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der Seitenspiegel Reifen il preumatico spe em 5 language dictionary [BK] London, New York, Munich, Melbourne, and Delhi Senior Editor Angeles Gavia Senior Are Editor Ina Sains US Editors Margaret Parrish, Cvstne Heilran DIP Designer Rajen Sah Production Controller Melanie Dowland Picnure Researcher Anna Grapee Managing Editor Liz Whesler Managing Art Edcor Phil Ormerod Category Publisher Jonathan Metca Designed for Doriing Kindersley by WaltonCreative com, ‘Art Edtor Colin Walton, asssted by Tracy Masson. Designers Peter Rodel Earl Neish, Ann Cannings Picture Research Marissa Keating Language content for Dering Kindersley by sandy runisHin ‘Managed by Jane Wghtwk, assisted by Ara Bremén ‘Translation and editing by Ara Bremén, Renate Betson, Mare Vitale, Chretine Arthur ‘Addcional input by Or, Arturo Prete, Marcin Fail Frédéric Monta, Metra Pri, Mer Bremon, ‘Oscar Bromén, Anunch Bremén, Leis Gaafar Fst American Editon, 2003 03.0405 0607 10987654321 Published in the United States by DK Publishing, le. 375 Hutson Street ‘New York, New York 10014 Copyright © 2003 Doring Kindersiey Lined Al sights reserved under Insormatonal ang Pan Amencan ‘Copyright Conventions. No part of tis publation may be reproduced, stored ina retreval system, or transmitted in any form or by any mears, electronic, mechanics, Photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior ‘written permvssion of the copyright owner. Published in Great Ertan by Doring Kindersley Limited ‘A Cataloging-n-Pubieation record avaible from the Ubrary of Congress ISBN 07854-8439 0 ‘Color reproduction by Colourscan, Singapore Printed and bound by Mohndruck, Germany ‘See our complete product ine at www dhcor contents table des matiéres Inhalt contenido sommario health la santé die Gesundheit la salud la salute eating out sortir manger auswarts essen comer fuera mangiare fuori 252 leisure Je temps libre die Freizeit el ocio il tempo libero about the dictionary 4 propos du dictionnaire liber das Wérterbuch sobre el diccionario informazioni sul dizionario home la maison das Haus Ta casa la casa study Pétnde das Lemen el estudio lo studio how to use this book comment utiliser ce livre die Benutzung des Buchs como utilizar este libro come usare questo libro services les services die Dienstleistungen los servicios i servizi work le travail die Arbeit el trabajo il lavoro we people les gens die Menschen la gente le persone shopping. les courses der Einkaut las compras ali acquisti transportation le transport der Verkehr el transporte i trasporti environment Penvironnement die Umwelt el medio ambiente ambiente reference Vinformation die Information los datos i dati index index appearance Papparence die auBere Erscheinung la apariencia Vaspetto food la nourriture die Natrungsmitel los alimentos ilcibo sports les sports der Sport los deportes gli sport acknowledgments remerciements Dank agradecimientos ringraziament about the dictionary The use of pictures is proven to aid understanding and the retention of information. Working on this principle, this highly-ilustrated multilingual dictionary presents a large range of useful current vocabulary in ive European languages. The dictionary is divided thematically and covers most aspects of the everyday word in detail, from the restaurant to the gym, the home to the workplace, outer space to the animal kingdom. You wil also find additional words and phrases for conversational use and for extending your vocabulary. This isan essential reference tool for anyone interested in languages practical, stimulating, and easy-to-use. ‘A few things to note The five languages are always presented in the same order - English French, German, Spanish, and Italian. ‘Other than in English, nouns are siven with their define artcies reflecting the gender (masculine, feminine, or neuter) and number (singular or plural) for example: seed almonds ta graine les amandes der Semen die Mandela Ia semilla Jas almendras il seme le mandorie Verbs are indicated by a (v) ater the English, for example: