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Physics A Formula sheet Name:

NV-College Sjdalsgymnasiet

Units English Swedish Symbol

Units- name Value

Mechanics area average acceleration average velocity coefficient of friction density displacement efficiency energy force frequency gravitational acceleration initial velocity instantaneous velocity mass period power pressure time volume work

Mekaniks area medelacceleration medelhastighet friktionstal densitet strcka verkningsgrad energi kraft frekvens acceleration vid fritt fall begynnelsehastighet momenthastighet massa period effekt tryck tid volym arbete

A a v

m2 m / s2 m/ s ----------------kg / m 3 m ----------------J N m N kg m / s 2

E F f g

Joule Newton Hertz

s 1 Hz m / s2

9.82 m / s 2

m/ s m/ s

v m T P P t V W

kg s W J /s Pa N / m 2 s m3 J N m

Watt Pascal


Electrostatics and Elektrisk, likstrm Direct Current, DC charges (electric) current (electric) potential (electric) field resistance resistivity capacity laddning, el-mngd (elektrisk) strm (elektrisk) spnning (elektrisk) fltstyrka resistans Resistivitet Kapacitans


C A C/s V W / A N /C V / A m F C /V

Coulomb Ampere Volt Ohms Farad Not for sale. Free to use for educational purposes

Physics A Formula sheet Name:

NV-College Sjdalsgymnasiet





Units- name

Optics incident angle refraction angle index of refraction speed of light in vacuum focal length power object distance image distance magnification object height image height

Optik infallsvinkeln brytningsvinkeln brytningsindex ljusts hastighet i vakuum brnnvidd diopter fremlets avstnd till spegel eller lins Bildens avstnd till spegel eller lins lateralfrstoring fremlets storlek bildens storlek

1 2 n

------------m/ s

---------------3.00 108 m /


1 f

m or cm D m 1 m or cm m or cm

dO di
m hO

m or cm m or cm


Heat and Thermodynamics:

English Swedish

Vrmelra och Termodynamik:

Symbol Units Units- name

heat temperature temperature change specific heat Latent heat of fusion heat of vaporization

vrmeenergi temperatur temperaturndring specifik vrmekapacitet specifikt smltvrme (specifik smltentalptitet) specifikt ngbildningsvrme (specifik ngbildningsentalptitet)

T T c

J kcal K C K J /(kg K )
J / kg kcal / kg J / kg kcal / kg

Joule kilo calorie

Kelvin Centigrade Kelvin


Table 14-1 Specific Heats, c & 14-3 Latent Heat, L Substance Specific Heat Melting Temp. Heat of Fusion Boiling point Heat of Vaporization C Kcal/Kg C Kcal/[Kg.C] kJ/[kg.C] kJ/kg Kcal/Kg kJ/kg 25 104 204 850 Ethyl alcohl 0.58 2.4 114 78 Ice 0.50 2.100 0 79.7 333 Water 1.00 4.186 0 79.7 333 100 539 2260 Steam 0.48 2.010 100 539 2260 Iron (Fe) 0.11 0.450 1535 69.1 267-289 3023 1520 6340 Aluminum (Al) 0.22 0.900 660 395 Lead (Pb) 0.13 328 25 Copper (Cu) 0.093 0.390 1083 205 Marble 0.21 0.880 Glass 0.20 0.840 0.83 3.470 Human body Not for sale. Free to use for educational purposes

Physics A Formula sheet Name:

NV-College Sjdalsgymnasiet

Mechanics 1D-motion; Linear motion

Mekanik Linjebunden rrelse displacement x ; instantaneous velocity v ; average velocity v ; initial velocity v0 ; average acceleration a ; mass m ; force F ; pressure P ; area A displacement x ; Constant acceleration a Gller vid konstant acceleration dr s r strcka v0 r utgngshastighet a r acceleration och t r tid

1 x = x0 + v0 t + at 2 2 x = vt at 2 s = v0 t + 2 x v= t s v= t v = v0 + at
2 v 2 = v0 + 2ax

