Sie sind auf Seite 1von 57


UN N: 1824
MARPOL classification: D until 31/12/2006
Y from 01/01/2007
SEBC Classification: D (dissolver)
C: corrosive
E.U. Classification:
Sodium Hydroxide 50% Solution
Chemical Response Guide
1he | norm uL| on conLu| ned | Lh| n Lh| s u| de | s u resu| L o Cedres
reseurch und e per| ence. Cedre cunnoL be he| d respons| b| e or Lhe
consequences resu| L| n rom Lhe use o Lh| s | norm uL| on.
lub| | shed: L ecem ber 2005
1runs| uLed b Su| | ler uson.
practical guide
1h| s docum enL us druLed b C edre (Lhe C enLre o
L ocum enLuL| on, Reseurch und L per| m enLuL| on on
A cc| denLu| W uLer lo| | uL| on) | Lh | nunc| u| supporL
und Lechn| cu| u| dunce rom A RK LM A .
Sodium Hydroxide 50% Solution
Chemical Response Guide
A s purL o Lhe reseurch unded, A RK LM A
und C edre (Lhe C enLre o L ocum enLuL| on,
Reseurch und L per| m enLuL| on on A cc| denLu|
W uLer lo| | uL| on) huve produced u ser| es o
response u| des or chem | cu| hu urds. 1he
cun be used Lo uss| sL | n em er enc response
| n Lhe evenL o un | nc| denL | nvo| v| n u vesse|
curr | n hu urdous subsLunces h| ch m u
cuuse uLer po| | uL| on.
1hese u| des ure upduLes o Lhe 6! 'm | n|
response u| des' pub| | shed b C edre | n Lhe
eur| ! 990s.
1hese u| des ure des| ned Lo u| | o rup| d
uccess Lo Lhe necessur | n| L| u| | norm uL| on (see
chupLer enL| L| ed 'l| rsL | | ne em er enc duLu'),
| n udd| L| on Lo prov| d| n re| evunL b| b| | o ruph|
cu| sources Lo obLu| n urLher | norm uL| on.
1he u| so conLu| n Lhe resu| Ls o scenur| os
re| uL| n Lo | nc| denLs | n Lhe C hunne| , Lhe
M ed| Lerruneun und | n porLs und r| vers. 1hese
scenur| os ure on| | nLended Lo prov| de respon
se uuLhor| L| es | Lh | nd| cuL| ons o huL Lo do
| n un em er enc . Luch reu| | nc| denL shou| d be
unu| sed | nd| v| duu| | und Lhe response uuLho
r| L| es shou| d noL underesL| m uLe Lhe | m por
Lunce o Lu|| n | ns| Lu m eusurem enLs (u| r,
uLer, sed| m enL und m ur| ne uunu) | n order
Lo deLerm | ne e c| us| on ureus.
1hese u| des ure | nLended pr| m ur| | or spec| u
| | sLs ho |no ubouL Lhe Lechn| ques Lo use | n
Lhe evenL o un em er enc | n udd| L| on Lo Lhe
re| evunL operuL| onu| response m eusures. 1he
m u| n concern | s Lo m | L| uLe Lhe consequences
o u sp| | | , ho ever e cunnoL uord Lo over
| oo| responder sueL und hum un Lo | co| o .
Purpose of this guide
To contact the duty engineer at Cedre (24/7)
l| euse cu| | : 33 (0)2 98 33 ! 0 ! 0
N uL| onu| Lo | co| o surve| | | unce s sLem | n
Lhe evenL o u m uj or Lo | co| o | cu| LhreuL.
l n lrunce, u hoL| | ne | s m unned uround Lhe c| oc| b
L | v| s| on 7 o Lhe G eneru| L epurLm enL o eu| Lh (SL 7/
L G S).
L ur| n open| n hours p| euse cu| | :
1e| . : 33 (0)! 40 56 47 95
lu : 33 (0)! 40 56 50 56
O uLs| de norm u| or|| n hours p| euse cu| | Lhe re| evunL
uuLhor| L .
lo| son C onLro| C enLres | n lrunce
A n ers (C enLre osp|Lu||er dA n ers) 1e|.: 33 (0)2 4! 48 2! 2!
bordeuu ( p|Lu| le||e r|n1r|pode) 1e|.: 33 (0)5 56 96 40 80
G renob|e ( p|Lu| A |berL M |chu||on) 1e|.: 33 (0)4 76 76 56 46
L|||e (C enLre osp|Lu||er R |onu| U n|vers|Lu|re) 1e|.: 33 (0)8 25 8! 28 22
L on ( p|Lu| Ldouurd err|oL) 1e|.: 33 (0)4 72 !! 69 !!
M urse|||e ( p|Lu| Su|vuLor) 1e|.: 33 (0)4 9! 75 25 25
N unc ( p|Lu| C enLru|) 1e|.: 33 (0)3 83 32 36 36
lur|s ( p|Lu| lernund W |du|) 1e|.: 33 (0)! 40 05 48 48
Re|m s ( p|Lu| M u|son b|unche) 1e|.: 33 (0)3 26 78 48 2!
Rennes ( p|Lu| de lonLchu|||ou) 1e|.: 33 (0)2 99 59 22 22
Rouen ( p|Lu| C hur|es N |co||e) 1e|.: 33 (0)2 35 88 44 00
SLrusbour ( p|Luu U n|vers|Lu|res) 1e|.: 33 (0)3 88 37 37 37
1ou|ouse ( p|Lu| de lurpun) 1e|.: 33 (0)5 6! 77 74 47
Sodium Hydroxide 50% Solution
Chemical Response Guide
lurpose o Lh| s u| de 4
b.! l| rsL u| d | norm uL| on 8
b. 2 l L curd 9
b. 3 lh s| cu| duLu ! 0
b. 4 l| um m ub| | | L duLu !!
b. 5 1o | co| o | cu| duLu ! 2
b. 6 LcoLo | co| o | cu| duLu ! 3
b. 7 lers| sLence | n Lhe env| ronm enL ! 4
b. 8 C | uss| | cuL| on ! 5
b. 9 lurL| cu| ur r| s|s ! 7
b.! 0 1runsporLuL| on, hund| | n , sLoru e ! 8
C .! Rem | nder o chem | cu| properL| es 20
C . 2 A cc| denL scenur| os 2!
C . 3 C onsum pL| on scenur| os 28
L .! L um p| es o sod| um h dro | de so| uL| on sp| | | s 30
L . 2 Response recom m enduL| ons 3!
L . 3 Response Lechn| ques 33
L . 4 C hoos| n personu| proLecL| ve equ| pm enL (llL) 34
L . 5 M eusur| n dev| ces und usLe LreuLm enL 36
L.! G | ossur 38
L. 2 A cron m s 42
L. 3 U seu| ebs| Les 44
L. 4 b| b| | o ruph 46
A nne es 48
A nne ! : p ruphs 49
A nne 2: sum m ur und udd| L| onu| ph s| cu| und Lo | co| o | cu| duLu 5!
A nne 3: u orm uL duLu curd 54
A nne 4: c| uss| | cuL| on o no | ous | | qu| d subsLunces 56
A nne 4b: ne c| uss| | cuL| on o no | ous | | qu| d subsLunces 57
Sodium Hydroxide 50% Solution
Chemical Response Guide
What you need to know
about sodium hydroxide
50% solution
Pure sodium hydroxide, or caustic soda, | s u
h| Le, Lruns| ucenL, h| h| h roscop| c so| | d.
l n so| uL| on, | L | s u h| h| so| ub| e, co| our| ess
| | qu| d, vur | n | n v| scos| L uccord| n Lo Lhe
concenLruL| on. A L seu, u sp| | | o cuusL| c sodu
| | | rup| d| be d| | uLed.
Sodu | s used | n Lhe urL| | c| u| Le L| | e | ndusLr ,
o| | re| ner , soup m u|| n , Lhe m eLu| | ndusLr
(sLu| n| ess sLee| puss| vuL| on) und | n m eLu|
consLrucL| on ( | u e rem ovu| ). l L | s u| so used
| n Lhe m unuucLure o ce| | ophune und m un
chem | cu| s.
Explosion: caustic soda is stable and non-
com busL| b| e. o ever, conLucL beL een sodu
(espec| u| | | n | Ls unh drous orm ) und uLer
eneruLes u m uj or re| euse o heuL, enou h Lo
| n| Le | um m ub| e subsLunces. R| s|s o | re und
even e p| os| on e | sL hen sod| um h dro | de
com es | nLo conLucL | Lh m un oLher pro
Toxicity: sodium hydroxide solutions are
h| h| corros| ve. 1he uLLuc| cerLu| n or un| c
m uLer| u| s (| euLher, ubr| c) und m eLu| s. 1he
r| s|s or hum uns und or Lhe env| ronm enL und
ure Lhereore due Lo Lhe corros| ve nuLure o
cuusL| c sodu hen | n conLucL | Lh Lh| s chem |
cu| (burn| n o L| ssue).
lroj ecL| ons ure | ven o hen | ur e quunL|
L| es o sod| um h dro | de com e | nLo conLucL
| Lh uLer (or hen uLer com es | nLo con
LucL | Lh sod| um h dro | de | n u reservo| r or
| nsLunce).
Behaviour in the environment
W hen sp| | L | nLo uLer, cuusL| c sodu com p| eLe|
d| sso| ves und | ves o heuL. 1he r| s| | ncurred
b Lhe env| ronm enL | s due Lo h dro | | ons (p
eecL). 1he eecL o cuusL| c sodu on uquuL| c
or un| sm s Lhereore depends on Lhe buer| n
cupuc| L o Lhe ecos sLem . 1h| s buer| n cupu
c| L | s ver m ur|ed | n Lhe m ur| ne env| ronm enL.
A p reuLer Lhun 9 | s hurm u| or uquuL| c | | e.
1he re| euse o cuusL| c sodu | nLo Lhe uquuL| c
env| ronm enL produces u h| Le Lru| | m u|| n Lhe
po| | uLunL v| s| b| e (prec| p| LuL| on o m u nes| um
h dro | de).
Sodium Hydroxide 50% Solution
Chemical Response Guide
First line emergency data
l| rsL u| d | norm uL| on B1
l L curd B2
lh s| cu| duLu B3
l| um m ub| | | L duLu B4
1o | co| o | cu| duLu B5
LcoLo | co| o | cu| duLu B6
lers| sLence | n Lhe env| ronm enL B7
C | uss| | cuL| on B8
lurL| cu| ur r| s|s B9
1runsporLuL| on, hund| | n , sLoru e B10
Sodium Hydroxide 50% Solution
Chemical Response Guide
First aid information (l C SC , 200! )
Immediately remove all soiled or spotted clothes with suitable gloves.
Intoxication by inhalation (vapours)
Rem ove Lhe v| cL| m rom Lhe po| | uLed ureu und Lhem up | nLo u hu| s| LL| n pos| L| on.
A pp| urL| | c| u| resp| ruL| on | Lhe person hus sLopped breuLh| n und prov| de o en | breuLh| n
| s d| | cu| L.
1runser Lhe v| cL| m Lo hosp| Lu| .
Skin contact
R| nse Lhe s|| n | Lh c| eun uLer or 20 m | nuLes unL| | Lhe producL hus been e| | m | nuLed Lhen upp|
u neuLru| | s| n so| uL| on.
C onsu| L u docLor.
Eye contact
R| nse Lhe e es | Lh p| enL o c| eun uLer or uL | eusL 30 m | nuLes h| | e |eep| n Lhe e e| | ds open
Lhen upp| u neuLru| | s| n so| uL| on.
C onsu| L u docLor.
Intoxication by ingestion
L o noL | nduce vom | L| n .
R| nse Lhe m ouLh und | | ps | Lh uLer | Lhe person | s consc| ous, Lhen Lrunser Lo hosp| Lu| ur enL| .
In the case of ingestion of a very small quantity of diluted solution with a pH of less than 11.5:
Lnsure LhuL Lhe person dr| n|s ! or 2 | usses o uLer (on| | Lhe person | s consc| ous).
C onsu| L u docLor.
In the case of ingestion of a diluted solution with a pH greater than 11.5 or unknown:
1runser Lhe v| cL| m Lo hosp| Lu| | LhouL | v| n Lhem un Lh| n Lo dr| n|.
L o noL uLLem pL Lo | nduce vom | L| n or Lo neuLru| | se | Lh uc| d| c u enLs (e. . v| ne ur or ru| L
j u| ce).
Sodium Hydroxide 50% Solution
Chemical Response Guide
ID card
A dd| L| onu| duLu und sources | n unne 2
Gross formula: N uO
Sodium hydroxide solution
C uusL| c sodu so| uL| on, sod| um h druLe so| uL| on,
h| Le cuusL| c so| uL| on, | e so| uL| on.
E.U. Classification
C: corrosive
R35: cuuses severe burns.
S26: | n cuse o conLucL | Lh e es, r| nse | m m ed| uLe| | Lh p| enL
o uLer und see| m ed| cu| udv| ce.
S37/39: W eur su| Lub| e | oves und e e/uce proLecL| on.
S45: l n cuse o ucc| denL or | ou ee| un e| | , see| m ed| cu|
udv| ce | m m ed| uLe| (sho Lhe | ube| here poss| b| e).
