IL Lo
LIIrd purLIes, cIuImIng LIe consumers were "debL
seLLIemenL Ieuds." TIe seLLIemenL order buns LIe
deIendunL, PIII Ioru, Irom sendIng or IeIpIng
oLIers send unsoIIcILed commercIuI LexL messuges,
und burs IIm Irom mukIng IuIse or mIsIeudIng
cIuIms ubouL uny good or servIce, IncIudIng mIs-
represenLuLIons LIuL Ie, IIs represenLuLIves, or uny
oLIer person Is uIIIIIuLed or ussocIuLed wILI u gov-
ernmenL ugency.
TIe seLLIemenL order Imposes u judgmenL oI
$8,qq6.qo. Bused on sworn IInuncIuI represenLu-
LIons mude by Ioru, LIe judgmenL wIII be suLIsIIed
wIen Ie Lurns over $z,ooo. I IL Is deLermIned
LIuL LIe IInuncIuI InIormuLIon Ie guve LIe TC wus
noL Lrue, LIe IuII umounL oI LIe judgmenL wIII be-
come due.
ndia's telecommunications regulator capped the number of messages that can be
sent from a mobile phone at 100 per day
IndIn cns on SMS fo dofor
Some exemptions have been
made, such as social
networking sites, e-ticketing
services and banks. Phone
subscribers can dial a toll
free number to block
commercial calls and register
on a "do not disturb" list
Fr ee downl oad | f I ar e. pk
F|are Peport Telepedia
eLLIng u IIsLory ucross LIe Punjub, LIe CILy
TruIIIc PoIIce In coIIuboruLIon wILI TruIIIc
EngIneerIng und TrunsporLuLIon PIunnIng
Agency InsLuIIed IIrsL LruIIIc sIgnuI IIIumI-
nuLed by soIur energy. Kumrun MIcIueI MInIsLer Ior
Inunce, Humun RIgILs & MInorILy Ius InuuguruLed
soIur LruIIIc sIgnuI uL TIokur NIuz Beg, uIore re-
cenLIy EurIIer, JIIIunI Purk und BugI-e-JInnuI ure LIe
Lwo mosL promInenL pubIIc pIuces, wIere IIgILenIng
sysLem Is beIng operuLed by soIur energy sysLem. TIe
EnvIronmenL ProLecLIon Agency (EPA) Ius com-
pIeLed LIe IIrsL modeI soIur energy sysLem uL Ruce-
course wILI u cosL oI Rs 1 mIIIIon under LIe Punjub
governmenL`s scIeme PromoLIon oI SoIur Energy
IgILs SysLem und EsLubIIsImenL oI ModeI ucIIILy
uL Rucecourse Purk uIore. Now uII LIe IIgILs uL LIe
purk ure successIuIIy workIng on soIur ceIIs.
OI course, owIng Lo un scIeduIed Ioud sIeddIng,
LruIIIc sIgnuIIng sysLem wus ubrupLIy movIng Lowurds
dIsorder buL LIe recenL InnovuLIon wIII deIIunLIy gIve
posILIve resuILs, LIe CTO uIore CupLuIn (r) SSP
Syed AImed MobIn LoId. He suId LIIs wus u IruILIuI
sLep und quILe encourugIng uddILIon In LruIIIc und ve-
IIcuIur sysLem. A TEPA oIIIcIuI suId LIuL soIur LruIIIc
sIgnuI, wILI LoLuIIy oW consumpLIon, wIIcI cun
perIecLIy work wILI soIur sysLem Lo repIuce 1oW
HPS, recommended poIe IeIgIL Is zo-z6IL. He suId
LIuL our counLry Is ubundunL wILI soIur energy, In
LIIs regurd; soIur sLreeL ED SLreeL IIgIL und soIur
LruIIIc sIgnuI InsLuIIuLIon wouId be LIe IIrsL cIoIce In
LIe pubIIc IIgILenIng secLIon. EurIIer, LIe TEPA oIII-
cIuIs und LruIIIc IIgI ups InuuguruLed LIe IIrsL soIur
sysLem uL one oI LIe IeudIng LIe CILy`s urLerIes uround
:oo pm wIereus dozens oI LIe commuLers und mo-
LorIsLs wuLcIed LIe pIeusunL sIgIL.
Power ouLuges wIII no Ionger be sIumeIuI durIng
vIsILs oI IoreIgn dIpIomuLs uL LIe QuuId`s muusoIeum
wIere u soIur sysLem Ius been InsLuIIed, IuvIng u cu-
pucILy Lo generuLe ooo wuLLs eIecLrIcILy.
TIe soIur sysLem InsLuIIed uL Muzur-e-QuuId con-
sIsLs oI qo puneIs spreud uround LIe muusoIeum.
Now LIere wIII be no InLerrupLIon oI power sup-
pIy Lo LIe museum uL QuuId`s muusoIeum. SoIur LruI-
IIc IIgILs ure jusL LIe nexL sLep provIdIng u reIIubIe,
InexpensIve, uIIordubIe und envIronmenLuIIy IrIendIy
source Ior modern LruIIIc munugemenL sysLems.
TIese green IIgILs wIII uIso IeIp reduce eIecLrIcILy
bIIIs. L Is InLeresLIng Lo noLe LIuL u seL oI eIgIL LrudI-
LIonuI LruIIIc IIgILs consumes us mucI eIecLrIcILy us u
LIree bedrooms resIdence occupIed by u IumIIy oI
Iour. WILI no LrencIIng, wIrIng or eIecLrIcuI work re-
quIred, soIur powered LruIIIc IIgILs ure perIecL Ior
roud suIeLy und LruIIIc conLroI uppIIcuLIons.
ExIsLIng convenLIonuI LruIIIc IIgILs cun be eusIIy
reLroIILLed Lo operuLe on soIur energy. SoIur powered
LruIIIc IIgILs cun uIso be used In Lemporury seLLIngs
wIere u LruIIIc sIgnuI Is onIy needed Ior u seL perIod
oI LIme. TIese Lemporury soIur LruIIIc sIgnuIs cun be
supporLed on u posL, LruIIer mounLed, secured mo-
menLurIIy und pIuced quIckIy uL LruIIIc InLersecLIons.
n mosL cuses LIey cun be InsLuIIed by one person.
SoIur LruIIIc IIgILs ure IILLed wILI LIe IuLesL LecI-
noIogy In eIecLronIcs. TIey ure bused on pIoLovoILuIc
or PV Ior sIorL. A soIur puneI IocuLed on LIe Lop oI
LIe poIe converLs sunIIgIL InLo eIecLrIcuI power. A
soIur cIurger reguIuLes LIe voILuge comIng ouL oI LIe
soIur puneI. TIe reguIuLed power obLuIned Is used Lo
cIurge u buLLery. IgILIng Is produced by urruys oI
exLru brIgIL EDs (IgIL EmILLIng DIodes) LIuL ure
mucI brIgILer LIun buIbs. EDs IusL Ior yeurs und
ure very energy eIIIcIenL. EDs ure smuII, buL LIey
cun produce u sIgnIIIcunL umounL oI IIgIL.
SoIur powered LruIIIc IIgILs und soIur LruIIIc sIgns
ure becomIng more und more wIdespreud uround LIe
worId becuuse LIey ure porLubIe, eusIIy depIoyubIe,
energy eIIIcIenL, good Ior LIe envIronmenL, und re-
quIre mInImum muInLenunce.
One oI LIe bIggesL probIems In deveIopIng coun-
LrIes Is power ouLuges. An obvIous udvunLuge oI soIur
LruIIIc IIgILs Is LIuL LIey wIII conLInue workIng us
LIeIr muIn purpose Is Lo keep LruIIIc IIowIng even
durIng power cuLs. SoIur dIrecLIonuI sIgnuIs und soIur
sLreeL IIgILs oIIer un InLeresLIng und prucLIcuI soIu-
LIon. TIe DeIence HousIng AuLIorILy wIII be LIe nexL
Lo use soIur energy sysLem Ior sLreeL IIgILs. TIe uu-
LIorILy Is workIng on u projecL Lo InsLuII soIur sLreeL
IIgILs. L Is perLInenL Lo menLIon Iere LIuL DHA puys
mIIIIon oI rupees In eIecLrIcILy bIII Lo Wupdu every
monLI und LIe soIur sysLem wIII reduce ILs eIecLrIcILy
bIII. Once soIur energy sysLem Is properIy murkeLed,
IL wIII become u need oI every Iome und wILI sup-
porL oI LIe governmenL IL cun end Ioud sIeddIng Ior-
ever In LIe counLry und InsLeud oI puyIng eIecLrIcILy
bIIIs mosL oI LIe peopIe wIII InsLuII soIur ceIIs. He suId
soIur ceIIs cosL oneLIme onIy. TIe mosL InLeresLIng
purL oI soIur IIgILs Is LIuL you do noL need Lo swILcI
on or oII LIem us LIey ure uuLomuLIcuIIy conLroIIed
by u LImer, Ie udded.
SIIIcon ceII works on LIe puLLern oI UILru Power
SLoruge (UPS) wIIcI conLInues geLLIng cIurged by
eIecLrIcILy und sLores energy. AbouL 6 sIIIcon ceIIs
ure IILLed In one (1) neL-sIuped soIur puneI und eucI
puneI gIves ubouL oo wuLLs IIgIL. TIe soIur puneI
cun be prepured In smuII und bIg sIzes us per LIe do-
mesLIc or commercIuI requIremenL.
Croon onorgy fo owor frnffIc IIghfs
Solar traffic lights are just the next step providing a reliable, inexpensive, affordable
and environmentally friendly source for modern traffic management systems. These
"green lights will also help reduce electricity bills
Fr ee downl oad | f I ar e. pk
Exclusive Farooq Malik
veryone Ioves u good sImuIuLIon gume.
WILI LIe popuIurILy oI LIe sImuIuLIon
gumes on ucebook, LIIs genre Ius be-
comIng LIe IusLesL growIng In LIe worId.
WILI so muny dIIIerenL sImuIuLIons Lo cIoose
Irom, LIere Is sure Lo be someLIIng Ior everyone
Lo enjoy.
The Sims: TIe SIms Is urguubIy LIe mosL
popuIur sImuIuLIon gume oI uII LIme. DeveIoped
by MuxIs LIere ure now dozens oI vurIuLIons or
'expunsIon pucks` LIuL gumers cun buy Lo en-
Iunce LIeIr sIm experIence. TIe sImuIuLIon bu-
sIcuIIy revoIves uround sIm peopIe LIuL you
creuLe yourseII. TIey cun Iuve cureers, LIey cun
geL murrIed, Iuve bubIes eLc. You cun uIso con-
LroI every IILLIe LIIng ubouL LIem.
Sim City: SIm CILy Is LIe oIdesL gume. Re-
Ieused In 1q8q, LIIs Is sLIII u besLseIIIng gume,
over zo yeurs IuLer. TIe objecLIve oI LIe gume Is
-- you`ve guessed IL - Lo buIId u cILy. TIere ure
specIIIc gouIs Ior LIe gumer Lo ucIIeve und u
number oI scenurIos Lo cIoose Irom. SInce LIe
orIgInuI reIeuse, LIere Iuve been numerous se-
queIs und expunsIon pucks reIeused wILI LIe IuL-
esL - SIm CILy SocIeLIes. TIIs gume Ius won
numerous uwurds over LIe yeurs.
Rollercouster Tycoon: I runnIng u LIeme
purk sounds more IIke your kIndu LIIng, RoIIer-
cousLer Tycoon muy jusL be LIe sImuIuLIon gume
Ior you. Produced by Husbro, IL Is Iurd Lo be-
IIeve LIuL LIIs gume Is now over 1z yeurs oId. TIe
gume`s premIse Is Lo buIId u LIeme purk wIIIsL
udIerIng Lo LIe LIree Lusks seL ouL uL LIe begIn-
nIng oI LIe IeveI. SIops, rIdes und peopIe cun uII
be creuLed by LIe pIuyer und LIe end resuIL cun
be unyLIIng you couId ImugIne.
Theme Purk: DesIgned by BuIIIrog, TIeme
Purk Is one oI LIe oIdesL PC sImuIuLIon gumes,
orIgInuIIy reIeused In 1qqq. TIe orIgInuI gume
Iud very IImILed grupIIcs, und IImILed scenurIos
buL IL wus u Iuge IIL In ILs duy. AIong wILI
TIeme HospILuI, TIeme Purk cun now be
cIussed us u cIussIc sImuIuLIon gume wILI boLI
brIngIng buck Iond memorIes In LIe gumers oI
LIe nIneLIes.
Ilight Simolutor X: MIcrosoIL`s IIgIL
SImuIuLor X Is LIe mosL popuIur gume In LIe
compuny`s IIgIL SImuIuLor runge. ReIeused In
zoo6, IL enubIes LIe gumer Lo cIoose un uIrcruIL
und LIen uLLempL Lo compIeLe u number oI mIs-
sIons. Gumers cun IIy worIdwIde wILI LIIs ver-
sIon oI LIe gume und rewurds cun be eurned by
LIe pIIoLs Ior uccompIIsIIng cerLuIn Lusks.
Spore: Spore Is unoLIer sImuIuLIon gume
creuLed by LIe ever popuIur MuxIs. Spore uIIows
LIe gumer Lo creuLe u new specIes und IoIIow IL
LIrougI ILs IIIecycIe Lo become u socIuI und In-
LeIIIgenL creuLure. TIe gume pIuy Is preLLy mucI
open ended und uILIougI LIIs Ius receIved some
crILIcIsm Irom gumers wIo Iound LIe gume pIuy
Loo sImpIe, IL Ius been pruIsed by oLIers Ior LIIs
sume reuson.
Zoo Tycoon: Zoo Tycoon Is u busIness sIm-
uIuLIon, produced by MIcrosoIL. L Is sImIIur Lo
muny oI LIe oLIer sImuIuLIons In LIuL LIe gumer
musL run u busIness Lo muke u proIIL - In LIIs
cuse u zoo. TIIs Ius been suId Lo be u greuL gume
Ior cIIIdren, uILIougI muny uduILs Iuve crILI-
cIzed IL Ior ILs sImpIe gume pIuy.
Sopreme Communder: Supreme Com-
munder Is LIe bruIncIIId oI CIrIs TuyIor uL Gus
Powered Gumes. TIe uIm oI LIe gume Is Lo com-
mund one oI LIree nuLIons, buIId u buse und up-
grude unILs Lo conquer opponenLs. TIere ure
eIgILeen mIssIons Lo pIuy In sIngIe pIuyer mode
und objecLIves In eucI mIssIon Ior LIe gumer Lo
The simulation basically revolves around sim people that you create yourself.
They can have careers, they can get married, have babies etc. You can also
control every little thing about them
Fr ee downl oad | f I ar e. pk
nsighT Flare Report
Ie IPud's gouI Is Lo be LIe beIIe oI LIe buII,
LIe LubIeL compuLer LIuL duzzIes you wILI
ILs IIgI-quuIILy LoucIscreen, ILs LIIn Irume
und ILs gorgeous InLerIuce. TIe KIndIe
Ire, meunwIIIe, Is more IIke LIe cIeup duLe LIuL
doesn'L Iuve uII LIe beIIs und wIIsLIes buL LIuL nev-
erLIeIess Impresses you wILI ILs InLegruLed uppII-
cuLIons und servIces. AII LIuL suId, IL's sLIII useIuI
Lo compure eucI LubIeL's key IeuLures Lo geL u sense
oI wIuL you're geLLIng beIore you Iuy down your
cusI Ior eILIer one.
Hurdwure: TIe IPud z seL LIe sLundurd Ior
LubIeL Iurdwure eurIIer LIIs yeur wILI ILs A 1GHz
duuI-core processor, ILs ;zop vIdeo cumeru, ILs
IILIIum-poIymer buLLery LIuL susLuIned up Lo 1o
Iours oI WI-I web surIIng und ILs InLernuI sLoruge
opLIons oI 16GB, zGB or 6qGB. TIe KIndIe Ire
uIso IeuLures u duuI-core processor buL IL Iucks u
cumeru, ILs buLLery onIy supporLs eIgIL Iours oI
consecuLIve reudIng even wILI ILs WI-I connec-
LIvILy sIuL oII, IL onIy Ius 8GB oI InLernuI sLoruge
und IL cun onIy connecL Lo WI-I neLworks. TIe
edge Iere cerLuInIy goes Lo LIe IPud.
ispluy screen: Once uguIn, LIe KIndIe Ire
Isn'L reuIIy on pur wILI LIe IPud Iere us ILs seven-
IncI, 1ozqx6oo-pIxeI dIspIuy screen Is neurIy LIree
IncIes smuIIer LIun LIe IPud's q.;-IncI, 1ozqx;68-
pIxeI dIspIuy screen. TIe KIndIe Ire's muIn ud-
vunLuge Is LIuL IL's more porLubIe IIke LrudILIonuI
KIndIe e-reuders und IL's IIgILer Lo curry uround
LIun LIe IPud.
Operuting systems und upplicutions: TIe
IPud, oI course, uses AppIe's IOS pIuLIorm LIuL Ius
proven Lo be u Iuge IIL wILI consumers und Is LIe
goId sLundurd Ior mobIIe operuLIng sysLems In
Lerms oI euse oI use. TIe KIndIe Ire uses Amu-
zon's own rendILIon oI GoogIe's AndroId pIuLIorm
und LIgILIy InLegruLes ILs own uppIIcuLIons InLo LIe
mIx ruLIer LIun reIy on GoogIe. As you mIgIL ex-
pecL, LIen, LIe IPud IeuLures LIe AppIe App SLore
wIIIe LIe KIndIe Ire IeuLures Amuzon's versIon oI
LIe AndroId MurkeL LIuL onIy uIIows upps pre-up-
proved by Amuzon on bourd.
Clood cupubilities: TIIs Is LIe spuce wIere
LIe KIndIe Ire Ius LIe mosL poLenLIuI Lo LIrIve.
IrsL oI uII, Amuzon Is IeuvIIy LouLIng ILs new Amu-
zon SIIk Web browser LIuL Is dIrecLIy InLegruLed
wILI ILs EIusLIc CompuLer CIoud (ECz) Lo deIIver
users' IuvorILe web puges uL IusLer IoudIng LImes
LIun oLIer browsers. TIe browser keeps Lruck oI
puges you vIsIL IrequenLIy und essenLIuIIy pre-or-
ders LIe puge LIrougI LIe ECz wIen IL LIInks
you're ubouL Lo requesL IL. TIuL wuy, wIen you do
IInuIIy requesL IL, Amuzon's cIoud wIII Iuve IL reudy
Lo go Ior you und wIII pusI IL rIgIL ouL onLo your
And LIuL's noL uII! TIe KIndIe Ire uIso gIves
you Iree cIoud-bused sLoruge Ior uII uppIIcuLIons,
songs, books und vIdeos LIuL you purcIuse
LIrougI TIIs meuns LIuL you won'L
Iuve Lo wusLe uny oI your 8GB oI InLernuI sLoruge
on your MP coIIecLIon sInce Amuzon wIII gIudIy
pusI IL ouL Lo you LIrougI LIe cIoud wIen you
need IL. or ILs purL, AppIe pIuns on reIeusIng ILs
ICIoud servIce on uII ILs devIces IuLer LIIs yeur LIuL
wIII gIve you GB oI Iree sLoruge Ior emuII, docu-
menLs und buckup. CIoud wIII uIso IeuLure un
ITunes In LIe cIoud servIce LIuL IeLs you sync up uII
LIe musIc you've purcIused Irom LIe ITunes sLore
und pusI IL ouL Lo your devIces. AppIe Is uIso oI-
IerIng ITunes MuLcI, u soILwure progrum LIuL
scuns over musIc In your ITunes Ibrury LIuL you
Iuven'L purcIused Irom LIe sLore und LrIes Lo IInd u
muLcI Ior IL on ILs onIIne duLubuse oI more LIun 18
mIIIIon songs. UnIIke oLIer ICIoud servIces, Iow-
ever, LIIs one Isn'L Iree und wIII cosL you $z per yeur
Lo muInLuIn.
Adobe Ilush sopport: TIIs one's sImpIe: TIe
KIndIe Ire supporLs IL, LIe IPud z does noL.
Price: or muny peopIe LIe KIndIe Ire's $1qq
prIce Lug wIII be ILs sLrongesL seIIIng poInL, purLIcu-
IurIy II LIey're IoyuI Amuzon cusLomers wIo won'L
mInd IuvIng onIy 8GB oI InLernuI memory sInce
LIeIr enLIre musIc, book und vIdeo IIbrury Is uIreudy
In LIe Amuzon cIoud Lo begIn wILI. or compurIson,
LIe cIeupesL IPud modeI Is LIe $qqq WI-I-onIy
modeI LIuL uIIows Ior 16GB oI InLernuI sLoruge. And
yes, LIe Iuck oI cumeru und mIcropIone on LIe KIn-
dIe Ire meuns LIuL you're boLI puyIng Iess und geL-
LIng Iess LIun you ure wILI LIe IPud, buL Is IL reuIIy
$oo Iess? TIuL's Ior you Lo decIde.
t's still useful to compare each tablet's key features to
get a sense of what you're getting before you lay down
your cash for either one
KIndIo IIro vs IInd 2
WhIch ono bosf suIfs you
Fr ee downl oad | f I ar e. pk
F|are Peport nsighT
no fhIng fhnf Is
nmnzIng nbouf onIIno
nIIcnfIons Is Ifs
IovoI of growfh nnd
dovoIomonf for monfhs nnd
ovon wooks. Jusf roconfIy, Inco
book hns chnngod how sfnfus
udnfos nro boIng dIsInyod ronI
fImo, nnd how roconf sforIos nro
boIng Iookod nf, wIfh bIuo mnrk
ors on fho uor Ioff socfIon of
fho nrfIcuInr brondcnsf. Mnrk
Zuckorborg, ownor nnd CIO of
Incobook, hns nnnouncod fhnf
fho IrofIIo ngo wIII bo chnngod
nnd vIowod In n dIfforonf IIghf.
Incobook TImoIIno rosonfs fho
rofIIo In n wny whoro fho fooI
Ing cnn bo IIko rondIng nn onIIno
journnI. SInco fho nIIcnfIon Is
quIfo now, you mny nood fo rond
somo fIs on how fo uso If nnd
mnko fho mosf of fho fImoIIno so
fhnf your you cnn rosonf your
bosf soIf wIfh frIonds, fnmIIy
mombors, or roInfIvos, of your
IIfo In n scroIIIng nufshoII.
Chooso your rofIIo covor Whon you hnvo
your rofIIo cronfod, whofhor wo nro fnIkIng
nbouf Incobook or nn offIIno rofIIo or orffoIIo,
fho fIrsf fhIng you nood fo do Is fo ronro n
covor ngo fhnf wouId rosonf you or your In
forosf. You nood fo Iook for Imngos fhnf cnn
mnko ooIo fhInk of whnf you nro, In IookIng nf
ono bIg Icfuro. If mny bo your bIggosf hIgh
IIghf, your mosf roconf nchIovomonf, n Icfuro of
your fnmIIy, or n orfocfIy Icfurosquo scono
fnkon from your oworfuI cnmorn. Your Covor
Icfuro Is fho wIndow fo your souI.
!dnfo your Info If fhoro Is, nny ofhor mo
monf In fImo fo udnfo your orsonnI Informn
fIon, fhon fho fImo Is now. Thnf`s rIghf. Whon
somoono Iooks nf your rofIIo, ono of fho fIrsf
fhIngs fhnf cnn bo soon Is your InformnfIon,
such ns your Inco of work, your fnmIIy, nnd
nonfnmIIy roInfIonshIs, your Inngungo of ox
orfIso, oducnfIonnI nchIovomonfs, nnd moro.
To show or nof fo show Affor udnfIng your
orsonnI nnd rofossIonnI InformnfIon, nnofhor
fhIng you nood fo do Is fo modIfy fho fImoIIno
nnd soIocf ncfIvIfIos fhnf you wnnf fo nonr or
nof. As you cIIck VIow AcfIvIfy, ovoryfhIng
fhnf you hnvo osfod on your wnII, IncIudIng
ofhor ncfIvIfIos fhnf hnvo boon dono on your
wnII for fho Insf, woII, sInco bIrfh, wIII bo shown.
If cnnnof bo nvoIdod fhnf fhoro nro gronf nnd
forrIbIo osfs fhnf mny nffocf your Imngo ns n
orson. If you do soo fhnf ovonf In fho ncfIvIfy,
fhon jusf cIIck on fho down nrrow nf fho rIghf
ond of fho row, nnd you wIII hnvo fho ofIon of
whofhor you wIII IncIudo If on your fImoIIno or
nof. ThIs rovIdos onso nnd comforf of shnrIng
or hIdIng InformnfIon ns wnnfod.
ModIfy your nnvIgnfIon !sunIIy, whnf you
soo on fho rofIIo wnII Is your frIonds, hofos,
mns, nnd IIkos, nnd ofhor udnfos, boIng ro
sonfod on fho Ioff nrf of fho homo ngo. WIfh
fho now TImoIIno, nII fhoso rosofs nnd fho onIy
fhIngs fhnf wIII bo soon nro fho gonornIIzod
ns fhnf you cnn ndd for vIowIng. CIIckIng fho
ofIon buffon undor AcfIvIfy wIII brIng you
ofhor wIndows whoro you cnn ndd nofos sub
scrIfIons, nnd ofhors.
!so fho + buffon Whon you ufIIIzo fho +
buffon, If wIII gIvo you fho snmo ofIons In
cIudod on fho osfIng nn udnfo, uIondIng of n
Icfuro, or shnrIng unIquo sfnfus whoro fho
worId Is fho nudIonco. You cnn chooso If fho u
dnfo hns somofhIng fo do wIfh work, Iovo IIfo,
IIvIng, honIfh nnd woIInoss, nnd nchIovomonfs of
succoss sforIos.
IosfIng commonfs Whon you rocnII fho
ovonfs fhnf hnonod fo you In fho nsf, you
mny fooI fhnf you hnvo romomborod somofhIng
you oxorIoncod boforo nnd hnvo If osfod on fho
fImoIIno wIfhouf sncrIfIcIng dnfo nIIocnfIon. Yos,
fhIs cnn nII bo ossIbIo nnd you cnn udnfo ns If
you nro jusf squoozIng In somo nofos on n jour
nnI ngo, or n osf If, for nII who cnro. You cnn
sfIII uso your oId hofos nnd ofhor sfuff fo hnvo
If scnnnod nnd downIondod for onIIno usngo.
Sfnr fnvorIfo ovonfs SoffIng your fnvorIfos Is
now n now fhIng In fho fImoIIno. Whon you Iook
nf n nrfIcuInr sfnfus on fho wnII, cIIckIng fho
sfnr monns fhnf sfnfus cnn bo fonfurod In fho
fImoIIno. WIfh fho sfnfus dIvIdod Info Ioff nnd
rIghf socfIons, n fonfurod ovonf wIII occuy bofh
sIdos nnd If wIII bo hIghIIghfod by IncronsIng fho
sIzo of fho ngo socfIon by ovor nn nddIfIonnI 50
orconf, mnkIng If bIggor fhnn fho rosf. In cnso
you chnngo your mInd, jusf cIIckIng fho sfnr
buffon on n fonfurod ngo wIII mnko fho nrfIc
uInr sfnfus smnIIor ngnIn.
IIIfor your frIonds As you go down fho fImo
IIno nnd bnck Info your bIrfhdny, you wIII nofIco
fho Icfuros, fncos, nnd fho frIonds you hnvo
cronfod vIn Incobook. You wIII como fo know
fhoIr nnmos, nnd fho bogInnIng of frIondshIs
fhnf grow ovor fImo. SInco mosf usors nro moro
IIkoIy fo nccof frIonds fhnf fhoy do nof know, If
Is suffIcIonf fo sny fhnf n usor shouId fnko hIs
fImo In sIffIng ouf frIonds fhnf ho ncfunIIy
knows who, rnfhor fhnn hnvIng n Inrgo numbor
buf onIy knowIng nbouf Ioss fhnn hnIf, whIch
mny fnko foo much foodIng snco.
When someone looks at your
profile, one of the first things that
can be seen is your information,
such as your place of work, your
family, and non-family relation-
ships, your language of expert-
ise, educational achievements,
and more
Fr ee down| oad | | are. pk

lns|ghT F|are Peport

Facebook Timeline presents the profile in a way where the feeling can be
like reading an online journal. Now, you can present your best self with
friends, family members, or relatives, of your life in a scrolling nutshell

