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The 12 secrets of power



Introduction........................................................................4 1. First Secret of Power: Believing in Your Goals .................................................12 2. Second Secret of Power: Having Faith in Your Guide.............................................14 3. Third Secret of Power: Opening Your Psychic Mind............................................17 4. Fourth Secret of Power: Preparing for Astral Contact............................................21 5. Fifth Secret of Power: Discovering Subtle Worlds..............................................24 6. Sixth Secret of Power: Para-Sensorial Motivation...............................................29 7. Seventh Secret of Power: The Law of Invisible Protection.........................................31 8. Eighth Secret of Power: The Law of Perfect Being..................................................35 9. Ninth Secret of Power: Connecting With Your Perfect Being.................................41 10. Tenth Secret of Power: Expressing Your Extraordinary Abilities...........................45 11. Eleventh Secret of Power: Preparing For Telepathy...................................................49 12. Twelfth Secret of Power: Accessing Your Parapsychic Abilities..............................53

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the coming weeks the most important in your life, because youre going to develop powers you still cant even imagine! The 12 Secrets of Power you are going to discover and start practicing today will help you attain your goals during your whole life. Youll be going through 12 stages of initiation that will transform the unsatisfactory life youre leading now into one where most of your problems are solved. I cant promise you a life without any problems at all that would be impossible! We dont live in a utopia, and its not possible to avoid all the problems and accidents that occur in life. Im sorry to have to break this to you, but anyone who says they can do that is lying! Challenges and problems are ways of testing you and seeing how much inner progress youve made. But know this: if you have to face certain challenges, its not by coincidence. You are capable of dealing with them, or you wouldnt be here today reading this book. Youve already had to face many problems in your life, including financial ones, relationship problems, health issues, administrative setbacks, etc. Along with those problems youve had to put up with a lot of worry and suffering, more than you deserve. But youve succeeded in the past in resolving at least some of them. So we can both be certain of one thing: you have the potential and the power to solve your problems. The 12 Secrets of Power I am going to transmit to you with will 5

Dear Reader, You are going to develop incredible powers! Usually negative vibrations dont stop harming people by themselves. Nor can they be stopped through purely human methods! If you try to change your life by yourself, using human techniques of personal development like psychology or psychoanalysis, you will never succeed. Your problems have, in part, been caused by your education. That part of you can be effectively treated with human therapies, but they will be powerless to free you from the astral constraints that are circulating around you. What Im proposing here is a completely different method that integrates techniques of personal development with methods for purifying your vibratory being. Only such a combination is capable of bringing your problems to a successful conclusion, and helping you attain the life you deserve. And its all going to start for you in the coming weeks! Yes, you read correctly. If you follow my advice, you can make

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strengthen that ability, and enable you to solve any kind of problem you can imagine. Although you have the power inside you to solve all your problems, youve reached the limit of what you can accomplish on your own. You cant put an end to your worries by yourself. - For one thing, theyre starting to become very serious, sometimes more than you can bear. - Also, as I already said, the cause of your problems is not solely terrestrial. Some of them originate on the astral plane. You cant do anything to resolve the second type yourself. You need the help of someone who specializes in astral phenomena, which is why were in contact now! As I explained in my letter, youll have to make a wish and then apply the secret instructions I give you. Then, in 21 days or even less, youll see your life transform. It may not happen in a spectacular way, but if you observe your life carefully from the time you start applying my instructions, youll probably see many small but positive changes! Things wont change overnight, like magic! Even though my methods are based on White Magic, you shouldnt expect miracles. Your life wont change completely from one day to the next. That would be impossible, and people who say they can make it happen are telling you stories, so they can sell you something, or convince you of something. Going from an unsatisfactory life to the life of your dreams all at once would be unthinkable, and could even be dangerous. 6

It would be like bringing a starving person to a table laden with food. He wouldnt be able to control himself, and would start swallowing everything he could lay his hands on. He might even die because of the stress hed put on his digestive system (its already happened!). The 12 Secrets of Power is a progressive method, which is at the same time very easy to apply and to use. When we talk about the 12 Secrets of Power, you mustnt think they involve any long and complicated ceremonies that require years of practice, and are reserved for a very few highly gifted and intelligent people. In other words, for supermen and women! Theres nothing like that in my 12 Secrets of Power! Youll probably even be surprised when you read them, because the 12 rituals Ill be asking you to perform are easy enough for a child to understand! But dont underestimate them because of that: they will gradually lead to self-realization, to success and the attainment of your goals, more easily than you could ever imagine! The most important thing is to follow the steps as indicated Dont go from Secret N2, once youve read it, understood it and started practicing it, straight to Secret N 11! Move on to Secret N 3 only after youve read, understood and started practicing Secret N 2. And so on!

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Ill say it again: dont jump to Secret B before reading, understanding and practicing Secret A. You mustnt even read Secret B before you understand Secret A, and start applying it. Thats because you wont be able to understand Secret B until youre fully familiar with Secret A! Take the steps at your own speed The 12 Secrets of Power are part of a chain, like a bicycle chain. Each link in the chain has to be solid. If only one of them breaks, the chain will be useless. Or picture a tank and its caterpillar wheels. As powerful as the tank is, if only one of the links in the caterpillar chain breaks, the tank would come to a halt and become a vulnerable target. Or you can picture a stairway and see yourself climbing the steps one at a time, at your own speed, moving closer to your goals. Your active participation is indispensable! Another important point: you have to make your progress personal. What I mean by that is that I can give you secret formulas which may be adapted to your case, but which are still very general. You have to bring them alive with your own energy and your own way of expressing them. Theres a well-known saying: Take a step towards God, and Hell take a hundred steps towards you! This is also true of the Higher Astral Forces.