Classification for transportation
CAS n: ! 3! 0732
E.C. N (EINECS): 2! 5! 855
Index n: 0!! 002006
U N N : ! 824
C | uss: 8
Sodium Hydroxide 50% Solution
Chemical Response Guide
Physical data
pH of a 50 % solution ! 4
Viscosity at 20C 78 m lu. s
Freezing point ! 2 C or u 50% so| uL| on
Melting point N /A
Boiling point: ! 42 C 1 ! 44 C
Critical temperature: N /A
Relative density (water = 1) ! . 52 uL 20 C
Relative vapour density (air = 1) N /A
Solubility in fresh water
com p| eLe| so| ub| e uL 20 C
prec| p| LuLes us o 52%
Vapour pressure/tension 2 hlu (m bur) uL 20 C
Olfactory threshold in air un|no n
Diffusion coefficient in water N /A
Diffusion coefficient in air N /A
Henrys law constant N /A
L e| n| L| ons | n | ossur
Sources | n unne 2
Conversion factor in air at 20 C: ! ppm - ! . 63 m /m
! m /m - 0. 6! ppm
! uLm - ! . 0! 3.! 0
Sodium Hydroxide 50% Solution
Chemical Response Guide
Flammability data
Explosive limits
N one p| os| ve producL
Regression speed
N on| um m ub| e producL
Flash point
N on| um m ub| e producL
Self-ignition point
N on| um m ub| e producL
Dangerous products of decomposition (A RK LM A SL S, 2003)
lorm uL| on o | um m ub| e und e p| os| ve h dro en b corros| on o m eLu| s
L e| n| L| ons | n | ossur
Sodium Hydroxide 50% Solution
Chemical Response Guide
Toxicological data
Acute human toxicity
(A RK LM A SL S 2003)
1he ucuLe Lo | c| L o sod| um h dro | de
depends on | Ls physical state (so| | d or | n
so| uL| on), on | Ls concentration und on Lhe
b | n esL| on: severe burns Lo Lhe d| esL| ve
LrucL, r| s| o peroruL| on o Lhe u| | m enLur
cunu| , sLuLe o shoc|.
b s|| n conLucL: ver corros| ve or Lhe
s|| n, severe burns, severe | es| ons, scurr| n
(som eL| m es reLrucL| | e), derm uL| L| s poss| b| e | n
Lhe cuse o repeuLed conLucL.
b e e conLucL: corros| ve or Lhe e es, severe
| es| ons poss| b| | Lh | usL| n eecLs | Lhe
e es ure noL r| nsed | m m ed| uLe| , hurm Lo u| |
Lhe e e L| ssues, r| s| o s| hL | oss.
b | nhu| uL| on: corros| ve or resp| ruLor LrucL.
Chronic human toxicity
(Sl L S O C L L, 2004)
le sLud| es huve been conducLed, us | o
concenLruL| ons o sod| um h dro | de ure
neuLru| | sed b Lhe uc| d| L o Lhe sLom uch.
Sod| um h dro | de 50% so| uL| on ho ever hus
no sens| L| s| n poLenL| u| or m uLu en| c| L .
Sodium Hydroxide 50% Solution
Chemical Response Guide
Ecotoxicological data (LC b lRO J LC 1, 2005)
Acute ecotoxicity: duLu e pressed | n m | | | | rum s o pure sod| um h dro | de per | | Lre o uLer
L uphn| u (Ceriodaphnia dubia) LC
(48h) - 40 m /L (resh uLer)
l| sh (Brachydanio rerio) 55.6 m /L LC
(96h) !00 m /L p : 7.9 Lo 8.! (resh uLer)
Chronic ecotoxicity: no duLu uvu| | ub| e.
PNEC (lred| cLed N oLecL C oncenLruL| on): no lN LC us ub| e Lo be cu| cu| uLed us Lhe buer| n
cupuc| L , Lhe p und | Ls | ucLuuL| on ure ver spec| | c Lo Lhe ecos sLem | n quesL| on. 1o esL| m uLe Lhe
eecL o u sod| um h dro | de sp| | | , Lhe chun e | n p o Lhe uLer m usL be cu| cu| uLed or m eusured.
Variation by one pH unit could affect flora and fauna (LC b lRO J LC 1, 2005). 1he uveru e p o uLer
cun vur | n seu uLer rom 8 Lo 8. 4 (sLub| e p ) und | n resh uLer rom 6 Lo 7. 5.
L um p| es o p | n nuLuru| uLers
l| sh (Lucioperca lucioperca) 1o | c concenLruL| on 35 m /L (resh uLer)
M ur| ne | nverLebruLe (Ophryotrocha diadema) 33 m /L LC
(48h) ! 00 m /L (seu uLer)
L e| n| L| ons | n | ossur
Brests estuary Fos sur Mer Fresh water
8 7. 95 6 7. 5
Sodium Hydroxide 50% Solution
Chemical Response Guide
Persistence in the environment
1he r| s| presenLed b cuusL| c sodu or Lhe
env| ronm enL | s due Lo h dro | | ons (p
eecL). 1he eecL o cuusL| c sodu on uquuL| c
or un| sm s Lhereore depends on Lhe buer| n
cupuc| L o Lhe uquuL| c or | undbused
ecos sLem . A pH greater than 9 is harmful
for aquatic life. 1he eecL o Lhese | ons | s
nuLuru| | reduced b d| | uL| on, ubsorpL| on o
curbon d| o | de rom Lhe u| r und, or resh
uLers, b Lhe nuLuru| vur| uL| on | n Lhe p o
Lhe uLer Lhrou houL Lhe du und uccord| n
Lo Lhe seuson.
Risk for the environment
A h| h concenLruL| on o sod| um h dro | de | n
Lhe uLer | | | | ncreuse Lhe u| |u| | n| L o Lhe
uLer, h| ch cun be hurm u| or uquuL| c | | e.
l n resh uLers, m osL u| ue ure || | | ed hen
Lhe p e ceeds 8. 5 und | sh cunnoL Lo| eruLe u
p o over 8. 4.
l n seu uLer, u h| h p cun cuuse burns Lo Lhe
s|| n und | | | s, und | sh d| e o suocuL| on.
Sod| um h dro | de | | | be Lrunsorm ed | nLo
su| Ls depend| n on Lhe | ons presenL | n Lhe
env| ronm enL.
Sod| um h dro | de | s un | nor un| c subsLunce
h| ch does noL b| ouccum u| uLe u| on Lhe ood
chu| n.
Partition coefficient for organic carbon and water (Koc): N /A
Partition coefficient for octanol and water (Kow): N /A
Bioconcentration factor (BCF): N /A
L e| n| L| ons | n | ossur
Sources | n unne 2
Sodium Hydroxide 50% Solution
Chemical Response Guide
IBC Code (l M O , 200! ):
for a 15% solution and over
hu urds: S (SueL r| s|)
sh| p L pe: 3
Lun| L pe: 2G (| nLe ru| ruv| L Lun|)
Lun| venLs: open
conLro| | ed Lun| env| ronm enL: no
e| ecLr| cu| equ| pm enL:
c| uss | ': N l (non| um m ub| e)
uu | n : O (open L pe)
vupour deLecL| on: no
| re proLecL| on: no
consLrucL| on m uLer| u| (N 8) : u| um | n| um ,
| nc, u| vun| sed sLee| und m ercur shou| d
noL be used or consLrucL| n Lun|s, p| p| n ,
j o| nLs, uccessor| es or oLher e| em enLs | | |e|
Lo com e | nLo conLucL | Lh Lhese producLs or
SEBC Classification: D (dissolver)
MARPOL classification: L (de| n| L| on | n unne 4) unL| | 3! /! 2/2006
Y (de| n| L| on | n unne 4b) rom 0! /0! /2007
E.U. Classification:
cuuses severe burns.
| n cuse o conLucL | Lh e es, r| nse | m m ed| u
Le| | Lh p| enL o uLer und see| m ed| cu|
udv| ce.
eur su| Lub| e | oves und e e/uce proLec
L| on.
| n cuse o ucc| denL or | ou ee| un e| | ,
see| m ed| cu| udv| ce. Sho Lhe | ube| here
poss| b| e.
L. C . N (Ll N LC S)
C: corrosive
Sodium Hydroxide 50% Solution
Chemical Response Guide









































Maximum scale Classification
GESAMP classification of sodium hydroxide solution:
A . lers| sLence | n Lhe
env| ronm enL
b. A quuL| c
ecoLo | c| L
C . M um m u| | un
Lo | c| L
L . LecLs on
hum un be| n s
L. l nLererence |Lh
cousLu| um en|L|es
A ! u, A ! b: sod| um h dro | de | s un | nor un| c producL
A ! : | nor un| c, nonb| ouccum u| ub| e producL
A 2: | nor un| c producL
b! : s| | hL uquuL| c Lo | c| L
b2: N l : N o l norm uL| on
C ! : s| | hL| Lo | c hen | n esLed b m um m u| s
C 2: s| | hL| Lo | c b s|| n conLucL | Lh m um m u| s
C 3: s| | hL| Lo | c hen | nhu| ed b m um m u| s
L ! : C : corros| ve subsLunce. C om p| eLe necros| s o Lhe s|| n 3 m | nuLes
L 2: severe| | rr| LuL| n or e es | eud| n Lo | rrevers| b| e corneu| | es| ons
L 3: no | on Lerm eecLs
L! : no conLum | nuL| on
L2: L : L | sso| ves
L3: h| h| obj ecL| onub| e, c| osure o um en| L
Sodium Hydroxide 50% Solution
Chemical Response Guide
Particular risks
Explosion: sod| um h dro | de | s u sLub| e producL, ho ever cerLu| n r| s|s e | sL | n Lhe presence o:
e p| os| ves such us n| Lrous com
reucL| on produc| n enou h heuL Lo deLonuLe Lhe e p| os| ve
v| n | ch| or| de m onom er orm uL| on o ch| orouceL | ene
LeLruh drourun e p| os| on upon conLucL
sod| um LeLruh droboruLe | ves o h dro en | Lh un e p| os| on
penLuch| oropheno| e p| os| on und orm uL| on o Lo | c vupours
LeLruch| oroben ene e p| os| on due Lo un | ncreuse | n pressure
m u| e| c unh dr| de e p| os| ve decom pos| L| on
Fire: sod| um h dro | de | s ne| Lher | um m ub| e nor com busL| ve, buL | L cun be u secondur source
o | re. O verheuL| n u conLu| ner o sod| um h dro | de so| uL| on | | | ucce| eruLe Lhe corros| on o
m eLu| .
R| s| o | re | n Lhe presence o:
m eLu| s orm uL| on o h dro en
Sudden polymerisation caused upon contact with:
epo | des
po| m er| sub| e com pounds such us:
uceLu| deh de, ucr | on| Lr| | e, ucro| e| ne, u| | | u| coho| , ! , 2d| ch| oroeLhune
N /A
Danger (LRl C A RL S C Lll C , 2003)
heuL| n Lhe rec| p| enL cun cuuse un | ncreuse
| n pressure und Lhe rec| p| enL m u shuLLer.
poss| b| | | L o uLLuc|| n m eLu| s und produc
L| on o h dro en h| ch m u orm un e p| o
s| ve m | Lure | Lh Lhe u| r.
Stability and reactivity (A RK LM A SL S, 2003)
subsLunces Lo be uvo| ded: uLer, uc| d,
| nc, u| um | n| um , copper, u| |u| | m eLu| s,
u| |u| | ne eurLh m eLu| s, uceLu| deh de,
ucro| e| ne, ucr | on| Lr| | e, u| | | u| coho| , hu| on,
m u| e| c unh dr| de, brom | ne, n| Lropuru| ns,
n| Lrourom uL| cs, o| eum s, LeLruh drourun.
h roscop| c producL sens| L| ve Lo Lhe curbon
d| o | de | n Lhe u| r (curbonuL| on).
dun erous producLs o decom pos| L| on: b
corros| on o m eLu| s, orm uL| on o | um m ub| e
und e p| os| ve h dro en.
A v| o| enL reucL| on occurs | Lh m | neru| or or un| c uc| ds und |eLones.
Sod| um h dro | de so| uL| ons ure h| h| corros| ve Lo cerLu| n m eLu| s und u| | o s: | nc, u| um | n| um ,
L| n, copper, | eud, bron e, bruss. Sod| um h dro | de u| so desLro s | euLher, sLr| ps pu| nL und uLLuc|s
cerLu| n p| usL| cs, rubbers und couL| n s.
Behaviour when in contact with other products
Sodium Hydroxide 50% Solution
Chemical Response Guide
Transportation, handling, storage
Transportation (A RK LM A SL S, 2003)
l denL| | cuL| on n (U N ): ! 824
Land transportation:
Rl L (ru| | ) /A L R (roud)
u urd c| uss| | cuL| on: 80
C | uss: 8
luc|u | n roup: l l
C | uss| | cuL| on code: C 5
Lube| s: 8
Transportation via inland waterways:
A L N /A L N R
u urd c| uss| | cuL| on: 80
C | uss: 8
C | uss| | cuL| on code: C 5
Lube| s: 8
Maritime transport: l M L G
C | uss: 8
luc|u | n roup: l l
M ur| ne po| | uLunL: no
Lube| s: 8
Air freight: l A 1A
C | uss: 8
luc|u | n roup: l l
Lube| s: 8
Handling (A RK LM A SL S, 2003)
l n h| h concenLruL| on o vupours/c| ouds:
V enL| | uLe und evucuuLe uppropr| uLe| .
lrov| de sho ers und e e ushers.
Lnsure LhuL Lhere | s u uLer source neurb .
lrevenL proj ecL| ons dur| n hund| | n .
Storage (A RK LM A SL S, 2003)
SLore | n | rm | c| osed recepLuc| es | n u coo|
und e| | ueruLed p| uce.
K eep ubove 20 C .
lrov| de u reLenL| on Lun| und ensure LhuL
Lhe round | s | m perm eub| e und res| sLunL Lo
corros| on, | Lh u dru| nu e s sLem send| n
runo Lo u neuLru| | suL| on Lun|.
Sodium Hydroxide 50% Solution
Chemical Response Guide
Results of accident scenarios
Rem | nder o properL| es C1
A cc| denL scenur| os C2
C onsum pL| on scenur| os C3
Sodium Hydroxide 50% Solution
Chemical Response Guide
Reminder of properties
Sod| um h dro | de so| uL| on | s LrunsporLed | n
conLu| ners (sLee| burre| s) or | n bu| | (| n sLu| n
| ess sLee| Lun|s h| ch cun be equ| pped | Lh u
heuL| n s sLem ).
