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Dream Interpretation—How to Interpret the

Meaning of Your Dreams

Never use cheap dream translations if you wish to

learn the true meaning of your dreams! Popular dream
dictionaries and interpretations based on subjective
conclusions can only mislead you, while the correct
dream translation will teach you the following:

1. Who you really are

2. Your mistakes
3. How you can correct your mistakes
4. How to predict the future
5. How to prevent any potentially negative
future events
6. How other people think, feel and sense
7. The personality of the person you love
8. How to develop all your psychological
functions, becoming more intelligent and wise
9. How to interpret your daily reality and have
more information about everything
10. How you can solve any problem, even if it is
impossible to solve
11. How you can acquire physical health if you
are sick
12. How you can avoid diseases and accidents

Therefore, it is very important to interpret your

dreams with the unique scientific dream
interpretation, discovered by the famed psychiatrist
and psychologist Carl Jung. I have proven this in my
scientific work, by continuing the research he
abandoned in the psychic sphere through dream
interpretation and discovering the wild side of the
human conscience.

I could decipher dream symbols better because I

learned how to be a scientist by following not only
what Jung taught me through his books but also what
many other scientists taught me with their works, and
also because I have a literary talent since I was a child
and my own literature was full of dream symbols. By
interpreting them according to Jung’s method I
discovered the answer for many mysteries he could
not explain.

If you wish to really understand the meaning of

your dreams and benefit from the information and the
daily psychotherapy by the unconscious through
dreams, you must learn how to translate dream
symbols into words so your conscious mind can
understand them.

Carl Jung never made a list of dream symbols and

he was afraid to be too specific when explaining the
meaning of a symbol. However, I continued his
research and discovered the unknown region of the
psychic sphere. I can give you a glossary with the
most important dream symbols in my ebook Craziness

The main objective of the dream messages is to

prevent the inherent craziness in the anti-conscience
from invading the human conscience. By translating
your dreams’ messages, you will be able to prevent
and cure schizophrenia, psychosis, hysteria, neurosis,
bipolar depression, depression, anxiety, phobias and
panic attacks.

In order to interpret your dreams, you must write

them down everyday, so that you have a record of all
your dreams. This is important because the
unconscious sends you messages in episodes. You
have to focus on all of them, just as you match the
pieces of a puzzle, so that you have an image of the
entire meaning of all the messages. The whole will tell
you much more than a single message alone.

If you can’t write your dreams as soon as you

wake, write them down whenever you can. If you
cannot remember too many details of your dream but
you have the impression that you saw many more
things, don’t insist on remembering everything
because you usually won’t remember the details you
forgot, unless something in your daily life or another
dream prompts you to remember the dream.

Write down whatever you remember, even if it is

only a face or object. Often, the meaning of a series of
dreams is revealed due to a detail of certain dream in
the series.

Apart from the indispensable translation of the

known dream symbols, you can always somehow
understand the meaning of a dream if you think about
what the objects and scenes you see in your dream
represent for you.

Other people in your dreams always represent

parts of your personality that resemble the people who
appear in your dreams. So, if in your dream you are
with a friend who is a liar, it means that you are
behaving the same way as that friend, i.e., you tend to
become a liar in a few situations of your life.

The unique exception is the person you love, even

though this person is also a part of your personality.
You can interpret the information that is given to you
about this person without considering them as parts of
your personality, but only as objective information that
shows you many things about their personality,
mistakes, desires and ambitions.

Your dreams will warn you if something important

is going to happen to you and will prepare you to face
all the dangers of your way a long time before you
actually have to face them, so that you are properly
prepared to safely overcome all dangers of life and

Prevent Depression and Craziness through the scientific method of

Dream Interpretation discovered by Carl Jung and simplified by
Christina Sponias, a writer who continued Jung's research in the
unknown region of the human psychic sphere. Learn more at: and
Press Control and Click here to download your copy of the
Free ebook
Beating Depression and Craziness

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