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These Rules shall be known and cited as the Rules andRegulations Implementing the Local Government Code of 1991. ARTICLE 2.Purpose. These Rules are promulgated to prescribe the proceduresand guidelines for the implementation of the Local Government Code of 1991 inorder to facilitate compliance therewith and achieve the objectives thereof. ARTICLE 3.Declaration of Policy. (a) It is hereby declared the policy of the Statethat the territorial and political subdivisions of the State shall enjoy genuine andmeaningful local autonomy to enable them to attain their fullest development asself-reliant communities and make them more effective partners in the attainment of national goals. Toward this end, the State shall provide for a more responsive and accountable local government structure instituted through a system of decentralization whereby local government units (LGUs) shall be given morepowers, authority, responsibilities, and resources. The process of decentralization shall proceed from the National Government to the LGUs.( b ) I t i s a l s o t h e p o l i c y o f t h e S t a t e t o e n s u r e t h e a c c o u n t a b i l i t y o f L G U s t h r o u g h the institution of effective mechanisms of recall, initiative and referendum.( c ) I t i s l i k e w i s e t h e p o l i c y o f t h e S t a t e t o r e q u i r e a l l n a t i o n a l g o v e r n m e n t agencies and offices (NGOs) to conduct periodic consultations with appropriateLGUs, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and people's organizations, and otherconcerned sectors of the community before any project or program is implementedin their respective jurisdictions. casia( d ) E v e r y L G U s h a l l e x e r c i s e t h e p o w e r s e x p r e s s l y g r a n t e d , t h o s e n e c e s s a r i l y implied therefrom, as well as powers necessary, appropriate, or incidental for itsefficient and effective governance, and those which are essential to the promotionof the general welfare. Within their respective territorial jurisdictions, LGUs shallensure and support, among other things, the preservation and enrichment of culture, promote health and safety, enhance the right of the people to a balancedecology, encourage and support the development of appropriate and self-reliantscientific and technological capabilities, improve public morals, enhance economicprosperity and social justice, promote full employment among their residents,maintain peace and order, and preserve the comfort and convenience of theirinhabitants. ARTICLE 4.Scope of Application. These Rules shall apply to the following:

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