Vapour density and tension
Re| uL| ve dens| L : ! . 52 Lo 20 C
V upour dens| L : duLu unuvu| | ub| e
V upour Lens| on: 2 hlu (m bur) uL 20 C
Sod| um h dro | de 50% so| uL| on | s com p| eLe|
so| ub| e | n uLer uL 20 C .
Behaviour in the environment
W hen sp| | L | nLo uLer, sod| um h dro | de com
p| eLe| d| sso| ves.
A h| h concenLruL| on o sod| um h dro | de | n
Lhe uLer | | | | ncreuse Lhe u| |u| | n| L o Lhe
uLer, h| ch cun be hurm u| or uquuL| c | | e.
A h| Le p| um e m u uppeur | n Lhe uLer uLer
u sp| | | o sod| um h dro | de, due Lo Lhe orm u
L| on o m u nes| um h dro | de, Lhus m u|| n
Lhe po| | uLunL v| s| b| e.
Sodium Hydroxide 50% Solution
Chemical Response Guide
Accident scenarios
1he scenur| os de| ned here ure s| m p| des| ned Lo | ve un | nd| cuL| on o Lhe poss| b| e behuv| our
o sod| um h dro | de. l n Lhe evenL o u reu| sp| | | , Lhe resu| Ls o s| m u| uL| ons | | | nuLuru| | be d|
erenL rom Lhose | ven here. 1he C LM M A l behuv| our m ode| , Lhe em er enc response m ode|
em p| o ed b Cedre, us used or Lhese s| m u| uL| ons. O Lher m ore soph| sL| cuLed m ode| s e | sL, buL
requ| re response L| m es h| ch ure | ncom puL| b| e | Lh em er enc s| LuuL| ons.
1hree sod| um h dro | de so| uL| on sp| | | scenur| os ere presenLed | Lh d| erenL quunL| L| es o Lh| s
u h| h seu scenur| o (C hunne| ): 500 Lonnes o sod| um h dro | de sp| | L | nsLunLuneous|
u porL scenur| o (C herbour ): ! 00 Lonnes o sod| um h dro | de sp| | L | nsLunLuneous|
u r| ver scenur| o: 20 Lonnes o sod| um h dro | de sp| | L ruduu| | .
The scenarios
lorL scenur| o
Depth of the port basin: 15 m
Air and water temperature: 10C
Slow current
No wind
Model time step: 15 min
C hunne| scenur| o
Location 50N, 3W
Air and water temperature: 10C
Two wind speeds: 3 and 10 m/s (NW)
Spill depth: 1 m
Model time step: 15 min
R| ver scenur| o
Depth of river: maximum 10 m
Width of river: average 300 m
Spill depth: 1 m
Air and water temperature: 10C
Two current speeds: fast and slow
Wind speed: 6 m/s
Duration of spill: 5 hours
Model time step: 15 min
The pH values for the different concentrations of sodium hydroxide 50% solution are given
in table 1 on the following page and in annex 1.
Sodium Hydroxide 50% Solution
Chemical Response Guide
C LM M A l soL ure us used Lo m ode| h po
LheL| cu| sp| | | u es o sod| um h dro | de 50%
so| uL| on | n Lhe uquuL| c env| ronm enL.
1h| s chem | cu| sp| | | m ode| us des| ned b
A SA (A pp| | ed Sc| ence A ssoc| uLes, l nc. U SA )
und pred| cLs Lhe m ovem enL und uLe o sp| | L
producLs | n resh und seu uLer.
1h| s m ode| | nd| cuLes boLh Lhe m ovem enL
o Lhe producL on Lhe uLer suruce und | Ls
d| sLr| buL| on | n Lhe env| ronm enL (evuporuL| on,
d| sso| uL| on | n Lhe uLer co| um n ).
Results obtained after a spill of 100 tonnes of sodium hydroxide 50% solution
in the Channel, with a wind of 3 m/s.
Location of the hypothetical spill
in the Channel
View of the dissolved part
The CHEMMAP model does not take into account the buffering capacity of seawater.
Graphs therefore had to be drawn up in order to obtain the pH values in the aquatic envi-
ronment according to the concentration of sodium hydroxide spilt in this environment.
These graphs (established for fresh water and seawater) are given in annex 1.
Spill location
Sampling location
l| ure ! l| ure 2
1ub| e !
seawater fresh water g/L pH
1 to 10 ! 0
to ! 0
c| ose Lo | n| L| u| p
10 to 100 ! 0
to ! 0
c| ose Lo | n| L| u| p
100 to 1,000 ! 0
to 0. 00! 8
1,000 to 10,000 0. 00! to 0. 0! 8 p ! 0
10,00 to 100,000 0. 0! to 0.! ! 0
100,000 to 1,000,000 0.! to ! ! 0 ! 3
1,000,000 to 10,000,000 ! to ! 0 ! 3
10,000,000 to 100,000,000 ! 0 to ! 00 ! 3
Concentrations of dissolved sodium hydroxide with the corresponding pH ranges
uccepLub| e
up Lo p 9
Sodium Hydroxide 50% Solution
Chemical Response Guide

1he sod| um h dro | de d| sso| ves | n Lhe uLer co| um n u| m osL | m m ed| uLe| , huLever Lhe
quunL| L (20, ! 00 or 500 Lonnes).
O uunL| L evuporuLed O uunL| L d| sso| ved O uunL| L on Lhe suruce
Results of the Channel scenario
Instantaneous spill of 500 tonnes of sodium hydroxide 50% solution with a wind of 3 m/s
Concentrations obtained 2 hours after the spill
2 hours uLer Lhe sp| | | , Lhe ureu uecLed e Lends Lo 2. 8 nuuL| cu| m | | es uround Lhe sp| | | | ocuL| on.
G ruph !
l| ure 3
Sodium Hydroxide 50% Solution
Chemical Response Guide

2 hours after the spill

1he concenLruL| on o sod| um h dro | de reuches 0. 007 /L at the sampling point, 3 hours uLer
Lhe sp| | | . 1h| s corresponds Lo un e pecLed p o 8.
Sodium Hydroxide 50% Solution
Chemical Response Guide

Results of the port scenario

1he h| hesL concenLruL| on uL Lhe sp| | | | ocuL| on 15 minutes uLer Lhe sp| | | | s 7. 4 /L.
1he e pecLed p | s uround 13.
Instantaneous spill of 100 tonnes of sodium hydroxide 50% solution, with no wind and a
slow current in waters 15 m deep.
Concentrations obtained 2 hours after the spill
1he h| hesL concenLruL| on uL Lhe spill location
2 hours uLer Lhe sp| | | | s 4. 5 /L.
1he e pecLed p | s 12.
Concentrations obtained 15 minutes after the spill
A L u po| nL | ocuLed 500 m east of the spill lo-
cation, Lhe concenLruL| on reuches 0. 025 /L
uLer ! 0 hours, h| ch corresponds Lo un e
pecLed p o 8.7. 1h| s concenLruL| on evo| ves
us sho n | n ruph 4.
l| ure 6
l| ure 7 G ruph 4
Sodium Hydroxide 50% Solution
Chemical Response Guide

Results of the river scenario

Continuous spill over 5 hours of 20 tonnes of sodium hydroxide 50% solution, with a
current speed of 0.12 m/s.
Concentrations obtained 48 hours after the spill
Concentrations obtained 1 hour after the spill
1he h| hesL concenLruL| on uL Lhe spill location uLer Lhe sp| | | | s 2 /L.
1he e pecLed p | s uround 12.
l| ure 8 G ruph 5
l| ure 9
Sodium Hydroxide 50% Solution
Chemical Response Guide

1 hour after the spill, the highest concentration reached at the spill location is
0.7 g/L, corresponding to an expected pH of around 12.
48 hours after the spill, the highest concentration reached 6 km downstream of the
spill location is 0.0001 g/L, corresponding to an expected pH close to the initial pH.
Evolution of the concentration of sodium hydroxide 48 hours after the spill, 6 km
downstream (as the crow fies) from the spill location.
1he h| hesL concenLruL| on uL Lh| s po| nL (0. 0004 /L) | s reuched 22 hours uLer Lhe sp| | | und
corresponds Lo un e pecLed p uround 7.
Continuous spill over 5 hours of 20 tonnes of sodium hydroxide 50% solution, with a
current speed of 0.74 m/s.
l| ure ! 0 G ruph 6
Sodium Hydroxide 50% Solution
Chemical Response Guide
Consumption scenarios
A s sod| um h dro | de 50% so| uL| on does noL b| ouccum u| uLe u| on Lhe ood chu| n, | L | | | Lhereore
noL be ound | n uquuL| c or un| sm s | n h| h enou h concenLruL| ons Lo huve un | m pucL on consum ers
o e posed seu produce.
Sodium Hydroxide 50% Solution
Chemical Response Guide
L um p| e o u sod| um h dro | de so| uL| on sp| | | D1
Response recom m enduL| ons D2
Response Lechn| ques D3
C hoos| n personu| proLecL| ve equ| pm enL (llL) D4
M eusur| n dev| ces und usLe LreuLm enL D5
Sodium Hydroxide 50% Solution
Chemical Response Guide
Barge Cynthia M (N O A A , 2003)
O n ! 5 M urch ! 994, Lhe bur e Cynthia M us
| | sL| n 70 de rees hen she us m oored Lo
Lhe | und| n sLu e uL Lhe K uehne chem | cu|
p| unL souLh o K eurn , N e J erse (U SA ).
1he bur e, | Lh u cupuc| L o ! , 300 m
us curr | n 1,200 m
of caustic soda 30%
solution. O n ! 6 M urch, uround 570 m
Lhe sod| um h dro | de so| uL| on ere sp| | L | n
uc|ensuc| R| ver und N e ur| bu .
A L ! 2: 35 pm , Lhe p uround Lhe bur e us
! 2, buL b 3: 35 pm | L hud | o ered Lo 9. O n|
Lhe ureu | m m ed| uLe| surround| n Lhe bur e
us uecLed b Lhe po| | uL| on.
A ccord| n Lo | nu| esL| m uL| ons, Lhe bur e
| osL her enL| re cur o o sod| um h dro | de.
Recover us | m poss| b| e us Lhe chem | cu|
| m m ed| uLe| d| sso| ved | n Lhe uLer.
1he sp| | | uecLed birds, cuused Lhe deuLh o
fish und desLro ed Lhe surround| n mars-
1he poss| b| | | L o udd| n eu| uc| d Lo neu
Lru| | se Lhe u| |u| | so| uL| on us sLud| ed, buL
N O A A recom m ended Lhe use of fire hoses Lo
| ncreuse d| | uL| on und Lo encouru e Lhe d| sso
| uL| on o Lhe subsLunce | n Lhe uLer co| um n.
Le Puerto Rican (1RO C S, 2004)
1he Lun|er Lhe Puerto Rican us devusLuLed
| n N ovem ber ! 984 b several explosions and
fires | n one o her em pL cenLru| Lun|s und | n
Lhe udj ucenL | uLeru| Lun|s. C uusL| c sodu | n| |
LruLed | nLo un em pL udj ucenL Lun| Lhrou h u
sm u| | ho| e | n one o Lhe Lun| u| | s.
The caustic soda reacted with the epoxy
coating, rich in zinc, on the tank walls and
the structure of the empty tank, releasing
hydrogen. 1h| s us | n| Led, due Lo conLucL
beL een m eLu| s or un e| ecLrosLuL| c d| schur e.
lour du s uLer Lhe e p| os| on, Lhe vesse| s
sLern bro|e o und sun|.
Examples of sodium hydroxide
solution spills
Sodium Hydroxide 50% Solution
Chemical Response Guide
Response recommendations
Diagram showing response actions in the event of a soluble product being
spilt into water
Contact specialists:
1. Manufacturers and/or suppliers
2. Consultants specialised in chemical
Estimation of
quantities of sodium
hydroxide solution
Long term measures
Mapping the pollution
In the water column
- Measure concentrations
- Regularly monitor pH
- Establish exclusion zones (fshing,
water intakes)
- Ecological follow-up
- Neutralise in confned areas without
Short term measures
Modelling of the behaviour of sodium hy-
droxide in solution
Alert responders
Establish exclusion zones
Inform the population
Sodium Hydroxide 50% Solution
Chemical Response Guide
Is response possible?
A s sod| um h dro | de | s sLub| e, noncom busL|
b| e und nonvo| uL| | e, response Lo un | nc| denL
| nvo| v| n u dum u ed vesse| is possible | Lhe
o| | o | n precuuL| ons ure Lu|en.
Approach the accident area from upwind
( | nd beh| nd ou), equ| pped | Lh Lhe perso
nu| proLecL| ve equ| pm enL (llL) descr| bed | n
Lhe 'lersonu| lroLecL| ve Lqu| pm enL' chupLer.
The possibility of incompatibility with
other chemicals LrunsporLed b Lhe vesse| ,
us e| | us sLoru e m uLer| u| s m usL be Lu|en
| nLo uccounL (e um p| e o Lhe Puerto Rican | n
! 984 | n h| ch Lhe sod| um h dro | de reucLed
| Lh Lhe epo couL| n r| ch | n | nc o unoLher
em pL Lun|, Lhus re| eus| n o en) (1RO C S,
1he en | ne coo| | n s sLem s o vesse| s neur
Lo Lhe sp| | | | ocuL| on m u u| so be dum u ed b
conLum | nuL| on o Lhe| r uLer | nLu|e.
