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Trajchova Maya, teacher Cvetkovska Ivan, teacher

Educational strategies and developing skills and pre-school children GAME IN THE SPECTRUM OF Autism
Autism is a neuro developmental disorder that occurs in the period around birth and the first years of life. The characteristic symptoms are described as a triad of disorders that include entertainment and impaired social development, impaired development in communication with restricted interests and stereotyped behaviors. To help children with autism is especially important to focus and act in the earliest years of development, which are the most important years for learning with a powerful impact on the further course of the child's life and his future. Early age is crucial to the learning process, especially for children from the autism spectrum. Early intervention with appropriate way of upbringing and education helps the child to develop important social, communicative skills and playing skills that will provide a basis for further learning. Needed early interventions will be targeted at parents who will help them pass the process of diagnosing autism and also to understand the difficulties that children have. It takes practical suggestions and solutions. On the other hand, parents are the ones who best know their child, the way it operates and what motivates them. The cooperation of professionals and family is essential and inevitable. Areas in which the child has difficulties: - Communication - Social interaction - Imagination Other problems that affect children's development and selection of educational strategies Sensory difficulties Difficulty in sleeping and eating Difficulties in developing skills for self Obsession or insistence of certain rituals Fears and phobias of everyday things Difficulties in fine and large (in the Macedonian text the word large it is written wich means big in macedonian) motor, motor planning Difficulties in perception of space and time Focus on unimportant details and neglect the whole Difficulties in assessing their own safety and the safety of others clumsiness and dyspraxia ( arent those two words synonyms?) These difficulties have serious implications for the everyday functioning of children and also the educational process. An effective program for preschool children from the autism Spector Positive effects of early intervention for each child with a developmental problem are clearly known. But unfortunately the children of the spectrum of autism is rarely diagnosed at an early age as no medical tests that would return the diagnosis. Many nurses prefer to wait and see how you go to the child's development, rather than immediately alert to the problem. From here early intervention for these children is often delayed, resulting in loss of the most important years of intensive intervention in the period when the most intensive development occurs. Once the diagnosis is established immediately to begin an intensive program of work. Effective Educational - educational interventions for children from the autism spectrum are based on some basic principles. They are First Appropriate curriculum content Second Environment that supports learning and strategies for generalizing Third The need for predictability and routine 4th Functional approach to problem behaviors 5th Plan for transition from pre-school in the school system 6th Involvement of family and environment Content of the curriculum for working with children of autism spectrum 1

Fields of work with children from the autism spectrum are a. Abilities for caution b. Abilities for imitation c. Language and communication skills d. Motor skills e. Adaptive skills and skills for self-help f. Skills for play and recreation g. Pre-academic and academic skills Developing skills in children from the autism spectrum First Developing skills for self-care and independent living children from the autism spectrum Many children with disabilities have difficulties in learning the basic skills to care for themselves. Often they need help, a lot of practice and repetition and to adopt the simplest skills. But with the planned and directed learning and patience children can learn and more complex skills. Since parents are the first educators of children, the overcoming of these skills should begin early, at home under the guidance of therapists and special educators. Basic principles of exercise and practicing these skills are Each skill should be divided into small, simple, sequential steps The steps can be adopted from the first - or last backward - forward, but we can not get to the next step if we are not sure that the child has passed the previous The steps you can learn the use of physical assistance and orders, verbal orders, learning through videos, learning by using visual images and schedules and learning model and with the help of peers. Learning should be reinforced with a reward and praise The teaching of these skills should start after you prepare the child for learning, will direct his attention after the child is able to do imitations motor How the child will overcome aids and modeling skills of adults should be reduced and to encourage independence in performing these Once you have mastered the skill is transferred to generalize in terms of material and environment Basic skills necessary for independent living of children Feeding Skills Skill to use the toilet Skills in maintaining personal hygiene Skills to wash teeth Skills for dressing Second Developing communication skills Communication is a behavior that aims and purpose of conveying information, observations, internal condition or desire in a social context. This includes verbal and nonverbal behaviors as long as they contain intention and expectation of feedback in the social environment caused by communication. What you need to pay attention when developing communication skills is primarily determining the current communication abilities of the child. - Does the child show an intention to communicate - The way a child communicates - Does the child starts responding to communicative interactions - Does the child have strategies to maintain communication - Whether the child has an impressive speech In order for children to learn to communicate the need to - Development of intention and desire to communicate 2