You mustnt believe that only malevolent forces exist on the astral plane. I did talk to you about negative vibrations that are trying to encircle you and hinder your progress. The fact that they exist is undeniable. And they are at least partly responsible for your present unhappiness. But there are also positive Astral Forces that can, and do, want to help you. Its up to you to solicit their aid! You have a Lucky Star! These positive forces have already tried to influence your life on a number of occasions. You may not have even been aware of them. Nevertheless, on numerous occasions theyve been there to protect you against very serious danger. If you try, youll probably be able to recall a number of situations where you faced great danger, but came out all right, as if by a miracle! That was when the positive Astral Forces were there to help you. On the other hand, you may not remember any of these perilous situations, because the human brain often suppresses things that are difficult to endure. Or you may have had to face these painful challenges when you were very young, and now you dont remember them at all. Ask your parents and the people close to you about anything that may have happened. You might be in for a few surprises when you hear what they have to say about your life as an infant, and about your parents life before and during your mothers pregnancy. 9
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The thing is, although you have a Lucky Star, it cant do everything for you. Your destiny is not engraved in stone. It hasnt even been written yet. Your Destiny is in your own hands! You create it every day, through the things you do, so its always possible to make it as positive as you want. And thats what youre going to do, with the help of these 12 Secrets of Power! Thats also why your active participation is so necessary and indispensable. The reason the 12 Secrets of Power are so effective is not because the techniques Im going to explain to you are complicated. Their effectiveness depends on the conviction you have when you apply them, and in your faith in me. You need conviction when applying my 12 Secrets The 12 Secrets of Power are not complicated. Theyre easy to understand, assimilate and practice, and they provide amazing results. Dont worry about that! Im sure when I talked to you about the 12 Secrets of Power you imagined they were esoteric teachings that are hard to understand, and require a lot of energy and effort to put into practice. In fact, the opposite is true. Although these Secrets of Power are very old and very powerful, theyre easy to assimilate and use. As you learn these secrets youll be repeating what I call
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sentences of power (if I called them magic formulas youd think they were complicated). The 12 Secrets have helped hundreds of people get rid of the negative image they had of themselves, and the psychological and astral blocks that were preventing them from living their dream life. Why shouldnt they work for you? If you can generate the same level of conviction and belief when you assimilate these 12 Secrets and start putting them into practice as you did when you ordered them, everything will be easy for you. The Secrets will work effectively and rapidly, maybe in even less than 21 days! Have faith in me The fact that you ordered the 12 Secrets of Power means that you believe in their power. It wouldnt be logical, now that theyre in your possession, for you not to believe in them anymore, and not to put them into practice with as much energy and conviction as you can. Otherwise, why would you have asked for them in the first place? I have no doubt that your belief and conviction will be strong enough when you read, assimilate and apply everything I reveal to you. But belief in what? Well, thats the First Secret of Power




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Thats too vague! Instead, say: I want enough money to change my life (specify what kind of life you want), or I want enough money to buy a new apartment or a new car, take a vacation, get a flat-screen TV... etc. For now describe your goals in a maximum of two lines. When you finish writing your list and only then you can move on to the

First secret of power: Believing in yours goals

The First Secret of Power is believing that you can attain your goals: having a better life, succeeding in everything you do, making your dearest wishes come true (finances, social and professional life, etc.). Note: At this point in your reading it would be a good idea to personalize your goals in these areas, i.e. define what you personally want to achieve. Make a short list of the goals you want to attain in the areas of finance, your love life, your professional life, etc. In a maximum of one or two lines, express what you want to accomplish in each one of them. You dont have to write a novel! The idea is to express clearly and precisely what it is you want. Dont be too vague: the more precise your desires are, the better chance they have of being realized. In terms of your finances, dont say something like: I want a lot of money and a beautiful life!

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psychic and as a means of transmission) to transmit the Secrets to you.

Second secret of power Having faith in your guide

At the same time as you asked me for your 12 Secrets of Power, you also made me one of your Spiritual Guides. You did it of your own free will. Now I didnt say Id be your only Spiritual Guide, just one of them. Its up to you use my potential or not. If you have other Spiritual Guides and Masters, either living or on the Astral plane, youre free to invoke them during the ceremonies that are associated with the 12 Secrets of Power. However, to make one of your wishes come true, I would strongly encourage you to include me in your invocations, but that depends entirely on you. The 12 Secrets of Power will be transmitted to you by me, or more exactly, through me. I was chosen by the Astral Guides to transmit them to you. Theres no coincidence involved. I was the best medium (used in both senses of the word, as a 14

Obviously there are spiritual reasons for that. The fact that you asked me for the 12 Secrets of Power means that you believe in me, that you trust me. So you shouldnt have any problem including me in your invocations. If you accept me as one of your Spiritual Guides, I can give you the secret formulas and phrases of power when you invoke my name. Its up to you to include the names of other gods or divinities, the founders of your tradition, etc. All I want to do is protect you through our telepathic contact. Now heres what to do to activate your Secret of Power N 2. Ceremony To Establish Psychic Contact with Your Guide(s) You have to perform this ceremony before asking that one of your wishes come true. - Get comfortable in a quiet place where you wont be disturbed for about fifteen minutes. - Wear loose clothing that doesnt restrict your movements. - Burn some incense and light two white candles that you place in front of you. - Use my photograph to form an image of me in your mind. - Visualize my face, or look at my portrait, and say: O Tara, I ask that you establish, now and forever, telepa thic contact with me so that I can summon your help whe never I want. I thank you in advance for your kind intervention. - As you visualize me youll experience a feeling of well- being. That means the telepathic connection has been 15

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established, and I have answered your call.. - Keep breathing slowly and deeply for a few minutes. Do about 10 deep breathing cycles (one cycle = one inhalation + one exhalation). Start by exhaling completely, ridding yourself of vibratory impurities. Theninhale slowly and deeply, and imagine that you are receiving pure energy.. - When youve finished you can resume your normal activities.. This ceremony establishes a telepathic connection between us that can never be broken, as long as you continue applying my Secrets with conviction, and keep trusting in me. After you do the ceremony you can contact me at any time, using the same visualization technique, when you need help in one of your undertakings. You will be under my protection whenever you need it. Which brings us to the.