harvest (i) + récoter « ernten + recolectar « raccoaliere Each language also has its own index at the back of the book. Here you can look up a word in any of the five languages and be referred to the page number(s) where it appears. The gender s shown using the following abbreviations: rasesine f= feminine n= neuter a propos du - dictionnaire ese bien connu que les illustrations nous aident& comprendre et retenie = information, Fondé sur ce principe, ‘ce dictionnaire multlingue richement illastré présente un large éventail de vocabulaire courant et utile dans cing langues européennes. Le dictionnaire est divsé de fagom thématique et couvre en detail la plupart des aspeets du monde quotidien, du restaurant au gymnase, de la maison au leu de travail, de l'espace au monde animal. Yous y trouverez également des ‘mots et expressions supplémentaires pour la conversation et pour enrichit votre vocabulaire, I sagit d'un out de référence essentiel pour tous ceux qui s'intéressent aux langues - pratique, stimulant et emploi facile, Quelques points & nover Les cing langues sone roujours présentées dans le méme ordre ~ anglais, frangais, allemand, espagnol ee italien. Sauf en anglais, es noms sont donnés avec leurs articles définis gui indiquent leur genre (masculin, féminin ow neutre) cet ear nombre (singulier ou plurie!): seed almonds fa graine les amandes ser Samen die Menceln I semilla, Jas almendras seme le mandorte Les verbes sont indiqueés par un (¥) aprés anglais, par exemple: harvest (+ réolter» erten + recolectar © raccoglere ‘Chague langue a également son propre index la fin du livre. Vous pourree y ‘érifier un mot dans n'importe laquelle des cing langues et vous serez renvoyé aux) numéro(s) de(s) pagels) o figure. Le genre est indiqué par les abréviations suivantes: ‘m= masculin f= feminin iiber das Worterbuch Bilder elfen erwiesenermafien, Informationen zu erstehen und zu behalten Dieses mehrsprachige Worterbuchenthalt eine Fille von tlustrationen und prasentiert lelchaeti ein umfangreches aktueles Vokabuiar in inf europsischen Sprachen. ‘Des Werterbuchitthematisch gegiedert und behandett eingehend die meisten Bereiche des heutigen Altags vom Restaurant und Fitnesscenter, Heim und ‘Arbeitspat bs zum Tech und Welraum, £senthiltauBerdem Werter und Redewendungen, di fir die Unterhaltung ntdch sind und das Vokabular erweiter. Dies ist in wichtiges Nachschlagewerk farjeden, der sich fir Sprachen iteressien — es st praktsch, anregend und lecht benutzen, Einige Anmerkungen Die int Sprachen werden immer in der glechen Rethenfolge autgfirt— Englisch, Franadsisch, Deutsch, Spenisch und iainisch ‘AuBer fr Englisch werden Substantive mit den bestimmten Artie, die das Geschlecit (Maskulinum, Femininum oder Neuum) und den Numeus (Single oder Plural) ausdhiicken, angegeben, zum Beispiel: seed almonds la graine les amandes der Samen de Mandeln la semilla las almendras il seme lemendorle Die Verben sind durch en () nach dem englischen Wort gekennzeichnet: harvest (9) * récolter » erten + recolectar + raceoglere ‘Am Ende des Buchs befinden sich Register fr jede Sprache. Sie kinnen dort ‘in Wort in einer der inf Sprachen und. die jeweilge Seitenzahl nachsehen. Die Geschiechtsangabe erolgt mit folgenden AbkOreungen: sein {= Femininum n= Neutum english « fangs + deutch » espaol + itliona re el diccionario x4 comprobado que el empleo de ayuda ala comprension y a retencion de informacion. Basados ‘ste principio, este diccionario phuri- ss y altamente ilustrado exhibe un 30 registro de vocabulario itil y én cinco idiomas curopeos El diccionario aparece dividido eesn ss temética y abarca la mayoria ‘os aspectos del mundo cotidiano detalle, desde el restaurante al nasio, la casa al lugar de trabajo, el Spacio al eino animal. Encontara palabras y frases adicionales ga Su uso en conversaciGn y para pliar su vocabulario. Eze diccionario es un instrumento referencia esencial para todo aquél st interesado en lo idiomas; ‘estimulante y fic de usar. puntos 3 observar ‘inco idiomas se presentan pre en el mismo orden: inglés, 5 alemin, espafol