- Establishment of an efficient and appropriate form of communication - Expansion of the communication functions - Increasing the motivation to communicate - Develop the ability to meet the communication and begin communication - Develop strategies to maintain and repair communication Third Developing interest and skills to play in children from the autism spectrum Children with autism often show a limited level of interest and ways of playing. You constantly occupied with parts of objects may be related to unusual items or have fixation with narrow interest (only letters or numbers). Often show great knowledge and memory of terms, and similar places. These specific interests hamper involvement in deliberate play with peers, and adaptation to changes in routines or changes in the environment. The goal is the child fail to expand their interests and be able to use their skills in a suitable way of playing. To develop appropriate skills for the game and extend children's interests, the child must learn to imitate his peer or adult, to know how to use many different materials and different ways to increase spontaneity in the game. Ways to achieve Show an appropriate way to engage in play and join peer Help verbally or hand to hand to teach new appropriate uses of the material igrovniot Merge new toy known to change the order of use Enter new toys gradually and play with the new toy in a gradual Encourage the use of different sensory materials to increase the flexibility of the game Encourage your child to explore new subjects through structured play Include the child's favorite toy into new activities Imitirajte favorite activities Encourage the child to his imitation Give, a suitable choice of the child, respecting his personality 4th Enrichment of games and social development of social skills Children with autism have difficulty interacting with peers and adults from the environment. Often the problem is reading body language and social messages from others and understanding of social rules. Behaviors that allow binding of the child with another person as his eyes gaze, smile, accession or other application be developed to varying degrees and can not generalize from the parent or one who cares for the child to other people in social environment. Sensory difficulties hamper the reception of physical, visual and auditory information and contact with others and disables the appropriate response. To increase positive interaction with other children need to increase contact with eyes overture to others, increasing the ability to engage in reciprocal play with peers. Requires a child to engage in activities that involve waiting in lines, changing the order and division of space and materials Encourage the child to access the peer who uses his favorite toy. Modelirajte appropriate ways to engage in joint play Monitor children's signs of anxiety and too much stimulation. Help to deal with them Turn motor component to keep children's interest and attention (as nizha chair, ball, swing) Use sensory materials to increase contact with eyes, monitoring and vocalization in adult Involve your child in activities that are motivating for him and involving bliziina and contact with peer or adult (large motor activities, skokotkanje etc.). Suggestions of games for children of autism spectrum The game's main activity during the years of development and has great educational dejnost.Eden the most important ways through which your child's school play. It not only provides an opportunity for intellectual, physical and social stimulation but enhances the ability of observation and concentration, increases coordination, stimulate imagination and creative ability. Most children have difficulty or do not know how to play. Their interests are limited and often repeated. Often our children are going to resist the inclusion of playing with another child or if you play always want to be on their terms. Whatever game is your child we suggest some practical advice on games that could play with very little investment of effort and not require much material and financial resources. 3

