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Croatian language is written in Latin alphabet.

Here is the complete alphabet:

Aa,B b,C c, Čč, Ćć, Dd, DŽdž, Đđ, Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll, LJ lj, M m, N n, NJ nj, O o,
Pp,R r,S s,Š š,T t, U u,V v,Z z, Ž ž.

Note that DŽ ,LJ and NJ are considered as single letters

Pronounciation (I have copied this from Basque wikipedia)

Ahoskatzeko gida
Kroazieran ageri diren fonema gehienek badute euskaraz baliokiderik, baina euskaraz
baliokiderin ez dutenek ezagun zaizkiguen beste hizkuntza batzuetan topa ditzazkegu.


A, a: [a]

E, e: [e]

I, i: [i]

O, o: [o]

U, u: [u]


Kroazieran 25 kontsonante ditu:

B, b: [b]

C, c: [ts] euskal "tz" bezalakoa.

Č, č : [ʧ] "tx" baina gogorra

Ć, ć : [ʨ] "tx" bezalakoa.

D, d: [d]

DŽ, dž : [ʤ] euskal "j" bezalakoa (bizkaieran batez ere erabilia, i bezalakoa)

Đ, đ : [ʥ] ingelerazko Dune hitzean bezalakoa

F, f: [f]
G, g: [g]

H, h: [x] Gaztelerazko "j"

J, j: [j] euskarazko bokal baten aurreko "i" bezalakoa.

K, k: [k]

L, l: [l]

LJ lj: [ʎ] gaztelerazko "ll" bezalakoa, l bustia

M, m: [m]

N, n: [n]

NJ nj : [ɲ] "ñ" bezalakoa

P, p: [p]

R, r: [ɾ] "r" suabea, adibidez arotza hitzean bezalakoa. Batzuetan bokal modura jokatzen du.

S, s: [s]

Š š : [ʃ] ingelerazko "sh", euskarazko "x"-ren antzekoa

T, t: [t]

V, v: [ʋ] "v" eta "u"-ren arteko nahasketa batz bezalakoa

Z, z: [z] euskarazko z

Ž ž: [ʒ] iparraldeko euskalkietako "j".

Croatian language has 3 genders:masculine ,feminine and neuter

That applies to the nouns ,prnouns and adjectives:

brod. nom.m.ontzi(a)

kuća.nom.f. extxe(a)

dizalo. nom.n.igogailu(a)
here is

nom. =noun

m. =male gender

f. =female gender
n. =neutral gender

For nouns is usually displayed only 1 form. Ex. for anymals is displayed the gender
that defines the species. Ex. vuk (otsoa) and konj(zaldia) are males and krava
(behia) is female.

jeftin|(i),~a,~o adj. .merke(a)

adj. =adjective

jeftin -male indefinite form

jeftini -male definite form

jeftina -female form
jeftino –neuter form

female and neuter gender have definite and indefinite form spelled equally but pronounciation

Croatian verbs have perfective and imperfective froms. perfective and imperfective verb
froms are used to express the differences between the action that lasts and the other happens
in a moment. For that reason in English we „I do“ and „I am doing“ , „Hago“ and „estoy
haciendo“ in Spanish

v.imp. –imperfective verb

v.per. –perfective verb

perfective verbs are usually tranformed into imperfective by adding suffixes and/or prefixes.
Same counts for vice versa.

Ex. činiti (egin)-imp. tranforms into učiniti

There are also some different ways for that

Ex. Aldatu=urediti(per.) =uređivati (
Other acronyms:

Adv. – adverb
Num- number
Conj. – conjuction
Part- particle

Zool. –zoology
Anat. – anatomy
Vulg. – vulgarism

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