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We need Lo malnLaln MaLerlal masLer records for Lhe 8CM lLem and for Lhe
componenLs also

1he lLem caLegory group of Lhe 8CM lLems ls 'L8LA/LuMl' and Lhe lLem caLegory
ls 'nC8M'

CreaLlng 8CM lLem
Sales and dlsLrlbuLlon
MasLer daLa
8llls of maLerlal
MaLerlal 8CM
CS01 creaLe

Speclfy Lhe daLa for Lhe followlng flelds

MaLerlal Speclfy Lhe maLerlal for whlch componenLs are Lo be malnLalned

lanL Speclfy Lhe planL of 8CM lLem
8CM usage Speclfy Lhe appllcaLlon ln whlch 8CM ls malnLalned (3 for Su)

AlLernaLlve 8CM Speclfles Lhe sequence of a 8CM wlLhln a group of 8CMs
(L sLock lLem n nonsLock lLem)

ln Lhe overvlew screen speclfy Lhe componenLs whlch makes Lhe maln lLem and
Lhe correspondlng quanLlLles and save lL
noLe uurlng sales documenL processlng lf we enLer Lhe 8CM lLem Lhe sysLem
auLomaLlcally deLermlnes correspondlng componenLs

1) lor Lhe 8CM Lo be exploded ln Lhe sales documenL Lhe followlng cusLomlzlng
seLLlng ls requlred

A) lf Lhe lLem caLegory group ls L8LA Lhe lLem caLegory of Lhe 8CM ls 1AC ln Lhe
deflnlLlon of whlch we have Lo speclfy Lhe value A (Lxplode slngle level 8CM) ln
Lhe sLrucLure scope
8) lf Lhe lLem caLegory group ls LuMl Lhe lLem caLegory of Lhe 8CM lLem ls 1A ln
Lhe deflnlLlon of whlch we have Lo speclfy Lhe value A ln Lhe fleld sLrucLure scope

2) lf Lhe lLem caLegory group ls LuMl Lhe sysLem shows prlce for Lhe componenLs
buL noL for Lhe 8CM lLem lor Lhls Lhe followlng cusLomlzlng seLLlng ls requlred

A) 1he lLem caLegory of Lhe 8CM lLem ls 1A whlch ls noL relevanL for prlclng so
Lhe 8CM lLem ls noL rlced
8) 1he lLem caLegory of Lhe componenLs ls 1An whlch ls relevanL for prlclng so
Lhe componenLs are prlced

3) lf Lhe lLem caLegory group ls L8LA Lhe sysLem shows prlce for Lhe 8CM lLem
buL noL for componenLs lor Lhls followlng cusLomlzlng seLLlng ls requlred

A) 1he lLem caLegory of 8CM lLem ls 1AC whlch ls relevanL for prlclng so Lhe
8CM ls prlced
8) 1he lLem caLegory of componenLs ls 1AL whlch ls noL relevanL for prlclng so
Lhe componenLs are noL prlced

Whlle creaLlng sales documenL Lo geL Lhe llsL of alLernaLlve 8CMs ln Lhe deflnlLlon
lLem caLegory of 8CM lLem we have Lo check Lhe fleld Manual AlLernaLlve"


l1LM CA1LCC8? uL1L8MlnA1lCn lC8 8CM l1LM

Su Lype l1CaCr usg PLlLCa ufLlLCa

C8 nC8M 1AC 1AL
C8 LuMl 1A
C8 nC8M 1A 1An
C8 nC8M 1An
C8 nC8M 1AL 1AL
C8 nC8M 1An 1AL

nC1L A Lxplode slngle level 8CM lLem
8 Lxplode mulLl level 8CM lLem
CS01 1ransacLlon code for creaLlng 8CM lLem

SLaLlsLlcal value 'x' or 'y'
Make 1A relevanL for prlclng buL values for sLaLlsLlcal only

Mu|t| |eve| 8CM
We all know CompuLer ls Lhe comblnaLlon of MonlLor Cu keyboard Mouse