Tactile GAMES In shallow dish place a layer of flour / sand in it with my fingers Draw shapes or figures numbers are what you want your child. Try both hands to move in all directions (up, down, left, right) it can do with a shovel, spatula, etc.. Take kutivchinje of different size, width and charge them with sand, by hand or with a shovel and pour them in the hands of children or bury them in sand. Make piles of sand and mountain drive wheelchairs up and down, take the way which will start and end and trkajte are. If you have dry sand or flour you can pour water on it, then kneaded dough or doing sand figures with the help of models. Place container in deeper water and sparkling bath and make foam then put it on the hands of children and try to get back or blow in January Fill a plastic bottle prosirno with water and place it in small items that will fit, cepkajte paper journal and put inside yeah, you can put some seeds. Naduvajte balloon and Strive to piknete under water, or release the balloon to float on the water. Play away with plastic toys such as ripchinja, zhapchinja, boats that can emit sound or just splashing water, rocks that will sink, shells, cork, etc.. With eyes closed, touch the objects in the box and pogoduvajte as, or after a search warrant case. GAMES FOR BALANCE AND MOVEMENT First set the plank on the floor and go for it without having it fall, then place the plank on the beam (such as see-saw) and try to go after her carefully oddrzhuvajkji balance. Try the plank are after you go sticking your hand in and lift the ball high above his head Take your child's feet and urge him to go on hands or arms to grasp and learn to jump The easiest way to teach a child to jump if you can put it on trambolina old mattress, pillows and so on. Help your child to explore the possibilities of movement of her body through climbing, crawl, jump and use of boxes, tunnels, rope. Encourage your child to jump, and preskoknuva.Za podskoknuva to be more interesting use music (rhythmic) Podavajte away with the ball, shutirajte, play bowling and if you do not use plastic bottles Kegley. Take a blanket and lie down on the child in the blanket and lulajte. Watch the child's body to change in all positions. Lulajte the playground and do something fun, such as sing songs, take your ball and podavajte or simply by clapping your hands oturnuvajte one another. GAMES FOR fine motor Take for Threading beads in various colors and strap them to Nize or protnuvajte into shpagetite, you can Nize parallel and to instruct the child to follow. Before your child set a box of clothes. Dress and starred ogledalo.Ostavete before the child alone to dress and off. In the box or bag put different seeds. Take the pegs and clothes and learn your child attaches to clothing. To make the game more interesting child to leave the clips attaches Mon clothes. Take the cords in different colors and play vrvkite binding. Make sure your child to learn to cut with scissors. Games with puzzles, play Bingo Visual, auditory, OLFAKTORNI GAMES Make cards with simple general terms and on a separate card draw them all. A child will set records with all terms and gives him a proper one card to play redi.Celata to describe verbally. swing boxes in different colors and balls in different colors. The boxes are put before the child and each ball in color should be put in the appropriate box in color. Together with your child go outside and collect different kinds of flowers and plants to put in a box. Any flower or plant to touch and smell to observe the different scents and teksturi.Potoa we can glue the white sheets. If your child is time to bed before sleep Play a jolly game, take out the lamps in the dark room and burn them, follow the developments with regards to light, slow and fast prvete movements or let light stands, etc.. 4

Place the instruments before the child and you choose which you start to play, give the child to choose and create the music together Pre-ACADEMIC GAMES Set different cards, toys or any other material before the child, but every look to repeat the pair. The child is required each to find a similar pair to merge. We take objects or make cards with terms on which the main emphasis will be placed on color Sorting can be done and in shape, size, texture. Play with the alphabet and the creation of terms Always read him stories and let it be duly illustration. Identify and count numbers in the order, the place from a number of environmental Sing songs with numbers (broenki) Spojuvajte numbers with quantities Comparing spojuvajte or wholesale / retail, high / low, empty / full Always use the time through the game and something the child to learn either at home or outside. WHAT THESE GAMES Quicken: upbringing and education act Have a corrective-functional development Development of thinking, memory and communication Development of speech Creative and creative play Socialization Games with photos enhance the skills of sequencing and affect the emotional and intellectual development Recognition and Visualization Developing the ability to follow instructions Following the instructions auditivnata skill improves Visions motor control Ability to eye-hand coordination Making in the sand provides awareness of his own body on environment and passing on that middle line tactile experience and tactile discrimination visual and auditory stimulation Visual and auditory discrimination

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