For constant velocity. Gller vid konstant hastighet dr v r hastighet s r strcka t r tid instantaneous velocity v ; constant acceleration a Gller vid konstant acceleration dr v r hastighet v0 r utgngshastighet a r acceleration och t r tid average velocity v average acceleration a =
v v2 v1 = t t 2 t1


v + v0 [m / s] 2 v v2 v1 [m / s 2 ] a= = t t 2 t1


dv d 2 x [m / s 2 ] = dt dt 2

dv d 2 x instantaneous acceleration a = = dt dt 2

F = mg


Tyngdkraften som ett freml med massan m knner av vid jordytan. The weight of an object of mass m [kg ] where the gravitational acceleration is g [m / s 2 ] .

sin =

b a cos = c c b tan = c 2 = a 2 + b 2 a Not for sale. Free to use for educational purposes

Physics A Formula sheet Name:

NV-College Sjdalsgymnasiet

r r Fnet = ma

Newtons second law: Net force on a free particle of mass m r Newtons andra lag dr Fnet r den resulterande kraften, m r r massan, och a r accelerationen Friction force: F f ; where : coefficient of friction; FN : Normal (force) to surface Density , mass m and volume V Densitet massa m och volym V Archemides principle: an object submerged wholly or partially in a fluid is buoyed up by a force L equal to the weight of the fluid it displaces. Arkimedes princip: ett freml i en vtska eller i en gas fr en lyft kraft L som r lika med den undantrngda vtskans eller gasens tyngd Pressure P ; force F ; area A F r tryckkraft P r tryck och A r arean The Pressure P at a depth h in a liquid whose density is . Vtsketrycket berknas med formeln dr r vtskans densitet g r en konstant och h r djupet (hjden av vtskepelaren) r Torque is defined as the product of force F times lever arm (perpendicular distance from the line of action of the force to the axis of rotation) D en hvstng utstts fr en kraft, uppstr ett sk moment, = F l . Storleken r proportionell mot hvarmens lngd l och den vinkelrta kraftkomposanten F .
r F

Ff = N

m V

L = m g = V g


P = g h
r r r


= r F [Nm] = rF sin = F l [Nm]

r sin

r r

axis of rotation

Energy and work r r W = F x = F x cos W = E [J], [Nm]

E PE = m g h

Energi och arbete r r Work W = F x = F x cos , where F is the applied force, displacement x and angle between the force and displacement. r Om ett freml utstts fr en resulterande kraft F d den r frflyttas streckan x , utfrs arbetet W , och energin som krvs r E. Kraften mste vara parallell med frflyttningen (annars anvnds den parallella komposanten). E PE = m g h is the gravitational potential energy of a mass m which is at a height h above an arbitrary reference (zero) level. g = 9.82 m / s 2 is the gravitational acceleration. Ett fremls lgesenergi (potentiella energi) som befinner sig p hjden h ovanfr en given nollniv. Not for sale. Free to use for educational purposes

Physics A Formula sheet Name:

NV-College Sjdalsgymnasiet

E KE =

1 2 mv 2

E [W], [ J / s ] t E dE , P= P= t dt r v P = F v = F v cos E = O Ei E P = Nyttig = Nyttig ETotal PTotal QQ E PE = k 1 2 r P=

Kinetic (translational) energy is energy of motion. An object of mass m and speed v has transitional kinetic energy 1 E KE = mv 2 . 2 Rrelseenergin (kinetisk energi) som ett freml i rrelse har. Power is defined as the rate at which work is done, or the rate at which energy is transformed. Energiomvandlingen E p tiden t ger den genomsnittliga effekten P . Efficiency is defined as the ratio of the useful (output) energy (or power) to the total input energy (power) of the system. Verkningsgradens definition: kvoten mellan nyttig (anvndbar) energi och tillfrd energi. Gller ven effekt. The potential energy of a system of two point charges Q1 and QQ Q2 at a distance r from each other: E PE = k 1 2 where r 9 2 2 k = 9 10 Nm C : Coulombs constant. The potential energy E PE = QV of a charges Q at a potential difference: V . Hooks law: F = k x ; where k : spring constant; x : displacement from equilibrium 1 Potential energy: E PE = k x 2 ; where k : spring constant; x : 2 displacement from equilibrium. Period of oscillation: T = 2


Harmonic Oscillations: F =kx

E PE =

1 k x2 2

T = 2

m k

m ; where k : spring constant; k

m : mass.
1 ; where T : period. T 2 Angular frequency of oscillation: = 2 f = ; where T : T period.
Frequency of oscillation: f =

f =

1 T

= 2 f =

2 T Not for sale. Free to use for educational purposes

Physics A Formula sheet Name:

NV-College Sjdalsgymnasiet

Electrostatics and Laddningar Direct Current (DC)

e = 1.6 10 19 C
me = 9.11 10 31 kg .