ndIu Ius IuuncIed ILs Iong-uwuILed "com-

puLer Ior LIe musses", unveIIIng u $q6 LubIeL
devIce desIgned Lo brIng LIe InIormuLIon
LecInoIogy revoIuLIon Lo Lens oI mIIIIons oI
sLudenLs. DuLuWInd, LIe Cunudu-bused munu-
IucLurer, suId LIe governmenL wus buyIng
1oo,ooo oI LIe LubIeLs uL Rs z,z;6 ($q6) eucI Lo
be gIven uwuy Ior Iree Lo unIversILy und coIIege
sLudenLs. TIe prIce oI wIuL Ius been dubbed "LIe
worId's cIeupesL compuLer" sIouId IuII Lo $
und couId even be Iummered down us Iow us
$1o, DuLuWInd suId uL LIe IuuncI In New DeIII.
TIe compuLer Ius u seven-IncI (18-cenLIme-
Lre) LoucIscreen, WI-I nLerneL IuncLIon, u muI-
LImedIu pIuyer und 18o mInuLes oI buLLery
CuIIed LIe AukusI (Sky), LIe sLyIIsI, IocuIIy-
mude devIce uses un AndroId z.z operuLIng sys-
Lem und Ius un exLernuI zGB sLoruge curd und
Lwo USB porLs. "Our gouI wus Lo breuk LIe prIce
burrIer Ior compuLIng und nLerneL uccess,"
DuLuWInd CEO SuneeL SIngI TuII suId. "We've
creuLed u producL LIuL wIII IInuIIy brIng uIIord-
ubIe compuLIng und nLerneL uccess Lo LIe
"L ($) Is u vIubIe number, on our wuy Lo
$1o uIso. Muybe noL Loduy buL In IuLure LIme
LIuL's LIe gouI," Ie udded. TIe reIeuse oI LIe
AukusI Ius been IuIIed u mujor success Ior
ndIu, wIIcI Is uIso Iumous Ior LIe TuLu Nuno --
LIe worId's cIeupesL cur, prIced uL ubouL $z,oo.
BuL experLs wurned LIe LubIeL devIce mIgIL
sLruggIe Lo IIve up Lo expecLuLIons wILI ILs IIm-
ILed z6-megubyLe rundom uccess memory
TIe compuLers wIII uL IIrsL be dIsLrIbuLed
LIrougI unIversILIes und coIIeges ruLIer LIun
soId uL sIops, und LIe Iong-Lerm murkeLIng sLruL-
egy remuIns uncIeur. CommercIuI munuIucLurers
ure IopIng ndIun cusLomers wIII IeupIrog per-
sonuI compuLers Lo buy LubIeLs, us mIIIIons dId
by buyIng mobIIe LeIepIones InsLeud oI wuILIng
Ior u IundIIne. AppIe's InLernuLIonuIIy-popuIur
IPud compuLers cosL u mInImum oI $6oo In
ndIu, wILI compeLILor ReIIunce CommunIcu-
LIons seIIIng u rIvuI LubIeL devIce uL ubouL $zqo.
TIe Sky Is purL oI u pusI Lo Increuse LIe num-
ber oI sLudenLs In IIgIer educuLIon und Lo gIve
LIem LIe LecInoIogIcuI skIIIs needed Lo IurLIer
boosL LIe counLry's recenL rupId economIc growLI.
ndIu, wIere LIe 61 percenL IILerucy ruLe Iugs Iur
beIInd muny oLIer deveIopIng nuLIons sucI us
CIInu wILI qz percenL, Is mukIng mujor eIIorLs Lo
Improve ILs educuLIon sysLem. "WIen LIese devIces
ure ucLuuIIy used by sLudenLs ucross ndIu we wIII
LIen geL vuIuubIe Ieedbuck," suId Humun Resource
DeveIopmenL MInIsLer KupII SIbuI uL LIe IuuncI
evenL, wIere oo sLudenLs receIved LIe IIrsL modeIs.
"TIIs Is LIe begInnIng oI u journey," Ie suId,
uddIng LIuL ;oo AukusIs ure mude duIIy und pro-
ducLIon wouId Iuve Lo be Increused rupIdIy.
MeunwIIIe, ndIun T IndusLry wIII udd over
z.z IukI empIoyees In zo11 und wIII cIock rev-
enues oI USD ;1.; bIIIIon by LIe end oI LIe yeur,
consuILIng IIrm DeIoILLe Ius suId. Revenues Irom
LIe InIormuLIon LecInoIogy und busIness process
ouLsourcIng IndusLry wIII reucI USD ;1.; bIIIIon
Ior zo11 und uccounL Ior .8 per cenL oI LIe coun-
Lry's GDP, LIe IIrm suId In ILs TecInoIogy, MedIu
und TeIecommunIcuLIons PredIcLIons Ior zo11.
TIe LoLuI number oI empIoyees workIng In LIe
TJTeS (T enubIed servIces) secLor wIII grow Lo
zz. IukI LIIs yeur, wIIcI LrunsIuLes InLo LIe uddI-
LIon oI z.z6 IukI personneI, IL suId, uddIng LIuL un
uddILIonuI 8o IukI peopIe wIII geL empIoymenL In-
dIrecLIy Irom LIe secLor.
Fr ee downl oad | f I ar e. pk
nsighT Flare Report
The computer has a seven-inch touch screen, Wi-Fi
nternet function, a multimedia player and 180 minutes
of battery power
IndIn unvoIIs 'worId's
chonosf' fnbIof
The computers will at first be
distributed through
universities and colleges
rather than sold at shops,
and the long-term marketing
strategy remains unclear
President & CEO PTCL WaIid Irshaid and CEO Ufone AbduI Aziz presenting cheques of
Rs. 50 miIIion (25 miIIion each) to President Asif Zardari for Prime Minister FIood ReIief
Fund at the Presidency in IsIamabad.
Fr ee down| oad | | ar e. pk
Nat|ona| Mosa|c
FederaI Minister for Information & Broadcasting Dr. Firdous Ashiq Awan presenting a
memento to Prof. Dr. Ashkin Asan, Deputy Minister for FamiIy & SociaI PoIicy of
Turkey in Ankara.
Asma Arbab AIamgir, MNA taIking to
the peopIe during her visit to
Abbottabad area.
OfficiaI portrait of GoodwiII
Embassador of Women
Empowerment Fiza BatooI GiIani.
Director Administration Zong, Muhammad Zubair, Zong voIunteers aIong with trucks Ioaded with
reIief goods to be dispatched in Karachi.
PIA's 334th Board of Directors meeting was heId under chair of Defence Minister and
Chairman PIA Ch Ahmed Mukhtar. The meeting attended by Captain Nadeem Khan
Yousufzai, MD PIA, Javed Akhtar, Syed Qamar Sharif Bokhari, Husain LawaI and
Yousaf Waqar.
GM Marketing PCB Tariq Hakeem and VP Marketing MobiIink Jahanzeb Taj during
inauguration of officiaI Series Logo for Pakistan-Sri Lanka Cricket Series in UAE.
FederaI Minister and Chairperson BISP, Farzana Raja taIking to Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak AI Nahyan, UAE Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Abu Dhabi.
UAE Ambassador Essa AbduIIah AI-Bashah AI- Noaimi meeting with FederaI Minister for
Foreign Affairs Hina Rabbani Khar in IsIamabad.
Asif AIi Zardari, President of Pakistan, presents the Award to
Haji Muhammad HaIeem Jan.
Fr ee down| oad | | are. pk
Mosa|c Nat|ona|
President First Women Bank Shafqat SuItana and CEO DepiIex signing the MoU in Karachi. PM Yusuf GiIani gives shieId to the student of Space TechnoIogy.
IsInmnbnd WhIIo nddrossIng fho 25fh moof
Ing of fho Ionrd of Irocfors of InkIsfnn Soff
wnro Ixorf Ionrd ISII, IrImo MInIsfor
Yusuf !nzn CIInnI dIrocfod fho Ionrd fo In
cronso fho numbor of Inforns nnd nIso nmounf
of sfIond fo fncIIIfnfo fhom fo comIofo fhoIr
frnInIng In nn onnbIIng onvIronmonf. Tho
IrImo MInIsfor snId fhnf fho Inforns from fho
Ioss dovoIood rogIons of fho counfry bo on
courngod fo mnInsfronm fhom In fho romIsIng
fIoId of InformnfIon TochnoIogy. Ho nIso dI
rocfod fhnf duo nffonfIon bo gIvon fo Imnrf
frnInIng fo fho socInI orsons who hnvo socInI
nfIfudo for IT roInfod nrons.
Tho IrImo MInIsfor nskod fho Mombors of
fho Ionrd fo conconfrnfo on comIofIng fho IT
Inrk rojocf In IsInmnbnd In fho fIrsf Inco
nnd fhoronffor undorfnko fho rojocfs In ofhor
cIfIos IIko In !nhoro, KnrnchI, Ioshnwnr,
Quoffn nnd ofhor mnjor cIfIos of fho counfry. If
mny bo monfIonod fhnf fho Ionrd hns n Ioco
of Innd In IsInmnbnd for fho uroso.
Tho IrImo MInIsfor oxrossod hIs snfIsfnc
fIon fhnf IT Indusfry of InkIsfnn Is onrnIng
nbouf ono bIIIIon doIInrs or nnnum nnd fho fu
furo rosocfs nro vory romIsIng. Tho Indusfry
Is boomIng nf fho rnfo of nn nvorngo 20 nnd
rovIdIng IucrnfIvo jobs fo fons of fhousnnds
InkIsfnnI young IT rofossIonnIs.
Mr. SnIoom ChnurI, CIO of ofsoI, n !n
horo bnsod IT comnny, foId fho moofIng fhnf
InkIsfnnI comnnIos nro succossfuIIy comof
Ing wIfh fhoIr InfornnfIonnI comofIfors nnd
hnvo won mnny rocognIfIons nf fho gIobnI IovoI.
Ho snId, ChInn, Jnnn, Iuroonn counfrIos,
!K nnd !SA nro Imorfnnf dosfInnfIons of IT
oxorf. Ho oInfod ouf somo robIoms rognrd
Ing fho QunIIfy CorfIfIcnfIon mnInIy nffrIbufod
fo fho Inck of funds. Tho IrImo MInIsfor dI
rocfod fho MInIsfry of IInnnco nnd fho Socro
fnry IT fo nrrnngo nocossnry funds for fho ur
oso sInco wIfhouf qunIIfy corfIfIcnfIon fho
comnnIos nufomnfIcnIIy sfnnd dIsqunIIfIod In
fho bIddIng.
If mny bo monfIonod fhnf ISII hns so fnr
frnInod 4900 IT rofossIonnIs who nro rondor
Ing vnIunbIo sorvIcos In fho fIoId. Tho Ionrd
wIII Incronso fho numbor of fho Inforns whIIo
dovIsIng fhoIr fufuro sfrnfogy In fho IIghf of fho
IrImo MInIsfor`s dIrocfIvo, fho M foId.
Tho moofIng wns nffondod by fho Socrofnry
IT, IrIncInI Socrofnry fo fho IrImo MInIsfor,
Mr. ZIn Imrnn, ncfIng IInnnco Socrofnry, M
IISI, Mr. Muhnmmnd SnIoom ChnurI, CIO
ofsoI nnd ofhor sonIor offIcInIs.
IsInmnbnd !fono In coIInbornfIon
wIfh AIISIC Is romofIng InIfInfIvos
fhnf Iond fo onvIronmonfnI susfnInnbII
Ify nnd n groonor Innof. AIISIC Is fho
worId's Inrgosf youfhrun orgnnIznfIon
nnd Is rosonf In ovor ll0 counfrIos nnd
forrIforIos nnd wIfh ovor 60,000 mom
Iocusod on rovIdIng n Infform for
youfh IondorshI dovoIomonf, AIISIC
offors young ooIo fho oorfunIfy fo
bo gIobnI cIfIzons, fo chnngo fho worId
nnd fo gof oxorIonco nnd skIIIs fhnf
mnffor fodny.
InfornnfIonnI Inforns from vnrIous
counfrIos nround fho gIobo vIsIfod fho
AIISIC offIco In !nhoro nnd offorod
fhoIr oxorfIso fo !fono In ordor fo Im
nrf knowIodgo nnd InformnfIon nbouf
gIobnI onvIronmonfnI susfnInnbIIIfy
nmongsf fho orgnnIznfIon`s omIoyoos.
Tho rojocf IncIudod vnrIous Inhouso
somInnrs whIch rovod fo bo nn oxcoIIonf wny fo
ongngo !fono omIoyoos In dIscussIon nnd mnko
fhom undorsfnnd how fhoy couId work for fho
bofformonf of fho onvIronmonf.
!fono omIoyoos hnvo boon frnInod fo ncf
rosonsIbIy nnd fo mnko fho worId n boffor Inco
by IncorornfIng onvIronmonf frIondIy bohnvIor
In fhoIr IIfosfyIos, nnd workIng fownrds
Ifs Imrovomonf nnd susfnInnbIIIfy. Tho
nIm wns fo mnko fho nrfIcInnfs un
dorsfnnd fhnf fIrsfIy fhoy woro fo cronfo
nwnronoss nmongsf fhomsoIvos nnd
fhon fonch fhoIr frIonds nnd fnmIIIos on
how fo bo onvIronmonfnIIy rosonsIbIo
nnd susfnInnbIo.
Affor fho comIofIon of fho frnInIng
sossIon, Akbnr Khnn, ChIof MnrkofIng
OffIcor nf !fono snId fhnf susfnInnbIIIfy
onnbIos us fo moof fho noods of fho ros
onf wIfhouf comromIsIng fho nbIIIfy of
fufuro gonornfIons fo moof fhoIr own
noods. Wo monsuro our ncfIons fhrough
fho woIIboIng of InforncfIng oconomIc,
onvIronmonfnI nnd socInI sysfoms. Wo
wnnf our omIoyoos fo know fhnf fho
choIcos fhoy mnko hnvo n InsfIng Im
ncf on our worId. !ndorsfnndIng fhnf
fho onvIronmonfnI nnd oconomIc woII
boIng of our Innof Is fIod fogofhor wIfh
fho choIcos fho socIofy mnkos ovory dny Is fho
fIrsf sfo fo mnkIng fho rIghf docIsIon fo movo
IsInmnbnd Tho InkIsfnn ToIocommunIcn
fIon Comnny !ImIfod ITC! cnufIonod fho
IndIvIdunIs InvoIvod In mnkIng honx cnIIs fo
ITC! subscrIbors cInImIng fo bo fho roroson
fnfIvos of ITC! nnd nnnouncIng hugo cnsh
rIzos for subscrIbors.
"ITC!, hns cnufIonod If's oxIsfIng nnd o
fonfInI cusfomors mnny fImos nnd onco ngnIn
cnufIons fhom nof fo onforfnIn, frusf or fnII for
nny such cnIIs InIfInfod by corfnIn IndIvIdunIs
offorIng nny cnsh rIzo fhnf oIfhor roquIros
fhom fo cnII bnck on n nrfIcuInr numbor or
gIvo sorInI/II numbor of ronId scrnfch cnrd
In cnso of Vfono subscrIbors," snys n ross
ITC! Is nof In nny wny nffIIInfod wIfh nny
rIzo drnws or offorIng cnsh rIzos or In nny
wny dIscIosod nny of Ifs subscrIbor's hono
numbors fo nny fhIrd nrfIos for fhIs uroso.
If's ndvIsod fo fho ubIIc, osocInIIy Ifs cus
fomors, fo bo cnrofuI nnd vIgIInnf whon ro
coIvIng nnd rosondIng fo such mossngos or
hono cnIIs. Thoy nro ndvIsod fo nIwnys cnII fho
ITC! CnII Confro nf l236 for nny InformnfIon
or for nny cInrIfIcnfIon rognrdIng nny InquIrIos,
roInfod fo rIzo schomos or ofhorwIso.
ITC! shnII nof bo IInbIo for nny Ioss fo nny
orson In rosuIfIng from such frnuduIonf nc
fIvIfIos nnd docofIvo rncfIcos by fhIrd nr
Group picture shows the members of Ufone Volunteer Group with the international
AESEC mentors at a training session on environmental sustainability and the impor-
tance of green plant arranged by Ufone in collaboration with AESEC
Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani chairing 25th PSEB Board meeting at PM House, slamabad
ITC! cnufIons Ifs cusfomors nbouf honx cnIIs
!fono frnIns omIoyoos for susfnInnbIo
groon onvIronmonf
IM dIrocfs ISII fo frnIn
fnIonf socInI orsons for IT
Fr ee down| oad | | are. pk
Nat|ona| Synops|s
Fr ee down| oad | | are. pk
Synops|s Nat|ona|
IsInmnbnd InkIsfnn ToIocom
munIcnfIon Comnny !ImIfod
ITC! fo rovIdo IusInoss VIrfunI
IrIvnfo ofwork VI sorvIcos fo
fncIIIfnfo foIomodIcIno rojocf for
ubIIc hosIfnIs ncross InkIsfnn
fhrough fho IIocfronIc Covornmonf
ToIomodIcIno rojocf nIms fo ro
vIdo foIomodIcIno fncIIIfy fo fho
grnss roof IovoI ouInfIon ns n nrf
of 'roof of concof fochnoIogy
domonsfrnfIon' rogrnmmo. ThIs
foIomodIcIno fncIIIfy wIII connocf fho
dIsfrIcf hosIfnIs nnd honIfh confros
wIfh suor SocInIfy hosIfnIs In
mnjor cIfIos fo rovIdo oxorf con
suIfnfIon fo fho noody nnd undor
sorvod ouInfIon. IooIo IIvIng In
rurnI/romofo nrons of InkIsfnn wIII
bo nbIo fo sook ndvIco nnd fronfmonf
from socInIIsf docfors of mnjor hos
IfnIs In bIg cIfIos. Tho rojocf wIII
nIso confrIbufo fownrds rofossIonnI
dovoIomonf of docfors workIng In
rurnI/romofo hosIfnIs, who wIII bo
nbIo fo gof guIdnnco, ndvIco, nnd
frnInIng In ndvnnco dIngnosfIcs nnd
fronfmonf mofhods fhrough Infor
ncfIon wIfh socInIIsf docfors In ur
bnn hosIfnIs.
AccordIng fo n ross roIonso fho
IIocfronIc Covornmonf Irocfornfo
hns nwnrdod ITC! wIfh InIfInI l5
sIfos for lmb & 2mb S! VIs fIII
Juno 20l2 nnd If wIII ndd moro hos
IfnIs In duo courso. ITC!`s hIgh
sood S! VI bnsod sorvIco wIII
offor connocfIon modIn for osfnb
IIshIng n VI bofwoon dIfforonf
hosIfnIs. ITC! VI usos "vIrfunI"
connocfIons roufod fhrough fho so
curo rIvnfo nofwork fo fho romofo
hosIfnIs nf nffordnbIo cosfs.
ITC! Infrnsfrucfuro wIII fncIII
fnfo foIomodIcIno sorvIcos IIko foIo
dIngonIsfIcs, foIoconsuIfnfIon, nnd
fronfmonf for IT, skIn, chosf, cnr
dIoIogy, nnd sychInfry. SocInIIsfs
wIII bo nbIo fo oxnmIno fho nfIonfs,
fhoIr modIcnI hIsfory, fosf rosuIfs,
nnd vIfnI sIgns IIko honrfbonf, bIood
rossuro, fomornfuro, bronfhIng
ofc by usIng oIocfronIc modIcnI fn
cIIIfIos ovor ITC! ICT Infrnsfruc
furo nnd VI sorvIcos. ITC! shnII
nIso fncIIIfnfo In rovIdIng ndvnnco
sorvIcos IIko foIosurgory, foIomon
forIng, nnd foIocrIfIcnI cnro Imor
goncy, IC!.
SIVI Corornfo SorvIcos
Iurqnn HnbIb QuroshI whIIo oInbo
rnfIng fho offocfIvonoss nnd usngo of
fhIs sorvIco In fho hosIfnIs snId
fhnf If wIII nof onIy rovIdo rIvnfo
nnd socuro connocfIvIfy buf wIII nIso
onnbIo dIfforonf hosIfnIs nnd fhoIr
brnnchos fo Inforconnocf romofoIy
Iocnfod brnnchos In fo nn Infrnnof
nnd cronfo nn offIcIonf fuIIy moshod
nofwork rovIdIng nnyfonny com
munIcnfIon nmong fhom for fho fn
cIIIfnfIon of fho nIIIng nfIonfs.
KnrnchI nwInnco, fho o. l
homo nIInncos brnnd In InkIsfnn
roconfIy nddod nnofhor InnovnfIvo
roducf fo fhoIr HonIfh Zono foch
noIogy rnngo fho WI 3300 HZ
nufomnfIc wnshIng mnchIno, fhnf Is
now nvnIInbIo In fho mnrkof.
nwInnco roducfs offor ronI vnIuo
for monoy by combInIng fho Infosf
fochnoIogy wIfh confomornry do
Tho WI 3300 HZ wnshIng
mnchIno rovIdos consumors wIfh n
onofouch oornfIon soIufIon fhnf
cnrrIos ouf fho onfIro wnshIng
rocoss wIfh mInImum humnn In
forvonfIon. WIfh buIIf In sonsors
fhnf ndmInIsfor fho wnfor IovoI, do
forgonf dosngo roquIrod, wnshIng
fImo & sfyIo nnd nufomnfIcnIIy
cnrry ouf fho whoIo wnshIng
rocoss fho WI 3300 HZ wnsh
Ing mnchIno Is socIfIcnIIy dosIgnod
for ovoIvIng consumor noods.
SonkIng nbouf fho WI 3300
HZ wnshIng mnchIno Hond of Mnr
kofIng, Hnsnn JnmII snId Tho
HZono fochnoIogy rnngo by
nwInnco hns gnInod Immonso o
uInrIfy nmongsf consumors onsur
Ing n honIfhy nnd convonIonf
IIfosfyIo. !IvIng u fo our romIso of
!oIInbIIIfy, HonIfh nnd VnIuo for fho
consumors, wo rosonf fho W
3300 HonIfh Zono wnshIng mnchIno
whIch Is fho Infosf nddIfIon fo our
HZono rnngo. Tho koy fonfuros of
fhIs now wnshIng mnchIno nro
HonIfh Zono fonfuro AIr Wnsh,
Ono Touch OornfIon, TIIf rum,
Iowor !osumfIon Momory nnd
CusfomIzod Wnsh OfIon whIch
romIso fho consumor vnIuo In
forms of offIcIoncy nnd fImo snvIng.
Wo nIm fo rovIdo our consumors
wIfh fho uIfImnfo soIufIons fhrough
our fochnoIogy bnsod nIInncos for
n boffor IIvIng.
WIfh fho InfroducfIon of fho bosf
In fochnoIogy, nwInnco hns consIs
fonfIy mndo offorfs fo rovIdo con
sumors wIfh roIInbIo soIufIons for
fhoIr ovorydny IIfosfyIo noods. WIfh
nn nIm fo cronfo vnIuo, nwInnco
rovos fo bo fho mosf roIInbIo nnd
InnovnfIvo homo nIInnco brnnd In
InkIsfnn fhnf confInuos fo onrIch
fho frusf of InkIsfnnI consumors.
IsInmnbnd Tho domnnd of hnnd
mobIIo sofs Incronsod durIng somo
Insf monfhs In fho counfry ns fho
foIocommunIcnfIon socfor Imorfs
surgod by 39 orconf fo !s l6.492
bIIIIon In fho fIrsf fwo monfhs JuIy
Augusfs of fho curronf fIscnI yonr
ns ngnInsf fho snmo orIod of fho
Insf fIscnI yonr.
AccordIng fo fho rovIsIonnI fIg
uros of fho IodornI Iuronu of Sfn
fIsfIcs IIS, fho counfry nId !s
9.092 bIIIIon for fho Imorfs of mo
bIIo hono sofs durIng fho curronf
fIrsf monfhs of curronf fIscnI yonr
whIch Is 52 orconf hIghor from fho
snmo orIod of fho Insf fIscnI yonr.
InkIsfnn nIso nId !s ?.400 bIIIIon
for fho Imorfs of ofhors nnrnfus
durIng fho curronf fIrsf monfhs of
curronf fIscnI yonr whIch Is 20 or
conf hIghor ns ngnInsf fho snmo o
rIod of fho Insf fIscnI yonr.
Tho Imorfs surgod by 45 or
conf fo !s ?.9?3 bIIIIon In Augusf
20ll ns ngnInsf fho snmo monfh of
Insf yonr. urIng fho orIod, fho Im
orfs of hnnd mobIIo sofs surgod by
83 orconf fo !s 4.855bIIIIon nnd
ofhors nnrnfus surgod by l0 or
conf fo !s 3.ll8 bIIIIon, fho dnfn of
IIS rovonIod.
On fho ofhor hnnd, InkIsfnn,
whIch hns soon n boom In Ifs rom
IsIng foIocom socfor nnd InformnfIon
fochnoIogy sorvIcos In roconf yonrs,
rocordod nround 46.2 orconf
growfh of subscrIbors nnd Is Incod
fourfh on fho rnnkIng IIsf wIfh Sor
bIn on fho fo. CIobnIIy, onIy ThnI
Innd nnd IoInrus hnd gronfor or
confngo oxnnsIon fhnn InkIsfnn,
nnrf from fornfod SorbIn durIng
fho orIod. InkIsfnn`s dIgIfnI growfh
rosocfs hnvo bogun fo Iook
brIghfor InfoIy.
ITC! offors hosIfnIs VI
sorvIcos for foIomodIcIno
nwInnco WI 3300 HZ nufomnfIc
wnshIng mnchIno Infroducos In InkIsfnn
ToIocom Imorfs u by 39c
IsInmnbnd InformnfIon TochnoI
ogy IT oxorfs hnvo cnIIod for
gronfor nwnronoss nnd ndofIon of
InnovnfIvo fochnIquos fo fIghf fho
monnco of hnckIng wobsIfos, nrfIc
uInrIy In fho wnko of roconf hnckIng
of fho wobsIfo of Suromo Courf of
Af n socInI frnInIng worksho
nrrnngod by Shnhood ZuIfIknr AII
Ihuffo InsfIfufo Of ScIonco & Toch
noIogy SZAIIST. AnfI HnckIng
IrofossIonnIs shnrod fhoIr Idons nnd
knowIodgo wIfh rognrds fo onsurIng
Cybor SocurIfy wIfhIn InsfIfufIons.
ZubnIr Khnn CIO 'TrnnchuIns`
nn orgnnIznfIon workIng fo oquI
dIfforonf govornmonfnI nnd non
govornmonfnI orgnnIznfIons wIfh
fho nbIIIfy fo rofocf fhoIr comufor
ngnInsf hnckIng, oxrossod fho con
corn fhnf fho frond of hnckIng wob
sIfos Is IncronsIng nrfIcuInrIy by
fho unomIoyod ,frusfrnfod youfh.
Ho snId fhnf onsy nnd chon nc
coss fo Infornof hns corfnInIy bono
fIfod fho young gonornfIon In forms
of brondonIng fhoIr vIsIon ns woII ns
knowIodgo bnsod buf fhIs fncIIIfy,
Mr.ZubnIr nddod hns nIso mndo If
onsIor for fho hnckors fo commIf
fhoIr fnuI ncfs.
CIO 'TrnnchuIns` fonrod fhnf
hnckIng cnn ronIIy hnrm fho n
fIonnI Inforosf ns If Ionds fo Ionkngo
of sonsofIvo InformnfIon nnd cInssI
fIod documonfs. TrnnchuIns Is work
Ing In coIInbornfIon wIfh buddIng IT
rofossIonnIs of dIfforonf !nIvorsI
fIos In IsInmnbnd, fo frnIn fhom
nbouf AnfI HnckIng mofhods, so
fhnf fho counfry hns onough humnn
rosourcos fo fIghf fhIs grnvo Issuo.
Irocfor SZAIIST IsInmnbnd
cnmus, Syod Asnd HussnIn whIIo
sonkIng on fho occnsIon snId sfu
donfs of hIs InsfIfufIon wouId IIko fo
joIn fIghfIng hnckIng of wobsIfos for
fho common bonofIf of nII fho sfnfo
InsfIfufIons nnd rIvnfo
IT oxorfs
dIscuss cybor
socurIfy Issuos
Fr ee down| oad | | ar e. pk
Nat|ona| Synops|s
KnrnchI okIn InkIsfnn hnndod
ovor okIn 8 honos fo nIno Iucky
wInnors nf n rIzo dIsfrIbufIon coro
mony hoId roconfIy. A Inrgo numbor of
nrfIcInnfs drood off fhoIr mobIIo
honos nnd nccossorIos nf okIn !o
cycIIng IoInfs ncross InkIsfnn ns nrf
of n mobIIo hono rocycIIng drIvo
sonrhondod by okIn InkIsfnn.
Thoso nrfIcInnfs who drood off
fhoIr mobIIo hono gof n chnnco fo
fnko nrf In fho Iucky drnw fo wIn
okIn 8.
In n joInf coIInbornfIon bofwoon
!fono, !nIIovor, !ndIo IM 9l, A!Y
MusIc, OrIonf AdvorfIsIng nnd !nIfod
ModIn, okIn MobIIo Ihono !ocy
cIIng CnmnIgn wns roIIodouf In
InkIsfnn In ArII 20ll. MnkIng mo
bIIo hono rocycIIng onsy nnd ro
wnrdIng nf fho snmo fImo, okIn !o
cycIIng bIns woro mndo onsIIy
nccossIbIo nf nII okIn Cnro Confros
nnd !fono SnIos & SorvIco Confros
fhroughouf InkIsfnn.
TnIkIng nbouf fho okIn !ocycIIng
Iucky drnw, !ozn Iurnoy, Cnro Mnn
ngor, okIn InkIsfnn snId, My
honrfIosf foIIcIfnfIons fo fho Iucky
drnw wInnors. Wo nro grnfofuI fo nII
fhoso ooIo who nrfIcInfod onfhu
sInsfIcnIIy In okIn !ocycIIng Cnm
nIgn nnd mndo n osIfIvo confrIbu
fIon fo fho onvIronmonf. Wo rocoIvod
moro fhnn oxocfod rosonso from
ooIo nII ovor InkIsfnn nnd wo wIII
confInuo fo Iond fho onvIronmonfnI
confrIbufIon fo InkIsfnn ns wo do
ncross fho gIobo.
Tho cnmnIgn hns concIudod buf
consumors usIng nny mobIIo hono
brnnd cnn confInuo fo dro off fhoIr
no Iongor noodod mobIIo honos, nc
cossorIos, bnfforIos nnd chnrgors of
nny brnnd In rocycIIng bIns ormn
nonfIy nvnIInbIo nf nny of fho l4
okIn Cnro Confros ncross
IsInmnbnd !fono offors fho mosf
nffordnbIo InfornnfIonnI cnIIIng rnfos
In InkIsfnn of jusf !s 4.?5 or 30 soc
ond fo !AI nnd SnudI ArnbIn. !o
confIy n Iucky drnw wns hoId for fho
cnIIors fo fhoso dosfInnfIons mnkIng
50 Iucky subscrIbors wInnors of ro
furn nIr fIckofs fo !AI & SnudI Arn
bIn. Thoro wns nn ovorwhoImIng ro
sonso fo fhIs offor from fho cus
fomors nnd ns n fokon of
oncourngomonf nnd nrocInfIon
!fono rosonfod fhom wIfh fhoso
Tho nffrncfIvo rnfos on fhIs offor
nro nIIcnbIo fo nII cnIIors fo fhoso
dosfInnfIons wIfhouf fho nood of nny
subscrIfIon. !nIIko mosf comofIfor
offors In fhIs snco, fhoro Is no dnIIy
chnrgo fo nvnII fhoso rnfos oIfhor.
ThIs nIong wIfh fho chnnco fo fIy fo
ono`s Iovod onos by vIrfuo of fho nIr
fIckofs boIng rovIdod by !fono In n
drnw mnkos fhIs n cIonr rnfIonnI
choIco for cnIIors fo !AI nnd SnudI
AII Ikrnm, CM MnrkofIng nf
!fono, whIIo oxInInIng fho dofnIIs
of fhIs offor omhnsIzod fhnf If hns
gronf vnIuo for domosfIc usors ns woII
ns busInossos fo koo In fouch wIfh
fhoIr confncfs nbrond. Ho furfhor
hIghIIghfod fhnf ncknowIodgIng cus
fomors for usIng !fono`s sorvIcos hns
boon n consIsfonf rncfIco fhroughouf
fho comnny`s hIsfory bocnuso wo bo
IIovo In shnrIng fho Ionsuro of our
succoss wIfh our cusfomors who
mnko If nII ossIbIo for us.
!fono Is nn IfIsnInf Crou Com
nny wIfh Ifs rosonco In nII fho mn
jor cIfIos of InkIsfnn nIong wIfh n
comrohonsIvo covorngo ncross nII
mnjor fowns, vIIIngos nnd fohsII hond
qunrfors of fho counfry. Tho comnny
omIoys moro fhnn 3,850 ooIo nnd
oornfos wIfh n nofwork of moro fhnn
3?5 frnnchIsos nnd 22 comnny
ownod cusfomor sorvIco confors nIong
wIfh n dIsfrIbufIon nofwork of
l50,000 oufIofs nnfIonwIdo.
IsInmnbnd InkIsfnn ToIocommu
nIcnfIon Comnny !ImIfod ITC!
hns won n bId fo rovIdo nII Iunjnb
oducnfIonnI bonrds of InformodInfo
nnd socondnry oducnfIon wIfh Infosf
InformnfIon nnd communIcnfIons
fochnoIogy ICT sorvIcos.
AccordIng fo fho dofnIIs, ITC!
wIII bo fho oxcIusIvo rovIdor of ICT
sorvIcos fo nII oIghf InformodInfo nnd
socondnry oducnfIon bonrds of Iunjnb
IncIudIng !nhoro, !nwnIIndI, Cu
jrnnwnIn, InIsnInbnd, Snrgodhn,
MuIfnn, InhnwnIur nnd C Khnn.
ITC! wIII rovIdo hosfIng sorv
Icos for fho cusfomIzod nIIcnfIon
soffwnro of fho bonrds, counfrywIdo
II bnsod nccoss fo sfudonfs nnd cIfI
zons, ofIonnI sforngo nnd ! sIfo
sorvIcos for fho roducfIon sIfo nnd
mosf of nII confroIIIng ofwork O
ornfIng Confors OC nccoss fo fho
cusfomors, snId n ross roIonso Is
suod horo on Snfurdny.
Tho ICT sorvIcos rovIdod by
ITC! wouId onnbIo fho Ionrds of In
formodInfo nnd Socondnry IducnfIon
IISIs wIfh hosfIng sorvIcos of fhoIr
dynnmIc wobsIfos rovIdIng fnsf nnd
offIcIonf sorvIcos fo fhoIr cnndIdnfos
nnd vIsIfors wIfh onIIno rogIsfrnfIon
nnd Issunnco f rogIsfrnfIon cnrd, sub
mIssIon of onIIno ndmIssIon forms
nnd nnnouncomonf of rosuIfs, ro
frIovnI nnd rInfIng of roII numbor
sIIs, Inforfnco for nffIIInfod schooIs
nnd coIIogos nnd nny ofhor sorvIcos ns
doformInod by fho IISIs.
SorvIcos of ITC!'s "TIor 3 corfI
fIod nfn Confor" !nhoro wIII nIso bo
rovIdod for Mnnngod nfn Confor
In n hIghIy nvnIInbIo Infrnsfrucfuro In
forms of owor, HVAC, socurIfy nnd
nII ofhor TIor 3 Ius dnfn confor fon
furos, fogofhor wIfh nrorInfo nc
coss IInks fo fho fuIIy rodundnnf soIf
honIIng bnckbono ofIcnI fIbor
nofwork, hIghor IovoI of socurIfy nnd
fochnoIogy suorf fo IISI's crIfIcnI
SIVI Corornfo SorvIcos, Iurqnn
HnbIb QuroshI hns formod fhIs von
furo ns nn Imorfnnf mIIosfono fo
wnrds rovIdIng fho counfry's oducn
fIonnI socfor wIfh fufurIsfIc ICT sorv
Icos In ordor fo nrm fhom wIfh offI
cIonf nnd smnrf oornfIonnI
Ho snId fhnf ITC! wIII oxfond fho
roquIrod foIocom nnd dnfn sorvIcos
for nII IISIs In Iunjnb In n dynnmIc
wny wIfh fho bosf fochnoIogIos nvnII
nbIo fhnf wouId go n Iong wny In hoI
Ing fho sfudonfs ncross Iunjnb In ro
soIvIng fhoIr roufIno Issuos wIfh fhoIr
concornod oducnfIonnI bonrd In n
smnrf nnd convonIonf wny fhrough
wobbnsod oornfIons.
Tho ICT sorvIcos wIII nIso rovIdo
fho mnnngomonf nnd sfnff of nII fho
IISIs wIfh nn offIcIonf workIng on
vIronmonf mInImIzIng fho hnssIos of
donIIng wIfh n Inrgo crowd of cnndI
dnfos nnd sfudonfs ovory dny nnd
Iossor nor work.
okIn hnnds ovor 8 sofs fo
rocycIo cnmnIgn wInnors
!fono gIvos !AI, SnudI ArnbIn fIckofs
fo 50 wInnors
ITC! fo
rovIdo ICT
sorvIcos fo
nII Iunjnb
L-R: Representing Nokia Pakistan, Reza Burney, Nokia Care Manager and Arsalan Ahmad,
Service Network Manager are present at Nokia Recycling Campaign's lucky draw ceremony.
Snmsung Infroducod n now vor
sIon of Ifs nIIcnfIon sforo, Snm
sung As. Tho now vorsIon wIII bo
mndo nvnIInbIo InIfInIIy fo Snmsung
Wnvo smnrfhonos runnIng on fho
now bndn 2.0 OS, nnd roIIod ouf
gIobnIIy on Snmsung CnInxy dovIcos
fownrds fho ond of fho yonr.
Tho now vorsIon of Snmsung
As fonfuros nn Imrovod usor In
forfnco, udnfod urchnsIng ofIons
nnd n orsonnIIzod A rocommon
dnfIon sorvIco. Snmsung Is nIso coI
obrnfIng Snmsung A`s socond
bIrfhdny by offorIng 30 ouInr nId
nIIcnfIons, for froo, fo Wnvo
smnrfhono usors. Tho offor In
cIudos fnmous fIfIos such ns IruIf
Injn nnd IInnfs vs. ZombIos.
Snmsung InkIsfnn`s MnnngIng
Irocfor Mr. Hoo Chnng Yoo snId
ThIs now nnd Imrovod vorsIon of
Snmsung As rovIdos gronfor us
nbIIIfy nnd convonIonco whIIo nIso
onnbIIng n moro orsonnIIzod sorv
Ico for onch of our usors. Wo wIII
confInuo fo onhnnco our nIIcnfIon
nnd confonf sorvIcos, dovoIoIng
ovon moro InnovnfIvo fonfuros nnd
onsurIng nn ndvnncod, moro onjoy
nbIo vorsIon of mobIIo oxorIonco.
Snmsung !grndos Ifs A
Sforo on 2nd AnnIvorsnry
Fr ee down| oad | | are. pk
Synops|s Nat|ona|
Tho unfImoIy donfh of Sfovo Jobs,
fho foundor of AIo Inc. nnd ono of
fho gronfosf Invonfors of fho modorn
fImos hns shockod fho worId. As n
frIbufo fo fho gronf Iogond of Invon
fIon In fho ronIm of InformnfIon foch
noIogy, fho InkIsfnn Soffwnro Housos
AssocInfIon ISHA bognn fhoIr 8fh
nnnunI nwnrds fhIs yonr wIfh Sfovo`s
commoncomonf nddross nf fho Sfnn
ford !nIvorsIfy, hIs words, sokon In
2005, nsfonIshIngIy rnng fruo on fho
dny of hIs donfh !omomborIng fhnf
you nro goIng fo dIo Is fho bosf wny, I
know fo nvoId fho frn of fhInkIng
you hnvo somofhIng fo Ioso.
Among fho nffondoos nf fho ovonf
woro n dIvorso grou of corornfo nnd
IT rofossIonnIs nnd sfudonfs ns woII
ns govornmonf nnd unIvorsIfy roro
sonfnfIvos from KnrnchI, !nhoro nnd
Ioshnwnr Tho InnugurnI Coro
mony of WorId Snco Wook WSW
20ll, orgnnIzod by !nIvorsIfy of In
gInoorIng & TochnoIogy Ioshnwnr
nnd InkIsfnn Snco & !or Afmos
horo !osonrch CommIssIon S!
IA!CO, wns hoId roconfIy nf MnIn
HnII !IT Ioshnwnr.
Muhnmmnd Humnyun, Socrofnry
ST & IT Covornmonf of Khybor
Inkhfunkhwn wns fho ChIof Cuosf of
fho InnugurnI coromony. Ho formnIIy
Innugurnfod fho WorId Snco Wook
coIobrnfIons nnd nrocInfod fho of
forfs of S!IA!CO nnd !IT Io
shnwnr for hoIdIng such bIg ovonf In
fho rovInco.
Ingr. Syod ImfInz HussnIn CIInnI,
VIco ChnncoIIor !IT Ioshnwnr In hIs
sooch sfrossod on fho nood fo buIId
cIosor ncndomIc IInks wIfh S!IA!CO
ns woII ns ST & IT so fhnf joInf offorfs
cnn bo mndo fownrds fIndIng IndIgo
nous soIufIons for fho bofformonf of
counfry In gonornI nnd rovInco In
nrfIcuInr. Af fho ond ho nId vofo of
fhnnks for orgnnIzIng fho ovonf nf
!IT Ioshnwnr.
IsInmnbnd Tho HIghor Iducn
fIon CommIssIon HIC hns InvIfod
oxorfs from fho MIddIo Insf Toch
nIcnI !nIvorsIfy MIT! TochnoI
ogy Inrk, Anknrn fo fncIIIfnfo fho
InkIsfnnI unIvorsIfIos In ronrIng
fonsIbIIIfy for osfnbIIshIng TochnoI
ogy Inrks.
Ioforo fhoIr InforncfIon wIfh fho
unIvorsIfIos nnd Indusfry, Mr. ToIgn
OzboInf, Mnnngor MIT! TochnoI
ogy Inrk nnd Mr. !fuk Infum,
oufy Mnnngor hoId n moofIng
wIfh r. SohnII nqvI, IxocufIvo
Irocfor, HIC nf CommIssIon Soc
IrIofIng fho modIn, r. nqvI
snId fhnf fho oxorfs wIII hnvo ono
foono moofIngs wIfh unIvorsIfIos
nnd Indusfry, bosIdos hoIdIng n ono
dny worksho on TochnoIogy
Inrks ChnIIongos nnd OorfunI