In theory, the action of sodium hydroxide
could be neutralised | n shu| | o uLers | Lh
u | | m | Led vo| um e.
o ever, no e um p| e o Lh| s L pe o | n s| Lu
upp| | cuL| on | s uvu| | ub| e. N euLru| | suL| on cur
renL| conL| nues Lo be sLud| ed | n | uboruLor
cond| L| ons und upp| | ed | Lh precuuL| on.
l n con| ned shu| | o uLers | Lh no currenL,
po| | uLed uLers cun be pumped off and
stored or subsequenL neuLru| | suL| on. 1he
purL h| ch cunnoL be pum ped | | | rem u| n | n
Lhe env| ronm enL und be d| | uLed. l n r| vers, |
cond| L| ons u| | o :
sLop Lhe urr| vu| o uLer upsLreum b d|
| n u reuch (d| vers| on chunne| )
bu| | d u d |e upsLreum
pum p, sLore und LreuL us m uch po| | uLed
uLer us poss| b| e.
Emergency response in the event
of fire
Rem ove conLu| ners o sod| um h dro | de rom
Lhe ureu on | re | Lh| s | s noL dun erous.
O Lher | se, coo| Lhe conLu| ners b spru | n
| Lh uLer Lo prevenL Lhem rom bursL| n or
corrod| n und conL| nue Lh| s operuL| on or u
| on L| m e uLer Lhe | re hus been e L| n u| shed.
Lnsure LhuL no uLer | eu|s | nLo Lhe conLu| ners
o sod| um h dro | de.
1he | re e L| n u| shers h| ch cun be used | | |
depend on Lhe producLs on | re. U se oum ,
chem | cu| po der or curbon d| o | de or pree
rence over uLer, u| Lhou h uLer cun be used
Lo | ood Lhe ureu | necessur .
C onLu| n runo h| ch cou| d be u source o
po| | uL| on.
Emergency measures in the event of
a leak or spill
bun uccess Lo Lhe sp| | | s| Le und proh| b| L Lhe use
o po| | uLed uLers.
SLop or reduce uLer | o | do| n so | s noL
dun erous.
A vo| d | nhu| | n vupours und prevenL conLucL
| Lh Lhe s|| n.
Sodium Hydroxide 50% Solution
Chemical Response Guide
Response techniques
(lO LLU 1l O N RLSlO N SL RLlLLX L A 1A S LL1 lRO L U C 1S l N 1 L
W A 1LR C O LU M N A N L O N 1 L bO 11O M : SO LU bLL A N L Sl N K l N G
Ll O U l L S , G U l L L L A 1A S LL1 N 3: RLSlO N SL l N 1 L A O U A 1l C
LN V l RO N M LN 1 , S1RA 1LG Y A N L M LA N S L A 1A S LL1S N 4, 5,
8, 9, ! 3, C LL RLA RK LM A 2004. )
On land
l L | s essenL| u| Lo | nLervene us rup| d| us poss| b| e
| n order Lo prevent any polluted water from
reaching the sewer system or a waterway,
by containing the spill | Lh dum s m ude o
eurLh, sund or oLher m uLer| u| s or b de ecL| n
| L Lo urds un | m perm eub| e suruce.
Inland waters
A s sod| um h dro | de | s h| h| so| ub| e | n
uLer, | L | s d| cu| L Lo respond Lo u sp| | | | n
uLer. W here poss| b| e, | so| uLe und defect
po| | uLed uLers | m m ed| uLe| uLer Lhe sp| | | .
l Lhe po| | uLed uLer cunnoL be de ecLed or
subsequenL sLoru e or LreuLm enL, u poss| b| e
response opL| on | s Lo promote dilution.
A cce| eruLed d| | uL| on m u occur nuLuru| | (or
| nsLunce | n Lhe cuse o u sm u| | sLreum o | n
| nLo u | ur er r| ver | Lh u usLer o ). 1he pH o
Lhe uquuL| c env| ronm enL m usL be monitored
| n Lhe cuse o u sp| | | o u sLron buse.
Calm, shallow waters
W uLer | nLu|es m usL be c| osed o und Lhe
pH regularly monitored. 1he po| | uLed uLer
m uss m u be pum ped o or treatment | n un
uppropr| uLe LreuLm enL p| unL.
At sea
l L | s | m porLunL Lo stop Lhe | eu| und Lhe o
| nLo Lhe uquuL| c env| ronm enL | Lh| s | s poss| b| e
| LhouL be| n dun erous. 1he ro| e o nuLuru|
d| | uL| on m usL be Lu|en | nLo uccounL | n Lhe
cuse o u sp| | | uL seu, us e| | us Lhe buer| n
cupuc| L o Lhe seu uLer | n Lhe evenL o u sp| | |
o u buse.
1he env| ronm enL m usL be m on| Lored b
regularly measuring the pH.
be cureu| o sod| um h dro | de spru due
Lo uve und | nd ucL| on.
L cepL | n u e rure cuses (e. . hurbour bus| ns
| Lh no currenL), | L | s | m poss| b| e Lo recover Lhe
po| | uLed uLer.
o ever, | Lhe po| | uLed uLer | s even purL| u| |
pum ped, | L m u be neutralised. 1h| s | nvo| ves
br| n | n Lhe p o Lhe po| | uLed uLer m uss buc|
us c| ose us poss| b| e Lo | Ls usuu| vu| ue. 1h| s cun
be curr| ed ouL us| n L o d| erenL m eLhods:
e| Lher b nuLuru| d| | uL| on | n u | ur e uLer m uss
(sp| | | uL seu) or b udd| n u neuLru| | s| n u enL
such us m onosod| um phosphuLe (N u
1h| s second poss| b| | | L cun on| be conducLed
or sm u| | or m oderuLe vo| um es o po| | uL| on
due Lo Lhe necessur quunL| L o Lhe u enL (2
Lo 3 L| m es Lhe m uss o Lhe producL sp| | L). 1he
u enL | s udded us| n u re hose or b d| recL|
upp| | n | L rom Lhe conLu| ner.
l| nu| | , | L | s useu| or responders Lo undersLund
Lhe behuv| our o sod| um h dro | de | n Lhe
uLer co| um n. 1h| s behuv| our | s m ode| | ed
us| n Lhe C LM M A l m ode| or Lhe s| m u| uL| on
o chem | cu| sp| | | s (see Lhe 'A cc| denL scenur| os'
Sodium Hydroxide 50% Solution
Chemical Response Guide
Choosing breathing apparatus
(ll N G A S, 2000)
A ccord| n Lo m u | m um use concenLruL| ons
(M U C )
gas mask for up to 6 ppm
self contained breathing apparatus (SCBA):
no concenLruL| on | | m | L.
W eur u hu m uL su| L | vupour concenLruL| ons
ure | | |e| Lo be h| h.
Selecting protective clothing
(C C S1, 2003)
l n m osL cuses, u sp| ush su| L shou| d be orn,
us e| | us uc| u| proLecL| on such us sueL o
| es und u uce m us|. lroLecL| ve | oves ure
u| so recom m ended (neoprene or n| Lr| | e, see
Lhe Lub| e on p. 35).
A Ler response, prom pL| rem ove u| | conLu
m | nuLed c| oLh| n und p| uce | L | n conLu| ners
prov| ded or Lh| s purpose. lroLecL| ve c| oLh| n
shou| d Lhen be d| sposed o or be ushed
beore be| n reused. l norm personne| | n
chur e o c| eun| n Lhe c| oLh| n o Lhe dun
ers o Lhe po| | uLunL.
Recommendations for use in the
event of a spill (ll N G A S, 2000)
Pressure demand open-circuit SCBAs give
Lhe besL sueL proLecL| on. 1he| r proLecL| on
ucLor | s uround ! 0, 000 (e. . LLV - 20 ppm ,
proLecL| on up Lo 200, 000 ppm o producL | n
um b| enL u| r Lem peruLures).
Use SCBA to face unknown situations or
Lo enLer un ureu | Lh un|no n or h| h
concenLruL| ons o u Lo | c subsLunce or ureus
here Lhere m u be u | uc| o o en
(enc| osed spuces).
An air purifying respirator can be used in
sLub| e s| LuuL| ons.
Warning: certain facial characteristics such
us scurs, u nurro uce shupe or uc| u| hu| r
m u | eud Lo poor udj usLm enL o Lhe m us|
und | m pu| r Lhe | eve| o proLecL| on.
In warm weather: excessive perspira
L| on reduces Lhe eecL| veness o Lhe seu|
beL een Lhe m us| und Lhe s|| n.
In cold weather: ice may form on the regu
| uLor und Lhe m us| m u sLeum up.
Warning: ordinary glasses cannot be worn
under Lhe m us| (spec| u| rum es e | sL).
C onLucL | enses ure perm | LLed | Lh ne
m ode| s o m us|s h| ch u| | o us e chun e
us Lhe | enses Lhereore do noL dr ouL or
sL| c| Lo Lhe e e.
M us| udj usLm enL LesLs ure recom m ended
or ne users und re u| ur LesLs or oLher
Lnsure m u | m um proLecL| on | n Lhe cuse o h| h concenLruL| ons o Lhe producL
M u | m um use concenLruL| ons cun vur uccord| n Lo Lhe m u|e und m ode| . C onLucL Lhe m unuucLurer or m ore | norm uL| on.
Choosing personal protective
equipment (PPE)
Sodium Hydroxide 50% Solution
Chemical Response Guide
Chemical resistance
Material Breakdown Permeation Use
N | Lr| | e ver m | m | nu|
0 Lo 0. 5 drops per hour
puss Lhrou h Lhe | ove
uppropr| uLe
N eoprene ver m | m | nu|
0 Lo 0. 5 drops per hour
puss Lhrou h Lhe | ove
uppropr| uLe
lo| v| n | u| coho|
(lV A )
noL recom m ended
lo| v| n | ch| or| de
(lV C )
6 Lo 50 drops per hour
puss Lhrou h Lhe |ove
uppropr| uLe
N uLuru| rubber
0 Lo 0. 5 drops per hour
puss Lhrou h Lhe | ove
uppropr| uLe
L| neur Lo L ens| L
lo| LLh | ene (LLL lL)
no breu|do n LesLs huve been
curr| ed ouL buL shou| d be ood
or e ce| | enL us Lhe pussu e L| m e
| s 8 hours
permeation time:
480 m | n
uppropr| uLe
Note: Lh| s chem | cu| res| sLunce Lub| e | s | nLended s| m p| Lo | ve un | nd| cuL| on o re| uL| ve vu| ues.
A n ussessm enL | n Lhe reu| cond| L| ons o usu e shou| d be curr| ed ouL.
Measures to take after using PPE in a
spill situation
L econLum | nuLe booLs uLer use. A ooL buLh
und m | | d deLer enL cun be used. L o noL or
eL Lo LreuL Lhe conLum | nuLed uLer.
L econLum | nuLe | oves sepuruLe| rom booLs
| n u buc|eL | Lh u m | | d deLer enL.
Permeation times through different
materials (lO RSbLRG & K Ll 1 , ! 995 l N ll N G A S, 2000)
bL1LX (buL | /neoprene): 360 m | n
buL | : 360 m | n
N uLuru| rubber: 360 m | n
N eoprene: 360 m | n
N | Lr| | e: 360 m | n
lo| v| n | ch| or| de: 360 m | n
lo| LeLru| uoroeLh | ene: no duLu uvu| | ub| e
V | Lon: no duLu uvu| | ub| e
Sodium Hydroxide 50% Solution
Chemical Response Guide
Measuring devices
p m eLer
Addresses of special industrial waste
treatment plants in France
1he or un| suL| ons ub| e Lo LreuL Lh| s L pe o
usLe ure | | sLed uL Lhe o| | o | n uddress:
hLLp: // . observuLo| redecheLsbreLu ne.
or (lrench on| ).
European manufacturers of sodium
hydroxide (LU RO lLA N C LM l C A L bU RLA U , 2005)
A r|em u, So| vu , A | bem ur| e, C h| orA | p, bA Sl.
Measuring devices and waste treatment
Sodium Hydroxide 50% Solution
Chemical Response Guide
Further information
G | ossur E1
A cron m s E2
U seu| ebs| Les E3
b| b| | o ruph E4
Sodium Hydroxide 50% Solution
Chemical Response Guide
Acceptable Daily Dose (ADD)
lor hum uns Lh| s dose | s Lhe quunL| L o u subsLunce
LhuL cun be | n esLed b un or un| sm per du or | Ls
enL| re | | eL| m e | LhouL presenL| n u heu| Lh hu urd
or Lhe or un| sm | n quesL| on.
Acute Exposure Guideline Levels (AEGLs)
L e| ned b Lhe N uL| onu| Reseurch C ounc| | s
C om m | LLee on 1o | co| o (U SA ), A LG Ls ure Lhree
| eve| s ubove h| ch Lhe eneru| popu| uL| on m u
e per| ence cerLu| n eecLs. 1hese Lhree A LG Ls ure
| ven or | ve e posure L| m es: ! 0, 30 m | n, ! , 4 und
8 hours.
A LG L ! : Lhe u| rborne concenLruL| on o u subs
Lunce ubove h| ch | L | s pred| cLed LhuL Lhe eneru|
popu| uL| on, | nc| ud| n suscepL| b| e | nd| v| duu| s, cou| d
e per| ence noLub| e d| scom orL, | rr| LuL| on, or cerLu| n
us m pLom uL| c non sensor eecLs. o ever, Lhe
eecLs ure Lruns| enL und revers| b| e hen e posure
A LG L 2: Lhe u| rborne concenLruL| on o u subs
Lunce ubove h| ch | L | s pred| cLed LhuL Lhe eneru|
popu| uL| on, | nc| ud| n suscepL| b| e | nd| v| duu| s, cou| d
e per| ence | rrevers| b| e or oLher ser| ous, | on | usL| n
udverse heu| Lh eecLs or un | m pu| red ub| | | L Lo
A LG L 3: Lhe u| rborne concenLruL| on o u subsLunce
ubove h| ch | L | s pred| cLed LhuL Lhe eneru| popu| u
L| on, | nc| ud| n suscepL| b| e | nd| v| duu| s, cou| d e pe
r| ence | | eLhreuLen| n heu| Lh eecLs or deuLh.
L| evuL| on o Lhe concenLruL| on o u subsLunce d| s
so| ved uL Lhe | nLeruce o u condensed phuse und u
| | qu| d phuse under Lhe | n| uence o suruce orces.