Electric charge of an electron: e = 1.6 10 19 C

Mass of an electron: me = 9.11 10 31 kg . Mass of a proton: m p = 1.67 10 27 kg Coulombs constant Coulombs Law: Force between two point charges Q1 and Q2 QQ F = k 12 2 . at a distance r from each other: r 9 2 2 Coulombs constant: k = 9 10 Nm C .

m p = 1.67 10 27 kg

k = 9 109 Nm 2 C 2 QQ F = k 12 2 r

E PE = QV .

E = q U
r r F = QE .

Kraften med vilken tv laddningar pverkar varandra. k r en konstant. k = 8,99 109 The potential energy of a point charge Q in an (external electric) potential (difference) V : E PE = QV . Energin som krvs fr att fra en laddning q genom en spnning U. Detta r ven energin som omvandlas (till kinetisk) d laddningen fr falla fritt genom spnningen. Electric Force faced by a charge Q in an electric field r r r E : F = QE .
Electric field of a point charge, Q , at a distance r :


Q r2 Q1Q2 r


Q . r2

E PE = k

The potential energy of a system of two point charges Q1 and QQ Q2 at a distance r from each other: E PE = k 1 2 r The (Electric) potential of a point charge, Q , at a distance r : Q V =k . r The kinetic energy E KE = speed v .

V =k

Q r

E KE =

1 2 mv 2

1 2 mv of a (point) mass m moving at 2 Not for sale. Free to use for educational purposes

Physics A Formula sheet Name:

NV-College Sjdalsgymnasiet

Electric current, Strm, spnning, och effekt Potential difference, Power

I= dQ Q ; I= dt t Q I= [A] or [C/s] t
(Electric ) current: I =

dQ Q , or I = is the rate of flow of dt t

V = RI U = RI

electric charge. Definitionen p elektrisk strm. Antal laddningar (inte elektroner) som passerar en viss punkt under en viss tid. Om laddningarna r negativa gr strmmen t motsatt hll. Ohms Law states that the current in a good conductor is proportional to the potential difference applied to its two ends. The proportionality constant is called the resistance R of the conductor: V = RI Kapitlets mest anvndbara samband: Ohms lag. Om en komponent i en elektrisk krets har motstndet R, och genomflyts av strmmen I, vet vi att spnningen ver komponenten mste vara U. l Resistance R = of a wire of length l , cross section S area S and resistivity : Resistivity dependence of temperature: T = 0 (1 + (T T0 )) Where T is the resistivity at temperature T , 0 is the resistivity at temperature T0 and is the temperature coefficient of resistivity,. Alla ledare har en viss resistivitet , och drmed en viss resistans, R. Vidare beror resistansen p ledarens lngd l och dess tvrsnittsarea A. Observera att konstanten r anpassad s att A ska anges i mm 2 , till skillnad frn de flesta andra formler dr vrdena ska anges i SI-enheter. The (Electric) power dissipated in a resistor R , when two ends of it is at the (electric) potential (difference) V and current I V2 . passes through it: P = VI = RI 2 = R Effekten (fljer av ovanstende samband). E dE Power: P = or P = where P : power; E : energy (or t dt work) and t : time. Den mngd elektrisk energi som omstts i en komponent, ex. motstnd, lampa, motor. Equivalent resistance of resistors in series: Req = R1 + R2 + R3 + ... . En seriekoppling av resistanser (n st.) fr fljande totala motstnd (ersttningsresistans). Den totala spnningen ver denna serie delas upp ver alla motstnden.