Pere Cu conslsLs ParddlskMoLher8oard rocessor 8am eLc

CompuLer ls Lhe Maln lLem

MonlLorCukeyboard Mouse are all sublLems for Maln lLem

SublLem Cu agaln conLalns lLems

1hls klnd of maLerlal ls known as MulLl 8CM
Slmply 8CM wlLh ln Lhe 8CM ls MulLl 8CM

lf you wanL conflguraLlon Lhls lnLo SA
llrsL you need Lo creaLe ln MM01 CompuLer as Maln lLem
(lLem caLegory group L8LA lf you wanL Lo glve prlce on maLerlal Level)

CreaLe ln MM01 MonlLorCukeyboardMouseParddlskMoLher8oardrocessor8am
as sublLems
( lLem caL group nC8MbuL for Cu lLem caL group L8LA)

now CreaLe 8CM CS01 CompuLer lnclude MonlLorCukeyboardMouse as sublLems

agaln creaLe 8CMCS01 Cu lnclude MouseParddlskMoLher8oardrocessor8am as sublLems for
Cu malnlLem

ln ConflguraLlon of lLem CaLergory vCv7 Change Lhe SLrucLure scope from A explode slngle level
8CM Lo 8 Lxplode MulLl Level 8CM for lLem CaL 1AC 1A

CreaLe Sales order for MalnlLem CompuLer
All Lhe lLems wlll be dlsplayed as sub lLems lncludeMouseParddlskMoLher8oardrocessor8am
CreaLe 8CM as 8elow

maln maLerlal ls 101(maLerlal no)
SublLems for 101 are 102103 104 103
102 also has 2 Lwo sub lLems le 106 107
creaLe maLerlal masLers for all Lhe lLems le 101 Lo 107 and posLed sLocks and malnLaln prlces
lndlvldually ln vk11
creaLe 8CM ln CS01 seperaLely for 101 102
change Lhe lLem CaLegory Croup for boLh Lhe maln lLems 101 102 from nC8M Lo L8LA/LuMl and
creaLe Lhe Sales Crder
lor 101 8CM wlll explode correcLly ln order buL for 102 wlll noL explode
lf you enLer boLh Lhe maLerlals 101 102 as 2 llne lLems Lhen 8CM wlll explode for boLh Lhe

1o solve Lhls
check Lhe lLem caLegory conflguraLlon for your header maLerlal for Lhe followlng fleld

SLrucLure Scope wheLher lL ls A or 8A ls for explode slngle level 8 ls for explode mulLllevel blll of
maLerlal ln your case lL should be malnLalned as 8

lf lL ls changed you can explode MulLllevel 8CM

Item category determination in MuItiIeveI BOM
f u want to price the main item then

OR ERLA ----


n TAQ item category functionality in the Structure Scope field Select ' B' .
TAQ1 is copy of TAQ but only difference is in the Structure Scope field Select "A".
TAE is standard one.

f u want to price the components then



n TAP functionality in structure scope field select "B".
TAP1 is copy of TAP but in Structure scope field select "A".

n that way BOM item category is determined for multilevel BOM during sale order processing.

We want to expIode BiII of MateriaI automaticaIIy at time of Order entry and expIode an Equipment BOM
in the saIes order. What are the setting required?
Use an item category that is configured for bills of material for having a sales BOM to explode automatically.
Standard SAP item categories are :
TAQ - Pricing and inventory control take place at the BOM header level
TAP - Pricing and inventory control take place at the BOM item level
These can be automatically derived using the item category groups ERLA and LUMF, respectively.

f you want the BOM to explode at the sales order page, the item category TAQ or TAP based on Main item or
sub item pricing, should have the structure scope set to 'A'. This will ensure that the BOM would explode.

t kn that Sa|es 8CM |s |ng nt?

