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Change Management Sustain Change Pendekatan change management pendekatan yang terkoordinasi dan terencana John Kotter's Eight

Step Model 1.Establishing sense of urgency Dorongan supaya bisa berubah ex:menciptakan fresh air 2.Forming a powerful guiding coalition Bagaimana memperkuat dengan koalisi 3.Menciptakan visi 4.Mengkomunikasikan visi 5.Pemberdayaan agar dapat bertindak sesuai dengan visi Pengumuman, Fasilitas, Sarana, sangsi 6.Planning for and Creating Short term wins Buat milestone jangka pendek yang bisa dicapai untuk memantau perubahan. 7.Consolidating improvements and producing still more change. 8.Institutionalizing New Approaches Prosedur, penegak Kotter Leading Changes Ten Commandmensts (Kanger, stein and jick ,1992) 1. Analyze the need for change Menganalisa kebutuhan untuk berubah 2. Create a shared visions 3. Separate from the past 4. Create a sense of urgency 5. Support a strong leader role 6. Line up political sponsorship 7. Craft an implementation plan 8. Develop enabling structures 9. Communicate and involve people 10.Reinforce 12 Action Steps (Nadler,1998) 1-4 Manage organizational power 5-8 Motivate people to participate 9-12 Manage the transition RAND;s Six Steps (Light, 2005) 1. Create sense of urgency 2. remove the barriers to success 3. recruit the champions 4. Build internal momentum Menjalankan isu yang sedang hot 5. Prove that change works Membuktikan bahwa perubahan berhasil atau berjalan paling tidak progress nya kelihatan 6. Keep experimenting Melanjutkan perubahan ADKAR Change Management Model (1998) 1.Awareness 2.Desire 3.Knowledge 4.Ability - to implement new skills and behaviors

5.Reinforcement - to sustain the change Nine phases of the change process model (Anderson and anderson (2001) 0. Hear the Wakeup call (Menyadarkan atau membangunkan 1. Prepare to lead the change 2. Create organizational vision commitment and capability

nine phase ->3 fase Upstream change (Setting the foundation for success) -> Midstream change (Design ) -> Downstream change (Implementation) 1-3 Upstream change 4-5 Midstream change 6-9 Downstream Change Pendekatan Contingency -Tantangan untuk melihat satu cara yang tebaik -Gaya atau cara melakukan perubahan Dunphy/Stace Contigency model of change Skala perubahan gaya perubahan

Incremental atau modular change -Developmental transitions -Task Focused transistions -> Bersifat top down dari atasan ke bawahan -> lebih ke direvtive Corporate transformation -Charismatic transformation (inspirational change) -> Pendekatan konsultatif -Turnarounds (Frame breaking change) -> Bersifat critical -> Pendekatan yang dig unakan Directive Fine tuning transformation -Lower performer (Avoiding Change) Contigency approach 1. The commanding intervention - >lebih directive 2. The engineering intervention 3. The teaching intervention 4. Processual approach -Perubahan yang terjadi melalui proses yang berkelanjutan -Complex interplay -range of influence -? Bagaimana mempertahankan perubahan -Mendesign ulang peran -Mendesign ulang sistem penghargaan -Mengaitkan keputusan dengan tujuan perubahan -Act consistently with advocated actions

-Encourage "Voluntary Acts of Initiative"- Dorongan untuk ikut berpartisasi -Pengukuran progress -Celebrate En Route -Fine Tune

Yang harus diperhatikan -Expect some Unanticipated outcomes Tidak seperti mesin output yang dihasilkan dapat diprediksi kecuali malf ungsi <> Human -Be alert of measurement limitations Premature measurement Short term win -Don't Declare victory too soon Celebratin a win is fine, declaring the war won can be catastrophic -Beware Escalation of commitment -Recognize productive failure better Productive failure than unproductive success

Ripple effect (Overlappint projects) -Change in any area of an organization will create ripple in other areas -Ripple effect create consequences that interfer with implementation of other in itiatives -This become serious problem as simultaneous rojects inrease and then interact

Capacity vs Demand Untuk berubah organisasi perlu kapasitas, Future shock titik dimana perubahan tidak dapat dilakukan tanpa memperlihatkan s ifat sifat yang disfunctional Change Curve concept -Kadang kadang perubahan terlihat gagal -Perubahan dapat dikembangkan melalui grieving Kubler ross grief cycle model -Denial (Penolakan terhadap kenyataan) -Anger (Berontak) -Bargaining (Mulai sadar) -Depression (Tertekan) -Acceptance (Menerima keadaan)

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