Third secret of power: Opening your psychic mind

After you establish telepathic contact with me, you have to open yourself totally to the astral influences and break through the barrier of your subconscious mind, so that you can fully exploit your terrestrial and extra-sensorial abilities. Your subconscious mind is what is standing between the person you are and the person you really should be. Were not going to deal with your subconscious blocks one by one. That would take much too long. What were going to do is mount a global attack, in order to gradually get rid of all the subconscious blocks you have. Before we start delving into the depths of your subconscious mind, looking at your terrestrial and extra-sensorial abilities, you have to prepare yourself so that your powers can become fully developed. Abdominal breathing is the basis of real psychic and physical relaxation. Unlike normal pulmonary breathing (breathing only with the lungs), this type of breathing is done using the abdomen to draw in and expel air.

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As you exhale, pull in your stomach and force all the air out of your lungs. Then, as you inhale, expand your stomach as much as possible so that your abdominal muscle becomes flat, expanding your air cavity. Dont force it. Just follow the rhythm of your own breathing. If you practice abdominal breathing every day, it will eventually give you access to the astral plane. Always start with an exhalation. - Pull in your stomach and exhale all the air in your air cavity. Then expand your stomach slowly, and inhale deeply - Repeat the cycle ten times. This exercise is an easy way to relax at home, both physically and mentally. Abdominal breathing is practiced in many religions and spiritual traditions around the world, and is even used in psychotherapy to help relax patients. Abdominal breathing allows people to rapidly enter a state of deep and total relaxation of both body and mind. Its much easier, when youre in that state, to enter into contact with the Astral Forces. Doing deep breathing exercises regularly will also give you more control over your emotions. Not only will they help you develop extraordinary abilities, they will also come in handy in your day-to-day life, by eliminating nervous tension and stress, anxiety, depression, fear, anger, and so on, all of which block your spiritual and material growth. You can practice abdominal breathing anywhere, and it only takes a few minutes a day. This type of breathing should replace 18

ordinary thoracic breathing whenever you practice the ceremonies transmitted here. Unlike thoracic breathing, it will give you real control over your physical and mental self, which is essential during your initiation sessions. To make sure youre fully relaxed, I recommend doing at least ten deep breathing cycles before each session, as you develop your super-psychic abilities. Also, do the exercise every time you feel about to lose control, for example if you get angry reacting to aggression or an accident, when someone close to you dies, during a heated separation, etc. Fifteen minutes of deep breathing every day, preferably in the morning after you wake up, with your back straight and your eyes closed, is the best way to prevent stress from accumulating in your system. Get used to doing abdominal breathing, because not only will it be beneficial for you, its also the basis of all the techniques Ill be revealing to you for discovering your extraordinary abilities.

Heres how a session of abdominal breathing should proceed:

- Sit or lie down in a quiet place. If you choose to sit in a chair, keep your back straight, your shoulders relaxed, your eyes half-closed and your hands resting on your knees. - Concentrate on breathing with your stomach. Just let it happen naturally, without trying to force it. - As you exhale pull in your stomach. As you inhale, let your stomach expand. The deeper your breathing be comes, the more relaxed youll be, and the higher your 19
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consciousness will rise. - Do ten to fifteen deep breathing cycles, or practice for about ten minutes. When youve finished you can carry on with your daily activities. Abdominal breathing recharges your energy and gives you renewed physical and psychic vitality.

Fourth secret of power: Preparing for astral contact

Now that you know how to relax your mind and body, youre ready to communicate with the Astral plane. Thats where youll find the real solutions to your problems, and where you can obtain the energy you need to possess great psychic and physical strength, and make everything you do in life a success. Below youll find a few secret techniques for connecting with the Astral plane. Try each one of them for a few days, and see which one works best for you. Then use that technique to connect with the Astral Forces whenever you want. It will recharge you with energy, and prepare you for the awakening of your extra-sensorial abilities. It will also help develop some of your personal qualities (willpower, courage, motivation, concentration, etc.), all of which will be very useful when it comes time to start using your super-psychic powers in your day-to-day life. The Monks of Mount Athos Method

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This exercise is inspired by the technique used by orthodox monks at Mount Athos in Greece. - Get comfortable in a quiet place, either sitting or lying down. Keep your eyes half closed. - Concentrate on your abdominal breathing and follow your own rhythm, without trying to force it. Let your brea thing gradually become slower and deeper. - Contract your stomach as you exhale, then let your stomach expand as you inhale. The slower and deeper your breathing becomes, the more relaxed you will be, allowing you to reach higher levels of consciousness. - If any thoughts arise in your mind, simply let them pass. Dont try to do anything with them. Dont try to hold on to them or chase them away. The moment your attention becomes distracted, bring it back immediately by concentrating on your abdominal breathing. You should practice this exercise a minimum of ten to fifteen minutes a day, preferably in the morning after you wake up. It will charge you with the energy youll need throughout the day. The main benefits of the exercise are the state of deep relaxation it generates, raising your level of consciousness, and restoring your vitality. The Third Eye Method This technique is inspired by Hindu meditation. - Sit or lie down and close your eyes. - Do ten slow abdominal breathing cycles. - When you finish you should feel completely calm. - Visualize your third eye in the form of an open eye in the middle of a triangle. According to oriental tradition, it is situated between your eyebrows, just above the root of your nose. 22

- Concentrate on this mental image of your third eye and continue doing your abdominal breathing. If any thoughts arise, dont hold on to them. Simply let them pass through your mind and forget about them, as you concentrate on your third eye and your breathing. Do this exercise for a minimum of ten minutes a day. It should provide the following advantages: reaching a state of advanced relaxation, calming your mind, stimulating your inner energy. If you practice the exercise regularly when you wake up in the morning, youll be full of vitality all day long.