fIos for fho sfnkohoIdors.
Ho snId fhnf fho mnIn objocfIvo
of fhIs oxorcIso Is fo hoI unIvorsI
fIos Ionrn nbouf TochnoIogy Inrks
In gonornI nnd Imorfnnf roroq
uIsIfos In nrfIcuInr. Tho oxorfs
wIII shnro MIT! oxorIonco on
TochnoIogy Inrks wIfh our unIvor
sIfIos nnd wIII nssoss ofonfInI for
fochnoIogy nrks In InkIsfnn ns
woII ns ossIbIo nIIcnfIons, In
cIudIng nonfrndIfIonnI nIIcn
fIons, suIfnbIo for fho InkIsfnnI on
Tho oxorfs wIII gof nn ovorvIow
nnd nssossmonf of fho rovnIIIng
condIfIons, IncIudIng sfnfus of IT
soffwnro dovoIomonf, foIocommu
nIcnfIon Indusfry, IndusfrInI dovoI
omonf nnd sorvIco IndusfrIos, In
cIudIng fInnncInI InsfIfufIons, In
InkIsfnn. Thoy wIII nIso rovIdo
nwnronoss for IogIsInfIvo roquIro
monf nnd osfnbIIshmonf of Toch
noIogy Inrks IInnncInI Iund.
WhIIo oxInInIng fho concof of
TochnoIogy Inrk, ho snId fhnf Toch
noIogy Inrk Is nn orgnnIznfIon
mnnngod by socInIIzod rofossIon
nIs, wIfh fho nIm fo Incronso wonIfh
of Ifs communIfy/ oconomy by ro
mofIng cuIfuro of InnovnfIon nnd
comofIfIvonoss of Ifs nssocInfod
busInoss nnd knowIodgo bnsod In
To nchIovo fhoso gonIs, Toch
noIogy Inrk sfImuInfos nnd mnn
ngos fho fIow of knowIodgo nnd
fochnoIogy nmongsf unIvorsIfIos,
!& InsfIfufIons, comnnIos nnd
mnrkofs. If fncIIIfnfos cronfIon
nnd growfh of InnovnfIonbnsod
comnnIos fhrough IncubnfIon nnd
sInoff rocossos nnd rovIdos
ofhor vnIuonddod sorvIcos fo
gofhor wIfh hIgh qunIIfy snco nnd
KnrnchI ITC! Is ugrndIng Ifs
ToIohono Ixchnngos from TImo I
vIsIon MuIfIIoxIng TM bnsod
fochnoIogy fo Infosf oxf Conorn
fIon ofwork C fochnoIogy for
rovIdIng boffor nnd Imrovod sorv
Icos fo Ifs vnIuod cusfomors.
Through fhIs ross roIonso ITC! In
form Ifs cusfomors fhnf If hnd
sfnrfod fho mIgrnfIon sorIos In CTH
I.I. ChundrIgnr !ond, Mnrsfon
!ond, MIsrIshnh nnd KornngI Ix
Tho cusfomors of nbovo Ix
chnngo nron nro boIng nofIfIod fhnf
nII fhoso foIohono numbors wIfh
fho rofIx sorIos CTH 3260, 326l,
3262, 3263, 3264, 88l0, 8899, 322l,
3226, 322?, Mnrsfon !ond 32?4,
32??, MIsrIshnh 3584, 3585, 3524,
3525 nnd KornngI 350?, 35l? wIII
bo mIgrnfIng from 30.9.20ll fo
5.l0.20ll. Thoro wIII bo no chnngo
In fho oxIsfIng foIohono numbors
nffor fho mIgrnfIon. Thoro wIII bo
mInor chnngo of rocoduro for ncfI
vnfIon nnd doncfIvnfIon of codo bnr
rIng sorvIco nnd ofhor vnIuonddod
ITC! rogrofs nnd noIogIzos for
nny InconvonIonco nnd dIscomforf
cnusod fo Ifs cusfomor durIng fho
mIgrnfIon. ITC! nssuros Ifs cus
fomor fo koo fho oufrngo fImo ns
mInImum ns ossIbIo nnd fo rovIdo
Ifs cusfomor wIfh Inforrufod,
smoofh nnd IovoIod sorvIcos.
TnhIr MnIIk oIocfod ChnIrmnn ACAAI
TochIos ny frIbufo fo
Sfovo Jobs
Snco wook obsorvod nf !IT
ITC! ugrndos TM fo hIgh foch CM
Turk oxorfs fo hoI Ink
vnrsIfIos fo osfnbIIsh foch nrks
IsInmnbnd !fono In coIInborn
fIon wIfh ImIfnc MobIIo SoIufIons,
!!C. IMS hns roInunchod !fono
IInckIorry AIIcnfIon Sforo.
!fono Is fho onIy foIocom oorn
for In InkIsfnn fo rosonf nn nII
cnfIon sforo for IInckIorry dovIcos.
Tho AIIcnfIon sforo confnIns Inf
osf IInckIorry nIIcnfIons for
usors suorfIng nII kInds of IInck
borry hnndsofs o.g. IInckborry
IonrI, IInckborry IoId nnd IInck
Iorry Curvo ofc.
IInckIorry !sors cnn now dIs
covor, downIond nnd onjoy n wIdo
nrrny of mobIIo nIIcnfIons for
fhoIr IInckIorry smnrfhono In n
vnrIofy of cnfogorIos IncIudIng on
forfnInmonf, gnmos, socInI nof
workIng, nows, wonfhor nnd
Tho now !fono IInckIorry A
IIcnfIon Sforo offors ovor n fhou
snnd nIIcnfIons bofh froo nnd nId
fo moof fho noods of fho IInckIorry
cusfomor bnso. Ior fho nId nII
cnfIons, usors cnn uso fhoIr crodIf
cnrd fo urchnso fho nIIcnfIons.
Tho mobIIo nIIcnfIon sforo Is nn
ondovIco nIIcnfIon fhnf cnn bo In
sfnIIod by fho usors on fhoIr IInck
Iorry hnndsofs. ThIs wny fho usor
hns nccoss fo fho mobIIo nIIcnfIon
sforo whorovor fhoy go. Tho IInck
Iorry AIIcnfIon Sforo Is oxcIusIvo
fo !fono IInckIorry cusfomors
SonkIng on fho occnssIon, Mr
Akbnr Khnn, ChIof MnrkofIng OffI
cor nf !fono nInudod fho Inunch
of fho now nnd Imrovod IInck
Iorry nIIcnfIon sforo In InkIsfnn.
Ho snId fhnf wIfh fhIs InIfInfIvo
!fono hns onco ngnIn rovod fo bo
fho Iondor In fho InfroducfIon of cuf
fIngodgo sorvIcos nnd ndvnncod
Idons fo fho InkIsfnnI mnrkof. Ho
nIso snId fhnf !fono IInckIorry
usors wIII hIghIy bonofIf from fho
nIIcnfIon sforo ns If offors fhou
snnds of onforfnInIng nnd Informn
fIvo confonf for nII ngos.
Mr. Inbnr Khnn, CIO, IMS,
snId, "Our nrfnorshI wIfh !fono
Is subsfnnfInI. Wo nro vory oxcIfod
fo vonfuro fho now n sforo Inf
form wIfh !fono In InkIsfnn. ThIs
wIII bo n rIch confonf oxorIonco for
IInckIorry usors In InkIsfnn."
IInckborry n
KnrnchI AIr Cnrgo Agonfs AssocIn
fIon of InkIsfnn AnnunI ConornI
MoofIng wns hoId In ACAAI Hond
OffIco nf KnrnchI roconfIy.
ChIof IxocufIvo OffIcor CIO !o
gIsfIcs Ivf !fd TnhIr MnIIk wns
oIocfod ChnIrmnn ACAAI uno
osod for fho yonr 20lll2.
IIocfIons for mombors of ConfrnI
IxocufIvo CommIffoo woro nIso
hoId In whIch foIIowIng woro
oIocfod ns CIC mombors of ACAAI
for fho yonr 20lll2.
Hnsnn AsknrI Khnn Jnfnr !o
gIonnI ChnIrmnn A, TnrIq Hus
snIn !ogIonnI ChnIrmnn I,
Muhnmmnd Inrrukh IqbnI, Syod
MusI !nzn, Muhnmmnd IIyns, ArIf
!nshId Khnwnjn, !nzn Ahmod,
Muhnmmnd IIrdous, Muhnmmnd
Aznm SuIohrI, Khnwnjn IIInI
Znfnr, Muhnmmnd Arshnd woro
oIocfod mombors of ConfrnI Ixocu
fIvo CommIffoo.
Fr ee down| oad | | ar e. pk
Nat|ona| Synops|s
KnrnchI Mosf cronfIvo mInds
from ICT IndusfrIos nnd ncndomIn
nnfIcInfo fho Inrgosf gnIn of Infor
mnfIon nnd CommunIcnfIon Toch
noIogIos ICT nwnrds by fho Ink
Isfnn Soffwnro Housos AssocInfIon
for IT nnd ITIS IASHA.
Tho nwnrd dIsfrIbufIon coro
mony fook Inco In KnrnchI. Tho
nwnrds nIm fo rovIdo ncknowI
odgomonf nnd nrocInfIon fo fho
now ICT sfnrfu comnnIos nnd fo
fosfor fho ICT Indusfry nnd IonrnIng
In InkIsfnn.
Johnn Arn, fho IrosIdonf of
IASHA hosfod fho onfIro coromony.
Sho foId fho nudIonco fhnf fho
nwnrds nro sof for 25 dIfforonf cnfo
Wo rocoIvod moro fhnn l00 on
frIos for fho nomInnfIons In dIfforonf
ICT cnfogorIos. 20ll Is nIso n joyfuI
yonr bocnuso fho whoIo worId down
Iondod InkIsfnnI brnnd As from
nII ns sforos, sho nddod.
!nfor, Johnn Arn docInrod
ndoom IInhI ns fho now IrosIdonf
SonkIng fo fho nudIonco, IInhI
snId fhnf fhoy nrrnngo ICT nwnrds
ovory yonr. osIfo fho chnIIongIng
fImos nnd wIfh no govornmonfnI
suorf, InkIsfnn`s ICT Indusfry
hns mndo mnny succoss sforIos. Ho
snId fhnf Inshn nIso Inyod nn Im
orfnnf roIo fo dovoIo counfry`s ICT
!nfor, n Iocfuro of fho Info Sfovo
Jobs, onfIfIod How fo IIvo wns dIs
Inyod on fho scroons. Tho nrfIcI
nnfs nId rIch frIbufo fo Jobs, n
foch vIsIonnry nnd fho formor
foundor of fho AIo Comnny.
IsInmnbnd InkIsfnn ToIocom
munIcnfIon Comnny !ImIfod
ITC! hns oxfondod Ifs Irondbnnd
InkIsfnn`s mogn nnfIonnI nckngo`s
offor of unIImIfod downIonds fIII 3l
ocombor 20ll for Ifs vnIuod
256kbs S! cusfomors.
ITC! hnd Infroducod Irondbnnd
Mogn nfIonnI Inckngo wIfh 256
kbs dnfn rnfo onrIIor fhIs yonr nf n
monfhIy rIco of !s. 299 wIfh un
IImIfod downIonds fIII 30 Sofom
bor undor n socInI romofIonnI of
for. Howovor, ITC! ronIIzIng fho
vnIuo fhnf fhIs offor hns nddod fo
fho IIvos of fho cusfomors hns ox
fondod fhIs offor fIII 3l ocombor
CommonfIng on fho InIfInfIvo,
SIVI CommorcInI nvood Snood
sfnfod, Tho oxfonsIon of Irondbnnd
mogn nnfIonnI nckngo Is nn offorf
by ITC! fo koo nddIng vnIuo nnd
coIour fo our cusfomors` IIfo nnd fo
rovIdo fhom sorvIcos whIch cnn
confInuousIy fncIIIfnfo fhom In boIng
connocfod fo fho worId.
Ho furfhor sfnfod, If hns boon
ITC!`s objocfIvo fo rovIdo Ifs
Irondbnnd sorvIco fo fho romofosf
nrfs of fho counfry, nnd fhIs un
IImIfod offor, wouId sfrongfhon fho
bond bofwoon ITC! nnd Ifs IoynI
IVI WIro !Ino IusInoss AnsIf
Innm sfnfod, IoIng n cusfomor con
frIc orgnnIznfIon, ITC! hns nIwnys
sfrIvod fo nddross fho noods of Ifs
cusfomors fhrough fho fnsfosf nnd
mosf oconomIcnI brondbnnd sorvIco
In InkIsfnn.
IsInmnbnd InkIsfnn ToIocom
munIcnfIon Comnny !ImIfod
ITC! hns succossfuIIy mnnngod fo
onofrnfo In comonf Indusfry for
rovIsIonIng of Ifs fo of IIno coro
rnfo sorvIcos.
AccordIng fo fho dofnIIs, ITC!
wIII bo fho rovIdor of ICT sorvIcos
fo C Comonf Comnny, ono of fho
fhrIvIng busInossos of Mnnshn
Crou. If wIII rovIdo dnfn confor
bnsod hosfIng sorvIcos fo bo usod ns
n dIsnsfor rocovory ! sIfo whIIo
connocfIng fho CC hond offIco
fhrough n dodIcnfod connocfIvIfy.
ITC! wIII nIso rovIdo Infornof
sorvIcos nf CC hond offIco ns woII.
WIfh fhIs wIn, ITC! corornfo sorv
Icos hnvo oxIorod nnd sfood Info
n now mnrkof fhnf wns rovIousIy
boIng sorvod by ofhor IocnI oorn
SorvIcos of ITC!`s TIor 3 corfI
fIod nfn Confor !nhoro wIII form
fho bnsIs for rovIsIonIng of fho !
sIfo In n hIghIy nvnIInbIo Infrnsfruc
furo In forms of owor, HVAC, socu
rIfy nnd nII ofhor TIor 3 Ius dnfn
confor fonfuros, fogofhor wIfh n
rorInfo nccoss IInks fo fho fuIIy
rodundnnf soIfhonIIng bnckbono o
fIcnI fIbor nofwork, hIghor IovoI of
socurIfy nnd fochnoIogy suorf fo
CC`s crIfIcnI oornfIons.
Iurqnn QuroshI, SonIor Ixocu
fIvo VIco IrosIdonf, corornfo sorv
Icos, ITC!, snId ITC! boIng fho
Iondor In foIocommunIcnfIon socfor
nnd n rImo rovIdor of foIocom
voIco nnd brondbnnd muIfImodIn
sorvIcos In InkIsfnn wIII rovIdo fho
ofImum nnd qunIIfy ICT sorvIcos
nnd wIII brIng now InformnfIon
hIghwnys nnd fufurIsfIc roducf
bnskof for C Comonf Comnny.
ITC! nIso corfIfIos fo oxfond fho bn
sIc foIocom nnd dnfn sorvIcos for C
comonf In n dynnmIc wny wIfh fho
bosf fochnoIogIos nvnIInbIo.
IsInmnbnd In n foIIow u of nn
onrIIor moofIng on fho ugrndnfIon
of foIocom socfor of fho counfry,
IrosIdonf AsIf AII ZnrdnrI chnIrod n
moofIng horo nf fho AIwnnoSndr
fo rovIow fho rogross mndo so fnr
nnd fo dIscuss fho Issuo of groy frnf
Tho moofIng wns nffondod
nmong ofhors by MInIsfor for II
nnnco r. AbduI Hnfooz ShoIkh,
MInIsfor for InforIor !ohmnn MnIIk,
MInIsfor for Wnfor nnd Iowor Syod
nvood Qnmnr, Socrofnry ConornI
fo fho IrosIdonf M. SnImnn
InruquI, IodornI SocrofnrIos of II
nnnco nnd IT dIvIsIons, ChnIrmnn
IIM!A r. AbduI Jnbbnr, ChnIr
mnn ITA r Muhnmmnd YnsIn, Acf
Ing ChnIrmnn nfIonnI ToIocom
Wnsny Khnn nnd ofhor sonIor offI
Tho moofIng wns brIofod nbouf
fho rogross mndo by fho commIffoo
whIch wns consfIfufod fo submIf roc
ommondnfIons nffor goIng fhrough
fho roosnIs submIffod by IT MIn
Isfry rognrdIng 3C fochnoIogy nnd
vnrIous monsuros fo confroI groy
Tho IrosIdonf dIrocfod fhnf nn
ofhor moofIng bo hoId nffor fho IT
MInIsfry hnd fInnIIzod Ifs roosnIs
In consuIfnfIon wIfh ofhor roIovnnf
mInIsfrIos nnd donrfmonfs.
IsInmnbnd ovoIomonf of ToIo
com socfor hns nIso surgod fho snIo
of mobIIo hnndsofs In InkIsfnn,
whIch ronchos nround l mIIIIon or
Thoro Is fIood of dIfforonf mobIIo
hnndsofs In fho mnrkof, osocInIIy
ChInoso sofs nro fho mosf fnvourIfo
ns fhoy nro nvnIInbIo In Infosf fon
furos nnd dosIgns nnd fho rIco Is
nIso wIfhIn fho rnngo of ovoryono.
ThIs fIguro cIonrIy shows how
much our nnfIon hns fho crnzo for
now mobIIo sofs. Tho socond coy of
brnndod coIIhonos hns mndo Ifs
wny In fho domosfIc mnrkof nIong
wIfh unIquo fonfuros of dunI SIM
sysfom. AccordIng fo n donIor, fho
ChInoso coIIhonos of dIfforonf
brnnds nro nvnIInbIo from !s. l500
fo !s. l2,000, doondIng on vnrIofy
nnd qunIIfy.
Ho snId fho numbor of ChInoso
brnnds nro moro fhnn 50, whIch nro
usunIIy Imorfod buf fhoro nro somo
l5 brnnds fhnf hnvo cnfurod fho
IocnI mnrkofs. o doubf, ChInoso
mndo hnndsofs nro chon nnd hnvo
numorous fonfuros whIch nffrncf
cusfomors osfhnsfIy, ho mnIn
Anofhor donIor snId, normnIIy
ooIo nro nffrncfod by fho hnnd
sofs, whIch cosf bofwoon !s 2,000
nnd !s l0,000 nnd hnvo fonfuros of
brnndod mobIIo sofs cosfIng !s.
20,000 fo !s. 40,000.
Ho snId ooIo nsk for fho sofs
whIch hnvo boffor qunIIfy cnmorn
nIong wIfh shnr momory. Tho mo
bIIo sofs nonI fo fho mnssos who
cnnnof buy !s 30,000 orIgInnI brnnd
of IIhono buf fhoy cnn nfford ChI
noso mndo Ihono In jusf !s 6,000 fo
!s l0,000 onIy wIfh ono yonr wnr
IrosIdonf chnIrs moofIng on
ugrndnfIon of foIocom socfor
ITC! 256 kbs S! romnIns unIImIfod fIII 3l oc
MobIIo snIo ronchos lm or monfh
IASHA gIvos nwny
ICT nwnrds
ITC! rovIdos
ICT sorvIcos fo
C Comonf
Zong, n brnnd of CMInk !fd, n
ChInn MobIIo comnny hns ub
IIshod nn nd roconfIy In InkIsfnnI
nowsnors oxrossIng grIof nnd ro
socf for Sfovo Jobs. CorornfIons,
worId ovor, ubIIshod sImIInr kInd
of nds mnInIy In rInf fo condoIo
fho shockIng domIso of Sfovo Jobs.
Sfovo Jobs Is Iovod by mIIIIons of
fnns from nround fho worId, IncIud
Ing InkIsfnn. Though fhoro nro no
offIcInI fIguros nvnIInbIo buf osfI
mnfos suggosf fhnf 400,000 usors In
InkIsfnn uso IIhono, whIIo nnofhor
300,000 InkIsfnnI uso ofhor AIo
Zong condoIos fho
domIso of Sfovo Jobs
Fr ee down| oad | | are. pk Synops|s Nat|ona|
IsInmnbnd !fono rocordod ouf
sfnndIng growfh of 5? orconf In
rofIfs nnd l4 orconf In rovonuos
bocnuso of subsfnnfInI cosf snvIngs
In fho fInnncInI yonr 20l0ll, Ink
Isfnn ToIocommunIcnfIon !ImIfod
ITC! nnnunI roorf snId.
AccordIng fo osfImnfos, !fono
rofIfs Incronsod fo !s 2.66 bIIIIon
whorons rovonuos surgod fo !s 56
bIIIIon In fho fInnncInI yonr 20l0
ll. Comnrod fo fho rovIous yonr,
fho onrnIngs or shnro Incronsod fo
!s 6.36 from !s 5.20 of Insf yonr.
AnnunI roorf snId fhnf In sIfo
of ndvorso oconomIc condIfIons hnm
orIng growfh In fho counfry, !fono
confInuod fo modornIzo Ifs nofwork
wIfh vnrIous ugrndos nnd Imrovo
offocfIvonoss of fho suIy chnIn ro
suIfIng In suorIor qunIIfy of cus
fomor sorvIco.
ITC!`s fInnncInI roorf unvoIIod
fhnf fhoro nro curronfIy 25,000
!shos nnd !sfnrs sorvIng fho
cusfomors, whIch by fnr Is fho
Inrgosf nnd mosf offocfIvo nofwork
of snIos nnd sorvIco oInfs In Ink
IsInmnbnd MIcrosoff InkIsfnn
undor ImIoyoo VoIunfoor Iro
grnm, coIobrnfod WorId Tonchor`s
ny on 05fh Ocf, 20ll. ThIs yonr
fho fhomo of fhIs socInI dny wns
Tonchors for Condor IqunIIfy.
MIcrosoff InkIsfnn fook fhIs InI
fInfIvo fo coIobrnfo fhIs dny nIong
wIfh fonchors from vnrIous InsfI
fufos nf nruI InInh, n donrf
monf workIng undor SocInI WoIfnro
onrfmonf of Iunjnb Covornmonf.
If`s rImnrIIy n Inco whoro hoI
Ioss womon nIong wIfh fhoIr kIds
IIvo. MIcrosoff fonm wonf fhoro fo
fnIk fo fho womon nnd dIscussod
nbouf fho Imorfnnf of sfudIos for
fhoIr kIds, nrfIcuInrIy for gIrIs.
MIcrosoff snys fhnf fho mnIn
uroso of coIobrnfIng fhIs ovonf nf
nruIInInh wIfh fhoso womon nnd
chIIdron wns fo hIghIIghf fho Im
orfnnco of Condor IqunIIfy In fho
Mr. KnmnI Ahmod, Counfry Con
ornI Mnnngor MIcrosoff InkIsfnn,
snId fhnf ChIIdron nro soods of our
gnrdon of IIfo. Thoy cnn bo fho fruIf
fuI froos for fho whoIo nnfIon, If wo
nurfuro fhom wIfh oducnfIon nnd
cnro. Mofhors woro mofIvnfod fo
oducnfo fhoIr kIds wIfhouf nny dIs
crImInnfIon bofwoon boys nnd gIrIs
bocnuso good mofhors cnn Iny n
mnjor roIo In buIIdIng n rosorous
!nhoro Iunjnb ChIof MInIsfor
Shnhbnz ShnrIf formnIIy Inunchod
fho Iunjnb govornmonf`s fncobook
ngo nf !nIvorsIfy of !nhoro fo ro
mofo fho ubIIc nwnronoss for fho
orndIcnfIon of donguo vIrus. Tho
fncobook ngo hns boon gIvon fho fI
fIo of Shnhbnz ShnrIf AnfIdonguo
communIfy fhrough whIch ooIo
osocInIIy sfudonfs wIII bo mobIIIsod
In fho cnmnIgn ngnInsf donguo
vIrus. Tho fncobook confnIns ro
vonfIvo monsuros ngnInsf donguo
vIrus nnd fho sfos fnkon by fho
Iunjnb govornmonf
ngnInsf fhIs monnco.
IIocfod rorosonfn
fIvos, hond of Indono
sInn modIcnI fonm,
fonchors, docfors nnd
n Inrgo numbor of boy
nnd gIrI sfudonfs woro
rosonf on fho occn
AddrossIng fho cor
omony, fho ChIof MIn
Isfor snId fhnf InunchIng of fho fnco
book ngo wouId hoI mobIIIso
young gonornfIon In sfrongfhonIng
fho offorfs for curbIng donguo vIrus.
Ho snId fho nwnronoss cnmnIgn for
fho orndIcnfIon of donguo vIrus wns
confInuIng vIgorousIy nnd nrfIcI
nfIon of youfh nnd sfudonfs In fho
drIvo wouId bo oncourngIng. Ho snId
fho young gonornfIon whIch wns n
rocIous nssof ns woII ns fho gunr
nnfoo of n brIghf fufuro of InkIsfnn
wns InyIng n vnngunrd roIo In fho
wnr ngnInsf donguo vIrus. Ho snId
fhnf fhrough fho fncobook, moro
usofuI InformnfIon wouId bo nvnII
nbIo fo fho youfh nnd fho onfIro
communIfy wouId bo nbIo fo nrfIc
Info In fho drIvo ngnInsf donguo.
Ho nIso nrocInfod fho sorvIcos
of Musfnfn HnsnnIn who hnd dovoI
ood fho fncobook ngo. Tho ChIof
MInIsfor formnIIy Innugurnfod
Shnhbnz ShnrIf AnfIdonguo Com
munIfy Incobook by ushIng n buf
fon. Tho nddross of fho ngo Is
KnrnchI Zong Is fho fIrsf Infor
nnfIonnI brnnd of ChInn MobIIo
whIch rovIdod nssIsfnnco fo fho
fIood vIcfIms. Zong hns nnnouncod
fo confrIbufo fo fho cnuso fhrough
comnny confrIbufIon, sfnff confrI
bufIon nnd cusfomor confrIbufIon.
If snId fhnf ns n fIrsf sfo Zong
hns donnfod ono mIIIIon ruoos In
ITV's SocInI ToIofhon TrnnsmIs
sIon `nrd Anshnn' fo IrImo MIn
Isfor's IIood !oIIof Iund. Tho mn
jor nrf of roIIof wouId como from
comnny's confrIbufIon of !s l0
mIIIIon for whIch fho Comnny hns
IInod u n Iof of fhIngs fo hoI fho
vIcfIms of fIoods.
Zong dIsfrIbufIng food rnfIons
nnd modIcInos ns roIIof goods. Tho
Comnny wIII bo soffIng u 20 froo
ICOs, rovIdIng Zong hnndsofs for
l,000 fnmIIIos, dIsfrIbufIng l0,000
SIMs nIong wIfh froo bnInnco In
fho nffocfod nrons for fIood vIcfIms
fo gof InformnfIon sook hoI nnd
bo In fouch wIfh Iovod onos.
As n nrf of sfnff confrIbufIon,
Zong's omIoyoos wIII bo donnfIng
snInry of ono dny for fIood vIcfIms.
Anrf from fhIs, sfnff wIII nIso
bo voIunfoorIng In fIood roIIof ro
grnmmos whIch wIII bo IdonfIfIod
by Humnn !osourco onrfmonf
of Zong.
WhIIo foxf mossngos wIII bo
sonf fo Zong cusfomors fo voIun
foor In donnfIon cnmnIgns ns n
nrf of cusfomor confrIbufIon, cus
fomor wIII nIso bo gIvon fho choIco
fo roIy wIfh l fo 20 ns donnfIon.
SnImnn Wnssny Hond of Mnr
kofIng, Zong convoys hIs fhoughfs
by snyIng, `Our boIovod Innd Is
onco ngnIn sfruck by fhIs cnInmIfy
nnd wo nro snddonod fo soo fho
condIfIon of our foIIow cIfIzons.
Zong ronIIzos Ifs dufy nnd wIII Iny
Ifs nrf In ImrovIng fho condIfIon
of fho fIood nffocfod ooIo fhrough
cnrryIng ouf vnrIous roIIof offorfs.
Zong boIng n ChInoso Invosf
monf Is nn oIfomo of fruo frIond
shI bofwoon InkIsfnn nnd ChInn.
ThIs Indood wIII bo commondnbIo
gosfuro on nrf of ChInn fo oxfond
suorf fo Ifs IongfImo frIond Ink
Isfnn fhrough Zong'.
Zong fo rovIdo roIIof fo
fIood vIcfIms
CM unvoIIs nnfIdonguo nwnronoss on fncobook
!fono rofIfs jums
by 5? c, rovonuos u
l4 c
MIcrosoff InkIsfnn
coIobrnfos WorId
Tonchor`s ny
KnrnchI Tho Sfnfo Innk of Ink
Isfnn SII hns ndvIsod bnnks fo
mnko socInI nrrnngomonfs fo on
suro unInforrufod ATM sorvIcos In
nII fhoso dIsfrIcfs of SIndh whIch
hnvo boon docInrod fIoodnffocfod by
fho nfIonnI Isnsfor Mnnngomonf
AufhorIfy MA.
In n cIrcuInr fo nII bnnks, SII
hns nIso ndvIsod bnnks nof fo ro
covor nny sorvIco chnrgos on uso of
InkIsfnn Cnrds In fho fIoodnffocfod
dIsfrIcfs of SIndh.
If mny bo oInfod ouf fhnf 'Ink
Isfnn Cnrds' hnvo boon Issuod fo
fIoodnffocfod ooIo of vnrIous dIs
frIcfs of SIndh fhrough HnbIb Innk
!ImIfod nnd !nIfod Innk !ImIfod
for wIfhdrnwnI of cnsh fhrough fhoIr
ATMs. Howovor, duo fo Inrgo num
bor of fIood nffocfod hoIdIng fhoso
cnrds, fho ATMs of fho fwo bnnks
nro Inndoqunfo fo cnfor fhoIr cnsh
In ordor fo fncIIIfnfo vIcfIms nnd
nIIovInfo fhoIr sufforIngs, bnnks
hnvIng ATMs In fho nffocfod dIs
frIcfs of SIndh hnvo boon ndvIsod fo
mnko socInI nrrnngomonfs fo on
suro fhnf fhoIr ATMs nro oorn
fIonnI nnd cnsh Is roIonIshod In n
fImoIy mnnnor, fho cIrcuInr nddod.
Tho comIInnco of fhoso Insfruc
fIons wouId bo vorIfIod fhrough sur
rIso chocks by InsocfIon fonms
nnd nny fnIIuro wouId Invoko onnI
rovIsIons of fho roIovnnf Inws, fho
ConfrnI Innk snId.
!nInforrufod ATM
sorvIcos In fIoodhIf
nrons ordorod
Fr ee down| oad | | ar e. pk
Nat|ona| Synops|s
Jnzz Jnzbn Is suro fryIng now
fhIngs by rovIdIng you oorfunI
fIos of cnfchIng AII Znfnr fho brnnd
nmbnssndor of Jnzz IIvo In n chnf
sossIon on Jnzz Jnzbn`s Incobook
fnn ngo.
If Is uncIonr so fnr on mochnnIsm
or modIum of chnf sossIon, buf If Is
nnfIcInfod fhnf AII Znfnr wIII fnko
IIvo quosfIons on Jnzz Jnzbn`s fnn
MobIIInk nnnouncod In n sfnfus
udnfo on Incobook fhnf AII wIII
sfny IIvo for ono hour, so If`s nnr
onf fhnf ho won`f bo nbIo fo nnswor
nII fho quosfIons. Iuf novor mInd
you cnn fhrow your quosfIon fo soo If
you nro Iucky onough fo gof n ro
Tho IIocfIon CommIssIon of Ink
Isfnn ICI In coIInbornfIon wIfh
InkIsfnn ToIocommunIcnfIon Au
fhorIfy ITA Is workIng fo sfronm
IIno n mochnnIsm for vofors fo mnko
fhom nbIo fo vorIfy fhoIr onroIImonf
In vofors` IIsf fhrough SMS.
An offIcInI of fho ICI hns con
fIrmod fhnf IIocfIon CommIssIon Is
workIng on fho Idon howovor mnIn
concorn wns fo onsuro socurIfy nnd
rIvncy of nII cIfIzons. Ior fho ur
oso, ITA hns boon consuIfod fo dIs
cuss ros nnd cons of fho roosod
sorvIco nnd nffor cIonrnnco from fho
ITA fho sysfom of vofo confIrmnfIon
fhrough SMS wouId bo ImIo
Onco ImIomonfod, nnyono wIII
bo nbIo fo confIrm nbouf fhoIr vofo
by jusf sondIng n mossngo fo n dos
Ignnfod numbor fhrough shorf mos
sngIng sorvIcos SMS. Tho sorvIco
wouId bo InIfInfod nffor fho comIo
fIon of ongoIng door fo door vorIfIcn
fIon cnmnIgn.
MonnwhIIo nccordIng fo uncon
fIrmod roorfs, fho ICI hns sIgnod
nn ngroomonf wIfh nfIonnI dnfn
bnso nnd !ogIsfrnfIon AufhorIfy
A!A fo onnbIo fho cIfIzons fo
rogIsfor or confIrm fho oxIsfonco of
fhoIr nnmo In n vofors IIsf by jusf
sondIng n mossngo.
IsInmnbnd IIA nssongors wIII
now bo nbIo fo ny for fhoIr nIr fIck
ofs nf nny InsynIsn sho, ToIonor
InkIsfnn SnIos & SorvIco Confro,
Tnmoor Innk brnnch or from fhoIr
own mobIIo honos vIn nn InsynIsn
MobIIo Accounf.
An ngroomonf bofwoon IIA nnd
Tnmoor MIcrofInnnco Innk for fho
rovIsIon of fho sorvIcos wns sIgnod
by ndoom HussnIn, IrosIdonf
Tnmoor MIcrofInnnco Innk nnd
MnnngIng Irocfor IIA, CnfnIn
ndoom Khnn YousufznI. Tho sIgn
Ing coromony wns hoId nf IIA Hond
OffIco nnd nffondod by offIcInIs of
Tnmoor Innk, IIA, nnd ToIonor
M IIA CnfnIn ndoom
YousufznI whIIo shnrIng hIs com
monfs on fho occnsIon snId fhnf IIA
nssongors wIII now hnvo nn nddod
ndvnnfngo of nyIng for fIckofs
fhrough InsynIsn oufIofs ncross
IIA nssongors` comforf nnd
convonIonco hns nIwnys boon fho
nIrIIno`s rIorIfy nnd fhIs ngroomonf
Is nnofhor fncIIIfy boIng offorod fo
nssongors. CurronfIy, nssongors
hnvo fho fncIIIfy of buyIng IIA fIck
ofs from IIA IookIng OffIcos, IIA`s
wobsIfo nnd nIrIIno frnvoI ngonfs.
Tho now fncIIIfy wIII oxnnd fo fn
cIIIfnfo our vnIuod cusfomors, ho
ndoom HussnIn snId, Insy
nIsn Is doIIghfod fo bocomo n nrf
nor wIfh IIA ns nymonf soIufIon
rovIdor for fhoIr cusfomors, offor
Ing fhom our unIquo brnnchIoss
bnnkIng fncIIIfy. !nIIko convon
fIonnI nymonf sorvIcos, InsynIsn
sorvIcos nro nvnIInbIo round fho
cIock nnd offor cusfomors nn nIfor
nnfIvo nymonf rocoss whIch Is so
curo, roIInbIo, nnd offIcIonf. Wo nro
suro fhnf IIA cusfomors wIII fInd If
moro convonIonf fhnn ovor fo uso
InsynIsn oufIofs whon nyIng for
fhoIr nIr fIckofs.
As n rosuIf of fho ngroomonf, n
IIA nssongor, nffor goffIng n I!
by cnIIIng IIA CnII Confro nf lll
?86?86, wIII bo nbIo fo ny nf nny
InsynIsn oufIof nnd gof fho fIckof
Issuod. Tho rocoIf nnd confIrmn
fIon wIII bo communIcnfod fo fho
cusfomor fhrough nn SMS. Insson
gors wIII bo nbIo fo gof n rInf from
nny of IIA SnIos counfor fhroughouf
InkIsfnn or from IIA offIcos nf nn
nIrorf. ThIs cnn bo dono nnyfImo
ovon on fho dny of fho fIIghf.
IsInmnbnd A fhroodny Infornn
fIonnI !ondorshI Conforonco for
Iorsons wIfh IsnbIIIfIos concIudod
roconfIy In IsInmnbnd, wIfh nrfIc
Innfs nnnouncIng fho 'IsInmnbnd
CommIfmonf` fho cronfIon of n nn
fIonnI mochnnIsm for fho ImIo
monfnfIon of fho !nIfod nfIons
ConvonfIon on fho !Ighfs of Ior
sons wIfh IsnbIIIfIos In InkIsfnn.
Tho ConvonfIon wns rnfIfIod by fho
govornmonf of InkIsfnn onrIIor fhIs
As In rovIous yonrs, fhIs yonr
foo ToIonor InkIsfnn wns n mnjor
nrfnor for fho nnnunI conforonco
nnd nrfIcInfod wIfh fho nIm fo
hIghIIghf Issuos nffocfIng orsons
wIfh dIsnbIIIfIos ns nrf of Ifs
Khuddnr InkIsfnn rogrnm.
CommonfIng on fho conforonco
oufcomo, Anjum !nhmnn, Irocfor
Corornfo CommunIcnfIons & !o
sonsIbIIIfy, ToIonor InkIsfnn snId,
Tho 'IsInmnbnd CommIfmonf` Is n
sfo fownrds onsurIng fhnf Ink
Isfnn`s dIsnbIod orsons gof fhoIr
duo rIghfs. Wo Iook forwnrd fo
workIng wIfh Iondors In fho dIs
nbIIIfy movomonf, IocnI orgnnIzn
fIons nnd InfornnfIonnI ngoncIos on
ImIomonfnfIon of fho rocommon
dnfIons nnd roInfod rojocfs fhnf
cnn brIng nbouf n Iongform sus
fnInnbIo dIfforonco In fho IIvos of
orsons wIfh dIsnbIIIfIos.
Tho conforonco wns orgnnIzod
by SocInI TnIonf Ixchnngo Iro
grnm STII, nn IsInmnbndbnsod
soIfhoI CO, nnd nffondod by
somo l50 rorosonfnfIvos from dIs
nbIod orsons orgnnIznfIons, IocnI
nnd InfornnfIonnI COs, corornfo
socfor, govornmonf, nnd fho modIn.
A numbor of nrfnors coIInbornfod
wIfh STII on orgnnIzIng fho con
InfornnfIonnI doIognfos from
Soufh Koron, IndIn, !K, !SA,
SnudI ArnbIn, AfghnnIsfnn,
InngIndosh, ThnIInnd nnd Jnnn
nIso nffondod.
ToIonor suorfs InfoI IsnbIIIfy
InsynIsn joIns IIA fo offor fIckof
nymonf fncIIIfy
Jnzz Jnzbn offors
IIvo chnf wIfh AII
ICI, ITA fo sfnrf
vofo vorIfIcnfIon
InkIsfnn ToIocommunIcnfIon Au
fhorIfy`s wobsIfo wns hIf by n hnckor
roconfIy. Hnckor dIdn`f dofnco fho
sIfo Insfond n ngo wns Insorfod Info
ITA sorvor nnd domnndod fo bnn II
IIcIf sIfos.
ThIs hnckor Is nnronfIy fho
snmo orson who hnd hnckod
Suromo Courf wobsIfo Insf monfh.
Hnckor, whIch nnmos hImsoIf ns
ZombIo_KSA, hns nskod ITA fo bnn
nII wobsIfos confnInIng oxIIcIf mn
forInI. Snmo hnckor hnd dofncod
Suromo Courf wobsIfo wIfh n sIm
IInr mossngo fo ChIof JusfIco of Ink
If morIfs monfIonIng horo fhnf
ITA, MInIsfor of IT nnd ChIof Jus
fIco of InkIsfnn wns wrIffon n Ioffor
by n 9fh grndor fow monfhs ngo. Tho
kId hnd domnndod fho nufhorIfIos
fo bnn nII wobsIfos fhnf confnIn ob
jocfIonnbIo mnforInI.
urIng fhIs bIossod fImo of Hnjj,
!fono Is InconfIvIzIng If`s cusfomors
fo mnko cnIIs fo fhoIr Iovod onos In
SnudI ArnbIn fo wIn froo !fono fo
!fono mInufos.
You cnn cnII nny numbor In SnudI
ArnbIn for !s 4.?5 or 30 socond
mobIIo fo rocoIvo Insfnnf 5 froo
!fono fo !fono mInufos. To sub
scrIbo fo fhIs offor sImIy dInI
ITA wobsIfo hncks
!fono offors froo
mInufos fo cnII S.
MD PA Captain Nadeem Khan Yousufzai and MD Tameer Microfinance Bank Nadeem Hus-
sain signing an agreement for payment of PA tickets through Telenor Easypaisa outlets.
Fr ee down| oad | | ar e. pk
Synops|s Nat|ona|
Two InkIsfnnI fonchors, ouf of
200 oducnfIonnI rofossIonnIs from
ovor 25 rogIonnI counfrIos, hnvo
won fho rogIonnI comofIfIon nf MI
crosoff`s MIddIo Insf & AfrIcn !o
gIonnI InnovnfIvo IducnfIon Io
rum hoId roconfIy In Aqnbn,
MIcrosoff InnovnfIvo oducnfIon
forum focusos on ImIomonfIng In
novnfIvo nronchos fhnf wIII uIfI
mnfoIy Imrovo fho IonrnIng ouf
como of oducnfIon sysfoms ncross
fho gIobo.
Tonchors nro InIfInIIy soIocfod
from dIfforonf counfrIos bnsod on
fhoIr InnovnfIons In fonchIngs fo
comofo In rogIonnI ovonfs. !on
wInnIng rogIonnI comofIfIon, fhoso
fonchors fhon qunIIfy for gIobnI
Af MIddIo Insf & AfrIcn !o
gIonnI InnovnfIvo IducnfIon Iorum
fonchors comofod fo rocoIvo ono of
fwoIvo InnovnfIvo fonchIng nwnrds
In four koy cnfogorIos nf rogIonnI
IovoI. Tho wInnIng grou roro
sonfIng InkIsfnn consIsfod of Tnh
moonn !noos, Humn IsInm nnd KI
rnn Imrnn from !oofs SchooI
TnIkIng nbouf fhIs ovonf KnmnI
Ahmod, Counfry ConornI Mnnngor,
MIcrosoff snId, MIcrosoff sfrIvos fo
cronfo oducnfIonnI oxorIoncos fhnf
romovo boundnrIos nnd brIng sfu
donfs, fonchors, oducnfIonnI oIIcy
mnkors nnd omIoyors cIosor. I con
grnfuInfo fho wInnors from Ink
Isfnn. Thoy hnvo rovod fhnf foch
noIogy Is nn Imorfnnf onnbIor In
oducnfIon nnd hnvo suorfod sfu
donfs fo gnIn fho nocossnry skIIIs fo
fhrIvo In fho 2lsf confury.
oIIghfod wIfh fhIs nchIovomonf
Tohmoonn !noos snId, Wo nood fo
fhInk ouf of fho box fo cnfor fo fho
roquIromonfs of InformnfIon Toch
noIogy nnd oducnfIon In InkIsfnn. I
nm suro nII fho succossfuI rojocfs
wIII go n Iong wny In hoIIng sfu
donfs fnko ndvnnfngo of Informn
fIon nnd communIcnfIon fochnoIogy
for fho bonofIf of socIofy. MIcrosoff
hns dono nn nmnzIng job by rovId
Ing us fhIs Infform.
Tho wInnors from rogIonnI IovoI
fhon go fo nrfIcInfo In WorId
WIdo InnovnfIvo IducnfIon Iorum
whoro wInnIng fonchors from ro
gIonnI forums nnd InnovnfIvo
schooIs soIocfod from nII ovor fho
worId show cnso fhoIr rojocfs. Tho
rojocfs nro fhon nssossod on fho
bnsIs of fonchorsfudonf ongngo
monf, InnovnfIon nnd confonfs nnd
fhroo fo rojocfs for onch of fhoso
cnfogorIos nro docInrod.
IsInmnbnd !nIvorsnI SorvIco
Iund bonrd wIII sofu foIomodIcIno
nofwork In !nwnIIndI, KnrnchI nnd
MuIfnn fo hoI fIood hIf nrons of
In If`s bonrd moofIng, chnIrod by
IrImo MInIsfor Syod Yusuf !nzn CI
InnI ns MInIsforInformnfIon Toch
noIogy, nf IrImo MInIsfor`s Houso
roconfIy, rojocfs budgof of !s 9.9
bIIIIon for IInnncInI Yonr 20lll2 gof