l have seL up a sales 8CM Pow do l know or LesL LhaL ls ls worklng or noL?
Cnce you enLer a maLerlal (for whch you have creaLed a 8CM Lhru CS01) ln Lhe sales doc
anoLhermaLerlal pops under Lhe maln maLerlal llne lLem as a sublLem (s) lf lL doesnL Lhen your
8CM lsnLworklngln my experlence 8CMs work lf all malnLenance has been done properlyA
number of Lhlngs Lo check ls
1 1he bom hasnL been deflned for Lhe planL used or you havenL deflned Lhe planL ln SC
2 Maln lLem caLegory has 8CM appllcaLlon Su01 been asslgned Lo lL?
3 lLem caLegorles for maln lLems and sublLems have noL been malnLelned properly
4 Sales lLems malnLenance ?ou should asslgn lLem caLegorles for 8CM header lLems and sublLems
Lo a speclflc sales doc
3 Pas Lhe 8CM lLself been conflgured properly (le rlghL planL 8CM usage 3)?
6 Are you Lrylng lL ouL on an order creaLed afLer all 8CM malnLenance was done?
7 Also whaLs Lhe SLrucLure scope seL as? AnyLhlng excepL C may be useful here? We have LhaL seL
Lo A slnce our 8CMs are all slnglelevel ?ou could seL lL Lo 8 lf 8CM are conflgured mulLllevel
1hose are probably maln reasons why 8CM shouldnL work AparL from LhaL [usL recheck your
whole conflg Lhe LruLh ls ouL Lhere somewhere
- tem Type: whether standard or text or value item
- Completion Rule: The rule for establishing when a quotation or contract is complete.
- Business Data tem: whether business data in the item can be different to that of the doc header.
- Relevant for billing
- Schedule Line Allowed: tems that are relevant for del will always have schedule lines.
- Order Quantity = 1
- tem Relevant for Delivery: we need to check this field in item cat: TATX.
- Create Delivery Group: You use a delivery group to determine a common delivery date for all the items that it
contains. Especially used in BOM.
- Determine Cost: ndicates whether, during pricing, the system determines the cost (stock value) of a sales
document item.
- Relevant for weight and volume
- Credit active.
- Pricing: n the case of text items, however, pricing would not make sense.
Types of tem Category:
BVN Cash Sale TAS Third party
TAB ndividual order purchase REN Returns
G2N Credit memo L2N Debit memo
TAK Make to order TAC Configurable material
KBN Consignment fill up KEN Consignment issue
KRN Consignment return KAN Consignment Pickup
TAQ Extent delivery- BOM TAP Extent delivery- higher lever item in BOM
TAE Explanation- BOM TAW Value tem
- Text items do not require processing for pricing, taxes & weight calculations
- tems that are not relevant for del, such as credit memo requests, do not have schedule lines.
- Usually, items that do not have schedule lines cannot be copied in to a delivery. Text items are an exception.
Functions Example
Standard item in QT Pricing, Schedule Line Allowed, Not relevant for billing, AGN
Standard item in Order Pricing, Schedule Line Allowed, Relevant for billing TAN
Free of Charge tem in order No pricing, Schedule line allowed, not relevant for billing TANN
Text item in Order No pricing, No schedule lines, relevant for billing TATX
- You do not need pricing or del quantities & dates (i.e. schedule lines) for a text item (item cat: TATX), in the
standard order.
Depending on the item category group that you apply & the sales doc type you are processing the system automatically
proposes an item category in the document.
Document type tem cat group Usage Higher level item category Def ault tem category
SPRO- MG- SD- Sales- Sales Document- Sales Document tem- Assign tem Category (VOV4)

Difference between item category TAQ & TAN price reIevant in BOM
The settings for TAQ and TAN are the same in standard system. You could check it in VOV7.
Normally we provide two sample standard item category groups for BOM creation.

f you are using item category group ERLA in materail master, then the BOM will be created as
Main tem TAQ (Pricing)
Sub tem TAE (no pricing)

And if you using item category group LUMF, then the BOM will be created as following:
Main item TAP (no pricing)
Sub tem TAN (Pricing)

Sales BOM Implementation
A bill oI material (BOM) describes the diIIerent components that together create a
product. A BOM Ior a bicycle, Ior example, consists oI all the parts that make up
the bicycle: the Irame, the saddle, wheels, and so on.
!7ocess Flow
When you enter the material number oI a bill oI materials that is relevant Ior sales
order processing, the system displays the material that describes the whole bill oI
materials as a main item. The individual components are displayed as lower-level
There are two ways to process a bill oI materials in Sales. Once you have entered a
bill oI material in a sales order, the system runs pricing, inventory control, and
delivery processing at:
- Main item level iI the material is assembled, or
- Component level iI the material is not assembled
The type oI processing used by the system is determined by the item catego7
g7oup that you enter in the mate7ial maste7 7eco7/ Ior relevant materials.