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Fifth secret of power Discovering subtle worlds

Until now your initiation has been mostly physical and mental. Its time to go further and include the discovery of your extra-sensorial abilities. The physical and psychic purification you did while practicing the preceding techniques have prepared your inner being for this next step: cleaning away the blocks that have been hindering your parapsychic development. Stimulating your parapsychic abilities will require a lot of effort and a lot of dedication. If your mind and body are busy fighting personal demons and physical problems, they wont be able to concentrate on developing parapsychic and extra-sensorial abilities. Practicing for thirty minutes to one hour a day is recommended to ensure the regular growth of your gifts. The time you spend can be spread out during the course of the day, but you shouldnt spend less than fifteen minutes on each session. If you devote the time, your parapsychological growth will be ensured. The goal of the preceding exercises was to purify you and fill you with energy. If you followed my instructions carefully, you should

be in much better physical and psychic condition than you were when you started your initiation. If not, continue practicing them regularly, even after youve moved on to the following exercises, described below. They will always be useful, ensuring that your body and mind have the energy and tranquility you need to develop your being totally, body and soul. Acceptance by the Higher Forces Until now your initiation has been concerned with your personal development only. You will now be introduced to the subtle and invisible realms of Higher Energy. The Subtle Law of Universal Creation No matter what your beliefs are, you probably have some opinion about the creation of the world. If youve done some reading on the subject, or just observed the nature around you, chances are you dont think the universe was created by chance, or that it is solely the result of a mechanical phenomenon like the Big Bang, which is the most widely accepted theory in the scientific community. According to the Big Bang theory, the universe is the result of a primordial explosion of some kernel of primal energy and matter. Even if you think the theory makes pragmatic sense, you still have to ask yourself the question: Who lit the match? I dont want to use the term God in case youre a non-believer, but you must admit that there must have been some intelligence behind it all, no matter what name you give it. Not only did this original intelligence create the primordial impulse that set the Big Bang in motion, it has also been keeping watch over the consequences and developments of that event, 25

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ensuring that everything keeps rolling along smoothly. The Big Bang was a constructive explosion that proves the existence of some superior intelligence. And we all carry the traces of that event in us! After the explosion galaxies, solar systems, planets etc. were formed through a process of expansion. The Earth took millions of years to gradually form itself from the primary matter that was released during the Big Bang, and millions more for the first submarine life to appear and develop, until the advent of Man. This process, which happened methodically and in respect of the laws of physics, chemistry and physiology, reinforces the notion that a Higher Intelligence is responsible. Human evolution gives weight to the fact that chance had nothing to do with it, and that the gradual transformations that took place were planned. Every day scientists are discovering incredibly complex phenomena that deepen their understanding of Life, supporting the idea that something or someone is behind it all. This something or someone can only be a Higher Intelligence, or the explosion would not have taken place and life would not have appeared on Earth. Everything that happens corresponds to precise physical and chemical laws, otherwise bacteria would not have evolved into people! Its important that you accept the following: The Universe, and Man, were created by a Superior Intelligence. It doesnt matter what name you give this Superior Being.

The Law of Higher Intelligence or the Existence of Beings Throughout time, and in all traditions and societies, even those who were completely unconnected, people have been experiencing contact with extraordinary superior beings, whether human or divine, beneficial or harmful, as well as beings linked to nature (elves, fairies, gnomes, giants, etc.). For thousands of years before the appearance of our materialistic and technological society, people of all civilizations believed in the existence of superior beings gifted with extraordinary abilities. Sometimes these gifts were transmitted to people. According to many traditions, they are the origin of all great advances in human history, including the appearance of writing, culture, philosophy, religion, etc. Many people believe that these gifts are extraterrestrial, that they come from other planets and solar systems. Whether you believe in little green men from Mars or in some form of Higher Energy, there is no doubt that there is some extraterrestrial element involved. The founders of the various religions (both monotheistic like Christianity, Judaism and Islam, or polytheistic like Hinduism), as well as spiritual traditions like Buddhism and Taoism, gave their followers techniques to develop abilities that were infinitely superior to those of ordinary people. It doesnt matter if these great beings were extraterrestrial, or humans invested with superior powers, or people who developed their abilities spontaneously. All you need to believe is that some superior form of intelligence does exist, and that it can manifest itself in many ways. Miracles and parapsychic abilities are proof of the existence of

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dimensions other than those we ordinarily perceive. As you make progress in your practice, you will gradually enter a new dimension of being. Your perception of yourself and the world around you will change. In fact, it might have already started changing. Dont expect spectacular transformations. Youre not going to be physically transformed or develop extrasensorial powers overnight! Your evolution will take place gradually and regularly, as long as you keep following the instructions I give you here. If you have the least sensitivity or intuition (if you havent developed them dont worry, these exercises will do it for you) youll soon see changes in the way you see things and perceive other people.