nrovod IncIudIng n IIof rojocf for
foIomodIcIno nofwork nImod socIfI
cnIIy for fIood sfrIckon dIsfrIcfs of
JInnnh Iosf grndunfo modIcnI
confro, KnrnchI, Ishfnr ModIcnI
CoIIogo MuIfnn nnd HoIy InmIIy
hosIfnI !nwnIIndI wIII bo con
nocfod wIfh l2 romofo sIfos fo sof
u fhroo foIomodIcIno nofworks.
Inch of fhoso romofo sIfos wIII
rovIdo fncIIIfIos of dIgIfnI sfofho
scoo, dIgIfnI dormnscoo, orfnbIo
uIfrnsound, dIgIfnI ICC nnd cus
fomIzod foIomodIcIno soffwnro fo fho
nfIonfs nf fhoIr homofowns IncIud
Ing consuIfnfIons wIfh fho socInIIsfs
sIffIng In fho fhroo mnIn hosIfnIs.
Tho IrImo MInIsfor dIrocfod !SI
fhnf In nddIfIon fo fho roosod
cIfIos In SIndh, of IndIn, Thnffn,
ndu nnd nushoroforoz, fIood
sfrIckon dIsfrIcfs IIko nwnbshnh,
MIrur khns, !morkof nnd Snnghnr
shouId nIso bo IncIudod In fho
foIomodIcIno nofwork, ImmodInfoIy.
SImIInrIy ho dIrocfod fo IncIudo
cIfIos of InhnwnIur, !nhImynr
Khnn, !njnnur, C Khnn,
QndIrur, Shujn`nbnd MInnwnII nnd
KhnrInn fo fho l2 cIfIos InIfInIIy
Innnod. Ho nIso dIrocfod fhnf ns
soon ns !SI IIbor cnbIo Is InId In
Khybor Inkhfunkhwn nnd InIochIs
fnn, sImIInr ToIomodIcIno rojocfs
shouId bo sfnrfod fhoro nIso.
Ofhor mnjor foIocom rojocfs fhnf
nro nrf of fho nowIy nrovod
budgof IncIudo Irondbnnd, IIbor
OfIc cnbIos nnd IducnfIonnI/ToIo
confors In fho unsorvod nrfs of fho
Tho IrImo MInIsfor snId fhnf
!SI hnd fo furfhor sood u In ordor
fo covor fho doInys cnusod duo fo dIf
foronf fncfors durIng curronf nnd fho
Insf yonr. Ho furfhor omhnsIzod fho
Ionrd fo koo onsurIng frnns
nroncy In bIdIng rocoss nnd oxo
cufIon of fho rojocfs. To onsuro bof
for oxocufIon of rojocfs, docIsIons
rognrdIng oxfonsIon In rojocfs con
frncfunI fImoIInos nnd osfnbIIshIng
mochnnIsm Issuos of fho fund woro
nIso dIscussod nnd docIdod.
Tho IrImo MInIsfor sfrossod
uon ofImnI ufIIIznfIon of !SI fund
In brIngIng concrofo rogross In fho
nonr fufuro, In forms of nIIcnfIons
IIko ongrIcuIfuro, ocommorco, o
govornmonf, ooducnfIon, ohonIfh
nnd odIsnsfor mnnngomonf. Ho
mnInfnInod fhnf !SI shouId work In
coIInbornfIon wIfh ofhor counfrIos
wIfh boffor InformnfIon fochnoIogy
oxorfIso fo osfnbIIsh sfnfo of fho nrf
IT IonrnIng InsfIfufIons wIfh n so
cInI focus on unsorvrod nnd undor
sorvod nrons.
Tho IrImo MInIsfor urgod bonrd
of dIrocfors of !SI fo onsuro fro
quonf Ionrd MoofIngs fo mnko If
moro offocfIvo. On nrf of fho Cov
ornmonf foo, ho nssurod !SI Ionrd
of fuII suorf nnd oncourngomonf In
cnrryIng ouf fhIs nnfIon buIIdIng
Socrofnry, InformnfIon nnd Toch
noIogy, ChnIrmnn ITA, Mombor
ToIocom, CIO ITC!, CIO !SI nnd
!orosonfnfIvo of Consumor AssocI
nfIon of InkIsfnn nffondod fho moof
Ing ns dIrocfors of !SI Ionrd.
KnrnchI IfIhnd AIrwnys, fho nn
fIonnI cnrrIor of fho !AI, wIII ro
vIdo onbonrd wIroIoss Infornof on
soIocfod roufos fo Iuroo boforo fho
ond of fho yonr.
I cnn foII you fhnf IfIhnd wIII
hnvo fwo nIrcrnff wIfh oornfIonnI
onbonrd Infornof by ocombor fhIs
yonr, nnd fIvo nIrcrnff by Mnrch,
20l2, snId IfIhnd CIO Jnmos
Hognn nf fho WorId Irondbnnd Io
rum In InrIs. Throo of fhoso fIvo
nIrcrnff wIII bo AIrbus A330300s,
whIch wIII oornfo bofwoon Abu
hnbI nnd cIfIos IIko Irnnkfurf,
Conovn, !ondon, MunIch nnd InrIs.
And wo nro rIghf nf fho oInf now of
soffIIng on n fIoofwIdo connocfIvIfy
soIufIon for fho yonrs fo como.
Ho nddod nIrIInos nround fho
worId now fncod rossuro from cus
fomors fo mnko brondbnnd Infornof
nccoss sfnndnrd on nII fIIghfs, buf
cnufIonod fho Indusfry fo Invosf
wIsoIy In wIroIoss InnovnfIon.
Ho snId Iorhns fho bIggosf
chnIIongo Is fo sfny In synch on fhIs
IncrodIbIy fnsf nnd oxcIfIng journoy
Info fho fufuro. AnnunIIy, nIrIInos
Invosf bIIIIons In nIrcrnff nnd mII
IIons In InfIIghf onforfnInmonf nnd
ofhor frnIngs, yonrs boforo fho
nIrcrnff onfor sorvIco.
Chnngos In fochnoIogy movo nf
fho sood of IIghf... Thoro Is nn ovor
rosonf dnngor of InvosfIng honvIIy
In n sysfom or hnrdwnro fhnf Is
IIkoIy fo bo obsoIofo by fho fImo If
roIIs off fho roducfIon IIno.
In n wIdornngIng sooch con
cornod wIfh fho offocfs of fho Infor
nof rovoIufIon on fho nvInfIon In
dusfry, Hognn snId wIroIoss
rocossos onnbIod hugo fInnncInI
snvIngs fo bo mndo.
Tho nssocInfod chnngos now do
IIvor nround $l8 bIIIIon In offIcIoncy
snvIngs onch yonr, somo of whIch Is
nssod on fo cusfomors, somo of
whIch onnbIos confInuod roInvosf
monf, ho snId. Ho nddod IfIhnd`s
onIIno snIos In JuIy, 20ll, woro u
?l or conf on fho rovIous yonr.
Tho dny Is nronchIng whon
fho gronfor nrf of our soIIIng nnd
C!M wIII bo dIgIfnI, nrfIcuInrIy vIn
smnrfhono nnd fnbIof dovIcos, ho
!SI fo rovIdo foIomodIcIno fncIIIfIos In fIood hIf nrons
IfIhnd nIrwnys fo offor onbonrd Infornof
InkIsfnnI wIn nf
oducnfIon forum In
ToIonor InkIsfnn roconfIy
Inunchod nnfIonwIdo hIgh snIos com
ofIfIons for Ifs onsyIond rofnIIors fo
rocognIzo fhoIr offorfs nnd gnvo
nwny rIzos IIko moforcycIos nnd
Mohnmmnd QnsIm Awnn, !o
gIonnI Irocfor SnIos & IsfrIbufIon
orfhl ToIonor InkIsfnn YnsIr Zn
mnn, TorrIfory SnIos SuorvIsor
AJK ToIonor InkIsfnn nnd TnrIq
Mohmood, IrnnchIso Mnnngor AJK
hnndod ovor n rIzo fo AmIr SohnII,
fho Iucky wInnIng rofnIIor.
KnrnchI A cIvII courf hns ordorod fo hoId If`s busI
noss oornfIons In InkIsfnn duo fo
unofhIcnI busInoss rncfIcos ndofod
by fho comnny. In Ifs InforIm judg
monf, fho courf snId fhnf busInoss
cnrrIod nwny by,
n busInoss fo busInoss buy/soII or
fnI, Is In vIoInfIon of n confrncf bo
fwoon`s CIO nnd
TrndoKoy, n busInoss fo busInoss
orfnI, hnd rnyod boforo fho courf
fo busInoss
oornfIons In InkIsfnn ns Mr. InIsnI
Qnyum SIddIquI comnny`s CIO hns
vIoInfod nn omIoymonf ngroomonf
nnd n nondIscIosuro ngroomonf
sIgnod wIfh Trndokoy. Iofh fho com
nnIos nro dIrocf comofIfors fo onch
ofhor, nnd nro known for offorIng on
IIno Infform for busInoss fo busI
noss buyors nnd soIIors.
ToIonor foIIcIfnfos
onsyIond rofnIIors
Courf sfos
fo oornfo
Fr ee down| oad | | ar e. pk
Nat|ona| Synops|s
IsInmnbnd !fono hns onco ngnIn
vorIfIod Ifs cInIm fo bo n Iondor of In
novnfIon nnd mnInfnInod Ifs sfnnco
ns n cusfomor confrIc orgnnIsnfIon
by InfroducIng Iunds Trnnsfor fncII
Ify, n ono of Ifs kInd sorvIco In coI
InbornfIon wIfh HnbIb Innk !fd.
ThIs sorvIco onnbIos !Inymonfs
ncfIvo subscrIbors fo frnnsfor funds
from fhoIr !fono hnndsofs usIng
fhoIr own HI! nccounf fo mIIIIons of
ofhor HI! nccounfs or nny ofhor
mombor bnnk nccounfs IIsfod wIfh
l!IK nofwork ncross fho counfry.
ThIs sorvIco cnn bo nvnIIod wIfhouf
fho Infornof ns usors onIy nood fo
dInI *808# from nny !fono hnndsof
fo nccoss !Inymonfs.
Tho sorvIco nof onIy oIImInnfos
fho hnssIo of wrIfIng choquos, mnk
Ing domnnd drnffs, roducos fho cosf
of frnnsncfIon buf nIso oIImInnfos
ATM no cnsh/downfImo Issuos nnd
mosf ImorfnnfIy fho ATM fhoff
cnsos cnn bo nvoIdod onco nnd for
nII. Iurfhormoro !Inymonfs
IT/IIIT sorvIco Is nvnIInbIo nny
whoro nnyfImo roundfhocIock ovon
on !fono InfornnfIonnI !onmIng nof
work fhroughouf fho worId whIch
hns ovor 290 ronmIng nrfnors.
Af rosonf foIIowIng l? Innks
nro IIsfod on l!IK consorfIum for
IT/IIIT. AI!, AsknrI Innk, Innk
AIInInh, Innk AIHnbIb, Innk Is
InmI, IoI, nwood IsInmIc Innk,
InysnI Innk, HI!, JS Innk, KASI,
II Innk, SonorI Innk, Sfnndnrd
Chnrforod, SummIf Innk, Tnmoor
MIcrofInnnco Innk nnd !I!.
Tho onfIro concof of IT/IIIT
grow by chnIIongIng fho frndIfIonnI
cusfomor sorvIco nronch whoro
cusfomors nronch fho orgnnIsn
fIon. Tho nIm of !Inymonfs
IT/IIIT nf !fono Is fo nIIow cus
fomors fo nvnII sorvIcos nf fhoIr ro
forrod fImo, Inco nnd modo. WIfh
fhIs InIfInfIvo cusfomors cnn bo
sorvod nf nny fImo nnd Inco nf fhoIr
own convonIonco usIng fhoIr own
SonkIng on fho occnsIon TnImur
InIz Choomn, Hond of VnIuo Addod
SorvIcos nnd MobIIo IInnncInI Sorv
Icos nf !fono snId fhnf our fIrsf rI
orIfy Is fho convonIonco nnd fncIIIfn
fIon of our cusfomors. Af !fono If`s
nII nbouf our vnIuod cusfomors nnd
our fonm sfrIvos fo koo u wIfh fho
now ngo noods of our cusfomors. Tho
fonm nf !fono hns workod fogofhor
wIfh HI! fo rovIdo !Inymonfs
onsurIng fhnf fho cusfomor onjoys
comIofo socurIfy nnd confroI. Iy
vIrfuo of fhIs sorvIco !fono Is dofor
mInod fo buIId n InsfIng roInfIonshI
wIfh Ifs cusfomors nnd bo fhoro for
fhom In fho fruo sonso. ThIs InIfIn
fIvo In coIInbornfIon wIfh HI!, Is nn
oxfromoIy roud nchIovomonf for fho
orgnnIsnfIon ns If Is n fIrsf of Ifs kInd
sorvIco boIng rovIdod by nny foIco In
fho counfry. If Is our nIm nnd rom
Iso fo fho cusfomors fhnf !fono wIII
confInuo fo rovIdo fho mosf Innovn
fIvo, socurod nnd cusfomor frIondIy
sorvIcos In fho counfry.
MobIIInk hns Inunchod fho
mosf InnovnfIvo nnd sfnfooffho
nrf fochnoIogy soIufIons for Ifs
subscrIbors sInco Ifs IncofIon ns n
coIIuInr mnrkof Iondor In InkIsfnn.
MobIIInk hns Infroducod n
whoIo now cInss of AndroId dovIcos
fo fho mnrkof, ono fhnf hns novor
boon soon boforo 3 honos. Ior
fho fIrsf fImo In InkIsfnn, Mo
bIIInk Infroducos fho HTC IVO
Tho hono Is fho fIrsf ovor
gInssosfroo 3 hono fo bo
Inunchod In InkIsfnn. Ofhor fon
furos IncIudo n crIs 4.3 Inch qH
scroon. On fo of fhnf, If hns n l.2
CHz dunIcoro rocossor, AndroId
2.3 wIfh HTC Sonso nnd n rIch ns
sorfmonf of nIIcnfIons.
TnkIng fho oxorIonco ovon fur
fhor, MobIIInk Is offorIng froo 3
monfhs of unIImIfod mobIIo Infor
nof for whoovor buys fho HTC
IVO 3, n sIook Ionfhor cnso nnd
8CI momory cnrd. AII of fhIs for n
vnIuo of 59,999/
MobIIInk IndIgo osfnId brnnd
offors Ifs cusfomors n rnngo of
hIghIy comofIfIvo nckngos ro
vIdIng gronf vnIuo for monoy.
IsInmnbnd Zong hns Infroducod
nnofhor InvonfIvo nckngo fo Ifs cus
fomors nnmod Zong +l. !sors wIII
bo nbIo fo soIocf nnyono CSM oor
nfor nnd gof dIscounfod cnIIs on nII
numbors of fhnf oornfor. Through
fhIs sorvIco Zong`s subscrIbors wIII
gof fIoxIbIIIfy of mnkIng offnof cnIIs
fo ns mnny frIonds nnd fnmIIy ns
Zong Is gIvIng Ifs cusfomors n dIf
foronf dIscounfod cnII rnfo on ono
oornfor rnfhor fhnn nny ono num
bor. AIso, fho usors wIII nof hnvo fo
fnco fho hnssIo of nddIng IndIvIdunI
numbors of I&I. of onIy fhIs, fhoso
who subscrIbo fo fho nckngo wIII
nIso hnvo fho Iovorngo of chnngIng
fhoIr soIocfod oornfor nf nny fImo of
fho dny ns mnny fImos ns fhoy wnnf.
SubscrIbors of nII nckngos wIII
bo nIIowod fo bonofIf from Zong +l
nnd fho sorvIco wIII bo ncfIvnfod nr
nIIoI fo nII ofhor romofIons. CnII
rnfo fo rosf of fho oornfor wIII bo ns
or usor nckngo dofnuIf rnfo.
Hond of MnrkofIng Zong SnImnn
Wnssny snId Wo boIIovo In mnkIng
IIvos of our cusfomors onsIor, wo
wnnf fhom fo sfny connocfod nf nf
fordnbIo rnfos, wo nIso wnnf fhom fo
onjoy qunIIfy sorvIcos nnd fo mnko
nII of fhIs ossIbIo wo koo Inunch
Ing now InforosfIng roducfs nnd
nckngos. Our Infosf offor Zong +l
Is nIso n nrf of fhoso ongoIng of
forfs. I cnn nssuro you fhnf no nof
work In InkIsfnn hns ovor offorod
nnyfhIng sImIInr fo fhIs.
Cusfomors nro vory oxcIfod nbouf
fho Inunch of fhIs InnovnfIvo roducf
nnd mnny nro cnIIIng If n hnssIofroo
connocfIon fo frIonds nnd fnmIIy.
Zong hns Inunchod vnrIous nck
ngos fo fncIIIfnfo Ifs subscrIbors`
noods. !ocnfIon bnsod chnrgIng wns
fIrsf Infroducod by Zong In KnrnchI
nnd !nhoro wIfh KnrnchI nnd !n
horo unIImIfod offors. Ofhor
foIocommunIcnfIon oornfors foI
Iowod Ifs foofsfos nnd Inunchod
sImIInr offors.
!nhoro ChnIo.k, fho Infosf von
furo by fho onfroronours bohInd
!ozoo.k, InkIsfnn`s IondIng onIIno
jobs orfnI, Is hny fo nnnounco fho
succossfuI concIusIon of Ifs 'Iro
mIum Affn` donI of fho dny.
ChnIo.k wns roconfIy Inunchod
by MonIs !nhmnn, foundor nnd
CIO of !ozoo.k. Tho now sIfo Is n
IocnfIonbnsod socInI nofwork fhnf
fonfuros IocnI dnIIy donIs nnd IIsf
Ings for fho mosf nffordnbIo fhIngs fo
do, Inco fo onf, nnd brnnds fo buy In
cIfIos fhroughouf InkIsfnn.
Tho Infosf donI on offor nf
ChnIo.k wns n hIghIy nccInImod
'IromIum Affn onI` whoro nn
82orconf dIscounf wns gIvon on n
bng of 20kg fIour, soIIIng nf n ro
ducod rIco of !s l00. ChnIo.k of
forod n fofnI of 40 bngs nnd rocoIvod
ovor 900 roquosfs for fhom. Tho
nowIyInunchod nofwork succoss
fuIIy soId fho onfIro sfock of nvnII
nbIo bngs wIfhIn fho fIrsf 40 mInufos
of goIng IIvo. Tho 'Affn onI` wns
mndo ossIbIo wIfh fho cooornfIon
of fho !nvI IIour MIIIs` Ink Affn, n
wIdoIy rosocfod symboI of qunIIfy
fIour ncross InkIsfnn.
urIng fhoso fImos of oconomIc
dIffIcuIfy nnd hIgh InfInfIon,
ChnIo.k nIIows consumors fo nccoss
fho mosf nffordnbIo dnIIy Ifoms for
fhoIr homos nnd busInossos.
ChnIo.k nccomIIshos fhIs by work
Ing wIfh brnnds fo como u wIfh
grou donIs, such ns dIscounfs on
onforfnInmonf vonuos IIko nmuso
monf nrks nnd cInomns, donIs sIm
IInr fo fho 'Affn onI` fonfurIng bnsIc
ovory dny ossonfInIs IIko oII nnd
mInornI wnfor, nnd consumor oIoc
fronIcs, whIch wIII bo u for grnbs nf
fho Iowosf ossIbIo rIcos.
ThIs now concof nIIows ond
usors fo bonofIf from mnrkofIng
cnmnIgns by coIIocfIng nnd cnfo
gorIsIng dIscounfs fhnf fhoy hnvo
nof hnd nccoss fo boforo.
ChnIo.k IovoIs fho fIoId for
busInoss ownors by romovIng rIco
ns nn obsfncIo for fryIng now rod
ucfs or sorvIcos. Af fho snmo fImo,
wo succossfuIIy offor IncrodIbIo donIs
fo consumors who mny bo ofhorwIso
hosIfnnf fo mnko n urchnso bocnuso
of rIco consfrnInfs, snys MonIs
!nhmnn, CIO of !nhoro ow ModIn
!nbs ChnIo.k`s nronf comnny.
Ho ndds, ThIs synorgy bofwoon
usors nf dIfforonf onds of fho soc
frum, nnd bofwoon suIIor nnd
urchnsor, Is whnf mndo !ozoo.k
such n honomonnI succoss nnd wo
hoo fo duIIcnfo If wIfh ChnIo.k.
!fono !Inymonfs offors Iunds Trnnsfor fncIIIfy
Inunchos HTC
Zong+l offors bosf rnfo for offnof
ChnIo.k 'IromIum Affn` donI soId ouf wIfhIn 40 mInufos
Fr ee down| oad | | are. pk
Synops|s Nat|ona|
KnrnchI Tho SnudI Arnbbnsod
busInoss fo busInoss wobsIfo,
TrndoKoy, hnvIng Ifs rosonco In
InkIsfnn wIfh ovor 400 omIoyoos,
hns nnnouncod fo Inunch Womon
IIusInoss IncubnfIon Confro, fo
cronfo nrfnorshI wIfh InkIsfnnI
womon. TrndoKoy wIII rovIdo n
Infform fo womon for nII fhoIr
unIquo nnd InnovnfIvo Idons wIfh
suorf In nrons IIko roducf do
voIomonf, mnrkofIng nnd fInnnco.
If snId fhnf fhrough fhIs InIfIn
fIvo, womon cnn Iovorngo fhrough
fho sfnfooffhonrf Infrnsfrucfuro
of TrndoKoy. CIO TrndoKoy, Ju
nnId Mnnsoor, snId fhnf TrndoKoy
wnnfs fo suorf nnd romofo fho
womon who hnvo Idons nnd nro
commIffod fo oxcoIIonco In fho fIoId
of IbusInoss.
ThIs InIfInfIvo, fho sfnfomonf
oInfod ouf, wouId mnko womon`s
dronm como fruo by dovoIoIng nnd
growIng fhoIr own Infornofbnsod
busInossos wIfh fho fIoxIbIIIfy of
workIng from nnywhoro nnd nny
fImo, snId JunnId Mnnsoor. ThIs
wouId nIIow fhom fo fuIfIII fhoIr
fnmIIy rosonsIbIIIfIos whIIo buIId
Ing fhoIr cnroors nnd fuIfIIIIng fI
nnncInI noods nf fho snmo fImo.
ThIs fncIIIfnfIon by TrndoKoy Is
socond In n row In nddIfIon fo work
from homo fncIIIfy rovIdod fo
womon workors In dovoIoIng
counfrIos. WIfh n cnIfnI Invosf
monf of !S $20 MIIIIon, TrndoKoy
Is n SnudI Arnb bnsod busInoss fo
busInoss orfnI, hnvIng Ifs ros
onco In InkIsfnn, SnudIn Arnb nnd
ChInn wIfh ovor 500 omIoyoos, 5.5
mIIIIon cusfomors In 220 counfrIos,
9.5 MIIIIon vIsIfors wIfh ovor 32
MIIIIon Ingo VIows ovory monfh
nnd hns nIso boon docInrod ns ono
of fho fnsfosf 500 growIng comn
nIos of AsIn, fho sfnfomonf
IsInmnbnd Wnfoon ToIocom ro
confIy nrfIcInfod In fho rosfI
gIous HornsIs CIobnI Arnb Moof
Ing, hoId In !ns AI KhnImnh, !AI,
from 9fhl2fh Ocfobor 20ll.
Tho HornsIs CIobnI Arnb Moof
Ing fnkos Inco nnnunIIy nnd nIms
nf cronfIng nn oorfunIfy for
gIobnI Iondors fo moof, ongngo In
busInoss nnd dIscuss vIsIons for n
susfnInnbIo fufuro.
In nddIfIon fo koynofo soochos
by Indusfry IumInnrIos, fho moof
Ing offors nnoIsfyIo bonrdroom
dInIoguo sossIons Iod by fho ovonf
cochnIrs, rofIocfIng on socIfIc o
orfunIfIos nnd chnIIongos In fho
gIobnI oconomIc shoro. ThIs yonr`s
ovonf wns nffondod by ovor 300
nrfIcInnfs from 35 counfrIos.
Wnfoon ToIocom hoIds fho hon
our of boIng fho onIy InkIsfnnI
comnny InvIfod fo nrfIcInfo In
fhIs gIobnIIy rocognIzod Infform
for InfornnfIonnI dInIoguo. Wnfoon
CIO noom ZnmIndnr wns so
Iocfod ns n cochnIr for fho ovonf
fho onIy nrfIcInnf from InkIsfnn
wns Mnkhdoom AmIn Inhoom,
SonIor MInIsfor of Commorco.
As nn ovonf cochnIr, Mr. Zn
mIndnr nrfIcInfod In fwo nnoI
sossIons. Tho fIrsf dIscussod fho
rosocfs of nowIy ovoIvIng oIIfI
cnI nnd oconomIc nIIInncos bo
fwoon fho Arnb worId nnd ofhor
nnfIons In fho bnckground of n
wnnIng Arnb srIng. Tho socond
nnoI sossIon oxnmInod fho roIo of
fochnoIogy ns nn Incubnfor of so
cInI chnngo.
CommonfIng on fho ovonf, Mr
ZnmIndnr snId, If wns n gronf hon
our for mo fo rorosonf Wnfoon
nnd InkIsfnn nf fhIs IncrodIbIo
ovonf. of onIy wns If n chnnco fo
Inforncf wIfh gIobnI Iondors, If ro
sonfod nn oorfunIfy fo domon
sfrnfo InkIsfnn`s crucInI roIo In fho
gIobnI fochnoIogy nnd foIocommu
nIcnfIons sfngo.
I hoo fhnf our nrfIcInfIon
fhIs yonr wIII hoI dofIno Ink
Isfnn`s socIooconomIc roInfIonshI
ono of nrfnorshI nnd cooorn
fIon wIfh fho Arnb worId.
In nddIfIon fo Mnkhdoom AmIn
InhIm from InkIsfnn, fho ovonf
wns nIso nffondod by IondIng In
fornnfIonnI ubIIc fIguros such ns
H.H. ShoIkh Snud IIn Snqr AI
QnsImI, Suromo CouncII Mombor
nnd !uIor of !ns AI KhnImnh,
!AI H.I. ShoIkhn !ubnn IInf
KhnIId AI QnsImI, MInIsfor of Ior
oIgn Trndo, !AI H.I. Mohnmmnd
AbuHnmmour, MInIsfor of II
nnnco of Jordnn, Jordnn H.I.
IcoIns nhns, MInIsfor of Icon
omy & Trndo, !obnnon nnd H.I.
KnmnI nfh, !nIon CnbInof MIn
Isfor of !rbnn ovoIomonf,
IsInmnbnd AddIfIonnI SossIons
Judgo Knmrnn Inshrnf MuffI do
cInrod nn nccusod orson nbscondor
for rInfIng forgod mobIIo scrnfch
cnrds of dIfforonf mobIIo comnnIos
nnd gIvIng Ioss of !s l34 mIIIIon fo
IocnI foIocommunIcnfIon comnnIos.
Tho courf docInrod !smnn Zn
fnr nbscondor for nof nonrIng bo
foro courf nnd ordorod IodornI In
vosfIgnfIon Agoncy IIA fo nrrosf
hIm nnd ofhor mombors of hIs gnng
ns soon ns ossIbIo.
A fIrsf InformnfIon roorf II!
wns rogIsforod ngnInsf ll mombors
of fho gnng for mnkIng forgod mo
bIIo scrnfch cnrds, undor socfIon 36,
3? of IIocfronIc TrnnsncfIon OrdI
nnnco ITO 2002 nnd 420, 468,
4?l, l09, 406 of InkIsfnn IonnI
Codo IIC by fho comInInf of IocnI
foIocommunIcnfIon comnny.
AccordIng fo IIA, fho IocnI ToIo
com Ivf !fd Iodgod n comInInf
wIfh IIA Irocfor ConornI IsInm
nbnd. Tho comInInnnf nIIogod fhnf
somo unknown orsons frnudu
IonfIy modIfIod fho omnIIs for
wnrdod by fho rocuromonf donrf
monf of IocnI foIocom comnny nnd
gonornfod oxfrn bnfchos of scrnfch
cnrds. If wns nIIogod fhnf fho un
known crImInnI`s rInfod l05.? bII
IIon scrnfch cnrds of dIfforonf do
nomInnfIon, ouf of fhnf 905,98?
scrnfch cnrds woro soId In fho mnr
kof, whIch cnusod n Ioss of !s l34.4
mIIIIon fo fho comInInnnf`s com
Wnfoon rorosonfs InkIsfnn nf gIobnI moofIng
Courf docInros !s l34m coII cnrds forgory nccusod nbscondor
wIfrIbo oons now cusfomor cnro confro In KnrnchI
Womon IbusInoss
IncubnfIon confro
KnrnchI WIfh nn nIm fo Incronso
convonIonco nnd fo fncIIIfnfo Ifs
cusfomors, wIfrIbo hns Inunchod
n brnnd now cnro confro In In
hndurnbnd, KnrnchI. ConsIdor
Ing fho robusf ouInfIon nnd
sIzo of fho cIfy, IncronsIng con
vonIonco Is n nood wIfrIbo nIms
fo confInunIIy nddross.
WIfh nn Incronsod rnngo of rod
ucf offorIngs IncIudIng nddons
nnd sorvIcos, wIfrIbo oxnnds Ifs
nofwork In ordor fo ronch cus
fomors In moro wnys, honco on
nbIIng fhom fo ufIIIso n comIofo
rnngo of nmonIfIos, nII In ono
Inco. Iy vIsIfIng nny of fho wI
frIbo cnro confors, cusfomors cnn
urchnso now connocfIons, ny
bIIIs, subscrIbo fo nddons nnd
sorvIcos, ncquIro sorvIco su
orf, ns woII ns nffnIn nccounf
nnd nckngo InformnfIon on fho
sof. Tho roconf InfroducfIon of
now scrnfch cnrd donomInnfIons
nIso nIIows cusfomors fo ny fhoIr
bIIIs wIfh gronfor fIoxIbIIIfy. Thoso
sorvIcos nnd moro nro nIso nvnII
nbIo nf fho now cnro confor, Iocnfod
nf fho mnIn Inhndurnbnd round
SonkIng on fho occnsIon, Cus
fomor Cnro Irocfor, !mnIr
Ahmod, snId fhnf wo nro vory
Ionsod fo Inunch our now cnro
confor In n woIIknown nron of
KnrnchI, nIIowIng us fo confInuo
doIIvorIng fho hIghosf qunIIfy of
roducfs nnd sorvIcos fo fho ros
Idonfs of Inhndurnbnd. WIfh
fhIs In mInd, wo nro cIosor fo our
nIm of confInuousIy rovIdIng
fho bosf sorvIcos fo our vnIunbIo
CEO wi-tribe Pakistan Mustafa Peracha post photo with sales team at the inauguration
ceremony of its new customer care centre in Bahadurabad, Karachi.
Fr ee down| oad | | are. pk
Nat|ona| Synops|s
KnrnchI okIn nnnouncod fho
wInnors of Ifs MnkoMyA como
fIfIon 20ll durIng fho ISHA ICT
Awnrds ovonf hoId roconfIy In
KnrnchI. Tho comofIfIon wInnors
In onch cnfogory rocoIvod fho rIzo
monoy of !s 400,000 In cnsh whIIo n
socInI wInnor bnggod fho rIzo
monoy of !s l00,000 nIong wIfh n
okIn I? for n fruIy InnovnfIvo n.
Tho four cnfogorIos for whIch nII
cnfIons couId bo submIffod woro In
forfnInmonf/ Iun & Cnmos, IusI
noss IroducfIvIfy, InsIor !IvIng nnd
ThInk Croon.
WInnors In onch cnfogory woro
Mr. InIsnI IqbnI of OrIson for HIgh
wny !ncor n, Mr. InshIr Ahmod
for MobIIo Inorgy Snvor n, Mr.
Mohd. IIInI JunnId for SMS Snm
Inforcofor n nnd Mr. Azfnr SnbIh
of !nkson IusInoss SoIufIons for
Snvo IInnof n whIIo Mr. !mnIr
Choomn wns rocognIzod ns n socInI
wInnor for hIs n Chnndn Mnmoon.
Tho wInnors woro fInnIIzod by n
nnoI of judgos comrIsIng of Ms.
Johnn Arn, IrosIdonf ISHA, Mr.
Inrhnn ChnwIn, TochnoIogy IIog
gor & InfhusInsf, Mr. ZIn Imrnn,
MnnngIng Irocfor of InkIsfnn Soff
wnro Ixorf Ionrd ISII nnd Ms.
!nbIn CnrIb, IdIforInChIof, CIO
CommonfIng on fho MnkoMyA
comofIfIon 20ll In InkIsfnn,
Hnsoob IhfIshnm, Hond of Mnrkof
Ing, okIn InkIsfnn snId, On bo
hnIf of okIn InkIsfnn fonm, I
wouId IIko fo oxross my honrfIosf
foIIcIfnfIons fo fho wInnors of okIn
MnkoMyA ComofIfIon 20ll. Wo
nro ovorwhoImod by fho onorgofIc
rosonso fhnf wo rocoIvod from Ink
IsfnnI dovoIoors for fhIs comofI
fIon. WIfh fhoIr hIghIy usnbIo nnd
rncfIcnI ns, InkIsfnnI ovoIo
ors nro mnkIng wnvos nof onIy In
InkIsfnn buf nII ovor fho worId.
Thnnks fo fhoIr orsIsfonf offorfs,
ovory ofhor dny soos n now bundIo of
InkIsfnnI ns nddod fo fho okIn
Sforo rondorIng If fho mosf ouInr
mobIIo n sforo In InkIsfnn fodny
nnd fhoro`s sfIII so much moro room
for growfh.
TnIkIng nbouf fho comofIfIon,
Johnn Arn, IrosIdonf ISHA snId,
If Is nn honour for us fo hnvo Iny
ors IIko okIn In fho Indusfry who
nro InyIng n crIfIcnI roIo In fur
fhorIng nof onIy fhoIr busInoss buf
nro nIso fuoIIIng fho growfh of Inno
vnfIon In fho counfry.
okIn's MnkoMyA comofI
fIon gnvo nn oxcIfIng oorfunIfy fo
soffwnro dovoIoors In InkIsfnn fo
submIf fhoIr bosf work nnd comofo
for n chnnco fo wIn gronf rIzos. Tho
wInnIng ns wIII bo mndo nvnII
nbIo In okIn Sforo for ovoryono fo
downIond nnd onjoy. ISHA bocomo
n koy nrfnor for fhIs comofIfIon
nnd Inyod nn Imorfnnf roIo In
srondIng fho word fo fho Indusfry,
frooInncors nnd Cnmusos.
Infry submIssIons cIosod on 6fh
Augusf 20ll nnd nII oIIgIbIo onfrIos
rocoIvod woro judgod by fho Indus
fry oxorfs. CrIforIn for choosIng fho
wInnor IncIudod qunIIfy nnd func
fIonnIIfy usnbIIIfy nnd cronfIvIfy
unIquonoss, novoIfy vnIuo nnd In
novnfIvonoss commorcInI vInbIIIfy
nnd mnrkof ofonfInI In InkIsfnn
ns woII ns okIn Infform comnfI
IsInmnbnd InkIsfnn ToIocom
munIcnfIon Comnny !ImIfod
ITC! wIII rovIdo counfry wIdo
connocfIvIfy sorvIcos fo fncIIIfnfo
nfIonnI SnvIngs OrgnnIznfIon
SO In frnnsformIng Info nn nufo
mnfod nnd dynnmIc corornfIon.
Tho SO hns InIfInIIy nwnrdod
fho rojocf fo ITC! fo osfnbIIsh rI
vnfo, socuro, nnd offIcIonf wIdo nron
connocfIvIfy Infrnnof of l32
brnnchos ncross fho InkIsfnn.
ITC! wIII osfnbIIsh connocfIvIfy
ovor Ifs socuro nnd offIcIonf Infornof
IrofocoI II /MuIfIIrofocoI !nboI
SwIfchIng MI!S Infrnsfrucfuro fo
fncIIIfnfo SO In ndofIng now foch
noIogIos nnd workIng nronch. A
fnIIovor soIufIon Is dovIsod for SO
whoro onch brnnch shnII bo rovIdod
wIfh bofh rImnry nnd bncku IInks.
Iy nvnIIIng ITC!`s sfnfoof fho
nrf fochnoIogIos SO wIII bo nbIo fo
rovIdo boffor sorvIcos fo Ifs In
vosfors by oxfondIng fho oufronch
fo moro counfrymon In Innd nnd
nbrond, In
f r o d u c I n g
now Invosf
monf roducfs nnd ndvnncod work
Ing fncIIIfIos. Iurfhormoro, onsur
Ing busInoss confInuIfy wouId rosuIf
In buIIdIng u sfrongor roInfIon
shIs wIfh cusfomors.
ITC! hns nIso nIIocnfod Ifs foch
noIogIcnI rosourcos nnd oxorfIso fo
SO fo sfronmIIno Ifs rocossos fhnf
wouId, In furn, Incronso roducfIvIfy
of onch omIoyoo. If wIII nIso mnko
wIdornngIng Imrovomonfs nnd
bonofIfs In nrons such ns cusfomor
oxorIonco nnd rofonfIon, cosf ro
ducfIon, Imrovo offIcIoncy, nnd on
suro comIInnco.
Iurqnn QuroshI, ITC!`s SIVI,
Corornfo SorvIcos, whIIo oInbornf
Ing fho uso nnd bonofIfs of modorn
foIocom fochnoIogIos monfIonod fhnf
ITC! wns doformInod fo nssIsf ub
IIc nnd rIvnfo socfors In romofIng
good govornnnco by rovIdIng Infosf
fochnoIogIos, n wIdo rnngo of rod
ucf orffoIIo, nnd cusfomIzod sorv
Icos fhnf woro crIfIcnI for fho ubIIc,
corornfo nnd socInI socfor orgnnI
znfIons In InkIsfnn fo moof fufuro
chnIIongos nnd sorvo fhoIr cus
fomors In fho bosf wny ossIbIo.
okIn nnnouncos wInnors of MnkoMyA ComofIfIon 20ll
IsInmnbnd !fono, ono of fho
IondIng foIocom comnnIos In fho
counfry, roconfIy Inunchod n ho
nomonnI offor for fho rosIdonfs of
KnrnchI. !fono hns boon fho mnr
kof Iondor In InfroducIng unIquo
offors wIfh fho Iowosf rIcod cnIIIng
rnfos whIch commIf fo fho noods of
Ifs vnIuod cusfomors.
IonsfIng vnrIous nckngos fhnf
offor unIquo dIscounfs nnd hnvo
boon fnIIorod fo moof socIfIc noods
of fho cusfomors, onco ngnIn !fono
hns mnnngod fo doIIghf Ifs cus
fomors by InfroducIng fho KnrnchI
Offor. To subscrIbo fo fho offor
usors jusf nood fo dInI *28# nnd
fho Offor wIII bo ncfIvnfod froo of
!fono hns commIffod fo rovIdo
fho bosf sorvIcos fo Ifs cusfomors,
kooIng fhnf gonI In mInd fho
KnrnchI offor sfnnds ouf ns bounfy
for fho rosIdonfs of InkIsfnn`s
Inrgosf cIfy ns now fhoy cnn onjoy
mnkIng froo !fono fo !fono cnIIs
nII dny nnd nIghf! WIfh fhIs offor
fho cusfomors In KnrnchI cnn dInI
nny !fono numbor fo nny Inco In
InkIsfnn from l2 nm fo 8 m fho
noxf dny nnd onjoy comIofoIy froo
cnIIs. ThIs wny fhoy cnn nvnII u fo
20 hours of froo fnIk fImo. ThIs of
for Is vnIId for n IImIfod fImo orIod
!fono offors vnrIous nckngos
fhnf gIvo sfIff comofIfIon fo Ifs
comofIfors In fho Indusfry. ThIs
rnco hns Iod fo roducfIon of rIcos
fo n bnro mInImum IovoI. To fur
fhor rovIdo unmnfchod vnIuo fo
!fono`s cusfomors nnd nf n fImo
whon fho cosfs of bnro nocossIfIos
nro rIsIng by fho dny, !fono hns
yof ngnIn Ioworod Ifs cnII rnfos nnd
Infroducod fhIs fromondous offor
fo onsuro fhnf fho cusfomors gof
fhoIr vnIuo for monoy. nIIy
chnrgos for fho `KnrnchI offor` offor
nf !s. 4.5 + fnx nnd n l nIsn cnII
sof u foo wIII bo chnrgod or froo
cnII. In fho romnInIng hours, on
nof cnIIs wIII bo chnrgod nf n nom
InnI cnIIIng rnfo of !s. l.2 + fnx or
mInufo. Off nof cnIIs nII dny wIII bo
chnrgod nf !s. l.6+Tnx. SonkIng
nf fho Inunch Mr. Akbnr Khnn,
ChIof MnrkofIng OffIcor nf !fono,
snId fhnf fho nood fo undorsfnnd
fho oxocfnfIons of fho cusfomors
hns nIwnys boon fho fo mosf rI
orIfy nf !fono. IrIdgIng fho com
munIcnfIon gns nnd nddIng fo fho
doIIghfs of fho cusfomors hns or
sIsfonfIy boon fho nronch fhnf
!fono hns buIIf Ifs nckngos uon.
ImhnsIzIng on fho offor ho snId If
wns !fono`s commIfmonf nnd
romIso fo Ifs vnIuod cusfomors
fhnf If wIII sfrIvo fo rovIdo fho
bosf sorvIcos nnd fho mosf ockof
frIondIy nckngos.
ITC! fo offor II/ MI!S sorvIcos fo SO
!fono bronks ground wIfh fho honomonnI 'KnrnchI Offor`
(R-L) Mr. Haseeb htisham, Head of Marketing Nokia, presents a cheque of Rs 400, 000 to Mr Azhar Sabih
of Lakson Business Solutions- winner of Nokia MakeMyApp competition for Save Planet app at the P@SHA
CT Awards where Nokia winners were announced, Rabia Azfar Business Development Manager EDX,
Nokia and Ms. Jehan Ara, President P@SHA also present on the occasion.
Indian actress ShiIpa Shetty promotes the new
website Iaunch of reaI estate "GroupHomeBuy-
ers.Com" internet site for home buyers.
A promotionaI modeI shows a game by Japanese
mobiIe sociaI gaming company Gree on a mobiIe
phone at the Tokyo Game Show in Chiba.
Japanese actress Emi Takei dispIays
NEC's new tabIet PC and wireIess key-
board "LaVie Touch" in Tokyo.
ModeIs dispIay new GaIaxy smartphones compatibIe with Iong-
term evoIution (LTE) technoIogy at its main buiIding in SeouI.
A IocaI sociaI network group caIIing themseIves
"Medvedev girIs" dispIay gifts for Russian President.
Jennifer Bienaime uses her iPhone to take a picture of an appIe as she pays homage to Steve Jobs
at a makeshift memoriaI on the sidewaIk outside the home of Jobs on October 7 in PaIo AIto, CA.
Sarah Ledcu (L) and Zoe Lamazou (R) of France24 pose with
their trophy after winning the first prize in a new category, for
web-based journaIism in Bayeux, France.
Fr ee down| oad | | are. pk Mosa|c lnternat|ona|
Fr ee down| oad | | ar e. pk
Synops|s lnternat|ona|