A dsorpL| on cun u| so occur uL Lhe | nLeruce o u
condensed phuse und u us phuse.
C onL| nued reLenL| on o u subsLunce | n Lhe L| ssue
o un or un| sm Lhrou houL Lhe course o | Ls e | s
Lence (Lhe b| ouccum u| uL| on ucLor | ncreuses u| | Lhe
L| m e).
ReLenL| on o u subsLunce | n Lhe L| ssue uL | ncreus| n
| h| her concenLruL| ons Lhe h| her one oes | n
Lhe ood chu| n.
ReLenL| on o u subsLunce | n Lhe L| ssue o un or u
n| sm Lo Lhe e LenL LhuL Lhe conLenL o Lhe subs
Lunce | n Lhe L| ssue e ceeds LhuL ound | n nuLure uL
one po| nL | n Lhe | | eL| m e o Lhe or un| sm .
Bioconcentration factor (bC l)
RuL| o o Lhe chem | cu| concenLruL| on | n Lhe e posed
or un| sm (m | nus Lhe concenLruL| on | n u conLro|
or un| sm ) Lo LhuL | n surround| n uLer.
b| o| o | cu| Lrunsorm uL| on o subsLunces | n u | | v| n
or un| sm v| u en m uL| c processes.
Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapour Explosion (bLLV L)
A v| o| enL vupour e p| os| on o u | | qu| d LhuL | s s| n| |
cunL| ubove | Ls usuu| bo| | | n po| nL uL uLm ospher| c
pressure uLer u Lun| hus bursL.
Boiling point (m eusured uL u pressure o ! uLm osphere)
1em peruLure uL h| ch u | | qu| d be | ns Lo bo| | .
M ore spec| | cu| | , hen Lhe Lem peruLure uL h| ch
suLuruL| n vupour pressure o u | | qu| d | s equu| Lo
sLundurd uLm ospher| c pressure (! , 0! 3. 25 hlu). 1he
bo| | | n po| nL m eusured depends on uLm ospher| c
Buffering capacity
C upuc| L o u so| uL| on Lo ubsorb u cerLu| n quun
L| L o uc| d or buse | LhouL cuus| n u s| n| | cunL
vur| uL| on | n p . l n Lhe m ur| ne env| ronm enL, Lhe
buer| n cupuc| L | s due Lo Lhe d| h dro enocurbo
nuLe/curbonuLe bu| unce.
Critical point
lo| nL uL h| ch Lhe Lem peruLure und pressure uL
h| ch Lhe | nLens| ve properL| es o u | | qu| d und
vupour (dens| L , cu| or| | c vu| ue ) ure equu| . l L
represenLs Lhe h| hesL Lem peruLure (cr| L| cu| Lem pe
ruLure) und pressure (cr| L| cu| pressure) uL h| ch u
us phuse und u | | qu| d phuse o u | ven com pound
cun coe | sL.
Critical pressure
M u | m um pressure or h| ch Lhe d| sL| ncL| on cun be
m ude beL een u us und u | | qu| d.
Critical temperature
1em peruLure uL h| ch, hen bo| | | n , Lhere | s no
| on er un c| eur cuL Lruns| L| on beL een Lhe | | qu| d
und Lhe us sLuLe.
Sodium Hydroxide 50% Solution
Chemical Response Guide
Daily exposure dose
L ose (| nLernu| or e Lernu| ) o u subsLunce | n un
or un| sm com pured Lo Lhe e| hL o Lhe | nd| v| duu|
und Lhe num ber o du s o e posure (| n Lhe cuse
o u non curc| no en| c subsLunce) und Lhe num ber
o du s | | ved b Lhe or un| sm (or u curc| no en| c
Decomposition products
lroducLs sLem m | n rom chem | cu| or Lherm u| d| s| n
Le ruL| on o u subsLunce.
Diffusion coefficient in air (and in water)
A consLunL LhuL descr| bes Lhe m ovem enL o u subs
Lunce | n Lhe us phuse (or | | qu| d phuse) | n response
Lo u concenLruL| on d| erenL| u| | n Lhe us phuse (or
| | qu| d phuse).
Effective concentration 50 (LC
C oncenLruL| on cuus| n u | ven eecL (m orLu| | L ,
ro Lh | nh| b| L| on ) or 50% o Lhe popu| uL| on
under cons| deruL| on dur| n u | ven per| od o L| m e.
Emergency Response Planning Guidelines (LRlG )
1he A m er| cun l nLernuL| onu| eu| Lh A | | | unce (A l A )
seL Lhree m u | m um concenLruL| ons | n ! 988 be| o
h| ch u cuLe or o eecLs | s noL e pecLed or un
e posure duruL| on o one hour, | n u b| d Lo proLecL
Lhe eneru| pub| | c.
LRlG ! : | s Lhe m u | m um u| rborne concenLruL| on
be| o h| ch neur| u| | | nd| v| duu| s cou| d be e posed
or up Lo ! hour | LhouL e per| enc| n oLher Lhun
m | | d Lruns| enL udverse heu| Lh eecLs or perce| v| n
u c| eur| | denL| | ub| e odour.
LRlG 2: | s Lhe m u | m um u| rborne concenLruL| on
be| o h| ch neur| u| | | nd| v| duu| s cou| d be e posed
or up Lo ! hour | LhouL e per| enc| n or deve
| op| n | rrevers| b| e or oLher ser| ous heu| Lh eecLs
or s m pLom s LhuL cou| d | m pu| r Lhe| r ub| | | L| es Lo
proLecL Lhem se| ves.
LRlG 3: | s Lhe m u | m um u| rborne concenLruL| on
be| o h| ch neur| u| | | nd| v| duu| s cou| d be e posed
or up Lo ! hour | LhouL e per| enc| n or deve
| op| n | | eLhreuLen| n heu| Lh eecLs.
Exposure limit value (LLV )
C e| | | n e posure vu| ue m eusured or u m u | m um
duruL| on o ! 5 m | nuLes.
Flash point
1he | o esL Lem peruLure uL h| ch u subsLunce
eneruLes vupours LhuL | n| Le or burn | m m ed| uLe|
hen | n conLucL | Lh u | um e.
1he oum | u er ubsorbs m osL o Lhe vupours, ph
s| cu| | e| | m | nuLes vupours und | so| uLes Lhe chem | cu|
rom sun| | hL und um b| enL u| r h| ch reduces Lhe
um ounL o heuL und subsequenL vupor| suL| on.
Henrys law constant
V u| ue | nd| cuL| n u subsLunces vo| uL| | | L (see ruph
on p. 4! )
Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health (l L L )
Leve| be| o h| ch u or|er cun escupe Lo sueL | n
Lh| rL m | nuLes | n Lhe evenL o sudden e posure Lo u
dun erous uLm osphere, | LhouL resp| ruLor proLec
L| on und | LhouL | m pu| r| n h| s ub| | | L Lo escupe.
Irreversible effect threshold (l L1)
C oncenLruL| on, or u sLuLed e posure duruL| on,
ubove h| ch | rrevers| b| e eecLs cun occur | n Lhe
e posed popu| uL| on.
Lethal effect threshold (LL1)
C oncenLruL| on, or u sLuLed e posure duruL| on,
ubove h| ch m orLu| | L cun be observed | n Lhe
e posed popu| uL| on.
Lower Explosive Limit (LLL)
M | n| m um u| rborne concenLruL| on ubove h| ch
vupours | n| Le.
Lowest Observed Effect Concentration (LO LC )
Lo esL concenLruL| on uL h| ch un eecL | s obser
Marine pollutant
SubsLunce, obj ecL or m uLLer | | |e| Lo cuuse ser| ous
dum u e Lo Lhe m ur| ne env| ronm enL hen sp| | | ed.
Maximum Allowable Relief Valve Setting (M A RV S)
l nd| cuLes Lhe m u | m um udm | ss| b| e cu| | bruL| on o
pressure re| | e vu| ves o u cur o Lun|.
Mean exposure value (M LV )
V u| ue LhuL hus been m eusured or esL| m uLed or u
or| sLuL| on | usL| n 8 hours und | s | nLended Lo pro
LecL or|ers rom | on Lerm eecLs. M LV cun be
e ceeded or ver shorL per| ods prov| d| n Lhe LLV
vu| ue (shou| d Lhere be one) | s noL e ceeded.
Median lethal concentration (LC
C oncenLruL| on o u subsLunce deduced sLuL| sL| cu| |
LhuL shou| d, dur| n or uLer e posure und or u
| ven per| od o L| m e, cuuse Lhe deuLh o 50% o
Lhe un| m u| s e posed dur| n u | ven L| m e per| od.
Sodium Hydroxide 50% Solution
Chemical Response Guide
Melting point
1em peruLure uL h| ch so| | d und | | qu| d sLuLe coe | sL.
1he m e| L| n po| nL | s u consLunL or u pure subs
Lunce und | s usuu| | cu| cu| uLed uL sLundurd uLm os
pher| c pressure (one uLm osphere).
Minimum Risk Level (M RL)
1h| s | eve| | s un esL| m uLe o du| | hum un e posure Lo
u chem | cu| h| ch probub| hus no upprec| ub| e r| s|
o noncurc| no en| c no | ous eecL on heu| Lh or u
spec| | c e posure duruL| on.
M uLLer LhuL m | es reud| | | Lh uLer
N-octanol/water partition coefficient (K o )
RuL| o o Lhe equ| | | br| um concenLruL| ons o u subs
Lunce d| sso| ved | n u L o phuse s sLem m ude up o
L o so| venLs LhuL v| rLuu| | do noL m | .
No Observed Effect Concentration (N O LC )
C oncenLruL| on o u subsLunce m eusured dur| n
chron| c Lo | c| L LesLs or h| ch no eecL | s obser
ved, m eun| n LhuL Lhe subsLunce presenLs no chro
n| c Lo | c| L be| o Lh| s concenLruL| on.
No Observed Effect Level (N O LL)
1he h| hesL dose o u subsLunce LhuL cuuses no
d| sL| ncL chun es us com pured | Lh Lhose observed
| n conLro| un| m u| s.
Olfactory threshold
M | n| m um u| r or uLerborne concenLruL| on Lo h| ch
Lhe hum un nose | s sens| L| ve.
Partition coefficient for organic carbon and water (K oc)
(or or un| c subsLunces)
RuL| o o Lhe um ounL o com pound ubsorbed
per un| L m uss o or un| c curbon | n Lhe so| | or | n
u sed| m enL und Lhe concenLruL| on o Lhe sum e
com pound | n u uLer so| uL| on | n u sLuLe o equ|
| | br| um .
O | duL| on o u chem | cu| com pound cuused b
e posure Lo | | hL ener .
1h| s Lerm descr| bes Lhe chem | cu| reucL| on ene
ru| | ussoc| uLed | Lh Lhe producL| on o p| usL| cs.
lundum enLu| | , Lhe | nd| v| duu| m o| ecu| es o u che
m | cu| (| | qu| d or us) reucL Lo eLher Lo orm u
| on chu| n. 1hese chu| ns cun be used or m un
upp| | cuL| ons.
Protective equipment
1h| s reers Lo Lhe resp| ruLor or ph s| cu| proLec
L| on o u hum un be| n . lroLecL| on | eve| s huve
been de| ned, | nc| ud| n boLh proLecL| ve c| oLh| n
und breuLh| n uppuruLus us uccepLed b response
uuLhor| L| es such us Lhe U SC G , N l O S und Lhe LlA
(U S).
Leve| A : un SC bA (se| conLu| ned breuLh| n uppuru
Lus/resp| ruLor) und u| | u| r und chem | cu| L| hL su| L
(LhuL res| sLs perm euL| on).
Leve| b: un SC bA und u su| L LhuL proLecLs u u| nsL
| | qu| d spru (sp| ush proo).
Leve| C : u u| | uce m us| or o | es und u su| L
LhuL proLecLs responders u u| nsL chem | cu| s (sp| ush
Leve| L : overu| | s | LhouL u resp| ruLor.
Rate of evaporation or volatility (eLher - ! )
1he ruLe o evuporuL| on e presses Lhe num ber o
L| m es LhuL u producL Lu|es Lo evuporuLe us com pu
red | Lh u conLro| subsLunce o un equu| vo| um e
(eLher or | nsLunce). 1h| s ruLe vur| es | Lh Lhe nuLure
o Lhe producL und Lhe Lem peruLure.
Regression speed
Speed uL h| ch u burn| n | | qu| d s| | c| reduces | n
Lh| c|ness. lor u | ven | | qu| d, Lh| s speed | s cons
LunL re urd| ess o Lhe s| | c| suruce (s| | c| d| um eLer
reuLer Lhun 2 m eLres). Re ress| on speed u| | o s
Lhe LoLu| duruL| on o u | re Lo be esL| m uLed | no
uLLem pL | s m ude Lo e L| n u| sh | L.
e. . u ! , 000 m m Lh| c| s| | c|, here Lhe re ress| on
speed | s ! 0 m m /m | nuLe
duruL| on o | re - ! 000/! 0 - ! 00 m | nuLes.
Relative density
RuL| o o Lhe m uss o u subsLunce Lo LhuL o uLer
or u | | qu| d or Lo LhuL o u| r or u us.
Relative vapour density
W e| hL o u vo| um e o vupour or pure us ( | LhouL
u| r) com pured Lo LhuL o un equu| vo| um e o dr u| r
uL Lhe sum e Lem peruLure und pressure.
A vupour dens| L | o er Lhun ! | nd| cuLes LhuL Lhe
vupour | s | | hLer Lhun u| r und | | | huve u Lendenc
Lo r| se. W hen Lhe vupour dens| L | s h| her Lhun ! ,
vupour | s heuv| er Lhun u| r und | | | Lend Lo sLu neur
round | eve| und spreud.
Self-ignition temperature
M | n| m u| Lem peruLure uL h| ch vupours | n| Le spon
Luneous| .