Sixth secret of power: Entretenez votre motivation parasensorial motivation

The first thing to do is make a list of the extraordinary powers you want to develop. Get them down in black and white. Then make a list of the desires you have that you want to see come true in the coming weeks. Doing this will get things moving for you and motivate you, keeping you on track when your motivation wanes. Whenever you need to strengthen your will to change and have a better life by developing your extrasensorial abilities, take a look at your list of desires and wishes, and think that these gifts will help you achieve them. Do this motivation exercise only after completing about ten cycles of deep abdominal breathing. All exceptional spiritual beings possess these powers, even if they dont show it (they hesitate to manifest their powers publicly out of discretion, but they still play an essential role in the physical and psychic protection of the world). Now its your turn to acquire them. Most exceptional beings started out as ordinary people like you

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and me. They may have doubted their inner abilities at first, and were unhappy or even depressed, isolated and alone, believing they were damned and couldnt do anything about it. Most of them followed a procedure that is similar (at least in general) to the advice you are getting from your 12 Secrets of Power. By applying these abilities, even ordinary beings were able to develop and attain great personal, spiritual and magical power. If you have the time, read a few biographies of famous spiritual or religious leaders who left their mark on the course of human history. Youll see that often they were no more favored or gifted than you or I. What made all the difference, and what explains why they were eventually able to stand above the pack, was their willpower to evolve, their conviction in the existence of worlds other than the visible universe, and the effective application of some magical practice. You too are capable of doing that. Just follow the example of your glorious ancestors! You have the will to change, or you wouldnt have accepted this initiation. You also believe in your parasensorial abilities. All you were lacking before was A METHOD to succeed. Now you have one! Continue putting it into practice, and your happiness at the end of the road will be assured.

Seventh secret of power The law of invisible protection

All human beings are protected by Superior Forces that exist in the subtle worlds. That is the Law of Invisible Protection. This conviction should follow logically from your belief in the existence of a Higher Intelligence, either here on Earth or on the Astral plane. Throughout history there have been exceptional beings, living or dead, who were preoccupied with the good of humanity. Its unimaginable to think that, even if they exist on other planes, they dont care about us anymore. In terms of Good, we always see a positive evolution, never a regression as happens with Evil. The expansion of human consciousness resulting from the techniques of personal development we practice, and the growth of our extrasensorial abilities, leads us to see humanity and the universe as one Great Whole, and to develop our sense of compassion for all sentient beings. Believing that we form one Great Whole is the logical result of an opening of the mind, which is what youve been doing with your parapsychic practice since you started your initiation into the 12 Secrets of Power.

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Your vision of the world is becoming more intuitive, and you perceive your environment differently than most ordinary people. More and more often you find you can read other peoples thoughts and emotions, feel their joy and their sadness, knowing that these thoughts, words and deeds have an effect on everything else that happens. You know that true happiness only comes from sharing with others, not from catering to your ego and building walls around yourself. And this state of mind makes you less and less likely to want to harm anyone, to be irresponsible and not care about the consequences of your acts, thoughts and words. You spontaneously lean towards doing Good because you know that negative actions will have repercussions that could come back to haunt you. Even when they physically disappear and move on to another plane, the Higher Forces continue to spread their benefits: - either from some other realm, referred to as Paradise in some traditions, the home of saints and superior beings, - or by reincarnating here on Earth to exert a direct spiritual and material influence. You too can become someone who benefits humanity by developing your parapsychic abilities, as youre doing now, and allowing your inner being to shine forth. Youll do so much Good youll be assured of a glorious after-life. In terms of divine intervention, each beneficial entity takes a certain number of humans under their wing and protects them. That means that you too must have a divine protector.
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You may be wondering why youve suffered so much since your arrival in this world. It may have simply been because you didnt know you had a protector, or didnt know how to invoke its help. All it takes to summon the Higher Forces is a thought, word or gesture on your part. Then youre granted immediate and invisible protection. But the request has to come from you, and it has to be completely voluntary. Higher Beings are not subject to our human emotions, especially to negative ones, even if they felt them during their stay on Earth. Of course, they know they exist, but they have moved beyond their influence since arriving in the celestial realms. The fact that they may have had them in their human form makes them more sensitive to their effects. But asking for your invisible protectors help doesnt mean that all the work will be done for you. A Guide can show you the way, not follow your path instead of you. Youve been dealing with difficult situations all your life. Finding solutions to your problems will now be made easier as you develop your pararapsychic gifts, and benefit from the protection of your Invisible Guide. The challenges you face will be easier to overcome, as you become aware of the Higher Worlds and understand their meaning. You wont consider your problems unfair, the result of pure chance. Youll see the meaning behind them, and understand that each situation is meant to help you move forward by forcing you to develop more of your qualities. Paradoxically, the more often you ask your Guide for help, the less help youll need! 33



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Because you now know about your parallel gifts and are putting them into practice, youll be able to rely more on your own free will to attain full spiritual autonomy. Your Invisible Protector, who is there to help you during your stay on Earth, is not motivated by a desire for power or control, but simply by the will to do Good, to assist you in your quest for personal emancipation. Youll find your own inner master, and one day who knows become an Invisible Guide yourself! Call on your Guide with conviction and you will receive the help you need.

Eighth secret of power The law of perfect being

In the same way that a special Protector exists for you on the divine plane, there is also a clear image of the person you should be, if you succeed in developing all your inner powers. Its called your Perfect Being. You know that we all have both personal and extrasensorial abilities. But we dont always express them properly because of our psychological and astral blocks. Thats why this initiation guide of 12 Secrets of Power was put together. The question you should be asking yourself is: Who would I be if my earthly existence matched my perfect being on the Astral Plane? Who would I be if I could fully express all my qualities and my potential? The answer to that question can be found in the Higher Realms. There is a perfect double of yourself, fully endowed with all your qualities and your powers. You have to know how to get in contact with it, and manifest it here on Earth. And thats perfectly feasible if you choose the right path. Its simple and complicated at the same time. You have to follow your intuition, but your intuition has to be developed enough to lead you the right way.