JoInf vonfuro okIn SIomons

ofworks snId If wns roIncIng
bonrd chnIrmnn OIIIIokkn
KnIInsvuo, fho formor okIn chIof
who wns ousfod n yonr ngo, wIfh nn
oxocufIvo from nnIsh foIocoms
grou TC.
"okIn nnd SIomons nnnouncod
fho noInfmonf of Josor Ovoson
ns IxocufIvo ChnIrmnn of fho Ionrd
of okIn SIomons ofworks, fho
comnnIos snId In n joInf sfnfomonf.
KnIInsvuo wns ousfod ns okIn
chIof oxocufIvo In Sofombor 20l0
nffor runnIng fho comnny sInco
2006, bInmod for n docIIno In Inno
vnfIon nnd comofIfIvonoss fhnf Ioff
fho formor undIsufod gInnf vuInor
nbIo fo Ifs mnrkof rIvnIs.
Whon Sfohon IIo fook ovor
okIn, KnIInsvuo sfood down from
okIn's bonrd buf rofnInod fho non
oxocufIvo chnIrmnnshI of okIn
SIomons ofworks S, n foIo
coms oquImonf joInf vonfuro.
AccordIng fo S, KnIInsvuo
choso fo Ionvo fho bonrd bocnuso ho
couId nof do fho job fuIIfImo.
"Wo wouId bofh IIko fo oxfond our
sIncoro fhnnks fo OIIIIokkn for hIs
confrIbufIon nnd dodIcnfIon fo okIn
SIomons ofworks," snId IIo nnd
SIomons chIof fInnncInI offIcor Joo
Knosor In fho sfnfomonf.
ChInn's onIIno ouInfIon fho
Inrgosf In fho worId hns food
hnIf n bIIIIon, fho sfnfo XInhun nows
ngoncy roorfod, cIfIng n sonIor offI
Wnng Chon, chIof of fho Informn
fIon offIco of ChInn's Sfnfo CouncII,
or cnbInof, snId moro fhnn l5 mIIIIon
ooIo hnd gono onIIno sInco fho Insf
offIcInI fIguros woro roIonsod In JuIy.
Tho growIng sfrongfh nnd InfIu
onco of fho wob ouInfIon hns fu
oIIod concorn In IoIjIng nbouf fho
Infornof's ofonfInI ns n fooI for gon
ornfIng socInI unrosf, nnd nufhorI
fIos hnvo sfood u survoIIInnco In
roconf yonrs.
Tho govornmonf bIocks wob con
fonf fhnf If dooms oIIfIcnIIy sonsI
fIvo In n vnsf sysfom dubbod fho
"Cronf IIrownII of ChInn".
Iuf If hns sfruggIod fo confroI
fho IncronsIngIy ouInr woIbos, or
mIcrobIogs sIfos sImIInr fo TwIffor
fhnf rovIdo n now nvonuo for mnss
oxrossIon In n fIghfIy confroIIod In
formnfIon Inndscno.
SonkIng nf nn Indusfry round
fnbIo, Wnng snId ChInn now hnd
moro 300 mIIIIon mIcrobIoggors,
whIIo fho numbor of rurnI rurnI In
fornof usors hnd ronchod l30 mII
Hungnry snys If wIII dofond Ifs
20l0 docIsIon fo Imoso socInI
fnxos on foIocommunIcnfIons fIrms
dosIfo n wnrnIng from fho Iuro
onn !nIon fhnf If couId fnko fho
counfry fo courf If fho IovIos nro
Tho sokosmnn for IrImo MInIs
for VIkfor Orbnn, Iofor SzIjjnrfo,
snId Thursdny fho govornmonf "soos
no ronson fo chnngo" fho fnxos, fo bo
nId unfII nf Ionsf 20l2. Thoy nIso
IncIudo fho onorgy, rofnII nnd bnnk
Ing socfors, buf fho I! docIsIon dId
nof nIy fo fhoso nrons.
Tho socInI fnx cosf Mngynr
ToIokom, fho counfry's Inrgosf foIo
coms oornfor, 2? bIIIIon forInfs
ouro92.5 mIIIIon, $l26 mIIIIon Insf
yonr. Tho Iuroonn CommIssIon
snId fhnf If Hungnry fnIIs fo nboIIsh
fho fnx, If couId rofor fho counfry fo
fho I!'s Courf of JusfIco.
S roIncos
oxocufIvo bonrd
ChInn wob usors
fo 500 mIIIIon
Infornof socurIfy fIrm AVC bo
IIovos fhnf smnII busInoss socurIfy Is
nbouf doIIvorIng moro nnd domnnd
Ing Ioss. Thnf's fho koy Idon bohInd
Ifs Infosf smnII busInoss socurIfy
soffwnro soIufIon AVC IusInoss
IdIfIon 20l2.
"Ono fhIng wo'vo dono n Iof of
ovor fho nsf yonr Is rosonrch nnd
InsIghf Info undorsfnndIng fho nIn
oInfs SMIs nro fncIng fhoso dnys,"
snId !oborf Corby, gIobnI hond of
busInoss mnrkofIng nf AVC.
Corby oxInInod fhnf cusfomors
foId AVC fhnf fhoy woro hny wIfh
fho roducf nnd wnnfod fho fIrm fo
confInuo ImrovIng If, buf wIfh n
Insor focus on kooIng If ouf of fho
wny of busInoss. Thoy wnnfod on
hnncod sood of dofocfIon, rofoc
fIon nnd downIondIng, buf fhoy nIso
wnnfod fo mInImIzo InforrufIons
nnd fho domnnds on usors, ndmIn
Isfrnfors, fho rocossIng owor of
ICs nnd sorvors, nnd osocInIIy fho
ovornII budgof.
"Thnf's whoro wo nbsoIufoIy fo
cusod," ho snId. "IooIo jusf wnnf
fo gof on nnd run fhoIr busInoss.
Thoy don'f wnnf fo mnnngo IT socu
Corby snId fho now vorsIon of
AVC's smnII busInoss socurIfy soff
wnro Is fnsfor, IIghfor nnd onsIor fo
uso. Ior Insfnnco, ho snId, oxIsfIng
cusfomors who ugrndo fo 20l2 wIII
soo n 20 orconf roducfIon In down
Iond sIzo nnd n 50 orconf snvIngs
on fuIIdIsk scnn fImo.
"IxIsfIng cusfomors nro goIng fo
nofIco fho dIfforonco In dnyfodny
orformnnco," Corby snId.
Thnf's ossIbIo, ho oxInInod, bo
cnuso AVC IusInoss IdIfIon Is nof n
sfrIoddown vorsIon of onforrIso
socurIfy. Insfond, If wns cronfod
socIfIcnIIy for fho smnII nnd
modIum busInoss mnrkof.
"AVC IusInoss IdIfIon 20l2
nIms fo bo fho sImIosf, mosf fnI
Iorod socurIfy ofIon for SMIs nvnII
nbIo," ho snId. "Ior busInossos Iook
Ing for rofocfIon wIfhouf ImodIng
orformnnco, AVC Is fho mosf com
oIIIng soIufIon on fho mnrkof. Thnf
snId, cusfomors cnn ossonfInIIy sof
nnd forgof wIfh onco of mInd fhnf
wo wIII fnko cnro of fho rosf whIIo
fhoy Inforncf In fho connocfod
CoogIo snId If wIII buIId fhroo
dnfn confros In AsIn nf n cosf of moro
fhnn $200 mIIIIon, ns fho numbor of
Infornof usors In fho rogIon sonrs
nIong wIfh sfIff comofIfIon from rI
CoogIo Inns fo buIId fho now
confros In SIngnoro, TnIwnn nnd
Hong Kong on n fofnI of 22.6
hocfnros 56 ncros of Innd, fho fIrm
snId. If curronfIy owns nnd oornfos
dnfn confros In fho !S nnd Iuroo,
buf nono In AsIn.
Tho confros usunIIy houso com
ufor nnd foIocom sysfoms wIfh hIgh
socurIfy nnd bncku owor suIIos
nnd wIII Imrovo fho fIrm's sorvIco fo
cusfomors In fho rogIon, If snId.
"Tho numbor of usors nnd fho
nmounf of Infornof uso In AsIn Is
growIng fnsfor fhnn nnywhoro oIso
In fho worId," Tnj Mondows, CoogIo's
AsInIncIfIc oIIcy communIcnfIons
"A Inrgo numbor of usors nro com
Ing onIIno ovory dny."
Tho sonrch ongIno gInnf hns
fncod sfIff comofIfIon In AsIn, nr
fIcuInrIy In fho ChInn mnrkof whoro
domosfIc sonrch sorvIcos, IncIudIng
InIdu, nro housohoId nnmos fo n 485
mIIIIonsfrong Infornof ouInfIon
fho worId's Inrgosf.
A sfudy roIonsod by fho Icono
mIsf InfoIIIgonco !nIf snId AsInn
oconomIos nro cIosIng fho gn on fho
Wosf In forms of fhoIr IT comofI
fIvonoss, ns fhoy sfrongfhon coy
rIghf rofocfIon nnd ImIomonf rog
uInfory roforms.
Tho sfudy snId fho !S rofnInod
Ifs osIfIon ns fho worId's mosf com
ofIfIvo IT Indusfry, buf sovon AsInn
oconomIos mndo If fo fho fo 20, In
cIudIng SIngnoro, whIch rnnkod
fhIrd ovornII, ns woII ns AusfrnIIn,
TnIwnn nnd Jnnn.
okIn, fho worId's Inrgosf coII
hono vondor by voIumo, Is cuffIng
3,500 jobs In Ifs socond mnjor ro
sfrucfurIng In sIx monfhs ns If sfrug
gIos wIfh fnIIIng snIos nnd rofIfs.
ChIof IxocufIvo Sfohon IIo,
who fook chnrgo nf okIn n yonr ngo,
unvoIIod fho Inn whIch IncIudos n
fncfory cIosuro nnd n now oxocufIvo
chnIrmnn for foIocom gonr joInf von
furo okIn SIomons ofworks.
Tho comnny snId If wouId cIoso
fho CIuj Innf In !omnnIn whIch
oonod jusf four yonrs ngo nnd mnn
ufncfurod moro sImIo coIIhono
modoIs, IondIng fo 2,200 job Iossos.
"Jusf ns I rocoIvod wIfh snfIsfnc
fIon fho nows of okIn InvosfIng In
!omnnIn ... wo musf nccof fhnf
such fyo of Invosfmonf cnrrIos fho
rIsk fhnf wo'vo soon fodny," !omnn
Inn IrosIdonf TrnInn Insoscu foId
Tho Innf's furnovor wns comn
rnbIo fo l.3 orconf of !omnnIn's
CI Insf yonr, buf onsforn Iuro
onn Invosfmonf grou Avnron snId
duo fo Inrgo comononf fIows fho
vnIuo cronfod nf fho Innf wns onIy
nround 0.25 orconf of CI.
okIn snId n furfhor l,300 jobs
wouId bo cuf nf Ifs !ocnfIon & Com
morco busInoss unIf, whIch IncIudos
fho worId's Inrgosf dIgIfnI mnIng
busInoss nvfoq.
okIn snId If wns nIso ovnIunfIng
fho fufuro of Ifs Innfs In IInInnd,
MoxIco nnd Hungnry nnd fhIs wouId
rosuIf In job cufs noxf yonr.
"okIn Is n rnfhor bIonfod com
nny nnd If undoubfodIy noods fo
confInuo fo mnko fough docIsIons fo
sfronmIIno Ifs busInoss fo mnko If
moro ngIIo nnd nbIo fo roncf fo n rn
IdIy chnngIng mnrkof," snId nnnIysf
TIm Shohord nf rosonrch fIrm
Tho Infosf rodundnncIos como on
fo of cosf cuf Inns sof ouf In ArII,
whIch IncIudod InyIng off 4,000 sfnff.
Thursdny's cufs nro IncIudod In
okIn's snvIngs fnrgof of moro fhnn
l bIIIIon ouros, whIch wns unvoIIod
In JuIy.
AVC unvoIIs udnfod smnII busInoss socurIfy suIfo
dofonds socInI
foIocom fnx
CoogIo fo buIId 3 dnfn confros In AsIn
okIn fo cuf 3,500 jobs, cIoso
!omnnIn Innf
Fr ee down| oad | | ar e. pk
Synops|s lnternat|ona|