italiano. A excepcién del inglés, los vos se muestran con sus “seticulos definidos reflejando el género {Geasculino, femenino o neutro) y el “pimero (singular/plural): almonds les amandes cle Mandeln las almendias le mandorie Los verbs se indican con una (¢) después del inglés + recolectar + raccogliere Cada idioma tiene su propio indice. ‘Agui pod mirar una palabra en cualquiera de los cinco idiomas y se le fadicari el ntimero de la pigina donde ‘parece. El género se indica utilizando das siguientes abreviaturas: m= mascutino f= femenino “English + frangais + deutsch + espanol + italiano informazioni sul dizionario E dimostrato che uso di immagini aiuti ‘a capire © memorizzare le informazioni. Applicando tale principio, abbiamo realizzato questo dizionario maltilingue, corredato da numerosissime illustrazioni, che presenta un ampio ventaglio di © vocaboli util in cingue lingue europe. I dizionario & diviso in vari argomenti ‘ed esammina dettagliatamente molti aspetti del mondo modemo, dat ristorante alla palestra, dalla casa all'ufficio, dallo spazio al regno animale. opera contiene inoltre frasi e vocab Uti per conversare e per estendere il proprio vocabolario. E un'opera di consultazione essenziale per tutti gli appassionati delle linque ~ pratica, stimolante ¢ facile da usar: Indieaziont Le cingue ingue vengono presentate Sempre nello stesso ordine: ingles, franees, tedesco, spagnolo c italiano. In tute le lingue,tranne ingles, | sostantivivengono riportati con it telativo articola determinativa, che indica il genere(maschile,femmiile 0 neutro) € i numero (Singolareo plural), ‘come ad esempio: seed almonds la graine les amandes der Semen die Mandeln la semilla las almendras iN seme le mandorle | verbi sono contraddistnt da una (¥) ‘dopo il vocabolo ingles, come od eserpi harvest (1) « réolter» emten s recolectar © racoglere Alla fine del libro ogni tingua ha inolte il proprio inde, che consente di cercare un vocabolo in una qualsiasi lle cinque lingue e di trovae il rimando alla pagina che gli corrispande. Il genere @ indicato dalle sequenti abbreviazion: m= maschile = femminile n= neutto how to use this book Whether you are learning a new language for business, pleasure, or in preparation for a vacation abroad. or fare hoping to extend your vocabulary in an already familiar language. this dictionary isa valuable learning tool ‘which you can use in a number of different ways. ‘When learning a new language, look out for cognates (words that are alike in diferent languages) and false ‘fiends (words that ook alike but carry significantly different meanings). You can also see where the languages have influenced each other. For example, English has imported many terms for food from other European languages but. in turn, exported terms used in technology and popular culture, ‘You can compare two or three languages or all five, depending on how wide your interests are Practical learning activities * As you move around your home, workplace, or school, try looking at the pages which cover that setting. ‘You could then close the book, look around you and see how many of the objects and features you can name + Challenge yourself to write a story, letter or dialogue using as many of the terms on a particular page as possible. This will help you retain the vocabulary and remember the spelling If you want to build up to writing a longer text, start with sentences incorporating 2-3 words. * If you have a very visual memory, try drawing or tracing items from the ‘book onto a piece of paper. then close the book and fin the words below the picture. + Once you are more confident, pick ‘out words in a foreign-language index and see if you know what they mean before turning to the relevant page 10 check if you were right. a comment utiliser ce livre Que vous appreniez une nouvelle langue | pour les affaires, le plaisir ou pour preparer vos vacances, ou encore si vous ‘spérez élargir votre vocabulaire dans tune langue Gui vous est deja familie, ee dictionnaire sera pour vous un outil

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