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The method you have here will naturally stimulate the appearance and development of your invisible powers. Its one of the best ways to express your intuition and incarnate your perfect being. And since youre already using it to develop your parapsychic abilities, it must be the right method for you! So the process is both simple and complicated. Complicated because there are a number of ways to evolve, and its not always easy to choose the right one. And simple because all you have to do is listen to your intuition to know which way is right for you. Theres a saying that goes: Intuition is never wrong, but reason often is! Thats so true. Take another look at your life. Start with a session of deep abdominal breathing, and then concentrate on your past. Try to remember times, both recent and long ago, when you had to come to a fast decision. Chances are that you would have chosen another option, possibly the wrong one, if youd had more time to reflect. Your intuition is often the very first thing that comes into your head. The choices it points to are instantaneous and often correct. When you start using your reason, the decisions you
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make are less certain to succeed. Every individual has both reason and intuition. Like a bird who cant fly with one wing, people cant evolve with only one wing (reason) while doing nothing to exploit the other (intuition). You dont have to stop thinking altogether, just balance it out as often as possible with intuition. Modern society encourages people to be incomplete, so that they never find true happiness. Thats because they worship the material world, to the detriment of everything that is spiritual. A balanced education would place equal emphasis on both aspects of our being. Unfortunately, such systems of education are rare. You can change that simply be developing your parapsychic abilities, and expressing them in your everyday life. A balanced education would teach children not only how to be reasonable and use their conscious abilities, but also how to cultivate their intuition and develop their extraordinary powers. We are thinking beings, but were also sensitive beings! The emotions we feel, which form the basis of our personality, are not taken into consideration by education systems in most countries around the world. Your perfect image, or Perfect Being, can be found somewhere on the Astral Plane. All you have to do is incarnate it in this material world, using your parapsychic gifts and your intuition, as explained here.




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Ritual For Visualizing Your Perfect Being Visualizing your perfect double is easy. Close your eyes and imagine the person youd like to be. Imagine that youre happy. Concentrate on the spiritual and psychological aspects of your perfect being, rather than on your physical appearance. Also dont try to imagine what youd like to have (material possessions) but instead think about what youd like to be. The dominant factor here is your being, not what you have. If you start thinking about the house youd like to own, or getting a new car or a promotion or a raise in salary... then youre thinking the wrong things. You should be concentrating on the qualities you want to develop (courage, willpower, imagination, intuition, creativity, etc.) and the extrasensorial abilities you want to exploit. You mustnt put the horse before the cart, or build the roof of your house before you build the walls! Although material possessions are important, they will only come to you as a consequence of your inner development. Seek the fulfillment of your inner being and the rest will follow, both spiritually and materially. As far as material goods are concerned, look for people to model yourself on in your daily life. For spiritual matters, you should rely in your inner being and on your Invisible Guide. If you follow this method faithfully, you will discover things you 38

had no idea existed. Vast continents of knowledge can be found inside you! As you make progress on your inner adventure, amazing parapsychic abilities will be revealed to you. Youll chart unknown territory, and discover the perfect being you should use as a model. You are the only person who can discover that being, since it resides only in you. And its more real than the person you are now. It is your True Self, not the I who is controlling your material life, and which has been deformed by an overly rational education, forced to live according to totally materialistic principles. That doesnt mean you should become someone who is indifferent or removed from your day-to-day life. In fact, the opposite is true. By discovering your inner (perfect) being, youll start leading the real, authentic life that should be yours. Its up to you to choose: either you remain the material being youve been up to now (and you know where that has led you) or you overcome your restrictions and really expand your consciousness, so that you can start living your real life. Keep practicing all the exercises that were described since you started this method. They will lead you to your inner bring, and make the dream you secretly aspire to become a reality. No matter how much youve been blinded by your education, a flame has been kept alive inside you, the flame of your intuition. Despite all the rational persecution it has been subjected to, it continues to burn and illuminate the darkness inside you. You can make it shine even more brightly by developing your 39

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parapsychological abilities, and incarnating your perfect being, which now resides on the invisible planes, here on Earth.

Ninth secret of power Connecting with your perfect being

Like the contact you established earlier with your Celestial Guide and Protector, your connection with your Perfect Being has never actually been broken. You were simply unaware of its existence, or you didnt know how to make use of it. Your personal Guide has helped you on a number of occasions since you were born, and your Perfect Being has also maintained an invisible but solid link with you. It has inspired you to discover your true gifts. It dispels your doubts, and prevents you from abandoning your efforts. Your Perfect Being has weathered the storms and winds of time, and has led you to this book of initiation. Make it your life-raft. Dont let yourself become lost in a sea of doubts. Anchor yourself to the spiritual certainties that exist here on Earth. Your inspiration and intuition come from your Perfect Being, as do your extrasensorial abilities. Youve almost certainly spoken to your Perfect Being. In fact, maybe its speaking to you right now!

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Your Perfect Being has helped you get out of many difficult situations, but, like your Protective Guide, it cannot act in your place. It gives you the inner tools you need, but you have to forge your own path. Your Perfect Being is the little voice speaking inside you, counterbalancing the sometimes devastating effects of your rational mind. To contact your Perfect Being, do the following: Think of a problem youre preoccupied with at the moment, either spiritual or material. Ask yourself a question about it. Two inner voices will answer you: - one will argue one way, saying yes to a request for a promotion for example ; - the other will object and provide contradictory reasons to dissuade you from accepting the position, or to persuade you that youre not capable of fulfilling your duties. This is your inner being talking, or at least its conscious manifestation. Even though you may still be miles away from finding out who your Inner Master (another name for Perfect Being) really is, this exercise will help you develop an idea. Connecting With Your Perfect Being Your communication with your Perfect Being will improve when 42

