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How can I find inner peace ?

I had a major breakdown, I'm almost back in life after a struggle that lasted for years without a singel pill I'm ok , actually i'm better than most of the people now, but i want to return the man I was before my illness Strong Proud and feeling safe all the time positive thinking ... Can you help please Thank you Thnx

to my mind : -- pray and following our GOD and messenger Mohamed (PBUH)

-- believing in yourself -- have a good social life with family and friends i guess these are the keys to melt away your depression

Absolutely right brother Forrest Brother Parraino in the last pilgrimage of our prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) He said: : Wallah when I read those words I cry and I wish that I lived in era of our prophet (peace be upon him). Brother be happy cause you are Muslim, be beaming you are from our prophets nation thats enough

Hi, Dear Brethren Hope you're quite well.

In this new thread we''ll be able to talk to one another open-heartedly & as friendly as we could. If you have something to say to a certain member, then do it with all love and brotherhood.

If you feel like analyzing some member's personal traits & personality, then do it.

If you like to help some member with some pieces of friendly & constructive advice, then do it.

If you feel mis-understood by someone and you'd like to clear out things, then do it here.

If you like to guide some member to pay attention to something he/she 's not conscious of, then do it here.

My deepest hope that our words will have in them as much love & care & respect & intimacy as we've ever seen. Hope you'll enjoy the thread.


What do you love in Malcolm X ?

He is a freedome fighter. The man is one of the leaders who liberated the Afroamericans from slavery, and I think that he made the greatest effort to end racism in Uncle Sam's country. Plus, He was a Muslim, and He helped alot to spread Islam in

America, I mean the real Islam, not Muhammad Elijah' s Islam. Simply, He is a great man. P.S: Not to confuse between Mlacolm X after the Pilgrimage to Mecca and leaving the Nation of Islam, and before that

All the story is about thoughts Imagine that every person in china think like the tunisian youth. what will happen??? The unemployed youth in tunisia believe that the state must provide a work for him according to his diploma. Is that possible ?! Of course, NO. From my point of view, there is a lot to do in the consciousness level in order to convince people that every work is a honer and the shame is that you stay in coffee and say there is no work that it worth doing. There are another long term reforms that are important too like enhancing the education because in brief the tunisian diploma is not very significant. I have been told in the previous days from my dad that a student making her last internship in order to get her diploma of french can't write three correct consecutive sentences. May God help us and save us from darkness..

A person asked someone: "what surprises u most about mankind" someone replied, "they loose their health to make money & then loose their money to restore their health. By thinking anxiously about their future, they forget the present, such that they live neither for the present nor for the future. They live as if they will never die & die as if they never lived..

other paradox of our times,and of course of the human been they learned how to make a living, but not a life; they have added years to life, not life to years. they spend more, but have less; they buy more, but enjoy it less .

they have learned to rush, but not to wait; they have higher incomes, but lower morals. they have more degrees, but less common sense; more knowledge, but less judgment; have more experts, but more problems; more medicine, but less wellness.

The most difficult thing in life is to accept love. When somebody says, "I love you," listen. Whether you say it or not, somewhere inside you there is a no -- because you cannot accept the idea that you are worth loving, that anybody can love you. He must be cheating you, he must be deceiving you; he must have some ends in his mind. He wants to exploit you.

No woman believes it when you tell her, "I love you." She thinks, "This man is trying to exploit my body. He wants to use me as an object." She is reluctant, she creates every kind of barrier; she rejects, she withdraws. These are her ways to test whether you really love her. She will create every kind of objection to your love and will wait and will see whether your love is still alive. Unless she is convinced totally that you love her, she will not accept your love. And

even then that acceptance is only superficial; soon she will start nagging you, soon she will start taking revenge, soon she will be fighting with you.

And the same is true about men -- even more so. That's why no woman ever says to any man, "I love you." She never initiates the process, because to tell any man, "I love you," means danger. He will escape, he will escape immediately! The woman only withdraws, but she does not withdraw totally; she withdraws only so far. She remains in a way available. Even if she says no she says it in such a beautiful way that you feel there is a possibility of yes. The man thinks that a woman's no means yes. Somewhere, the way she says it... the word is no, but it carries the meaning of yes. She withdraws only so far that she remains within your reach. But man really becomes afraid, very much afraid.

Man is a weaker sex. This is my categorical statement: man is a weaker sex. The woman is a far stronger sex.

Nature has made her more strong. She has to be more strong to give birth to children, to carry the child for nine months in the womb. She has a more resistant body, she lives longer than man, she is more healthy than man. More men commit suicide, almost double the number of women. Although women talk about suicide -- sometimes they even take pills, but always in such a way that they can be saved. Out of ten attempted suicides only one succeeds, and that I also think by some mistake! But twice as many men commit suicide in comparison to women, and also double the number of men go mad in comparison to women. Man is a very much weaker sex. He has no resistance: he falls ill more, he lives less -- five years less than women... So the moment a woman says, "I love you," he becomes very much afraid. One man has asked, "Why is it that whenever a woman approaches me I become frightened and scared?" It is not an individual, personal problem. Every man becomes afraid when a woman approaches him. That's why women all over the world have decided not to approach men, never to initiate anything -- wait. The woman functions like a mousetrap: she simply waits for the mouse to come in. And the mouse comes! He will go round and round, make a few circles, look here and there, watch, come a little closer and see whether there is any danger or not... and then, slowly slowly, he will be caught.

And then the woman can always say, "I was never after you!" And she has always been after you. That mousetrap was watching, looking where the mouse is going, what he is doing, how far he is. But the woman remains very detached, aloof; that is part of her feminine beauty and attraction. If she jumps upon you, you will escape! Just think of a mousetrap running after a mouse -- do you think it will ever catch any mouse? Impossible! The mouse will run into its hole and will never come out

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