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Andre, Claire, and Manuel Velasquez. "Capital Punishment: Our Duty or Our Doom?

" Santa Clara University Ethics Home Page. Santa Clara University. Web. 14 Oct. 2011. <>. This source is a respected universitys publication on the death penalty from the point of view of two distinguished students. It offers opinions that have been backed up back facts and statistics. It cites other valuable and respected sources behind the pro-death penalty movement. Bedau, Hugo Adam., and Paul G. Cassell. Debating the Death Penalty: Should America Have Capital Punishment? : the Experts on Both Sides Make Their Best Case. New York: Oxford UP, 2004. Print. Renowned authors Hugo Adam Bedau and Paul G. Cassell offer a non-biased book of facts on the death penalty. This book offers details on the pros and cons of the death penalty and allows for the reader to make his own choice on the matter. It is a non-biased publication from the New York Oxford UP. It contains information, reliable quotes, and statistics all related to the death penalty. Berns, Walter. For Capital Punishment: Crime and the Morality of the Death Penalty. New York: Basic, 1979. Print. Walter Berns is a respected author on the topic of justice. This book is devoted to the topic of the death penalty in the United States. It contains ideas, philosophies, and different psychological perspectives on the positive and negative effects of the death penalty. It offers statistics, a non-biased perspective, and reliable facts on the topic of capital punishment. Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS). Office of Justice Programs, 11 Oct. 2011. Web. 14 Oct. 2011. <>. The Bureau of Justice offers statistics based on the criminal victimization, capital punishment, and crime against the people. It is purely a gathering of factual information devoted to victims of crime, criminals, and census groups on the sentencing of violent criminals. It is a non-biased source that focuses on key facts and data collections related to heinous crimes. Fajnzylber, Pablo. "WHAT CAUSES VIOLENT CRIME?" European Economic Review (2000).

Print. Pablo Fajnzylbers publication in the European Economic Review offers a worldly view to capital punishment. It goes through different facts, statistics, and expert knowledge on the death penaltys effect on different countries throughout history. It is modern, up-to-date, and a cultural affirmation of the death penaltys effect on a worldwide scale. Koch, Edward I. Death and Justice: How Capital Punishment Affirms Life. Vol. 192. New Republic. 13+. Print. Edward I. Kochs volume on Capital Punishment is a beneficial read. It offers a new age look to capital punishment, the effects of crimes on society, and the death penalty on a world wide scale. Page 13 and up offers concrete evidence to support capital punishment in the modern world. Messerli, Joe. " - Death Penalty (Pros & Cons, Arguments For and Against, Advantages & Disadvantages)." - Free Balanced, Non-Partisan Discussion of Political & Social Issues for Debate (Pros and Cons - Decision Making Politics). Joe Messerli, 17 July 2011. Web. 12 Oct. 2011. <>. This website owned by Joe Messerli offers a non-biased look at the death penalty. It contains both pros and cons that make for a compelling argument. Related links include the Death Penalty Information Center and Criminal Justice: Capital Punishment Focus. Page is current with cyberspace and was last updated 07/17/2011. "Non-Profit Death Penalty Discussion." Death Penalty on, Non-Profit, Organization, 26 Sept. 2011. Web. 18 Oct. 2011. <>. is a respected internet publisher renowned for its ability to gather factual evidence and current information on a variety of topics. It explores both the positives and the negatives of the death penalty and allows for a three-dimensional understanding of the overall effects of capital punishment. Randa, Laura E. Society's Final Solution: a History and Discussion of the Death Penalty. Lanham, MD: University of America, 1997. Print. Laura E. Random is a respected author

that explores sociology and anthropology in many of her works. In Societys Final Solution, Randa explores the history and the factual evidence to provide a non-biased informational read on the death penalty. All sides are represented in this work, allowing for strict facts to be the reoccurring theme on the universal discussion of the death penalty. Stewart, Steven D. "Message from the Prosecuting Attorney." Clark County Prosecuting Attorney's Office. Clark County Prosecutor, 2009. Web. 18 Oct. 2011. <>. Steven D. Stewart is a successful prosecutor from Clark County, Indiana. The first page of this website is a manifesto which details his goals as a prosecutor as well as many cases he has encountered where the death penalty fit the crime. In his added links, he details statistics, facts, and valuable information about the death penaltys positive effect on the state of Indiana. "US Map / Pro Death Penalty." Pro-death Web. 2 Oct. 2011. <>. This website is a map of the United States that contains information on pro-death penalty states. It is a publication of It enlists information on the laws of every state regarding capital punishment. It is purely statistical information gathered regarding capital punishment across the United States.

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