you realize that it is always speaking to you, but that you dont hear it or dont pay enough attention to it. From now on try to be more attentive to what your inner voice is saying, because thats often how your Perfect Being talks to you. Dont blame your inner voice when you fail at something you do. Your Perfect Being is not your enemy! Your conscious mind and your reason are more likely to be at fault, but dont resent them either. Theyre just a little less perfect than your Perfect Being, also called your intuition. Try to be open to what you perceive as feelings, which your reason often prevents you from doing. To develop and improve communication with your Perfect Being, proceed as follows: - Sit or lie down in a calm location. If you sit, keep your back straight, your shoulders relaxed, your eyes half closed and your hands resting on your knees. - Concentrate on doing some abdominal breathing. Let your breath get slower and deeper without forcing it. - As you exhale pull in your stomach. As you inhale, let it expand. The more slowly and deeply you breath, the more relaxed youll become and the higher your consciousness will rise. - Do ten to fifteen cycles of deep breathing, lasting about ten minutes. - As you concentrate on your breathing, imagine your Perfect Being, someone who looks like you physically, but who is endowed with all the qualities and abilities you are seeking to acquire. 43

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Your Perfect Being should also possess all the extrasensorial gifts youve always wanted. Once youve established contact with your Perfect Being and can visualize it on the screen of your mind, ask it to inspire you so you can benefit from its abilities. To avoid getting distracted, ask your Superior Being to transmit only one gift at a time. Either it will tell you what gift you should work on, or youll have to decide for yourself. There are no rules, and the initiative can come from either you or your Perfect Being, and change randomly from one parapsychic session to another ! - Once youve established the parapsychic gift youre going to work on, you can interrupt your communication with your Perfect Being, remembering to thank it for is beneficial influence. - Finish the session with another ten abdominal breathing cycles, and then resume your normal activities.

Tenth secret of power: Ewpressing your extraordinary abilities

In this practice you first ask for protection from the Higher Spheres so you can develop your extrasensorial abilities under the most auspicious conditions. Work on the ability that was chosen for you, or that appeared spontaneously to you during your previous session. Your Perfect Being will help you manifest and apply one or more of your parapsychic faculties. It has one goal, one mission: your personal development. All you have to do is make contact, request what you want, and show your respect. But there are some conditions attached to fully exploiting your extraordinary powers. A code has to be respected, and certain laws from the Higher Worlds have to be followed. It doesnt matter what name you give them, depending on your beliefs: God, Allah, Yahweh, the Clear Light, Shiva, Buddha, etc. One spiritual precept states that you must use your gifts only to do Good. Another says that before using a psychic or extrasensorial gift,

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you should ask for authorization from the Higher Spheres and see if it will be good for your inner development at this stage or not. To find out, perform the following ritual: Get some pictures of people who are important in your religious or spiritual tradition, your school of thought, your path of initiation. They could be pictures of people like saints and spiritual guides, or they could be divinities, or traditional symbols like the cross, a sacred medallion, or some magic object like a Talisman. When you have enough pictures and symbols, place them on a table that should become a permanent altar if possible. Or you can use a temporary altar each time you perform one of these ceremonies, making sure that the objects are used for this purpose only. Place a white candle on each corner of the table. Use a compass to determine the position of the four cardinal points, and have a candle represent each one. Place your sacred objects and pictures in the middle of the altar, at a point where all four directions converge. If you dont follow any particular religious or spiritual tradition, use the pictures of two people who have passed away, but who were very dear to you and helped you a lot while they were alive (parents, children, friends, etc.). Then do the following: - Wear a white robe, preferably new, or, if thats not possible, clean loose clothing.
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- Stand in front of your altar facing south, holding these pages in one hand. If you sit, keep your back straight, your shoulders relaxed, your eyes half closed, and your hands resting on your knees. If not, remain standing. - Concentrate on your abdominal breathing and let it get deeper and slower without forcing it. - As you exhale pull in your stomach. As you inhale, let it expand. The more slowly and deeply you breath, the more relaxed youll become and the higher your consciousness will rise. - Do ten to fifteen cycles of deep breathing, lasting about ten minutes - As you concentrate on your breathing, read the following words out loud: O Masters of the Higher Realms, my Spiritual Guides (concentrate on the pictures you placed on your altar), please help me develop the gift of ... (name a gift). Let it become manifest and grow, so I can use it for my own good, and for the good of all beings. - Repeat this formula with conviction five times, then close your eyes and concentrate on your abdominal breathing. - You may now have a vision, sent to you by your spiritual masters or by some other entity, confirming which gift you should continue to exploit! All youre asking for now is the authorization to use a particular gift. That authorization could come in the form of a feeling of peace and relaxation, or it could be a warm current running through your body, or some other pleasant sensation. Dont try to use the gift itself yet... If nothing happens after ten or fifteen minutes, and you dont have a vision or a revelation, dont worry. At least you were relaxed and felt good, in harmony with your spirit! 47
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Or you could have felt something unpleasant, warning you not to use a certain parapsychic power or suffer the consequences. The knowledge of the Higher Invisible Powers is often hard to fathom, but if you didnt get any negative feelings you should take that as a sign to develop the parapsychic ability in question.