Sodium Hydroxide 50% Solution
Chemical Response Guide
O uunL| L o u subsLunce d| sso| ved | n uLer. l L | | |
depend on su| | n| L und Lem peruLure.
Source of ignition
L um p| es o sources o | n| L| on: heuL, spur|s,
| um e, sLuL| c e| ecLr| c| L und r| cL| on. Sources o | n|
L| on shou| d u| u s be e| | m | nuLed hen hund| | n
| um m ub| e producLs or respond| n Lo un em er
enc | n r| s| ureus (use e p| os| on proo pum ps
und V l u| | Lu| || es).
Surface roughness
Len Lh o u Lrunser ureu beL een Lhe uLm ospher| c
| u er und u conLucL suruce. 1h| s | | | depend on Lhe
uveru e s| e o Lhe rou hness o Lhe conLucL und
uLm ospher| c purum eLers neur Lhe uLer suruce.
W hen Lhe seu | s cu| m | L | s o Lhe order o 0. 02 Lo
0. 06 cm .
Surface tension
A consLunL LhuL e presses Lhe orce o | n Lo
m o| ecu| ur | nLerucL| on e erLed uL Lhe suruce o u
| | qu| d hen | L com es | nLo conLucL | Lh unoLher
suruce (| | qu| d or so| | d) und LhuL uecLs suruce
d| spers| on.
Temporary Emergency Exposure Limits (1LLL)
L posure L| m es hen Lhere | s no LRlG .
1LLL 0 | s Lhe Lhresho| d concenLruL| on be| o h| ch
u | ur e purL o Lhe popu| uL| on | | | e per| ence no
eecL on heu| Lh. 1LLL ! | s equ| vu| enL Lo LRlG ! ,
1LLL 2 | s equ| vu| enL Lo LRlG 2 und 1LLL 3 | s equ|
vu| enL Lo LRlG 3.
Threshold Limit Value (1LV )
A veru e | | m | L vu| ue ( e| hLed us u uncL| on o
L| m e) LhuL peop| e cun be e posed Lo re u| ur| uL
or| 8 hours u du , 5 du s u ee| | LhouL e pe
r| enc| n no | ous eecLs. 1h| s vu| ue us de| ned
und deLerm | ned b A C G l .
1LV S1LL: M eun e| hLed ! 5 m | nuLes concen
LruL| on LhuL m usL never be e ceeded uL un L| m e
dur| n Lhe du .
1LV 1W A : M eun e| hLed vu| ues or un 8 hour
per| od per du und 40 hours u ee|.
1LV ce| | | n C e| | | n vu| ues never Lo be e ceeded noL
even or un | nsLunL.
Unconfined Vapour Cloud Explosion (U V C L)
L p| os| on o u us c| oud or s| | c| o com busL| b| e
vupours | n un uncon| ned env| ronm enL.
Upper Explosive Limit (U LL)
M u | m um u| rborne concenLruL| on o u com pound
ubove h| ch vupours | | | noL | n| Le or | uc| o
o en.
Vapour pressure or tension
lurL| u| pressure o us m o| ecu| es | n u sLuLe o
equ| | | br| um | Lh Lhe | | qu| d phuse or u | ven Lem
Characteristics of volatilisation associated with different Henrys law constant values (Lyman et al., ! 990).
S|o vo|uL|||suL|on uL u ruLe depend|n
on |

|s dom |nunL. 1he ruLe |s con

Lro||ed b s|o d|us|on |n Lhe u|r.
Less vo| uL| | e
Lhun uLer
lo| | uLunL essenL|
u| | nonvo| uL| | e.
1he po| | uLunL Lends Lo
orm uqueous phuse.
1runser depends on
useous phuse.
1he concenLru
L| on | ncreuses.
V o| uL| | | suL| on cun
be s| n| cunL | n
deep r| vers.
V o| uL| | | suL| on | s
s| n| cunL | n u| |
C ons| derub| e com peL| L| on beL een
useous und uqueous phuse.
V o| uL| | | suL| on | s noL usL buL cun be
s| n| cunL.
1runser depends on | | qu| d phuse.
V o| uL| | | suL| on vu| ues cun be correcLed
bused on O
vu| ues. V o| uL| | | suL| on | s
: enr s | u consLunL

: G us phuse Lrunser
coe c| enL (L/1)
L: Len Lh
1: 1| m e
Soluble in water Volatile
Henrys law constant (uLm m /m o| e)
Sodium Hydroxide 50% Solution
Chemical Response Guide
A C G l A m er| cun C onerence o G overnm enLu| l ndusLr| u| | en| sLs
A L L A ccepLub| e L u| | L ose
A L N R Luropeun A reem enL concern|n l nLernuL|onu| C urr|u e o L un erous G oods on Lhe Rh|ne r|ver
A L R Luropeun A reem enL concern| n Lhe l nLernuL| onu| C urr| u e o L un erous G oods b Roud
A LG Ls A cuLe L posure G u| de| | ne Leve| s
A lll A queous l| | m lorm | n loum
A lSSA lrench N uL| onu| A enc or lood SueL
A l A A m er| cun l nLernuL| onu| eu| Lh A | | | unce
A LO A A reu| LocuL| ons o u urdous A Lm ospheres
A 1SL R A enc or 1o | c SubsLunces und L | seuse Re | sLr
A U V A uLonom ous U nder uLer V eh| c| e
bC l b| o C oncenLruL| on lucLor
bLLV L bo| | | n L| qu| d L pund| n V upour L p| os| on
C A S C hem | cu| A bsLrucLs Serv| ce
C LA lrench A Lom | c Lner C om m | ss| on
C LL RL C enLre o L ocum enLuL| on, Reseurch und L per| m enLuL| on on A cc| denLu| W uLer lo| | uL| on
C Lll C Luropeun C hem | cu| l ndusLr C ounc| |
C Rl S C hem | cu| u urds Response l norm uL| on S sLem
C SS1 lrench O ccupuL| onu| eu| Lh und SueL C om m | ss| on
C S1LL lrench Sc| enL| | c C om m | LLee on 1o | c| L , LcoLo | c| L und Lhe Lnv| ronm enL
L L A SS lrench L epurLm enLu| eu| Lh und Soc| u| A cL| on L | recLoruLe
L L L lrench L epurLm enLu| Lqu| pm enL L | recLoruLe
L RA SS lrench Re | onu| L epurLm enL o eu| Lh und Soc| u| A u| rs
L Rl RL lrench Re | onu| L | recLoruLes or l ndusLr , Reseurch und Lnv| ronm enL
LC LecL| ve C oncenLruL| on
LC b Luropeun C hem | cu| s bureuu
Ll N LC S Luropeun l nvenLor o L | sL| n C hem | cu| SubsLunces
LLV L posure L| m | L V u| ue
LlA Lnv| ronm enLu| lroLecL| on A enc
LRlG Lm er enc Response l| unn| n G u| de| | nes
L1C Lnv| ronm enLu| 1echno| o C enLre
SL b u urdous SubsLunces L uLu bun|
l A 1A l nLernuL| onu| A | r 1runsporL A ssoc| uL| on
l bC l nLernuL| onu| bu| | chem | cu| C ode
l C SC l nLernuL| onu| C hem | cu| SueL C urds
l L L l m m ed| uLe| L un erous Lo L| e or eu| Lh
l lRLM LR lrench Reseurch l nsL| LuLe or L p| o| LuL| on o Lhe Seu
l G C l nLernuL| onu| C ode or Lhe C onsLrucL|on und Lqu|pm enL o Sh|ps C urr |n L|que|ed G uses |n bu||
l M L G l nLernuL| onu| M ur| L| m e L un erous G oods
l M O l nLernuL| onu| M ur| L| m e O r un| uL| on
l N C LM l nLernuL| onu| C hem | cu| | ndusLr| es, l nc.
l N LRl S lrench N uL| onu| l nsL| LuLe or l ndusLr| u| Lnv| ronm enL und R| s|s
l N RS lrench N uL| onu| Reseurch und SueL l nsL| LuLe or occupuL| onu| r| s| prevenL| on
l lC S l nLernuL| onu| lro rum m e on C hem | cu| SueL
l lSN lrench l nsL| LuLe or N uc| eur SueL und lroLecL| on
l U C Ll L l nLernuL| onu| U n| orm C hem | cu| l norm uL| on L uLubuse
LC LeLhu| C oncenLruL| on
Sodium Hydroxide 50% Solution
Chemical Response Guide
LLL Lo er L p| os| ve L| m | L
LL1 LeLhu| LecL 1hresho| d
LLL lL L| neur Lo L ens| L lo| LLh | ene
LO LC Lo esL O bserved LecL C oncenLruL| on
M A RlO L M ur| ne lo| | uL| on
M A RV S M u | m um A | | o ub| e Re| | e V u| ve SeLL| n
M C A M ur| L| m e und C ousL uurd A enc
M LV M eun L posure V u| ue
M l M ur| ne lo| | uLunL
M RL M | n| m um R| s| Leve|
M U C M u | m um U se C oncenLruL| ons
N l O S N uL| onu| l nsL| LuLe or O ccupuL| onu| SueL und eu| Lh
N O A A N uL| onu| O ceun| c und A Lm ospher| c A dm | n| sLruL| on
N O LC N o O bserved LecL C oncenLruL| on
O LC L O r un| suL| on or Lconom | c C ooperuL| on und L eve| opm enL
lLC lred| cLed LecL C oncenLruL| on
ll L lhoLo l on| suL| on L eLecLor
lN LC lred| cLed N oLecL C oncenLruL| on
llL lersonu| lroLecL| ve Lqu| pm enL
ppm lurLs per m | | | | on
l1bC luruLerL| ur buL | cuLecho|
lV C lo| v| n | ch| or| de
lV L C lo| v| n | | dene ch| or| de
lV L l lo| v| n | | dene | uor| de
RLM lLC Re | onu| M ur| ne lo| | uL| on Lm er enc Response C enLre or Lhe M ed| Lerruneun Seu
RO V Rem oLed O peruLed V eh| c| e
SC bA Se| C onLu| ned breuLh| n A ppuruLus
SL S SueL L uLu SheeL
SLbC SLundurd Luropeun behuv| our C | uss| | cuL| on s sLem o chem | cu| s sp| | | ed | nLo Lhe seu
Sl L S Screen| n l norm uL| on L uLu SeL
Sl W Spec| u| l ndusLr| u| W usLe
1LLL 1em porur L posure L| m | Ls
1G L 1echn| cu| G u| dunce L ocum enL
1LV ce| | | n 1hresho| d L| m | L V u| ues C e| | | n
1LV S1LL 1hresho| d L| m | L V u| ues ShorL 1erm L posure L| m | L
1LV 1W A 1hresho| d L| m | L V u| ues 1| m e W e| hLed A veru e
1N O N eLher| unds O r un| suL| on or A pp| | ed Sc| enL| | c Reseurch
1RA N SA l L A reem enL beL een U l C (lrench C hem | cu| l ndusLr A ssoc| uL| on) & Lhe lrench G overnm enL
1RO C S 1runsporL o C hem | cu| SubsLunces duLubuse creuLed b RLM lLC
U LL U pper L p| os| ve L| m | L
U l l SC lrench U n| L o l nsLrucL| on und l nLervenL| on on C | v| | Secur| L
U S LlA U n| Led SLuLes Lnv| ronm enLu| lroLecL| on A enc
U V C L U ncon| ned V upour C | oud L p| os| on
V C M V | n | ch| or| de m onom er
V l V er | h lrequenc
v/v V o| um e Lo vo| um e
W O W or| d eu| Lh O r un| suL| on
Sodium Hydroxide 50% Solution
Chemical Response Guide
Bonn Agreement, Luropeun C | uss| | cuL| on S sLem
hLLp:// .bonnu reem enL.or /en /hLm |/counLerpo||uL|on_m unuu|/chupLer26_hu urdous m uLer|u|s.hLm
AFSSA (lrench N uL| onu| A enc or lood SueL ) (lrench on| )
hLLp: // . ussu. r
hLLp: // . ur|em u roup. com
ATSDR (A enc or 1o | c SubsLunces und L | seuse Re | sLr )
hLLp: // . uLsdr. cdc. ov/
Cedre (C enLre o L ocum enLuL| on, Reseurch und L per| m enLuL| on on A cc| denLu| W uLer lo| | uL| on)
hLLp: // . cedre. r
CEFIC (Luropeun C hem | cu| l ndusLr C ounc| | )
hLLp: // . er| curds. neL
hLLp: //chem | nder. cum br| d esoL. com
CHRIS (C hem | cu| u urds Response l norm uL| on S sLem )
hLLp: // . chr| sm unuu| . com
CSST (O ccupuL| onu| eu| Lh und SueL C om m | ss| on)
hLLp: // . repLo . cssL. qc. cu
CSTEE (Sc| enL| | c C om m | LLee on 1o | c| L , LcoLo | c| L und Lhe Lnv| ronm enL)
hLLp: //ec. europu. eu/ood/| nde _en. hLm
CTE (Lnv| ronm enLu| 1echno| o C enLre, C unudu)
hLLp: // . eLccLe. ec. c. cu/eLchom e_e. hLm |
European Chemicals Bureau, R| s| A ssessm enL
hLLp: //ecb. j rc. | L/e | sL| n chem | cu| s
ICSC (l nLernuL| onu| C hem | cu| SueL C urds)
hLLp: // . cdc. ov/n| osh/| pcs/| pcscurd. hLm |
IDLH L ocum enLuL| on or l m m ed| uLe| L un erous Lo L| e or eu| Lh concenLruL| ons, L| sL o 387
producLs (or| | nu| und um ended)
hLLp: // . cdc. ov/n| osh/| d| h/| nLr| d| 4. hLm |
INCHEM (l N LernuL| onu| C LM | cu| l ndusLr| es, l nc. )
hLLp: // . | nchem . or (| | sL o LRlG s)
INERIS (lrench N uL| onu| l nsL| LuLe or l ndusLr| u| Lnv| ronm enL und R| s|s)
hLLp: // . | ner| s. r
INRS (lrench N uL| onu| Reseurch und SueL l nsL| LuLe or O ccupuL| onu| R| s| lrevenL| on)
hLLp: //en. | nrs. r/
IPCS (l nLernuL| onu| lro rum m e on C hem | cu| SueL )
hLLp: // . ho. | nL/| pcs/en
Useful websites
Sodium Hydroxide 50% Solution
Chemical Response Guide
NIOSH (U S N uL| onu| l nsL| LuLe or O ccupuL| onu| SueL und eu| Lh)
hLLp: // . cdc. ov/n| osh/
NOAA (U S N uL| onu| O ceun| c und A Lm ospher| c A dm | n| sLruL| on), h| sLor| cu| | nc| denL seurch pu e
hLLp: // . | nc| denLne s. ov/
OECD (O r un| suL| on or Lconom | c C ooperuL| on und L eve| opm enL)
hLLp: // . oecd. or /docum enL/55/0,2340,en_2649_34379_3!743223_! _! _! _! ,00. hLm |
SHELL, M uLer| u| SueL L uLu SheeLs (M SL S)
hLLp: // . euupps. she| | . com /M SL S/G oLoM sds
UIC (lrench C hem | cu| l ndusLr A ssoc| uL| on)
hLLp: // . u| c. r/| nde us. hLm
US Departement of Energy, C hem | cu| SueL lro rum , | | sL o LRlG s
hLLp: //L| s. eh. doe. ov/ eb/chem _sueL /Lee| . hLm |
US EPA (Lnv| ronm enLu| lroLecL| on A enc )
hLLp: // . epu. ov (| | sL o A LG Ls)
Sodium Hydroxide 50% Solution
Chemical Response Guide
ARKEMA. Safety data sheet (SDS): Caustic soda liquor at 50 %. 2007. 8 p. (SL S n 00003500! , ver
s| on ! . 0)
CEDRE, ARKEMA. Fiche rflexe d'intervention antipollution "Produits dans la colonne d'eau et sur le
fond : liquides solubles et coulants", Fiche Guide n3 : "Lutte en milieu aquatique", Fiches stratgies et
moyens n4,5,8,9,13, 2004.
