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MB-System Installation & Configuration

MB-System is a collection tools used to process research grade swath mapping sonar data in more than four-dozen formats from sonar equipment manufactured and operated around the world. MBSystemTM is typically used in conjunction with the Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) created by Paul Wessel of the University of Hawaii andWalter Smith of Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory. GMT is a powerful set of processes used to manipulate data and to create Encapsulated Post Script maps and charts. MB-System is an open source software package for the processing and display of bathymetry and backscatter imagery data derived from multibeam, interferometry, and sidescan sonars. Mapping the Seafloor: Software for the Processing and Display of Swath Sonar Data

Base Operating System Installation

CentOS or Red Hat Enterprise Linux For installing any Linux distro we need minimum 2 partitions; but we can make more partitions according to our need. / partition is the root partition which is ext3 or ext4 related with the distro we -are using; we can give maximum space for / partition. /boot Boot loader (The start-up files and the kernel, vmlinuz. In some recent distributions also grub data. Grub is the GRand Unified Boot loader and is an attempt to get rid of the many different boot-loaders we know today.) /tmp Partition is the temporary partition used for storing temp files. swap Partition is the virtual memory; must be twice the size of system -memory (RAM).

Installation Step
You will get detailed installation instruction of CentOS5 Operating System from the below given website.

YUM Server Configuration

Installation of packages in CentOS or RHEL is done by the help of YUM. YUM - Yum (short for Yellow Dog Update Manager) is a package manager for Yellow Dog and a few other Linux distributions. It is used to install, update, and remove programs. We can create local YUM Repository as below Step1: Copy packages from CD or DVD which come along with Distro. CentOS package resides in CentOS folder inside CD Copy packages --> make a folder named Package in / cd /Package -> Enter rpm -ivh createrepo* -> Enter cd -> Enter createrepo -v /Package -> Enter Step2: For configuring Installation directory for MB-System; download MB-System packages from below listed sites

MB-System packages is available on # # or You can download MB-System as source code and you can configure and install MBSystem from source code. Copy downloaded packages and paste to /MBSystem --> make a folder named MBSystem in / createrepo -v /MBSystem --> Enter Step3: Create a yum repo file in /etc/yum.repos.d/ directory. We can create repo file with any desired name but that file must have extension repo (*.repo) Eg: <filename>.repo gedit /etc/yum.repos.d/a.repo a.repo file contains the following lines [YumServer] name=Packages baseurl=file:///Package/ enabled=1 gpgcheck=0 [MBSystem] name=Multibeam baseurl=file:///MBSystem/ enabled=1 gpgcheck=0 yum clean all -> Enter yum update -> Enter

Installation of MB System on CentOS or RHEL using Yum Repository

Step1: Install MB-System Open the terminal Applicatons->Accessries->Terminal Type the comand given below yum install mbsystem For installing MB-System we have to have some dependency softwares like GMT, NetCDF, Perl 5.0, X11(Graphics Software in Linux), Motif, etc... All these packages available on above given website. After installation we can find installation directory in /opt directory For getting installed software information we can use the comand below rpm -qa mbsystem or

rpm -ql mbsystem All excecutable comands for MB-System is in /opt/mbsystem/bin/ directory. We can excecute comands by typing absolute path (Eg: /opt/mbsystem/bin/mbedit) or we can specify the path in .bash-profile gedit .bash_profile PATH=/opt/mbsystem/bin/ Save the file Now you can directly give the command as mbedit. Remember to restart your computer for the changes to take effect...

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