A fonm of TnIwnnoso rosonrchors

hnvo dovoIood nn "InvIsIbIo koy"
fochnoIogy whIch nIIows usors fo un
Iock fhoIr doors by monns of sImIo
hnnd gosfuros, fho hond of fho fonm
snId. "In fho fufuro, you won'f hnvo
fo worry nbouf IosIng or forgoffIng
your koys," snId TsnI YnoIn, who
fonchos nf fho TochnoIogy nnd
ScIonco InsfIfufo of orfhorn TnI
Af fho honrf of fho fochnoIogy do
voIood by hIs fonm Is n chI fhnf
cnn dofocf movomonf In fhroo dI
monsIons, ns usod In Infondo's WII
vIdoo gnmo consoIo, ho snId.
Tho fochnoIogy nIIows usors fo
onsIIy unIock fhoIr doors by roonf
Ing n gosfuro rosof In fho sonsor, nc
cordIng fo TsnI.
Tho "InvIsIbIo koy" won hIm n
goId modnI nf fho fourdny TnIoI In
fornnfIonnI InvonfIon Show nnd
Tho fIrsf cnrs fo bo fuIIy oworod
by oIocfrIcIfy woro roIonsod by mnny
of fho mnjor nufo mnkors. Tho now
fuIIy oIocfrIcnI vohIcIos, fho Chovy
VoIf nnd Issnn !onf, hnvo no drIvor
frnIn nnd no ongIno. Thoy nro Iond
Ing fho wny for fho now groon rovo
IufIon In fho nufo Indusfry.
Tho now oIocfrIc vohIcIos wIII nof
bo roducod In buIk nf fho momonf,
nnd consumors wIII nood fo mnko
rosorvnfIons In ndvnnco In ordor fo
gof fho Issnn !onf. Around hnIf n
dozon Chovy VoIfs wIII bo nvnIInbIo
In JncksonvIIIo by fho ond of fho
yonr. JncksonvIIIo Is ono of fho fIrsf
Incos In fho !nIfod Sfnfos fo sfnrf
dIsfrIbufIng fho oIocfrIc vohIcIos.
Tho oIocfrIc vohIcIos do nof nood
fo bo rofuoIod nf gns sfnfIons, nnd
fhoIr nmonIfIos nro nII oworod by
groon, onvIronmonfnIIy frIondIy
mofhods, such ns soInroworod rn
dIos nnd bnfforIos whIch rochnrgo
fhomsoIvos whon fho drIvor sfos on
fho brnkos.
ScIonfIsfs Invonf
InvIsIbIo koy
IIocfrIc cnrs
nvnIInbIo fo gonornI
Adobo Inunchos ns for IInd,
AndroId fnbIofs
ToIofonIcn, IMW fosf !TI In cnrs
IT! WorId 20ll unvoIIs Sfnr
Sfuddod nrfIcInnf IIsf
SoffIng fho dIfforonco bofwoon
fho Wnvo nnd fho Wnvo II Is nof nn
onsy fnsk. Tho Wnvo II Is honvIor
l35g fhnn Ifs rodocossor nnd
nbouf ono mIIIImofro fhIckor. Ifs dIs
Iny Is now Inrgor nf 3.? Inchos ns
comnrod fo fho 3.3 Inch of fho orIg
InnI vorsIon. A Suor CIonr !C
sorfIng n rosoIufIon
of 480x800 roIncos fho Wnvo`s
AMO!I dIsIny. ow CorIIIn
CInss Is nIso rosonf.
Tho Wnvo II Is by fnr n modIn
frIondIy hnndsof. Thoro`s n buIIfIn
musIc rocognIfIon nnd fho IM rndIo
nIIcnfIon fnkos nbouf l3 soconds
fo fInd nnd sforo sIx of fho nIno
nvnIInbIo rndIo sfnfIons. Courfosy
fho dIsIny`s vIvId coIours, fho bInck
IovoIs In vIdoos nro suorb. Tho
Wnvo II suorfs ?20 vIdoo fIIos In
MOV nnd MKV formnfs, nnd of
courso, IvX nnd XvI fIIo Inybnck
Is nIso suorfod. WIfh WIII, fho
Wnvo II suorfs wIroIoss fofhorIng.
Ofhor connocfIvIfy ofIons IncIudo
3C, ICI, IIuofoofh v3.0 wIfh
A2I nnd !SI 2.0.
okIn wIII unvoII Ifs fIrsf WIn
dowsbnsod smnrfhonos fhIs qunr
for, nrguIng fhnf fhoro Is room for nn
nIfornnfIvo fo fho roducfs of bIg
hIffors AIo AAI!.O nnd CoogIo
COOC.O on fho snmo dny fhnf A
Io ronrod fo Inunch Ifs Infosf
IIhono. "Our boIIof Is fhnf fhoro Is n
cIonr oorfunIfy for nn nIfornnfIvo
ocosysfom," chIof oxocufIvo Sfohon
IIo foId n fochnoIogy fnIr In
okIn wns oxocfod fo Inunch ono
hnndsof Info Ocfobor nf Ifs nnnunI
okIn WorId frndo show In !ondon
buf In n sIgnnI fhnf moro mny bo
forfh comIng, IIo fnIkod of Infro
ducIng "roducfs" In fho curronf
Tho worId's Inrgosf hono mnkor
by voIumo, Ioff In fho dusf by AIo
nnd CoogIo, nnnouncod n hIghrIsk
now sfrnfogy nf fho sfnrf of fho yonr
fo dIfch Ifs homogrown SymbInn
soffwnro for n donI wIfh MIcrosoff.
Snmsung Wnvo II n modIn
snvvy hnndsof
okIn fo unvoII
WIndows honos
fhIs qunrfor
Soffwnro gInnf MIcrosoff hns
ovorhnuIod HofmnII In nn udnfo
fhnf "docInros wnr on grnymnII". MI
crosoff dofInos 'grnymnII' ns omnII
fhnf Is roorfod ns snm buf Is ncfu
nIIy IogIfImnfo confonf, such ns
nowsIoffors or nofIfIcnfIons fhnf
usors hnvo sIgnod u fo rocoIvo.
CrnymnII nnronfIy nccounfs for
?5 or conf of fho omnIIs fhnf usors
roorfod ns boIng snm. MIcrosoff
snId In Ifs bIog, "Whnf ronIIy chnr
ncforIzos grnymnII Is fhnf fho snmo
mossngo fhnf ono orson fhInks Is 's
nm' couId bo ronIIy Imorfnnf fo
nnofhor orson. If's nof bInck nnd
whIfo, honco fho nnmo."
"Wo'ro oxcIfod fo nnnounco fIvo
oworfuI fooIs fo hoI you fnko con
froI of your Inbox, gof rId of grny
mnII, nnd koo frnck of fho omnII
fhnf's Imorfnnf fo you."
Conovn InfornnfIonnI
ToIocommunIcnfIon !nIon Issuod nn
ncfIonnckod ngondn focusIng on
fho mnjor gIobnI Issuos roshnIng
fho InformnfIon nnd communIcnfIon
fochnoIogy ICT Inndscno, IT!
ToIocom WorId 20ll wIII brIng
fogofhor Honds of Sfnfo nnd
Covornmonf, ICT mInIsfors nnd
roguInfors, gIobnI busInoss Iondors
nnd somo of fho Indusfry's brIghfosf
young Innovnfors for n dynnmIc
sorIos of dobnfos Iod by somo of fho
Indusfry's bIggosf nnmos.
oIognfos nnd modIn wIII hnvo
fho chnnco fo honr from CIOs nnd
Iondors of gIobnI fochnoIogy nnd
foIocoms comnnIos from nround
fho worId IncIudIng AIcnfoI !uconf,
AT&T, ChInn MobIIo, u, IrIcsson,
IfIsnInf, IujIfsu, HunwoI, InfoI,
KI, MIcrosoff, TT CorornfIon,
TT oCoMo, QToI, SwIsscom,
ToIkom SA, Turk ToIokom, VorIzon
nnd ZTI.
Infornof Ionoor !oborf I. Knhn
wIII joIn Wob 2.0 Innovnfors such ns
JuIInnn !ofIch, CIO of !shnhIdI, nn
oon sourco rojocf whIch nIIows
usors fo crowdsourco crIsIs
InformnfIon vIn mobIIo dovIcos, In
sossIons such ns fho owor of socInI
modIn nnd fho Infornof of fho
fufuro. IrocforConornI of WIIO,
IrnncIs Curry, wIII Iond nnofhor
sfImuInfIng dobnfo on fho ovoIufIon
of frnmoworks for InfoIIocfunI
roorfy nnd convorgonco of onIIno
Tho now IIhono 4S, wIII bo nvnII
nbIo for snIo In fho MIddIo Insf soon
nccordIng fo sourcos In fho groy mnr
AIo Inunchod Ifs Infosf modoI
In fho !S wIfh nn nII now A5 rocos
sor fo fho oxIsfIng IIhono 4.
WnIf for jusf fwo moro wooks
nnd wo wIII hnvo sfocks by fhon,
snId n mnnngor nf n frndIng com
nny In Moonn Inznnr. Howovor, ho
dId nof sny how much fho now
honos fhnf wIII bo shIod from fho
!S wIII bo soId In fho IocnI mnrkof
MonnwhIIo, n cnII confro oxocu
fIvo nf fho AIo Sforo foId fhnf no
dnfos hnvo boon fIxod for fho !AI
Inunch of fho now hono. If wIII bo
nvnIInbIo In 22 counfrIos ncross Iu
roo by fho ond of Ocfobor. Iuf wo
sfIII do nof hnvo nny InformnfIon
nbouf fho !AI Inunch, ho snId.
Invosfors nnd fnns, IookIng fo bo
bIown nwny by somo nmnzIng sur
rIso, sonf fho shnros down ns much
ns 4 or conf. IxocfnfIons woro
hIgh nf fhIs crIfIcnI juncfuro whon
AndroId honos by Snmsung IIoc
fronIcs nnd ofhor rIvnIs nro cIosIng
In on AIo's Iond.
ow York IoffIng bIg on fho rIs
Ing ouInrIfy of fnbIof ICs gIob
nIIy, IT fIrm Adobo Sysfoms hns nn
nouncod fho Inunch of sIx now
nIIcnfIons for IInd nnd AndroId
fnbIofs, IncIudIng ns for cronfIvo
fnsks such ns hofo odIfIng nnd wob
ngo dosIgn.
Tho ns dubbod Adobo Touch
As dosIgnod for AndroId fnbIofs
nnd fho AIo IInd woro unvoIIod nf
fho MAX 20ll fochnoIogy confor
onco In !os AngoIos.
Tho ns nddross muIfIIo nrons
of fho cronfIvo rocoss Imngo odIf
Ing, IdonfIon, skofchIng, mood
bonrds, wobsIfo nnd mobIIo n ro
fofyIng nnd rosonfnfIon of fIn
Ishod work Adobo snId In n sfnfo
Adobo Touch As nro dosIgnod
fo bo shnrod nnd vIowod ncross do
vIcos or frnnsforrod fo Adobo's Cro
nfIvo SuIfo IC soffwnro for nddI
fIonnI nIfornfIon. If wIII nIso bo
sfyIusfrIondIy for fnbIof usors fhnf
wIII nof bo usIng n fIngorfouch
scroon dovIco.
ToIofonIcn Cormnny nnd IMW
wIII bo showIng how fho now !TI
mobIIo communIcnfIon fochnoIogy
works In cnrs. If onnbIos hIghsood
Infornof, IncIudIng vIdoo sfronmIng
nnd musIc, ovon whIIo drIvIng on
fho rond. Tho socInIIsfs nf IMW
Crou !osonrch nnd TochnoIogy
hnvo boon conducfIng IIvo fosfs fo
ovnIunfo !TI In vohIcIos.
Thoy hnvo nIso boon dovoIoIng
nIIcnfIons such ns nufomnfIc frnf
fIc sIgn rocognIfIon vIn n sorvor con
nocfIon. Thoso ncfIvIfIos nro mndo
ossIbIo In fho curronf rosonrch ro
fofyo fhrough !TI by ToIofonIcn
Cormnny. Ior ono yonr nIrondy, fho
IMW !osonrch nnd InnovnfIon
Confro IIZ hns boon rovIdod wIfh
fho brondbnnd fochnoIogy for fhoso
MIcrosoff rovnms
!nfosf IIhono fo
hIf groy mnrkof
Fr ee down| oad | | ar e. pk
Synops|s lnternat|ona|

HI noInfs now IrosIdonf nnd

ChIof IxocufIvo. Tho IT corornfIon
hns nnnouncod n roIncomonf for
!oo Aofhokor fho rovIous IrosI
donf, CIO nnd Irocfor.
Tho Ionrd of Irocfors hns n
oInfod Mog WhIfmnn ns IrosIdonf
nnd CIO of HI, whIIo !ny !nno hns
movod from nonoxocufIvo fo oxocu
fIvo ChnIrmnn.
!nno snys Wo nro forfunnfo fo
hnvo somoono of Mog WhIfmnn`s cnI
Ibro nnd oxorIonco sfo u fo Iond
HI. Wo nro nf n crIfIcnI momonf nnd
wo nood ronowod IondorshI fo suc
cossfuIIy ImIomonf our sfrnfogy
nnd fnko ndvnnfngo of fho mnrkof
oorfunIfIos nhond.
WhIfmnn hns boon n mombor of
HI`s Ionrd of Irocfors for fho nsf
oIghf monfhs nnd wIII now Iond fho
fIrm In Aofhokor`s Inco. ThIs Is fho
socond fo job fhnf Aofhokor hns
Ioff In fwo yonrs ho wns rovIousIy
ChIof IxocufIvo of SAI.
!nno confInuos Wo vory much
nrocInfo !oo`s offorfs nnd hIs sorv
Ico fo HI sInco hIs noInfmonf Insf
yonr. Tho bonrd boIIovos fhnf fho job
of fho HI CIO now roquIros nddI
fIonnI nffrIbufos fo succossfuIIy oxo
cufo on fho comnny`s sfrnfogy.
Irnnco fook In 936 mIIIIon ouros
$l.3 bIIIIon from fho nucfIon of fro
quoncIos fo buIId 4fhgonornfIon mo
bIIo foIohono nofworks, foIocom
munIcnfIons roguInfor Arco snId.
Irnnco's four nofwork oornfors
Ornngo, Iouyguos ToIocom, SI!
nnd Iroo fook fho l4 Iofs on offor In
fho 2.6 gIgnhorfz rnngo, whIch nro
rImnrIIy for uso In urbnn nrons.
IIds for fho 800 mognhorfz fro
quoncIos, moro ndnfod for uso In
rurnI rogIons buf cnrryIng n hIghor
mInumum rIco fng of l.8 bIIIIon ou
ros, cIoso on ocombor l5 wIfh II
consos fo bo nwnrdod In onrIy 20l2.
Curronf fhIrd gonornfIon mobIIo
nofworks offor soods of onIy sov
ornI mognbIfs.
HI noInfs
IIockbusfor hns Inunchod n vIdoo
sfronmIng sorvIco for Ish ofwork
snfoIIIfo subscrIbors. ubbod 'IIock
busfor MovIo Inss', fho subscrIfIon
sfronmIng movIo sorvIco bundIo wIII
bo nvnIInbIo on fho TV or IC. IIock
busfor MovIo Inss usors wIII hnvo
nccoss fo fho MnII If!, Sfronm If!,
IIny If!, Ixchnngo If!, nnd Wnfch If!
fonfuros. MnII If! offors ovor l00,000
V movIos, TV shows nnd gnmos
nvnIInbIo by mnII, wIfh no nddIfIonnI
chnrgo for H IIurny movIos. Ono,
fwo or fhroo dIsc Inns nro nvnIInbIo.
Sfronm If! onnbIos usors fo sfronm
moro fhnn 3,000 movIos fo fho TV,
nnd nonrIy 4,000 movIos fo fho IC,
ns woII ns wnfch ondomnnd TV
shows. IIny If! fonfuros ovor 3,000
vIdoo gnmos by mnII for XIox, XIox
360, IInysfnfIon 2, IInysfnfIon 3 nnd
Infondo WII. Ixchnngo If! offors un
IImIfod oxchnngos of Vs nnd
vIdoo gnmos nf nrfIcInfIng IIock
busfor sforos. IInnIIy, Wnfch If! In
cIudos ovor 20 romIum onforfnIn
monf movIo chnnnoIs from sfudIos
IIko MCM, IIx, Sony MovIo Chnn
noI, IIx!. Iofwoon l Ocfobor nnd 3l
Jnn 20l2, Ish Is offorIng now cus
fomors IIockbusfor MovIo Inss In
cIudod wIfh fho Ish ofwork sub
scrIfIon for ono yonr whon fhoy
subscrIbo fo Ish's AmorIcn's To
200 nckngo or gronfor nnd commIf
fo 24 monfhs of Ish sorvIco. Tho
IIockbusfor MovIo Inss sorvIco Is
nIso IncIudod for fhroo monfhs for
now Ish cusfomors who subscrIbo
fo AmorIcn's To l20 rogrnmmIng
nckngo. Affor fho romofIonnI o
rIod, IIockbusfor MovIo Inss wIII bo
nvnIInbIo for rIcos sfnrfIng nf !S
l0 or monfh. Accoss fo fho sub
scrIfIon sfronmIng movIo sorvIco ro
quIros n Ish ofwork H V!. Ior
nonIsh subscrIbors, fho comnny
wIII Inunch nn onIIno sfronmIng Inn
Infor fhIs yonr, IIockbusfor rosI
donf MIchnoI KoIIy snId In nn Infor
vIow wIfh !oufors.
TnIwnn's HTC unvoIIod n smnrf
hono cnIIod fho !hymo whIch fon
furos n bIInkIng "chnrm" fhnf nf
fnchos fo n bng fo Iof n usor know If
fhoy hnvo rocoIvod n cnII or n mos
Tho !hymo, whIch runs fho Inf
osf vorsIon of CoogIo's AndroId soff
wnro known ns CIngorbrond, wIII go
on snIo In Iuroo nnd AsIn In Ocfo
bor. TnIwnn's IondIng smnrfhono
mnkor sfrossod fho "sfyIo" nnd nc
cossorIos for fho IumcoIorod do
vIco nf n Inunch ovonf In Mnnhnf
"!Iko your gInssos, your wnIIof,
your boIf or fhnf socInI bng, fho
smnrfhono or fho hono oxrossos
who you nro ns nn IndIvIdunI," snId
HTC's vIco rosIdonf of dosIgn, Scoff
CroyIo. "You wnnf n hono fhnf's
hnndcrnffod wIfh sfyIo, you wnnf If
fo bo InfuIfIvo, you wnnf If fo bo Ioss
fhnn n dovIco nnd moro of n com
nnIon," CroyIo snId.
Tho !hymo comos wIfh n fofh
orod nccossory cnIIod n "chnrm" fhnf
bIInks whon n usor rocoIvos n mos
sngo or n cnII. "If's moro rosocffuI
fhnn n rIng nnd moro nofIconbIo
fhnn vIbrnfo," HTC snId.
CoogIo oonod Ifs smnrfhono
wnIIof fo fho ubIIc on roconfIy.
Shos fnkIng nrf In fho ro
grnm bognn IoffIng ooIo ny for
urchnsos wIfh fns of oxus S 4C
smnrfhonos from !S foIocom cnr
rIor SrInf.
"WIfh CoogIo WnIIof, you cnn
fn, ny nnd snvo usIng your hono
nnd nonr fIoId communIcnfIon
IC," snId Osnmn IodIor, vIco
rosIdonf of nymonfs nf fho Infor
nof gInnf.
CoogIo WnIIof usos nn IC chI
omboddod In n smnrfhono fo nIIow
n usor fo "fnnndny" for ur
chnsos nf n chockouf rogIsfor
oquIod wIfh fho InyInss sysfom
from CIfIMnsforCnrd.
WnIIof soffwnro Is boIng sonf fo
SrInf oxus S 4C honos In fho
form of nn nufomnfIc ovorfhonIr
"SImIy InsfnII fho n nnd fho
noxf fImo you sof ono of fho moro
fhnn 300,000 InyInss IocnfIons
nround fho gIobo, you'II bo rondy fo
go," cofoundor !ynn IIock
snId In n bIog osf nf fho Mnsfor
Cnrd wobsIfo.
"I'm ronIIy oxcIfod nbouf fnkIng
nnofhor sfo cIosor fo n fufuro
whoro usIng your orfnbIo dovIco fo
InsfnnfIy ny Is ns onsy, convonIonf,
nnd commonInco ns mnkIng n cnII
from nnywhoro In fho worId," IIock
CoogIo nnd SrInf nIong wIfh fI
nnncInI nrfnors CIfIbnnk nnd Mns
forCnrd bognn fosfIng WnIIof In
Mny. WnIIof InIfInIIy works wIfh fho
oxus S 4C smnrfhono from
SrInf nnd wIII ovonfunIIy bo ox
nndod fo moro AndroId honos.
VIsn, Iscovor nnd AmorIcnn Ix
ross mndo fhoIr rosocfIvo IC
socIfIcnfIons nvnIInbIo fo CoogIo on
Mondny so fhoIr nymonf cnrds
couId bo nddod fo fufuro vorsIons of
WnIIof, nccordIng fo IodIor.
"Our gonI Is fo mnko If ossIbIo
for you fo ndd nII of your nymonf
cnrds fo CoogIo WnIIof, so you cnn
sny goodbyo fo ovon fho bIggosf frn
dIfIonnI wnIIofs," IodIor snId.
Cusfomors cnn nIso uso n CoogIo
IronId cnrd fo ny for urchnsos,
foIng u fho CoogIo cnrd wIfh nny
nymonf cnrd, nnd fnko ndvnnfngo
of CoogIo Offors, fho MounfnIn
VIow, CnIIfornInbnsod comnny's
onIIno dIscounf couon rogrnm.
WnIIof wIII bo nccofod by moro
fhnn 300,000 morchnnfs nround fho
worId. IC fochnoIogy Is boIng
fosfod or usod In n numbor of coun
frIos nIrondy, nofnbIy Irnnco, buf
WnIIof wIII bo fho fIrsf fo brIng If fo
fho !nIfod Sfnfos on n ofonfInIIy
Inrgo scnIo.
SfohnnIo TIIonIus, CoogIo's vIco
rosIdonf for commorco nnd ny
monfs, hns doscrIbod CoogIo WnIIof
ns fho "noxf gonornfIon of mobIIo
CoogIo roconfIy boughf Cor
mnnybnsod IocnI bnrgnIns wobsIfo
nIIyonI nnd vonornbIo rosfnurnnf
rovIow guIdo Zngnf. WnIIof Is n Inf
form whoro onIIno shoIng or bnr
gnInhunfIng cnn morgo wIfh con
summnfIng ronIworId frnnsncfIons,
nccordIng fo IodIor.
"Wo nofIco n frond whoro ooIo
IncronsIngIy sfnrf shoIng oxorI
oncos onIIno," IodIor foId . "Wo
wnnf fo fIo If Info somofhIng wo nor
mnIIy do fho nymonf rocoss
wIfh mngIcnI oxorIoncos fhnf snvo
you fImo nnd monoy," ho confInuod.
CoogIo wIII focus on rnmIng u
WnIIof In Snn IrnncIsco nnd ow
York CIfy wIfh foodbnck usod fo ro
fIno nnd oxnnd fho sorvIco.
"!IfImnfoIy, If bocomos ovory
fhIng you hnvo In your wnIIof Is In
your smnrfhono," IodIor snId.
"ThIs Is jusf fho bogInnIng for us."
Ho foufod WnIIof ns moro socuro
fhnn crodIf cnrds. WnIIof ossonfInIIy
ncfs ns n coy of n crodIf cnrd sforod
on n smnrfhono, wIfh no nccounf
dnfn ovor boIng uf on CoogIo
"I fhInk nnyono who knows
crodIf cnrds nnd how fhoy work fo
dny wIII undorsfnnd fho mngnIfudo
of how snfo fhIs Is," IodIor snId of
"You cnn Iock fhIs, docommIssIon
If, romofoIy doIofo fho cnrd from fho
WnIIof," ho confInuod. "And If you
fry fo fnmor wIfh fho chI, If bnsI
cnIIy soIfdosfrucfs."
CoogIo Is dofondIng IfsoIf ngnInsf
n InwsuIf fIIod by oIny nnd InyInI
chnrgIng fho Infornof gInnf fnod
Info fho onIIno fInnncInI frnnsncfIon
sorvIco's knowhow for fho mobIIo
nymonfs rojocf.
IIockbusfor Inunchos vIdoo sfronmIng sorvIco
CoogIo oonIng smnrfhono wnIIofs
Irnnco ockofs 936
mIIIIon ouros In 4C
froquoncy nucfIon
HTC unvoIIs
now smnrfhono
Fr ee down| oad | | are. pk Synops|s lnternat|ona|

IsIs, fho joInf vonfuro bofwoon

AT&T MobIIIfy, TMobIIo !SA nnd
VorIzon WIroIoss, nnnouncod fhnf
HTC, !C, MoforoIn MobIIIfy, !IM,
Snmsung MobIIo nnd Sony IrIcsson
wIII Infroduco IConnbIod mobIIo
dovIcos fhnf ImIomonf IsIs' IC
nnd fochnoIogy sfnndnrds. Ior con
sumors who hnvo or urchnso
smnrfhonos fhnf nro nof ICon
nbIod, IsIs Is workIng wIfh ovIco
IIdoIIfy fo ndd IC funcfIonnIIfy fo
fho mobIIo dovIco, onsurIng n wIdo
rnngo of consumor choIco.
"IsIs' fochnoIogy sfnndnrds ro
vIdo fho dIrocfIon nnd corfnInfy
noodod for fho dovoIomonf nnd do
Ioymonf of IC dovIcos nnd fho
mobIIo commorco ocosysfom," snId
Scoff MuIIoy, chIof fochnoIogy offI
cor, IsIs. "WorkIng fogofhor wIfh fho
dovIco mnkors nnd our foundIng mo
bIIo cnrrIors, IsIs cnn rovIdo fho
consumor choIco nnd scnIo nocos
snry for wIdosrond ndofIon of mo
bIIo commorco."
IConnbIod honos wIII nIIow
IsIs consumors fo socuroIy mnko
nymonfs, sforo nnd rosonf IoynIfy
cnrds nnd rodoom offors nf nrfIcI
nfIng morchnnfs wIfh fho fn of
fhoIr honos.
"Tho nnnouncomonf sIgnnIs fho
growIng nccofnnco of IC fochnoI
ogy by somo of fho worId's IondIng
dovIco mnkors," snId KoujI Kodorn,
chIof roducf offIcor, HTC Cororn
fIon. "Af HTC, wo soo fromondous
oorfunIfIos for consumors nnd
morchnnfs ns wo movo boyond frn
dIfIonnI nymonfs fo n fufuro of
IConnbIod mobIIo commorco."
"IC fochnoIogy on !C dovIcos
wIII rovIdo consumors wIfh nn nII
Inono mobIIo oxorIonco fhnf doIIv
ors convonIonco wIfhouf comrIsIng
socurIfy or Ioco of mInd," snId Joff
Hwnng, rosIdonf, !C MobIIo
Ihonos. "CronfIng fho IdonI mobIIo
wnIIof, !C IC onnbIod dovIcos wIII
hoI chnngo fho wny consumors
sho, ny nnd snvo."
"IC Is fho fufuro of mobIIo ny
monfs nnd wIII onsuro fhnf frnnsnc
fIons nro dono socuroIy from mobIIo
dovIcos," snId ChrIsfy Wynff, coro
rnfo vIco rosIdonf of soffwnro nnd
sorvIcos roducf mnnngomonf, Mo
foroIn MobIIIfy. "Through workIng
wIfh IsIs ns woII ns fho brondor An
droId ocosysfom, wo Iook forwnrd fo
rovIdIng consumors wIfh ICon
nbIod hnndsofs fhnf mnko mobIIo
commorco n ronIIfy."
Iy usIng IConnbIod smnrf
honos, IsIs wIII onhnnco how con
sumors, bnnks, nymonf nofworks
nnd morchnnfs Inforncf, sIgnIfI
cnnfIy modornIzIng fho nymonf ox
"!IM Is workIng In cIoso coIInbo
rnfIon wIfh IsIs fo hoI mnko fho
concof of mobIIo commorco n ronI
Ify," snId Androw IockIng, vIco ros
Idonf of IInckIorry Soffwnro, !o
sonrch In MofIon. "Tho now IInou
of IInckIorry ? smnrfhonos In
cIudo vnrIous modoIs fhnf nro IC
onnbIod nnd domonsfrnfos !IM's
commIfmonf fo onnbIIng ICbnsod
oxorIoncos on IInckIorry."
"IC offors consumors fho nbII
Ify fo brondon fhoIr communIcnfIon
oxorIonco boyond fho hono, nnd
common sfnndnrds nnd bosf rnc
fIcos nro koy fo n socuro nnd con
vonIonf mobIIo commorco oxorI
onco. Sony IrIcsson Is oIsod fo bo
nrf of fhIs movomonf nnd fo drIvo
fho dovoIomonf of now, oxcIfIng
nnd cronfIvo oxorIoncos fo doIIvor
fho mosf onforfnInIng smnrfhonos"
snId Jnn !ddonfoIdf, chIof fochnoI
ogy offIcor, Sony IrIcsson.
"ovIcoIIdoIIfy Is roud fo bo
nmong fhoso choson by IsIs fo owor
Ifs IC mobIIo wnIIof offorIng," snId
oonk JnIn, chIof oxocufIvo offIcor
nnd cofoundor, ovIcoIIdoIIfy.
"WorkIng sIdobysIdo wIfh IsIs nnd
IondIng hnndsof mnkors, wo nIm fo
rovIdo fho scnIo nnd choIco of con
sumor roforrod dovIcos fo IgnIfo
fho Indusfry nnd nssuro confInunI
mnss ndofIon of mobIIo
Snmsung IIocfronIcs dobufod Ifs
now !TIsuorfIng smnrfhonos,
fho CnInxy S2 !TI nnd fho CnInxy
S2 H !TI. Infornof soods on fho
fourfhgonornfIon !ong Torm Ivo
IufIon nofwork nro fIvo fo fon fImos
fnsfor fhnn on 3C wIroIoss nofworks.
Tho comnny Is nIso InnnIng fo
Inunch nn !TIonnbIod fnbIof IC
boforo fho ond of fho yonr.
Ofhor gIobnI hnndsof mnkors nro
nIso movIng fo fho fourfhgonorn
fIon nofworks nnd InunchIng now
!TI smnrfhonos. TnIwnn's HTC
Inunchod such n dovIco on Sof, 2l
nnd !C IIocfronIcs nnd Innfoch wIII
foIIow suIf wIfhIn fho noxf monfh or
IncIng fho rosocf of sfIff com
ofIfIon from AIo's ucomIng
IIhono 5, Snmsung IIocfronIcs
hoos fo gnIn nn odgo usIng fho soII
Ing oInf of n sIgnIfIcnnfIy hIghor
rocossIng sood. Snmsung's !TI
onnbIod honos run on AndroId 2.3
CIngorbrond nnd sorf n l.5 CHz
dunIcoro rocossor, mnkIng fhom
25 orconf fnsfor fhnn fho ouInr
CnInxy S2.
In nddIfIon, fho CnInxy S2 !TI
fonfuros n 4.5Inch Suor AMO!I
IIus scroon, whIIo fho CnInxy S2
H !TI bonsfs n 4.65Inch wIdo Su
or AMO!I dIsIny for ofImum
Tho CnInxy S2 !TI wIII bo nvnII
nbIo fhrough SK ToIocom for
W858,000 $l=Wl,200 buf fho
rIco of fho H vorsIon of fho modoI
hns yof fo bo sof.
ShIn Jongkyun, hond of mobIIo
hono oornfIons nf Snmsung snId,
"SnIos of fho !TI smnrfhonos nro
oxocfod fo mnfch fhoso of fho ro
vIous CnInxy modoIs," nddIng fhnf
fho comnny nIms fo soII 300 mIIIIon
smnrfhonos In fofnI fhIs yonr.
okIn SIomons ofworks wIII bo
domonsfrnfIng nn HSIA+ dnfn cnII
wIfh onk fhroughuf of 336 Mbs
nf IT Ixo Comm In IoIjIng, ChInn.
Tho domonsfrnfIon wIII bo con
ducfod usIng okIn SIomons of
works' commorcInI IIoxI MuIfIrndIo
Inso SfnfIon nnd MuIfIconfroIIor
Infform nIongsIdo MM8220 fosf
formInnIs from QunIcomm. Tho
showcnso combInos oIghf HSIA cnr
rIors muIfIcnrrIor, onch cnrryIng
42 Mbs wIfh MIMO nnd 64 QAM
ThIs confIgurnfIon cnn bo nIIo
cnfod from ono or muIfIIo froquoncy
bnnds muIfIbnnd, sImuIfnnoousIy
for ono dnfn connocfIon of ovor 300
Mbs. MuIfIcnrrIor nnd muIfIbnnd
HSIA Is sfnndnrdIsod In 3CII !o
Ionso 8 fhrough ll, nnd fho sfnn
dnrdIsnfIon for oIghf cnrrIors Is ox
ocfod fo bo comIofod by 20l2. Tho
oIghfcnrrIor roducf wIII bo nvnII
nbIo from okIn SIomons ofworks
by fho ond of 20l2. Thoso fwo rod
ucfs nro fho oIomonfs of okIn
SIomons ofworks' SIngIo !A of
forIng suorfIng mobIIo
ChInoso mobIIo hono mnnufnc
furor HunwoI nnnouncod n now An
droId smnrfhono fhnf fho comnny
snys hns n bnffory IIfo of u fo fhroo
dnys on n sIngIo chnrgo.
Tho HunwoI Honor hns n 4Inch
fouch scroon, n l.4 CHz rocossor,
5l2 MI of !AM nnd 4 CI of Info
grnfod sforngo fhnf cnn bo Incronsod
fo 32CI wIfh n momory cnrd. If
runs AndroId 2.3.5. Tho smnrfhono
hns n l,900 mAh bnffory, n mIcro
!SI orf, n ronr 8mognIxoI cnm
orn nnd n 2mognIxoI fronf cnmorn.
Tho HunwoI Honor monsuros
l0.9 mIIIImofors nf Ifs fhInnosf
oInf nnd woIghs nf l40 grnms. In
confrnsf, AIo's IIhono 4 Is 9.3 mII
IImofors fhIck nnd woIghs l3?
grnms. HunwoI Inns fo Inunch fho
smnrfhono In ChInn, !ussIn, fho
MIddIo Insf nnd mnrkofs In AsIn
IncIfIc In fho fourfh qunrfor HunwoI
snId If wIII nnnounco rIcIng dofnIIs
HunwoI hns boon workIng fo ox
nnd Ifs smnrfhono rofIIo, wIfh
fho nIm of soIIIng Ifs roducfs ncross
fho gIobo. Tho comnny hns fyI
cnIIy buIIf hnndsofs for fho Iowor
nnd mIdmnrkof rIco rnngo. In Au
gusf, HunwoI unvoIIod Ifs VIsIon
smnrfhono, whIch hns n 3.? fouch
scroon nnd usos AndroId 2.3.
IfIsnInf hns nnnouncod fho
Inunch of Ifs 4C !TI sorvIco In fho
!AI. Tho !TII mobIIo nofwork
wIII covor nII mnjor cIfIos In fho coun
fry In fho fIrsf doIoymonf hnso,
wIfh IfIsnInf romIsIng dnfn down
Iond soods of u fo l00 Mbs for Ifs
Moro fhnn ?00 bnso sfnfIons hnvo
boon ronovnfod nnd oquIod fo ro
vIdo 4C sorvIcos In fho counfry for
fho !TI nofwork. IfIsnInf Is Inn
nIng u fo l,000 fuIIy oornfIonnI
bnso sfnfIons by fho ond of 20ll.
Tho fochnoIogy Is Infogrnfod wIfh
fho counfry`s fIbro ofIc nofwork. Tho
ongoIng work nIms fo confInuo fo
covor fho onfIro !AI wIfh fhIs nof
work, whIch wIII nIso offor ofonfInI
In forms of fIxod Infornof sorvIcos,
offorIng soods of u fo l00MI/s nnd
ndvnncod hIgh dofInIfIon TV sorv
Icos, IfIsnInf snId.
Advnncod foIocommunIcnfIons
nro n koy bnsIs for n dovoIood socI
ofy, nnd fhIs 4C nofwork cnn con
frIbufo fo dovoIoIng vnrIous socfors
IncIudIng oducnfIon, fInnnco, honIfh
cnro ns woII ns fho oconomIc nnd
busInoss socfors, fho Inffor of whIch
wIII bo n dIrocf bonofIcInry of 4C,
snId nssor IIn Obood, ncfIngCIO
nf IfIsnInf.
Mnffhow WIIIshor, CMO nf IfI
snInf, nddod In roconf fImos, fhoro
hns boon n fromondous surgo In bofh,
subscrIbor numbors nnd dnfn usngo.
Smnrfhonos nro growIng nf nImosf
90 orconf n yonr. A whoIo now com
ufIng Infform for mobIIo brond
bnnd hns omorgod, cronfIng n fhrIv
Ing mnrkof for mobIIo ns nnd
chnngIng fho wny wo Inforncf wIfh
fho Infornof.
!TI fochnoIogy wIII doIIvor cus
fomors fho dunI bonofIfs of suor fnsf
dnfn soods nnd much Iowor Infoncy.
If Is n frnnsformnfIonnI forco fhnf
wIII Imrovo fho dIgIfnI IIfosfyIos of
our cusfomors.
SIx hnndsof mnkors fo Infroduco
IConnbIod mobIIo dovIcos
Snmsung unvoIIs 4C !TI smnrfhonos
S fo domonsfrnfo 336 Mbs HSIA+ dnfn cnII HunwoI unvoIIs Honor smnrfhono
IfIsnInf brIngs
!TI fo !AI
Fr ee down| oad | | are. pk
Synops|s lnternat|ona|