CEFIC. ERICards, Emergency Response Intervention Cards: transport of dangerous goods. brusse| s:
C e| c, 2003. 322 p.
CHIMEDIT. Guide de la chimie international 2004 et des sciences de la vie. lur| s: C l M LL l 1, 2004.
! 238 p.
ELF ATOCHEM (Centre application de Levallois). Hydroxyde de sodium toxicit aige vis--vis des
poissons, ! 998. (re rence 98/SA LK /! 073/M M )
ENVIRONMENT CANADA. Enviro TIPS, sodium hydroxide. O LLu u: Lnv| ronm enLu| lroLecL| on Serv| ces,
! 984. ! 00 p.
EUROPEAN COMMISSION. European Union Risk Assessment Report: Sodium hydroxyde, Draft of
November 2004. Lu em bur : O ce or O c| u| lub| | cuL| ons o Lhe Luropeun C om m un| L| es, 2004. 85 p.
FINGAS, M. lersonu| proLecL| ve equ| pm enL or hu urdous m uLer| u| sp| | | s| LuuL| ons. Spill technology
newsletter, J unuur L ecem ber 2000, vo| . 25, ! 3 p.
IMO. International code for the construction and equipment of ships carrying liquefed gases in bulk:
IGC Code. London: l M O , ! 993. ! 66 p.
IMO. MARPOL 73/78: Consolidated Edition 2002: Articles, Protocols, Annexes, Unifed Interpretations
of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, as modifed by the Protocol
of 1978 relating thereto. London: l M O , 2002. 547 p.
INRS. Hydroxyde de sodium en solutions aqueuses. lur| s: l N RS, ! 997. 6 p. (Fiche toxicologique n20)
LyMAN W.J, REEHL W.F, ROSENBLATT D.H. Handbook of Chemical Property Estimation Methods.
W ush| n Lon L C : A m er| cun C hem | cu| Soc| eL , ! 990.
Sodium Hydroxide 50% Solution
Chemical Response Guide
Electronic information
Canadian Centre for Occupation Health and Safety (pu e reerred Lo | n M urch 2005)
hLLp: // . ccohs. cu/oshuns ers/chem | cu| s/chem _pro| | es/sod| um _h dro | de/bus| c_sod. hLm |
CHRIS (pu e reerred Lo | n J unuur 2005). Caustica Soda Solution
hLLp: // . chr| sm unuu| . com
CSST (pu e reerred Lo | n J unuur 2005). Hydroxyde de sodium en solution aqueuse 50 %
hLLp: // . repLo . cssL. qc. cu
ICSC (pu e reerred Lo | n N ovem ber 2004). Programme International sur la Scurit des Substances
Chimiques, Fiche sodium hydroxide n 0360
hLLp: // . cdc. ov/n| osh/| pcs/rench. hLm |
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (pu e reerred Lo | n lebruur 2005). Documentation
for Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health Concentrations (IDLH): NIOSH Chemical Listing and
Documentation of Revised IDLH Values
hLLp: // . cdc. ov/n| osh/| d| h/| nLr| d| 4. hLm |
OECD (pu e reerred Lo | n Junuur 2005). Sodium hydroxide CAS N: 1310-73-2 SIDS Initial Assessment Report
hLLp: // . chem . unep. ch/|rpLc/s|ds/oecds|ds/N A Y L RO X . pd
TROCS (pu e reerred Lo | n A u usL 2005). Database on the transport of chemicals
hLLp: // . rem pec. or /duLubuses. usp
US DEPARTMENT OF ENERGy (pu e reerred Lo | n lebruur 2005). Chemical Safety Program: Revision 19
of ERPGs and TEELs for Chemicals of Concern
hLLp: //L| s. eh. doe. ov/ eb/chem _sueL /Lee| . hLm |
Sodium Hydroxide 50% Solution
Chemical Response Guide
Annex 1: p ruphs
Annex 2: sum m ur und udd| L| onu| ph s| cu| und
Lo | co| o | cu| duLu
Annex 3: u orm uL duLu curd
Annex 4: c| uss| | cuL| on o no | ous | | qu| d subsLunces
Annex 4b: ne c| uss| | cuL| on o no | ous | | qu| d
Sodium Hydroxide 50% Solution
Chemical Response Guide
The following graphs show the pH values in the aquatic
environment according to the concentration in the water
of sodium hydroxide 50% solution.
Fresh water
C oncenLruL| on o sod| um h dro | de 50% so| uL| on | n Lhe uLer ( /L)
C oncenLruL| on o sod| um h dro | de 50% so| uL| on | n Lhe uLer ( /L)
Sodium Hydroxide 50% Solution
Chemical Response Guide
C oncenLruL| on o sod| um h dro | de 50% so| uL| on | n Lhe uLer ( /L)
C oncenLruL| on o sod| um h dro | de 50% so| uL| on | n Lhe uLer ( /L)
Sodium Hydroxide 50% Solution
Chemical Response Guide
(C Rl S, ! 999, l N RS, ! 997)
C A S n : ! 3! 0732
LC n (Ll N LC S): 2! 5! 855
U N n : ! 824
l nde n : 0!! 002006
C | uss: 8
Molar mass: 40. 0! /m o| l N RS, ! 997
Physical state uL 20 C
A ppeurunce: c| oud | | qu| d
C o| our: co| our| ess
O dour: none
Solubility A RK LM A SL S, 2003
l n resh uLer: com p| eLe| so| ub| e uL 20 C
(prec| p| LuLes uL 52% ) Sl L S O LC L , 2004
l n oLher com pounds: so| ub| e | n | cer| ne, m eLhuno| und eLhuno| buL | nso| ub| e | n d| eLh | eLher.
A RK LM A SL S, 2003
Physical data
50% 30.5% 20% 12%
Liquid volumic mass
! , 520 | /m ! , 330 | /m ! ,2! 9 m /m ! ,! 3! m /m
Liquid density (20C) ! . 52 ! . 330 ! . 2! 9 ! .! 3!
Vapour tension (20C) 2 hlu (m bur) !! hlu (m bur) ! 7. 6 hlu (m bur)
Boiling point ! 42 C 1 ! 44 C !! 9 C !! 0 C ! 05 C
Viscosity at 20C 78 m lu. s ! 4 m lu. s 4. 5 m lu. s
Freezing point ! 2 C 3 C 27 C
pH of a 50 % solution: ! 4 A RK LM A SL S, 2003
Sodium Hydroxide 50% Solution
Chemical Response Guide
Important temperatures LN V l RO N M LN 1 C A N A L A , ! 984
l| ush po| nL (| n c| osed cupsu| e): N /A
Se| | n| L| on po| nL: N /A
C r| L| cu| Lem peruLure: N /A
lo| m er| suL| on heuL: N /A
Other properties
enr s | u consLunL: N /A
L | us| on coe| c| enL | n u| r: N /A
L | us| on coe| c| enL | n uLer: N /A
C r| L| cu| pressure: N /A
Suruce Lens| on: duLu unuvu| | ub| e
l nLeruce Lens| on/| | qu| d uLer: duLu unuvu| | ub| e
LvuporuL| on ruLe (d| eLh | eLher - ! ): N /A
O | ucLor Lhresho| d: un|no n
Sodium Hydroxide 50% Solution
Chemical Response Guide
Ecotoxicological data
Acute ecotoxicity LC b lRO J LC 1, 2005
L uphn| u (Ceriodaphnia dubia) LC
(48h) - 40 m /L (resh uLer)
l| sh (Brachydanio rerio) 55. 6 m /L LC
(96h) ! 00 m /L
p : 7. 9 Lo 8.! (resh uLer)
l| sh (Lucioperca lucioperca) Lo | c concenLruL| on 35 m /L (resh uLer)
M ur| ne | nverLebruLe (Ophryotrocha diadema) 33 m /L LC
(48h) ! 00 m /L (seu uLer)
Chronic ecotoxicity
N o duLu uvu| | ub| e
PNEC (lred| cLed N oLecL C oncenLruL| on): no lN LC us ub| e Lo be cu| cu| uLed us Lhe buer| n
cupuc| L , Lhe p und | Ls | ucLuuL| on ure ver spec| | c Lo Lhe ecos sLem | n quesL| on. 1o esL| m uLe Lhe
eecL o u sod| um h dro | de sp| | | , Lhe chun e | n p o Lhe uLer m usL be cu| cu| uLed or m eusured.
Variation by one pH unit could affect flora and fauna (LC b lRO J LC 1, 2005). 1he uveru e p o uLer
cun vur | n seu uLer rom 8 Lo 8. 4 (sLub| e p ) und | n resh uLer rom 6 Lo 7. 5.
General toxicity
Acute human toxicity A RK LM A SL S, 2003
1he ucuLe Lo | c| L o sod| um h dro | de depends on | Ls ph s| cu| sLuLe (so| | d or | n so| uL| on), on | Ls
concenLruL| on und on Lhe dose.
b | n esL| on: severe burns Lo Lhe d| esL| ve LrucL, r| s| o peroruL| on o Lhe u| | m enLur cunu| , sLuLe
o shoc|.
b s|| n conLucL: ver corros| ve or Lhe s|| n, severe burns, severe | es| ons, scurr| n , derm uL| L| s
poss| b| e | n Lhe cuse o repeuLed conLucL.
b e e conLucL: corros| ve or Lhe e es, severe | es| ons poss| b| | Lh | usL| n eecLs | Lhe e es ure
noL r| nsed | m m ed| uLe| , hurm Lo u| | Lhe e e L| ssues, r| s| o s| hL | oss.
b | nhu| uL| on: corros| ve or resp| ruLor LrucL.
Chronic human toxicity Sl L S O LC L , 2004
le sLud| es huve been conducLed, us | o concenLruL| ons o sod| um h dro | de ure neuLru| | sed b
Lhe uc| d| L o Lhe sLom uch.
Sod| um h dro | de 50% so| uL| on ho ever hus no sens| L| s| n poLenL| u| or m uLu en| c| L .
Sodium Hydroxide 50% Solution
Chemical Response Guide
Sodium hydroxide
C uusL| c sodu so| uL| on, sod| um
h druLe so| uL| on, h| Le cuus
L| c so| uL| on, | e so| uL| on.
C A S n : ! 3! 0732
LC N (Ll N LC S): 2! 5! 855
l nde n : 0!! 002006
U N N : ! 824
C | uss: 8
First aid information
Intoxication by inhalation: Rem ove Lhe v| cL| m rom
Lhe po| | uLed ureu und prop Lhe person up Lo u hu|
s| LL| n pos| L| on. A pp| urL| | c| u| resp| ruL| on | Lhe person
hus sLopped breuLh| n und prov| de o en | breuLh| n
| s d| | cu| L. 1runser Lhe v| cL| m Lo hosp| Lu| .
Skin contact: R| nse Lhe s|| n | Lh c| eun uLer or 20
m | nuLes unL| | Lhe producL hus been e| | m | nuLed Lhen
upp| u neuLru| | s| n so| uL| on. C onsu| L u docLor.
Eye contact: R| nse Lhe e es | Lh p| enL o c| eun uLer
or uL | eusL 30 m | nuLes h| | e |eep| n Lhe e e| | ds open
Lhen upp| u neuLru| | s| n so| uL| on. C onsu| L u docLor.
Intoxication by ingestion: L o noL | nduce vom | L| n .
R| nse Lhe m ouLh und | | ps | Lh uLer | Lhe person | s
consc| ous, Lhen Lrunser Lo hosp| Lu| ur enL| .
In the case of ingestion of a very small quantity of dilu-
ted solution with a pH of less than 11.5: ensure LhuL Lhe
person dr| n|s ! or 2 | usses o uLer (on| | Lhe person
| s consc| ous). C onsu| L u docLor.
In the case of ingestion of a diluted solution with a pH
greater than 11.5 or unknown: Lrunser Lhe v| cL| m Lo
hosp| Lu| | LhouL m u|| n Lhem dr| n|.
