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eclipse 3.0 default keyboard shortcuts (window>preferences>workbench>keys).

created by enrique serrano valle.

edit file
go to resource
add bookmark close ctrl + f4 or ctrl +
w go to type
add task close all ctrl + shift + f4
or last edit location ctrl + q
content assist ctrl + space ctrl + shift + w
next ctrl + .
context information ctrl + shift + space exit
open call hierarchy ctrl + alt + h
copy ctrl + c export
open declaration f3
custom encoding import
open external javadoc shift + f2
cut ctrl + x move
open resource ctrl + shift + r
default encoding new ctrl + n
open structure ctrl + f3
delete delete new menu alt + shift + n
open super implementation
find and replace ctrl + f open external file...
open type ctrl + shift + t
find next ctrl + k open workspace
open type hierarchy f4
find previous ctrl + shift + k print ctrl + p
open type in hierarchyctrl + shift + h
incremental find ctrl + j properties alt + enter
previous ctrl + ,
incremental find reverse ctrl + shift + j refresh
f5 quick hierarchy ctrl + t
iso-8859-1 encoding rename f2
quick outline ctrl + o
paste ctrl + v revert
show in menu alt + shift + w
quick diff toggle ctrl + shift + q save ctrl + s
show in package explorer
quick fix ctrl + 1 save all ctrl + shift + s
redo ctrl + y save as
restore last selection alt + shift + down
revert to saved navigate
select all ctrl + a back
build all ctrl + b
select enclosing element alt + shift + up backward history
alt + left build clean
select next element alt + shift + right forward
build project
select previous element alt + shift + left forward history
alt + right close project
shift left go into
generate javadoc
shift right go to line ctrl + l
open project
show tooltip description f2 go to matching
bracket ctrl + shift + p properties
system encoding go to next member ctrl + shift +
down rebuild all
toggle insert mode ctrl + shift + insert go to package
rebuild project
undo ctrl + z go to previous member
ctrl + shift + up repeat working set build

refactor - java run last external tool

referring tests
change method signature alt + shift + c run to line
ctrl + r write access in hierarchy
convert anonymous class to nested skip all breakpoints
write access in project
convert local variable to field alt + shift + f step into
f5 write access in working set
encapsulate field step into selection ctrl + f5
write access in workspace
extract constant step over f6
extract interface step return f7
extract local variable alt + shift + l suspend
add block comment ctrl + shift + /
extract method alt + shift + m terminate
add constructors from superclass
generalize type toggle line breakpoint ctrl + shift + b
add import ctrl + shift + m
inline alt + shift + i toggle method breakpoint
add javadoc comment alt + shift + j
introduce factory toggle step filters shift + f5
introduce parameter toggle watchpoint
externalize strings
move member type to new file
find strings to externalize
move - refactoring alt + shift + v search
format ctrl + shift + f
pull up declaration in hierarchy
format element
push down declaration in project
generate constructor using fields
redo - refactoring alt + shift + y declaration in working set
generate delegate methods
refactor quick menu alt + shift + t declaration in workspace
ctrl + g generate getters and setters
rename - refactoring alt + shift + r exception occurrences
indent line ctrl + i
undo - refactoring alt + shift + z file search
mark occurrences alt + shift + o
use supertype where possible implementors in
project organize imports ctrl + shift + o
implementors in working set
overrides/implement methods
run/debug implementors in workspace
remove block comment
ctrl + shift + \
add class load breakpoint occurrences in
file ctrl + shift + u remove occurrence annotation alt +
shift + u
add java exception breakpoint open search
dialog ctrl + h sort members
debug... read access in hierarchy
source quick menu alt + shift + s
debug last launched f11 read access in project
surround with try/catch block
display ctrl + shift + d read access in working set
toggle comment ctrl + / or ctrl + 7
execute ctrl + u read access in workspace
inspect ctrl + shfit + i references in hierarchy

profile last launched references in project

resume f8 references in working set
run last launched ctrl + f11 references in workspace
ctrl + shift + g

text editing
clear mark select line end
cvs repositories
collapse ctrl + numpad_substract (-) select line start
cvs resource history
copy lines ctrl + alt + down select line up
cut line select next column
cut to beginning of line select next word
ctrl + shift + right error log
cut to end of line select page down
delete line ctrl + d select page up
java call hierarchy
delete next select previous column
java declaration
delete next word ctrl + delete select previous word ctrl + shift + left
delete previous word ctrl + backspace select text end
java members
delete to beginning of line select text start
java package explorer alt + shift + q, p
delete to end of line select window end
java packages
duplicate lines ctrl + alt + up select window start
java projects
expand ctrl + numpad_add (+) set mark
java type hierarchy alt + shift + q, t
expand all ctrl + numpad_multiply (*) swap mark
java types
insert line above current line ctrl + shift + enter text end
insert line below current line shift + enter text start
line down toggle folding ctrl +
numpad_divide (/) navigator
line end toggle overwrite insert
outline alt + shift + q, o
line start to lower case ctrl + shift + y
plug-in dependencies
line up to upper case ctrl + shift + x
plug-in registry
move lines down alt + down window end
move lines up alt + up window start
problems alt + shift + q, x
next column
next word ctrl + right views
page down ant
page up bookmarks
search alt + shift + q, s
previous column breakpoints
synchronize alt + shift + q, y
previous word ctrl + left classic search
scroll line down ctrl + down console
threads and monitors
scroll line up ctrl + up cvs annotate
select line down cvs editors

activate editor f12
close all perspectives
close perspective
customize perspective
hide editors
lock the toolbars
maximize active view or editor ctrl + m
next editor ctrl + f6
next perspective ctrl + f8
next view ctrl + f7
open editor drop down ctrl + e
pin editor
previous editor ctrl + shift + f6
previous perspective ctrl + shift + f8
previous view ctrl + shift + f7
reset perspective
save perspective as
show ruler context menu ctrl + f10
show selected element only
show system menu alt + -
show view menu ctrl + f10
switch to editor ctrl + shift + e

eclipse 3.0 default keyboard shortcuts (window>preferences>workbench>keys).

created by enrique serrano valle.

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