Eleventh secret of power Preparing for telepathy

It sometimes happens that beginners develop their parapsychic abilities very rapidly. How quickly that happens depends on how motivated you are, and how regularly you practice the ceremonies. How To Practice Telepathy After everything weve done up to now, developing the ability to communicate over distances should be childs play for you. If youve been practicing the exercises in this initiation guide with motivation and constancy, it will be easy for you to influence others and to read their minds. Thoughts are emissions of energy that can be projected over infinite distances. All you have to do is focus them in a certain direction, towards a specific person, from a distance. Telepathy, or the reading of minds over distances, is the basis of many parapsychological abilities: clairvoyance, magnetism, Tarot, contact with Higher Beings, saints, guardian angels entities from parallel universes, etc. Telepathy can trigger the appearance of other parapsychological

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abilities like astral travel, levitation, bilocation and telekinesis. Thats why its so important to master and control this parapsychic ability. Once you have, it will be much easier for you to exploit your other gifts. Heres what to do. The method described below wont be totally new to you, since youve been using it ever since you started your training. Developing your telepathic powers represents the synthesis of everything youve learned up to now. If youve had success doing your exercises so far, you should be able to develop your telepathic gifts very rapidly. If you havent had much success, I would recommend going back and doing them again, until you master them perfectly. That will weigh the balance in favor of your developing telepathic powers. Or you could just go ahead and do the exercise for stimulating your telepathic abilities, as described below, and take your chances. Exercise to Stimulate Your Gift of Telepathy Before you start trying to practice pure telepathy, do the following exercise: When youre out doing something during the course of a day, take the time to stare at someone in the street, whether you know them or not, and without them being aware of you. Then try to forcefully project a thought into that persons mind. Visualize your thought as a ray of energy leaving your mind and

colliding with the mind of the person youre targeting. Concentrate on the persons forehead, or on the nape of their neck if their back is turned to you. Dont get discouraged if nothing happens at first. Results can take time. Be persistent, and with a little patience youll soon be reaping the benefits of your perseverance. When you start you should emit short but intense thoughts, to avoid getting distracted. You can practice by sending sensual or emotional thoughts, which are the strongest and most intense kinds of thoughts people can have. If you can think of something stronger, go ahead and use it. Just make sure you dont start following someone around in the street. Its best if both of you are in a stationary position, for example sitting at a terrace or waiting for some form of public transportation. If youre walking down the street you could easily become distracted by traffic, other people, etc. Your target could jump into a taxi or disappear in a store, meet a friend, and so on. Your projection must be undisturbed, and last for a few minutes, but no more than five. Thats about the longest youll be able to concentrate and get results. When you start practicing, focus on someone for about five minutes a day. Choose a person who produces some intense emotion in you, and then project your thought as a stream of energy towards that persons mind. Youll soon see it taking less and less time for you to have an effect, and to get results. 51

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This exercise is an excellent way to get you focused and ready for the exercise on telepathy described below. You can do it as many times as you want during the day, since it doesnt require too much energy. Youll know when you succeed when something special happens: the person turns towards you, smiles at you, or approaches you (improbable at first, but if it happens it means that your gift for telepathy is very strong!). Of course, the person you target shouldnt know whats going on, not because you have any harmful intentions, but simply to keep the exercise pure. It wouldnt be fair to attract the persons attention in some other way than by using your mind. You shouldnt be too close to your targets either. They should under no circumstances be made aware of your presence. They may see you, but they shouldnt know what youre trying to do. If by any chance you do something noticeable like staring too hard or standing too close, the exercise wont work and the person might even become hostile towards you. Dont worry, and start again later. The best is if your target is close enough so no one can get between you and block your vision, but far enough so you wont be noticed. Then, if you get a positive reaction (they turn and look at you, smile at you, etc.) youll know that your telepathic efforts were the cause. Practice this exercise for at least fifteen days before moving on to the next step.

Twelfth secret of power Using your parapsychic abilities

Its easier than you think to trigger your gift for telepathy, as well as your other parapsychological talents, especially when you respect the occult laws that govern the material world. Theres nothing miraculous about it. The main reason why telepathy works is the fact that all human minds are connected. When the brains of all living beings are linked, they can share ideas. Even if we express our emotions and aspirations in our own way, theyre still the same emotions and aspirations that millions of others have. The more thoughts and hopes people share with you, the easier it will be to penetrate their minds. The closer people are to you culturally, professionally and emotionally, the better the process of telepathy will function and the more effective it will be. When you tune in to someones mind by emitting a stream of thought energy, a kind of mental fusion takes place. Your two minds become one, and you have the advantage of knowing that

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you are reading someones mind, while the other person doesnt. When I say read I mean feel you actually feel what someone is thinking. Your feeling might come in the form of images, sounds, voices, sensations, etc. Your brain decodes these impressions, received over distances, and transforms them into vibrations that allow you to interpret and understand them, although they may be hard to put into words. Do some experiments. Keep practicing the exercises described earlier, especially those that develop your telepathic abilities. As I said before, telepathy is the foundation of many of parasensorial faculties, and helps develop them all. When you want to develop your parapsychic abilities, the important thing is finding the key that gives you access to their hidden treasures. You first have to identify the faculty you want to work on, and then spend enough time on it. In other words: take things one step at a time. If you dont know which special parapsychic ability to work on first, heres what to do. Experience has shown that telepathy has often been the key to accessing parasensorial powers for many people. If you are drawn to one parapsychic ability more than the others, stick with it. If you dont have any specific ideas, if you dont know where to start, if all roads appeal to you, then telepathy would be a good place to start. When you master it, youll be able to choose any parapsychological ability you want. Practicing the techniques in this initiation guide will give you more 54

self-confidence and help you make the right decisions in life. Just as the practice of parapsychology improves your physical and psychic health, it also reinforces your self-image, and provides you with the tools you need to deal with life successfully. Everything that exists is related. Every choice you make depends on a host of previous choices, which have led you to the path youre on now. But now you have a new option, one that will give you many more choices, and lead you in a direction that is right for you. When you have problems (general or parapsychological) making choices and decisions, use the techniques Ive given you, and they will inspire you and tell you the right thing to do. The farther you advance in your practice, the less questions youll be asking yourself. The natural expansion of your consciousness will bring you more and more solutions and ideas to explore. Be confident, dont fear failure, and dare to do as much as you can with these techniques. Im certain youll get incredible results.

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