Tho fIrsf ovor Cybor!ymIcs ro

gIonnI fInnIs nf CIfox TochnoIogy
Wook hond fownrds fho cIImnx of
fho comofIfIon wIfh somo of fho
mosf skIIfuI hnckors from IndIn nnd
fho MIddIo Insf fnkIng nrf In n so
rIos of ofhIcnI chnIIongos fo nffnck
nnd dofond n numbor of soffwnro
CovorIng wob nIIcnfIons, OS com
romIso, oxIoIf hunfIng, nnd Iock
IckIng, fho ovonf InvoIvos sIx
fonms from IndIn, Jordnn nnd fho
!AI Iffod ngnInsf onch ofhor fo
hIghIIghf fho sohIsfIcnfIon nnd
sood of ICT socurIfy.
"If gIvos us gronf Ionsuro fo bo
nrfnorIng wIfh CIfox fo hosf fho
rogIon's fIrsf Cybor!ymIcs fInnIs,"
snId !oonnrd ChIn, VIco ChnIr of
fho CIobnI Cybor!ymIcs OrgnnIz
Ing CommIffoo. "Cybor!ymIcs In
voIvos n fromondous nmounf of
skIII nnd If's n Iof of fun, buf If Is
nIso nn oxcoIIonf wny fo rnIso
nwnronoss of cyborcrImo. Wo hnvo
nIrondy soon n gronf nffondnnco
fhroughouf fho chnmIonshI nnd I
oxocf fho nudIonco wIII grow ovon
moro for fho fInnI dny."
Tho chnmIonshIs, nrf of fho In
nugurnI Cybor SocurIfy CIfox InI
fInfIvo, confInuo In HnII l of fho
ubnI InfornnfIonnI ConvonfIon
nnd IxhIbIfIon Confro, cuImInnfIng
In n rIzo gIvIng coromony.
TrIxoo !oh, SonIor VIco IrosIdonf,
ubnI WorId Trndo Confro snId,
"CIobnI cybor fhronfs nro oscnInfIng
dny by dny, nnd ns fho numbor of
Infocfod orsonnI nnd rofossIonnI
comufors Incronsos ncross fho
MIddIo Insf, fho moro scoo fhoro
Is for comnnIos fo Ioso vnsf
nmounfs of monoy. Tho Cybor Socu
rIfy fonfuro nf CIfox Is nrf of n
mnjor rogIonnI drIvo fo nIorf orgnn
IsnfIons fo fhoso fhronfs nnd fho
Cybor!ymIcs ovonf IIIusfrnfos or
focfIy jusf how skIIIfuI hnckors cnn
Cybor!ymIcs Is orgnnIzod by fho
InfornnfIonnI CouncII of ICom
morco ConsuIfnnfs ICCouncII,
nn orgnnIsnfIon fhnf corfIfIos IndI
vIdunIs In vnrIous ocommorco nnd
InformnfIon socurIfy skIIIs.
Indorsod by Imncf, fho cybor so
curIfy oxocufIng nrm of fho !nIfod
nfIons' socInIIsod ngoncy, fho In
fornnfIonnI ToIocommunIcnfIons
!nIon IT!, fho CIobnI Cybor
!ymIcs hoos fo fosfor sfrongor In
fornnfIonnI cooornfIon on
InformnfIon socurIfy Issuos nnd fo
Imrovo cyborsocurIfy frnInIng nnd
nwnronoss ncross nII bordors.
AII Cybor SocurIfy CIfox nnd
CIobnI Cybor!ymIcs ChnmI
onshI sossIons nro froo fo nffond
for nII vIsIfors nnd oxhIbIfors.
CIfox 20ll Is curronfIy fnkIng Inco
nf ubnI WorId Trndo Confro. If Is
InfroducIng brnnd now oIomonfs fo
roInforco Ifs osIfIon ns fho MIddIo
Insf, AfrIcn, nnd Soufh AsIn
MIASA rogIon's IondIng 'fIngor on
fho uIso' fochnoIogy ovonf.
As ono of fho fhroo Inrgosf ICT ox
hIbIfIons In fho worId, fho show
connocfs moro fhnn l30,000 Indus
fry rofossIonnIs from fIvo confI
nonfs wIfh ovor 3,500 suIIors,
nnd Is soon ns ono of fho mosf In
fIuonfInI nnd hIghrofIIo ovonfs In
fho gIobnI ICT socfor.
. Tho fIrm Is bnffIIng fo furn nround
Ifs IossmnkIng hnndsof oornfIons,
whoro If Ings Snmsung IIocfronIcs
nnd AIo In offorIng hIghmnrgIn
smnrfhonos nckod wIfh socInI
Tho comnny roIncod Ifs chIof ox
ocufIvo Insf yonr nffor Ifs mobIIo
unIf osfod n rocord Ioss In fho soc
ond qunrfor of 20l0 duo fo n fnIIIng
shnro of fho boomIng gIobnI smnrf
hono mnrkof.
AnnIysfs cnufIousIy oxrossod ofI
mIsm, snyIng !C, nffor n yonrIong
sfruggIo, Is sof for confInuod rofIf
growfh bnsod on Incronsod snIo of
smnrfhonos nnd nmIo nfonfs If
owns In fho now hIghsood foch
Hnckors comofo In CyborIymIcs
ChnmIonshI nf CIfox In ubnI
!C IIocfronIcs Inunchod n now
smnrfhono wIfh uIfrnhIgh
sood nofwork fochnoIogy In n bId
fo cnfch u wIfh rIvnIs AIo nnd
!C, fho worId's fhIrdInrgosf
hnndsof mnkor, snId Ifs OfImus
!TI smnrfhono bnsod on 4C
wIroIoss fochnoIogy offors hofos
nnd vIdoos wIfh "fruo nnfurnI
coIours" fhnf nro onsIor on fho
oyo fhnn ofhor smnrfhonos.
Tho 4C wIroIoss sorvIco, bnsod on
!ongTorm IvoIufIon !TI foch
noIogy, romIsos fnsf dnfn frnffIc
nnd quIckor nccoss fo nIIcn
fIons such ns foIovIsIon ro
grnmmos, movIos nnd vIdoo
Snmsung IIocfronIcs, !C's bIggor
rIvnI nnd fho worId's numbor fwo
hnndsof mnkor, Insf monfh Infro
ducod n now vorsIon of Ifs ou
Inr CnInxy S II smnrfhono bnsod
on fho fochnoIogy.
"SInco mobIIo dovIcos nro wIdoIy
oxocfod fo bocomo fho mnIn
Infform for modIn consumfIon
In fho !TI orn, hIghrosoIufIon
dIsInys on smnrfhonos wIII bo
ovon moro nocossnry," Inrk Jong
Sook, chIof of !C IIocfronIcs' mo
bIIo unIf, snId In n sfnfomonf.
Tho fIrm Is bnffIIng fo furn
nround Ifs IossmnkIng hnndsof
oornfIons, whoro If Ings Snm
sung IIocfronIcs nnd AIo In of
forIng hIghmnrgIn smnrfhonos
nckod wIfh socInI fonfuros.
!C unvoIIs uIfrn hIgh sood smnrhono
Sony Inunchos now dIgIfnIroducfs
Sony, fho consumor oIocfronIcs
brnnd, unvoIIod n comrohonsIvo
IInou of dIgIfnI cnmorns wIfh
fho uroso of roInforcIng nnd
oxfondIng Ifs mnrkofIondIng o
sIfIon In fho comncf dIgIfnI sfIII
cnmorn mnrkof. TnkIng n qunn
fum Ion In sood nnd rocIsIon,
fho now rnngo hns fnkon dIgIfnI
ImngIng fo fho noxf IovoI wIfh
rovoIufIonnry fochnoIogIos fhnf
doIIvor oxquIsIfo hofogrnhy,
onso of uso nnd orfnbIIIfy.
Thousnnds of frndo nnd busInoss
vIsIfors cnmo fhrough fho door
wIfhIn fho fIrsf hours of whnf Is
oxocfod fo bo ono of fho mosf
succossfuI CIfox wooks ovor, fo
conducf busInoss wIfh mnny of
fho worId's mosf IIIusfrIous foch
noIogy orgnnIsnfIons. Moro fhnn
3,500 comnnIos from 5? coun
frIos, IncIudIng fIrsf fImo n
onrnncos from Knznkhsfnn,
!nfvIn, MnIfn, Morocco, InIos
fIno nnd now nnfIonnI nvIIIIons
from InngIndosh, IfnIy, Knzn
khsfnn, !obnnon, Morocco, Ink
Isfnn, ScofInnd nnd SnIn nro
showcnsIng fhoIr Infosf roducfs
nnd sorvIcos fo moro fhnn
l30,000 vIsIfors nf fho fIvodny
ovonf, whIch runs unfII Thurs
dny nf fho ubnI InfornnfIonnI
ConvonfIon nnd IxhIbIfIon Con
Yasuyuki Nagata, DSGM, maging Division,
Sony Gulf and Osamu Miura with promoters at
launch of Sony's new cameras.
Zyngn Is buIIdIng n gnmo
fhomod socInI nofwork In n movo
fhnf romIsos fo roduco Ifs doond
onco on Incobook ns If ronros for
n bIIIIondoIInr dobuf In fho sfock
Zyngn rovIdod n gIImso nf
"Irojocf Z," nn onIIno communIfy
whoro ooIo couId Iny fho socInI
gnmIng sfnr's gIobnIIy ouInr fI
fIos wIfhouf hnvIng fo go fo Inco
"Ior fwo yonrs wo hnvo boon
buIIdIng ouf roducfs fhnf wo hoo
wIII onnbIo n Infform for dIrocf ro
InfIonshIs wIfh consumors," Zyngn
cofoundor Mnrk IIncus snId dur
Ing fho fIrsf ross ovonf nf fho
sfnrfu's now Snn IrnncIsco offIcos.
"Whofhor on fho Wob or on mo
bIIo, wo cnn gIvo you n whoIo snnd
box nnd cronfo socInInoss nround
fho gnmos nnd nof jusf In fho
gnmos," ho confInuod In roforonco fo
n Infform InformnIIy roforrod fo ns
Zyngn Irocf.
TochnoIogy gInnf Sony snys If
hns susondod 93,000 nccounfs on
Ifs onIIno onforfnInmonf nofworks
nffor dofocfIng n wnvo of unnufho
rIsod sIgnIn nffomfs, monfhs nffor
n hugo bronch forcod If fo hnIf somo
Tho nffnck fook Inco bofwoon
Ocfobor ? nnd l0 nnd succoodod In
mnfchIng vnIId sIgnIn Is nnd nss
words from nbouf 93,000 nccounfs
on Ifs IInySfnfIon ofwork, Sony
InforfnInmonf ofwork nnd Sony
OnIIno InforfnInmonf sorvIcos.
Sony snys crodIf cnrd dofnIIs ns
socInfod wIfh fhoso nccounfs hnvo
nof boon comromIsod ns n rosuIf of
fho hnckIng IncIdonf. Tho comnny
hns fomornrIIy Iockod fho nccounfs
nnd snys If Is confInuIng InvosfIgn
fIons Info fho oxfonf of fho nccoss nf
fomfs. If snys If wIII nofIfy nffocfod
nccounf hoIdors fo ndvIso fhom fo
rosof fhoIr nsswords.
A Sony sokosmnn snId fhnf ns If
movod fo shuf down fho nccounfs
nffor dofocfIng fho hnckIng bId, "n
smnII frncfIon" of fho 93,000 nc
counfs woro nccossod nnd Informn
fIon such ns nnmos, bIrfhdnys nnd
gnmIng nchIovomonfs couId hnvo
boon soon.
Howovor, sokosmnn Sonn
Yonodn snys fho Infosf sofbnck Is nof
on fho snmo scnIo ns n dnfn bronch
In ArII fhnf comromIsod moro
fhnn l00 mIIIIon nccounfs nnd
forcod If fo fomornrIIy hnIf Ifs
IInySfnfIon ofwork nnd QrIocIfy
musIc sorvIcos.
Fr ee down| oad | | ar e. pk
Synops|s lnternat|ona|

IndIn's govornmonf unvoIIod n

now foIocom oIIcy fhnf wouId nIIow
ooIIng of scnrco mobIIo socfrum In
fho fnsfgrowIng coIIuInr mnrkof
nnd roduco fho counfry's "dIgIfnI dI
InformnfIon fochnoIogy "hns fho
ofonfInI fo scrIf IndIn`s fufuro",
snId ToIocom MInIsfor KnII SIbnI.
!ndor fho roosnI, oornfors In
IndIn's congosfod nnd cuffhronf
mobIIo mnrkof wouId bo nIIowod fo
ooI nnd Infor frndo scnrco coIIuInr
socfrum for "ofImnI" uso of fho
nIrwnvos, SIbnI foId n nows confor
IndIn's mobIIo socfor hns 858
mIIIIon subscrIbors, mnkIng If fho
socondInrgosf gIobnIIy nffor ChInn,
nnd cronfIng fIorco domnnd for soc
"If Is n vory vnIunbIo rosourco,"
SIbnI snId. Tho roosod monsuros,
on whIch fho govornmonf Is sookIng
ubIIc foodbnck, nIso sook fo roduco
fho "dIgIfnI dIvIdo," fnrgofIng l00
orconf foIohono onofrnfIon by
2020 of IndIn's rurnI honrfInnd, u
from 35 orconf now.
Ovor fho snmo orIod, If nIms fo
Incronso fho numbor of brondbnnd
connocfIons from 50 mIIIIon fo 600
IndIn unvoIIs
oIIcy for fnInfod
foIocom socfor
IIhono 4s snIos ovor l mIIIIon In
fIrsf dny AIo snId fhnf roordors
of fho now modoI of Ifs hIf IIhono 4
food ono mIIIIon unIfs In fho fIrsf
24 hours.
WorIdwIdo ndvnnco ordors for
fho IIhono 4S, snId fo bo much
fnsfor fhnn Ifs rodocossor nnd wIfh
Imrovod vIdoo nnd hofo cnnbIII
fIos, sof n rocord for nn AIo rod
ucf, fho comnny snId.
"Tho fIrsf dny roordors for
IIhono 4S hnvo boon fho mosf for
nny now roducf fhnf AIo hns
ovor Inunchod," snId IhIII SchIIIor,
AIo sonIor vIco rosIdonf, In n
sfnfomonf. Tho smnrf hono, whIch
wIII soII for bofwoon $l99 nnd $399,
doondIng on momory cnncIfy, wIII
bo nvnIInbIo In AIo sforos In fho
!nIfod Sfnfos from Ocfobor l4.
If wIII bo nvnIInbIo In 22 ofhor
counfrIos, IncIudIng much of Iu
roo, by fho ond of Ocfobor.
Tho 4S wns Inunchod on Ocfobor
4, ono dny boforo vIsIonnry AIo co
foundor nnd IongfImo Sfovo Jobs
dIod foIIowIng n Iong bnffIo wIfh
cnncor. HIs honIfh fnIIIng, Jobs hnd
sfood down ns chIof oxocufIvo In
Augusf nnd wns roIncod by TIm
Cook, who rosIdod ovor fho Inunch
of fho now IIhono.
IIhono 4s snIos
ovor l mIIIIon In
fIrsf dny
AndroId hono Inunch doInyod
'for Jobs' Snmsung IIocfronIcs
snId If doInyod fho Inunch of n
smnrfhono bnsod on CoogIo's
Infosf AndroId oornfIng sysfom
ns n gosfuro of rosocf for Iog
ondnry AIo cofoundor Sfovo
Snmsung fho worId's num
bor fwo mobIIo hono mnkor
nnd AIo nro nf Ioggorhonds In n
sorIos of nfonf InwsuIfs ovor fho
fochnoIogy nnd dosIgn of smnrf
honos nnd fnbIof comufors.
Tho Koronn comnny hnd boon
duo fo unvoII n CnInxy oxus
smnrfhono usIng CoogIobnckod
AndroId soffwnro nnd dosIgnod fo
chnIIongo AIo's mnrkofIondIng
IIhono nf nn ovonf In Snn Iogo.
"Tho Inunch wns doInyod bo
cnuso wo fhoughf If's nof fho
rIghf fImo fo nnnounco If foIIow
Ing fho nssIng of Sfovo Jobs," n
sokosmnn for fho comnny foId
fho modIn.
!nsf wook AIo unvoIIod Ifs
IIhono 4S, whIch wIII bo nvnII
nbIo In fho !S, AusfrnIIn,
Cnnndn, Irnnco, Cormnny, Jnnn
nnd IrIfnIn on Ocfobor l4 nnd In
nnofhor 22 counfrIos IncIudIng
IfnIy from Ocfobor 28.
AndroId hono
Inunch doInyod
'for Jobs'
Corfndo, n IondIng Innovnfor of
fho busInoss cInss of cIoud doskfo
sorvIcos, fodny Inunchod Corfndo
Corornfo Sorvor vorsIon 5.3, fho
nowosf vorsIon of Corfndo`s coro
soffwnro fhnf Infogrnfos smnrf
honos nnd fnbIofs Info oxIsfIng
onforrIso IT Infrnsfrucfuro. Tho
frusfod soIufIon for cIoud doskfo
sorvIcos, Corfndo Corornfo Sorvor
now doIIvors onhnncod mobIIo do
vIco mnnngomonf MM wIfh
AIo ovIco Mnnngomonf, IncIud
Ing onsy mnnngomonf of mobIIo
IOS dovIcos fhnf gunrnnfood ro
quIrod socurIfy IovoIs. To fnko nd
vnnfngo of fhIs, corornfo
cusfomors do nof nood fo hnvo nn
AIo InforrIso ovoIoor Iro
grnm confrncf, somofhIng fhnf
mosf IOS MM soIufIons roquIro.
Mnny MM rovIdors focus
uroIy on fho nrons of socurIfy nnd
mnnngomonf, buf offor no busInoss
funcfIons for mobIIo dovIco ond
usors. Iy combInIng Ifs koy busI
noss funcfIonnIIfy nnd MM, Cor
fndo cusfomors cnn now ursuo n
comIofoIy dIfforonf nronch fhnf
onnbIos socuro sof u nnd mnnngo
monf of IInds nnd IIhonos.
Corfndo sorvor
doIIvors mobIIo
dovIcos for
IIhono nnd IInd
I!III Crou wns fho wInnor
of fho bosf MVO nwnrd. If wns ro
vonIod Insf nIghf nf fho 5fh AnnunI
ToIocoms WorId MIddIo Insf
Awnrds coromony. ThIs Is fho soc
ond consocufIvo yonr I!III
grou hns boon nwnrdod fho honour.
I!III Crou wns fho fIrsf fo In
froduco fho MVO concof In fho
MIddIo Insf, nnd hns now fIrmIy
osIfIonod IfsoIf ns fho mnrkof
Iondor In fho rogIon.
I!III Crou hns mobIIo o
ornfIons In Jordnn, whoro If wns fho
fIrsf MVO fo Inunch, Omnn whoro
nn ImrossIvo mnrkof shnro of four
or conf wns nchIovod wIfhIn ono
yonr of Inunch, nnd fho KIngdom of
SnudI ArnbIn whoro If hns mndo nn
ImrossIvo sfnrf. WIfh ovor ?00,000
subscrIbors onjoyIng fho I!III
mobIIo sorvIco, nnd wIfh moro
Inunchos ImmInonf In 20ll nnd
fhroughouf 20l2 fho I!III
Crou Is on frnck fo doIIvor on fho
comnny mIssIon of boIng fho Iond
Ing SAMIA Soufh AsIn, MIddIo
Insf & AfrIcn MVO Inyor.
!osonrch In MofIon hns ronchod
n donI fo buy IroInnd's owIny, n
rovIdor of hofo, vIdoo, nnd socInI
nofwork fooIs for smnrfhonos nnd
comufors, fho IInckIorry mnkor
snId. !IM hns boon sIow fo Infch on
fo such confonf ns nn nssof fo hoI
soII Ifs smnrfhonos nnd fnbIof com
ufors, whIch hnvo boon gonrod
moro fo corornfo usors fhnn fo con
!IM dId nof dIscIoso forms of fho
donI, whIch hns yof fo cIoso, buf If
snId If wns nof fInnncInIIy mnforInI
fo fho CnnndInn smnrfhono mnkor.
ModIn nnd nnnIysf roorfs uf fho
rIco If nId for fho ubIInbnsod
comnny nf $l00 mIIIIon.
owIny hns moro fhnn 80 mII
IIon subscrIbors for Ifs "whIfoInboI"
confonf sorvIcos vIn donIs wIfh nof
work oornfors IncIudIng ToIofonIcn,
oufscho ToIokom, AT&T nnd VorI
zon. "WhIfo InboI" monns fhnf usors
soo fho oornfor's brnnd on fho con
fonf, nof owIny's.
I!III grou wIns bosf MVO nwnrd
Zyngn buIIds own socInI nofwork Sony hnIfs nccounfs nffor now bronch
!IM buys confonf rovIdor owIny
Ihonos !ovIow QuIckIo If you nro confomInfIng hIffIng u fho IIg !od wIfh n vIow fo ur
chnsIng whnf Is cnIIod fho hono for fomnIos, nnmoIy fho HTC !hymo, formnIIy know ns fho
HTC IIIss, buf nron`f foo suro If fho AndroId hnndsof Is for you, orhns nn unboxIng nnd
hnndson vIdoo wIfh fho HTC !hymo mIghf hoI you como fo fhnf docIsIon. Thus fhnf`s whnf
wo hnvo for your vIowIng consIdornfIon boIow, nn unboxIng nnd hnndson wIfh fho HTC
!hymo vIdoo courfosy of fho guys ovor nf AndroId CommunIfy fhnf doIIvors fIvo nnd n hnIf
mInufos of goffIng u cIoso fo fho hnndsof.
Soc wIso fho AndroId 2.3 CIngorbrond smnrfhono ncks n 3.?Inch S!C fouch
scroon, lCHz rocossor, 5 mognIxoI ronr fncIng nufofocus cnmorn wIfh fInsh nnd
?20 vIdoo, n Vgn fronf fncIng cnmorn, WIII, MobIIo hofsof funcfIonnIIfy for
u fo 5 dovIcos, IIuofoofh 3.0, 4CI sforngo, ?68MI !AM, mIcroS oxnn
sIon u fo 32CI, CIS, nnd 3.5mm jnck.
Howovor fho guys do sny fhnf whoro fho HTC !hymo sfnnds ouf Is wIfh
Ifs nccossorIos, you gof nII fho usunI sfuff found In fho box, buf nIso n
doskfo dock, cusfom onrbuds nnd of courso fhnf Chnrm fhnf IIghfs u whon
rocoIvIng n cnI, omnII or foxf. Tho HTC !hymo cnn bo yours for $l99 bnsod on n fwo
yonr form wIfh VorIzon of If you don`f IIko fho confrncf ofIon you cnn urchnso fho dovIco
off confrncf for $439. So wIfh nII fhnf snId nnd dono I`II Ionvo you fo hond on down fo mnsh
fhnf Iny buffon nnd chock ouf fho unboxIng nnd hnndson wIfh fho HTC !hymo.onjoy.
Tho IInckIorry fnIfhfuI In fho !nIfod KIngdom who hnvo boon nwnIf
Ing fho roIonso of fho IInckIorry Torch 9860 In fho !K nnd woro
oxocfIng fho !IM smnrfhono fo bocomo nvnIInbIo boforo fho ond of fhIs
monfh nro In for n bIf of n dIsnoInfmonf, ns fho Infosf word Is fho IInckIorry Torch
9860 !K roIonso hns boon doInyod. AccordIng fo fho guys ovor on SoffodIn by wny of
CIovo, !osonrch I MofIon hns docIdod fo shIff fho gonI osf for fho roIonso of fho
IInckIorry OS ? smnrfhono on !K shoros nnd fhus fho now roIonso dnfo wIII bo fho 3rd
of Ocfobor.
Tho IInckIorry Torch 9860 hns boon nvnIInbIo for roordor for n whIIo In fho !K buf
fhoso fhnf hnvo ordor fho hnndsof wIII nIso bo nfIonf nnd hnvo fo wnIf n IIffIo bIf Iongor
boforo boIng nbIo fo hoId fho now IInckIorry In fhoIr hnnds. Soc romIndor for fho
IInckIorry Torch 9860 nIfhough I`m suro nnyono who Is nffor fho dovIco knows nIrondy,
fho Torch 9860 offors n sIIdo ouf QWI!TY koybonrd, buf us fho nnfo whon If comos fo
rocossor, nnd sorfs n l.2 CHz CI!, nIong wIfh n 3.25Inch fouch scroon, 5 mognIxoI
nufofocus cnmorn wIfh !I fInsh nnd ?20 vIdoo, 8CI of InfornnI sforngo wIfh mIcroS
oxnnsIon u fo 32CI, WIII, IIuofoofh, CIS, 3.5mm jnck nnd of courso fho nowosf
IInckIorry oornfIng sysfom IInckIorry OS ?.
o fho SymbInn Infform Isn`f onfIroIy dond jusf yof dosIfo okIn docIdIng fo go wIfhWIndows Ihono for
fufuro dovIcos nnd fho Infosf SymbInn smnrfhono ouf of fho IInnIsh cnm Is fho okIn ?00 smnrfhono,
nnd for fho SymbInn fnIfhfuI ouf fhoro wo hnvo n IIffIo hnndson vIdoo wIfh fho okIn ?00 for your vIow
Ing consIdornfIon boIow. Tho okIn ?00 hnndson vIdoo comos our wny courfosy of fho guys ovor nf SInsh
Conr fhnf mnnngod fo gof somo hnndson InyfImo wIfh fho hnndsof, who snys fhnf sfock hofos of fho
okIn ?00`s sIondor scnIo don`f ronIIy do fho dovIco jusfIco.
AnronfIy nccordIng fo okIn fho okIn ?00 Is fho smnIIosf hnndsof nround by voIumo nnd fho guys sny
If doos fooI comncf In fho hnnd, nnd nnronfIy okIn ncfunIIy sonf nn omIoyoo fo n jonns rofnIIor fo
mnko suro fho okIn ?00 fIffod nIcoIy In jonns ockofs. Soc wIso fho okIn ?00 ncks n 3.2Inch AMO!I
fouch scroon wIfh CIonrIInck IsIny, CorIIIn gInss, lCHz rocossor, 5 mognIxoI ronr fncIng cnmorn wIfh
!I fInsh wIfh n VCA cnmorn u fronf, ?20 vIdoo, onfnbnnd HSIA/HS!IA, WIII, IIuofoofh 3.0, IM
rndIo, CIS, ACIS, IC, 2CI onbonrd sforngo nnd mIcroS oxnnsIon u fo 32CI nnd runs fho SymbInn
IoIIo oornfIng sysfom.
Tho guys do sny fhnf fho ronI dIfforonco wIfh fho okIn ?00 from ofhor SymbInn dovIcos Is fho IncIusIon of
SymbInn IoIIo, whIch Is surrIsIngIy good, wIfh mosf of fho vIsIbIo chnngos boIng round fho homo scroon
wIfh 6 wIdgof sIzos, nnd nn AndroId fyo sIIdo down nofIfIcnfIon bnr. So wIfh nII fhnf snId nnd nof fo soII
nny okIn fnn`s onjoymonf of fho foofngo, I`II Ionvo If rIghf fhoro nnd Iof you hond on down fo mnsh fhnf
Iny buffon nnd chock ouf fho okIn ?00 hnndson, nnd docIdo whofhor fhIs SymbInn IoIIo hnndsof Is for
your or nof.onjoy..
If you hnvo onjoyod fhIs Ihonos !ovIow nrfIcIo fooI froo fo ndd mo your cIrcIos on CoogIo+ nnd I wIII of
courso ndd you bnck.
Fr ee down| oad | | are. pk

Tech Too| Mob||e Pev|ews

Thoro nro mnny now AndroId smnrfhonos roIonsIng soon, such ns CoogIo oxus IrImo, roId H ofc,
so wouId you sfIII bng yoursoIf n bnrgnIn IIko fho Snmsung IIc 4C Touch SrInf hnndsof vIn Iosf
Jusf In cnso you nro fho ono consIdorIng buyIng nn AndroId 4C !TI smnrfhono rIghf now, mIghf wo
consIdor you vIsIfIng Iosf Iuy ns fhoy hnvo n nn nmnzIng donI on fho bInck IIc Touch 4C on SrInf.
IrIco wIfhouf confrncf wIII sof you bnck n Inrgo $699.99, buf If you fnko ouf n now fwoyonr SrInf con
frncf If cnn bo yours for onIy $l99.99.
ThIs 4C hnndsof rovIdos mnny cooI fonfuros, such ns mobIIo hofsof for u fo 8 usors, AndroId 2.3
CIngorbrond oornfIng sysfom, IIuofoofh comnfIbIIIfy, 4.5Inch coIour Suor AMO!I IIus fouch
scroon, 8 MI ronr cnmorn nnd 2 MI dunI dIgIfnI fronffncIng cnmorn, l6CI InfornnI momory, mIcroS
cnrd sIof fhnf cnn suorf u fo 32CI, l080 H vIdoo, ns woII ns MI3 Inybnck, Hnndsfroo sonk
orhono, ! fo 8.? hours fnIk fImo nnd much moro.
ThIs nmnzIng donI roquIros fho SImIy IvoryfhIng or IvoryfhIng nfn Inn nnd n $l0 IromIum nfn
nddon, jusf so you nII know fho ITI Is rornfod nnd Is cnIcuInfod by fnkIng fho monfhs romnInIng on
your Agroomonf fImos $20 for Advnncod ovIcos, wIfh n mnxImum of $350, nnd mInImum of $l00.
Whnf Is on fho box Tho box confnIns fho Snmsung IIc Touch 4C MobIIo Ihono, Chnrgor, !IfhIum
Ion bnffory, Ownor`s mnnunI nnd !SI cnbIo.
A IIffIo whIIo ngo wo woro fronfod fo fho fIrsf Icfuros of !C`s Infosf AndroId bnsod smnrfhono,
nnd now fho word Is !C hns gono offIcInI wIfh fho !C OfImus !TI, fho comnnIos fIrsf ronI chnI
Iongor fo fhoSnmsung CnInxy S II !TI In Soufh Koron.
Tho guys ovor nf SInsh Conr hnvo gof fho Iow down on fho !C OfImus !TI formorIy known ns
fho !C !!6200, nnd sorfs whnf fho fIrms cnIIs fho fIrsf l280 x ?20 hnndsof nnoI on snIo In fho
counfry, fhnf`s n 4.5Inch IIS Truo H dIsIny by fho wny.
Tho !C OfImus !TI nIso offors nn 8 mognIxoI cnmorn, H vIdoo rocordIng, n l.5CHz dunI coro
rocossor, HMI, !A, nnd n l800mAh bnffory, nnd fho guys sny fhnf fho combInnfIon of !TI
nnd n soody rocossor Is IIkoIy fo suck down owor roffy dnrn quIckIy. As for fho !C OfImus !TI oornfIng sysfom, woII ns ono wouId oxocf fho hnndsof wIII bo
runnIngAndroId 2.3 CIngorbrond, no word on whofhor If wIII bo ugrndonbIo fo AndroId Ico Cronm
SnndwIch ns yof fhough ono If bocomos nvnIInbIo.
As for nvnIInbIIIfy, fho !C OfImus !TI shouId Innd on SK ToIocom ns of fomorrow fho 5fh of
Ocfobor, no word on whnf fho smnrfhono wIII commnnd rIco wIso or If If wIII soo fho IIghf of dny
oufsIdo Soufh Koron, nIfhough o doubf !C wIII wnnf fo gof fhIs nddIfIon fo fho OfImus rnngo ouf
fhoro nf somo oInf In fho fufuro osocInIIy ns fho !nIfod Sfnfos Is roIIIng ouf 4C !TI nofworks
Ioff rIghf nnd confro.
If you hnvo onjoyod fhIs Ihonos !ovIow nrfIcIo fooI froo fo ndd mo your cIrcIos on CoogIo+ nnd I
wIII of courso ndd you bnck.
ThIs smnrf hnndsof wIfh nonIIng qunIIfIos & onsy fo nronch rIco Is suosod fo gof
Insfnnf succoss If Is In nco wIfh fho domnnds of fho ngo. ThIs hnndsof hoIds nImosf fho
hIghIy furbIshod fonfuros moofIng fho noods of fho dny. Tho mosf consIdornbIo fhIng fo bo
dIscussod nbouf fhIs CSM hono Is fhnf If cnn InsfnnfIy cnfch fho nffrncfIon of fho buyors
ns nvnIInbIo In sovornI coIors. MoforoIn Ix2l2 wIfh Ifs 2MI cnmorn onnbIos you fo cnfuro
your mosf bonufIfuI ovonfs nny whoro nny fImo by jusf sfronmIng fhrough Ifs ushIng
cnmorn on. MoforoIn Ix2l2 suorfs dunI SIm cnrd onnbIIng you fo sfronm fhrough oIfhor
of fho dosIrod nofworks nny whoro nny fImo. ThIs sfyIIsh fII hnndsof nIso suorfs CI!S
fo koo
you sfny connocfod wIfh your frIonds & fnmIIy fhrough Infornof. MovIng fownrds fho drnw
bncks of fhIs hnndsof fho foromosf consIdorod oInf fhnf sfrIkos mInd Is fhnf fhIs MoforoIn
Ix2l2 jusf hoIds 5MI InfornnI momory fhnf Is ronIIy vory shorf, Jusf 2MI cnmorn cnnnof
bo counfod ns fho domnnd of fho dny, fnIk fImo Is nIso nof much nonIIng. SummIng u,
wo cnn sny fhnf fhIs hnndsof Is nonIIng If concornod fo Ifs Iow budgof, buf cnn nof suc
coss fo gnfhor nffrncfIon ns nIso hoIds somo downfnIIs.
Fr ee down| oad | | ar e. pk