l S

l A T = 0 (1 + (T T0 )) R=

P = VI = RI 2 =
P =U I E = U I t

V2 R

Req = R1 + R2 + R3 + ...
RTot = R1 + R2 + ... + Rn Not for sale. Free to use for educational purposes

Physics A Formula sheet Name:

NV-College Sjdalsgymnasiet

1 1 1 1 = + + + ... Req R1 R2 R3
1 1 1 1 = + + ... + RTot R1 R2 Rn

I Tot = I1 + I 2

Equivalent resistance of resistors in parallel: 1 1 1 1 = + + + ... Req R1 R2 R3 En parallellkoppling av resistanser (n st.) fr fljande totala motstnd (ersttningsresistans). Samma spnning ligger ver alla motstnd. Kirchhoffs first law: At any point, the sum of all currents entering the junction must equal to the sum of all currents leaving the junction. Om en ledare delar upp sig i tv grenar, gr en del av strmmen genom den ena grenen och resten av strmmen genom den andra.

Heat and Thermodynamics:

Heat and Thermodynamics Q = m c (T f Ti ) Q = m c T Termodynamik
Heat absorbed or given off : Q = m c (T f Ti ) = m c T Where: c : specific heat; T : temperature increase or decrease; m : the mass of the substance. Fr att stadkomma en temperaturfrndring T hos en massa m mste energin E tillfras eller avges c r mnets specifika vrmekapacitet Heat required or given off during the phase change: Q = m L Where: L : Latent heat of particular process and substance: ( LV : heat of vaporization; LF : heat of fusion); m : the mass of the substance. Heat required or given off during the phase change from the solid to liquid or Vic versa : Q = m L f (smelting)

Q = mL Q = m Lf

E= cm

where LF : heat of fusion; m : the mass of the substance. Energi som krvs fr att smlta ett mne eller energi som avges d ett mne stelnar, dr m r massan och c r mnets specifika smltentalpi Heat required or given off during the phase change: Q = m L Heat required or given off during the phase change from the liquid to gas or Vic versa : Q = m LV where LV : heat of vaporization; m : the mass of the substance. Energi som krvs fr att frnga ett mne eller energi som avges d ett mne kondenserar dr m r massan och c r mnets specifika ngbildningsentalpi

Q = mL Q = m LV
E= cm Not for sale. Free to use for educational purposes

Physics A Formula sheet Name:

NV-College Sjdalsgymnasiet

Geometric Optics:
v= c n


where, v : speed of light ray in a medium with index of refraction n and c is the speed of light in the vacuum: c = 3.00 108 m / s .

n1 sin 1 = n2 sin 2 , The law of refraction (Snells law): n1 sin 1 = n2 sin 2 , n1sin(i) = n2sin(b) where n1 and 1 are the index of refraction and angle with normal to surface for the incident ray (incident angle) and, n2 and 2 are for the reflected ray.

n 2 > n1

1 1 1 + = dO di f

1 1 1 = + f a b

Brytningslagen dr n1 n2 de tv mnenas brytningsindex och i r infallsvinkeln och b r brytningsvinkeln Angle of incident is the same as the angle of reflection Reflektionslagen i r infallsvinkel och r r reflektionsvinkleln 1 1 1 Lens equation (Gauss linsformel): + = dO di f where f : focal length of the lens, d O : object distance and, d i : 1 1 1 Lens equation (Gauss linsformel): + = dO di f where f : focal length of the lens, d O : object distance and, d i : image distance.

dO hO



Converging lens
Linsformeln dr f r brnnvidden a r avstndet lins freml och b r avstndet bild lins Not for sale. Free to use for educational purposes

Physics A Formula sheet Name:

NV-College Sjdalsgymnasiet

1 1 1 + = dO di f

Mirror equation: 1 1 1 + = , dO di f where f : focal length of the mirror, d O : object distance

Concave mirror

and, d i : image distance.

hi d = i hO dO b G= a m=

Magnification: m =

hi d = i , hO dO where d O : object distance and, d i : image distance; hO : object

height, hi : image height. Frstoringen G dr a r avstndet lins freml och b r avstndet bild lins Not for sale. Free to use for educational purposes


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