!7ocessing at Main Item Level
II you want the system to carry out pricing, inventory control, and delivery
processing at main item level, enter #LA in the Item catego7 g7oup fiel/ oI
the Sales: sales o7g. 2 sc7een in the mate7ial maste7 7eco7/ of the finishe/
p7o/uct. This means that the components only Iunction as text items and are not
relevant Ior delivery. The Iollowing graphic shows how a bill oI material is
processed at main item level.

!7ocessing at Component Level
II you want the system to carry out pricing, inventory control, and delivery
processing at the component level, enter LUMF in the Item catego7 g7oup
fiel/ oI the Sales: sales o7g. 2 sc7een in the mate7ial maste7 7eco7/ of the
finishe/ p7o/uct. In this case, only the components are relevant Ior delivery.
During processing the system automatically creates a delivery group. The latest
delivery date among all the components becomes the delivery date Ior the entire
delivery group.
!7icing Customization Fo7 Sales BOM
What a7e the steps of customization to p7icing fo7 hea/e7 level o7 item level
By: John
You can create a sales bom, and price it at header level or sub level.
II you want to assemble the products and depending upon the assemblies you want
to price. For eg. iI the customer asks Ior a certain combination oI Material A, B
and C respectively, then you create a Material Master record Material D with item
category group as LUMF. While the Materials A, B and C are created with
standared item category groups NORM only.
Then create a sales BOM using Tcode CS01 and enter the Iollowing details:
Material : Material D
Plant : Plant in which you created the material.
BOM Usage : 5 (Sales and Distribution)
then give the Materials A, B, and C and give their respective quantities.
BeIore you have to create pricing condition records Ior Materials A, B, and C.
Then conIigure the item categories ( T - code : VOV4).
When processing the sales order, just give the Material D and the system will pick
up the corresponding assemblies Ior that material and populate in the order.
The item category Ior the header item will be TAP and the item cateory Ior the
items will be TAN.
In this case the Material D is called as the higher level Item , and all the assemblies
are called as the sub items. Here the subitems are relevant Ior pricing and delivery
where as the header item is not relevant Ior neither pricing nor delivery. It just acts
as a text item.
%his tpe of configa7ation of BOM is known as p7icing at item level. This is
used when you dont know what quantities oI assemblies the customer is going to
order and iI the price oI the assembly keeps varies.
%he7e is anothe7 wa of configa7ing BOM which is p7icing at hea/e7
level. The diIIerence is that the Material Master D has to be conIugured using the
item category group ERLA.
Creation oI BOM is same.
But you need to maintain the pricing condition record Ior the header item.
The item categories in this case would be
Header item : TAQ
Sub item TAE;
Where the header item is relevant Ior pricing and delivery. and subitems are not
relevant Ior neither the pricing nor the delivery. Depending upon your requirement
you conIigure accordingly.
In Summary:
--~BeIor going to create sales BOM you need to create:
Master data Ior that Header Material and Components in the MM01 transaction.
--~II you want Header price you create Header Materil with ERLA Itemcategory
--~II you want pricing at item level you create header material with LUMF
Itemcategory group.
--~To create Sales BOM go to the transaction CS01 there you give enter the data
Header Material which you have created in the MM01 transaction.
Delivering Plant.
BOM Usage as '5' (Sales and Distribution)
***Then proceed with enter system will take you the BOM detail screen here you
maintain the details oI the components (How many components you need to make
a Header material)
--~Check the item category determinetion settings in the transaction VOV4.
--~Maintain the Pricing procedure according to that.
--~Now you can create sales order with the BOM material
Force deIivery of compIete saIes BOM

Business scenario.

Sales BOM ABC contains two items, X & Y.

want to ensure that the entire sales BOM ABC is delivered completely, i.e. in neither the sales order
or the delivery document should the items X & Y be deleted from the relevant document.

believe that can use the "Create Delivery Group" function on the item category of the Sales BOM,
however have been unable at this stage to prevent items of the BOM from being deleted in the sales
order/delivery document.

Am on the right path using the delivery group?

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