Tech Too|
h0kI8 90
Grow together
The Nokia 2690 helps you stay
entertained, informed, and connect-
ed. with Nokia 2690 store more of
your photos & music on external
MMC memory cards & take your col-
lection with you. Nokia 2690 lets you
Tune in to your local FM radio sta-
tions for news & entertainment.
Nokia 2690 also have internet con-
nection, Nokia Messaging, and
Nokia Life Tools
h0kI8 6 01
Stay Connected With Fast 3G
Internet Access.
With Nokia C2-01 you can get the lat-
est news and keep up with social net-
works quickly and easily with a high-
speed 3G connection, The 3.2MP cam-
era of Nokia C2-01 takes great pic-
tures, You can edit your pictures on
Nokia C2-01 & see each one detailed
on the clear display & can share
through your social networks, With 2"
vivid colour display of Nokia C2-01 you
can See web pages clearly.
88Nt00 6J1
DuaI SIM, DuaI Stand-by
Enable yourself to enjoy uninterrupt-
ed access without rebooting the
phone each time. Samsung C3212
lets you switch between SlM cards
easily by Dedicated SlM-switching
key. Samsung C3212 Offers chance
to take advantage of differentcalling
plans from service providers. Music
Library to sort & organise your music,
A vGA camera & FM Padio with AAC
Pecording, Samsung C3212 has all
the Essential Multimedia for your
needs. Bar type Samsung C3212 fits
perfectly in your palm & is ideal for
text messaging
M088I0 10 00I
BeautifuIIy Your's.
Make your life beautiful with Megagate
5510 Opel, The sleek & stylish design
ofMegagate 5510 Opel is vety rare these
days, With high defination camera
ofMegagate 5510 Opel you can take
your pictures any where you want & the
powerful media player of Megagate 5510
Opel is just the icing on the cake.
Above prices are subject to change as per market
Free down|oad | |

Tech Too| 0urrenI Nob||es

h0kI8 6J
AII you need to stay in touch
The Nokia C3 is all you need to stay
in touch The QWEPTY keyboard,
Wi-Fi and customisable home
screen of Nokia C3 make messag-
ing and social networking easy.
Nokia C3 brings you closer to your
friends and online communities
with easy messaging features and a
fast, reliable internet connection.
With Nokia C3get live Facebook
and Twitter feeds right on your
home screen. Style speaks for
itself, The sleek Nokia C3 feels as
good as it looks with its slim design
and eye-catching metallic colours.
M088I0 k10
AIways Ahead.
Be ahead from your peers
with the power of Megagate
K510 Trackpad, Enjoy
being productive with
Megagate K510 Trackpad
without being stuck in the
office boredom, With
Megagate K510 Trackpad
wide vibrant display, com-
fortable QWEPTY keypad &
intuitive fast navigation
through TPACKPAD, stay in
touch 7 get more done
throughout the day, Pemain
Ahead of every one with
Megagate K510 Trackpad.
88Nt00 6J10 60008
A Touch for AII
Easy & fun touch experience,
Samsung C3510 GenoA, is all
touch and go with the fun! Finger-
friendly Samsung C3510 GenoA
keeps you out of the frustration
zone with easy-to-access widgets
& a simplified 3 Page-expandable
Home screen & main menu.
Optimized widgets on Samsung
C3510 GenoA make you navigate
to & through your favourite appli-
cations easier and faster than
ever. And you can express your
mood and unique personality
through different theme options
onSamsung C3510 GenoA!
L6 kFJ0
Enjoy shooting photogenic
LG KP320 is the real successor
of LG KG 300 and includes
even more improved &
enhanced features as com-
pare to the KG300. LG KP320
comes with a 3 megapixel auto
focus camera with LED flash &
a spacious 80MB built in stor-
ageproviding adequate stor-
age for most people & if thats
not enough for you... the
KP320 also supports microSD
memory card
Above prices are subject to change as per market
Free down|oad | |

Tech Too| 0urrenI Nob||es

h0kI8 6 MF
Take your digitaI Iife with you.
The sleek Nokia C5 phone is
convenient, modern and full of
surprises Nokia C5is filled with
plenty of ways to keep you con-
nected to your friends & family.
Share life as it happens, with
Nokia C5 keep in touch with the
important people in your life on
the move. Use instant messag-
ing, email & easily check your
Facebookprofile & update your
status. The convenience of
maps & navigation, pics shar-
ing, music, web browsing, mes-
saging, social networking
Nokia C5 is a Classic beauty
providing easy access to things
that bring you closer.
88Nt00 8J410N 60@I NIII
Your SociaI Life Partner
With Hybrid and Compact Design of
Samsung B3410W Ch@t Wifi, use both
the full touch screen & the slide-out key-
pad for easier navigation of specific tasks.
Stay Connected with Full Social
Networking, Samsung B3410W Ch@t Wifi
makes it easier to keep in touch with your
buddies. Samsung B3410W Ch@t Wifi
let's you connect without Limitations as
Wi-Fi on Samsung B3410W Ch@t Wifi
ensures your easy access to the internet.
With Music, multimedia & Personal
lnformation Assistant, Samsung B3410W
Ch@t Wifi will truly rock your life.
L6 kL00
A perfect bIend of design and
Designed for the style conscious
user that demands more than just a
phone, theLG KE500 boasts a
sophisticated, clean look, a smooth
sliding mechanism that reveals a
hidden keypad and a superb mirror
LCD screen that utilises multi-angle
vision technology which lets you
see the screen from various per-
spectives. Be the envy of your
friends and family with the unique
look of the LG KE500!
800J LlI0tt00 60
Up to speed. Up to date.
Stay updated, wherever you go.
Sony Ericsson G502 gives you
email and Web access on the
move. High-speed 3G or HSDPA
Sony Ericsson G502 provides the
connectivity power you need.
Access your webmail and secure
POP3/lMAP clientemail accounts
from your phone. For complete
mobility, Sony Ericsson G502sup-
ports Exchange ActiveSync.
Above prices are subject to change as per market
Free down|oad | |

Tech Too| 0urrenI Nob||es

88Nt00 870 68I8KJ
Show off Your Smart StyIe.
The Samsung S5570 Galaxy Mini
embodies great productivity and
performance in a compact design
that is full of personality, Samsung
S5570 Galaxy Mini keeps you con-
nected to all that matters in your
life, The Samsung S5570 Galaxy
Mini is perfectly-sized for easy
mobility and ergonomic comfort,
With Samsung S5770 Galaxy Mini
you can write messages faster and
more conveniently with a continu-
ous motion of the finger by con-
necting the dots to write text
instead of pushing of nobby but-
tons one at a time.
h0kI8 6
Brings Everyone Together.
The Nokia C6 is a sleek & com-
pact phone featuring a customis-
able home screen, highly respon-
sive touch display and full QWEP-
TY keyboard, Nokia C6brings
everyone together with fast & easy
access to your email, contacts
and favourite social networks, The
Nokia C6 is a Symbian
Smartphone and it`s also possible
to configure this phone according
to personal preference, The back
of the Nokia C6 cell phone is set
up for the mobile photography &
has a maximum resolution of 5MP.
L6 F00
The Latest Android
Optimized with the latest version
of the Android platform 2.2 the
LG P500 is the cell phone you
want to have in your pocket, The
new LG P500 has Wi-Fi Hotspot
support which means you can
turn Optimus One into a
portable wireless router,
Connect up to 5 Wi-Fi devices to
the Web, You can discover the
world around you with LG P500
by the latest Google Mobile
Services including Google
Maps, The 3.2" capacitive touch-
screen of LG P500 with multi-
touch, pinch & zoom functional-
ity makes browsing a breeze.
h0kI8 800 Il0ttM0tI0
PIay Share Touch
The new Nokia 5800 XpressMusic
is a touchscreen sensation that
feels right, looks great, and sounds
even better. One touch to music,
video, and more. High-resolution
widescreen video & superior sur-
round sound, with built-in stereo
speakers, 8GB microSD card. Take
a good look at Nokia 5800
XpressMusic. This amazing 3.2"
high-resolution touchscreen looks
unlike any other & puts everything
at your fingertips. Nokia 5800
XpressMusic is perfectly propor-
tioned for one hand, auto screen
rotation. With a choice of alphanu-
meric keypad, full QWEPTY or key-
Above prices are subject to change as per market
Free down|oad | |

Tech Too| 0urrenI Nob||es

Fr ee down| oad | | ar e. pk Tech Tool pcom|ng Nob||es
Dimensions 96x52.6x12.2 Weight 79.1 g
Type TFT resistive touchscreen, 256K col-
ors, Size 240 x 320 pixels, 2.4 inches (~167
ppi pixel density), TouchWiz Lite U v2.0
sound Alert types, Vibration, MP3 ringtones
Loudspeaker Yes, 3.5mm jack Yes
Phonebook 1000 contacts, Photocall, Call
records Yes, nternal 20 MB, Card slot
microSD, up to 16 GB, buy memory
GPRS Class 12 (4+1/3+2/2+3/1+4 slots),
32 - 48 kbps EDGE Yes, Bluetooth Yes, v3.0
with A2DP, USB Yes, microUSB v2.0, HS
CAMERA Primary 2 MP, 1600x1200 pixels
Video Yes
Messaging SMS(threaded view), MMS,
Email, Push Email, M Browser WAP
2.0/xHTML, HTML Radio Stereo FM radio;
FM recording, Games Yes Colors Various
Java Yes, MDP 2.0, Social networking inte-
gration, MP3/WAV/eAAC+ player,
MP4/H.263 player, Organizer, Voice memo
Predictive text input
Stand-by Up to 760 h, Talk time Up to 14 h
50 min
Dimensions117.2x56.8x11mm, Weight
131 g
Type LED-backlit PS TFT, capacitive touch-
screen, 16M colors Size 360 x 640 pixels,
3.5 inches (~210 ppi pixel density), Gorilla
Glass display, Nokia ClearBlack display,
Multi-touch input method, Accelerometer
sensor for auto-rotate Proximity for auto
Phonebook Practically unlimited entries and
fields, Photocall Call records Detailed, max
30 days nternal 8 GB storage, 512 MB RAM,
1 GB ROM, Card slot microSD, up to 32GB,
buy memory
GPRS Class 33, EDGE Class 33 3G
HSDPA, 14.4 Mbps; HSUPA, 5.76 Mbps
WLAN Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth Yes,
v3.0 with A2DP, EDR, USB Yes, v2.0
microUSB, USB On-the-go support Camera
Primary, 8 MP, 3264x2448 pixels, fixed
focus, dual-LED flash,
OS Symbian Belle OS, CPU 1 GHz proces-
sor, 2D/3D graphics HW accelerator with
OpenVG1.1 and OpenGL ES 2.0
Messaging SMS (threaded view), MMS,
Email, Push Mail, M, Browser WAP
2.0/xHTML, HTML, RSS feeds, Radio Stereo
FM radio with RDS, FM transmitter Games
Yes + downloadable, Colors Steel dark, sil-
ver light, amethyst violet, white GPS Yes,
with A-GPS support, Java Yes, MDP 2.1
Active noise cancellation with dedicated mic
h0kI8 701
Dimensions 115.2 x 58.6 x 9.3 mm, Weight 140 g
Type LED-backlit PS TFT, capacitive touchscreen,
16M colors Size 640 x 960 pixels, 3.5 inches (~330
ppi pixel density), Scratch-resistant oleophobic sur-
face, Multi-touch input method, Accelerometer sensor
for auto-rotate, Three-axis gyro sensor, Proximity sen-
sor for auto turn-off, Sound Alert types, Vibration, MP3
ringtones, Loudspeaker Yes, 3.5mm jack Yes
Phonebook Practically unlimited entries and fields,
Photocall, Call records 100 received, dialed and
missed calls, nternal 16/32/64 GB storage
GPRS Yes, EDGE Yes, 3G HSDPA, 14.4 Mbps;
HSUPA, 5.8 Mbps, WLAN Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Wi-Fi
hotspot, Bluetooth Yes, v4.0 with A2DP, USB Yes,
v2.0, Camera Primary, 8 MP, 3264x2448 pixels, auto-
focus, LED flash, Features Touch focus, geo-tagging,
face detection, Video Yes, 1080p@30fps, LED video
light, video stabilization, geo-tagging Secondary Yes,
OS iOS 5, CPU 1 GHz dual-core ARM Cortex-A9
processor, PowerVR SGX543MP2 GPU, Apple A5
chipset, Messaging iMessage, SMS (threaded view),
MMS, Email, Push Email, Browser HTML (Safari)
Games Downloadable, incl. motion-based, Colors
Black, White, GPS Yes, with A-GPS support,
MicroSM card support only, Scratch-resistant glass
back panel, Active noise cancellation with dedicated
mic, Siri natural language commands and dictation
iCloud cloud service, Tweeter integration, Digital com-
pass, Google Maps, Audio/video player and editor
mage editor, Voice command/dial
- TV-out
Dimensions 119.5x62x11.7mm, Weight 113 g
Type TFT capacitive touchscreen, 16M colors
Size 640 x 480 pixels, 3.1 inches (~258 ppi
pixel density), Gorilla Glass display, QWER-
TY keyboard, Touch-sensitive controls, Multi-
touch input method, Proximity sensor for
auto- turn-off, Sound Alert types, Vibration;
MP3, WAV ringtones, Loudspeaker Yes,
3.5mm jack Yes
Phonebook Practically unlimited entries and
fields, Photo call Call records Practically
unlimited, nternal 4 GB storage, 512 MB
RAM, Card slot microSD, up to 32GB
GPRS Class 12 (4+1/3+2/2+3/1+4 slots), 32 -
48 kbps, EDGE Class 12, 3G HSDPA, 14.4
Mbps; HSUPA, 2.0 Mbps, WLAN Wi-Fi
802.11 b/g/n, DLNA, Wi-Fi hotspot, Bluetooth
Yes, v2.1 with A2DP, EDR, USB Yes,
microUSB v2.0, HS CAMERA Primary 5 MP,
2592x1944 pixels,
OS Android OS, v2.3 (Gingerbread), CPU 1
GHz processor, Messaging SMS (threaded
view), MMS, Email, M, Push Email, Browser
HTML, Radio Stereo FM radio with RDS
Games Yes + downloadable, Colors Black
GPS Yes, with A-GPS support Java Yes, via
Java MDP emulator, Photo viewer/editor
Organizer, Adobe Flash Player 10.3 Voice
memo/dial, Predictive text input
Stand-by Up to 312 h Talk time Up to 8 h
M0I0l0I8 F0+
88Nt00 6JJJ0 608N
I0 IF0000 48
Fr ee down| oad | | ar e. pk
pcom|ng Nob||es
Tech Tool
Type Capacitive touchscreen, 16M colors,
Size 540 x 960 pixels, 4.5 inches (~245 ppi
pixel density), Accelerometer sensor for U
Multi-touch input method, Proximity sensor for
auto turn-off, HTC Sense U, Touch-sensitive
controls, Sound Alert types Vibration, MP3,
WAV ringtones, Loudspeaker Yes, 3.5mm
jack Yes
Phonebook Practically unlimited entries and
fields, Photocall Call records Practically
nternal 16GB storage, 1 GB RAM, Card slot
microSD, up to 32GB
3G Rev. A, up to 3.1 Mbps, WLAN Wi-Fi
802.11 b/g/n, DLNA, Wi-Fi hotspot, Bluetooth
Yes, v3.0 with A2DP, EDR, USB Yes,
microUSB v2.0, Camera Primary 8 MP,
3264x2448 pixels, autofocus, dual-LED flash
Features Geo-tagging Video
Yes, 1080p, Secondary Yes, 1.3 MP
OS Android OS, v2.3 (Gingerbread), CPU 1.5
GHz dual-core processor, Messaging
SMS(threaded view), MMS, Email, Push
Email, M, Browser HTML, Games Yes,
Colors Black GPS Yes, with A-GPS support,
Java Yes, via Java MDP emulator,
MP4/H.264/H.263 player MP3/WAV/eAAC+
player, Organizer Document viewer (Word,
Excel, PowerPoint, PDF), Google Search,
Maps, Gmail, YouTube, Calendar, Google
Talk, Picasa integration, Voice
h6 8I00l 46
Dimensions 125 x 63 x 8.7 mm, Weight 117
Type LED-backlit LCD, capacitive touch-
screen, 16M colors, Size 480 x 854 pixels,
4.2 inches (~233 ppi pixel density),
Scratch-resistant surface, Accelerometer
sensor for auto-rotate, Multi-touch input
method, Sony Mobile BRAVA Engine,
Proximity sensor for auto turn-off,
Timescape U, Sound Alert types,
Vibration; MP3 ringtones, Loudspeaker
Yes 3.5mm jack Yes
Phonebook Practically unlimited entries
and fields, Photocall Call records,
Practically unlimited, nternal 1 GB (320
MB user-available), 512 MB RAM, Card
slot microSD, up to 32GB, 8 GB included
GPRS Up to 86 kbps, EDGE Up to 237
kbps 3G HSDPA, 14.4 Mbps; HSUPA, 5.8
Mbps WLAN Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, DLNA,
Wi-Fi hotspot Bluetooth Yes, v2.1 with
A2DP, EDR USB Yes, microUSB v2.0,
USB On-the-go support Camera Primary, 8
MP, 3264x2448 pixels, autofocus, LED
OS Android OS, v2.3.4 (Gingerbread) CPU
1.4 GHz Scorpion processor, Adreno 205
GPU, Qualcomm MSM8255T Snapdragon
Messaging SMS (threaded view), MMS,
Email, M, Push Email Browser HTML,
Radio Stereo FM radio with RDS, Games
Yes + downloadable, Colors Pure White,
800J LlI0tt00 I0lI8 l0 8
Dimensions 115.6x58.8x10.9mm, Weight
115.3 g
Type Super AMOLED capacitive touchscreen,
16M colors, Size 480 x 800 pixels, 3.7 inches
(~252 ppi pixel density), Multi-touch input
method Accelerometer sensor for U auto-
rotate, Proximity sensor for auto turn-off, Gyro
sensor Sound Alert types Vibration, MP3,
WAV ringtones, Loudspeaker Yes, 3.5mm jack
Phonebook Practically unlimited entries and
fields, Photocall Call records Practically unlim-
ited nternal 8 GB storage, 512 MB RAM,
GPRS Yes, EDGE Yes, 3G HSDPA, 14.4
Mbps; HSUPA, 5.76 Mbps, WLAN
Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth Yes, v2.1 with
A2DP, USB Yes, microUSB v2.0
CAMERA Primary, 5 MP, 2592 x 1944 pixels,
autofocus, LED flash , Features
Geo-tagging, image stabilization Video
Yes, 720p@30fps Secondary Yes, VGA
OS Microsoft Windows Phone 7.5 Mango,
CPU 1.4 GHz processor, Messaging SMS
(threaded view), MMS, Email, Push Email, M,
Browser HTML, Radio Stereo FM radio with
RDS Games Yes + downloadable, Colors
Black GPS Yes, with A-GPS support, Bing
map Digital compass, Microsoft office docu-
ment viewer/editor, MP4/WMV/H.264/H.263
player, MP3/WAV/WMA/eAAC+ player
- SNS integration Organizer
88Nt00 0N0I8 N I8J0
h0kI8 60
Dimensions103x51.4x17mm,Weight115 g
Type TFT resistive touchscreen, 56K colors
Size 240 x 320 pixels, 2.6 inches (~154 ppi
pixel density) Handwriting recognition
Sound Alert types Vibration; MP3, WAV
ringtones, Loudspeaker Yes, 3.5mm jack
Phonebook 1000 entries, Photocall Call
records Yes, nternal 10 MB, Card slot
microSD, up to 32GB, 2GB included
GPRS Class 12 (4+1/3+2/2+3/1+4 slots),
32 - 48 kbps EDGE Class 12, Bluetooth
Yes, v2.1 with A2DP, USB Yes, microUSB
v2.0, Camera Primary 2 MP, 1600x1200
pixels, Video Yes, QCF@15fps
Messaging SMS, MMS, Email, Push Email
Browser WAP 2.0/xHTML, Radio FM radio;
FM recording (country specific), Games
Yes + downloadable Colors Graphite Java
Yes, MDP 2.1, Dual SM Easy Swap SM
support (no reboot required),
MP4/H.264/H.263 player, MP3/AAC/WAV
player, Organizer, FlashLite support, Voice
memo, Predictive text input
Stand-by Up to 400 h, Talk time Up to 5 h
Music play Up to 37 h
88Nt00 F1000 68I8KJ 80
SmaII But Mighty
LG GD880 allow you to access informa-
tion easily with the built-in Widget like
Apple Daily, OpenPice and Google, The
built-in Phantom browser feature of LG
GD880 minimizes waiting time with high-
speed webpage loading, With LG
GD880you can access to your favorite
social networking sites via the Widget
Home Screen. LG KG880 is a new
dimension in entertainment.
I0 I0000 4 168 80
AppIe iphone 4 16GB (Software
UnIocked) - This changes everything.
Apple iphone 4 - ln both hardware and
software, Apple iphone 4 is a major leap
over its already-excellent predecessor, the
iPhone 3GS. The combination of gorgeous
new hardware, amazing display, upgraded
cameras, and major improvements to the
operating system make Apple iphone 4 an
extremely formidable package. Apple
iphone 4 is a GSM cell phone with a high-
resolution display, FaceTime video calling,
HD video recording.
h0kI8 I7
PIay It Like It's Iive.
lf you want to ply a HD game on a mare cell
phone than you need to go for Nokia X7, Yes
with 4" Amoled Touch Screen Nokia X7 gives
you real HD gaming experience, With Nokia
X7 you can get Emails straight to your home
screen & can be live 24/7 on Facebook &
Twitter, Enjoy the best the web has to offer
with AdobeFlash videos & other interactive
content right on your Nokia X7.
h6 Lf0 J0
Capture & View Life In 3D .
Now your photos can have as much
depth as the moment itself because
HTC EvO 3D captures your photos
and videos in 3D, You can view your
photos on HTC EvO 3D without the
glasses, The stunning 4.3-inch qHD
display of HTC EvO 3D gives you
crisp websites, vivid images &
incredibly fluid videos, HTC EvO 3D
not only captures 3D but also lets
you share your photos and videos
in many ways, So no matter where
you are, capture life as it should be
on your HTC EvO 3D.
8I80k80llJ 80I0 0000 9900
Touch. Type. Together.
Sleek and thin, the BlackBerry Bold 9900
smartphone iconic design, complete with
stainless steel frame body and sculpted
surfaces, makes this the lightest BlackBerry
to date, With a full touch screen and the
iconic BlackBerry QWEPTY keyboard you
can easily work on your BlackBerry Bold
9900 around apps, websites & messages,
The fastest & most powerful BlackBerry
experience yet, The BlackBerry Bold 9900
is loaded with a 1.2 GHz processor, dual-
band Wi-Fi & a built-in compass, The Near
Field Communication (NFC) feature of
BlackBerry Bold 9900 lets you connect with
other NFC-enabled devices & smart tags.
88Nt00 68I8KJ 8 II
SimpIy The Best Smart Phone.
Making the impossible possible,
Yes Samsung Galaxy S ll is
indeed the best smart phone,
Samsung Dual Core Application
Processor feature of Samsung
Galaxy S ll is the ultra responsive
answer to mobile performance,
providing high-speed multitask-
ing and high performance gam-
ing, Express your colour! This
brilliant display of Samsung
Galaxy S ll delivers the best
colouminimise, high contrast
ratio as well as ultimate sharp-
ness of image,
Above prices are subject to change as per market
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Tech Too| h|gh ange Nob||es

h0kI8 101
Be Entertained & In ControI.
With Nokia 101 you will be entertained for the
long time & you can keep every thing in con-
trol at the same time, The Nokia 101 helps
you to make life run more smoothly and eas-
ily, with everything from a calendar and an
alarm clock, to a torch to help you find your
way, Stay entertained wherever you go with a
music player of Nokia 101 that can support
up to 16GB memory card, The Nokia 101
offers you dual SM capability which makes it
easy for you to access calls and texts over
two different networks.
QN00II0 L00 F8lIJ
A reaI party phone.
Qmobile E500 Party Phone is a Sound Booster
mobile phone which comes with a big package
in a affordable price, With Dual Sim Card
Qmobile E500 Party Phone has a screen size
of 2.2 inch & gives 176 x 220 resolution,
Qmobile E500 Party Phone has a VGA Camera
which is present on the back side & can take
not only pictures but can record video as well,
GPRS and Bluetooth are also available in
Qmobile E500 Party Phone which means you
can connect to the internet where ever you
L6 1
DoubIe Power DoubIe Fun.
Now life is fun & easy both with the new LG
A165 which offers Dual SM portability,
Enjoy listening to your favorite radio station
anytime with LG A165 because you can
assign & schedule recording to your favorite
shows, Experience great clarity in picture
with the superior VGA Camera of LG A165,
With LG A165 you can Carry your favourite
music wherever you go.
fF f101
Dual SM, Dual Stand By
Yamaha Speaker
2.0TFT LCD Screen
Dual Camera
MP3 and MP4 Player
Wireless FM Radio
Bluetooth / Torch Light
Memory Slot
M088I0 kJ10
EIegance Personified.
Megagate K310 Messenger is a per-
sonal companion for all seasons,
Megagate K310 Messenger embodies
style and functionality never experi-
enced before, Coupled with slim and
elegant design Megagate K310
Messenger has exceptional messaging
capabilities, Megagate K310
Messenger has the power to share all
your memorable moments on the go.
h0kI8 I1 01
MusicaIIy Gifted.
Play, shuffle & repeat with the easy-to-use MP3
music player of Nokia X1 01, Make an impression
with Nokia X1 01 because it has sleek design &
glossy back cover, Stay in control of your
favourite songs on Nokia X1 01 with the dedicat-
ed music keys, Listen to up to 36 hours of non-
stop music on Nokia X1 01 thanks to the power-
ful, long-lasting battery, Go for a phone you can
rely on with its tough outer casing built for every-
day use.
Above prices are subject to change as per market
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Tech Too| LoW ange Nob||e

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Tech Too| Latest LapTop
SerIes PuvIIIon G6, OperuLIng SysLem WIndows ; Home BusIc
Processor Type nLeI Core I, Processor Speed z.1o GHz
Processor z CucIe MB, Processor ModeI I-z1oM
RAM CupucILy GB, RAM Type DDR, RAM SIoLs z
Hurd DIsk CupucILy zo GB, HDD RPM qoo, HDD nLerIuce
SATA, Screen SIze 1.6 IncI, Screen Type ED,Screen ResoIuLIon
166 x ;68, GrupIIcs nLeI GrupIIcs MedIu AcceIeruLor HD GrupIIcs Curd
VIdeo Memory SIured, OpLIcuI DrIve DVD Super MuILI
SerIes nspIron, OperuLIng SysLem Dos, Processor Type nLeI Core I
Processor Speed z.1o GHz, Processor z CucIe MB, Processor ModeI
I-z1oM, RAM CupucILy z GB, RAM Type DDR, RAM SIoLs z
Hurd DIsk CupucILy zo GB, HDD RPM qoo, HDD nLerIuce SATA
Screen SIze 1.6 IncI, Screen Type ED, Screen ResoIuLIon 166 x ;68
GrupIIcs BuIIL n, VIdeo Memory SIured, OpLIcuI DrIve DVD Super
SerIes EB SerIes, OperuLIng SysLem WIndows ; Home PremIum
Processor Type nLeI Core I, Processor Speed z.qo GHz
Processor z CucIe MB, Processor ModeI I-;oM
RAM CupucILy q GB, RAM Type DDR, RAM SIoLs z
Hurd DIsk CupucILy oo GB, HDD RPM qoo
HDD nLerIuce SATA, Screen SIze 1. IncI, Screen Type XBrILe, ED
Screen ResoIuLIon 166 x ;68, GrupIIcs nLeI nLegruLed GrupIIcs
VIdeo Memory SIured, OpLIcuI DrIve MuILIIormuL BIuRuy ROM
GenuIne WIndows ; SLurLer, CPU: nLeI ALom DuuI Core Processor
No(1.oGHz), N;o(1.66GHz), DIspIuy: 1o.1 1ozqx6oo ED buckIIgIL, SysLem
Memory: 1GBJzGB DDR, 1 sIoL (Mux zGB), CIIpseL: MobIIe: nLeI NM1o
Express CIIpseLs, VIdeo GrupIIcs: nLeI GMA 1o, Hurd DIsk: zoJzoJoo
GB, AN: 8oz.11bJgJn wIreIess, BIueLooLI V.o + HS(OpLIonuI), Webcum:o.
Megu PIxeI, SecurILy: KensIngLon ock, DImensIons: z66 (W) x 18 (D) x 1q.;-z;.1
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SerIes EssenLIuI B, OperuLIng SysLem Dos, Processor Type
nLeI Core I, Processor Speed z.1o GHz, Processor z CucIe
MB, Processor ModeI I-z1oM, RAM CupucILy z GB
RAM Type DDR, RAM SIoLs z, Hurd DIsk CupucILy oo GB
HDD RPM qoo, HDD nLerIuce SATA, Screen SIze 1.6 IncI
Screen Type ED, Screen ResoIuLIon 166 x ;68, GrupIIcs
nLeI GrupIIcs MedIu AcceIeruLor HD GrupIIcs Curd, VIdeo Memory
SIured, OpLIcuI DrIve DVD Super MuILI
OperuLIng SysLem Muc OS X Snow eopurd Processor Type nLeI Core I; Processor Speed
z.z GHz Processor z CucIe 6 MB Processor ModeI nIo nJu RAM CupucILy q GB RAM
Type DDR RAM SIoLs z Hurd DIsk CupucILy ;o GB HDD RPM qoo HDD nLerIuce
SATA Screen SIze 1.q IncI Screen Type ED Screen ResoIuLIon 1qqo X qoo GrupIIcs
AMD Rudeon HD 6;o VIdeo Memory 1 GB OpLIcuI DrIve DVD Super MuILI
e|| Insp|ron h6110 16
8ony Va|o L836FX
hF Fav|||on 6-1027se
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Lenovo LssenI|a|-8670 App|e Nac8oo| Fro
MonILor No, OperuLIng SysLem Dos
Processor Type nLeI Core z Duo
Processor ModeI E;oo
Processor Speed z.q GHz
Processor z CucIe MB, RAM Type
DDR, RAM z GB, Hurd DIsk CupucILy
ooGB, RPM qoo, CIIpseLnLeI Gq1
Express CIIpseL, GrupIIcs Xqoo HD
VIdeo Memory SIured
OpLIcuI DrIve DVD Super MuILI
MonILor No, OperuLIng SysLem
Dos, Processor Type nLeI Core I
Processor ModeI I-z1oo,
Processor Speed .1o GHz,
Processor z CucIe MB, RAM
Type DDR, RAMz GB, Hurd
DIsk CupucILy ooGB, RPM
;zoo, CIIpseL nLeI Q6;
Express, GrupIIcs BuIIL n,
VIdeo Memory S I u r e d ,
OpLIcuI DrIve DVD Super
MonILor z1. ncI, OperuLIng SysLem Muc OS X eopurd, Processor Type
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q MB, RAM Type DDR, RAM q GB, Hurd DIsk CupucILy 1 TB,
RPM ;zoo, CIIpseL BuIIL n, GrupIIcs AT Rudeon HD 6;o
VIdeo Memory 1z MB, OpLIcuI DrIve DVD Super MuILI
e|| VosIro 230 N|n| ToWer
e|| pI|F|ex 7B0
hF 0ompaq B200 L||Ie
App|e |Nac 21.6-|nch 3.2ht 0ompaq 8us|ness es|Iop 06008
hF 0ompaq dx2390NT
MonILor No, OperuLIng SysLem Dos
Processor Type nLeI Core z Duo,
Processor ModeI E;oo, Processor Speed
z.q GHz, Processor z CucIe MB, RAM
Type DDR, RAM z GB, Hurd DIsk CupucILy
ooGB, RPM qoo, CIIpseL nLeI Qq
Express, GrupIIcs Xqoo HD, VIdeo
Memory SIured, OpLIcuI DrIve DVD Super
OperuLIng SysLem Dos Processor
Type nLeI Core z Duo Processor ModeI
Eqoo Processor Speed z.;o GHz
Processor z CucIe MB RAM Type
DDRz RAM 1 GB Hurd DIsk CupucILy
zo GB RPM ;zoo CIIpseL nLeI G1
GrupIIcs BuIIL n VIdeo Memory
SIured OpLIcuI DrIve DVD Super MuILI
MonILor No OperuLIng SysLem Dos Processor
Type nLeI Core z Duo Processor ModeI E;oo
Processor Speed z.q GHz Processor z CucIe z
MB RAM Type DDR RAM 1 GB Hurd DIsk
CupucILy zo GB RPM qoo CIIpseL nLeI Gq1
Express CIIpseL GrupIIcs BuIIL n VIdeo Memory
SIured OpLIcuI DrIve DVD Super MuILI

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