L o noL uLLem pL Lo | nduce vom | L| n or Lo neuLru| | se | Lh
uc| d| c u enLs (v| ne ur or ru| L j u| ce).
Physical data (50% solution)
Relative density ( uLer - ! ): ! . 52 Lo 20 C
Relative vapour density (u| r - ! ): N /A
Solubility in fresh water: com p| eLe| so| ub| e uL
20 C (prec| p| LuLes us o 52% )
Vapour pressure/tension: 2 hlu (m bur) uL 20 C
pH of the solution: ! 4
Viscosity: 78 m lu. s
Freezing point: ! 2 C or u 50% so| uL| on
Olfactory threshold in air: un|no n
Diffusion coefficient in water: N /A
Diffusion coefficient in air: N /A
Henrys law constant: N /A
Flash point: N /A
Melting point: N /A
Boiling point: ! 42 1 ! 44 C
R35: cuuses severe burns.
S26: | n cuse o conLucL | Lh e es, r| nse
| m m ed| uLe| | Lh p| enL o uLer und see|
m ed| cu| udv| ce.
S37/39: eur su| Lub| e | oves und e e/uce
proLecL| on.
S45: l n cuse o ucc| denL or | ou ee|
un e| | , see| m ed| cu| udv| ce.
215-185-5: LC | ube| | | n .
C: Corrosive
Ecotoxicological data
Acute ecotoxicity:
L uphn| u (C er| oduphn| u dub| u)
(48 ) - 40 m /L (resh uLer)
l| sh (bruch dun| o rer| o )
55. 6 m /L LC
(96h) ! 00 m /L p : 7. 9 Lo 8.!
(resh uLer)
l| sh (Luc| opercu | uc| opercu )
1o | c concenLruL| on 35 m /L (resh uLer)
M ur| ne | nverLebruLe (O phr oLrochu d| udem u )
33 m /L LC
(48 ) ! 00 m /L (seu uLer)
Chronic ecotoxicity: no duLu uvu| | ub| e
PNEC: no lN LC us ub| e Lo be cu| cu| uLed us Lhe
buer| n cupuc| L , Lhe p und | Ls | ucLuuL| on ure ver
spec| | c Lo Lhe ecos sLem | n quesL| on. 1o esL| m uLe Lhe
eecL o u sod| um h dro | de sp| | | , Lhe chun e | n p o
Lhe uLer m usL be cu| cu| uLed or m eusured. Variation
by one pH unit could affect flora and fauna (L RA l1,
LC b, 2005). 1he uveru e p o uLer cun vur | n seu u
Ler rom 8 Lo 8. 4 (sLub| e p ) und | n resh uLer rom
6 Lo 7. 5.
Sodium Hydroxide 50% Solution
Chemical Response Guide
General data: C | uss: 8
C orros| ve | | qu| d
Lube| s: 8
Land transportation: Rl L (ru| | ) /A L R (roud)
u urd c| uss| | cuL| on: 80
luc|u | n roup: l l
C | uss| | cuL| on code: C 5
l denL| | cuL| on n (U N ): ! 824
u urd c| uss| | cuL| on: 80
C | uss| | cuL| on code: C 5
Maritime and air transportation l M L G /l A 1A
luc|u | n roup: l l
Toxicological data
1he ucuLe Lo | c| L o sod| um h dro | de depends on | Ls ph s| cu|
sLuLe (so| | d or | n so| uL| on), on | Ls concenLruL| on und on Lhe dose.
By ingestion: severe burns Lo Lhe d| esL| ve LrucL, r| s| o peroru
L| on o Lhe u| | m enLur cunu| , sLuLe o shoc|.
By skin contact: ver corros| ve or Lhe s|| n, severe burns, severe
| es| ons, scurr| n , derm uL| L| s poss| b| e | n Lhe cuse o repeuLed con
By eye contact: corros| ve or Lhe e es, severe | es| ons poss| b| | Lh
| usL| n eecLs | Lhe e es ure noL r| nsed | m m ed| uLe| , hurm Lo u| |
Lhe e e L| ssues, r| s| o s| hL | oss.
By inhalation: corros| ve or resp| ruLor LrucL.
Persistence in the environment
1he r| s| presenLed b cuusL| c sodu or Lhe env| ronm enL | s due Lo
h dro | | ons (p eecL). 1he eecL o cuusL| c sodu on uquuL| c
or un| sm s Lhereore depends on Lhe buer| n cupuc| L o Lhe
uquuL| c or | undbused ecos sLem (O LC L , 2002).
A pH greater than 9 is harmful for aquatic life. 1he eecL o
Lh| s | on | s nuLuru| | reduced b d| | uL| on, ubsorpL| on o curbon
d| o | de rom Lhe u| r und, or resh uLers, b Lhe nuLuru|
vur| uL| on | n Lhe p o Lhe uLer Lhrou houL Lhe du und
uccord| n Lo Lhe seuson.
Risk for the environment
A h| h concenLruL| on o sod| um h dro | de | n Lhe uLer | | |
| ncreuse Lhe u| |u| | n| L o Lhe uLer, h| ch cun be hurm u| or
uquuL| c | | e.
l n resh uLers, m osL u| ue ure || | | ed hen Lhe p e ceeds
8. 5 und | sh cunnoL Lo| eruLe u p o over 8. 4. l n seu uLer, u
h| h p cun cuuse burns Lo Lhe scu| es und | | | s, und | sh d| e
o suocuL| on.
Breakdown: sod| um h dro | de | | | be Lrunsorm ed | nLo su| Ls
depend| n on Lhe | ons presenL | n Lhe env| ronm enL.
Bioaccumulation: sod| um h dro | de | s un | nor un| c subs
Lunce h| ch does noL b| ouccum u| uLe u| on Lhe ood chu| n.
MARPOL classification: L unL| | 3! /! 2/2006
Y rom 0! /0! /2007
SEBC classification: L
Octanol/water partition coefficient: N /A
Organic carbon/water partition coefficient: N /A
Polymerisation: N /A
heuL| n Lhe rec| p| enL cun cuuse un | ncreuse | n pressure und Lhe
rec| p| enL m u shuLLer.
poss| b| | | L o uLLuc|| n m eLu| s und producL| on o h dro en
h| ch m u orm un e p| os| ve m | Lure | Lh Lhe u| r.
Stability and reactivity
SubsLunces Lo be uvo| ded: uLer, uc| d, | nc, u| um | n| um ,
copper, u| |u| | m eLu| s, u| |u| | ne eurLh m eLu| s, uceLu| deh de,
ucro| e| ne, ucr | on| Lr| | e, u| | | u| coho| , hu| on, m u| e| c
unh dr| de, brom | ne, n| Lropuru| ns, n| Lrourom uL| cs, o| eum s,
LeLruh drourun.
roscop| c producL sens| L| ve Lo Lhe curbon d| o | de | n Lhe
u| r (curbonuL| on).
L un erous producLs o decom pos| L| on: uL h| h
Lem peruLures, b corros| on o m eLu| s, orm uL| on o
| um m ub| e und e p| os| ve h dro en.
Transportation Handling Storage
l n h| h concenLruL| on o vupours/c| ouds:
V enL| | uLe und evucuuLe uppropr| uLe| .
lrov| de sho ers und e e ushers.
Lnsure LhuL Lhere | s u uLer source neurb .
lrevenL proj ecL| ons dur| n hund| | n .
SLore | n | rm | c| osed recepLuc| es | n u
coo| und e| | ueruLed p| uce.
SLore | n u dr env| ronm enL.
K eep ubove 20 C .
lrov| de u reLenL| on Lun| und ensure
LhuL Lhe round | s | m perm eub| e
und res| sLunL Lo corros| on, | Lh u
dru| nu e s sLem send| n runo Lo u
neuLru| | suL| on Lun|.
Particular risks
Acute human toxicity Chronic human toxicity
le sLud| es huve been conducLed, us | o concenLruL| ons o
sod| um h dro | de ure neuLru| | sed b Lhe uc| d| L o Lhe sLom uch.
Sod| um h dro | de 50% so| uL| on ho ever hus no sens| L| s| n
poLenL| u| or m uLu en| c| L .
Sodium Hydroxide 50% Solution
Chemical Response Guide
ANNEx 4: claSSiFicatiON OF NOXiOuS liQuid
Dangerous goods (l M O , 2002)
Re u| uL| ons overn| n Lhe curr| u e | n bu| | o hu urdous | | qu| d subsLunces (M A RlO L A nne l l )
prov| de vu| uub| e | nd| cuL| ons on Lhe hu urds LhuL such subsLunces cun produce dur| n Lrunspor
LuL| on.
N o | ous | | qu| d subsLunces ure d| v| ded | nLo 4 cuLe or| es (A , b, C und L ) sLurL| n | Lh Lhe m osL
dun erous subsLunces (M A RlO L A ) und end| n | Lh Lhe | eusL dun erous ones (M A RlO L L ).
1he M A RlO L c| uss| | cuL| on s sLem | s bused on r| s| ussessm enL pro| | es or chem | cu| s LrunsporLed
| n bu| | b seu, us de| ned b u G LSA M l or|| n roup (G roup o L perLs on Lhe Sc| enL| | c A specLs
o M ur| ne lo| | uL| on).
Category A N o | ous | | qu| d subsLunces h| ch, | d| schur ed | nLo Lhe seu rom Lun| ush| n or
debu| | usL| n operuL| ons, ure deem ed Lo presenL u m uj or hu urd Lo m ur| ne resources or hum un
heu| Lh or cun cuuse ser| ous hurm Lo um en| L| es or oLher | e | L| m uLe uses o Lhe seu und Lhereore
j usL| Lhe | m p| em enLuL| on o sLr| cL po| | uL| on response m eusures.
Category B N o | ous | | qu| d subsLunces h| ch, | d| schur ed | nLo Lhe seu dur| n Lun| ush| n or
debu| | usL| n operuL| ons, ure deem ed Lo presenL u hu urd Lo m ur| ne resources or hum un heu| Lh
und cun hurm um en| L| es or oLher | e | L| m uLe uses o Lhe seu und Lhereore j usL| Lhe | m p| em enLu
L| on o spec| u| po| | uL| on response m eusures.
Category C N o | ous | | qu| d subsLunces h| ch, | d| schur ed | nLo Lhe seu dur| n Lun| ush| n or
debu| | usL| n operuL| ons, ure deem ed Lo be u m | nor r| s| or m ur| ne resources or hum un heu| Lh or
cuuse, Lo som e e LenL, hurm Lo um en| L| es or oLher | e | L| m uLe uses o Lhe seu und Lhereore requ| re
spec| u| operuL| n cond| L| ons.
Category D N o | ous | | qu| d subsLunces h| ch, | d| schur ed | nLo Lhe seu dur| n Lun| ush| n or
debu| | usL| n operuL| ons, ure deem ed Lo be u noL| ceub| e r| s| or m ur| ne resources or hum un heu| Lh
or huve u ver s| | hL eecL on um en| L| es or oLher | e | L| m uLe uses o Lhe seu und Lhereore requ| re
cerLu| n precuuL| ons concern| n operuL| n cond| L| ons.
Sodium Hydroxide 50% Solution
Chemical Response Guide
ANNExE 4b: NEW claSSiFicatiON OF NOXiOuS
liQuid SuBStaNceS
Revised MARPOL Annex II (l M O , 2005)
1he rev| sed A nne l l Re u| uL| ons or Lhe conLro| o po| | uL| on b no | ous | | qu| d subsLunces | n bu| |
us udopLed | n O cLober 2004. l L | nc| udes u ne ourcuLe or cuLe or| uL| on s sLem or no | ous
und | | qu| d subsLunces. 1he rev| sed unne enLered | nLo orce on ! J unuur 2007.
1he ne cuLe or| es ure:
Category x: N o | ous L| qu| d SubsLunces h| ch, | d| schur ed | nLo Lhe seu rom Lun| c| eun| n or
debu| | usL| n operuL| ons, ure deem ed Lo presenL u m uj or hu urd Lo e| Lher m ur| ne resources or
hum un heu| Lh und, Lhereore, j usL| Lhe proh| b| L| on o Lhe d| schur e | nLo Lhe m ur| ne env| ron
m enL,
Category y: N o | ous L| qu| d SubsLunces h| ch, | d| schur ed | nLo Lhe seu rom Lun| c| eun| n or
debu| | usL| n operuL| ons, ure deem ed Lo presenL u hu urd Lo e| Lher m ur| ne resources or hum un
heu| Lh or cuuse hurm Lo um en| L| es or oLher | e | L| m uLe uses o Lhe seu und Lhereore j usL| u | | m |
LuL| on on Lhe quu| | L und quunL| L o Lhe d| schur e | nLo Lhe m ur| ne env| ronm enL,
Category Z: N o | ous L| qu| d SubsLunces h| ch, | d| schur ed | nLo Lhe seu rom Lun| c| eun| n or
debu| | usL| n operuL| ons, ure deem ed Lo presenL u m | nor hu urd Lo e| Lher m ur| ne resources or
hum un heu| Lh und Lhereore j usL| | ess sLr| n enL resLr| cL| ons on Lhe quu| | L und quunL| L o Lhe
d| schur e | nLo Lhe m ur| ne env| ronm enL, und
Other Substances: subsLunces h| ch huve been evu| uuLed und ound Lo u| | ouLs| de C uLe or
X , Y or L becuuse Lhe ure cons| dered Lo presenL no hurm Lo m ur| ne resources, hum un heu| Lh,
um en| L| es or oLher | e | L| m uLe uses o Lhe seu hen d| schur ed | nLo Lhe seu rom Lun| c| eun| n
o debu| | usL| n operuL| ons. 1he d| schur e o b| | e or bu| | usL uLer or oLher res| dues or m | Lures
conLu| n| n Lhese subsLunces ure noL subj ecL Lo un requ| rem enLs o M A RlO L A nne l l .

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